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Role of management of in

entertainment industry (movies)

Prepared By:
Gurbachan Singh
 Introduction of Management & Entertainment
Industry .
 Classification of Entertainment industry.
 Functioning of Entertainment industry.
 Role of Management in movies.
 conclusion.
Introduction of Management &
Entertainment Industry:
What is Management?
Management is nothing other than doing things in
an efficient manner as they predetermined prior.
In my own words management is doing work within
the limitations .
What is Entertainment?
Entertainment consists of a pleasurable feeling and
enjoyment. Entertainment is nothing but the ways to
spend our leisure time.
Forms of Entertainment:
Reality Shows
Sports Events
Daily Soaps
Role of Management in Entertainment
Industry (Movies):
Management has significant role in the
planning of the movies in terms of script writing, movie
name, Star caste, budget, time frame, director and
producer, music, dialogue etc.
 Organizing:
In the movies industry there is management
under which all available resources organized in such a
manner so that it can be efficiently utilized.
There is also a kind of management system
used in the singing the star cast, assigning job to the
crew member, musician, singer, choreographer, script
writer, make-up man etc.
This is the most important function in
movies making and in the Director the movie directs
all the activities like: acting of the star cast, location
and time of the shooting etc.
This function of management is also
applicable in the entertainment industry.
And this generally done by the director of the movie. He
make sure that the actual result will be the as planned
Hence we can see that management require at every
stage. Especially for entertainment industry it never
ends. It starts from planning and follows all its
 Therefore we can say that management is life-blood
for entertainment (movie) industry.
Queries and Suggestions…

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