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Para realizar el plan de trabajo de nivelación de básico el estudiante debe tener en cuenta lo
siguientes ítems. Recordemos que este plan de trabajo no tiene VALORACION.

1. TEMAS: revisar cada uno de los siguientes temas:

 Presente perfecto
 Voz pasiva en presente y pasado Simple
 Verbos con ING e infinitivos
 Vocabulario de las unidades 6- 7 – 8

2. Revisar el workbook en la unidad número 6-7-8para reforzar los temas trabajados en

3. Revisar en el blog las actividades propuestas este periodo para reforzar los temas vistos.
4. Durante el periodo el estudiante acudirá al profesor si presenta dudas de los temas
desarrolladas en el periodo
5. Hacer una presentación acerca de su vida en forma oral la cual debe durar 5 minutos, sin
6. Realizar el taller el cual es colgado en el blog.

Todos tus sueños pueden hacerse realidad si tienes el coraje de perseguirlos. –Walt Disney

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Questions in Present Perfect Simple

Write questions in present perfect simple.

1. you / answer / the question

2. Jenny / lock / the door

3. Walter / call / us

4. you / see / the picture

5. your parents / get / the letter

6. it / rain / a lot

7. how often / we / sing / the song

8. Maureen / watch / the film

9. how many books / Bob / read

10. ever / you / be / to London

The Form of the Present Perfect Tense

Making the correct form.

Jack (be) my friend for over 20 years. We (know) each other

since we were children. Recently, he and his family (move) to a

house on the same street as me, and now our children play together almost every

For the last ten years, Jack and I (play) for the same hockey team
every Saturday. Jack is a better player than I am, but in the last few months he

(have) some trouble with his left knee, and he (find) it hard to

play a full game. He (see) the doctor several times about his knee, but the

doctor doesn't know what is causing his pain. Jack (decide) to take a
break from hockey for a while, so that his knee can recover. It's going to be lonely
on the team without him!

Exercise. Do we use for or since with the following time references?


 I haven't phoned home Christmas.


 We've been here nine o'clock.


 I have worked for International House more than eight years.


 I haven't visited my home town I left school.


 I haven't been to the cinema ages.


 I have studied non-stop 9.15.


 I have had a driving licence I was eighteen.


 She hasn't had a day off 1999.


 Johan has been in England more than two weeks now.


 Peter has been my best friend we were nin

Rewrite the sentences in passive voice.

A song w as s
1. She sang a song. -

2. Somebody hit me. -

3. We stopped the bus. -

4. A thief stole my car. -

5. They didn't let him go. -

6. She didn't win the prize. -

7. They didn't make their beds. -

8. I did not tell them. -

9. Did you tell them? -

Rewrite the sentences in passive voice.

1.She sang a song. -

2.Somebody hit me. -

3.We stopped the bus. -

4.A thief stole my car. -

5.They didn't let him go. -

6.She didn't win the prize. -

7.They didn't make their beds. -

8.I did not tell them. -

9.Did you tell them? - Write passive sentences in Simple Present.

1. the documents / print

2. the window / open

3. the shoes / buy

4. the car / wash

5. the litter / throw away

6. the letter / send

7. the book / read / not

8. the songs / sing / not

9. the food / eat / not

10. the shop / close / not

Rewrite the sentences in passive voice.

1. She sang a song. -

2. Somebody hit me. -

3. We stopped the bus. -

4. A thief stole my car. -

5. They didn't let him go. -

6. She didn't win the prize. -

7. They didn't make their beds. -

8. I did not tell them. -

9. Did you tell them? -

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