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Is SAFE To Use

August 31st, 2010

Austra lian Gove rnment

Me d i a R e l e a s e

Selected and adapted exce rpts

Glyphosate is being reviewed in the U n i t e d S t a t e s and C a n a d a .

Is it still safe to use ? Y e s .

The cu rre nt in te rn at io na l con sen su s b ased on de cad es of re sea rch and

e va lua t ion is tha t g lypho sa te re ma in s a saf e and ef f ect ive che mica l when
u se d acco rd ing to labe l in st ru ct ion s.

The U n i t e d S t a t e s E n v i r o n m e n t a l P r o t e c t i o n A g e n c y ( U S E P A ) and the C a -

n a d i a n P e s t Ma n a g e m e n t R e g u l a t o r y A g e n c y ( P MR A ) have recently com-

Both these regulators have indicated that they will use these reviews to con-
sider new research about glyphosate, including new studies relating to poten-
tial environment and health risks.
The current international consensus
based on decades of research and evaluation ―
glyphosate is a safe and effective chemical
when used according to label instructions

About Glyphosate

Glyphosate is a broad spectrum, non–selective herbicide widely used for the

control of annual, perennial, brush and woody weeds.

It is absorbed by plant foliage and green stems and moves through the plant
from the point of contact to and into the root system.

The herbicide was developed in the 1 9 7 0 s , and was registered for use in Aus-
tralia by state and territory authorities not long afterwards.

In the m i d – 1 9 9 0 s , it was re–assessed by the N a t i o n a l R e g i s t r a t i o n A u t h o r i t y ,

the precursor to the A u s t r a l i a n P e s t i c i d e s a n d V e t e r i n a r y M e d i c i n e s A u t h o r -
i t y ( A P V M A ) , and granted registration following the consideration of relevant
scientific information.

Currently, there are over 300 glyphosate products registered in A u s t r a l i a for

use in croplands, industrial and commercial areas, aquatic areas, forests and
plantations and in the home garden.

Glyphosate is used extensively around the world, and has been reviewed by a
number of international expert bodies and regulatory agencies since it was first
How Do We Know Glyphosate Is Still Safe ?

In 1 9 9 4 , for example, the U n i t e d S t a t e s E n v i r o n m e n t a l P r o t e c t i o n A g e n c y

conducted a review of glyphosate, and FOUND FEW ISSUES OF CONCERN .

The human risk assessment found that HUMAN DIETARY EXPOSURE AND RISK WERE
MINIMAL , and that exposure to workers and other applicators were generally NOT

Its ecological risk assessment concluded that THE EFFECTS OF GLYPHOSATE ON


The U n i t e d S t a t e s E n v i r o n m e n t a l P r o t e c t i o n A g e n c y did find, however, that

an inert ingredient in some glyphosate formulations was toxic to SOME aquatic
life, and required changes to glyphosate product labels to protect aquatic or-

Additional label changes to update worker protection requirements and estab-

lish entry restrictions were made.

Two years later, in 1 9 9 6 , the A u s t r a l i a n P e s t i c i d e s a n d V e t e r i n a r y Me d i c i n e s

A u t h o r i t y reviewed glyphosate products because of evidence that it was toxic to
frogs and tadpoles when applied in or adjacent to aquatic areas.

Research subsequently determined that the toxicity was DUE TO PARTICULAR

SURFACTANTS ( members of the polyethoxylated amine family ) in the gly-
phosate formulations that were registered at the time.

These were some of the « inert ingredients » identified by the U n i t e d S t a t e s

E n v i r o n m e n t a l P r o t e c t i o n A g e n c y in its review.

The A u s t r a l i a n P e s t i c i d e s a n d V e t e r i n a r y Me d i c i n e s A u t h o r i t y consequently
prohibited the use of glyphosate on and near waterways until such time as new
formulations with different surfactants that were not toxic to aquatic life could
be developed and registered.
According to the European Union ―
glyphosate is neither genotoxic or
carcinogenic, and has no relevant neurotoxic,
reproductive or endocrine disruption effects

Today, over one–third of all registered glyphosate products contain these new
surfactants, and can be used in or adjacent to waterways.

F r o m t h e 1 9 8 0 s t o t h e 2 0 0 0 s , various international bodies have carried out

assessments on glyphosate and its metabolites.

Organisations such as the In t e r n a t i o n a l P r o g r a m m e o n C h e m i c a l S a f e t y

( IP C S ) , the W o r l d H e a l t h O r g a n i s a t i o n ( W H O ) , and the F A O /W H O J o i n t
Me e t i n g o n P e s t i c i d e R e s i d u e s ( J M P R ) conducted wide–ranging assess-
ments on its toxicology, residues in food and effects on the environment.

No ne of the se e va lu atio ns ide ntif ied tha t g lyp ho sa te p re sen ted an y sig n ifi-
can t risk.

Thus when the E u r o p e a n U n i o n formally assessed glyphosate in 2 0 0 2 , it was

consistent with the scientific literature of the time when it found that g l y -
p ho sa te is ne it he r g eno to xic o r ca rcino gen ic, and h a s no re levant neu ro -
t o xic, rep rodu ct ive o r endo crine d isrup tio n ef f ect s.

The review also contained an extensive assessment of its environmental fate.

It notes that there was a comprehensive set of studies to support glyphosate

registration in the E u r o p e a n U n i o n .
New Risks ?

In the last few years, a number of studies have emerged linking glyphosate and
common surfactants in glyphosate products ( such as polyethoxylated amines )
and metabolites such as amino methyl phosphonic acid ( A M P A ) to human
health and environmental issues.

This research has recently been brought together in a monograph by the [ En-
vironmental–Terror–Organization ] P e s t i c i d e A c t i o n N e t w o r k A s i a a n d t h e P a -

Researchers conducting in vitro ( test tube ) studies, for example, have argued
that glyphosate affects progesterone production in mammalian cells and can
increase the mortality of placental cells.

Furthermore Environmental [ Terror ] Groups have recently argued that a spe-

cific polyethoxylated amine surfactant ( P O E A ) poses risks to aquatic animals.

Some national regulators have already considered some of these issues.

In A u g u s t 2 0 0 9 , the C a n a d i a n P e s t Ma n a g e m e n t R e g u l a t o r y A g e n c y as-
sessed a number of in vitro studies suggesting polyethoxylated amine surfac-
tant ( P O E A ) formulants in certain glyphosate products represented a risk to
human health.

It found that these studies WERE NOT representative of what occurs with in vivo
exposure of living organisms.

It also concluded that data presented in a submitted epidemiology study pur-

porting to show an important relationship between glyphosate exposure and
spontaneous abortion WAS NOT VALID due to un–validated self–reported exposure
information, a lack of controls, and potentially confounding factors such as
maternal age.

[ Another example of WASTING GOVERNMENT MONEY because of Environmental–Terrorist

Fear–Mongering that is Needless, Senseless, Malicious, and Ignorant. ]
Australia has NO DATA suggesting that
glyphosate presents any unacceptable risk
to human health and the environment

However, both the U n i t e d S t a t e s E n v i r o n m e n t a l P r o t e c t i o n A g e n c y and the

C a n a d i a n P e s t Ma n a g e m e n t R e g u l a t o r y A g e n c y initiated routine scheduled
re–registration reviews of glyphosate in mid 2009 and early 2010 , and both will
formally consider this and any other new evidence.

An identified focus of the U n i t e d S t a t e s E n v i r o n m e n t a l P r o t e c t i o n A g e n c y re-

view, for example, will be a consideration of the ecological risk posed by amino
methyl phosphonic acid ( A MP A ), a degradation product of glyphosate.

Another will be an assessment of the surfactant polyethoxylated tallow amine

( P O E A ).

The C a n a d i a n review, while more general in scope, will be closely aligned to the
U n i t e d S t a t e s E n v i r o n m e n t a l P r o t e c t i o n A g e n c y re–registration review.

A specific focus is a health and an environmental risk assessment of the

P O E A /glyphosate combination.

The Australian Position

The A u s t r a l i a n P e s t i c i d e s a n d V e t e r i n a r y Me d i c i n e s A u t h o r i t y currently has

NO DATA su gge st ing tha t g lyp ho sa te pro du ct s reg ist e red in A ust ra lia, and
u se d a cco rd ing t o lab e l in st ruct io ns, p resen t an y u na ccep tab le risks t o
h u man he a lt h, t he en viro n men t, a nd t rad e .
Re–Evaluation Work Plan for Glyphosate

February 2nd, 2010

Health Canada

Media Release

Adapted Excerpts

The active ingredient glyphosate is under RE–EVALUATION by the respected Pest Manage-
ment Regulatory Agency ( PMRA ) of Health Canada.

Glyphosate is a non–selective systemic, broad–spectrum herbicide.

It is most commonly–known under the brand name of Roundup.

PMRA will be working cooperatively with the United States Environmental Protection Agency
on the RE–EVALUATION of glyphosate.

The Canadian RE–EVALUATION is targeted for completion in 2014.

The RE–EVALUATION considers potential risks, as well as the value of the pest control prod-
ucts to ensure it meets those modern standards established to protect human health and
the environment.

Occupational and residential risk assessments may be revised, if required.

Dietary risk is well below the levels of concern based on current modern assessments. New
assessments will likely not be needed.

PMRA does not have any evidence to support a SPECIAL REVIEW of health effects.

Only a RE–EVALUATION has been found to be necessary.

Glyphosate is THE MOST used herbicide in North America, and Roundup is the NUMBER ONE
SELLING HERBICIDE worldwide since at least 1980.

As of 2009, sales of Roundup herbicides represent only about 10 per cent of Monsanto’s
revenue, due to competition from Chinese producers of other glyphosate–based herbicides.

The overall Roundup line of products ( which includes Genetically Modified seeds ) repre-
sents about half of Monsanto’s annual revenue.
Force Of Nature presents THE WHOLE TRUTH FROM AN INDEPENDENT PERSPECTIVE from National Organization Responding Against HUJE that
seek to harm the Green Space Industry (NORAHG). It is a series of Reports destined for the Green Space Industry, the Environmental Terror
Movement, Governments, and the Media, nationwide across Canada, the United States, and overseas. The information presented in Force Of
Nature has been developed for the education and entertainment of the reader by providing a sequence of historical events WITH COMMEN-
TARY. The neutrality of these Reports might be disputed. Don’t thank us. It’s a public service. And we are glad to do it.

HUJE are identified on the basis of their statements, activities, affiliations, and whereabouts. Even though each Enviro Maniac Culprit is a mis-
guided adversary, each still deserves our respect. The use of the terms Maniac, Culprit, Terrorist, or Basterd are not accusations of any legal
wrong doing. Force Of Nature is simply holding Enviro Maniac Activists accountable for conspiring to change public policies that TERRORIZE,
HARM, and THREATEN the Green Space Industry.

HUJE is a term used to describe Enviro Maniac Activists that routinely concoct FEAR MONGERING, FRAUDULENT LIES, MISCONCEPTIONS, CO-
there is some NON–EXISTENT danger with conventional pest control products. HUJE also SCAM and DECEIVE Government Officials into the

THOUSANDS of hapless victims throughout the Green Space Industry. The DEPRAVED INDIFFERENCE of Maniac Culprit Terrorist Basterd HUJE
is viewed as a form of TERROR, HARM, and THREAT against the Green Space Industry.

This Report provides NO guarantee regarding accuracy or completeness. In no event shall Force Of Nature be liable for any incidental or con-
sequential damages, lost profits, or any indirect damages. Force Of Nature is TOTALLY INDEPENDENT of any trade association or business op-
erating within the Green Space Industry. The events, characters, companies, and organizations, depicted in this Report are not always ficti-
tious. Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, may not be coincidental. All information, excerpts, and pictures contained in this Report
were found somewhere on the Internet, and may be considered in the public domain, serving one of the following purposes ― archive, educa-
tion, promotion, publicity, or press release.

Force Of Nature, and its various incarnations, is the brainchild of William H. Gathercole and his colleagues. Mr. Gathercole is a principal FOUN-
DER of the Modern Professional Lawn Care Industry in BOTH Ontario and Quebec. He holds a degree in Horticulture from the UNIVERSITY OF
GUELPH, and another pure and applied science degree from McGILL UNIVERSITY. He has worked in virtually all aspects of the Green Space
Industry, including GOLF, PROFESSIONAL LAWN CARE, and CHEMICAL INDUSTRY, and has served in environmental compliance, government
negotiations, public affairs, and workplace safety. Mr. Gathercole has supervised, consulted, programmed, and/or overseen the successful and
safe execution of HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of pest control applications in the urban landscape. He has trained, instructed, and consulted
with THOUSANDS of turf managers and technicians. Mr. Gathercole has also been an agricultural agronomist. For many years, Mr. Gathercole
was a contributing columnist for TURF & Recreation Magazine, Canada’s Turf and Grounds Maintenance Authority.

Mr. Gathercole and his colleagues have followed the evolution of ENVIRONMENTAL TERRORISM for over a quarter century. For FIFTEEN
YEARS, the strategies designed and implemented by Mr. Gathercole and his colleagues guaranteed the control of the VERMIN OF ENVIRON-
MENTAL TERROR for the entire Modern Green Space Industry across Canada. Their involvement in Environmental Issues reached a fevered
pitch in the 1990s, when he orchestrated, with his colleagues, legal action against the Forces of Environmental Evil in the Town of Hudson,

Today, Mr. Gathercole is the ONLY TRUE RELIABLE WITNESS of the Hudson Affair. Mr. Gathercole is personally credited for crafting the Golf
Industry Exception Status that endures to this day. He is also the creator of the signs that are now used for posting after application. His vast
knowledge of our long journey with Environmental Issues is UNDENIABLE ― hopefully ! Mr. Gathercole is now retired, although his name con-
tinues to appear as FOUNDER of Force Of Nature.

THE LIBRARY OF REPORTS • A LOOK AT Technical Information for the Green Space Industry • Agriculture • Bee Colony Collapse Disor-
der • BOGUS Green Alternatives • BRITISH COLUMBIA Enviro Terror Conspiracy • CALGARY ( Alberta ) Enviro Terror STOPPED •
Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment • Canadian Cancer Society • Canadian Environmental Law Association • CAR-
NAGE Caused by Prohibition • CONSEQUENCES of Prohibition • Cottam & Ghost Writers • Culprits Who Conspired to Prohibit • David
Suzuki Foundation • Dating Services for Enviro Maniacs • DDT and Politicized Science • Environmental Terrorists UNMASKED • Enviro
PROFIT Accumulated by Greedy & Avaricious Enviro Maniacs • Environmental Terror Organizations • Environmental Terror That NEVER
Ends • Famous Quotations • FERTILIZER Enviro Terror • Global Warming • GOLF INDUSTRY Looming Shipwreck & Collision Course
• Green Space Industry • Health Canada • HEROES Speaking Out Against Enviro Terror • History of the Environmental Terror Move-
ment • June Irwin, the Clown of Junk Science • Landscape Trades CAPITULATE • In VIOLATION of Federal Law • Lying Sacks of
( Enviro Maniac ) CWAP • Myth Busting • NATIONAL Enviro Terror Conspiracy • Needless Hysteria • NEW BRUNSWICK Enviro Terror
Conspiracy • NOVA SCOTIA Enviro Terror Conspiracy • ONTARIO Haven for Environmental Terror • Organic Fertilizers • Paranoid
Theories • Paul Tukey, The Bin Laden of Environmental Terror • Pests and Disorders of Ornamental Plants • Pests and Disorders of
Turfgrasses • Pesticide Free BC • Pesticide Q & A ( Questions & Answers ) • Positive Waves ( The Green Space Industry Responds with
Outstanding and Innovative Ideas ) • TWISTED Precautionary Principle • PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND Enviro Terror Conspiracy • QUEBEC
Enviro Terror Conspiracy • RACHEL CARSON, the Queen of Junk Science • SASKATCHEWAN Enviro Terror Infestation • Satire, Laughs &
Insanity • TERROR Talk & Weasel Words • The 9/11 Era of Environmental Terror • The FAILURE of Integrated Pest Management • The
FAILURE of Pesticide Free Parks • The Industry STRIKES BACK Against Environmental Terror • The MISCONCEPTIONS About Cancer •
The National Annihilation of the Modern Green Space Industry • The Wisdom of Bill Bell • The Wisdom of Drysdale • The Wisdom of
Health Canada • The Wisdom of Hepworth • The Wisdom of Holland • The Wisdom of Lowes • The Wisdom of Mains • The Wisdom
of Milloy • The Wisdom of the Solomons • The Wisdom of Whelan • Update • Using Children, Pets, & Death as WEAPONS OF ULTI-
MATE TERROR • U.S. Enviro Terror Conspiracy • 2,4 D • Warning •

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