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Assignment Modeling of System Dymanics (MIT 512) Bogarth K.



Background :

Digestibility is the amount of nutrient can be digestible in the gastrointestinal. That

a three factor who affected digestibility, there is a livestock, feed or ration and enzim or
microba especialy in ruminant. Chemical compositition of feed or ration, especially level of
crude protein (CP) and Crude Fibre can affected digestibility.
Digestibility measurement techniques in vivo can be done in two ways, directly and
indirectly. Digestibility measurement is directly conventional measurements using metabolic
cages or individual cages.
In this method all the feed, remain feed and feces weighed and recorded, then
samples taken for analysis. by knowing the amount of feed given, the remaining feed and
feces or urine is released by each head of cattle as well as knowing the content of nutrients
of feed material, the remaining feed, feces or urine, then obtained digestibility value of each
Digestibility measurement can be calculate using Digestibility Coefficient formula.

digestible nutrient (x) – undigestible nutrient( y )

Digestibility Coefficient = x 100
digestible nutrient (x)

a = ∑ Dry matter in given feed

b = % 0f nutrient in feed x = (A – B)
c = ∑ Dry matter in remain feed
d = % of nutrient in remain feed
e = ∑ Dry matter in feces
C=exf y
f = % nutrient in feces

In Forrester Diagram can be described as follow :

Input : Feed or nutrients
Variabel : Percentage of digestibility of Nutrient.
Process : Digestion or feed digestibility
Output : Percentage of remaining (undigestible) nutrient from the feces
Dim A, B, C, D, E, F As Integer
Dim BKP, BKS, BKF As Integer

Private Sub Command1_Click()

' Nutrients digestibility = Val(Text1.Text)
B = Val(Text2.Text)
BKP = A * B

' Digestibility of remaining feeds

C = Val(Text3.Text)
D = Val(Text4.Text)
BKS = C * D

' Remaining nutrient on feces

E = Val(Text5.Text)
F = Val(Text6.Text)
BKF = E * F

' coeficient calculation

K = ((BKP - BKS) - BKF) / BKP - BKS
KC = K * 100

Label8.Caption = Str(KC)

End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()

Text1.Text = ""
Text2.Text = ""
Text3.Text = ""
Text4.Text = ""
Text5.Text = ""
Text6.Text = ""
Label8.Caption = ""

End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub Label8_Click()

End Sub
Private Sub Text5_Change()
End Sub

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