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The Learning Program

Down Syndrome Association of Central Texas
Level 1 (4-5 year olds)
Monthly theme: Food & Pets
Theme Words:

Circle Time – Christi Arendt & Rheta Ladzinski, Tsambika Bakiris

Activity Materials / Prep Needed

Good morning song (Tune: “Skip to My Lou”) – Copy of CD & a CD player

Names Laminated name cards

Calendar Days of the week & calendar
Sing Days of the Week Song
(Tune: “The Addams Family”)
Weather icons – (sun, cloud, wind, rain,
Weather – Is it sunny, cloudy, rainy, snowy? snow)
Sing Weather Song
(Tune: “My Darlin’ Clementine”) w/Velcro board or use magnets to attach to

Read book of the month:

Literacy Center – Christi Arendt

Activity Materials Needed

“Read” go through Food pages LP Book

Match, Select, Name – Food Laminated cut & match, pre-cut & velcro dots
(may incorporate hand over hand) (several sets)

Match, Select, Name – Pets Laminated cut & match, pre-cut & velcro dots
(may incorporate hand over hand) - if time (several sets)
Math Center & OT – Rheta Ladzinski

Activity Materials Needed

Circle Time Floor Activity

- all children begin sitting in circle

- picture cards passed out to each child face down

(half have numbers 1-4, others have picture of apple,
orange, strawberry, banana)

- kids will be given chance to look at card and

identify/describe to buddy

- child picked to spin spinner

- child with matching card will have the opportunity to
select something silly for the group to do (e.g., stomp
feet, turn in circle, clap their hands, etc..)
- child then picks a friend to spin next

Components involved:
Following directions
Number recognition
Vocabulary expansion
Turn taking
Social interaction
Kinesthetic learning
Fine motor/visual motor (spinner board)

Speech & Communication Center –

Tsambika Bakiris

Activity Materials Needed

Closing Circle – Christi Arendt

Activity Materials Needed

Sing Bop Until you Drop Song Copy of CD & a CD player

Read another short book (if time allowed)

Sing Good bye song Copy of CD & a CD player

Prepare for pickup

Prep work that needs to be completed and by whom

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