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Schools of Architecture in Europe


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Delft University of Technology
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European Association for
Architectural Education
Association Européene pour
l’Enseignement de l’Architecture

EAAE/AEEA Secretary
Schol, Lou
Kasteel van Arenberg
B-3001 Leuven, Belgique
Tel: ++ 32 / (0) 16 32 1694
Fax: ++ 32 / (0) 16 32 1962
E-mail :

Leen van Duin
Femke Bakker
Henk Berkman
Publikatieburo Bouwkunde

Copyright© by the Schools

Second Edition 2003

ISBN 2-930301-04-x

The EAAE is an international,

non-profit-making organisation
committed to the exchange of ideas
and people within the field of
architectural education and research.
The aim is to improve our knowledge
base and the quality of architectural
and urban design education.

Founded in 1975, the EAAE has

grown in stature to become a
recognized body fulfilling an
increasingly essential role in pro-
viding a European perspective for the
work of architectural educationalists
as well as concerned government

The EAAE counts more than 140

active members schools in Europe
from the Canary Islands to the Urals
representing more than 5.000 tenured
faculty teachers and over 120.000
students of architecture from the
undergraduate to the doctoral level.
The Association is building up asso-
ciate membership world-wide.

The EAAE provides the framework

whereby its members can find infor-
mation on other schools and address
a variety of important issues in
conferences, workshops and summer
schools for young teachers.
The Association publishes and
distributes; it also grants awards and
provides its Data Bank information to
its members.


With due pride the EAAE publishes their cocoons, to explore Europe’s
this first Guide of Architecture cultural and intellectual treasures,
Schools in Europe. The Maastricht and to use their fresh and widened
treaty brought us one step closer to a perspectives to the benefit of their
Europe with unrestricted exchange of home fronts.
people and goods. With the Bologna
declaration of June 1999, one year Despite great efforts to provide the
after the Sorbonne declaration, 29 highest quality, this first edition is
European countries committed not free from teething troubles.
themselves to boosting the world- However, we find comfort in the
wide competitiveness and appeal of confidence that in fifty years, when
European degrees through a number the EAAE is as old as ACSA now, our
of actions, the most striking of which guide will pass a comparison with its
was the agreement to transform all American counterpart with flying
higher education to one and the colours. To our regret a number of
same Ba-Ms structure. By 2010 the schools did not deem this guide
European Space for Higher Education sufficiently interesting to make the
must be in effect. Its main objective deadline for its first edition. We
is to facilitate and stimulate the easy sincerely hope to be able to welcome
international exchange of students. them in the next. Of the schools that
are presented here, the reader will
The Socrates and Erasmus exchange find elaborate profiles, with individual
programmes for students and staff characteristics, available courses,
members from all academic admission criteria, facilities, research
disciplines, including architecture, topics and centres, contact coor-
will therefore continue to grow in the dinates, references to websites, etc.
coming years. With all of this in All of this information was graciously
mind, the EAAE established that provided by the different schools.
accurate and elaborate information
on the profiles of Europe’s architec- We would like to thank all those who
ture schools was greatly needed, and generously volunteered to make this
has therefore taken the initiative to guide possible. We thank Professor
publish this guide, inspired by Pierre Von Meiss for the EPFL
ACSA’s "Guide to Architecture synopsis, which we adopted as a
Schools", which is now in its sixth template for all other schools. Our
edition already. special gratitude goes to Professor
Leen van Duin and his staff at TU
It is the ambition of the EAAE to turn Delft, who brought this guide to f
the European guide into the main ruition. He prefers not to enlarge on
channel for anyone trying to contact the efforts it took to obtain all the
other schools of architecture, staff requested information.
members or students within Europe.
Our continent remains a patchwork The EAAE is a living, breathing
of cultures and architectures on a organism and, with an age of under
Romanic, Germanic and Slavic 25, a relatively young association of
template. Both students and staff can schools. We know that information
learn a great deal from this diversity changes, becomes obsolete and
of identities. The European Space needs continues revising. That is
does not mean to reduce all building why the EAAE has decided to publish
styles and prowess to one common a digital version of this guide as well
denominator, but quite contrary to and to update it regularly. Of course
acknowledge local influences and this can only be done in pace with
differences in culture, to appreciate how new information reaches us. We
them and learn how to come to grips would therefore like to call upon all
with them in a creative, yet critical colleagues to actively check the infor-
way. mation relevant to their institutes, to
keep it up to date and to become part
To get to know each other, to learn of this guide’s lifeline.
from each other is the true riches we
get from international exchange. Prof. Herman Neuckermans
This guide provides the key to this Chairman of EAAE
intellectual challenge. The EAAE ■
hopes that it may inspire many
among its readers to emerge from


L’AEEA est fière de présenter ce culturelles et intellectuelles de

premier Guide des Ecoles d’Architec- l’Europe, et à utiliser leur nouvelle
ture en Europe. ouverture d’esprit au bénéfice de leur
Le traité de Maastricht nous a pays. Malgré tous nos efforts, cette
rapprochés d’une libre circulation des première édition n’est certainement
personnes et d’un libre-échange des pas sans défauts, mais nous sommes
marchandises en Europe. Dans la persuadés que dans 50 ans, quand
déclaration de Bologne de juin 1999, l’AEEA aura l’âge de l’ACSA actuelle-
un an après la déclaration de la ment, notre Guide aura la même
Sorbonne, 29 pays européens se qualité que sa sœur américaine.
sont engagés à promouvoir dans Plusieurs écoles ont malheureuse-
le monde la compétitivité et l’attrait ment sous-estimé l’importance de ce
des diplômes européens. L’initiative Guide ; c’est pourquoi elles ne sont
la plus frappante fut la décision pas toutes citées ici. Nous espérons
d’évoluer dans l’enseignement pouvoir les accueillir dans une pro-
supérieur vers une structure com- chaine édition.
mune Bachelor - Mastère. L’espace
européen de l’enseignement supé- Les écoles présentées ici décrivent
rieur devra être un fait en 2010. leur profil, leurs caractéristiques
propres, leur programme, les
L’objectif principal sera de faciliter étudiants, les enseignants, les con-
l’échange international d’étudiants. ditions d’admission, l’équipement,
Dès lors, dans toutes les disciplines, les sujets et centres de recherche, les
y compris l’architecture, les pro- personnes à contacter, le website,
grammes Socrates et Erasmus etc. Toutes ces informations ont été
verront augmenter les échanges transmises gracieusement par les
d’étudiants et d’enseignants dans les écoles.
années à venir. Vu cette évolution, il
est important de faire connaître le Nous remercions tous ceux qui ont
profil des écoles d’architecture en offert leur aide pour la publication de
Europe. C’est pourquoi l’AEEA a ce Guide. Nous remercions le profes-
voulu publier ce Guide, inspiré du seur Pierre Von Meiss pour la fiche
« Guide to Architecture Schools » EPFL qui a servi de modèle pour les
d’ACSA qui en est à sa sixième contributions de toutes les écoles.
édition. Nous remercions tout particulière-
ment le professeur Leen van Duin et
L’ambition de l’AEEA est de faire de son équipe de la TU Delft qui ont
Europe Guide le principal moyen de finalisé ce Guide au regard des diffi-
communication pour quiconque cultés à réunir les informations
désire entrer en contact avec d’autres demandées.
écoles d’architecture, enseignants ou
étudiants en Europe. Notre continent L’AEEA est un organisme vivant et
reste une mosaïque de cultures et une association d’écoles relativement
d’architectures, évoluées/fondées sur jeune, puisqu’elle n’a que 25 ans. Elle
des bases latine, germanique et a conscience du fait que l’information
slave. La compréhension de cette change, est vite dépassée et doit être
diversité est certainement utile aux en continuelle évolution. C’est pour-
enseignants comme aux étudiants. quoi l’AEEA a décidé de publier une
Le but de l’espace européen n’est pas version digitale du Guide et de
de tout réduire à un style architec- l’adapter régulièrement.
tural unique mais de reconnaître les Nous demandons à tous nos collè-
influences locales, la spécificité du gues de mettre à jour continuelle-
lieu et les différences culturelles, de ment les informations relatives à
les apprécier et d’en user d’une façon leur école et de contribuer ainsi à
créative et critique. l’actualité de ce Guide.

Apprendre à se connaître, l’échange Prof. Herman Neuckermans

de connaissances sont les éléments Président de l’AEEA
qui constituent la richesse générée ■
par l’échange international.
Ce Guide est la clé de ce défi intel-
lectuel. L’AEEA espère inspirer bon
nombre de lecteurs à sortir de leurs
cocons, à explorer les richesses


relationship between the different

European construction and planning The distinction between the ‘commer- requirements (architectural
Europe’s construction industry has cial architect’ and the ‘architect’s strategy). In this work it is essen-
been shaped around a wide range of architect’ is not new. Today, the tial to find a balance between
cultural characteristics, historical profession continues to be faced with different orders of priority and
associations and legal frameworks. these conflicts, which leads to con- establish a form which responds
Today, construction markets are tinuing uncertainty about whether the to the clients needs and is related
becoming more unified. This results profession’s main role is defender of to the present time and to the
from increasing globalisation of under-represented interests of society given site. At the same time the
business, pressures from the and disenfranchised building users, architect must take into account
European Union towards standar- or whether they are primarily con- that the structure established is
disation, greater market integration cerned with the interests of developer likely to last longer than the
and penetration, and increased work- clients, investors, or the commercial forces that brought it into being.
force and student mobility between success of their own practices. The Every architectural structure must
countries. In spite of these unification modern dilemma for the architectural therefore be seen as part of the
trends, large differences still exists profession is that architects are often future built environment, as well
between countries with a seemingly no longer heads of the building team, as being well integrated with
undiminshed desire for local distinc- increasingly rejected by the client and nature and the past.
tion. The future of Europe will see a driven by commercial self-interest
broadening of shared experience and rather than by a broader altruism. - To resolve competing demands of
wider markets, yet local differences in The vigorous internal debates that local and international cultures,
the organisation of education, the have taken place in many profes- as well as present requirements
professions, and construction process sional associations throughout and future uses.
will survive. Europe are symptomatic.
- Sensitivity to clients wants and
The role of planning As a consequence, the role of the needs (including those that are
Historically in Europe, town planning architect is no longer solely a ‘con- not clearly formulated) and find-
was perceived as the allocation of ceiver of buildings’, it is now more ing an appropriate balance
buildings and infrastructure in space, like a mediator between the client or between client needs and the
a role undertaken by both engineers patron - the person who commits the public interest. Ideas and plans
and architects. Until the 1950s plan- building - and the work force might should also be communicated
ning education was often associated be collectively referred to as the buil- clearly to the client and all others
with schools of architecture or der. Today, roles ate increasingly affected by the project
engineering as civic design or infra- diversified from generalist to the
structure planning. specialist, organised around practices - To collaborate and communicate
Today, the town planning profession that can concentrate solely on archi- in a creative way with other
is established in its own right in tects to those that encourage all buil- specialists as well as lay people.
several European countries (for ding disciplines. The recent Royal The architect should understand
instance, England and the Nether- Institute of Britisch Architects (RIBA) and master the process of imple-
lands), while in others it still falls study of the profession and its clients mentation of architectural ideas,
with in the scope of architects and in Britain defines the range of because the architect designs
engineers (as in Spain). practice or business-led in their buildings that are going to be
expectations and whether they are built. The architect should be able
The professions strong on delivery, service or ideas. to make financial considerations
Although the title ‘Architects’ has of different kinds and co-ordinate
deep-seated historical roots in The result is an increasing diversity the many interests and competen-
European culture, its current profes- of practice types, each with their own cies involved in any project into
sional standing stems from social brand of culture, services and structured form: a synthesis.
and economic changes in the mid- expertise. All will be required to meet
nineteenth century. The activities of different demand profiles, so that The architectural profession
professional associations balance practices will continue to range from While the title ‘Architect’ is protected
perceived public interests with small partnerships located in provin- in most European countries, the role
artistic, business and technological cial high streets to integrated multi- and status of professional organisa-
knowledge for example the Arts and disciplinary businesses of several tions varies. Key functions of profes-
Crafts movement in Britain instigated hundred staff with offices in major sional bodies are their respective
public debate about whether “artistic cities around the world. roles in:
qualifications” could be taught and The strategic consequences for - client/user;
tested, and whether it was possible architectural education are broader - representing the profession to
for professional institutions to control horizons to encourage a wider range government and municipalities;
standards. These expectations of the of practice models. - guaranteeing educational quality;
architect as the unfettered artist who - developing the knowledge base,
could work unhindered by the world Key areas of competence for archi- through funding, research,
around have endured until today in tects are: publications and exhibitions;
the culture of professionalism. - To identify the problem and then - continuous professional
find out and establish a structural development.

The town planning profession In some instances private schools The length of any course is given as
The title ‘Town planner’ is not as his- provide opportunities for mote expe- the formal time in academic years for
torically established or culturally defi- rimental forms of education removed which the curriculum is set. Both
ned as that of the ‘Architect’. Whilst from strict central funding require- formal time periods and the time
the profession is established in its ments. However, graduates still have students take to complete a course
own right in some countries, in to require standards for professional are directly related to the availability
others it is subsumed under the registration. of financial support. The length and
domain of architecture or engineering depth of the university course may
Consequently, with the exception of The profession’s relation to also depend on the amount of time
the Netherlands, the title is not education spent and material covered in high
protected and the professional orga- The profession’s relation to education school prior to entry. Prerequisites to
nisations do not have the regulatory can be expresses trough formal invol- entry determine the way in which the
powers and strict organisations that vement in: first year is organised: either as a
are seen in the architectural profes- - course validation; foundation year for a stable number
sion. - course content; of students or a selection process of
- funding of higher education; eligible students.
Planning is taught at a number of - quality control;
levels ranging from regional to urban - research; In a broad sense, study can be divi-
and detailed planning, and also from - continuing professional develop- ded into undergraduate and postgra-
management planning to design. In ment. duate courses. Undergraduate cour-
Europe a range of institutions often ses refer to a complete course lea-
covers these areas. However, the Only in England and Wales architec- ding to a professional qualification or
number of institutions offering trai- ture and town planning courses are a degree equivalent. It is commonly
ning in the field and the number of validated by the profession, the Royal divided into two stages with a
student in this discipline is small Institute of British Architects (RIBA) varying emphasis on the qualification
compared to the number of architec- and the Royal Town Planning Institute offered at the end of the first stage.
ture schools and students. (RTPI). Both organisations provide In most countries the first stage
For example in Germany on the guidelines for course curricula and qualification offered at the end of the
architects’ register there are 71,500 control quality through their visiting first stage. In most countries the
architects, 3,000 landscape architects boards. In other countries the profes- stage qualification is only a certifi-
and only 350 town planners sion may however control quality cate to change direction in higher
(Städtebauerarchitekt). prior to professional registration. education.

Key functions covered here are: Funding of higher education is Postgraduate education is classified
- recognition of the profession; through education authorities in all as the equivalent of a third stage,
- protection of the title; the countries, but the professions which is either an opportunity for
- conditions of registration; may provide some funding for in-depth specialisation at a Masters
- workload by sector; research or provide a link with indus- level or a professional course
- defined tasks of the planner; try for such funding. Continuing pro- following an, often academic, first
- professional bodies; fessional development is a growing degree.
- role of the professional organisa- area across Europe and is provided
tions (including education, either by the profession of by the Architecture and town planning are
research and continuing profes- educational institutions. not only scientific disciplines but also
sional development); professional areas of and therefore,
- implications for education; Higher professional education in the education not only provides a
Europe degree in a subject area, but also
Education Throughout Europe access to higher trains professionally competent
Higher education establishments education depends on achieving a graduates.
across Europe offering architectural certain level of competency reached ■
education include Universities, at the end of high school. There is
Institutes and Academies; some are often competition between prospec-
technical and others humanities tive entrants for a limited number of
based. There are also a number of places. In a few cases schools set
Institutes or Schools in the case of examinations. While enrolments are
France (Ecoles d’Architecture) where strictly limited (numerous clauses) in
architecture is not considered an some countries, in other higher
academic discipline. education is open to everyone who
The Academies often follow a has achieved a level of competency
tradition and can be said to be design by examination.
and professionally focused rather
than technically, academically or Postgraduate study is by written
research oriented. application, normally to the individual
schools. Students are chosen not
Town planning education across only for their academic achievements
Europe ranges from full undergra- but some instances also to provide
duate courses (Netherlands, England a good balance on a course (for
& Wales, Germany) to postgraduate example, town planning courses like
specialisation’s (Belgium, England & to balance architecture graduates
Wales, France) and in some cases with economists and sociologists).
incorporated into architecture or
engineering studies (Spain). According to type higher education,
institutions differentiate between
Schools of planning do not cover all Universities, Technical Universities
areas within the realm of planning in and other institutions such as
one course. Courses differ in spatial Academies, Institutes of Fachhoch-
scale from regional and rural plan- schule. Recognition of courses by
ning through town planning to urban the government or the profession, This introduction is based on:
design. At each level there may be funding of courses and students, and John Worthington, Aylin Orbasli,
further series of crossdisciplinary the mechanisms for quality control Architecture and Town Planning
studies, which bring in design, of courses in each country will be Education in The Netherlands:
geography, economics or sociology, covered in this chapter. A European Comparison (1995)
for example. York, Institute of Advanced
Architectural Studies

Architecture Schools in Europe

Contents EAAE/AEEA
Member Schools of Architecture in Europe


2 Antwerpen 16 Liege 22 Copenhagen
Hogeschool Antwerpen Institut Supérieur d'Architecture The Royal Danish Academy of
Henry van de Velde Instituut St-Luc de Wallonie, Liège Fine Art
31, Mutsaardstraat Institut Supérieur St.-Luc de School of Architecture
2000 Boulevard de la Constitution 41 Philip de Langes AlléHolmen
4020 1435
4 Brussel
Hogeschool voor Wetenschap en Liege FINLAND
Kunst Institut Supérieur de la ville de 24 Hut
Campus St.-Lucas Brussel Liège, Helsinki University of Technology
Paleizenstraat 65-67 Lambert Lombard Department of Architecture
1030 Rue St Gilles, 33 PO Box 1300
4000 2015
6 Brussel
Vrije Universiteit Brussel Louvain-la-Neuv 26 Oulu
Faculteit Toegepaste U.C.L. Unité d'Architecture University of Oulu
Wetenschappen Bâtiment Vinci Department of Architecture
Pleinlaan, 2 Place du Levant 1 Aleksanterinkatu, 6
1050 1348 90101

Bruxelles Mons 28 Tampere

Institut Supérieur d'Architecture Institut Supérieur d'Architecture Tampere University of Technology
Intercommunal Intercommunal Department of Architecture
Institut Supérieur Institut Supérieur Korkeakoulunkatu, 3 Box 699
ULB Campus de la Plaine, Bât Sité de MonsRue d'Havré 88 33720
1050 7000
8 Bruxelles Ramegnies-Chin 30 Clermont-Ferrand
Institut Supérieur d'Architecture Institut Supérieur d'Architecture Ecole d'Architecture de Clermont-
St-Luc St-Luc de Wallonie, Tournai Ferrand
St-Luc Bruxelles Institut Supérieur St-Luc de 71, Bld Côte Blatin
Chaussée de Charleroi 132-134 Chaussée de Tournai, 50 63000
1060 7520
10 Diepenbeek BULGARY Cedex Ecole d'Architecture de
Provinciale Hogeschool Limburg Sofia Normandie
Departement Architectuur en University of Architecture, Rue Lucien Fromage, 27B.P. 04
Universitaire Campus, Gebouw E Civil Engineering and Geodesy 76161
3590 Faculty of Architecture
1, Christo Smirnenski Blvd 32 Grenobble
12 Gent 1421 Ecole d'Architecture de Grenoble
Hogeschool voor Wetenschap en Avenue de Constantine, 60
Campus St.-Lucas Gent 18 Brno
Hoogstraat 51 Brno University of Technology Marseille
9000 Faculta Architektury VUT Brno Ecole d'Architecture de Marseille
Kounicova, 67a Luminy
14 Leuven 60190 184, Avenue de Luminy - case 912
K.U. Leuven 13288
Departement A.S.R.O. 20 Praque
Kasteelpark Arenberg 1 Praha Technical University, CVUT 34 Nancy
3001 Fakulta Architektury Cedex Ecole d'Architecture de
Thakurova, 7 Nancy
Liege 16634 2, Rue Bastien Lepage
Institut Supérieur d'Architecture BP 435 54001
Intercommunal DENMARK
Institut Supérieur Aarhus C Paris
Rue St Gilles, 33 Aarhus School of Architecture Ecole d'Architecture de Paris-
4000 Noerreport 20 Belleville
8000 78-80 Rue Rebeval

Paris Trier Bari
Ecole d'Architecture de Paris- Fachhochschule Trier Polytechnic of Bari
la-Villette Fachbereich Architektur School of Architecture
144, Rue de Flandre SchneidershofGebäude D Via Orabona, 4
75019 54293 70125

Paris 50 Wuppertal Genova

Ecole d'Architecture de Paris Val Bergische Universität - Università degli studi di Genova
de Seine Gesamthochschule Wuppertal Centro Servicz Facoltà di
Site Bonaparte Fachbereich 10 Architektur Stradone sant Agostina 37
14, Rue Bonaparte Pauluskirchstrasse, 7 16123
75006 42079
60 Milano
36 Saint-Etienne GREECE Politecnico di Milano
Ecole d'Architecture de St. Etienne 52 Athens Faculty of Architecture Leonardo
1, Rue Buisson National Technical University Via Bonardi 3
42000 Athens 20133
Department of Architecture
38 Strasbourgh 42, Patission Street 62 Milano
Ecole d'Architecture de 10682 Politecnico di Milano
Strasbourg Seconda Facoltà di
8, Bld Wilson - BP 37 Patras Via Durando, 10
67068 University of Patras 20158
Department of Architecture
Talence University CampusRio 26500 64 Torino
Ecole d'Architecture de Bordeaux 265 00 Politecnico di Torino I
Domaine de Raba241, Avenue du Facoltà di Architettura I
33405 54 Thessaloniki Viale Mattioli, 39
Aristotle University of 10125
40 Vaulx en Velin Thessaloniki
Ecole d'Architecture Lyon School of Architecture 66 Torino
3, rue Maurice Audin BP 170 Department Panepistimioupoli 5 Politecnico di Torino 2
69512 54006 Facoltà di Architettura 2
Viale Mattioli 39
42 Versailles ICELAND 10125
Ecole d'Architecture de Versailles Retkjavik
Petites Ecuries du Roy2, Av. de Iceland Academy of the Arts LIECHTENSTEIN
78000 Department of Design & 68 Vaduz
Skipholti 1 Fachhochschule Liechtenstein
44 Villeneuve 105 Fachbereich Architektur
Ecole d'Architecture Lille-Régions Fürst Franz-Josef Strasse
Nord IRELAND 9490
2, Rue VerteQuartier de l'Hôtel de 56 Dublin
59650 University College Dublin MACEDONIA
Faculty of Engineering and 70 Skopje
GERMANY Richview, Clonskeagh 14 Univerzitet "Sv.Kiril i Metodij"
46 Bochum Faculty of Architecture
Fachhochschule Bochum 58 Dublin 1 Partizanski Odredi, 24 - PO Box
Fachbereich 1 Architektur Dublin Institute of Technology 91000
Lennershofstrasse, 140 School of Architecture
44801 Bolton Street MALTA
72 Masida
48 Dresden ITALY The University of Malta
Technische Universität Dresden Aversa (NA) Faculty of Architecture and
Fakultät Architektur Seconda Universita Degli Studi MSD06
Zellescher Weg, 17 Facolta di Architettura di
1069 Abazia di San Lorenzo
Karlsruhe 81031
Universität Karlsruhe
Institut für Baugestaltung,
Englerstrasse, 7

74 Amsterdam Wroclaw Barcelona
Stichting Amsterdamse Wroclaw University of Technology Universidad Politecnica de
Hogeschool voor Kunsten Faculty of Architecture Catalunya E.T.S.A
Academie van Bouwkunst Prusa 53-55 Av. Diagonal 649
Waterlooplein 211 50-317 8028
1011 PG
PORTUGAL 106 Sant Cugat del Vallès
76 Delft 92 Lisboa Universidad Politechnica de
Technische Universiteit Delft Lusiada University Catalunya
Faculteit Bouwkunde R. da Junqueira 188-198 Escola d'Arquitectura Del
Berlageweg, 1 1349-001 Calle Sitges, S/NC. Pere Serra
2628 CR 8190
78 Eindhoven Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa 108 Madrid
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven Faculdade de Arquitectura Universidad Politechnica de
Faculteit Bouwkunde Rua Prof. Cid dos SantosAlto da Madrid
Den Dolech, 2 PO Box 513 1349055 Escuela Tecnica Superior de
5600 MB Avda. Juan de Herrera, 4
94 Porto 28040
80 Rotterdam Universidade do Porto 108
Hogeschool Rotterdam Faculdade de Arquitectura Pamplona
Academie van Bouwkunst Rua do Colgota, 215 Universidad de Navarra, E.T.S.A.
G.J. de Jonghweg 4-6 4150 Campus Universitario s/n
3015 GG 31080
96 Setubal
NORWAY Universidade Moderna Setubal
82 Oslo Dpt. de Arquitectura SWEDEN
Oslo School of Architecture Estrada das Machadas de 110 Göteborg
P.O. Box 6768St. 2900-465 Chalmers Tekniska Högskolan
Olavs Plass Sektionen för Arkitektur
130 ROMANIA Sven Hultins Gata, 6
98 Bucarest 41296
Trondheim Institute of Architecture Ion Mincu
Norwegian University of Science Str. Academiei 18-20, Sector 1 Stockholm
and Technology, NTNU 70109 Royal Institute of Technology
Faculty of Architecture (STVL)
Alfred Getz vei, 3 100 Cluij-Napoca School of Architecture
7034 University of Cluj-Napoca Ostermalmsgatan, 26
Faculty of Architecture & 10044
POLAND Str. Observatorlui nr. 34
84 Gdansk 3400 SWITZERLAND
Politechnika Gdanska 112 Geneve
Instytut Architektury 102 Timisoara Ecole d'Ingénieurs de Genève
Narutowicza, 11/12 University Polytechnica Timisoara 4, Rue de la Prairie
80952 Faculty of Constructions & 1202
Trian Lalescu Street, 2A
86 Gliwice 1900 114 Lausanne
Politechnika Slaska Ecole Polytechnique Federale de
Faculty of Architecture 104 SLOVAC REPUBLIC Lausanne
ul. Akademicka, 7 Bratislava Faculté ENACBâtiment BP
44100 Slovenska Technicka Univerzita 1015
Fakulta Architektury
88 Warsaw Namestie Slobody, 19 116 Mendrisio
Warsaw University of Technology 81245 Universita della Svizzera Italiana
Faculty of Architecture Largo Bernasconi 2
ul. Koszykowa 55 SLOVENIA CH- 6850
00 859 Ljubljana
Univerza v Ljubljani St. Gallen
90 Wroclaw Sola za Arhitekturo Hochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft
Politechnika Wroclawska Zoisova 12 und Soziale Arbeit
Wybrzeze S. Wyspianskiego, 27 1000 Department of Architecture and
50370 Tellstrasse, 2Postfach 664

Winterthur 132 Edinburgh 146 Portsmouth
Zürcher Hochschule Winterthur University of Edinburgh University of Portsmouth
Architektur, Gestaltung & School.of Architecture School of Architecture
Halle 180, Tössfeldstrasse 20, Chambers Street King Henry BuildingKing Henry I
8401 EH1 1JZ PO1 2DY

118 Zürich 134 Glasgow Sheffield

ETH Zürich Glasgow University, Glasgow University of Sheffield
Architekturabteilung School of Art School of Architecture
HöngerbergEinsteinstrasse - P.B. Mackintosh School of The Arts TowerP.O. Box 595
8093 177, Renfrew Street S10 2TN
G3 6RQ
120 Ankara 136 Glasgow 148 Belgrade
Middle East Technical University University of Strathclyde University of Belgrade
Faculty of Architecture Department of Architecture and Faculty of Architecture
Inonu Bulvari Rottenrow, 131 Bul. Kralja Aleksandra 73/II
6531 G4 ONG 11000

Ankara 138 Kingston Upon Hull ■

Orta Dogu Teknik Universitesi University of Lincolnshire &
Faculty of Architecture Humberside MEXICO
6531 Hull School of Architecture Gualdajana - Asinea
George Street Universidad de Gualdajana
Bahcelievler HU1 3BW Extremo NorteGalzade
Bahçesehir Üniversitesi Independcia
Londra AsfaltiIncirli Kaushgi 140 Liverpool 44100
34590 The Liverpool John Moore's
University ZIMBABWE
122 Gazimagosa Center for Architecture, School Bulawayo
Eastern Mediterranean University 98, Mount Pleasant National University of Science &
Department of Architecture L3 5UZ Technology
Via Mersin 10 Department of Architecture
Gazimagosa 142 Liverpool P.O. Box AC 939 - AscotCnr.
University of Liverpool ■

124 Istanbul Liverpool School of

Yildiz Universitesi Abercromby Square, PO Box 147
Faculty of Architecture L69 3BX
Yildiz KampüsüBesiktas
80750 London
Royal College of Art
UNITED KINGDOM School of Architecture and
126 Brighton Kensington Gore
University of Brighton SW7 2EU
School of Architecture and
Mithras House, Lewes Road Manchester
BN2 4AT Manchester School of Architecture
Faculty of Art and Design
Cardiff Chatham Building
128 Cardiff University Cavendish Street
The Welsh School of M15 6BR
Bute BuildingKing Edward VII
CF10 3AP 144 Newcastle
University of Newcastle
Edinburgh School of Architecture,
130 Edinburgh College of Art/Heriot The Quadrangle
Watt University NE1 7RU
School of Architecture
Lauriston Place Plymouth
EH3 9DF University of Plymouth
School of Architecture
The Hoe CentreNotte Street

Schools in Europe

Higher Institute of Architectural Sciences

Henry van de Velde
Mutsaardstraat 31
B 2000 Antwerpen
Tel : +32+32317084/85
Fax : +32+32260411

e-mail :

Application deadline : 01/10

Tution and fees : 500,00 euro

Degree programmes

Degree Title Minimum Accredited Admission Enrolment

duration requirements
of study

Undergraduate course Candidate in 2 years diploma of higher /

architecture secondary education
Graduate course Architect 3 years after 2 years diploma of candidate /
practice: in architecture
professional (bachelor in
membership architecture)
Gradate course Interior 2 years no registration diploma of candidate /
Architect in architecture

* From the academic year 2002-2003 on, conform to the Bologna-Declaration, the programs of the two candidate years and the two or three
further years to obtain the diploma of interior architect and architect, are with respect to content adapted to the Bachelor and Master

General Information Sciences and the Higher Institute of Facilities

The Higher Institute of Architectural Product Development. In addition to The Henry van de Velde Institute is
Sciences Henry van de Velde is in its the two higher institutes, the new situated in the center of the historic
origins the oldest institute in Belgium department also consists or a city of Antwerp, on the grounds of
that offers an educational program in Research Center called D(esign) the former cloister of the Austin
architecture. Science Lab(oratory). Since 1998-99 friars. From 1819 on, city architect
It was originally part of the Royal studios are introduced whereby stu- Pierre Bruno Bourla transformed this
Academy of Arts, already founded by dents in the 3rd , 4th and a large part buildings during several years, in a
Royal Decree on July 6th1663 of of the 5th year work together. The campus ‘avant-la-lettre’ for the diffe-
Philip IV, King of Spain. At that time other last year students work separa- rent sections of the Art Academy.
Architecture was a part of the Fine tely on a theoretical thesis, that Antwerp is the largest city of Flanders
Arts, as did Sculpture and Painting. forms part of the research programs (480.000 inhabitants) and only 30
During the next centuries and espe- of the Institute. In total there are miles away from Brussels, the capital
cially from the 20th century on, the around 800 students, from which the of Belgium and Europe. It is the only
architectural section became more annual intake is about 180 students. architectural school in the Province of
independent and took different There is a 40-50% dropout. Students Antwerp. The city of Antwerp was
names as National Higher Institute of are applying from different European during the 16th century one of the
Architecture and Urbanism, Higher countries, mostly of course from largest in Europe and was during the
Institute of Architecture and Urba- Belgium, but also from Germany, 17th century well known for his
nism. Famous professors were Léon France and especially from the famous artists like Peter Paul Rubens,
Stynen, Renaat Braem, Edouard Van Netherlands. Even some students Anton Van Dijck and Jacob Jordaens.
Steenbergen and Georges Baines, all from Rumania , Canada and the The Department houses all the facili-
strong defenders of modern architec- U.S.A. ( University of North Carolina, ties needed for teaching.
ture. This modernist tradition is still Charlotte), followed the last years. There is a library of about 35.000
going on, but adapted to the com- Because our participation in the titles and a historical section with
plexity of the actual world. Erasmus Socrates program, the books on theory of architecture going
From 1996 on, the architectural sec- Henry van de Velde Institute collabo- back to the 16th century. A fully
tion, including the education for inte- rates with a great number of outstan- equipped CADLab and a up-to-date
rior architect, became a fully indepen- ding architectural institutes all over plotcenter, linked in a network of 125
dent department with the name of the European Union, and even with workstations for educational purpose
Higher Institute of Architectural the U.S.A. ( Carnegie Mellon Univer- and internet access, and modeling
Sciences Henry van de Velde, a sity, Pittsburgh and University of hall can be used.
College of Architecture belonging California, Berkeley). Lectures are
to the University Association of mostly given in Dutch, but for foreign Educational Program
Antwerp. At the beginning of the students there is a special studio in The studies for architecture take five
academic year 2000-01, a new depart- English. years; for interior architect four years.
ment was set up, namely the Depart- The undergraduate degree in archi-
ment of Design Sciences, which tecture (2 years) is common for both
stemmed from the merger of the programs and gives access to the
Higher Institute of Architectural graduate level either in architecture

(3 years) or in interior architecture 2. Urbanization and urban develop- discussed with several depart-
(2 years). The undergraduate level ment. ments belonging to the University
should provide for a broad founda- 3. Architecture and culture. Association Antwerp and from
tion of knowledge, methods and tech- 4. Architecture and Theory. other universities. Last year stu-
niques. The final-project consists of two dents can choose for a thesis
At the graduate level full emphasis is parts: topic belonging to this basic
laid on project oriented education. - a design project research programs.
The technical scientific knowledge - a theoretical or technical study. 2. Research by Design: project
and the social scientific one are inte- The student has two options. Either oriented research, organized with
grated in the design exercises at a he/she chooses for an elaborated other architectural institutes and
maximum level. In each design architectural design project (see universities (e.g. the TU Delft.).
exercise specific aspects will be above) in combination with a theore- Here again, the themes of the dif-
questioned. These accents will define tical/technical study related to his/her ferent studios is related to the
the specific identity of each studio at design project. Either he/she chooses four already mentioned research
graduate level. In this manner the for a theoretical thesis. In this case programs.
studios are thematically distinguis- the student I s allowed to choose 3. Research by participating in social
hed and ‘vertically’ integrated. his/her own topic and supervisor in programs in the field of the public
Students of the 3th, 4th and 5th year relation to the research-program of space.
are working together in a same stu- the department. The research pro- 4. Doctoral research: in collabora-
dio. The ‘final project’ is the coping gram consists of basic research and tion with several universities.
some of the graduate educational of research by design. All study-pro-
program. The ‘graduation project’ is grams and their study-load are based Student activities
done on an individual basis within a on the ECTS-Credit Point System. Students can participate every year in
specific design-studio. It is supervised Distinction is made between direct an international academic event: the
by a group of tutors chosen in func- contact time, tutoring time and self Antwerp Design Seminars and
tion of the specific studio under study time. The total sum expressed Lectures, or ADSL week. Its aims con-
supervision of the studio-master, who in hours per educational module is sist of a cross-boundary thinking and
is always a professor or lecturer in called the ‘total study-load’ of a an interdisciplinary approach to
architectural design. Within the total module. Each year has a total study design problems. Each invited works-
curriculum it is aimed at an equally load of 60 ECTS-points. hop-leader organizes a one-week
division between so-called ‘contact From the academic year 2002-2003 workshop on a particular design-rela-
time’, ‘tutor time’ (in group or indivi- on, conform to the Bologna-Declara- ted subject. There are also lecturer
dual) and ‘self study time’. tion, the programs of the two candi- series where architects and profes-
date years and the two or three furt- sors can present their latest works
The complete curriculum both at her years to obtain the diploma of and achievements.
undergraduate and graduate level is interior architect and architect, are
offered by 4 educational units: with respect to content adapted to Administration and staff
1. Design unit: subdivided in an the Bachelor and Master programs. The department employs 21 full-time
architectural design unit and an and 52 part-time scientific staff. Most
interior design unit. Post graduate program of the part-time assistants, lecturers,
2. Science and Technology unit. Students with the degree of architect senior lecturers and professors are
3 Culture-Environment-Society unit. or interior-architect can specialize practising architects and engineers.
4. Applied Design Communication themselves at different post gradu- The other are specialists in related
unit . ate programs at universities or at fields to architecture, as sociology,
educational institutes, belonging to ecolgy, philosophy, law etc.
The educational units transfer their the Flemish Community (ARGO). For A small number of visiting lecturers
knowledge, methods, techniques instance, a program for Urban are invited.
and skills on 3 levels of knowledge Planning (2 years) and one for Head of Department:
transfer: Restoration (2 years). Prof. ir. arch. R. Foqué, m. sc.
1. The level of scientific theory Chairman of the Design-unit:
2. The level of scientific application Research program Prof. arch. Jef Van Oevelen
3. The level of design application. The Henry van de Velde Institute Chairman of the Construction-unit:
To make the knowledge transfer ope- organizes their research program on Prof. ir. A. Bladt and Prof. ir. arch.
rational, distinction is made between four different levels: L. Denissen
3 teaching modes in addition to self- 1. Basic Research: this research is Chairman of the Culture-Environ--
study in the multimedia self-study connected with different themes ment-Society-unit
center: of the four research programs of Prof. dr. ir. arch. P. Lombaerde
1. Lectures the Higher Institute of Chairman of the Applied Design –
2. Seminars, labs and practica. Architectural Sciences Henry van Communication – unit:
3. Design-studios. de Velde: architecture and theory, Prof. M. Muylle,
There are about five architectural technology and environmental Organisation of the ADSL-week :
design-studios, dealing with the next studies (ecology), architecture Dr. K. Van Cleempoel
four themes: and theory, urbanization and ■
1. Technical and environmental urban development. Some of the
aspects; sustainability. research programs are actually


Hogeschool voor Wetenschap & Kunst

Institute for Architecture Sint-Lucas
Paleizenstraat 65 Hoogstraat 51
B-1030 Brussels B-9000 Gent
Belgium Belgium
Tel. : +32 2 242 00 00 +32 9 225 10 00
Fax : +32 2 245 14 04 +32 9 225 80 00

Application deadline: 1st of September

Tuition and fees: 499,59 Euro

Degree programmes

Degree Title Minimum Accredited Admission Enrolment

duration requirements
of study

Architecture Bachelor in Architecture 6 semesters Secondary education 692

or equivalent
Interior Design Bachelor in Interior 6 semesters Secondary education 138
Design or equivalent
Interior Architecture Master of Arts in 2 semesters Bachelor in Architecture 037
Interior Architecture
Architecture Master of Science in 4 semesters Bachelor in Architecture 278

General Information Since 2002, Sint-Lucas Architecture is text and the presence of the harbour
The Hogeschool voor Wetenschap & part of the K.U.Leuven association in area are a few of its many challenges.
Kunst is one of the largest Hoge- order to develop collaboration in het
scholen of Flanders. The Hogeschool field of education and research. Both campusses house all the neces-
was founded in 1995 as a grouping sary facilities for teaching and
together of 8 former Institutes, all of The study for architecture is a full- research: a large library with many
high level in their own field. One of time five-year course. Interior archi- books on architecture and arts, sub-
the key issues during the foundation tecture takes four years and interior scriptions to numerous periodicals,
was synergy and mutual benefits design three. The curriculum basical- video, slide and cd-rom library, a
between study and research fields. ly consists of three parts: architectur- fully-equipped CAD-studio (located
The Hogeschool has campusses in al theory, building techniques and near to the design studios), Internet
Brussels, Ghent, Leuven and design activities. Emphasis is on the connections, …
Mechelen. integration between these three main
areas. Lectures are generally given The facilities are supplemented by
The Institute of Architecture Sint- in Dutch; teaching material such as large archives on architects and
Lucas has a long tradition (since lecture notes are also mostly in architecture available through sister
1862) and high reputation in architec- Dutch. A fourth year is offered in organisations.
tural education. It derives its uni- English and operates partly as an
queness from this long tradition, international classroom. Educational programme
from the collaboration between cour- Bachelors : Interior design (profes-
ses in integrated study fields and Facilities sional oriented, 6 semesters, 180 cre-
from the interaction of the design stu- Sint-Lucas is located on two campus- dits) and architecture/interior archi-
dios and the theoretical courses. A ses. One campus is situated in tecture (scientific oriented, 6 semes-
large number of leading architects in Brussels. As Brussels is capital of ters, 180 credits).
Flanders is teaching at Sint-Lucas. Belgium and Europe, studying in Masters : Interior architecture (2
The Institute for Architecture Sint- Brussels offers the possibility to be in semesters, 60 credits), architecture (4
Lucas is the largest entity of the contact with an interesting mixture of semesters, 120 credits).
Hogeschool voor Wetenschap en cultures and ideas and to study a
Kunst; about 1300 students (50% of capital city intensively. Owing to its The curriculum is divided into three
which are female) are trained to location in Brussels, students of the main areas: architectural theory, buil-
become critical and creative profes- campus in Brussels can benefit from ding techniques and design. The
sionals and skilled designers. all facilities of the capital. design studio is the heart of the trai-
Moreover Sint-Lucas is involved in ning and forms a tripartite cluster of
research projects and provides servi- Another campus is located in Ghent. design activities: urban planning (col-
ce to society. International activities Ghent is an inspiring student city. Its lective), architecture (unit) and interi-
include student and staff exchanges medieval centre is a cultural attrac- or (part).
as well as research and training pro- tion pole with a wide variety of theat-
jects. It participates in the European res and important music and film fes- The didactic approach is built around
programmes (SOCRATES, LEONAR- tivals. Ghent is art; ranging from the a combination of knowledge-based
DO, ALPHA, EU-Japan, EU-USA…). highly reputed museum of contem- and problem-based education. The
This is supplemented by international porary art SMAK (Stedelijk Museum first approach dominates in the
visiting professors and lecturers in all voor Actuele Kunst), the Design beginning and gradually decreases,
parts of the curriculum. Student and museum, Sint-Lucas’ own exposition while on the contrary the second
teaching staff participation in interna- hall the "Witte Zaal" to the museum approach increases from beginning
tional activities has increased enor- of science (at the university). to the end.
mously during the last years. Contemporary art in an historic con-

During the first and second year, acti- postgraduate course in Urban Plan- reflect on innovative design possibili-
vities shift from architectural oriented ning is organised. This is accredited ties offered by new technology.
action towards architectural oriented by the Union of Planners.
design. The training starts by freeing The project {ACCOLADE} focusses on
the candidate from preconceptions. Furthermore, modules in urban pro- the use of digital media to support
This demands an approach based on ject management are organised on collaboration between design part-
practical experience, assessing the both campusses. ners.
creative ability present. The student
finds himself in confrontation with The courses we offer are multidiscip- Student activities
the mechanisms of formal and creati- linary, and tend to complete and dee- On both campuses student organisa-
ve activity. He carries out exploration pen the basic type of education. tions are active (U4IA, ARCHEIN).
activities into conceptual architecture They are dynamic and follow closely They organise social (including stu-
and forms of art. Given the difficulty today’s needs. Please consult our dent dancing parties) as well as cul-
in describing the nature of so-called website for recent information. tural activities (film, …).
‘creative powers’, the evaluation of
the first year is ‘chance-giving’ rather Research programme Moreover, there is a social organisa-
than excluding. In the second year Research at Sint-Lucas is organised tion connected to the campus which
the relativity of the personal creativity at three levels: individual research of supports the students and enhances
is demonstrated and the specificity of professors, structured research the study environment. This organi-
architectural creativity is made clear: groups and structural research pro- sation is active in the fields of hou-
architecture is built with materials jects. sing, student cafeteria, social pro-
and architecture is situated in a con- blems, psychological help, sport, cul-
text. The second year is concluded Individual professors are active in the ture, …
with a housing project. field of their own discipline. A wide
range of field is covered e.g. history Administration and staff
During the third, fourth and fifth year, of architecture, urban planning, Sint-Lucas employs 59 full-time and
the student himself can make several CAAD. Frequently these research 98 part-time teaching staff, among
choices for projects, option courses, activities are taking place in collabo- which most of the leading Flemish
… The education takes the student ration with other universities. architects.
from architectural design to an indivi- Head of the faculty of architectur
dual view on architecture. The third The Sint-Lukasarchief is creating and prof. A.J.L. Janssens
year plays a key-role in this process: extending an inventory of important Steering Committee
practical projects with limited extend, cultural heritage (especially focusing D. Boutsen
usually working on urban scale and on the Brussels Region). Another G. Van Hecke
technical structure and construction. unit is focusing on the urban plan- dr. J. Verbeke
It is concluded by a project evaluated ning of important cities (Brussels ■
by a jury. plays a key role in most of the stu-
In the fourth and fifth year there is,
beside more detailed study of archi- There are several structured and for-
tectural aspects, increasing develop- mal projects. There is a group wor-
ment of the individual position of the king on technical building know-how
student: extensive projects of incre- (in collaboration with the WTCB)
asing complexity, social and moral where climate handling is a key topic.
implications of architecture, econo- A group is playing a key role in the
mic and technical demands of execu- planning of the city of Ghent focus-
tion. sing on historical evolution and the
contemporary urban situation.
In the final year the student is appro- Moreover Sint-Lucas was active in
ached and evaluated as a potential the discussion on the Global Flemish
architect. Design has to cover all the Structure Plan.
dimensions of architecture and show
the authentic choices of an architect. A co-operation agreement has been
The student has a promotor for his signed between Sint-Lucas and the
work: location, program, analysis, Catholic University of Leuven to start
synthesis, design, … a Maerlant Centre. This centre focu-
ses on the historical meaning of
Postgraduate programme important historical sites.
Post academic training becomes a
necessary part of today’s live. As The Leonardo da Vinci pilot project
such the Institute for Architecture AVOCAAD (Added Value of Computer
Sint-Lucas is increasing its efforts in Aided Architectural Design) develops
this field. Evening courses are orga- course materials (available through
nised throughout the academic year. an interactive web-site) for stimula-
On the campus in Ghent a three year ting students and young architect to


Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Faculty of Applied Sciences
Department of Architecture

Pleinlaan 2
B-1050 Brussels
Tel. : +32-2-6292840
Fax : +32-2-6292841

Application deadline : end October

Tuition and fees : 16.600 BEF, 415 Euro

Degree programmes

Degree Title Minimum Enrolment


Architectural Engineering Ir 5 120

The VUB or Vrije Universiteit Brussel: staff, and some 90 guest professors and exchange of students and staff
General information gave classes to about 8500 students. with international universities is sti-
Our institution is the third largest mulated.
History of eight universities in the Dutch
“Independently of all political or speaking part of Belgium. Student Facilities & Services
religious authority, to study the major
questions of man and society, to The Faculty of Applied Sciences Language courses
inquire critically into the origins of The Faculty of Applied Sciences The Institute for Language Training
the true and the good - this is the role offers the degrees of Constructional, (ITO) organizes (non-intensive) langu-
of our university, and its very reason Chemical, Material Science, Electrical, age courses during the academic
for being.” Mechanical-Electrical Engineering year, for beginners level as well as
With these words in an address to and Engineering-Architecture (a full- for advanced level. These courses are
King Leopold I of Belgium ThÇodore time five-year course) and is located considered as extra optional courses,
Verhaegen described in 1854 the at the campus Oefenplein. so no extra fee has to be paid.
vocation of the ULB, the French spe- For admission as a student at the
aking university which, over a centu- Engineering-Architecture degree one The main library (‘centrale biblio-
ry later, was to give rise to the Dutch has to pass an entrance exam on theek’) is located on campus Oefen-
speaking VUB. From 1955 on, a range mathematics and drawing and has to plein. The library is equipped with so
of courses for Dutch speaking stu- write an essay. called ‘VUBIS’ terminals. VUBIS is the
dents was developed within the ULB. The engineering-architecture pro- VUB library information system and
This evolution resulted in the founda- gram is specific from the first year. was set up to enable students to
tion of the independent, though clo- Practical exercises and studio work easily gather information on the
sely related Dutch speaking VUB in represent an important aspect of the availability and the exact location in
1970. Both institutions share the program. The number of students is the library of the specific books
same humanist, free thinking ideolo- small, which allows the students to and/or magazines they are looking
gy with an emphasis on critical make use of all labs or workshops for. Students can also use the ULB
research and inquiry. equipment (wind tunnels, acoustic library, which is very close, or go to
The VUB offers complete university testing...). Teaching occurs in groups the Royal Library (Albertina) in down-
curricula, from undergraduate over of about 25 students. The Faculty is a town Brussels. These three libraries
graduate to postgraduate. Lectures young one, and although one may provide the students with access to
are generally given in Dutch. point out the lack of tradition, it virtually all scientific periodicals.
stands for a dynamic and innovative
Location unit. Computer facilities
The main campus of the VUB is cam- There are several rooms equipped
pus Oefenplein (in Elsene). It is situ- ECTS at the VUB with modern computers at the dispo-
ated on the south side of Brussels In 1995 the Vrije Universiteit Brussel sal of the students. The opening
and is relatively easy to reach by car. was selected to participate in ECTS hours are very flexible and most of
One can also take the tramway to the within the framework of the Erasmus the time one can call on someone for
VUB, travel by train (station programme (now under SOCRATES). assistance.
Etterbeek) or use the Metro (station During the academic year 1996-97 the On these computers one will find the
Petillon). VUB began with the implementation most recent and professional soft-
of ECTS. The intention from 1998- ware for word processing, making
Size 1999 onwards was to fully apply the spreadsheets, performing statical
In the academic year 1997-98 no less ECTS system and procedures analysis, drawing, modelling, rende-
than 550 professors, assisted by 367 ( ring or animation. The faculty places
members of the assisting academic B/ECTSoptionN-E.htm). Collaboration great emphasis on the use of compu-

ters (CAD, CAE, and CAM) for the Besides courses in basic sciences like Tensile Structures
simulation of designs. All students mathematics, informatics, chemistry, The current research project on
can also utilize e-mail and Internet physics... the courses are subdivided Tensile Structures is aimed at the
services for free. in three equivalent categories: development of a building system
- Architectural sciences (Theory consisting of flexible membrane ele-
Sports and history of architecture, ments that can be combined in sever-
The sports hall, situated on campus logic...) al ways to form large membrane
Oefenplein, is equipped with several - Building technology (Mechanics, spans of different form and size. The
indoor halls, a swimming pool, construction, building materials...) main idea is to develop separate but
sauna, fitness-equipment, tennis and - Learning to design (Design compatible membrane parts and
squash courts, etc. During the lunch studio, morphology, CAD...) components to build load-bearing
breaks and evenings, one can take In the third, fourth and fifth year: structures.
lessons in different sports. There’s - Architectural sciences, urban and
also an outdoor sports field. environmental planning, and The architecture of pedagodical con-
design methodology represent structions in architectural education
Cultural and leisure activities the central core in which the The research is focused on finding
The party venue on campus Oefen- architectural, human and applied and defining strategies in contempor-
plein is called the BSG (situated sciences are integrated. ary architectural design methodology
under building F). In the KK - The required scientific knowledge and applied in the architectural edu-
(KultuurKaffee) one can attend free is teached in courses on stability, cation, relevant to a permanent chan-
forums and concerts. structural engineering, building ging and complex social and cultural
The VUB is located in the biggest city physics, construction technology environment. The design studio is
in Belgium, and Brussels is also the (wood, steel and concrete) and seen as a laboratory where discipli-
capital of Europe. As such, the city equipment technology (electro- nes ‘in-between’, e.g. in between
offers an exciting and stimulating techniques, thermodynamics, architecture and engineering, enrich
environment for the university. The lighting, acoustics, domotics...) simultaneously discourse and profes-
lists with concert halls, theatres, gal- sion. Key concepts involved are
leries, museums, cinemas, cultural Students can choose optional courses invention, conceptual innovation,
centres, etc. are practically endless. in order to emphasise their preferen- abduction based on imagination,
Performances can be found in Dutch, ces, solar energy, CAD techniques, pedagogical tectonics.
French as well as in English. system theory, cultural studies,
preservation of historic buildings, Administration and Staff
Pantheon student association actual development in architectural Dean of the Faculty of Applied
The student association has been sciences... Sciences:
founded some years ago when the Apart from the design project, in the Prof. J. Tiberghien
number of students was rather small. fifth year, students are writing a the- Chairman of the Educational
Pantheon was its name and it proved sis, which is a report of a research Committee:
to be a solid platform to induce acti- activity in one of the scientific Prof. W.P. De Wilde
vities. Pantheon is notoriously known domains (e.g. tensile structures, res- Head of the Department of
for it’s architectural happenings and toration techniques, building techno- Architecture:
actions. Unlike other student associa- logy...). During the education a strong Prof. M. Mollaert
tions, Pantheon is well involved in accent is put on polyvalency, the Secretary:
the organisation and education of the “universitas” and humanistic values. M. Koll
department of architecture due to its Teaching is scheduled in two semes- ■
open-minded policy. Another aspect ters of 15 weeks, starting on October
is to bring architecture in discussion the first and finishing in the begin-
by organising architectural trips, ning of July.
debates or exhibitions and linking
theory to practice. Last but not least Research programme
is Pantheon necessary social glue Research plays a very important role
between all students and educational at the VUB. Most of the research pro-
staff. jects are a co-operation between the
VUB and a federal institution, indus-
Educational programme tries, the European Commission or an
The study in the domain Architectural international organisation.
Engineering at the universities in The research in the Department of
Belgium takes five years; two years Architecture is concentrated on the
(first cycle/first degree) and a further formfinding and design of tensile
three years (second cycle/academic structures, the contemporary design
degree). Graduates are awarded the strategies and the pedagogical
title of “Burgerlijk Ingenieur- methodologies in architectural educa-
Architect” (Civil Engineer- Architect). tion and the renovation and fire
During the first two years, students safety of buildings with cast iron
acquire their basic knowledge. columns.


Instituut Superieur d’Architecture

Saint-Luc Bruxelles

Chaussée de Charleroi, 132-134, 1060 BRUXELLES

Tél : 32 (0) 2 537 34 19

Fax : 32 (0) 2 539 40 69
E-mail :
http :

Application deadline : 15 november

Tuition and fees (for nationals of a European Union country):
690,00 euro in the 1st, 3rd and 4th years
765,00 euro in the 2nd and 5th years

Degree programmes

Degree Title Minimum Enrolment

of study

First cycle Diploma of candidate in Architecture 2 years

Second cycle Architect 3 years

Total 400

General information Facilities and sevices participate in the Council of the

ISASLB is a full-term (five years of The main building is located at 132- Institut Supérieur d’Architecture
studies) artistic university institution. 134, Chaussée de Charleroi : it (CISA). These delegates play an
The total number of students is houses chiefly the board of directors, important role as mediator between
around 400. Since june 2002, ISASLB the secretariat, the administration the students of their year and profes-
is part of the Association de l‘Enseig- and the architecture workshops. sors and between students and the
nement Supérieur en Communauté Computers (with internet service) are school’s directors. The members of
française (AESCF), that includes 39 spread in various rooms in close rela- the Executive Board are elected from
university level institutions, represen- tion with the architecture workshops. among the delegates. The Circle of
ting more than 60.000 students, in the Most of theoretical courses are orga- Students organises various events
french-speaking community in nised in the Forum, at the corner of and conferences. It works closely
Belgium. ISASLB conforms to euro- the Irlande street ant the Maurice with the social service. It has a local
pean directives (85/384/CEE, etc.) on Wilmotte street. site (Maurice Wilmotte street, 68)
the teaching of architecture. It was open to everyone. The main purpose
founded in 1904 by the Frères des Library and the mediatheque of this site is social. Students may
Ecoles Chrétiennes, in the commune The Forum also gives access to the come there to eat lunch at a low
of Saint-Gilles-lez-Bruxelles, which library. It is a scientific library, supple- price.
became urbanised during the last half mented by teaching and by the disse-
of the 19th century. ISASLB is still mination of information, with all the A.R.C. (Architecture – Research –
one of several Saint-Luc institutes tools of a documentation centre Communication)
located in the same neighbourhood focused on architectural and artistic The association includes architects,
in the Brussels area. The offices, research. The subjects covered in the students, professors and friends of
auditorium and courses rooms are all library reflect the subjects taught at ISASLB. Its primary purpose is to
located near Place Paul-Emile Janson. ISASLB. The library is computerised. create links and special contacts
ISASLB students can also take certain All of the works (books and maga- between members and friends
optional courses at the Institut zines) are in the library’s internal through cordial and professional con-
Supérieur d’Urbanisme et de Réno- database, that students may consult. tacts through the use of media and
vation urbaine (ISURU), located at Students have also access to a serie research. The association publishes
Victoire street, 177, 1060 Brussels. of documentary research CD-ROMS an information bulletin.
ISASLB takes part in the European in the areas of architecture and
Credit Transfer System (ECTS). plastic arts, and the possibility to Educational programme
search for documents on the internet. Organisation of studies
Through Socrates-Erasmus, ISASLB A photocopy service is available to The five-year programme is divided
has contacts and exchanges with : readers. A mediatheque is also open into a first cycle of two years and a
1 Universitat politecnica de to the students. second cycle of three years.
Cataluna (Barcelona) The Chaussée de Charleroi building - The first cycle (1st and 2nd
2 Universita di Firenze also houses a social service (Contact : candidature) leads to the degree
3 Ecole d’architecture de Grenoble Mrs. Liliane Van Camp), where it is of candidate in architecture. It
4 Universitat Fredericiana possible to get information on jobs includes required courses spread
(Karlsruhe) offered to students, scholarships, over both years. It also includes
5 Ecole d’architecture de Nantes various grants, student housing, etc. an internship, which, contrary to
6 Univ. of Newcastle upon Tyne the other courses, is not graded,
7 Université Aristote (Salonique) Circle of students but is required in order to obtain
8 Ecole d’architecture de The Circle of Students is a non-profit the degree of candidate in archi-
Strasbourg association and was founded in 1973. tecture (see « Internships »).
9 Tampere University of Technology It is composed of students appointed - The second cycle (3rd, 4th and
10 Istituto universitario di architet- by their peers. At the beginning of 5th architecture) confers the legal
tura di VeneziaISASLB also has each calendar year, elections are held degree of architect.
contacts and exchanges with the in the various course years in order This title is protected by the bel-
University Mc Gill (Montreal). to determine the delegates who will gian laws of 11 september 1933

and 20 february 1939. It includes 3 Theory and history of architecture - a summary project : in this case,
required courses spread over the (History of architecture, Theory of the author summarises the work
three years, as well as optional architecture) of others in a given area, so that
courses organised in different 4 Human sciences (Philosophy, the thesis may be prospective,
families (see « Optional Courses Sociology) critical or simply documentary.
»). It also includes a non-graded 5 Environmental sciences (Geology, The most common type of disserta-
internship, which is required in Concepts of ecology, Vegetation tion is written. However, other forms
order to obtain the diploma (see and architecture, Perceptions and are possible, such as drawings,
Internships). practices of the constructed videos, or computer support.
During the second cycle, students environment, Town and country
must also undertake and present an planning) Internships
end of studies dissertation (see 6 Exact sciences (Mathematics, The purpose of these three-weeks
Dissertation). Each year, optional pre- Computer science, Chemistry, internships during the first and
paratory courses are organised befo- Construction physics) second cycles is to offer students
re the beginning of the academic 7 Structure and construction the chance to become familiar with
year, for students who are about to (Mechanics, Materials resistance, activities and circuits related to the
begin their first year. Construction technology, act of building. These internships
Materials technology, Mechanical should help to establish a link
Annual calender services) between student mentalities formed
The annual calendar is divided into 8 Economics (Construction by the school and those that are acti-
three main periods, which are separa- economics) ve in the professional world, by an
ted by two examination periods. 9 Study and practice of the profes- enhanced knowledge of the players
- First period (1st semester) : sion (Real estate law, Town plan- who are active in building.
it begins the third monday of ning law, Ethics, Professional
september and ends with the practice) Research and publications
Christmas vacation. It includes The CERAA (Centre d’Etudes, de
roughly 13 weeks of courses in Optional courses Recherche et d’Action en Architec-
which theoretical courses and Most of optional courses are spread ture) is an association whose purpose
architectural projects are taught. over four families. is the study, research, information
- January partial examinations : - The family Pathology and therapy and action in architecture according
these examinations are scheduled is for students interested in scien- to the broadest meaning of these
after Christmas vacation in the tific and technical research in the words. It participates in the teaching
first 4 years of study (1st and art of building, who wish to make of architecture, and establishes a link
2nd candidature and 3rd and 4th an in-depth examination of the between theory and practice from a
architecture). In the 5th architec- legal aspects specific to the art of multi-disciplinary perspective. Among
ture, there is no examination in construction. various activities, the CERAA organi-
january, but courses are suspen- - The family Town planning inclu- ses an annual conference on themes
ded in order to enable students to des courses organised to permit linked to the problematics of sustai-
complete their dissertation. students to acquire the theoretical nable development. The CERAA’s
- Second period (2nd semester) : it foundations and principles that publication is Ques-tions. The publi-
includes 13 weeks of courses in feed the practice of the architect cation of the ISASLB is Références.
which theoretical courses and who deals with town planning
architectural projects are taught. issues. Administration
- End of year examinations of - The family Heritage introduces to Board of Directors:
theoretical courses : this period the problematic of the preserva- Director:
lasts 3 weeks. tion, protection and promotion of Dr. Arch. Philippe Gruloos
- Third period : in the five years of the architectural and landscape Head of studies:
studies, the last weeks of the heritage. Dr. Ir. Arch. François Nizet
academic year are exclusively - The family Management and Architectural workshop
reserved for architectural pro- environment includes courses co-ordinators:
jects. This period comes to an linked to the central concept of 1st and 2nd candidature, 3th and
end with the juries of these constructive environment into 4th architecture:
architecture projects, followed by environment in a large sense. Prof. Jean-Paul Verleyen
deliberations (end of june-begin- 5th architecture:
ning of july). Dissertation Prof. Joseph Polet
The end-of-studies dissertation may Secretariat:
Obligatory courses be described as a reasoned thought Students supervision:
All the obligatory courses are organi- on a specific architectural subject. Lorenzo Spangaro,
sed in 9 families. Two types of thesis are possible : Monique Van Deun
1 Architectural design (Architectural - a research project : here, the Courses administration:
projects) author chooses a subject that has Serge Vallet
2 Study and representation of not been addressed in a in-depth ■
space and form (Study of forms, manner, by contributing new
Drawing, Descriptive Geometry, observations and complimentary
Topography) experiences


Provinciale Hogeschool Limburg

Departement Architectuur en Beeldende Kunst
Universitaire Campus
Gebouw E, B-3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium
Tel. : +32 11 24 92 00
Fax : +32 11 24 92 01

Application deadline : 1 February

Tuition and fees : Exchange students (Socrates-Erasmus, Tempus bilateral
programmes): no fees.
EC citizens : 495 euro
Non EC citizens : 1200 euro

Degree programmes

Degree Title Minimum Accredited Admission Enrolment

duration requirements number
± 350

Architecture Candidate 2 Flemish humanities 200

in architecture government

Architect 3 Flemish Candidate 135

Government Architect

Order of Architects
After 2 years of
guided practice.

Interior Architecture Candidate 2 Flemish humanities

in architecture Government

Interior Architect 2 Flemish Candidate 020

Government Architect

General information - Building technology: exact scien- The main topics in the fifteen-week
The "Departement Architectuur and ces, architectural engineering and programme will be:
Fine Arts" is one of the six colleges of technology; - Actual developments in Belgian
higher education that merged in the - Cultural sciences: humanities, Architecture & Urban
Provinciale Hogeschool Limburg. philosophy, architectural history Development (ECTS 5)
The Hogeschool has about 4000 stu- and theory. - (Interior) Architectural design
dents, about 300 teaching Staff and (ECTS 12)
three locations: Hasselt, Diepenbeek In the second AR-cycle students can - Analysis of recent projects. Study
and Tongeren. It is controlled by the take an optional course (8 ECTS) cho- visits. (ECTS 7)
authorities of the Province of sen from the following : Architectural - Independent study. (ECTS 6)
Limburg and belongs to the public Design, Architectural Theory and cri-
sector. tics, Building physics and Technology In addition foreign students are advi-
The original School of Architecture in Design, Urban ecology. sed to select some specific courses
was founded in Hasselt in 1957. In In direct line with this optional course and subjects from the regular curricu-
1987 the school moved to a new pur- the students write during the last two lum, such as CAAD, free hand dra-
pose built complex on the LUC cam- years a dissertation on a theoretical wing, colour & form, furniture design,
pus (Limburgs Universitair Centrum) topic related to architecture / interior etc.
in Diepenbeek. In 1995 it was inte- architecture.
grated in the Provinciale Hogeschool Foreign students of architecture and
Limburg. Research programmes within the students of relates fields should at
scope of the optional courses are least have completed three years or
Educational programme developing. six semesters of study, before arrival.
Language: Dutch. Research in the field of Universal
Studies in the Section of Architecture Design is integrated in the design stu- Students of interior architecture
are divided into two cycles. The first dio of the third AR year. should have completed at least five
cycle lasts two years and leads to a The research group "Architecture, semesters.
Candidate Architect diploma. The mobility and environment" carries
second cycle lasts three years and out research for external principals. Each "BelARch" unit will have a maxi-
leads to an Architect diploma (AR) or mum of 16 students and the number
two years for an Interior Architect English Language Programme of foreign students will be balanced
diploma (IAR). January/February through June/July. with an equal number of Belgian stu-
Courses are subdivided under the fol- BelArch (Belgian Architecture) is an dents to encourage integration and
lowing headings: English- language programme set up collaboration.
- Architectural Design: architectural especially for foreign students. The
design, visual communication programme is conducted the second Although English is the language of
and design, environmental scien- semester of each academic year. instruction and of communication in
ces, theory of design and design the BelArch programme, foreign stu-
methods; dents are encouraged to study Dutch.

The Department of Architecture on
the LUC-campus is about 5KM east of
Bus trips to and from the campus are
free of charge upon presentation of a
valid PHL student card. A safe and
very convenient bicycle road con-
nects the town centre of Hasselt with
the campus. Bicycles are quite popu-
lar in this geographically flat part of

Student rooms for exchange students

are located in the town centre of
Hasselt or in Diepenbeek in the rural
surroundings of the campus, but we
advise foreign students to rent a
room in the urban centre of Hasselt.
Approximate costs for one month
(accommodation, catering, leisure,
other expences): 438 to 563 .

Central library and computer room.

Architectural library
Computer facilities
Free internet access to all students.

Head of the department of
Architecture and Fine Arts:
Michel Vrancken
Head of the faculty of Architecture:
Roger Liberloo
Head of the faculty of Interior
Walter Van de Wyngaert.


Hogeschool voor Wetenschap & Kunst

Institute for Architecture Sint-Lucas

Paleizenstraat 65 Hoogstraat 51
B-1030 Brussels B-9000 Gent
Belgium Belgium
Tel. : +32 2 242 00 00 +32 9 225 10 00
Fax : +32 2 245 14 04 +32 9 225 80 00
Email :

Application deadline : 1st of September

Tuition and fees : 470 Euro (or 1500 Euro).

Degree Programmes

Degree Title Minimum Accredited Admission Enrolment

duration requirements % of Adm.
of study

Architecture Architect 5 Order of Architects

Secondary education
or equivalent 1148 90
Interior Architecture Interior Architect 4 Secondary education
or equivalent 39 3
Interior Design Interior designer 3 Secondary education
or equivalent 94 7

General Information The study for architecture is a full- large archives on architects and
The Hogeschool voor Wetenschap en time five-year course. Interior archi- architecture available through sister
Kunst is one of the largest Hoge- tecture takes four years and interior organisations.
scholen of Flanders. The Hogeschool design three. The curriculum basi-
was founded in 1995 as a grouping cally consists of three parts: architec- Educational programme
together of 8 former Institutes, all of tural theory, building techniques and Under Flemish law studies in archi-
high level in their own field. One of design activities. Emphasis is on the tecture take five years, in interior
the key issues during the foundation integration between these three main architecture four and in interior
was synergy and mutual benefits areas. Lectures are generally given design three. The first two years in
between study and research fields. in Dutch; teaching material such as architecture and in interior architec-
The Hogeschool has campusses in lecture notes are also mostly in ture are the same and lead to the
Brussels, Ghent, Leuven and Dutch. A fourth year is offered in diploma of ‘kandidaat architect/
Mechelen. English and focuses on Flemish and interieurarchitect’. After two or three
The Institute of Architecture Sint- Belgian architecture. more years the student gets the
Lucas has a long tradition (since diploma of architect or interior archi-
1862) and high reputation in archi- Facilities tect.
tectural education. It derives its Sint-Lucas is located on two cam-
uniqueness from this long tradition, pusses. One campus is situated in The curriculum is divided into three
from the collaboration between cour- Brussels. As Brussels is capital of Bel- main areas: architectural theory, buil-
ses in integrated study fields and gium and Europe, studying in Brus- ding techniques and design. The
from the interaction of the design stu- sels offers the possibility to be in design studio is the heart of the trai-
dios and the theoretical courses. contact with an interesting mixture of ning and forms a tripartite cluster of
A large number of leading architects cultures and ideas and to study a design activities: urban planning
in Flanders is teaching at Sint-Lucas. capital city intensively. Owing to its (collective), architecture (unit) and
location in Brussels, students of the interior (part).
The Institute for Architecture Sint- campus in Brussels can benefit from
Lucas is the largest entity of the all facilities of the capital. The didactic approach is built around
Hogeschool voor Wetenschap en a combination of knowledge-based
Kunst; about 1300 students (40% of The second campus is located in and problem-based education. The
which are female) are trained to Gent, a major city in the Flanders. first approach dominates in the
become critical and creative profes- The campus is located in an old beginning and gradually decreases,
sionals and skilled designers. renewed monastery in the centre of while on the contrary the second
Moreover Sint-Lucas is involved the city. As Gent also has several approach increases from beginning
in research projects and provides s other institutes for higher education, to the end.
ervice to society. International activi- student life is intensive. During the first and second year, acti-
ties include student and staff ex- vities shift from architectural oriented
changes as well as research and Both campusses house all the neces- action towards architectural oriented
training projects. It participates in the sary facilities for teaching and design. The training starts by freeing
European programmes (SOCRATES, research: a large library with many the candidate from preconceptions.
LEONARDO, ALPHA, etc.). This is books on architecture and arts, sub- This demands an approach based on
supplemented by international visi- scriptions to numerous periodicals, practical experience, assessing the
ting professors and lecturers in all video, slide and cd-rom library, a creative ability present. The student
parts of the curriculum. Student and fully-equipped CAD-studio (located finds himself in confrontation with
teaching staff participation in interna- near to the design studios) and the mechanisms of formal and crea-
tional activities has increased enor- Internet connections. tive activity. He carries out explora-
mously during the last years. The facilities are supplemented by tion activities into conceptual archi-

tecture and forms of art. Given the Research programme Student activities
difficulty in describing the nature of Research at Sint-Lucas is organised On both campuses student organi-
so-called ‘creative powers’, the evalu- at three levels: individual research sations are active (U4IA, ARCHEIN).
ation of the first year is ‘chance- of professors, structured research They organise social (including
giving’ rather than excluding. In the groups and structural research student dancing parties) as well as
second year the relativity of the per- projects. cultural activities (film, ect.).
sonal creativity is demonstrated and
the specificity of architectural crea- Individual professors are active in the Moreover, there is a social organisa-
tivity is made clear: architecture is field of their own discipline. A wide tion connected to the campus which
built with materials and architecture range of field is covered e.g. history supports the students and enhances
is situated in a context. The second of architecture, urban planning, the study environment.
year is concluded with a housing CAAD. Frequently these research This organisation is active in the
project evaluated by a jury. activities are taking place in collabo- fields of housing, student cafeteria,
ration with other universities. social problems, psychological help,
During the third, fourth and fifth year, sport, culture, etc.
the student himself can make several There are two structured research
choices for projects and option cour- groups: Sint-Lukasarchief en Sint- Administration and staff
ses. The education takes the student Lucas-Werkgemeenschap. The first is Sint-Lucas employs 70 full-time and
from architectural design to an indi- creating and extending an inventory 86 part-time teaching staff, among
vidual view on architecture. The third of important cultural heritage (espe- which most of the leading Flemish
year plays a key-role in this process: cially focusing on the Brussels architects.
practical projects with limited extend, Region) and the latter is focusing on Head of the faculty of architecture
usually working on urban scale and the urban planning of important cities prof. A.J.L. Janssens
technical structure and construction. (Brussels plays a key role in most of Steering Committee
the studies). prof. H. De Witte
In the fourth and fifth year there is, prof. dr. E. Lagrou
beside more detailed study of archi- There are several structured and prof. G. Van Hecke
tectural aspects, increasing develop- formal projects. There is a group dr. J. Verbeke
ment of the individual position of working on technical building know- ■
the student: extensive projects of how (in collaboration with the WTCB)
increasing complexity, social and where climate handling is a key topic.
moral implications of architecture, A group is playing a key role in the
economic and technical demands of planning of the city of Gent focussing
execution. on historical evolution and the con-
temporary urban situation. Moreover
In the final year the student is appro- Sint-Lucas was active in the discus-
ached and evaluated as a potential sion on the Global Flemish Structure
architect. Design has to cover all the Plan.
dimensions of architecture and show
the authentic choices of an architect. In the near future, a co-operation
The student has a promotor for his agreement will be signed between
work: location, program, analysis, Sint-Lucas and the Catholic Univer-
synthesis design, etc. sity of Leuven to start a Maerlandt
Centre. This centre will focus on the
Postgraduate programme historical meaning of important histo-
Post academic training becomes a rical sites.
necessary part of today’s live. As
such the Institute for Architecture The Leonardo da Vinci pilot project
Sint-Lucas is increasing its efforts in AVOCAAD (Added Value of Computer
this field. Evening courses will be Aided Architectural Design) creates
organised throughout the academic course materials (available through
year. an interactive web-site) for stimula-
ting students and young architect to
On the campus in Gent a three year reflect on innovative design possi-
postgraduate course in Urban Plan- bilities offered by new technology.
ning is organised. This is accredited
by the Union of Planners. In the ALPHA-project URB-MAN, a
study is made on the educational
Recently, a co-operation agreement systems and the recognition of urban
with The Vlerick School of Manage- planners in 6 countries of the EU and
ment who is the leading organisation South America. The comparative
in this kind of teaching activities, was study will lead to recommendations
signed in order to raise the level of for the future.
our postgraduate activities.


Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

Departement Architectuur, Stedenbouw en Ruimtelijke Ordening

B-3001 LEUVEN (Belgium)
Tel. : ++32 16 32 13 61
Fax : ++32 16 32 19 84
EAAE delegate: Prof. Herman Neuckermans
Tel. : ++32 16 32 13 66
e-mail :

Application deadline : annually at 1 May.

Tuition and fees : 1 8,500 BEF for a non-reduction registration

Degree programmes

Degree Title Duration Accredited Admission Enrolment

of study requirements number
+/- 400

Engineering -Architecture Civil Engineer-Architect 5 years Accreditation by Humanities +

Order of Architects entrance
after 2 years of guided examination
practice based on curriculum
+ entrance examination
Language : Dutch
Human Settlements Master of architecture in 1 year Selection based
human settlements on curriculum
Language : English +/- 20
Conservation Master of conservation 2 years Selection based
of historic towns and on curriculum
buildings Language : English
and French +/- 25
Architectural Sciences Dipl. complementary 1 year Dipl. Architect +
studies in arch. sc. selection based on
curriculum +/- 10
Urban Design and Planning Dipl. specialised studies 1-2 years Selection based
in urban design and on curriculum
planning Language : Dutch +/- 20
PhD Dr in applied sciences: 4 years Selection based on
architecture curriculum and
research subject +/- 5

Calendar: Academic year - courses: last week September - last week May
Examinations : first session: June ; second session : August-September

General Information Brief history mon engineering basis. After 1967

The Department of Architecture is a The title of “engineer architect” was the number of students increased sig-
part of the Faculty of Applied first issued in the academic year nificantly. Up to 1981 the architecture
Sciences within the K.U.Leuven. 1878-1879, when some “élèves spé- programme was part of the
The university was founded in 1425 cialistes ingénieur-architecte” in Construction Department. As from
and is one of the leading universities Leuven took a separate study pro- the academic year 1981-1982 it beca-
in Belgium. After 1968 it was divided gramme. me part of the newly created
into two entities, a Dutch speaking The “engineer architect” programme Department of Architecture, Urban
one and a French speaking one. The has had a legal basis in Belgium Design and Planning (ASRO).
French speaking university, the Uni- since 1929. Up to 1961, the program- In 1992 the programme was again
versité Catholique de Louvain, is me was given at the “écoles spécia- reformed in order to put more emp-
located in a new-built town (Louvain- les”, which were founded in 1864 and hasis on design training and to intro-
la-Neuve) and has its own architectu- belong to the Faculty of Sciences. In duce a specific entrance examination.
re department. The Dutch speaking 1961 these “schools” obtained the This examination can be seen as a
university remains located in the his- status of “Faculty of Engineering”. preview of the programme compo-
toric town of Leuven, some 25 km Up to 1967 the architecture program- nents. Altogether some 500 people
away rom Brussels. The undergra- me at the K.U.Leuven was very tech- (post graduate programmes included)
duate programme leads to the diplo- nically oriented. As from the acade- presently study at the department.
ma of ‘civil engineer’, with a speciali- mic year 1967-1968, the programme More than half of all “civil engineer
sation in architecture. Also four post- has thoroughly been reformed so as architects” in Belgium obtained their
graduate programmes are offered, as to create more opportunities for the degree at the Leuven university.
well as PhD opportunities within the teaching of human and architectural The ASRO department is located in
different research groups. Those sciences and for the introduction of the Arenberg Castle. The present
willing to practice as an architect in comprehensive design training. buildings are mainly 16th and early
Belgium, must perform a supplemen- Unlike the other engineering options, 17th century and were erected by the
tary apprenticeship of two years, where one takes specialised courses “de Croy” family. Remarkable featu-
after graduation under the supervi- from the third year on, the architectu- res of the castle are the theatre, the
sion of an experienced architect re programme introduces specialised drawing rooms (“salons”), the chapel
accredited as such by the Order of courses from the first year on. This and not in the least the typical onion-
Architects. happens without affecting the com- like spires.

Facilities scarce resources and pressing envi- Diplom Ingenieur (Germany), ...), or a
The Arenberg castle is situated in the ronmental constraints. The close predoctoral degree (for holders of a
middle of a park (now campus) just interaction between housing HOLT degree of architecture, for exa-
outside the perimeter of the historic and urban development is given par- mple). Foreign students have to enrol
town centre of Leuven. Most of the ticular attention to. PGCHS emphasi- for a master’s degree, which can be
courses are given on the campus, ses on architecture and urban design switched into a predoctoral test or
some optional ones take place in the without neglecting relevant environ- have to enrol for a predoctoral year,
town centre. mental, social and economic issues. depending on the profile of the candi-
Each student can make use of a dra- This programme is taught in English. date. Financing can be provided by
wing table in his design studio. the university itself (assistantship,
Following the calendar, the studios Post graduate programme scholarship) or by external funding
remain open till the evening or mid- ‘Conservation’ In order to obtain a PhD in Architec-
night. The computer classroom is Taught at the Raymond Lemaire tural Engineering (doctor’s degree)
mainly used for CAAD exercises, and Centre for Conservation, the pro- the candidate must carry out research
is freely accessible by the students in gramme offers students having a during at least two years on a rele-
between class hours. specific university degree (architectu- vant research topic within the compe-
Besides, every K.U.Leuven student re, engineering, archaeology, art his- tence of the research groups of the
can rent a PC from the university on a tory) the opportunity to specialise in department, under the supervision of
yearly basis at a very low price, or the field of conservation and restora- one or more promoters. The doctoral
use one of the general purpose com- tion of monuments and urban and programme also includes a number
puter classrooms scattered over the 3 rural historical sites. It stimulates an of courses and seminars.
campuses of the university. These interdisciplinary approach. The pro- The doctoral examination consists of
provide no CAAD features, however. gramme is taught in English and the public presentation of an original
Students can also connect to Internet French. There is 1 year courses and and unpublished thesis. The thesis
from home via Kotnet, a net that 1 thesis year. should represent research of a theo-
covers the whole city of Leuven. retical and experimental nature or
In the Gothic cellars of the castle, an Complementary Studies in work of technical-scientific character
arts&design studio as well as a Architectural Sciences and should be a significant contribu-
model shop are installed. Students The programme focuses on the ela- tion to the knowledge and know-how
can build prototypes of furniture with boration of the human sciences tradi- in the field.
technical support from staff. tion in architecture. It comprises
architectural theory, history and cri- Research Groups
Educational programme tics as well as history of urban plan- Several research groups are active at
ning, design theory and design the department. Their main activities
Architecture degree methodology. It addresses itself to are summarised below.
This degree gives a broad basis for architects (i.e. graduates not having
future work in the field of architecture studied architecture at university Architectural theory
and building construction. level). Prof. André Loeckx, Prof. Hilde
As the programme is part of the engi- Heynen
neering studies, there is a strong Specialised Studies in Urban Design Caad and design methodology
emphasis on scientific and technical and Planning Prof. Herman Neuckermans
basis foundation. However, equally This programme is a co-operation History of architecture
important are the two other basic between K.U.Leuven and the Prof. Krista De Jonge, Prof. Luc
components of the curriculum: the University of Gent. The first year Verpoest
architectural theory domain, suppor- programme, Spatial Planning, is Planning and development
ted by a selection of basic human taught in Gent. The second one in Prof. Louis Albrechts
sciences and the actual practice of Leuven. The study aims at the forma- Rationalisation of design and
designing, present throughout the tion of critical and autonomous spe- building
five years of the study term. cialists, who will design spatial inter- Prof. Jan Delrue,
An entrance examination tests ventions and strategies in the com- Prof. Frank De Troyer
mathematical knowledge and plex field of urban and spatial plan- Urban design project team
designing affinities of the candidate ning. It focuses on critical reflection Prof. Marcel Smets
student. as well as on practical applications.
Administration and staff
Post graduate programme ‘Human Doctorates Prof. A. Loeckx is head of the depart-
Settlements’ Apart from these post graduate pro- ment. Visiting professors are/were
It is provided by the ‘Post Graduate grammes, the Department also has a amongst others: F.Choay, A. Bruno,
Centre Human Settlements’, which long tradition in offering the degree G. Byrne, Z. Celik, G. Descombes,
has from the beginning co-operated of Doctor in Architectural Enginee- F. Neumeyer, R. Plunz, B. Secchi, M.
with the United Nations Centre for ring.(Ph.D) In order to be admitted to de Solà-Morales. In 1993 R. Moneo
Human Settlements. the doctoral programme one must received a honorary doctor’s degree
The programme focuses on issues of have obtained a Master’s degree with from the University.
housing, building and planning in a honours or any equivalent degree ■
context of development under (burgerlijk ingenieur (Belgium),


Institut Supérieur d’Architecture Saint-Luc

Institute Supérieur d’Architecture

Boulevard de la Constitution 41
B 4020 Liège
Tel. : 00/32/4.223.3810
Fax : 00/32/
Email :

Degree programmes

Degree Title Minimum Accredited Admission Enrolment

duration requirements
of study

Informations Generales cité de synthèse à la fois créative et L’Institut abrite toutes les facilités
La fondation des Instituts Saint-Luc rigoureuse, restent les bases de cet nécessaires à l’enseignement et à la
par les Frères des Ecoles Chrétiennes enseignement. recherche:
remonte aux années 1860. - une bibliothèque qui compte plus
Jusqu’en 1977, ces Instituts groupent L’Institut Supérieur d’Architecture de 3200 publications après 1950
sous l’appellation « Beaux-Arts » Saint-Luc de Wallonie participe et acquisitions récentes (environ
l’enseignement de l’architecture et depuis leur création aux programmes 150 ouvrages par an), les
des autres disciplines artistiques. européens ERASMUS et TEMPUS. mémoires de fin d’études réalisés
En 1977, les Instituts Supérieurs à l’Institut, des abonnements aux
Saint-Luc se scindent en des écoles Il a en Europe, plus de 20 partenaires, revues d’architecture de nationa-
distinctes: institutions supérieures d’enseigne- lités diverses (33 en cours) et
- les Instituts Supérieurs d’architec- ment, avec lesquels il échange des collections de périodiques depuis
ture (I.S.A.) qui dispensent un étudiants, des enseignants; il 1950.
enseignement de type long et de organise des cours intensifs, des - une médiathèque, mémoire
niveau universitaire. formations continues et bientôt un audiovisuelle de l’Institut, a pour
- les Instituts Supérieurs des MASTER en restauration architec- buts d’archiver, par la photo et la
Beaux-Arts (I.S.B.A.) qui dispen- turale. vidéo, les meilleurs travaux
sent des formations de type court d’étudiants, et de constituer et
(graduat) Services et Equipements gérer une banque d’images vidéo
Liège... en enregistrant, classant et \
En 1985, les Instituts Supérieurs La ville actuelle est plus que diffusant des émissions de télévi-
d’Architecture, jusque-là au nombre millénaire. Liège, deuxième port sion relatives à l’architecture
de 14 sont obligés de se grouper. fluvial d’Europe, est aussi le passage - un atelier de documentation et
C’est de la réunion de l’Institut de d’un fleuve et d’une rivière sur les d’archivage
Tournai et de l’Institut de Liège que bords desquels alternent l’architec- - des fonds anciens: environ deux
naît l’Institut Supérieur d’Architecture ture du passé et les marques de mille cinq cents ouvrages ou
Saint-Luc de Wallonie, conservant les l’expansion moderne. collections de périodiques sont
deux implantations mais aussi les accessibles. Ils ont été princi-
personnalités propres, liées aux La Cité ardente, - c’est ainsi qu’elle palement publiés au 19e siècle et
mentalités régionales, aux influences est souvent désignée -, est une ville dans la première moitié du 20e
de passés distincts. universitaire depuis 1817, elle abrite siècle et sont consacrés à l’archi-
L’Institut Supérieur d’Architecture un peu plus de deux cent mille habi- tecture et son histoire, à l’urban-
Saint-Luc de Wallonie compte tants, six cent vingt mille pour son isme, aux techniques de construc-
environ 700 étudiants (400 à Liège, agglomération, on y trouve un opéra, tion ...
300 à Tournai), encadrés par environ un conservatoire de musique, des - un laboratoire d’informatique
80 enseignants (45 à Liège, 35 à dizaines de salles de cinéma et de équipé de logiciels courants, de
Tournai). En 1997/1998, l’Institut théâtres, de très beaux musées et logiciels de dessin ( AUTOCAD
Supérieur d’Architecture Saint-Luc sans doute le record du monde en Light, AUTOCAD 14, STAR INFOR-
de Wallonie a inscrit environ 200 concentration de tavernes, bistrots et MATIQUE ), scanners, imprimante
étudiants en première année et restaurants. A4 et A0,... et INTERNET
délivré 70 diplômes légaux d’archi- Nos bâtiments sont situés entre le
tecte. La tradition de l’enseignement plus beau parc de la ville et son Programme des Cours
centré sur le projet, la mise en jardin botanique, à dix minutes à pied Les études d’architecte comportent
évidence de la personnalité, l’appren- d’une gare qui s’apprête à accueillir deux années de candidatures suivies
tissage d’un savoir-faire transmis de le T.G.V. de trois années pour l’obtention du
maître à élève, l’exercice de la capa- diplôme d’architecte.

Aux étudiants inscrits comme « élève Recherche
régulier », le règlement des études En complément de sa mission
impose que l’étudiant réussisse d’enseignement, l’Institut, afin de
toutes les épreuves d’une année répondre aux propositions de
d’études avant d’avoir accès à recherche a créé le G.A.R. (Groupe
l’année d’études suivante. d’Ateliers et de Recherche) en 1982 .
Il n’est donc pas question ici de choix L’association a pour objet la
parmi un ensemble de cours, de recherche en matières architecturale
parcours plus ou moins libre dans et artistique au sens le plus large de
une grille de matières. ces termes, afin de promouvoir
Tous les cours sont obligatoires, ainsi l’architecture et l’enseignement à
que le choix d’une option et le dépôt l’Institut Supérieur d’Architecture
d’un mémoire de fin d’études. Saint-Luc à Liège.
Les statuts prévoient également que
Les cours obligatoires sont: mathé- l’association peut notamment orga-
matiques, chimie, physique, méca- niser la mise en place de recherches,
nique générale, résistance des de post-formations, le recyclage, la
matériaux, stabilité des constructions, poursuite d’études concrètes, des
équipement du bâtiment, sciences du rencontres de guidance, des stages et
milieu, aménagement du territoire, des séminaires.
histoire et philosophie de l’art,
sciences humaines, droit, déonto- Le Président actuel est Madame
logie, économie générale, théorie de Annie BOUTEFEU.
l’architecture, expression graphique Le Conseil d’Administration est
et projet d’architecture. notamment composé du Directeur et
d’Enseignants de l’Institut Supérieur
Les trois options parmi lesquelles d’Architecture Saint-Luc de Wallonie -
l’étudiant doit choisir à partir de la Liège.
3e année: restauration et conser- Les membres sont enseignants dans
vation du patrimoine architectural, ce même institut.
urbanisme et aménagement du terri- Depuis sa création, le G.A.R. a mené
toire, design appliqué à l’architecture. à bien plusieurs contrats d’étude
pour des instances officielles et
Le mémoire de fin d’études est un organise également, en collaboration
travail qui doit prouver l’aptitude de avec l’Institut, différentes manifesta-
l’étudiant à circonscrire et étudier un tions comme des expositions, des
sujet. Il se situe dans un cadre légal conférences, des publications, des
qui stipule qu’il doit se composer formations, etc.
d’au moins trente pages ( de 1500 Les projets qui sont actuellement à
signes). Cependant, bien souvent, on l’étude sont la création d’un centre de
exige un travail plus conséquent. coordination de la recherche en archi-
En architecture, un mémoire com- tecture et d’un centre de documenta-
porte généralement entre soixante et tion sur le développement durable
cent pages. Ce travail de fin d’études appliqué à l’architecture.
ne doit pas se confondre avec un
ouvrage de recherche pure : il ne vise Activites Etudiants
pas à ouvrir une nouvelle voie théori- Les étudiants sont structurés en un
que, ne doit pas aborder un domaine Cercle des étudiants qui est composé
inexploré. En revanche, il doit révéler de représentants de chaque année
une capacité à la synthèse. d’études. Le Cercle participe à la
L’originalité - qui n’est donc pas un gestion de l’école par la représenta-
critère déterminant - peut dès lors se tion étudiante dans les organes de
situer dans le rapprochement de gestion et de direction et organise
documents qui à première vue, des activités culturelles et récréatives.
semblent étrangers les uns aux
autres. Administration
Post Graduat André VERHULST
Un master en restauration architec- Chef de bureau d’études et
turale est en préparation au niveau Présidente du G.A.R.:
européen, avec la collaboration de Annie BOUTEFEU
7 institutions universitaires. ■


Faculty of Architecture
Faculty of Architecture

Porící 5, 639 00 Brno

Czech Republic
Tel. : +420 5 42142111
Fax : +420 5 42142125
Email :

Application deadline: November

Tuition and fees: 2900,- USD per semester

Degree programmes

Degree Title Minimum Accredited Admission Enrolment

duration requirements
of study

General information international exchanges. many Czech and international perio-

Technical University of Brno is the The lectures are focused on Czech dicals, fully equipped lecture halls.
second largest technical university history of architecture, Czech middle
in the Czech Republic. It is a univer- war and modern architecture and The Faculty of Architecture collabo-
sity with a long tradition, which construction. rates with The Organisation of the
nowadays independently develops Czech Architects in the field of
activities in the field of education, Facilities presenting exhibitions and organi-
engineering, science, art and eco- The Faculty of Architecture is situated sing lectures.
nomy. It was founded in 1849 and at near the historic centre of Brno with Other partners of the faculty are e. g.
the moment it has 9 faculties. most of the buildings from the 19th The Chamber of Architects, Czech
The lines of studies of architecture century when the slum clearance of Technical University in Prague,
and building construction were insti- the medieval houses was carried out. Slovak Technical University in
tuted at the Czech Technical College The city is famous for its international Bratislava and The Open Society
in Brno in 1919. After a pause due style architecture of the 20ies and Fund.
to the second world war they were 30ies, with a lot of public buildings
renewed in 1945 and in 1950 an and housing. Among them e. g. the Educational programme
independent Faculty of Architecture Villa Tugendhat from Ludwig Mies The study at the Faculty of
and Building Construction was van der Rohe or Hotel Avion from Architecture in Brno takes six-and-a-
instituted. In 1976 the independent Bohuslav Fuchs. Brno is a specific half years and is divided into two
Faculty of Architecture with two cultural centre with many theatres, study-cycles: a four-year cycle of the
study branches- architecture and museums, galleries and libraries. Bachelor’s degree, the graduates are
town planning - was established. Each year Brno houses many Inter- awarded the title of “Bachelor” (Bc.).
national trade fairs at the Exhibition Then follows one year of practise in
In 1990 a new conception of study grounds. an architecture office as a condition
plan was accepted and the structure for the study of the second cycle
of the faculty was reorganised. 12 The faculty building is placed on the which takes one-and-a-half year and
institutes were created and two left bank of the river Svratka. It is the graduates are awarded “Engineer
study-cycles models were introduced. easily accessible by the public city of Architecture” (Ing. arch).
transport (bus or tram). The building
The Faculty of Architecture is the dates from the 19th century and was The first cycle gives the completed
second smallest faculty of the originally used as a secondary school basic education of a professional
Technical University of Brno. It has for boys. Next to this old building efficient designer-architect. The study
approximately 460 students. It is there is a new one from the 60ies programme comprises both creative,
based on the individual approach to which contains mainly ateliers, engineering and humanistic disci-
students to develop the free creation workshops and the drawing and plines and architectural designing
and the training in technical disci- modelling studio. One of the main and town planning. The cycle is
plines to educate highly qualified aims of the faculty is to provide divided into 8 semesters which last
professionals. good working conditions for every 15 weeks, follow 4 weeks of examina-
student. Therefore there are many tions. The last semester takes 12
Lectures are generally given in Czech. ateliers where each student has got weeks and comprises only the design
English, German and French as the his own working place. There are all project and the final examination.
language for the consultation of the the possible facilities for teaching and
atelier project is possible. There are study such as a copy centre connec-
special lectures given in English for ted on line with the computer studio,
foreign students coming for one a photo laboratory, a library with
semester within the framework of the 10.000 titles and subscriptions to

Czech Republic
The teaching is guaranteed by supposed to prove his ability to do students excursions to abroad with
12 institutes: scientific work on his own, and by the objective to learn the greatest
Institute of Drawing and passing the rigorous examination. extent of the most modern architec-
Modelling The graduates are conferred the aca- ture. Regularly they visit the interna-
Institute of Building Structures demic-scientific degree of “Doctor of tional exhibition Glasstec in Düssel-
and Environmental Technology Architecture” (PhD.). dorf and the Venice Biennale of
Institute of Construction Architecture.
Institute of Management and Research programme
Informatics Science and research activities of the There are traditional annual actions
Faculty of Architecture were aimed to organised by the students. One of
A. Institute of Living Environment the fundamental spheres of interest them - “Maøena” - is held every
and Free Creation based on the general orientation of autumn. It is the inauguration of the
Institute of Public Construction the faculty (architecture and town students of the first year, organised
B. Institute of Manufacturing and planning) as well as on the specific by the students of the fourth year of
Utility Construction profiles of respective institutes. Most study. In this occasion all the building
Country Architecture Institute of the research activities are realized of the school and its surroundings
C. Town Planning Institute with the support of: Fund for Science are specially arranged and there is a
Zone Planning Institute and the Arts of TU Brno, University concert given to this occasion.
D. Institute of the Theory and Development Fund, Ministry of
History of Architecture and Culture Fund. The second traditional action orga-
Monument Reconstruction nised by the students of the second
Institute of Interiors and Research activities, in which foreign year of study is called ìPleöì and it is
Exhibitions institutes and students participate, a parody to the traditional balls held
are covered by the joint partnership by other faculties and universities.
The institutes in the groups A, B, C, D and co-operation with the Technical
provide teaching of the atelier pro- University of Vienna and the Administration and staff
jects. Students have to pass always at University of Kaiserslautern. The faculty employs 55 full-time and
least one institute of each group A, 25 part-time scientific staff. In addi-
B, C, D during their second, third and Together with the University of tion, it contracts some visiting profes-
fourth year of study. Students can Economy and the Czech Technical sors.
freely choose their tutors and each University (both in Prague), the Dean of the Faculty of Architecture
tutor has maximum 5 students from co-operation with the universities in Doc. Ing. arch. A. Novy, CSc.
each year in his atelier (mostly it Manchester (England) and Dublin ■
means 10 students). Except for the (Ireland) in the field of science and
atelier project every semester, stu- research has been promoted on the
dents pass other courses focused basis of the TEMPUS programme.
on theoretical and practical know-
ledge and skill. Most of the courses There has been a programme organi-
are obligatory, some of them are sed in collaboration with the Open
optional. Society Fund which focused on the
After the one-year practice students
may continue in their studies of the Student activities
second cycle. It consists of one year Annually there is a display of stu-
of the specialised lessons and 12 dents atelier works held on the
weeks of the project for the diploma. Faculty of Architecture. In this occa-
The study of the second cycle is to sion a jury made up of faculty staff
amplify the basic education and to and practising architects awards the
enable individual specialisation of Prize of Bohuslav Fuchs Found for the
highly qualified architects. best atelier project in 5 categories.
The study ends with the state exam Each year The Prize of the Dean of
and with the defence of the diploma the Faculty of Architecture is awarded
project. to the best bachelor project and to
the best diploma project.
Post graduate programme
Since the academic school year 1991- The lectures of visiting architects
92 at the Faculty of Architecture, the from other Czech institutions and
post-graduate studies in the following from abroad are regularly organised
branches have been introduced: on the Faculty of Architecture.
Architecture and Town planning. The Another important sphere of interna-
study is internal (3 years) or external tional contacts is represented by
(5 years). The studies are finished by workshops, both domestic and those
the public submitting of the thesis held abroad and visited by our
by means of which the student is students. Each year there are also


Czech Technical University

Faculty of Architecture

Thakurova, 7
16634 Praka 6
Tel. : 420/2 3115795
Fax : 420/2 24310573
E-mail :

Degree programmes

Degree Title Minimum Accredited Admission Enrolment

duration requirements
of study

Faculty of Architecture Location attached to particular departments of

The Academic Senate is the supreme The Faculty of Architecture of the the Faculty provide services to stu-
democratic organ. It is composed of CTU in Prague not only offers quality dents, too. They are equipped with
representatives of the academic education but is also located in a architectural journals, books and
community ( i.e. teachers and stimulating urban environment, so other learning materials.
researchers) including faculty important for an architect.
members, staff, and students. With a population of 1.25 million, The computer services unit is respon-
The head of this Faculty is the Dean. Prague is one of the most beautiful sible for providing an interactive
He is elected by the Academic Senate historical and cosmopolitan cities in computing facility throughout the
for a period of four years. Europe. No other European capital CTU, covering both academic and
contains six hundred years of archi- administrative computing.
Number of students tecture so completely untouched by There are several computer labs in
The Faculty of Architecture, with natural disaster or war. the Faculty of Architecture, where
more than one thousand full-time One of Prague’s most appealling students can obtain access to infor-
students, is the largest architecture characteristics is that its artistic mation from all over the world via
school in the Czech Republic. wealth is not hidden inside museums the links of INTERNET.
and galleries, but displayed in the
History streets and squares. The city is a trea- The model laboratory is equipped
In 1863 Prague Polytechnic was trans- sury of all architectural styles ranging with computers and other technology
formed into the Technical University from the historic Romanesque, which is used for students’ projects,
headed by a Rector. Its studies were Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque and Art research and teaching. In their studio
divided into four specialisations: Nouveau, to the more recent Cubist work, students make architectural
mechanical engineering, chemistry, style. Prague is also well endowed models and use special scanning
civil engineering and architecture. with distinctive parks and gardens. technology, which enables the user to
In 1920, after the fall of the Austro- view the model from an observers
Hungarian Empire, the name of the University Campus normal horizon as well as providing
school was changed to the Czech The Faculty of Architecture forms interaction between the model and a
Technical University in Prague (CTU). part of the CTU main campus, which video recording of it.
The University was composed of is located to the North-West of the
seven schools (faculties) including city centre next to Dejvická metro Education
the Faculty of Architecture and Civil station. The campus houses the fol- The curricula are divided into three
Engineering. The Faculty of lowing faculties: stages:
Architecture became an independent Civil Engineering, Architecture, - Bachelor degree programmes/
school in 1976. Mechanical Engineering and Electri- Undergraduate studies
Some famous students and members cal Engineering. The Students’ House - Master degree programmes/
of the CTU staff include FRANTI≤EK with a cafeteria for students and staff, Graduate studies
KxIÂoK, who constructed the first a bookshop and a student/faculty - Doctoral degree programmes/
electric street car in Prague; architect medical facility is also located on Postgraduate studies
JOSEF ZoTEK, who designed many campus.
beautiful buildings in Bohemia, Libraries are located on the premises Bachelor degree programmes
Germany and Austria; JAN of each faculty. The Faculty of The Faculty offers a uniform curricu-
ZVONoÈEK, who invented a radial Architecture shares a general Library lum leading to a Bachelor of Architec-
steam turbine; and VLADO PRELOG, with the Faculty of Civil Engineering, ture degree. The course of studies
Nobel prize winner for Chemistry. which is situated in the same building lasts three years (six semesters) and
and caters for the information needs provides students with an introduc-
of these schools. Specialized libraries tion to the wide scope of activities in

Czech Republic
architectural design, civil engineer- Foreign students Tuition fee
ing, town planning and interior English speaking students are offered The full-time tuition fee is US$ 2,500.-
design. Students can depend their a special one-semester sandwich per one semester. The fee is waived
insight in particular issues, e.g. art programme at graduate level. Some for students under reciprocal agree-
and architecture history, computer of these courses are also provided in ments between the Czech Technical
applications and urban design. the French language. University and a partner University
Undergraduate studies are con- abroad. Low-price accommodation in
sidered to be an intermediate stage The sandwich programme consists of student dormitories and low-price
on the way toward a Master degree. a studio course and various optional meals are provided for students.
courses concerned with visual arts, Living expenses per one month
Master degree programmes theory and history of architecture, (accommodation, meals, transpor-
This graduate stage of studies takes ecology, urban design and planning, tation, personal expenditure) for one
a minimum of four semesters, plus conservation and building construc- person are at present (1995) approxi-
a diploma project. The core of the tion. These courses (except for studio mately US$ 300.
curriculum is studio work. Obligatory courses) will be opened only if there
courses follow the line of an under- is enough demand. The studio cours- Administration and staff
graduate programme in civil engi- es will be opened irrespective of Dean:
neering, infrastructures, urban and demand. At PhD level, the full range Doc.Ing.arch. Bohumil FANTA,
landscape planning, interior decora- of disciplines mentioned above is CSc.
tion, computer applications, econo- also provided in English and, in some E-mail:
mics, implementation and law. cases, also in French or German. Vice-Deans:
A wide choice of elective and Education:
optional courses enables students The Faculty, together with univer- Doc.Ing.arch. Tomas SENBERGER
either to follow the general line of sities abroad, organises summer E-mail:
architecture or to concentrate on courses for English speaking stu- Research:
specific branches within the profes- dents. Several American, Israeli and Doc.Ing.arch. Petr URLICH, CSc.
sion: building construction, urban European universities have been E-mail:
and regional planning, urban and engaged in these courses since 1990. International relations:
landscape design. In addition, inter- Ing.arch. Karel Maier, CSc.
disciplinary curricula are provided for Interfaculty study E-mail:
graduate study in the field of spatial In an interbranch study programme, Director of Personnel and Finance:
planning and stage design. students take courses offered by Ing. Jiri BOHACEK
other faculties of CTU, or by other E-mail:
Graduate studies are completed with universities, simultaneously with
a thesis. Graduates are awarded the courses registered at his/her home
degree of Ing.arch. or Ing., i.e. Master faculty. All enquiries in relation to admission
of Architecture. This degree is should be addressed to the Office of
required for general authorization by Research the Registrar.
the Czech Chamber of Architects to Faculty research activities are linked The Assistant Registrar responsible
become a Registered Architect and to particular university, national and for Czech citizens:
to run business specialising in civil European programmes, as well as to - Ms. Tamara Holoubková
engineering, planning, interior the demands of industry. The exper- The Assistant Registrar responsible
design, and landscape design. tise of the Faculty staff is also made for foreign students:
available to governments (e.g. the - Ms. Jarmila Keivánková
Doctoral degree programmes elaboration of law proposals). Address: Fakulta architektury
Part-time and full-time programmes Most basic research is conducted at ÈVUT
leading to a PhD degree are provided the departments of History and Thákurova 7, 166 34 Prague 6
in the following disciplines: Theory of Architecture. Applied Czech Republic
- Theory of Architecture research is mainly carried out in the ■
- Architecture and Civil Engineering Department of Architectural Model-
- Urban Design and Planning ling, the Department of Urban Design
- History of Architecture and and Planning, and the Department of
Conservation Industrial Buildings.

In addition, in-service refreshment International cooperation

courses and re-training courses are The Faculty is a member of the Euro-
organised for practising profes- pean Association for Architectural
sionals. These courses are at present Education /EAAE/ and the Association
offered in monument conservation, of European Schools of Planning
theory and history of architecture, /AESOP/. International research and
and urban planning. education activities are supported by
grants from TEMPUS, TEMPRA and
other international and national


Royal Danisch Academy of Fine Arts

School of Architecture
Philip de Langes allé 10
1435 Copenhagen K
Tel : +45 32 68 60 00
Fax : +45 32 68 61 11

Application deadline : Degree students: March 15

Guest students : January 15
Tuition and fees : 0 EURO

Degree programmes

Degree/Title Minimum Accredited Admission Enrolment Fulltime

duration requirements students
of study

B Arch 3 years High school or

Eq. + admis. Ex. 230 per year 1.200

M Arch 2 years Register of

architects B Arch
PhD 3 years M Arch 3 per year 21

General information Architecture studios (1 table / 1 examination, a prerequisite for ente-

The School of Architecture at the student) ring the Master of Architecture pro-
Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts is Lecture and seminar rooms gramme.
one of the world’s oldest schools of Exhibition hall
architecture. Founded in 1754 as ’The Library (135.000 titles) In the two-year, professionally
Royal Danish Painting, Sculpture and Computer-aided design labo- oriented, Master of Architecture pro-
Building Academy’, the academy’s ratories gramme, including a three-month
purpose was to educate both artists Wood / metal workshop period for the thesis work, the main
and craftsmen in the three disciplines Full scale workshop stress is laid on specialization and
under the same roof. Reproduction centre achievement of formal and personal
Day light laboratory, photo, AV, development. The programme also
In the 1960’s the school became an etc. includes three months of practical
independent unit with its own training in Denmark or abroad.
management and achieved the status In the former dock area, now the
of an institution of higher learning, artistic centre of education, are loca- The education is centred on project
issuing a diploma equal to a univer- ted other schools of art under the exercises carried out in the design
sity Master’s degree in architecture, Ministry of Cultural Affairs: studios. The complexity and require-
while maintaining its artistic and pro- The Danish Film School ment of artistic and technical skills of
fessional status within the Royal The National Theatre School the students’ projects increase
Danish Academy of Fine Arts. The Academy of Rhythmic Music throughout the studies. The basic
The school educates architects in the The Academy of Modern Dance. teaching principle is the dialogue
fields of architectural design and between the student and his/her
restoration, urban and landscape Educational programme tutor, and between the students
planning, and industrial, graphic, and The tutoring takes place within ele- themselves. The design studio is sup-
furniture design. ven departments, each responsible ported by courses, lectures, seminars
The diploma is earned through a for the education of architects at all and study trips. Courses and consul-
three-year Bachelor of Architecture levels. At the same time each depart- tative services are arranged for all the
course and a two-year Master of ment has a particular sphere of departments according to level of
Architecture course consisting of competence and field of responsi- study.
both formal coursework and indepen- bility within the many branches of
dent design studio projects. the profession. Students are allowed to select the
There are three formalised examina- component parts of their course from
tions: a screening procedure after Beginning with the academic year among the three main disciplines:
the first year of study, based on 2002-2003 the curriculum has chan- ■ Urbanism, Landscape, and
required studio work, the exam for ged, according to recommendations Planning
the Bachelor of Architecture degree of the Bologna Declaration of 1999, ■ Building Design
and the final thesis examination after from a five-year degree course to a ■ Design
the two-year Master of Architecture three-year Bachelor of Architecture and may supplement the course
course, based on independent studio degree-course followed by a two-year with electives.
work. Master of Architecture degree-course
Facilities The three-year core course, the Department 1: Architecture, Town
The school – since 1996 located in Bachelor of Architecture programme, and Landscape
Holmen, the former dock area for the provides fundamental knowledge of Department 2: Architecture, Town
Danish navy in the historic city centre the preconditions and training in the and Building
of Copenhagen – provides a wide methods of the architectural profes- Department 3: Architecture, Process
range of study facilities: sion. The course concludes with an and Method

Department 4: Architecture, Urban te substantial grants to specific with a wide range of foreign schools
and Building Culture research projects. of architecture and design. Students
Department 5: Architecture, Space are encouraged to apply for a place
and Habitation Research and study results are impar- abroad through exchange program-
Department 6: Architecture, Space ted to the general academic commu- mes. Their studies abroad are inclu-
and Form nity via books, reports and compen- ded in their degree studies.
Department 7: Architecture, Building dia. These are generally published by
and Realization the School or in periodicals. Student activities:
Department 8: Architecture, The students of the School of
Experiment and Technology Institutes - research Architecture are organized in a stu-
Department 9: Architecture Institute of Architectural Theory, dent association. looking after the
Materiality and Resources History and Restoration interests of the students.
Department 10: Architecture, Institute of Architectural The students’ association attends to
Conurbation and Industrialization Technology the introduction of new students at
Department 11: Architecture, Design Institute of Town, Space and the beginning of each study year.
and Industrial Form Function
Institute of Design and The student association is responsi-
Post graduate programme Communication ble for the election of student repre-
The education of researchers, as for- Newly established research centres sentatives to the governing bodies of
malised in the school’s doctoral stu- affiliated with the Institutes: the school, e.g. the school council,
dies programme, is a supplementary which is the highest executive body
programme of education for candida- Centre of Sports and Architecture of the school.
tes who have earned a Master’s The Centre of Sports and Architecture
Degree. Its objective is to enable can- is an information and consultancy Administration and staff
didates to conclude their studies with centre, in cooperation with the The School of Architecture employs
‘a scientific project involving indepen- Danish Foundation for Culture and 81 full-time and 69 part-time scientific
dent use of the scientific methodolo- Sports Facilities. staff. In addition it contracts a
gy of architecture, thereby furthering The purpose is to strengthen the varying number of visiting lecturers.
research … in architecture’. architectural quality of the construc-
tion of sports facilities, to create a Rector:
The doctoral studies programme is a basis for modern up-to-date sports Sven Felding, Architect MAA
three-year course and aims at a PhD facilities, and to meet the demands of Pro-rector:
degree. The degree is awarded after the population’s body culture and Jørgen Hauberg, Architect MAA
the candidate has satisfactorily com- sports patterns. The centre is affilia- Administrator:
pleted his/her studies and submitted ted with Institute 3. Jes Gjørup, MSc
a thesis. The thesis must document Head of the Research Administration:
the candidate’s ability to apply the Centre for Design Research Ebbe Harder, Architect MAA
scientific methodology of architecture The Centre is established in coopera- Head of the Study Administration:
and has made a contribution to the tion with the Aarhus School of Peter Arne Sørensen,
advancement of research at a level Architecture, the Danish Design Architect MAA
corresponding to the national stan- School and the Kolding College of Professors, Building Design:
dard for doctoral degrees in the field. Danish Design. Carsten Juel-Christiansen,
The purpose of the Centre is to create Architect MAA
Research programme a strong research milieu and to pro- Tage Lyneborg, Architect MAA
As an institution of higher learning pagate and strengthen research- Jan Søndergaard, Architect MAA
the School of Architecture has an based tuition within the design edu- Professor, Building Techniques:
obligation to carry out activities for cations in Denmark, realizing design Boje Lundgaard, Architect MAA
the purpose of artistic development as an important competitive parame- Professor, Restoration:
and to conduct scientific research in ter in modern society. The Centre is Gregers Algreen-Ussing, Architect
the field of architecture. The transfer affiliated with Institute 4. MAA
of research results into the basic Professor, Physical Planning:
education is a prerequisite to ensure Exhibitions Jens Kvorning, Architect MAA
the quality of the architectural edu- Throughout the year the school galle- Professor, Landscape Design:
cation. ry houses architectural exhibitions Steen Høyer, Architect MAA
open to the public. Among these the Professor, Design:
Research is organized within the fra- two annual exhibitions of all theses Anders Brix, Architect MAA.
mework of four institutes and covers work in January and June. Professor, Visual Communication:
a broad spectrum of areas from theo- Nat Chard, M Arch, Dip Arch,
ry of architecture, planning, design The theses work may be seen on the Architect
and communication to restoration school’s homepage, Professor, Architectural History:
and building science. Furthermore, it English version, Links. Carsten Thau, MA
embodies development work as well ■
as architectural experimentation. International Connections
In addition to the school’s self-finan- The School of Architecture has bila-
ced research, external funds contribu- teral agreements and connections


Helsinki University of Technology

Faculty of Architecture

Rakentajanaukio 1, P.O.Box 1300, 02015 HUT- FIN

Tel. : 358-9-451 4401
Fax: 358-9-451 3960
Email :
Internet: :

Application information : degree students :

guest students : or
Tuition and fees : degree students and exchange network guest students: student union fee 500 Fmk per year
International Programme guest students: from 13 000 to 25 000 Fmk per semester

Degree programmes

Degree Title Minimum Admission Enrolment

duration requirements
of study

Arkkitehti Master of Architecture 5 years high school or eq. + 39 per year (total 580)
admission examination
Maisema-arkkitehti Master of Landscape 5 years high school or eq. + 15 per year (total 100)
Architecture admission examination
Licentiate or Doctoral Degree in Architecture varies Master’s degree + total 110
(Lic.Tech or Ph.D) approved study plan
International Programmes:
Linkage Programme;
no degree 0.5-1 year 3 years study or B. Arch 40 per year
Master Programme;
M.Arch option 15 months B.Arch 12 per course

General information Facilities Educational programme

The Faculty of Architecture at the The Faculty of Architecture is situated According to the 1995 degree pro-
Helsinki University of Technology is in the main building of the Helsinki gramme of the Faculty of Architec-
the oldest of the three schools of University of Technology, designed ture the studies during the first three
architecture in Finland. Its age of 120 by Alvar Aalto in 1964 on the campus years are compulsory while the latter
years marks an exceptionally long of Otaniemi. In 1991 the Faculty part of the studies comprises optional
tradition even internationally. leased premises at the Cable Factory studios, readings courses, seminars
The Faculty of Architecture offers two near the centre of Helsinki. and special courses or competitions.
professional degrees, Master of The industrial and urban milieu of the The degree programme is structured
Architecture and Master of Landscape Cable Factory serves as a good coun- to give basic professional technical
Architecture. This is the only place terbalance to the quiet campus milieu and administrative skills with a wide
where a university level landscape of Otaniemi. outlook on an architect’s and land-
architecture degree can be obtained In the Otaniemi premises the Faculty scape architect’s field of work and
in Finland. of Architecture maintains its own also to encourage each student to
Located in a technical university the library with app. 50 000 titles and 155 develop his/her creativity. The aim is
architectural education in Finland subscriptions, a photographic labora- to educate architects with an idea of
follows the European tradition of tory and studio, well equipped com- life-long learning and continuous
education as a part of the technical puter facilities and drafting rooms for striving to mature artistic expression.
sciences. However, the Faculty of the students. Research rooms can
Architecture has always had an inde- only be offered to the postgraduate The degree programmes in Architec-
pendent position as a separate facul- students that have a position in the ture and Landscape
ty with an emphasis on architecture research groups of the faculty. Architecture consist of basic studies,
and landscape architecture also as a majors and minors, practical training
form of art. The Faculty is of medium Due to the flexible study permit and the master’s thesis.
size and therefore can offer personal system in the capital area the stu-
tutoring and close contacts between dents may take minors at the Lecture and design study modules
the teachers and the students. University of Helsinki, the University form the frame of the teaching.
The atmosphere is quite international of Industrial Arts, the Academy of Lectures form the theoretical and
with approximately 40 foreign stu- Fine Arts, the Theatre Academy, the technical basis of the studies. Design
dents studying as guest students Sibelius Academy and the Swedish study modules form the greatest part
each year. The international Master and Finnish Schools of Economics of the studies. Design projects teach
Programme was started in 1995 and and Business Administration. The the students to solve design pro-
it has brought several world famous Faculty of Architecture has wide blems of different levels, but they
visiting teachers to Finland during the international connections with also prepare for good command of
last years. foreign schools of architecture. techniques, and programming and
The teaching is mainly in Finnish, but Students are encouraged to apply for organising the work individually or in
a selected range of courses is held in a place abroad through exchange groups. The emphasis of advanced
English and most of the teachers are programmes. Their studies abroad studies is on the studio form of
ready to give tutoring in English. will be included in their degree teaching supplemented by student
Close contact with professional prac- studies. competitions and shorter changing
tice and social reality has always topics. A studio course consists of a
been one of the essential features of demanding design project.
the Finnish education of architects. Seminar study modules consist of

introductions prepared by the stu- are the Licentiate of Technology, Faculty Board which is the highest
dents for further discussion. There Doctor of Technology and Doctor of executive body at the Faculty. Tutors
are also excursions in Finland and Philosophy. arranged by the Guild familiarise the
abroad. Arts subjects form an impor- new students with the activities of the
tant part of the basic studies. Advanced master degree studies at Faculty and student life.
Compulsory practical training aims at the Faculty of Architecture are The Guild also arranges the annual
familiarising the student with the designed to form the basis for post- student days, sauna evenings, par-
physical and social environment on a graduate studies and research. The ties, excursions, visits to the theatre
construction or a park site, with tradi- themes of the studios are linked with and exhibitions, and keeps up inter-
tions, problems and their solutions. the focus of research on architecture national relationships. The students
Professional, i.e. office training, aims and subjects of postgraduate of landscape architecture also have
at familiarising the student with the teaching. The three faculties of archi- their own subject organisation Vista.
everyday problems of an architect’s tecture in Finland have a joint curricu-
work and instructing him/her in the lum for researchers, arranging, for Administration and staff
practical application of the acquired instance, national training seminars. The Faculty of Architecture employs
knowledge. 12 professors and about 30 full-time
Research programme teaching and administrative staff.
The degree programme in Architec- Research carried out at the Faculty of There are about 100 teachers working
ture has three majors: History and Architecture covers a wide sphere of part-time during the year. Research
Theory of Architecture, Building architectural research. The foci of units and projects employ about 20 to
Design and Environmental Mana- research are ecological values in 30 researchers annually.
gement. planning and building, housing as a Dean of the Faculty of Architecture
part of the social and health care Prof. Tom Simons
The students of History and Theory of systems, urban planning, manage- Chairman of the International
Architecture especially practice archi- ment of cultural landscapes and the Programme
tectural analysis and literal expres- built environment, and building con- Prof. Markku Komonen
sion. servation. Director of Studies, Master
The Building Design major in the The Faculty has two separate M.Arch. Peter MacKeith
Faculty of Architecture consists of research institutes ■
five scopes of responsibility: Housing The Research Institute for the Built
Design, Public Buildings, Building Environment carries out research pro-
Technology, Building Structures and jects that deal with the interplay of
Wood Architecture. There is an man and the material environment.
emphasis on ecological conscious- Its approach is interdisciplinary and
ness. Instruction in computer tech- includes various humanistic and tech-
nology aims at teaching computer nical sciences. There is a separate
aided expression, documentation, Research Unit for Nature-based
management and facilitating the Construction that focuses on nature-
adoption of different programs based materials.
through general knowledge. The Research Institute for Health Care
Facilities specialises in the basic
The major of Environmental Planning technology of social and health care
consists of two scopes of respon- facilities, i.e. planning and construc-
sibility in the Faculty of Architecture: tion, relating telecommunications,
Urban Planning and Design, and computer technology, automatization
Landscape Architecture. of the functions, and aid technology,
co-operating with the institute are
An independent degree programme Housing Design, Biomedical Engi-
in Landscape Architecture was neering, and the Communications
established in 1989. The primary aim Laboratory.
of the degree programme is to find a
balance for the role of a landscape Student activities
architect partly as a conservationist The students of the Faculty of
and an expert on ecological issues, Architecture are members of the
and partly as an artistic designer of Architects’ Guild, which is one of the
the landscape. The education is branch organisations of the Student
supplemented and broadened by Union of the Helsinki University
close co-operation with the degree of Technology. Looking after the
programme in Architecture. interests of the students and promo-
ting their social life are the main
Postgraduate programme tasks of the Guild. The members of
Degrees taken at the Faculty of the Guild, for example, elect the
Architecture as postgraduate studies undergraduate representatives to the


University of Oulu
Department of Architecture

Aleksanterinkatu 6, FIN-90100 Oulu

Tel. : +358-8-553 4011
Fax : +358-8-553 4917

Application deadline : end of January

Tuition and fees : 70 Euro/year

Degree programmes

Degree Title Minimum Accredited Admission Enrolment

duration requirements
of study

General Information dents. The Department participates - Architectural and urban design
Although, founded as recently as in exchange programmes and has - Architectural design and preser-
1958, the University of Oulu has bilateral agreements with several vation
grown quickly, establishing itself as universities. - Architectural and industrial
one of the leading universities in design
Finland. Approximately 1,700 new Facilities
students enrol every year, the total The Department has versatile facili- The curriculum comprises both com-
number of students being 12,000. ties to enable optimal creative lear- pulsory and optional studies. The
The University prides itself on the ning, such as the computer studios; studies consist of general , subject
high quality of teaching as well as the wood workshop for constructing and advanced courses and a final
pioneering and innovative research. prototypes and models; the library diploma work. Personal or team work
International links and co-operation that has 25,000 volumes and sub- projects, lectures and research work
with local industries and business scribes to approximately 100 architec- are complemented by competitions,
form and essential and integral part tural journals; the exhibition hall and work-shops, excursions, and studio
of the University teaching and the photography laboratory. and field work. Many of the exercises
research activities. oblige the student to take part in
Since its founding the Department public evaluation discussions. The
Founded in 1959, Oulu Department has operated in the city centre of advanced studies consist of special
of Architecture is one of the three Oulu, close to the market square, City courses in the main subject, a project
university level schools of architec- Library and City Theatre, in a signifi- and a seminar presented, discussed
ture in Finland. It is a department of cant environment as regards to the and criticised in public.
the Faculty of Technology at the cultural history and townscape. The diploma work can be a design
University of Oulu. The number of project, research or a combination of
enrolled students is about 360, the Educational programme the two.
yearly intake being approximately 35- The Department awards the following
40. The number of doctoral students degrees: Master of Science in Archi- Administratively, the Department is
is 70. tecture, Licentiate in Technology divided into five laboratories: History
(intermediate doctoral degree) and of Architecture; Contemporary
Teaching in the Department of Archi- Doctor in Technology. Architecture; Planning and Urban
tecture concentrates on the principles Design; Building Performance and
and aims of planning and building The instruction in the basic degree, Construction; and Design and Art
and the methods of design and the Diploma in Architecture, is orga- Studies. Their task is to give and
research. In addition to traditional nised in such a manner that it is supervise education, follow both
architectural tasks, i.e. the designing possible for a student to graduate in domestic and foreign development,
of buildings and building complexes, 5.5 calendar years. However, as no and promote research.
the planning of regional entities as definite amount of studies is bound
well as urban areas, an attempt is to any particular annual class, the
made to provide the student with the average time for graduation is The History of Architecture intro-
capabilities needed in the fields of considerably longer, approximately duces the student to architectural
research and administration and in 8 years. history and tradition. It enables him
the various fields of industrial design. The student has the freedom and the to appreciate the architecture of the
responsibility to complete his studies past epochs and to perceive the
Most teaching is in Finnish. Two pro- according to his own schedule. After interaction between the various
grammes in English, Modern Nordic the first two years, the student styles, periods of architecture, tech-
Architecture and Nordic Design are chooses between three alternative nological advances and prevailing
arranged for exchange and home stu- orientations available: social changes; it introduces the prin-

ciples of architectural conservation, In industrial design the student learns Student activities
and provides basic knowledge of the ergonomics, visualisation and tech- The students’ association, ‘Kilta’,
theories, aesthetics, philosophy and nology in the architectural product operates actively in the Guild House,
research methods of architecture. design process and the skills to a traditional log building, which was
perceive and present form. Teaching moved from the city centre to the
Contemporary Architecture I-II guides introduces the history, theory and nearby island of Pikisaari by the stu-
the student to the understanding of practice of industrial design, the dents themselves. Kilta e.g. organises
architecture and provides knowledge design process, environmental national student meetings, makes
and skills in design. The student is design, and professional project comments on the city’s environmen-
encouraged to express his perso- co-operation. 1:1 Scale prototypes are tal policy, and arranges get-together
nality and to develop his design built. parties, weekly sauna evenings and
method and philosophy. First, utopia, annual 1st of May festivals.
follies and creativity, and later, the Visual Arts advances the artistic and
means to refine initial sensitive ideas expressive means of the student. The Administration and staff
are explored. The teaching deals with studio teaches drawing, material an The number of teaching staff totals
composition, scale, dimensions, colour composition, sculpture, silk- 70 (including 35 part-time teachers
formal and functional design prin- screen printing, painting, etching, and visiting specialists), and the
ciples and the planning of daily ceramics, video, film and photo- office and technical staff 10.
living. graphy. Noted artists provide critique
and lead workshops. Head of Department:
Contemporary architecture III-IV TARUMAA, Aarne, professor
focuses on public buildings, looking Post graduate studies Professors:
at the cultural and social foundation Jointly with the other two university BRONER-BAUER, Kaisa, History
of architecture, the concepts of space, level schools of architecture in of Architecture
the relations between architecture, Finland, the Department arranges a KAILA, Panu, History of
time and place, and contemporary National Doctoral Programme for Architecture
tendencies. The exercises include post-graduate students. It is one of KOISO-KANTTILA, Jouni, Building
large multifunctional projects, set in a the graduate-school programs Science
demanding urban context and often approved by the Finnish Academy METSÄ-KETELÄ, Heikki, Design
testing the possibilities for structural and the Ministry of Education and Art Studies
and functional reuse. established in 1995. The aim is to MAHLAMÄKI Rainer,
Planning and Urban Design com- offer a high level education for Contemporary Architecture
prises urban design and land use licentiate and doctoral studies. NYMAN, Kaj, Urban Planning
planning, for both natural and built Co-operation between arts and TARUMAA, Aarne, Urban
environments. The work ranges from sciences is one of the special features Planning and Design
long term regional visions to the of the Programme, as well as promo- TASA, Jyrki, Contemporary
designing of urban furniture. The pro- ting collaboration with chairs of Architecture
motion of sustainable development in humanities and engineering. TUPPURAINEN, Yrjö, Building
northern conditions is an essential Preservation
point of view. The teaching pro- In addition to lecture and seminar ■
gresses from small to larger wholes, courses in theory, methodology and
from the past to the present and the philosophy of science linked with
future, enlarging the field of planning architectural and urban research and
area simultaneously. fields of current themes of research,
an annual post-graduate symposium
Building Science corresponds to the is arranged in order to gather up
reality of practical building work. The researchers presenting various fields
teaching introduces the architectural and to act as a wide-range scientific
possibilities of materials and details; forum.
structures, structural systems and
building components; the functional International co-operation is an
requirements; and the building pro- essential part of a high-level post-
cess including regulations and costs. graduate education. This involves
contacts and active exchange with
Building Techniques covers the the most prominent foreign represen-
basics of soil mechanics and statics, tatives of post-graduate architectural
structures and their functional education and research. The aim is to
principles, the design of bearing increase English study units in the
frames and the detailing of different Programme and to promote the
materials and joints. Condition mobility of post-graduate students
assessment, damage and repair, and within the possibilities offered by
renovation work are studied in the international financing institutions.
subject of Building Preservation.


Tampere University of Technology

Department of Architecture
P.O.BOX 600, FIN-33101 Tampere, Finland
Tel. : +358 3 3115 3203
Fax : +358 3 3115 3206
Email :,

Application information: degree students, guest students:

Tuition and fees: degree students and exchange network guest students: student
union fee: 74 euro

Degree programmes

Degree Title Minimum Admission Enrolment

duration requirements
of study

Arkkitehti MArch 5 years high school or eq. + 30 per year

admission examination
Licentate or Doctoral Lic.Tech. or Ph.D varies Master’s degree +
Degree in Approved study plan
International No degree 6-12 months
Programmes 3 years study or

General Information field. Since 1990 students have been include developing a good built envi-
The Department of Architecture at the encouraged to participate in interna- ronment, construction design and the
Tampere University of Technology tional student competitions. related implementation and manage-
has been training architects since Successful entries number thirty-one rial tasks. To summarize, the curricu-
1969. The first 15 students commen- to date. The quality of these achieve- lum of the Department of Architec-
ced their studies in autumn 1969. At ments is evidenced by the prestigious ture has been designed to ensure that
present there are 429 undergraduates juries and numbers of competitors. every student can acquire:
and 54 postgraduates Architects graduating from the - an ability to create architectural
Teaching at the Department is divided Department have found good place- designs that satisfy both aesthetic
among three institutes and a media ments in the profession, doing well in and technical requirements,
laboratory: architecture competitions and setting - adequate knowledge of the his-
* The Institute of Theory and up their own companies. In 2000 an tory and theories of architecture
History of Architecture, covering international jury acclaimed the and related arts, technologies and
history of building construction, Finnish Embassy in Berlin the world’s human sciences,
conservation of buildings, theory most beautiful building. The archi- - knowledge of the fine arts as an
of construction design and visual tects who designed it were graduates influence on the quality of archi-
expression. of our Department. The quality of the tectural design,
* The Institute of Architectural research conducted in the Depart- - adequate knowledge of urban
Design, covering design of public ment is evidenced by the funding design, planning and the skills
buildings, residential buildings awarded by the Academy of Finland involved in the planning process,
and service buildings, structures, and especially by the funding awar- including traffic planning and
materials and technical systems ded for research projects on the utili- urban engineering,
of buildings. sation of wood. Datutop, the Depart- - understanding of the relationship
* The Institute of Urban Planning ment’s publication presenting science between people and buildings,
and Design, covering urban archi- and research, is internationally and between buildings and their
tecture, community and regional known and respected. The activities environment,
design, methods and theory of of the Department in international co- - understanding of the profession
design. operation are to be seen in numerous of architecture and the role of the
* The Media Laboratory in charge co-operation projects, among them architect in society, in particular
of teaching in information and Paris-Villemin, Paris-Val-de-Seine in preparing briefs that take
presentation technology and is since 1990. Every year we welcome account of social factors,
also responsible for the visualisa- international exchange students to - understanding of the methods of
tion, presentation and illustrative our Department – 36 of them in the investigation and preparation of
equipment of the Department, its academic year 2002-2003. The the brief for a design project,
workshops and laboratory premi- Department was declared an artistic - understanding of the structural
ses. centre of excellence for the period design, construction and enginee-
The Department engages annually in 1999 – 2000. ring problems associated with
quality work by arranging occasions building design,
such as opening ceremonies, quality The Master’s degree and curriculum - adequate knowledge of the physi-
meetings, exhibitions and seminars for the degree programme in archi- cal problems, technologies and
enabling self-evaluation of the direc- tecture functions of buildings in order to
tion and results of work. Exhibitions provide satisfactory internal con-
mounted using student projects and General objectives ditions of comfort and protection
publications serve as a series to be The aim of the degree programme in against unfavourable climatic
monitored. Those involved in architecture is to render its graduates conditions,
teaching also take an active interest capable of exercising a profession in - the necessary design skills to
in the diverse development in the the field of architecture, these to satisfy the requirements of buil-

ding users within the constraints The curriculum includes Advanced major subject and supporting sub-
imposed by cost factors and buil- Studies in jects, whose joint extent is approxi-
ding regulations, - construction design mately 45 credits (67.5).
- adequate knowledge of the indus- - history of architecture and buil-
tries, organisations, regulations ding conservation Completion of studies
and procedures involved in trans- - urban planning. It is permissible to embark on the
lating design concepts into buil- For the licentiate’s degree students master’s thesis project once at least
dings and integrating designs into are required to complete studies in 140 Finnish credits (210 ECTS) have
overall planning. their major subject and supporting been taken. The thesis project is
subjects and to prepare a licentiate generally within the field of the
Structure of the degree thesis. This degree is in the nature of Advanced Studies. The thesis is sub-
The master’s degree programme in a stepping stone after which the doc- ject to separate instructions from the
architecture comprises Basic Studies, toral degree may be taken by comple- respective departments. Before eva-
Intermediate Studies and Advanced ting a doctoral dissertation. In doc- luation these thesis project are placed
Studies, and also practical training toral studies students are required to on view. They are then reviewed in
and a master’s thesis in the nature of go deep into the research field of an open seminar at which all mem-
a project. Studies in architecture pro- their major subject, demonstrate bers of the Department may be pre-
vide an overall perspective and basic independent and critical thinking and sent. The author has 20 minutes in
knowledge of be capable of independently genera- which to present his/her work after
- the university institution and ting new scientific knowledge. which the professor responsible for
study environment, teaching and evaluating it presents his/her state-
studies in architecture and the Nature of studies ment. Thereafter other students and
modes of working employed in Compulsory studies comprise studies teachers in the Department may
studies, likewise the bases of which are indispensable from the engage in discussion. After the semi-
design and scientific research and viewpoint of the professional field. nar a grade is issued by the depart-
their importance in society For special reasons the Department mental council by majority decision
- the conceptual framework of may approve a personal curriculum of the teacher members.
architecture, theory, methods and for a student. For the licentiate’s deg-
development, likewise the skills ree General Studies provide the capa- Student activities
necessary to practise a profession bility for scientific work and research. All students at the University belong
in the field General Studies mostly comprises to the Student union after paying its
- the basics in the natural, beha- courses arranged in the Department. membership fee. The membership
vioural and social and technical Studies in a field of research are provides discounts e.g. in bookstores,
sciences to the extent that they selected personally and approved theatres and from buss and train tic-
are necessary in the tasks of the separately. The seminar presentation kets. Department of architecture has
architect aims at public presentation skills with a student guild provides cultural and
- social structures and functions, regard to research methods and fin- other free-time activities. Into the
also use of the environment and dings. Student Union belong some 60 asso-
construction systems and the ciations which offer students a lot of
relevant legislation Extent of studies (ECTS-credits in activities, from fishing and sailing to
- the tasks of those completing a brackets) profession-specific clubs. These inclu-
master’s degree in architecture, The minimum extent (number of cre- de tennis, ice-hockey, football and
the position and ethical obliga- dits) required for the master’s degree many others.
tions in society. in architecture is 180 Finnish credits
The aim of Intermediate Studies is to (270). This includes 14 credits (21) of Administration and staff
provide students with a foundation in Basic Studies, while the share of The Department of Architecture
professional skill by means of which compulsory Intermediate Studies is employs 8 professors, 13 full-time
it is possible to make a useful contri- 107 credits (160.5). Depending on the teachers, about 30 part-time teachers,
bution to the design of building and extent of the practical training the 3-4 researchers, technical and admini-
use of the environment, to planning share of elective subjects is 23 – 25 strative staff.
and construction administration and credits (34.5-37.5). The share of Professors:
also the utilisation of scientific Advanced Studies is at least 30 cre- Juhani Katainen, Head of the
research methods and findings. The dits (45), of which compulsory cour- Department, Architectural Design
main task in Intermediate Studies is ses are an advanced course of 10 cre- Matti Rautiola, Housing Design
to develop design skills. dits (15) and the thesis project car- Kari Salonen, Architectural
rying 20 credits (30). The minimum Construction
Advanced Studies introduces stu- extent of the practical training requi- Tore Tallqvist, History of Archi-
dents in greater depth to certain core red by the degree programme is 4 tecture
functions within the field of architec- credits (6), the maximum being 6 cre- Ville Lukkarinen, Art History
ture and provides them with pro- dits (9) in such a way that profession- Reijo Jallinoja, Architecture
blem-solving skills in design and al and practice on the site amount to Terttu Pakarinen, Urban Planning
research for which they have no prior at least 2 credits each. The maxi- and Design
learned models. Advanced Studies mum credits accepted in respect of Staffan Lodenius, Urban Planning
entails a master’s thesis project excursions is 2 credits. The licentia- and Design
demonstrating acquired maturity. te’s and doctor’s degrees involve a ■


Ecole d’Architecture de Clermont-Ferrand

71, Boulevard Cote Blatin
Tél : (33) 4 73 34 71 50
Fax : (33) 4 73 34 71 69
e.mail :
web site :

Head : Alain DEREY

Degree programmes

Degree Title Minimum Accredited Admission Enrolment

duration requirements
of study

General Information Regensburg (Germany) Salford the school of Architecture from

About the school : (Great Britain) and Braga (Portugal). March to April. This procedure has to
- 580 students Clermont-Ferrand is well known as be made in addition to the registra-
- 60 professors, 32 whom with the world centre of the Michelin Tyre tion procedure (see above).
tenure Company. and also has a strong
- 40 students on average qualify activity in scientific research and Student program
yearly farm-produce industry.. Courses are offered from Monday to
- about 20 students 2nd cycle stu- Two universities and several higher Friday between 8 am and 6 pm
dents attend school abroad each education schools each year welcome Holidays are approximately the same
year an average of 30 000 students which as those of the public high school
- about 20 international students is a guarantee of dynamism for this system.
attend the Clermont-Ferrand town which moreover offers a rich Student status allows for the affilia-
school each year cultural and artistic life. tion of each student to the National
- 4500 M2of premises Health Service. Non EU students
- a library with more than 10 000 Registration of EU students have to be affiliated to the student
books, lot of French and foreign Entry to the first year is open to French health insurance
periodicals and research reports all EU candidates with the French
- a photo laboratory baccalaureat" or an equivalent Registration cost
- a film theatre degree. It includes tuition at the school and
- a photocopying service Pre-registration is compulsory. various fees : (the National Health
- an experimental workshop for The application form will be sent Service, supplementary health
models on request in return for an A4 size insurance..
- three computer rooms equipped envelope with a stamp of 1,75 form The total fee was for 2002-2003 (it is
with internet March 15th to May 15th equal to French University tuition.
- two lecture halls Administrative registration of the
- a student cooperative shop selected applicants takes place An open school
- two workrooms annually in July. School life:
Lectures, trips, exhibitions, confe-
About the town and the region Registration of non EU students rences take place at the school to
In the centre of France, in Auvergne Non EU students living abroad or complete the courses, enrich the
region, Clermont-Ferrand is located having a resident permit of less than students’ knowledge and contribute
250 miles south of Paris, near great one year have to apply compulsory to the life of the city.
French and European cities by rail, via the French embassy of their home
road or air with the international country from December to January A school open to the city, the region
airport of Aulnat; and the rest of the world:
Today the capital of Auvergne region Non EU students living in France The school not only takes part in
offers to its 260 000 inhabitants the with a resident permit of more than local events "Arts en ballade", "les
advantages of an important town one year have to apply directly to pascalines"… and outside-the-town
while being located in a natural the school of Architecture from exhibitions, but it welcomes inter-
environment : the Parc des volcans December to January. national thematic conferences. It has
d’Auvergne. The Auvergne region is Validation of studies and work a leading role in the life of an
in a way the ecological sanctuary of experience "Architecture and Philosophy" net-
Europe. Clermont-Ferrand is twinned Applicants with French or foreign hig- work. It takes part in the works of the
with Aberdeen (Scotland) Gomel her education degrees or work expe- pole of experimentation and research
(Belorussia) Norman (United States rience can ask for its/their recogni- in construction cultures at l’Ile
of America) Oviedo (Spain) tion. Application has to be made at d’Abeau (69).

It is also open to Europe and the and international students, i.e. conti-
world as part of its strategy for the nuous assessment with marking
development of international rela- ranging from O to 20.
tions, which includes student and
teaching staff exchanges and the French courses
elaboration common activities. All international students attending
The curriculum is backed up by trai- the school of Architecture are entitled
ning courses in France and abroad to to free one semester French courses
offer the students opportunities to at their own level at the S.U.E.E.
familiarize with the professional (Service Universitaire des Etudiants
world. Etrangers) at the University Blaise
The Curriculum
Key features Post graduate diploma
1) Development Strategies of small
Initial training to medium-sized towns and of
French schools of Architecture are their territory
accredited both by the Ministry of 2) Systems, images and languages.
Culture and Communication and the ■
Ministry of Youth Higher Education
and Research.

The school of Architecture of

Clermont-Ferrand has adopted the
European Credit Transfer System

The prime vocation of a school of

Architecture is to train future profes-
sionals responsible for the built
environment. The studies are made
up of 3 academic levels of 2 years

The design studios has been placed

in the central role of the curriculum.
Design studios are supplemented by
special topic courses that explore
specific architectural issues;
* During the two first academic
levels the training is almost the
same in any French school.

The third academic level allows each

school to distinguish itself from
The Clermont-Ferrand School of
Architecture chose to develop three
different thematic threads. Each
thread is common to both a long
design work and a seminar which
form a total educational entity of 500
Theme 1 : Architecture, Art to
inhabit it, Art of the
Theme 2 : Urban, Architectural
and Landscape
European cities
Theme 3 : New Urbanized

Methods of Assessment
Assessment are the same for French


Ecole d’Architecture de Grenoble

École d’architecture de Grenoble

60 avenue de Constantine - BP 2636

F 38036 Grenoble cedex 2
Tel. : +33 (0)4 76 69 83 00
Fax : +33 (0)4 76 69 83 38
E-mail :
http : //


Formation Titre Durée Accrédiation Admission Inscrit % Admis

General Information About 900 students are enrolled at comprises 14 modules, two of which
Grenoble's school of architecture is École d'Architecture de Grenoble. It are optional, and centres on the stu-
the largest of France's 22 schools of organizes a wide range of courses dent's commitment to the discipline
architecture, which became the and awards various degrees. As a of architecture and an understanding
responsibility of Ministère de la result the number of state-accredited of architects' responsibility in trans-
Culture in 1997. The establishment is degrees (diplômes d'état) has not forming our environment. Project
not on the university campus, but in varied in recent years. management skills are developed in
the centre of the Villeneuve two fields that cannot be separated:
neighbourhood, in a modern urban Undergraduate courses construction and environment.
environment well served by public Courses are split into three two-year During the second year of this cour-
transport. Grenoble is located in the units (cycles) with the focus on se, students must complete a
middle of the mountains, at the inter- two main fields: architecture and research assignment, in the form of a
section of three valleys, with links to knowledge for architecture. dissertation, starting from a problem
the west (Lyon), the north (Savoy and that is specific to architecture.
Switzerland), and the south (Italy and The first field covers the theory and
the Mediterranean). In short it practice of architectural projects, the A further degree is awarded at the
occupies a strategic position in the theory and practice of urban develop- end of this two-year course.
centre of Western Europe, with close ment, the history and theory of archi-
links with Paris, only three hours tecture and towns, the representation The third two-year course prepares
away by TGV fast train. of architecture. students for a state-accredited DPLG
These four topics, taken as a whole, qualification. Candidates must have
The school has set itself an ambitious cover all the knowledge and methods completed the second two-year cour-
target, preparing students of all specific to architecture. se in architecture (second cycle) or
categories for the many trades hold an equivalent qualification. The
involved in modern architecture. The second field covers the various aim of this course is to develop exis-
scientific fields and technologies that ting knowledge, to specialize and
To this end it has developed: contribute to architecture – artistic diversify. It comprises three main
- a central, project-oriented expression, art history and theory, topics, organized into seminars and
courses, addressing the funda- human and social science as applied architectural workshops:
mental purpose of each project, to architecture, town planning and - Architecture and building culture,
the building itself, its immediate landscape theory. All of these topics - Historical culture and architec-
surroundings and the environs; are informed by knowledge from tural design,
- special link courses to enable other disciplines, implicit or useful in - Architecture and environment.
graduates to change speciality or the teaching of architecture. During the second year of the course,
pursue research; The first two-year unit sets out to students do a six-month internship
- a large variety of research topics, introduce students to architecture, (in France or abroad) and complete a
providing the basic training giving them essential concepts and personal assignment to round off
courses with constant theoretical basic tools for handling projects. It their studies.
and experimental input; comprises six modules, including an
- a vocational guidance unit, that optional one during the second year. Grenoble school of architecture also
also organizes continuous A degree is awarded at the end of organizes the following training
training schemes; this two-year course. courses:
- links with other institutions and - a two-year course (second cycle)
its academic, cultural and profes- The second two-year course (second in product design open to
sional environment, in France and cycle) is devoted to theoretical work graduates having completed two
further afield. in architecture and town planning. It years' study in higher education;

- a one-year postgraduate remote- Madrid and Valencia (Spain), security coverage, depending on
learning course (DEA), organized Aberdeen (Scotland), Cagliari, Genoa, entitlement. They may also use
in partnership with Nantes school Milan, Rome, Trent, or Turin (Italy), CROUS services – halls of residence,
of architecture, on Architectural Coïmbra (Portugal) and Cluj canteens, preventive medicine, coun-
and urban atmospheres; (Rumania). There are also exchanges selling, etc. They may also qualify for
- a two-year course (DPEA), specific with Brisbane (Australia), Montreal special rates on public transport and
to the school, on Earth structures; and Ottawa (Canada), Guadalajara admission to libraries, museums,
- a one-year postgraduate course (Mexico), Campinas and Piracicaba cinemas, etc.
(DEA) on Systems study, with an (Brazil) and Nizhni-Novgorod
option on architecture and urban (Russia). Contacts
life; The teaching staff contributes to Director:
- a one-year postgraduate course international exchanges with periods Vincent Michel
(DEA) on Socio-cultural history, of teaching or conferences in partner Director of study:
with an option on history of archi- universities. They are also involved in Philippe Lequenne
tecture and the city; work on the mountain environment Switchboard and reception:
- a one-year postgraduate course with other Alpine universities (Milan, +33 (0)4 76 69 83 00 (8.30 to
(DESS) on Town planning and Trent, Turin), as well as working with 12.00, 13.30 to 17.00 Monday to
development, managed by the schools of architecture in Friday)
Institut d'Urbanisme, to which the Aberdeen, Valencia and, just recently, Applications (premier and second
school contributes an option on Cluj and Ljubjana, within the frame- cycle):
Urban projects. work of the intensive course on Marie-Geneviève Evrard
Mountains, landscape and architec- E-mail:
Applicants for DEA, DPEA and DESS ture (Socrates programme). Marie-Genevieve.Evrard @
courses must have successfully com-
pleted four years in higher education. School life Postgraduate and research:
The school boasts a large number of Isabelle Benhis
Students having completed the first clubs and associations: E-mail:
two-year course at the school may Archi & Co: a student cooperative
also continue their studies at one of specializing in the sale of Design training:
the following: stationery and office supplies. Marie-Antoinette Galland
- Institut d'Urbanisme de Grenoble, Astragale: cultural events, running of ■
with a course on Territorial the school's cafeteria, with meals
development; served at all hours.
- Université Pierre Mendès-France, Archiball: sport.
with a course on Art history; Cutch: an intermediary between
- Institut Supérieur de la students and professional archi-
Construction, with courses on tects for internships and work.
Building trades, or Construction Africa Présence: cultural events to
management. promote African architecture
(exhibitions, encounters, etc.).
Research Transfert: promotion of international
Over the last 20 years the Grenoble student exchanges, information
school of architecture has become and support for foreign students.
one of the foremost centres of archi-
tectural research in France. It is divi- Key figures
ded into four laboratories or teams: 900 students - 75 DPLG degrees
- Cresson (UMR-CNRS), speciali- awarded each year,
zing in sound and the urban 92 teachers (permanent and tem-
environment, porary staff),
- CRATerre-EAG, specializing in 4 accredited laboratories and
earth construction, research teams,
- History of architecture and its 33 administrative staff.
- Architecture, landscape and Admission procedure
mountains. Access to the first two-year course
(premier cycle) is open to students
International exchanges having passed the baccalauréat or
The school enjoys close links with holding an equivalent qualification,
many foreign universities within subject to a selection procedure.
the framework of the Socrates pro- Please enquire for additional infor-
gramme or under specific agree- mation.
ments. Every year about 30 students Registration fees are the same as for
spend a year at the universities in university entrance. Registered
Brussels, Mons and Liège (Belgium), students may benefit from social


Nancy School of Architecture

Ecole d’Architecture de Nancy

2, rue Bastien-Lepage-BP 435

54001 Nancy cedex
tél. : - 33 (0)3 83 30 81 00
fax : - 33 (0)3 83 30 81 30
e-mail :


Formation Titre Durée Accrédiation Admission Inscrit % Admis

General - promotion of perodic and one-off Studies. During the third and fourth
The new school building, created by architectural events. years, training pursues the general
Livio Vacchini, was in 1995 the first - participation in the SOCRATES teaching of conception-construction
step to a new dynamic neighbour- and TEMPUS programmes (uni- of space. It introduces the students
hood and symbol of a new conquest versities from Europe and Easten to the Nancy Architecture School’s
of old industrial wasteland in the city. Europe). As part of this program- specific research fields together with
me, the school receives foreign special-isation in a field of research
Then a pioneer, the School of Archi- students while its students are including the production of a
tecture is now surrounded with hou- taken in by partner schools. thematic memoire. At the end of this
sing, educational establishements, (Barcelona, Florence, Venice etc.) second stage, the students will have
offices, public gardens and new the Second Stage of Architectural
activities that will, in a few years, Partnership Studies Diploma.
form a new neighbourhood between The Nancy School of Architecture has
the river Meurthe and the Marne- been linked to the INPL (National The third stage covers the last two
Rhine ship canal. Polytechnic Institute of Lorraine, years of study and allows a specialis-
With its modern layout and architec- grouping eight engineering schools) tion in practises aimed at specific
tural choice, the Nancy School of by a cooperation agreement since professions.
Architecture is a constant encourage- June 1992 and, as such, is an asso- With the variety of fields of activities
ment to debate architecture in the ciate member of the «Conférences available, the fifth year brings an
region. des Grandes Ecoles». It is also a initial specialisation in conception
Being situated at less than 600 partner of the «Pôle Universitaire practice. In this cursus the student
meters from the famous Stanislas Européen de Nancy-Metz». will also decide on his (her) end-of-
Square, architecture is part of the study project.
great urban center. Training
In this way, it symbolises a come- The educational programmes are The sixth year highlights the various
back by university to the urban envi- structured in three stages of two ways of practising the profession of
ronment but also the place that stu- years each, leading to the architectu- architect by encouraging the students
dents must take in the city. re degree. to enter the different competitions
proposed to them, by professional
The School has improved in the follo- The first stage, based on genera- training and by introducing them to
wing fields: lisation, gives the bases for a solid the complexity of a workshop project.
- architecture professionals’ inital culture in art history and space
training. management, fundamental elements Finally, it’s the programme’s consec-
- data processing and computer for conception-creation work in ration with the presentation of the-
graphic adult education. addition to training in the fields of End of-Study Personal Work. (TPFE
- archtecture teachers’ training. sciences and techniques of construc- Travail Personnel de Fin d’Etudes)
- scientific research based on two tion which is essential for construc-
research laboratories: tion-production work. Degrees
the CRAI (Centre de Recherche en Graphical and technical applications As well as the degree course leading
Architecture et Ingénierie / get more concrete development to the master degree «oeuvre généra-
Architecture and Engineering during the second year of the first liste» and in partnership with other
Research Center) and the LHAC stage which aims to give students higher education establishments, the
(Laboratoire d’Histoire de conceptual, methodological and Nancy School of Architecture offers
l’Architecture Contemporaine / instrumental knowledge. the possibility of preparing third
Contemporary History of This stage ends with the delivering of stage degrees other than the DPLG
Architecture Laboratory). the First Diploma of Architectural Diplôme d’Architecte.

In this way The Nancy School of - DESS - Wood Materials and century to the present day and the
Architecture proposes: their use in construction history of building and city planning
- DEA - (Diplôme d’Etudes This allows architects and engineers in Lorraine and Nancy. The school
Approfon-dies) - Modelisation to acquire a double competence has also extended its teaching activi-
and simulation of built-up areas through an original cursus centered ties in the field of materials by the
This course offers a first year of on science and techniques concerned creation of CRIT Matériaux (Technical
research on modelisation and com- in wood used in construction and Information and Resource Centre for
puter simulation of town planning architecture. The principal organism Materials) whose mission consist of
and landscaping, not just from a for this degree is the National Supe- establishing links between profes-
theoretical and methodic point of rior School of Technology and Wood sional bodies, material producers,
view but also from an applied point Industry ENSTIB at Epinal. The Nancy teachers and contractor.
of view. It also allows the students to School of Achitecture and The Stras-
carry on with their theses (formation bourg School of Architecture are Student life
doctorale Sciences de l’architecture). associated with it. - ARCHI-MADE- created in 1991, this
The Nancy School of Architecture, association offers to students the
the Strasbourg School of Architec- - DRT - Diplôme de Recherches opportunity to take a look at profes-
ture, the ENSAIS (Ecole Nationale Technologiques -The Science of sional practices by work placement.
Supérieure des Arts et Industries Engineering in Architecture and Through this practical work, the
de Strasbourg) and the INPL are Urban Studies stu-dents will use all the training and
associated with the Henry Poincaré This training is open to young gra- knowledge they have been accumu-
University of Nancy which is the prin- duates from technological schools lating during their cursus.
cipal member of the organisation. (MST, IUT) and to engineers and
architects, involving technological - Archi-Intercultures - an associa-
- DESS - (Diplôme d’Etudes research work on a topic proposed by tion helping foreign students to find
Supé-rieures Spécialisées) an enterprise. The training essentially their place in the community.
Monumental Archeological Heritage takes place in the company, the goal - Sports Association - proposes
This course is open to architects being to assist engineers and archi- sports meetings and individual sports
wishing to work in the archeological tects employed in companies and fac- to students.
field, both in research and in preser- tories. The Nancy School of Architec- - «Vis-là dans tout ça» - organises
vation and development of archeolo- ture School and The Nancy Ecole des all through the year exhibits and
gical sites. The principal organism of Mines (Civil Engineering School) are shows in the fields of music, theatre
this degree is the Strasbourg School associated with the INPL which is the and dance.
ofArchitecture, the Architecture principal organism of this specialisa- - Association Générale - has pre-
Schools of Paris-Belleville and Nancy tion. mises near the cafeteria and
being associated. manages school and refreshment
Research supplies, also organising various par-
- DESS - European Architectural Since its creation, the school has, in ties and outings throughout the year.
Practises tight collaboration with other higher
This cursus is open to fully qualified education establishments, shown Administration and Staff
architects from French and foreign through its research program its real The school employs 28 full-time
establishments leading to careers in desire to contribute to the develop- teachers and 7 assitant lecturers
design, architecture or city planning. ment of knowledge and technology in working with more than 50 part-time
It aims at an understanding of the high quality education. teachers. The administrative office is
most significative contemporary prac- composed of a staff of 29 people.
tises, from the cultural conditions 1. CRAI, Research Centre in The Nancy School of Architecture has
from which they stem to the concrete Architecture and Engineering, is a 600 students, all years included.
process of their realisation. The laboratory of the UMR-MAP
Nancy School of Architecture and the (Unité Mixte de Recherche - Administration Council Chairman:
INPL are the principal organisations Modèles et simulations pour Guy VATTIER
in association with the association l'Architecture) Head of School:
CIPRA«La Première Rue». The projects of this laboratory deal Denis GRANDJEAN
with 3D modeling, simulation and ■
- DESS - Digital Imagery and computer imaging, the modelisation
interactivity of the conception technique and of
Its goal is to turn out computer its computerised representation.
design and interactivity specialists Numerous simulations have been
with competences combining techni- designed for Delphi, Monaco, Nancy,
cal skills in the digital tools field with Paris, Quito etc.
an artistic sensibility. Henri Poincaré
University - Nancy 1 and Nancy 2 2. LHAC. Contemporary Architecture
University are the organisations in History Laboratory
charge, the Nancy School of Architec- Created in 1985, it studies, from a his-
ture and the Nancy National School torical point of view, the ideas, values
of Art are associated. and trends of architecture in France,
from the second half of the 19th


School of Architecture of Saint Etienne

1 Rue Buisson
42 000 Saint Etienne
Tel. : 04 77 42/35/42
Fax : 04 77 42/35/40
email :

Application deadline : january for regular students, march for students in exchange
(Socrates, free-movers…)

Duration of studies : six years – full time organised in 3 cycles of 2 years each

Degree programmes

Degree Title Minimum Enrolment % of total

duration admission
of study

6 years First cycle year 1 067 students 020%

year 2 055 students 016%

Second cycle year 3 060 students 018%

year 4 039 students 012%

Third cycle year 5 040 students 002%

year 6 074 students 022%

Total 335 students 100%

General informatieon - Firminy(10 minutes by motorway) - a laboratory for product develop-

Saint Etienne has the smallest school with the residential unit, its ment where students can built
of architecture in France.With a little culture palace and the site of prototypes and a physics labora-
over three hundred and fifty students Saint Pierre church tory to test models by means of
it has managed to preserve a convi- - L’Arbresle an hour’s drive away simulated external influences
vial atmosphere. for the convent of la Tourette - an informatic workroom
The Saint-Etienne School of Archi- account for a significant part of le - a photographic laboratory.
tec-ture draws its strength from its Corbusier’s work in France.
relative fragility. Its difficult birth in Educational programme
1971, thanks to Mayor Michel Facilities The collège Project developped by
Durafour who put pressure on the The School of Architecture is situated the teachers of Saint-Etienne School
Ministry of Culture, provided it with a in the center-city. The EASE is within of Architecture aims in particular at
staunch fighting spirit.. unlike some easy reach of the railway station. supporting the architecture discipline
provincial schools which are too With its population of 200 000, or 450 and to promote professional diversifi-
dependent on local professionnals 000 including the entire urban area, cation. For the teachers, "architecture
Saint-Etienne has been able to extri- Saint-Etienne is one of the three no longer lies at the crossroad of
cate itself from its cultural environ- regional metropolises(the other other disciplines, nowadays it is
ment from the outset. town’s being Lyon and Grenoble) in asserting itself as a disicipline at the
Rather than regarding town planning one of France’most dynamic areas in crossroads of various trades."
as a separate science with its own the field of research and higher edu- Saint-Etienne college has adapted its
models, completely out of the cation. A very tightly-knit communi- teaching structure to form a new
teaching of architecture and creating cation network means that it is easy course spanning three cycles :
a separate section for this the Saint - to take advantage of the full spectrum - THE FIRST CYCLE
Etienne School chose to gradually of university education, as well as It aims giving students the
integrate the study of space, and then cultural and tourist opportunities. basics, both in terms of working
town planning in the form of an Saint Etienne is 40 minutes from methods and in terms of theory
urban renovation policy. The teachers Lyon, 50 minutes from Satolas inter- and pratical skills needed for
are anxious to preserve the future of national airport, an hour and a quar- design and representation.
this "pedagogic autonomy". ter from Clermont Ferrand and an This cycle culminates in the gra-
The EASE computes 25 teachers at hour a half from Grenoble. In addi- duating of the first cycle of stu-
full time and 25 specialized teachers. tion, there are convenient direct links dies of architecture, accredited by
It participates in European exchange with Paris(one hour by air or two the Ministry of National
programmes such as SOCRATES and hours fifty by direct high-speed train Education.
has established contacts with univer- (TGV). - THE SECOND CYCLE
sities in the USA, Canada, Mexique, A second period of two years-
Brésil, Argentine. Saint Etienne School of Architecture ends up by making the students,
The Characterisitcs of the study is its houses all the facilities needed for who are divided into autono-
project pedagogy, the teaching of teaching and research. mous"project groups", led by a
architectural science and techniques, It has : lecturer, gradually autonomous.
and the comparison of art and archi- - a library with 8000 titles and sub- A sufficient territory of operation
tecture. scriptions to numerous periodi- serves as a forum for confronta-
Two sites of Le Corbusier’s legacy are cals tion, debates and studies. As in
close to Saint Etienne: - a chart room the first cycle, autonomous

disciplinary modules and perso- some of which are still available Administration and staff
nalised options complete the on this theme in France and abro- The school employs 25 full-time and
spread of educational opportuni- ad, especially in Poland. Some of 25 part time scientific staff.
ties, leading to the production of these works were led in collabo- Dean of the School of Architecture
a dissertation. ration with researchers from Lyon François Duval
This second cycle culminates in and Grenoble, from Toulouse, Chairman of the architectural projet
the graduating of the second from Spain (Valladolid) and from -first cycle
cycle of studies of architecture, South America ‘Mexico City). The Denis Lenglart
diploma equivalent to a master’s results have been published in Pierre Mazodier
degree, accredited by the Ministry several different French and inter- -second cycle
of National Education. national magazines. J M Dutreuil
- THE THIRD CYCLE Christian Drevet
Deepening and professionaliza- - Teams of Studies and Modeli- -third cycle
tion are the key words for the fifth sation on Architecture and Town Claude Tautel
year followed by a period of pro- Planning Chairman of structures and
bation of 6 months.The third Within this team formed en 1996/ atmosphere
cycle is ponctuated by a 1997, architects, historians, com- René Hughes
TPFE(personal end of studying puter scientists and philosophers Chairman of plastic art
work). this piece of work, which is propose their viewpoints on the Henri layes
presented to a board, gives model and modelisation applied Chairman of social sciences
access to the architecture diplo- to architecture and town plan- J N Blanc
ma, which is equivalent to a licen- ning. Through this problem, they Chairman of exact sciences
ce of practice. notably tackle the ques-tion of Gilles Rochette
The setting up of doctoral trai- cognitive models, the theoritical Council’s Administration’s Président :
ning courses, certainly for a limi- bases of architecture; the modeli- J.M. Dutreuil.
ted number of students, will be sation of the practices of project
the other function of the third and the models of integration of ■
cycle. technical viewpoints.
They rest upon two pilars:
- the urban project and the pro- Beside these two teams a "group of
blem of the margins Le Corbusier" also functions, justified
- architectural modelling by the presence in Firminy of the
most important heritage of Le Corbu-
In each year of the first and the sier in Europe (including blocks of
second cycle the folloved modules flats, an arts center, a stadium and an
are taught: uncompleted church).
- architectural project : theory and This group lays less the focus on the
workroom history of architectural production
- structures and atmosphere : lec- than on the experience of the users.
tures and TD It is also much interested in the heri-
- plastic art :lectures and TD tage of this modernity in France and
- social sciences : lectures and Brazil. It regularly collaborates with
TD in geography, sociology, the researchers from Rio de Janeiro
philosophy and Brasilia. With researchers of the
- exact sciences : lectures and TD institute of Arts of Paris-Sorbonne, it
in mathematics, geometry,compu- has additionally been coordinating
ter science, language; meetings for nine years on architec-
ture between France and Brazil -
Research programme some of them have already been
Research at the school of Architec- published.
ture of Saint Etienne, is developping
through two structured teams : Students activities
- Town, Architecture, History There are two student associations:
This team includes architects, - ARCHIMATOS
town planners, philosophers, Student association in charge of
sociologists, architecture and buying the material needed to
town historians,and art teachers. draw, write as pens, papers,…
It has been functioning as a team - B. D. A. is the student’s depart-
since 1985 and researches deal ment in charge of organizing
with the history of the urban and everyday life in the School. The
architectural form’s production in "Brique d’or " is given, each two
the region of Saint Etienne, in yeasr,to the best teacher, the best
France and in South America. It student…
organizeds or coorganizes semi-
nars, exhibitions and catalogues-


Ecole d’Architecture de Strasbourg

8, Boulevard Wilson – 67000 Strasbourg

Adresse postale :
BP. 37 – 67068 STRASBOURG Cedex
Tel. :
Fax :
Email :
http :

Date limite d’inscription : (fin avril étudiants français – 31 janvier étudiants

Droits d’inscriptions : 1er cycle : 133,24 Euros
2e et 3e cycle: 252,76 Euros


Formation Titre Durée Accrédiation Admission Inscrits

Architecture D.p.l.g. 6 ans Ordre des Baccalauréat ou 1e année 106

Architectes équivalent 2e année 110
3e année 067
4e année 073
5e année 050
6e année 148

Total 554

Informations générales très anciens (XVIe-XIXe siècle), 300 Le 3e cycle est organisé sur une
L’Ecole d’Architecture de Strasbourg titres de revues, dont 100 abonne- structure semestrielle comportant en
a été fondée en octobre 1921, après ments, 1.000 diplômes, des supports 5e année, un séminaire et un stage et
la fin de la Première Guerre Mondiale multi-médias, une photo et diathè- en 6e année, un module approfondi
et de l’annexion de l’Alsace-Lorraine. que, une riche cartothèque et de projet et des « groupes théma-
Installée dans les locaux du Palais du planothèque sont également à dispo- tiques (TPFE, module profession-
Rhin (ancien Kaiserpalast) jusqu’en sition des usagers. nalisant). La 5e année du structure
1987, elle occupe actuellement un identique à un DESS ou DEA peut
bâtiment dont la destination première Les étudiants peuvent bénéficier de être effectuée dans le cadre universi-
était un garage. Ancienne Ecole chambres en cités universitaires ou taire et donner lieu à une validation
Régionale des Beaux-Arts, l’Ecole fait chez des particuliers en faisant appel dans le cursus d’architecture.
partie des 20 écoles d’architecture au service logement du CROUS.
réparties sur le territoire français, Post-diplômes
sous tutelle du Ministère de la Facilités DESS Co-habilités
Culture et de la Communication. L’Ecole d’Architecture de Strasbourg - Maîtrise d’œuvre et projet urbain
Etablissement public en 1986, l’école est située en centre ville, dans le (avec l’Université Louis Pasteur et
a développé des contacts internatio- quartier de la gare. Les accès ferro- l’ ENSAIS)
naux nombreux, facilités par sa posi- viaires, autoroutiers et une ligne de - Patrimoine archéologique monu-
tion géographique. Par ailleurs, elle tram sont à proximité immédiate et mental (avec l’Université Marc
occupe une place importante dans facilitent les déplacements. Bloch)
l’enseignement supérieur au niveau Un restaurant universitaire accueille
régional, en étroite collaboration avec les étudiants dans une rue voisine. DESS-DEA auquels l’école est
les trois universités. associée
Programme - DESS Matériaux bois et mise en
Composée d’une équipe pédagogi- Les objectifs principaux du 1er cycle œuvre dans la construction (avec
que de 36 enseignants, d’une équipe sont l’initiation aux outils de com- l’ENSTIB Epinal, l’E.A. Nancy)
de personnels administratifs, techni- préhension de l’architecture et - DEA Modélisation et simulation
ques et de service de 25 personnes, l’apprentissage des outils de la con- des espaces bâtis (avec l’ Univer-
elle assure la formation de étudiants ception architecturale. Ces objectifs, sité Henri Poincaré de Nancy,
répartis sur la formation initiale, la s’ils mettent donc l’accent sur l’archi- l’E.A. Nancy et l’ENSAIS)
formation continue diplômante, tecture (60 % du temps étudiants)
comprenant également les étudiants réservent une part importante aux DEA et DESS reconnus par conven-
Socrates et les étudiants en post- enseignements complémentaires: tion entre établissements
diplômes (DESS-DEA). sciences humaines, disciplines artisti- - Arts, Histoire et Civilisations de
ques, histoire, etc. l’Europe (avec l’Université Marc
L’école dispose d’environ 4.000 m2 Le second cycle est organisé, d’une Bloch – UFR Histoire)
de locaux et une extension prochaine part, en enseignements de type tronc - Arts – Théorie et pratique des
est en cours pour porter la surface commun en 3e année, afin de consti- Arts (avec l’Université Marc Bloch
utile à 8.000 m2. des salles informati- tuer un socle de connaissances, de – UFR Arts Plastiques)
ques, une bibliothèque-documen- concepts et de savoirs fondamentaux - DESS Villes et conflits (avec
tation, un labo-photo et des surfaces commun à l’ensemble des étudiants l’Université Marc Bloch – UFR
d’exposition contribuent à améliorer et, d’autre part, en enseignements Sciences Sociales)
l’enseignement théorique et d’ate- permettant aux étudiants d’anticiper - DESS Images de Synthèse
liers. leur projet de 3e cycle en privilégiant Appliquées à la Communication
La bibliothèque dispose d’environ les options ou les échanges interna- (avec l’Université Marc Bloch)
10.000 ouvrages dont une centaine tionaux.

- DESS Gestion industrielle et inno- Administration et enseignants
vation avec l’Université Louis L’Ecole compte 36 enseignants titu-
Pasteur et l’ENSAIS) laires et contractuels et plus de 40
enseignants sur vacations auxquels
Recherche s’ajoutent les professeurs associés et
Quatre séminaires de 3e cycle sont invités.
articulés avec des axes de recherche
de l’Ecole ou d’enseignants de Président du Conseil d’Administration
l’Ecole : Philippe BACH
- Ambiances architecturales et Directeur
urbaines Yves AYRAULT
- Histoire, épistémologie et enjeux Responsable de la pédagogie 1er
du développement urbain cycle et des relations Internationales
- Histoire et patrimoine de l’archi- Francis Weidmann
tecture contemporaine (avec Responsable pédagogique 2e et 3e
l’E.A. Nancy) cycle
- Modélisation des espaces bâtis Catherine Lecaille
(avec le laboratoire CRAI commun ■
à Nancy et Strasbourg, UMR
CNRS 694)

Etudiants, associations et activités

5 étudiants sont élus chaque année
pour représenter les étudiants aux
Conseil d’Administration.
Des délégués par années d’études
sont désignés à chaque rentrée et
permettent ainsi des liens forts entre
les étudiants et l’administration. Il
existe une association des étudiants,
l’A.S.I.A, gestionnaire de la K’fet,
assurant également des prestations
pour les étudiants par le biais d’une
coopérative d’achats, d’organisation
de voyages, d’expositions et de
plusieurs fêtes.
Une association, Architrav, de type
Junior Entreprise est également pré-
sente à l’Ecole et permet une inser-
tion professionnelle ou des mises en
situation de stages.
L’association des anciens de la
Formation continue diplômante
assure le lien avec les professionnels
issus de cette formation et les
étudiants en cours de formation con-

Vaulx en Velin

Ecole d’Architecture de Lyon

3, rue Maurice Audin
BP 170
F - 69512 VAULX-EN-VELIN Cedex
tel. : (33) 04 78 79 50 50
fax : (33) 04 78 80 40 68
e-mail :
website :

Head : Michèle Tilmont

Degree programmes

Degree Title Minimum Accredited Admission Enrolment

duration requirements
of study

General Information directly to the school from school to develop abilities to deal
Key figures December to January. with issues concerning urban design
in suburbs, emerging citizenships and
French schools of architecture are Applicants with French or foreign life quality standard inherent to the
public institutions, under the super- higher education degrees or work 21st Century. Its campsite which
vision of the Ministry of Culture, experience can ask for its/their recog- groups together the Lyon School of
Department of Architecture and nition. Application has to be made to Architecture and the National College
Heritage (DAPA). the school from March to April. This of Civil Engineering is devoted to stu-
The Lyon School of Architecture procedure has to be made in addition dies regarding cities and urban plan-
welcomes 680 students.120 new stu- to the registration procedure (see ning. This evidences the school’s
dents register yearly and from 60 to above). choice of identity i.e. to be oriented
80 diplomas are delivered. The to engineering and building.
school comprises 3 teams of resear- Registration cost
chers, 38 full-time teachers and 50 They include:
part-time lecturers upon contract. The - tuition at the school An incentive network of partners
administration is run by 40 people. - various fees : student National With 2000 years of living architecture
The annual budget is 2 million euros. Health Service, supplementary Lyon illustrates the advance and
The building, inaugurated in 1988, is health insurance... evolution of the architectural and
8300 square metres. An extension of The total fee is approximately equal town planning design in an excep-
3500 square metres is planned for to 450 euro. tional way. For the school it is a rich
2005. and incentive cultural background.
A crossroad for architectural and This outstanding heritage - Lyon is
Registration of EU students urban issues registered as World heritage site by
Entry to the first year is open to all A building that speaks for UNESCO - leads teachers to analyse
EU candidates with the French bacca- architecture history and to study both the princip-
lauréat or an equivalent degree. les and methods for restoration and
Pre-registration by correspondence is Constructed between 1985 and 1987, refurbishment.
compulsory. The application form will the school 's own building is an
be sent on request from the begin- achievement from the Jourda and Furthermore the architectural design
ning of March to the end of April. It Perraudin's office. In 1986, these two is enriched by numerous contempor-
can also be downloaded from our architects, Françoise-Hélène Jourda ary works by the most creative archi-
website. Administrative registration and Gilles Perraudin, recently gradu- tects, town planners, landscape archi-
of the shortlisted applicants takes ated from the Lyon school, obtained tects and artists (Nouvel, Piano,
place annually in July. the "mention spéciale" at the annual Buren, Bohigas, Corajoud…), eviden-
French award, the "Equerre cing thereby the importance of inno-
Registration of non EU students d'Argent", for this project. vation in the field of architecture.
- Non EU students living abroad or The building was widely published in
having a resident permit of less international journals of architecture The urban community of Lyon is
than one year have to apply com- and continues to draw many students composed of 55 cities. Its town plan-
pulsory via the French embassy and architects. ning office, in partnership with the
of their home country from A rich geographical background school, carries out studies of rural
December to January. The school is located in the centre of areas as well as of the outskirts and
Vaulx en Velin and takes part in the the urban core.
- Non EU students living in France urban renewal of the city. Due to the diversity of problems and
with a resident permit of more This privileged location at the heart scales, added to the high quality of
than one year have to apply of urban issues has allowed the its public spaces, Grand Lyon is a

noteworthy base for apprenticeship, units : architecture and skills for in computer science and archi-
studies and projects. architecture. The teaching allows to tecture)
master artistic, creative and technical - LAF (Analysis of forms labo-
The Rhone-Alpes region gathers 10% skills to prepare for a job demanding ratory)
of the French market for research and huge synthesis capabilities around - V.A.H. (Cities - architecture -
higher education and is in constant architectural and urban design. history) in partnership with the
contact with the leading European Saint-Etienne School.
regions. During the third academic level archi-
The very important motorway and tecture studies are above all profes- International relations
rail systems connect the schools of sion-oriented. The Lyon School of Architecture
neighbouring towns very easily and developed international relationships
thus constitutes a real regional netw- The third academic level of the Lyon with 27 schools or institutes of archi-
ork of architecture teaching with the School is made up of 4 elective trai- tecture within the frame of either the
Grenoble and the Saint-Etienne ning specialities: European exchange programmes
Schools. - Architecture and new techno- (Socrates) or bilateral agreements
logies, with schools of other countries.
Education at the Lyon School of - Architecture and heritage, The fields of collaboration firstly con-
Architecture - Architecture, building and sustai- cern the mobility of students. During
Curriculum nable development, the second academic level, they can
- Architecture, cities and territory. follow a part of their curriculum
The prime vocation of a school of abroad. Each year 40 Lyon’s students
architecture is to train future profes- These specialities are upgraded by join schools abroad. Conversely, 40
sionals responsible for the built 3 research teams who are directly exchange students integrate our
environment to numerous fields of involved in the courses. During the school.
trades and professions related to 6th year, a one-semester practical The practical training of the final year
architecture. The studies which are training is combined with the prepa- can also be performed abroad.
made up of 3 academic levels of 2 ration of the final project (TPFE) ■
years each integrate both the open- concluded by a public presentation.
mindedness and the variety of skills
required by the practice of architec- From the academic year 2003/2004
ture. During the first two academic onwards, the teaching will be schedu-
levels, the training is almost the led in semesters in keeping with E U
same in any French school. As guidelines.
regards the third academic level,
each school offers its own training Qualified continuing training
specialities depending on its resour- A qualified continuing training was
ces and fields of research. The third also arranged for professionals.
academic level allows each school to Within at least 4 years and a half it
distinguish itself from others. allows them to obtain the architec-
tural degree DPLG.
French schools of architecture are
accredited both by the Ministry of Parallel training programmes
Culture and Communication and the - Preparation for the competition
Ministry of Youth, Higher Education AUE (State architect and town
and Research. They deliver national planner) after graduation
degrees at the end of the first acade- - High Environmental Quality trai-
mic level and at the end of the ning (HQE).
second academic level. Schools of
architecture work out their third aca- Double degree
demic level which leads to the archi- Thanks to its privileged relationships
tectural degree DPLG (Graduated by with the 3 neighbouring schools of
the government). This diploma is engineers (ENTPE, INSA and Ecole
delivered by the Ministry of Culture Centrale), the Lyon School of
and Communication and is recog- Architecture has set out a double
nized by the State for the registration degree. It allows students to jointly
at the National Architect’s Associa- prepare the two diplomas and to
tion. Schools of architecture also obtain a degree in engineering with
offer post graduate trainings and only one additional year of study.
deliver their own diplomas (specia-
lized short training programmes). Research
The Lyon School of Architecture is
During the first two academic levels, home for 3 teams of research accredi-
the teaching is comprehensive and ted by the Ministry of Culture and
groups together artistic, technical and Communication:
social approaches. It is split into two - A.R.I.A (Applications and research


Ecole d’Architecture de Versailles

2 Avenue de PARIS, 78000 VERSAILLES

Adresse postale:
Tél : 0 00 33 1 39 07 40 00
Fax : 0 00 33 1 39 50 08 5
E-mail :


Date limite d’inscription:

(fin Mars étudiants francais fin Janiver étudents étrangers)
Droits première - 122 Euro +S.S.


Formation Titre Durée Accrédiation Admission Inscrit % Admis

Architecture dplg 6 ans Orde des Architects Bac ou Equivalent 340 40%

Informatios Generales Facilites Post- Diplomes

Installée depuis 1969 dans les L’Ecole d’Architecture est située dans L’école d’architecture de Versailles
bâtiments des anciennes Petites le centre de Versailles en face du organise ou participe dans de nom-
Ecuries du Roy, l’Ecole d’Architecture château. breuses formations post-diplôme
de Versailles occupe une situation dans les domaines de l’architecture,
géographique privilégiée, (Paris, pro- Programme de la réhabilitation, de la ville, de
vince, banlieue). Dès cette date, elle a Trois objectifs principaux orientent l’histoire du paysage et des jardins
noué maintes relations nationales et l’ensemble du cursus de formation : historiques.
internationales avec d’autres établis- favoriser une pratique intense du
sements culturels et scientifiques. projet architectural, développer les En particulier:
Elle s’est investie dans le développe- questions de l’architecture dans les DESS Architecture et patrimoine
ment de la recherche architecturale et domaines de l’édifice, de la ville et du Maghreb et Proche Orient
a publié de nombreux ouvrages. territoire, préparer les étudiants à des DPEA Jardin historiques patri-
Devenue établissement public en modes d’exercice professionnel moine et paysage.
1981, l’Ecole Architecture de Versail- diversifiés (exercice libéral tradition- CERCOL
les évolue aujourd’hui dans un nel,travail au sein des collectivités DEA Histoire socioculturelle
environnement universitaire et cultu- publiques locales ou territoriales, DEA Projet architectural et urbain
rel en plein essor. Poursuivant assistance architecturale à la maîtrise
l’intégration des évolutions économi- d’ouvrage,etc). Recherche
ques, sociales, et technologiques, Les études d’architecture sont orga- Le département de la recherche
l’Ecole d’Archtecture de Versailles nisées en trois cycles deux ans. A la regroupe deux laboratoires : le
s’est engagée dans la réforme natio- fin des deux premiers cycles, les Ladrhaus et le Grai.
nale de l’enseignement en trois écoles délivrent des diplômes
cycles. Soucieux des enjeux que les nationaux d’enseignement supérieur, 1. LADRHAUS, Laboratoire de
étudiants auront à relever dans les aux niveaux DEUG et maîtrise. Le recherche histoire, architecture-
prochaines décennies, son personnel diplôme de 2éme cycle permet société
particulièrement expérimenté et l’orientation vers des 3° cycles qui Directeur scientifique Jean Castex
diversifié (professionnels de l’art, de conduisent soit au diplôme d’archi- Les recherches sont regroupées selon
l’architecture, de l’ingénierie de tecte DPLG (diplôme d’Etat ouvrant deux axes:
l’urbanisme, de l’aménagement et du droit à la licence d’exercice) soit à - La ville contemporaine: forme,
paysage, universitaires, chercheurs, une spécialisation (DESS, DEA; type, savoirs
juristes, administrateurs ) délivre des Doctorat). - Le projet architectural: figures,
enseignements en groupe restreints représentations, enseignements.
garantissant suivi pédagogique et Un double objectif de formation Une liste des publications peut être
progression. structure l’enseignement obtenue auprès du Ladrhaus.
Le projet architectural et urbain Elle est installée dans le bâtiment des
L’Ecole regroupe 80 professeurs, un occupe une place centrale. La forma- petites Ecuries construit par Mansart.
staff ( administratifs techniques et de tion permet l’acquisition de méthodes
services ) de 45 personnes et un total propres à l’enseignement supérieur L’Ecole est bien reliée aux réseaux de
de 850 étudiants comprenant : étu- ( recherche, expression écrite et transports:
diants en formation initiale, étudiants orale...). Cet ensemble garantit le Gare de Versailles rive gauche
de l’université d’Illinois (USA), étu- niveau scientifique, technique et (Paris Invalides RER C)
diants SOCRATES (Europe), étudiants culturel que la société attend d’un Gare de Versailles rive droite
en post - diplôme (CEAA, DEA) et architecte. (Paris Saint-Lazare)
étudiants en formation continue. Gare de Versailles Chantier (Paris

Autobus 171 en provenance du Les autres associations sont:
Pont de Sèvres - Association sportive.
- Architect’tonique (emploi, job )
Possibilité de parking dans les cours. - Architecte de l’école de Versailles
- A E V (anciens élèves)
L’Ecole dispose de 8000 M2 de lieux - Racine - anciens élèves du C E A
de travail rénovés, 300 places d’ate- A jardin historique
liers, de salles informatique, d’un - Etrésillons - éléves de la forma-
centre de documentation informatisé tion continue réhabilitation
(accès internet), d’un labo-photo,
d’un auditorium, d’un lieu d’exposi- Administration et enseignants
tion. L’école regroupe 40 enseignants con-
Les étudiants ont accès à la cafétéria tractuels et titulaires et plus de 50
de l’école ouverte de 8 H à 18 H et au enseignants à temps partiel auxquels
restaurant universitaire ( sur le s’ajoutent les professeurs associés et
campus de l’université de Versailles- les professeurs invités qui participent
Saint Quentin ). aux séminaires intensifs de projet.

L’Admission en résidence universi- Président du conseil d’Administration

taire leur est ouverte (dossier au David MANGIN
CROUS) possibilité de chambre chez Directeur
l’habitant. Olivier BROCHARD
La bibliothèque réunit 12000 Secrétaire de la coordination péda-
ouvrages dont 600 anciens (XVIII° et gogique
XIX siècle), 360 périodiques, vidéo- Michel DENES
théque, CD-ROM, diathèques et une ■
cartothèque de 2500 cartes, plans et
photographies aériennes

L’Ecole édite une revue eaV,

enseignement architecture ville
renseignements et abonnements eaV
la revue:
E-mail fr.

2. LE GRAI, Groupe de recherche

architecture et infrastructure.
Directeur scientifique Claude
Le programme de recherche
regroupe les axes suivants:
A - Effets des infrastructures
B - Pensées des infrastructures
C - L’art de l’architecture, l’art de

Etudiants, associations et activites

Les étudiants participent à la gestion
de l’école, 5 étudiants sont élus au
conseil d’administration de l’école.
Deux délégués sont élus par année
d’étude et collaborent à la centrale
des étudiants.
Plusieurs associations d’étudiants ont
été créées:
Le B D E (bureau des étudiants )
organise des conférences, des visites,
des voyages, des projections de
films. Le B D E gère une coopérative
et participe aux salons et forums qui
présentent l’école . Le site web du
B D E est:


École d’Architecture de Lille

2 rue verte 59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq – France
tel. : +33 (0)3 20 61 95 50
fax : + 33 (0)3 20 61 95 51
site web :

Degree programmes

Degree Title Minimum Accredited Admission Enrolment

duration requirements
of study

General Information In May, the school holds its interna- The second cycle aims to give auto-
Lille School of Architecture directs all tional workshop that brings together nomy regarding means, methods,
its energies to improving constantly around 60 students from 15 coun- and design in architectural and urban
the quality of its programme. tries. design.
This aim is sustained by the will to The total enrolment of the school is Studios represents hard work for the
put the architectural and urban studio 750 students (about 150 in the first students. During the first year of the
at the very heart of the curses of each year and 100 in each other year) and cycle they assimilate the basic know-
student. At the same time, we take about 100 teachers: 45 full-time and ledge all the fields of architecture;
care to ensure the students a good 55 part-time. during the second they can choose
level of knowledge in all the subjects a speciality. They choose among
that fills out the project: Degree programme: three levels in different seminars reflecting the
construction, history and theory, Architecture diversities of the architectural
plastic arts, urbanism, social The programme is divided in three practice: programmatic, restoration,
sciences, environment and two-years levels: CAO,
Our second aim is to prepare Each cycle leads to a degree,
architects for all the professions his which is delivered by both French The third cycle is divided in two parts
training allows him to embrace, as a Departments of Education and quite different.
practitioner of space and design. Culture. The first year of this cycle completes
The diversification of these profes- 1st CYCLE the academic studies with two impor-
sions is reflected in the various the- 2 years tant parts:
mes of the 4th and 5th year studios Diplôme de fin de premier cycle - An intensive architectural and
and seminars. = BAC+ 2 urban design studio: students can
2nd CYCLE choose among five optional the-
Established in 1968, Lille School of 2 years matics: Metropolisation, restora-
Architecture attaches the greatest Diplôme de fin de deuxième cycle tion, housing and urban design,
importance to the reception and the = BAC + 4 public buildings, architecture and
management of the students. The 3er CYCLE territorial development,
school exchanges students with more 2 years - An intensive seminar: again stu-
than 20 schools from all over Europe Diplôme par le Gouvernement dents can choose one of the the-
and, as a small structure, we offer a (DPLG) =BAC +6 mes of research of our school:
personal attention to each of these architectural and urban history of
students. The students have an easy the XXth century, design and the
access to the 100 computers of the Post-diplomes, Dess, Dea ways of design teaching, commu-
school, both PC and Macintosh, and Formation continue nication and architectural critics,
those of the students who are willing urban analysis and design.
to work at night or on week-ends can The first cycle aims to give the stu- The second year contains mainly two
have an access to the studios. The dents fundamental knowledge of parts: a professional training of one
school houses a joinery studio and a architectural and urban design. semester and a TPFE: a personal and
reprography office. Conferences and It represents 1600 hours of courses final work in which a student has to
exhibitions take place at the school divided in "modules" and120 ECTS. prove his autonomy and his ability in
all through the year and, in associa- Both years programme includes ini- architectural and urban design.
tion with the theatre of "La Rose des tiation to architecture studio and This third cycle is linked with our
Vents", our students can profit by basic knowledge of the architect: buil- partner universities (Paris-la Sor-
reductions on plays and take part in ding and construction, history and bonne, Lille-1, Lille-3,…).
different cultural activities as stage theory, urbanism, arts and practise. The diploma, which is delivered at
courses. the end of this cycle, is the DPLG

("Diploma delivered by the Cafeteria
Government"). A large choice of snacks and sandwi-
In 2004, the degree programme will ches are available in the cafeteria of
be organised according "Bologna the school, which is managed by stu-
European Directive": Bachelor dents. This place is caricaturised by a
(Bac + 3), Master (Bac + 5), Doctorate very friendly and lively atmosphere
(Bac + 8). and parties take place here. It is also
possible for the students to buy fixed-
Others diplomas rate meal tickets in all university-run
Lille school of architecture proposes restaurants, on campus near the
two "post-diplomas" (doctorate level) school or in town.
and takes part in four "DESS or
DEA" (current French university doc- Admissions
torates ): European students, who wish to
Both "post-diplomas" deals with enrol for the complete 6 years degree
"architecture, heritage and history of programme or for a complete 2 years
the XXth century" and "Urban land- cycle, and who have passed a
scape". diploma recognized as equivalent to
The four others doctorates are "DESS french baccalaureat, have to passed
Cities and Project" (Lille 1), "DEA three tests and an interview with
Cities and Territories" (Lille 1), "DEA two teachers in May, as the french
Aestheticism and Arts practices"(Lille students.
3), "DEA Cultural Mutations" (Lille 3). They may also ask for an admission
The school proposes also a formation form for foreign students to the
for professionals on "Architecture, French embassy of their own country
Territories and Sustainability". in january.
Travels, Conferences, Cultural life
The school offers many activities as Admission fees
study trips, lectures, exhibitions, … First cycle: 137 euro
and Lille is a very pleasant and living 2d and 3d cycles: 265 euro.
But the particular situation of our city Administration and staff
of Lille between Paris, London and President of the Board of
Brussels provides many opportuni- Administration:
ties. Philippe Legros, Architect,
One has to know that Lille will be, Teacher
with Genoa (Italy), the Cultural Director:
European Capital in 2004. Bernard Welcomme
Locale Assistant Director:
Located near the Belgium border and Marnix Bonnike
the port of Calais, Lille is at the e-mail:
crossroads of several European capi-
tals. Lille is one hour by TGV from Academic regulations:
Paris and Brussels, and two hours by Brigitte D'hau Decuypere, Sylvie
Eurostar from London. As the fourth Savels, Françoise Ramshaw
largest French City, Lille enjoys an (Admission)
intense cultural life. The Opera, the e-mail:
National Orchestra of Lille, the International Relations :
numerous theatres, make Lille the Florence Lerouge
attractive city it is to its dwellers and e-mail:
to its 100 000 students. Research department: Architecture,
Ville et Histoire,
Academic notes and Exchanges Philippe Louguet,
The school can offer language sup- Conception et Enseignement de la
port all through the semester or the Conception:
academic year. The students who Frank Vermandel
have not the required language level Library:
to attend courses in French may Claude Aparisi, Maryse Dubus,
choose the bilingual studio. The Documentalistes
school can provide the students who Informatics :
wish to stay more than one semester Jean-Pierre Decoster
with training. ■
Exchanges dates: Late September to
late January and/or February to June.


FH Bochum University of Applied Sciences

International School of Architecture

Faculty of Architecture
Lennershofstrasse 140
D 44801 Bochum
Tel. : (49)234-32-10100
Fax : (49)234-32-14221
http : //
Email :

Application deadline : April

Tuition and fees : none

Degree programmes

Degree Title Minimum Accredited Admission Enrolment % of total

duration requirements admission
of study

Dipl.-Ing. Architekt Diplom- 4 Chamber of Abitur or equivalent 600 100%

Ingenieur (FH) architects 3 month practise
EEC (85/384/EWG)
Master of Architecture
Architecture Media M.Arch. 1 in preparation Diplom TU/FH starts in Oct. 2001
Management Bachelor (Hons)

Architecture in the German burg, Gelsenkirchen, Hamm, Hagen, noveau buildings by Henry van de
Academic System Herne, Recklinghausen, Witten) with Velde and Peter Behrens (Hagen), to
Germany has three types of architec- about5 m illion people living there. Mies van Rohe (Krefeld), Alvar Aalto
tural schools: There are 4 universities and about 10 (Essen), Hans Scharoun (Marl, Lünen,
- Universität (university) and fachhochschulen (univ. of appl. Bochum), Gottfried Böhm (Neviges),
univeristy of technology with 5 sciences) in the Ruhrgebiet, 5 alone Norman Foster (Duisburg, Essen),
years education, in Bochum. The Fachhochschule and many others.
- Kunsthochschule (college of art) Bochum (FH Bochum) with 5000
with 5 years duration, enrolled students is situated on the Educational Concept
- Fachhochschule (univerisity of campus of the Ruhr-Universität, with Our concept of education is based on
applied sciences) with 4 years 35000 students. intensive training of the whole range
education. of facilities from handmade drafting
The degree is Diplom-Ingenieur Bochum-Profile: to computer aided design, visualisa-
(Diploma in Engineering), which is Faculties and Facilities at FH Bochum tion and vr-technologies, from
recognised in the EEC (85/384/EWG) The Faculty of Architecture is one of conceptual design to construction
as a professional degree for getting 6 faculties: and economy, from urban and land-
accredited by the regional registers of 1 architecture scape design to renewal of historic
architects (Architekenkammern) after 2 civil engineering buildings. A central part of our
2 years of practice for a license as 3 surveiing and geo-informatics teaching philosophy is the training of
architect without any further exami- 4 electrical engineering team-working-methods, devloped by
nation. 5 mechanical engineering working in design-studios, provided
The difference between the three 6 economy inside the university. Every student
kinds of schools is: (we have about 600, 80 new every
- universities have a more scientific Especially the faculties 1,2 and 3 work year, starting end of september) will
approach, their diploma is equiva- together and are using synergy- get a place in the design-studio and
lent to a masters degree and effects, e.g. laboratories, teaching one of the first design-studies is the
allow to doctoral studies and phd facilities and form a center of design of a personal tool-container
- kunsthochschulen have a more competence in architecture and buil- for storing his/her personal drawing
artistic approach - their diplomas ding technology. tools underneath the table.
are also equivalent to a masters
degree This configuration is unique among Blue-Box
- fachhochschulen (univ. of appl. the universities in our area and a One of our great advantages is the
sciences) have a more practical good base for having a focusing func- facility of space: a huge box, built in
and constructive approach - the tion in case of exhibitions, lectures, the sixties as a dining hall, which our
diploma is equivalent to a product presentation of the local buil- faculty could get in the year 2000, 35
bachelor of honours - the basis ding industry. One of the most impor- years after it was designed by Bruno
for a further master study or tant building-fairs, the DEUBAU, is Lambart, a well known architect of
„diploma II", which is offered by situated in the Ruhrgebiet. that time (still alive, still practising -
some universities. even in the age of 80!).
Architectural Museum The Blue Box got its name from blue-
Location Bochum Even if most of the people don´t colored facade-panels, which were
Bochum is situated in the western know, the Ruhrgebiet is a kind of bulit in after having demolished the
part of germany, the most densely architectural museum, beginning original glass-facade.
populated area called Ruhrgebiet - a with the first examples of industrial Very interesting for architects: the
megalopolis of about 10 cities architecture for the mining- and steel- box has nearly the same size as Mies
(Bochum, Essen, Dortmund, Duis- industry (Malakow-towers) to art- van der Rohes famous IIt-Crown-Hall

in Chicago and a very similar We also appreciate students from contacts - from taking one-year-
concept: the upper storey is used as abroad to come to bochum and study abroad in Venezuela or in New
a huge design studio for several for one semester, one year or even Zealand to finding ways to make
courses, the lower level for library, longer - in germany studying is free their master-studies in London,
woodshop, and other facilities. (without any fees). Chicago or Paris.
For first-year-students it is the We have introduced the ECTS-
ideal place for working, studying, System for getting recognition of Lecture Series
communication, also for second, courses - even if architects work can Over the past decade we organised a
third and forth years. For elder mostly be jugded without ECTS- series of lectures from famaous archi-
students there are several other credit-points. tects and enginneers such as Daniel
facilities, mostly organised by groups Libeskind, Luigi Snozzi, Peter Rice,
of students, such as „Halle 8", a re Master-program Rob Krier, MRVDV, Future Systems,
used loft-likehall in a former At the moment we prepare three Günther Behnisch, Hans Kollhoff,
industrial estate in the center of master-programs: Werner Sobek
Bochum. - urban studies (esp. Ruhrgebiet)
- design („international class") Excursions
Staff - architecture media management One of the most intensive social and
14 professors, most of them licensed educational phases you can see on
architects, 9 teaching assistents, 9 Architecture Media Management excursions to certain cities such as
people working in laboratories, inherits methods, tools and Rome, Florence, Paris, Berlin,
photo-studio, audio-visual-studio, and experience in architectural visualisa- Chicago, New York or Areas like
wood-shop. We also have a inhouse- tion (e.g. 3D-Max, Lightscape) and Ticino or Toscana. This means time to
library and a center of audiovisual interaction of 3D-worlds e.g. in VRML study modern or ancient architecture,
studies and audiovisual production. over the internet, but also training to to have time not only to take quick
600 students (50 percent female, 80 work with words and layout and the photographical pictures, but also
first- year-students). At the moment principles of architectural press and sketches and handdrawn studies of
we have students from 20 countries, media, with publications of the buil- proportions, materials, light,
mostly of Europe andAsia, but also ding industry, with media agencies. structure, urban sceneries.
from South America and the USA. Sometines it it just interesting to see
At the moment lectures are given in Research famous architectural objects, well
german, but we will install lectures in We have different fields of research known from several international
english, when it is necessary. in our faculty - such as finding new magazines, photographed by highly
construction methods, developing sophisticated photo-artists, with your
Curriculum - Undergraduate/ design studies for new office- or own eyes, see the surrounding, the
Graduate living-types, partly together with changing impression on different
The curriculum is based on a full- the industry to urban studies and lighting-situations . . . getting a
time study with about 25 hours of analytical methods in surveing personal relation to the visited
lectures and seminars per week, with historical buildings especially in the building and its surrounding.
an „undergraduate-phase" of 3 Ruhrgebiet.
semesters („pre-diploma"/Vordiplom), One of our, even internationally, Contact
another 5 semesters „graduatephase" mostly recognised fields of research To get in contact please visit our
including a 12-week-diploma-thesis is VR - virtual reality, especially com- web-site, where you can find any
(„Diplomarbeit"). bining CAD (computer aided design) information, even our new 32-pages-
and VR-worlds with photography - prospectus as pdf-file (you can
Unlike in other countries it is possible mainly panoramic photographs. also order it from our faculty as a
and sometimes nessesary to study The results were presented at brochure).
one or two semesters more, because international conferences in Glasgow, It is also a good idea just to come
many of our students use one or two Sydney and Rio de Janeiro - as a along when you visit germany or
days a week to work in an architects contribution to acadamic-CAAD- when you are travelling around
office to get contact to the practise organisations such as ECAADE between Paris, Brussels, Rotterdam
(and to earn some money). (Europe), CAADRIA (Asia), SIGRADI or Berlin - the Ruhrgebiet is worth a
Semester 5 includes alternately a 12- (South America), ACADIA (USA/ visit and Bochum is worth studying a
weeks-practical phase - used by our Canada) year ore more - or just for a few
students to work in architects offices weeks in an exchange program or a
in Bochum or the Ruhrgebiet, but International Relations + Connections summer school.
also in other cities (Hamburg, Berlin, We have strong connections to the ■
Munich, Rotterdam, Paris, New York Ecole dÁrchitecture in Nantes/
or Sydney) or an out-of-the-borders- France, to the Hogeschool in Tilburg/
academic-phase, studiing for one NL, to the Politecnico di Milano and
semester e.g. in Nantes, Madrid, the University of Prague.
Milano, Thessaloniki, Istanbul, New But we are also open to any other
York or even New Zealand. school of architecture in the world -
and we are happy, that our students
are eager to find new ways and new


Technical Universität Dresden

Faculty of Architecture

Mommsenstrasse 13
Tel. : 49/351 4634626
Fax : 49/351 46342789

Degree programmes

Degree Title Minimum Accredited Admission Number of

duration requirements students
of study admitted

General Information Basic elements of the education of Interdisciplinary studies are for
The Faculty of Architecture of the the architecture students lie in the example the research project of the
Technical University of Dresden was fields of history and theory, based institutes of city and regional plan-
established in 1994 deriving from the on history in architecture, theory of ning „Lasting regional planning” and
royal-saxon polytechnicum (since architecture and architectural the topic „Heat-, Air and Moisture
1875) and following institutions. preservation, techniques, based on Transfer in New and Retro fitted
The full time staff consists of 24 pro- building climatics (low-energy-buil- Insulated Envelope Parts” which is a
fessors, 3 lecturers, 45 scientific and dings, thermic reconstruction) and co-operative project of 12 European
30 technical assistants. Supported by construction systems and design and Universities.
the part time staff they work in lay out, dealing with questions of ■

teaching and research in the fields of esthetics and visual perception of

architecture, landscape architecture, colour and space.
city planning and regional planning.
Emphasis of the design institutes lies
Facilities in the in the development of new
The Faculty of Architecture of the TU buildings forms and design methods.
Dresden is situates in one of the The revaluation of housing quarters
modern buildings of the university and industry branches are as impor-
quarter near the city center of tant as the use of new findings of the
Dresden. environmental and social psychology.
Similar the work of the institutes of
Dresden is an 800 year old city, city and regional planning and land-
famous for it’s culture (Richard scape architecture consists of varying
Wagner) and architecture (Semper- tasks. It reaches from a reactivation
opera, Zwinger). and development of inter-municipal
Many castles rising from the slopes redevelopment areas over possibili-
of the river Elbe are reminding of an ties for intercomunal co-operations
old glamorous past. and new planning’s for the regional
development of landscape planing
Educational program methods for recording for the
The wide range of the teaching and regional development in the rural
research profile of the Faculty of area to the development of landscape
Architecture results from the different planing methods for recording and
tasks for the institutes orientated on valuation of qualities of the culture
basic elements on one hand and landscape at the river Elbe around
design on the other hand. Dresden.
Even though the object of research
for both of them is to be found in
building, space and landscape the
results are very different.


University of Wuppertal
Faculty of Architecture

Pauluskirchstrasse 7
42285 Wuppertal
Tel. : +49 (0) 202 / 439 - 4075
Fax : +49 (0) 202 / 439 - 4045
E-mail :

Application deadline: Spring

Degree programmes

Degree Title Minimum Accredited Admission Enrolment

duration requirements
of study

Architecture past: Dipl.-Ing. Architecture I + II 8 + 2 Semester Hochschulgesetz allg. Hochschulreife 100 per year
Future: BA.arch. NRW or equivalent + (800-1000 total)
MA. Arch arch. entrance exam

General Information long tradition as a School of Architec- projects from these classes were
TThe University of Wuppertal has its ture to provide an inspiring and presented, among other venues, at
origins in the "Royal Prussian School modern environment for more than this year's Venice Biennale.
of Building", founded in 1897. In 1972 800 students.
the renamed "School of Civil Engi- The university believes firmly in the
neering" was incorporated into the Wuppertal is favorably situated in the value of student and faculty exchan-
new university or Gesamthochschule North-Rhine Westphalian heartland, ges, as well as joint research projects,
which, with its broad range of tech- with good road and rail links to and is constantly looking for new
nical, arts and humanities and social Berlin, Frankfurt and the Netherlands. cooperations and partnerships
science faculties, quickly established Close to Cologne and the densely alongside the established Socrates
itself in the German university land- populated Ruhr area, the city lies at and Erasmus programs. We are
scape. Within the current university the center of a dynamic cultural active members of the recently esta-
reform – and specifically the discus- region of over 5 million inhabitants. blished CoRAAL network, based in
sion about the introduction of new Historically shaped by the mining and Geneva, whose research program is
BA and MA degrees – the University steel industries, the post-industrial currently planning various collabora-
of Wuppertal has recently embarked landscapes of the Ruhr boast nume- tive projects between European
on interdisciplinary teaching and rous great monuments of Machine- universities. As the youngest School
research. Five "Centers of Innovation" Age architecture – "industrial cathe- of Architecture on the German
will weld widely differing faculties drals" like the Zollverein Mine, whose university scene, we look to attract
into cohesive and purposeful working breathtaking spatial sequences have confident and demanding students
bodies, in which new interdisciplinary been listed by UNESCO as a world who are high achievers, keen to learn
perspectives will also be developed cultural heritage site. Over the past and free from prejudice. Architecture
for training architects. fifteen years new industries have at Wuppertal is not stuck in a time-
been settling on the Ruhr, and the less mindset. We are a small faculty,
The new structures will involve close International Building Exhibition of fresh in outlook, where professors
cooperation with the Faculty of Civil 1990 initiated a movement which has and academic staff are constantly
Engineering, whose work on project brought a number of ambitious buil- available for consultation.
management and fire-protection dings from leading European and
enjoys a high reputation. overseas design bureaus to the Curriculum
The year 2002 already saw close links derelict industrial spaces and dock- Architecture blends science with art,
established between the Faculty of lands, as well as the extensive green- technology and engineering.
Architecture and that of Design and field sites, of the region. Architectural training, therefore,
Communication, promising valuable must aim to provide a large body of
synergies, ranging from shared use In recent years the Faculty has also knowledge as a basis for the analysis
of numerous individual resources – made major efforts to internationalize and conception of complex and tech-
workshops, computer pools, offices its degree courses while retaining nically demanding spatial systems in
etc. – through bilateral exchange of their regional outlook. Thus the a manner appropriate to specific
teaching modules, to collaboration on Institute for Architectural Theory and historical and social contexts.
research projects and joint supervi- History hosts an "International In addition, it must provide room for
sion of doctoral theses. Symposium on Architectural Theory" individual artistic development,
Thus academic training in Wuppertal in the first week of every December – enabling and encouraging indepen-
employs a wide range of multimedia as a platform for discussion of dent creative activity. A necessary
applications – from Internet presenta- modern architecture this meeting consequence is that the initial degree
tions and the creation of visuals to draws participants from across the course in professional architectural
specialist IT construction technology. globe. Our design program also training takes a minimum of eight
State-of-the-art digital technology brings student work into regular semesters.
blends in this way with the Faculty's contact with other universities, and

In the design and development of process. The aim is to be able to the teaching program with lectures,
their artifacts, architecture and indus- define problem areas by means of exhibitions and conferences with
trial design place similar require- easily learnable methods, to initiate related publications.
ments, because the creative process FEM calculations or Raytracings, and
in both disciplines is bounded by to present results so that they can be The research areas listed above, with
the demands of function, social and readily interpreted and their plausi- their corresponding emphases in
cultural integration, and technical bility immediately checked. What is at teaching, are linked together in an
capability. The Wuppertal School of stake here is the immense and largely interdisciplinary network of comple-
Architecture is committed to active untapped potentiality of IT for design mentary, innovative approaches.
dialog with its engineering colleagues and construction purposes as such, Architectural recycling, ecology, engi-
trying to stimulate engineering as well as for reaction and control neering technology, IT design and
research by individual creative idea. processes. Growing cooperation with urban planning, as well as theory of
Nevertheless, it regards the essential the Department of Product Design design and architecture, join forces to
architectural synergies as originating promises useful synergies here, in create an aesthetic of environmental
in its cooperation with the Faculty of terms not only of specialist knowled- design that aspires to the highest
Design and Communication, espe- ge of computer applications geared standards. We see this as a great
cially with the Department of Indus- specifically to production, but also in opportunity as well as challenge for
trial Design. the development of simulation the University of Wuppertal at the
models of structural and artifact reac- international level, with international
Special Research Areas tions in the design process of buil- cooperations taking place on doctoral
Architectural Recycling and Ecology dings and artefacts. programs, as well as active participa-
concentrates on the issue: How can tion in bilateral and pan-European
the negative effects of civilization and Design and Urban Planning is tradi- research projects. The Wuppertal
changing patterns of settlement be tionally understood by civil engineers Institute for Environmental Design
reduced? The deterioration of inner- in functional, technical and economic (IUG) shall become increasingly
city building stock is a pressing con- terms. For architects, however, their important in this context. It was
cern for both urban planners and specific competence and responsi- established as a platform for coope-
architects, whose task is increasingly bility lies nevertheless in enhancing ration between the Faculties of
to seek clearly focused architectonic these aspects with an aesthetic that Design (FB 5), Architecture (FB 10)
ways of preserving the stock by will provide formally satisfying and Civil Engineering (FB 11) after the
dedicating it to new and different design solutions for an urban con- fusion of the former interior design
uses. The impact of technological, text. This competence is more than and architectural programs into a
functional and artistic parameters ever necessary in an age of globaliza- single architectural program offering
on the thinking and activities of tion, when the leveling of cities into two consecutive degrees.
architects and designers must be featureless sameness can only be The Institute has taken on the task
enhanced if higher levels of sustaina- stemmed with scientifically conceived of fostering our activities. In pursuit
bility – in the aesthetic as well as aesthetic concepts of identity and of this goal it hosts an annual two-
technical sense – are to be achieved particularity. The concept of the city, day international architectural
for buildings. like that of its constituent design symposium, puts on exhibitions and
elements must be recast. The shallow edits academic publications.
Both architectonic and design ahistorical face of city development
qualities are to be understood here in since 1950 – which now covers most Studying Architecture in Wuppertal
thoroughly classical terms. At every of the settled planet – calls for the The MA in architecture aims to open
level, from foundation-stone to systematic "rediscovery of place" as a students' minds to specific academic
fittings and furnishings, a project or priority in both research and practice. questions, and provides the funda-
artifact can only be judged on the mental knowledge for research tasks.
basis of values such as beauty (high Architectural Theory, our fourth It seeks to attract graduates from
design quality), solidity and usability special research area, also possesses many universities. Further qualifica-
(technically sound construction), and a unique profile in Wuppertal. In tion opens up avenues beyond the
environmental compatibility or interdisciplinary collaboration with classic profile of the professional
sustainability (economical employ- such analogous fields as the history architect, and serves in particular as
ment of resources and building of architecture and the history and a springboard for doctoral work.
stock). Design quality underpinned by theory of design, environmental The "Wuppertal Model" of an eight-
technical competence is the indispen- semiotics, planning methodology, the semester BA followed by a two-
sable foundation on which environ- history of technology and the history semester MA has been credited with
mentally acceptable building, artifact- and theory of conservation, a wide good development chances.
design or the recycling of inherited pool of knowledge is being generated
stock must be based. – one that will become increasingly The Doctoral Program
indispensable for our other special A PhD can be taken in the special
Simulation of Building-Structure research areas, as it will, indeed, for research areas listed above, interdis-
Reactions is concerned with the all the faculties of the university with ciplinary approaches being particular-
search for computerized presenta- which we closely cooperate. Centered ly sought for and welcome.
tions of complex technical processes on the Institute for Architectural ■
and reactions, in order to make these Theory and History (AGT), this
accessible to the creative design research specialty regularly enlivens


National Technical University

Ethnikon Metsovion Polytechneion

Faculty of Architecture

42, Patission str.

106 80 - Athens, Greece
Tel. : +30 1 7723881
Fax : +30 1 7723898
Email :

Tuition and fees : none

Degree programmes

Degree Title Minimum Accredited Admission Number of

duration requirements students
of study admitted

Architecture Dip.Arch.Eng. 5 Technical Chamber National 120

of Greece Examinations

General Information Educational programme Sculpture and Design of the Archi-

The National Technical University of The faculty is organized in four tectural Space. Within the activities of
Athens, that has the title of ´Ethnikon distinct Departments. This system is this department students enhance
Metsovion Polytechneionª, is the purely organizational and it does not their ability to perceive the space and
largest and oldest technical university reflect the academic curriculum. consequently to reform it and design.
in Greece. It was founded as a Tech-
nical School in 1836 and over the 160 Department 1 contains Architectural Department 4 has a more technolo-
years of its operation it underwent Design, History of Architecture, gical character. The classes are com-
a series of transformations until Theory of Architecture and History of prised of Structural Engineering,
present day. Art. It is the department that conveys Technology of Building Materials,
the knowledge and the basic prin- Technical Services and Building
The Faculty of Architecture, in its ciples of architectural design, with Construction. The aims of the above
present form as an independent the addition of architectural theory. classes is to integrate the technolo-
faculty, was founded in 1917, and is Students have to take classes of this gical dimension in architectural
operating ever since. department from the first semester of design.
their studies through to the last one. The application of this part of the
Continuing a tradition in the tech- Every semester they have to work on studies is through theoretical lectures
nological studies in Greece originaly at least one design project, with the and projects, either as separate
the curriculum was oriented towards addition of theoretical and historical entities, or in conjuction to the design
engineering, thus the tilte of Dip. knowledge. projects of the other departments.
Arch.Eng. that has remained.
Department 2 contains Urban and In the first four semesters the choice
In recent years the curriculum was Regional Planning. This department of electives remains very limited,
updated and transformed in a purely conveys knowledge in relation to all whereas as the students mature the
architectural faculty following the the planning theories from the histo- number of personal preferences and
international trends. rical and the practical point of view. subsequently choices, increases.
Classes are held with theoretical This philosophy of the curriculum is
The Faculty of Architecture is the first lectures and physical design projects clearly expressed in the final two
of the two that operate in Greece. It aimed at the knowledge the basic semesters, where, as mentioned, the
has approximately 1.000 students, principles of urban planning and students prepare their written disser-
50% of whom are female, whereas a revitalisation, housing policies, orga- tation and finally their final design
small minority are regular registered nization of public space and generally thesis, with subjects and tutors of
students from foreign countries. the analysis of the built environment. their absolute personal choice.
On the other hand our faculty and its Within the contents of this depart- A pre-requisite of the final thesis is to
students are taking part in most ment are classes dealing with the have an absolute architectural design
european exchange programmes, basic principles of regional planning character.
such as the Erasmus and the and development.
Socrates programmes, accepting Both the dissertation and the final
every year a number of students from Department 3 has as its main objec- design thesis are presented to the
european countries and at the same tive the theoretical and practical public, and are assessed by juries
time sending greek students abroad. approach of the design process of comprised of professors and external
space. As the means to achieve this examiners.
objective there are classes in Geo- The typical organization of the clas-
metric Representation of Space, ses in architectural projects, is in
Computer Aided Design in Architec- small groups of students, with
ture, Free Drawing and Painting, approximately 20 to 25 students

each, under the guidance of one situation of the Faculty of Architec- The present administration of the
tutor. ture in the centre of the city, not far faculty is the following:
from the Acropolis and the Parthe- Dean of the Faculty of Architecture
Post graduate programmes non, was by choice, believing that a Professor Nikos Kalogeras,
Until recently the only post graduate lively and historic centre should be Dip.Arch.Eng., PhD.
programme in the faculty was the part of architectural education. Associate Dean
individual study of students, leading Ass.Professor Theano Fotiou
after at least a three year procedure, The main building that houses the Dip.Arch.Eng.
under the guidance of a three faculty studios is a neo-classical Director of Department 1
member academic committee, to a building of the second half of the Professor Emmanuel Glyniadakis
Doctorate Degree, which is equivalent 19th century, whereas the offices are Dip.Arch.Eng.
to a PhD. The final examination of the expanding in the adjoining complex Director of Department 2
Doctorate is accomplished in the of buildings that housed previously Professor Dimitris Karydis
presence of a committee comprised the other faculties. Dip.Arch.Eng.,PhD.
of seven academics. Director of Department 3
The faculty also has a newly orga- Ass.Professor Solon Xenopoulos
In September of 1998 the faculty nized architectural library, a CAD Dip.Arch.Eng.
started formally to offer three post studio and a workshop for models. Director of Department 4
graduate programmes, financed by Professor Emilios Koroneos
the Ministry of Education. Student activities Dip.Civ.Eng.,PhD.
The first one is dealing with the There is a student union at the Secretary of the Faculty is Mrs
Restoration of Monuments and Histo- university and most particularly, quite Marianthi Papageorgiou.
rical Buildings, in conjunction with a powerful association of the ■
the Faculty of Chemical Engineering. students of architecture. The students
The second is dealing with all the representatives have the right to
aspects of Urban and Regional Plan- participate in the decision making of
ning, whereas the third one with the faculty, especially in matters
Architectural Design and Theory and concerning the curriculum.
Technology. Depending on the acuteness of the
problems students of architecture
These programmes are organized on express their dynamism in various
a full calendar year duration, with an ways.
additional semester for the final
dissertation or design thesis. Apart from the above they are orga-
nizing certain activities, mostly cul-
Research programmes tural, that normally take place in the
The necessity of the integration of all atrium of the neo-classical building.
the aspects of the architectural field,
especcially the new developments in Another very interesting activity that
architectural education, is recognized is normally organized by the students
and desirable within the academic and supported by the faculty and its
context. Most particularly when members are trips of architectural
research enhances the relation of the interest to countries abroad. Thus
architectural trends and the training every year near the easter holiday
of students. period, one week is allocated to trips
Additionally the complexity of the abroad. In that sense the majority of
profession requires the input of many the students have the opportunity to
other disciplines, a fact that can be travel, visit countries and places of
realized through research program- architectural interest and expose
mes. Recently through financing from themselves to the international trends
the european programmes there is an of our profession. It is felt that this
increase in the collabration with other exposure is very positive and adds to
universities and even individual the information that students acquire
academics from research centres. from the architectural press.

Facilities Administration and staff

The Faculty of Architecture is situated The faculty employs 99 full-time and
in the centre of Athens, separate from 4 part-time scientific staff.
the main University Campus in the Of the above staff 55 are architects,
northern suburb of Zographos. 8 historians, 20 architectsplanners,
The faculty is within easy reach by 11 artists, 6 structural engineers, 2
most public transport means, and mechanical engineers and the remai-
very close to most cultural activities ning of several other disciplines.
that are happening in Athens. The


Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

School of Architecture
University Campus
540 06 Thessaloniki
Tel : +30 31 995595
Fax : +30 31 995597
Tuition and fees: All educational institutions in Greece are fee-free

Degree programmes

Degree Title Minimum Accredited Admission Enrolment

duration requirements
of study

Architecture* Architect Engineer** 5 years Technical Chamber National Examination 900

of Greece System
Protection, Three Graduates**** 040
Conservation and semesters
Restoration of Cultural

* Awarded by the School of Architecture

** The term ‘Engineer’ is attached to the word ‘Architect’ following the Continental model and the title is similar to the German Dip.Ing, for
reasons of equity of rights with all other fellow engineers.
*** nterdepartmental Degree awarded by the Faculty of Engineering.
**** From Architecture, Structural, Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, Surveying, Archeology, Art History, Chemistry and Fine Arts.

General information Thessaloniki has a continuous history tect Engineer’. The degree awarded
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, of 3000 years and for some historians (or any equivalent degree approved
the largest university in Greece with over 8000 years. It was the second by the Interdisciplinary Centre for
41 departments and more than largest city during the Byzantine Recognition of Degrees from Abroad)
60 000 students, was legislated in Empire and played a crucial role as a prerequisite (alongside the
1925. The ‘Technical’ part of the during the Ottoman Empire. successful examinations a graduate
University to which the School of Thessaloniki is exceptional not only takes at the Technical Chamber)
Architecture belongs, started its historically but also geographically ensures registration with the Tech-
operation in 1955 with the School of due to its positioning in the Balkans, nical Chamber, and the graduate
Civil Engineering and was followed and morphologically due to its con- becomes in effect a registered archi-
by the School of Architecture which struction between the mountains and tect. As fundamental principle of the
was founded in 1957. The objectives the sea on the North-to-South axis programme of studies, the unity of
of the School of Architecture are and its expansion across the coast- architectural studies is understood as
Integral Education and Freedom of line of a prosperous harbor on the the synthesis of architectural educa-
Education. Integral Education is East-to-West axis. Thessaloniki was tion at all scales of space and in all
ensured with the unity of firstly, the ‘Cultural Capital of Europe’ in spectrum of design planning and
Architectural Design and Spatial 1997. Thessaloniki has an internation- regeneration. The studies in the
Planning, secondly, Design Planning al airport and plays a central role in School cover, in that sense, all areas
and Regeneration, and thirdly, Theory the Balkans. After a big fire in 1917, of architectural and urban design,
and Practice. Honorary degrees have which destroyed large parts of the urban and regional planning, landsca-
been awarded to Mario Botta, city, a committee was appointed to pe and environmental design, conser-
Roberto di Stefano, Aristomenis create a master plan, which would vation and restoration.
Provellegios and Nikos Valsamakis. include a purpose-built university
The School of Architecture is one of campus. The committee was led by Educational Programmes
the largest schools of the university; the French architect-urbanist Ernest
it has approximately 900 students Hébrard. The School of Architecture I. The structure of the programme
50% of whom are female. Formal houses all the facilities needed for The Programme of Studies, in its
collaboration with universities and teaching and research. It allows entirety, is a continuous five-year pro-
institutes worldwide at the level of 24-hour access to its studios, and has gramme, which leads to an integral
teaching and research has been a library with numerous titles and degree. The initial cycle establishes
established in the past ten years. subscriptions to periodicals. The the unity of studies, the last cycle
The School participates in European School is equipped with CAD facili- completes it. The in-between cycle,
programmes. Socrates exchanges ties and shares laboratories with the the Programme of Basic Studies,
have been contracted with Austria, schools of structural engineering, does not therefore constitute an inde-
the Czech Republic, Germany, France, surveying and geotechnics. pendent programme.
Finland, Portugal, Romania, Spain In the ten semesters of study all three
and the UK. Educational programme programmes are covered. The first
A course of study in architecture two semesters are covered with the
Facilities takes at least 5 years, but usually Introduction Programme, the six that
The School of Architecture is situated 5 1/2-6 years on average. Graduates follow with the Programme of Basis
on the University Campus, which is are awarded a Diploma in Architec- Studies, and the last two with the
attached to the city center. ture and are given the title of ‘Archi- Graduate Programme.

Studio Programmes C. Programme of Graduate Studies Studios of indirect tuition:
There are four studio programmes in The Programme includes the These are the remaining studios
which design planning practices are Graduate Studios and the of the Programme of Basic Studies.
distinguished and interrelated as fol- Graduate Dissertations with the They presuppose an elementary abili-
lows: following content and directions: ty to design, focusing on their parti-
Dwelling – I Graduate studios cular areas of interest.
- Buildings Design - Architectural and Urban Design. Graduate studios:
Dwelling – II - Urban Design and Planning. The compositional ability of the
- Conservation and Restoration, The two parts of the graduate students to deal with the two design
Habitat – I programme are compulsory. scales; from the integration of levels
- Urban Design, and Landscape Graduate Projects in design-planning and the integra-
Architecture - Research Dissertation tion of scales in design, is completed
Habitat – II - Diploma Thesis with these studios.
- Urban Planning and Spatial The research dissertation is theo-
Development retical, the Diploma Thesis is a All subjects are lectured and exami-
design-planning project. ned in Greek. Lectures may also be
General Programme given in English, French, Italian and
Complementary to the studio pro- III. Articulation and Pedagogy German. The course duration is three
grammes is the General Programme, Thematic Areas semesters including at least three
the aim of which is to develop theory, The analytical context for the articula- months for a diploma project.
representations and discourses, tion of the particular programmes is Postgraduate studies by research
which cover the entirety of the studio the following division of the taught Doctorates are undertaken by the
programmes. The objectives of the material into thematic areas: School and in cooperation with other
General Programme are: a) the con- - Design Schools.
nection between the design practice - Building Design, Conservation,
attestations and the general theories, Restoration Student activities
their integration with the historic - Urban Design, Landscape Design, The student association has as mem-
context of the arts, architecture and Town Planning, Regional bers all students in the School and
urbanism, and their connection to Planning, Spatial Development. their elected representatives are acti-
contributing sciences b) the speciali- vely involved in matters regarding
sed development of the necessary for Theory the curriculum and other matters on
architectural studies representations Theories of Architecture, Theories of the effective function of the School.
and discourses. Planning, Design Theories, History of Administration and staff
Architecture, History of the City and The School employs 86 full-time, 8
II. Time Organisation Planning History, History of Art, part-time members and 18 teachers
The general aim of the Programme of Human Sciences, Institutions and deliver modules from the
Studies is the round development of Law. Departments of Structural and
the compositional ability in the con- Mechanical Engineering, Surveying,
tent of the unity of the programme Technology Fine Arts and Languages. The School,
and in the spirit of the unity between Construction, Building Technology, like any other Higher Education
theory and design planning. For the Working Drawing, Structural Institution in Greece, is administered
fulfillment of this aim the studios are Engineering, Services, Surveying. by the Senate, the Chancellery
classified into broad but educational- Representations and discourses Council and the Chancellor. The
ly coherent areas of design and plan- Fine Arts, Mathematics, Informatics, General Assembly, the Deanery and
ning practice. In every one of the Representations of Space. the Dean administer every School.
cycles of the programme all areas of The General Assembly, the Council
its structure contribute. This general The typology of the studios and the President administer every
direction follows the principles of There are three types of studios Faculty. Finally, the General
unity of study and unity of theory and which differ in the relationship Assembly and the Chair administer
design. The specialisations by cycle between teacher and student, the every section.
are the following: knowledge-base prerequisites and
A. Introduction Programme their aim. The President of the School of
B. Programme of Basic Studies Studios of direct tuition: Architecture is elected by all teaching
The Programme of Basic Studies They are the studios of the staff every two years and the Chairs
consists of the two sub-program- Introduc-tion Programme and some of every section are elected by the
mes: of the studios of the Programme of staff members that belong to the
- the Studio Programme of Basic Basic Studies. These studios, starting respective section on an annual
Studies and from their particular subject, cultivate basis.
- the General Programme of Basic a general aptitude of students to ■
Studies. compose as designers.


School of Architecture
University College Dublin
Rich view
Clonskeagh, Dublin 14
Tel. : 353 1 7062757
Fax. : 353 1 2837778
Email :

Application Information from the Admissions Office, University College Dublin,

Michael Tierney Building, Belfield, Dublin 4.
Tel. : 353 1 2693244
Fax. : 353 1 7061070
Email :

Degree programmes

Degree Title Minimum Enrolment Entry

of study

Bachelor of Architecture 5 years 1st cycle 3 years* 055 students

2nd cycle 2 years 050 students
Total number 250
* The intermediate BSc. degree is awarded after 3 years

Master of Architecrural Science 1 year (by research)

Master of Urban and Building 1 year full-time /2 years part-time

M.Sc. (Urban Design) 1 year fulltime /2 years part-time
(jointly with Planning Department)
Master of Architecture 1 year fulltime /2 years part-time
Ph.D 3 years by research

The Bachelor of Architecture degree is accredited by the Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland, the Royal Institute of British
Architects and is listed in the European Directive.

General Information the postgraduate programmes in to research conditions of everyday

The School of Architecture at Univer- conservation and urban design also life in society, to understand and
sity College Dublin was established in have their own studios. There is a appreciate the culture of architecture
1911, and was one of the earliest large Building Laboratory, equipped and to design fitting environments
departments of the university. with the means for demonstrating which meet spiritual and practical
University College Dublin is located building crafts and for student model- requirements. Students who success-
outside the city centre, and is the making. Computers are provided in fully complete the third year are
largest university in Ireland with over the studios and in special computer awarded the intermediate degree of
19,000 students. The School of rooms. The library, which has an Bachelor of Science in architectural
Architecture is on a seperate campus extensive collection of books and studies. The fourth and fifth years
adjoining the main university journals, is shared with the Planning are structured to enable students to
complex, and shares its campus with and Environmental Studies depart- deepen their study of architecture
the Departments of Regional and ments. The School has the use of and to develop their own approach to
Urban Planning and Environmental large spaces for exhibitions, which the design of built environments. The
Studies, providing a unique concen- are also used for lectures and public School is especially strong in its
tration of environmental design and seminars. It has a photographic approach to design.
research expertise. All three depart- studio, darkroom, print room, student The programmes offer a balance
ments are part of the Faculty of supplies shop, cafeteria and common between openess and intellectual
Engineering and Architecture, one room. rigour, between conceptual strength
of the largest faculties in UCD. and a concern for environment and
The School is a closely knit commu- Educational programmes materials.
nity devoted to the exploration of The undergraduate programme in The studios aim to be dynamic and
architecture through design and architecture is fully accredited by the collaborative laboratories, with staff
scholarship. The School's standing is Irish and British Institutes of Archi- and students committed to learning
a reflection both of the built work of tects, and the Bachelor of Architec- and the expression and testing of
the architects teaching in the School, ture degree is listed in the Architects' ideas.
which continues to attract interna- Directive of the EU.
tional critical attention, and of its The five-year programme leading to The undergraduate programme is
research activities. the professional degree of B. Arch. is strongly design-orientated, and seeks
divided into two parts. The first three to encourage.
Facilities years are intended to encourage stu-
Each year of the undergraduate dents to develop the intellectual and
programme has its own studio, and physical skills which will enable them

Postgraduate programmes In the area of energy applications, the Environmental science
Postgraduate programmes fall into School has an international standing Profesor Dermot O'Connell
three categories: advanced study of in the area of climate-sensitive History and theory
specialisations within the field of built design, and, through the Energy Dr. Hugh Campbell
environment design through taught Research Group, continues to lead Urban design
Masters programmes, research and participate in a wide range of Philip Geoghegan
programmes at Masters and Doctoral research activities with EU and Building performance/ simulation
level, and professionally-oriented national support. For over ten years, Paul Kenny
programmes in professional practice it has engaged in study of Irish and History and theory/ landscape
and project management. European urbanism and landscape, Dr. Finola O'Kane
The taught Masters programmes through research programmes at History and theory/ access
cover three areas: urban and building Masters and Doctoral levels. Dr. John Olley
conservation, urban design, which is Its involvement in building and urban
taught jointly with the Department of conservation includes research and Studio Staff
Regional and Urban Planning, and taught Masters degrees, commis- Paul Arnold (conservation),
Building Project Management. In all sioned research projects in urban Wendy Barrett (design),
cases, much of the teaching is done analysis and building recording, and Gary Boyd (design and History),
by distinguished practitioners. the investigation of historic building Chris Boyle (design),
The courses combine theoretical materials . The School has also con- Gerry Cahill (design),
studies with practical project work, ducted research at Masters level in Rachel Chidlow (design),
and require the completion of a the area of computer applications in Frank Cooney (technology),
dissertation. design and architectural education. Peter Cody (design),
Tom dePaor (design),
Research Staff Will Dimond (technology),
Research in the School of The School has a small core of seven Marcus Donaghy (design and
Architecture has a development academic full-time staff, devoted to technology),
history extending over the past teaching, research and administra- Tiano Faria (design),
twenty years. It has made a real tion, two administrative and three Yvonne Farrell (design),
contribution to architecture and the technical staff, and about thirty Bill Hastings (design),
built environment in Ireland and in part-time staff. To ensure that its Grainne Hassett (design),
Europe, through its work in the area programmes are constantly renewed, Martin Henchion (design and
of energy applications in buildings, most of the teaching staff on both technology),
conservation of buildings and urban undergraduate and postgraduate Michael Kelly (technology),
areas, and the history and theory of programmes are part-time, and are Mary Laheen (design and
architecture, urbanism and land- drawn from architectural practice, technology),
scapes. Today it comprises research from other professional disciplines Fiona McDonald (design),
projects won in international com- related to the programmes, and from David McHugh (technology),
petition, commissioned research - related academic areas. The various Orla McKeever (design and
projects and research programmes at research programmes also employ technology),
Masters and Ph.D. levels. staff on annual contracts. The policy Shelley McNamara (design),
The School's research infrastructure of the School is to encourage the Laura Mays (technology),
of library, studios, and building labo- involvement in teaching, of young Conor Moloney (design),
ratory and progressively enhanced architects who are doing work of high Jim Murphy (design),
computer suites, enable it to compete quality, and who show a commitment Orla Murphy (design),
successfully both nationally and on to critical practice. Eoin O'Cofaigh (professional
the international stage. The School also has an established studies),
tradition of inviting architects from Shiela O'Donnell (design),
The principal areas of research are outsde the country, to contribute Marco Palmieri (Technology),
in energy applications in buildings, through juries and lectures. Over the John Parker (technology),
historical and theoretical studies, years visitors have included Kenneth Patrick Power (technology),
conservation of buildings and towns, Frampton, Ed Jones, Enric Miralles, Raymond Ryan (design and
urban studies and computer studies. Eric Perry, Peter Salter, James criticism),
Research in these areas has been Stirling, Billy Tsien, Wilfrid Wang Emmet Scanlon (design),
supported by national and inter- Margaret Stephenson (design),
national sources, and continues to Academic Staff Peter Tansey (design),
irrigate teaching at undergraduate Head of School John Tuomey (design),
and postgraduate levels. Professor Loughlin Kealy Simon Walker (design and
Energy in buildings technology),
Professor J. Owen Lewis Kevin Woods (design).


School of Architecture, Dublin

Dublin Institute of Technology
Bolton street,
Dublin 1, Ireland
Tel. : + 353 1 402 3000
Fax. : + 353 1 402 3999

Application Information from: Aileen Mullane, School of Architecture, Dublin

Institute of Technology, Bolton Street, Dublin 1, Ireland
Tel. : + 353 1 402 3690
Fax. : + 353 1 402 3989
E-mail :

Degree programmes

Title Minimum Accredited Admission Enrolment Full-time

duration requirements students
of study

Bachelor of 5 years By R.I.A.I 250


Diploma in 3 years 140


The Bachelor of Architecture degree is accredited by the Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland is listed in the European

General information The School is situated in the Faculty with their architectural colleagues
The School of Architecture at Bolton of the Built Environment which also and other professionals.
Street was founded in 1939 as part contains a School of Construction
of the city of Dublin’s Vocational Trades and apprentice training. A two year part-time Certificate
Educational Committee. Consequently the architectural course in Design Studies providing a
During its early years it grew from a students receive their education central core module in design theory
three year course in architecture to alongside training programmes with eight separate modules in
a five year diploma which was designed for other practitioners of different design disciplines. These
ultimately recognised by the profes- the building industry. modules are Architectural Design,
sional body of the Royal Institute of Interior Design, Graphic Design,
Architect’s of Ireland and under the Because of its origins, and as a result Vehicle Design, Environmental
European Directive. In 1992 the of its relationship with construction Design, Landscape Design, Produce
School of Architecture along with trades and technology, the education Design and Engineering Design.
the entire college at Bolton Street policy of the school is to provide a
became part of the Dublin Institute of strong relationship between the This course is attended by both
Technology. philosophy and theory of architec- aspiring students to architecture and
ture, and the practicalities of design other design disciplines, and mature
Graduates of the architecture pro- and construction, with a primary students who wish to broaden their
gramme up to and including 1998 emphasis on educating architects to base of knowledge in different design
were awarded a Diploma in Architec- engage in the professional practice of areas.
ture from the Dublin Institute of architecture.
Technology and a Bachelor of Selection Procedure
Architectural Science from the There is a strong policy of full Each year approximately 1000 stu-
University of Dublin, Trinity College. integration between the design dents apply for the 50 places in the
In 1998 the Dublin Institute of studios; the technical aspects of buil- first year of the architecture degree
Technology was granted its own ding construction and building programme. In order to select the
degree awarding powers and conse- design, and the academic subjects appropriate students for the course a
quently all graduates who have that inform the architectural student three strand system of evaluation is
entered the programme since that of theoretical scientific and environ- employed. All students applying are
date will now be awarded a Bachelor mental issues. The quality of the invited to sit a suitability test, which
of Architecture from D.I.T.. environment and the sustainability of has been specifically designed to
designs form part of this philosophy. measure potential creativity, spatial
The Degree programme in Architec- reasoning, maturity and commitment.
ture is a five-year undergraduate Other Courses The top one third students sitting this
programme with 250 students In addition to the five-year under- test are then invited to interview
approximately spread equally across graduate Degree programme in during which they may present port-
the five years. Architecture the school also offers folios of work. The results of the
the following courses:- suitability test, the interview and their
The programme is delivered by 24 second level academic achievements
full-time staff backed up by a cohort A three year Diploma course in are combined to make the final selec-
of 35 part-time teachers and visiting Architectural Technology, educating tion.
lecturers. architectural technologists to work in
the building industry side by side

Links With Other Schools Contacts Kummer O’Connor, Ditte (Graphics,
A number of exchange programmes Head of School Studio)
exist both by private agreement James F. Horan, Dip.Arch., Lauder, John (Mechanics, Structures,
between schools and through the F.R.I.A.I., M.I.D.I., R.I.B.A. Studio)
Socrates and Leonardo programmes. Tel: + 353 1 402 3692 O’Brien, Gerry (Computer
At present the school has staff and Fax: + 353 1 402 3989 Applciations)
student exchanges between the follo- E-Mail: O’Doherty, Barbara (Contemorary
wing schools of architecture: Head of Department Urban Studies, History of Urbanism)
Degree in Architecture & Urban O’Doherty, Eamonn (Design Studio)
U.S.A. – University of Lincoln, Design O’Shea, Eddie (Specification &
Nebraska Edmund O’Shea, Dip.Arch., Professional Practice)
South America – University of Los M.U.B.C., F.R.I.A.I. Rearden, John (Studio)
Andes, Bogota, Colombia Tel: + 353 1 402 3689 Ridge, Martin (Building Technology,
Sweden – School of Architecture, Fax: + 353 1 402 3989 Computer Applications, Studio)
Lund E-Mail:
Germany – School of Acting Head of Department Part-time Staff
Architecture, Aachen Diploma in Architectural Technology Bosback, Roland (Studio)
France – Ecole d’Architecture de & Conservation Buggy, Gavin (Studio)
Paris la Villette Gerry Cantan, Dip.Arch., Burns, Colette (Studio)
Denmark – Royal Danish Tel: + 353 1 402 3691 Byrne, Denis (Studio)
Academy of Fine Art, Fax: + 353 1 402 3989 Clarke, Seamus (Law)
Copenhagen E-Mail: Cosgrave, Anthony (Building
Course Chair Services, Studio)
Research and Post-graduate Certificate in Design Studies Daly, Patrick (Computer Applications,
Activities Eamonn O’Doherty, B.Arch., MRIAI Studio)
Research activities within the school Tel: + 353 1 402 3934 Dawson, Susan (Studio)
are both pure and applied with the Fax: + 353 1 402 3989 De Roe, Patrick (Studies in Space &
greater emphasis on applied E-Mail: Form)
research. Post graduate students can Dillon, Isoilde (Studio)
pursue master degree awards by Duffy, Francis Noel (Computer
supervised research programmes. Full-time Staff Applications, Studio)
Currently a range of research activi- Bannister, Denis (Studio) Farnan O’Rourke, Celine (Computer
ties are being carried out by various Boyd, Dermot (Studio & Theory of Applications, Grphaics, Studio)
members of staff. Architecture) Haslam, Michael (Studio)
One specific research area currently Brady, Noel (Design Tech, Studio, Hickey, Donal (Studio)
being undertaken jointly by five staff Theory of Architecture) Jordan, Michael (Building Services,
members involves the development Brennan, Niall (Sabbatical) Environmental Science, Design
of a new methodology for the Cantan, Gerry (Bulding Technology, Technology)
teaching of architecture using elec- Professional Practice) Kavnagh, Ros (Design)
tronic communication through inter- Crean, Marie (Building Services, Kelly, David (Law)
active DC and the world wide web. Building Technology, Studio) Mc Govern, Peter (Studio)
This development in theoretical Desmond, Hugh (History & Theory of Mongey, Gary (Studio)
aspects of architectural education Technology, Studio) Moriarty, Conor (Computer
had its origins in part in an interna- Fewer, Michael (Studio) Applications)
tional Conference on Architectural Flynn, Patrick (Design Technology, O’Brien, Brian (Energy Studies)
Education hosted by the school in Studio) O’Byrne, Rory (Economics & Cost
February, 2000. Ford, Frank (Studio) Control)
Fowler, Robert (Design Technology, O’Callaghan, Orla (Studio)
C.P.D. Studio) O’Doherty, Owen (Studio)
A short course in Professional Prac- Grimes, Brendan (Civilisation Studies, O’Rourke, Andrew (Construction
tice is also provided for graduates Studio) Studies)
as part of continuing professional Hanly, Orna (Studio) Palmer, David (Building Materials,
development. This course has been Healy, Dermot (Building Materials, Studio)
designed to fulfil the requirements of Studio) Reid, Marcus (Studio)
Part 3 of the Royal Institute of the Hogan, Fergus (Conservation Roche, James (Design Technology)
Architects of Ireland professional Technology, Studio) Sheridan, Charlotte (Studio)
practice examination. Horan, James (Theory of Switzer, Emmet Daniel (Computer
Architecture) Applications)
Kirk, Thomas (Design Technology, ■


Politecnico Di Milano
Faculty of Architecture Leonardo

via Bonardi 3
20133 Milano, ltaly
Tel. : 0039-02-23991
http :
International Relations Office Faculty of Architecture (CRIFA)
Tel. : 0039-02-2399267012
Fax : 0039-02-23992677

Application deadline : June

Fees : depending on family income

Degree programmes

Degree Total number Total number Accredited Admission Enrolment

duration requirements
of study

Architecture 5 32 4500 5 year High 4955

lndustrial Design 5 24 3600 School Diploma
Environmental and 4 32-39 2800 5 year High 2607
City Planning depending on School Diploma
specialization 5 year High 880
chosen School Diploma

General Information damental cultural transformation, workshops where students can make
The Politecnico di Milano is Milan’s based on the vital importance of their prototypes and models.
University specialized in technolo- scientific and technical develop-
gies. The Institute of Higher ments. The Faculty of Architecture Educational Programs
Technoloy, the Politecnico, was foun- Leonardo is the biggest in Italy and The degree course in Architecture is
ded in 1863 by a group of university offers three degree courses: spread over five years with 32 exams.
men, scholars and enterpreneurs Architecture, Industrial Design, It is divided into three cycles: 1 cycle:
belonging to prominent Milanese Environmental and City Plannig. The basic preparation and fouddation
families. In 1864 a special department branch at Mantua offers the Diploma courses concerning construction in
of Architecture was founded; the in Building Industry and the new deg- architecture, history of the essential
object was to set up a higher educa- ree course in Architecture. The components of architecture, basic
tional establishment in modern archi- Faculty of Architecture Leonardo techniques in architectural design; 2
tecture, which did not yet exist in retains the largest number of cycle: technical, scientific and profes-
Italy at that time, by associating the Erasmus Exchange students from sional training on architectural
Institute’s scientific and technical dis- other EC countries; we have contacts design, urban planning and restora-
ciplines with the art subjects taught with South American, Australian and tion: 3 cycle: futher specialization and
at the Milanses Academy of Fine Arts. Asian Universities; international in depth study of disciplines forthe
The donations of industrialists and seminars are organized often, with a preparation of the major project.
other private citizens have been of high number of exchanged visiting Didactic actvity is organized on an
particular significance, since they professors, researchers, lecturers and annual basis. The degree course is
made it possible to set up laborato- students.Lectures are given in Italian, composed of lecture courses, which
ries and experimental workshops, as well as teaching materials, biblio- aim to provide knowledge of theo-
including the first Italian mechanical graphies and lecture notes. ries, methods and disciplines, and
engineering workshop (1895), the workshops which provide practice of
electrical engineering laboratory and Facilities the main or specific skills in the pre-
school for labourers (1902), the labo- All the facilities needed for studying paration of a project. The degree
ratory for oils and greases (1906), the and researching are offered to stu- course in Indistrial Design aims to
paper research laboratory (1985) and dents: - the architectural library con- train industrial designers in the abili-
the experimental workshop for con- tains 500.000 books, thousands of ties and skills necessary to approach
struction materials (1998).In the area Italian and forergn magazines, docu- all areas of desgin, planning of pro-
of university qualifications, the ments and microfilms. Information on ducts and productive processes using
Politecnico is increasing the range of the library can be found on: cultural backgrounds and basic
offer: we have recently added univer- - the cent- design skills. Didactic activity is orga-
sity diplomas to the traditional deg- re for distribution of lecture notes nized in semesters. The course is
ree courses, which shouls provide procides students with material on composed of lecture courses and
young people with exceptionally particular courses, whose bibliogra- workshops for practicals. There are
good job opportunities when entering phy is not based on books only. - the two orientations, one is product, the
business and industry. We are also Cedar office provides cartography other comunication. The course of
widening our range of PhD courses needed for thesis and projects. -the study in product design has the follo-
and aim to boost continuing educa- centre of cinematography and audio- wing specializations: industrial pro-
tion as a highly effective complement visuals provides educational films duct design, light design, interior
to postgraduate and postdiploma and cideos. - the Politecnico is equip- design, product design. the course of
qualifications, as well as to keep in ped with almost a thousand compu- study in comunication has the follo-
step with rapid changes and innova- tes (IBM, Macintosh and Silicon wing specializations: visual and inter-
tions in technology. The Politecnico Graphics). - there are drawing boards faces design, visual and multimedia
di Milano pursues the concept of fun- in many classrooms. - there are two design.

The degree course in Environmental Design and Architectural - Dean of the Faculty of
and City Planning is spread over four Technology), university centres Architecture:
years. It is divided into two cycles: (Information Technology, Landslides prof. Cesare Stevan.
1 cycle: basic preparation and fouda- and Erosion, Mediterranean Gradens - Chairman of the Degree Course in
tion courses; 2 cycle: technical, scien- and Landscaping, landuse Informatio Architecture:
tific and professional traning, and in Technology, Innovation and prof. Sergio Crotti.
depth study of disciplines for the Sustainability, Transports), and CNR - Chairman of the Degree Course in
major project. The aim of the envi- (National Research Council) centres. Industrial Design:
ronmental and city planning degree prof. Alberto Seassaro.
course is the training of specialized The departments is the organizational - Chairman of the Degree Course in
technicians who will work for the unit to wich teachers and resear- City and Environmental Planning:
planning and management of the chers, engaged in one or more areas prof. Alberto Mioni.
environment. of research, homogeneous in terms - Co-ordinator of the PhD in
of claims and methods, belong; it is Industrial Desgin:
Postgraduate programs on the department’s premises prof. Ezio Manzini.
Constant updating is becoming more research is conducted. The depart- - Co-ordinator of the PhD in Interior
and more importent in our society, ment is responsible for organizing Design:
due to the high rate of technological courses and doing the teaching in prof. Cesare Stevan.
change and renewal; indeed, it has respect of the disciplines connected - Co-ordinator of the PhD in
become strategically important for with its own areas of research. Conservation and Restoration of
competitiveness in business. Every The university’s teaching and Architecture:
year more than a thousand people research are supported by numerous prof. Tatiana Kirova.
enrol for various continuing educa- centres, wich are available to both - Co-ordinator of the PhD in
tion courses organized by the teaching staff and students. Technological Innovation:
Politecnico. The type of courses prof. Fabrizio Schiaffonati.
varies from year to year, since a rapid Research at the Politecnico goes - Co-ordinator of the PhD in City
response has to be found to the hand in hand with co-operation and and Environmental Planning:
appearance on the scene of new tech- wordking agreements with industry, prof. Alessandro Balducci.
nologies, or to innovations in more since it is of enormous value for futu- - Co-ordinator of the PhD in
mature ones. re architects and designers to be able Technology of Architecture:
Postgrduate courses are a significant to acquire work experiences: degree prof. Maria Bottero.
item in the university education and diploma thesesand wordk expe- - Co-ordinator of the PhD in
offered by the Politecnico. The docto- rience with companies and other Architectural and Urban Design:
rate of research is the highest acade- organizations, both in Italy and abro- prof. Ernesto D’Alfonso.
mic qualification awared bij Italian ad, will smooth the transition from ■
universities and corresponds to a study to emplyment. Realtions
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). The deg- between the University and industry
ree is awared after a cycle of studies take the form either of agreements
and research lasting at least three with companies or through the set-
years, involving a specific area of dis- ting up of joint organizations. As well
ciplines. Normally each student is as the departmants, at the Politecnico
supervised by one ore more profes- there are the following dobies which
sors and receives a scholarship. The liaise with industry in the area os
research program is essentially indi- research: Associazione Impresa
vidual; admission to a doctorate cour- Politecnico, which aims to strengthen
se is competitive. At present there are co-operation with the world of indu-
7 doctorate courses (Industrial stry; MIP, which promotes the inter-
Design, Interior Design, Conservation gration of academic knowledge with
and Restoration of Architecture, the operatingskills of companies,
Technological Innovation, City and advanced training and applied
Environmental Planning, Technology research; the University Quality
of Architecture, Architectural and Centre, which provides services for
Urban Design) often involving co- research departments engaged in
operation with foreign universities. quality testing for companies and
other entities.
Research programs
Research at the Faculty of Administration and staff
Architecture Leonardo covers a wide Full and associate professors at the
range in terms of both areas and Faculty of Architecture Leonardo are
objectives; it is carried out by depart- 151. Lecturers are almost 250. Each
ments (Architectural Design, Building year many visiting lecturers from
Construction and Land-use, Conser- abroad are invited, thanks to the
cation and History of Architecture, exchange programs with other EU
Environmental Sciences, Industrial Universities.


Politecnico di Milano
Facoltà di Architettura Civile
Via Durando, 10
20158 Milano, Italy
tel. : 02.2399.7102
Student secretary: Didactic secretary for International Relation:
tel. : +39 022399.7141 tel. : +39 022399.7140
fax : +39 022399.7138 fax : 39 022399.7135
e-mail :
C.R.I. - Studesk4
tel. : +39-02-2399.5721
fax : +39-02-2399.5675
e-mail :

Degree programmes

Degree Course Duration Degree

Degree in Architecture 3 years 1st Level diploma (laurea) (L)

Degree in Architecture of Buildings 3 years 1st Level diploma (laurea) (L)
Specialized Degree in Architecture 2 years after obtaining a diploma (laurea) 2nd Level diploma (laurea) (LS)
Specialized Degree in Architecture- 2 years after obtaining a diploma (laurea) 2nd Level diploma (laurea) (LS)
Engineering of Buildings

Number of admitted students at 1st year 300+150

Total students 2700 ca.
Master 3+1
Research Doctorates (PhD) 3

Radication in the urban and regional History didactic system, directing it towards
context Our school of architecture is quite reaching the following 3 objectives:
The creation of "urban territories" young. It is called the Faculty of Civil - reduction of drops-out and of
endowed with a specific image repre- Architecture and it was formed from actual years needed to obtain a
sented in the years the true great the division of a single department, in degree;
Italian urban project: without an which a number of faculty members - creation of professionals who can
intentional form, without the contri- found it difficult to define a unified more adequately respond to the
bution of a urbanistic and architec- educational approach and project. needs of the trade
tural culture that reflected the cultural Therefore this was a schism caused - harmonization of didactic courses
and civic crisis of the country. And a by a desire for clarity, not only by at a European level
new physical and social landscape questions of size, in spite of their
(the landscape of contemporaneity) importance. The school of architectu- The reform contemplates the follo-
established itself in the most develo- re of Milan has a strong tradition wing degrees:
ped parts of the country. The new which the Bovisa school fully ack- - 1st Level diploma (laurea) (L);
Faculty of Architecture Milan Bovisa, nowledges and preserves. This tradi- - 2nd Level specialized diploma
located close to the Bovisa old gas tion has developed over time, with (laurea) (LS);
factories of the town, offers itself to the contribution of architects like - Research Doctorate(PhD) (DR)
the needs of these physical and social Franco Albini, Piero Bottoni, Carlo De
territories, thanks also to the place Carli and Ernesto Rogers, who have Admittance to an LS (2nd Level spe-
where is settled. believed that every moment of histo- cialized diploma) is only possible
Sited at the intersection of railway ry must construct its own architectu- after obtaining an L (laurea).
and road infrastructures which re, in continuity with history, starting Admittance DR (Research Doctorate)
connect it with the most developed with a critique of the architecture of is only possible after obtaining an LS.
sectors of the Milanese region, with the past. What these architects, and In conceiving his 3+2 (L+LS) study
the new Malpensa airport on one side some of their students who still teach course, the student has a wide choi-
and the traditional centre of Milan on in our school, have in common is the ce; admittance to the LS is dependent
the other, the Faculty of Architecture conviction that architecture is, above upon passing an admittance test and,
occupies the renovated sheds of an all, a matter of civil conscience. in some cases, it can cancel a num-
old factory; it is provided with ideal ber of didactic prerequisites which
spaces and equipments and offers Didactic course varies according to the type of LS
itself to those European and Italian Beginning in the academic year 2000- chosen. Universities can also activate
students who are once again interes- 2001, the Milan Politecnico imple- post-degree courses that grant the
ted in the study of architecture as an mented a new didactic course accor- following degrees:
interpreter and builder of the city. ding to regulations expressed in the 1st level Master (after L)
This is a school that expands on the Decreto Ministeriale (Governmental 2nd level Master (after LS)
territory, also in its studies and histo- Ordinance) dated November 3,1999,
rical references; that, in its research n. 509, "Regolamento recante norme University Didactic Credits
tradition, also looks at the other concernenti l'autonomia didattica The reform introduces a study course
Lombard cities like Pavia, Vigevano degli atenei", published in the G.U. n. which is based on didactic credits.
or Como, and sees them as parts of 2 del 4/1/00, and according to direc- A University Didactic Credits (CFU) is
the territory where it is settled and to tions given by governmental ordinan- unit measuring the volume of lear-
which it relates. ces for implementation. ning, including individual study,
The reform of university courses required to an adequately prepared
modified the entire Italian university student in order for him to acquire

knowledge and ability in the didactic responds to all requisites needed for lectic is a reference and nourishment
activities considered by the Study it to be accredited as an LS (speciali- for the research. The course is built
Courses. For the Faculty of Civil zed diploma) by the European Union. by integrated phases. Research
Architecture , a CFU equals to 30 Doctorate (PhD) in Interior Archit-
working hours. The average quantity Research Doctorates (PhD) ecture and Installations Department
of learning activity carried out in one Research Doctorate (PhD) in of Architectural DesignDevelopment
year by a full-time student equals to Architecture, Urban Planning, of research, organization, recording
60 credits. The credits relative to each Preservation of living places and of and re-elaborating abilities for the
didactic activity are issued to the the landscape purpose of knowing and divulging
student once he passes the exam or Department of Architectural Design historical as well as contemporary
some other form of verification. This course aims at shaping a profes- documents dealing with the interior
It is expected that time devoted to sional and a researcher who is aware design discipline (architecture, furnis-
personal study or to some other indi- of the problems that arise today in hing, decoration, scenography, instal-
vidual didactic activity equals at least the transformation of the physical lations, museo-logy, furniture produc-
50% of the total workload. environment and of living spaces: tion). Besides the development of a
rational use of resources (be they specific individual curriculum, the
Study Courses environmental or cultural), sustaina- candidates will be able to span the
Within the reform, the Faculty of Civil ble development, attention to the whole discipline of Interior Architec-
Architecture articulates the didactic new social needs set by economic ture and Installations, articulating
offer into 4 degree courses: and cultural globalisation. Given the their studies according to appropriate
Degree in Architecture – 3 years – complexity of issues, the approach analytical and design scales, in diffe-
1st level diploma (laurea) (L), can only be multidisciplinary, alt- rent sectors.
Degree Course in Architecture of hough it cannot disregard the duty of
Buildings – 3 years - 1st level synthesis and design experimenta- Information for foreign students
diploma (laurea) (L), tion even inside the specific fields Classes begin in the first week of
Specialized Degree in Architec- that apply for the doctorate. In this October and finish at the end of May.
ture* - 2 years after obtaining an sense the programme of studies Rather than being divided into 2
L - 2nd Level diploma (laurea) includes three educational courses, terms, these classes run all year
(LS), distinct but strongly independent, as round, which means that the projects
Specialized Degree in Architec- it is proved by the didactics that are are completed in May. The students
ture-Engineering of Buildings* - common to the three courses. then have 3 examination sessions:
2 years after obtaining an L - 2nd The research doctorate (PhD) is arti- summer (June-July), autumn
Level diploma (laurea) (LS) culated in three educational courses (September) and an extension of the
that, although maintaining each its autumn session which falls in
* Specialized Degree Courses will own disciplinary specificity, co-opera- February. During the exams all clas-
commence in the academic year te in shaping the candidate, as it is ses are suspended. All classes are
2003/04. shown in the didactic programme held in Italian.
which provides for common propae- Classes having the same heading
The following courses are also active: deutical and basic classes for all can- may be actually different since they
- 1st and 2nd degree Master’s Degree didates. may employ a different approach to
Courses in the field of Architecture, the same subject depending on the
Landscape Architecture, Interior Research Doctorate (PhD) in teacher. The number of classes we
Architecture, Architecture of Building Architectural Composition recommend foreign students to fol-
and Structure, of Preservation and of Department of Architectural Design low ranges between a minimum of
Architectural Restoration. The research doctorate (PhD) is inten- 3 and a maximum of 6, depending
The Degree Courses (L) in Architec- ded as a high culture school, rooted on the duration of their stay in Milan
ture and Architecture of Construction in the history of the architect's practi- and the difficulty of the classes they
have the 1st year on common in ce and discipline and very rich in choose.
order to allow the student a greater technical contents. It aims at shaping
flexibility in choosing his/her own architects who are capable of a Teaching staff
course of study. general point of view, with a solid The school employs 88 permanent
The diploma (laurea) (L) in Architec- historical/humanistic training and professors and 68 professors by con-
ture allows admittance to the Specia- theoretical education, but also pos- tract.
lized Degree (LS) in Architecture sessing a wide range of urban-plan- Dean of the Faculty:
without any didactic prerequisites. ning and building notions as well as Prof. Arch. Antonio Monestiroli
The resulting "3+2" course of study in design abilities. The educational pro- Vice-Dean:
Architecture responds to all requisites cess takes place through the commu- Prof.ssa Chiara Molina
needed for it to be accredited by the nication of organized contents, sha- Presidents of the Degree Courses
European Union. red moments of research and partici- Prof.ssa Chiara Molina, Prof.
The diploma (laurea) (L) in Architec- pation to the cultural debate. Arch. Angelo Torricelli
ture of Buildings allows admittance The course is institutionally based on phone +39 022399.7102
to the Specialized Degree (LS) in the confrontation between members fax +39 022399.7138
Architecture-Engineering of Buildings of the teaching staff and external per- e-mail:
without any didactic prerequisites. sonalities among the most significant
The resulting "3+2" course of study in the international debate. This dia- ■


Politecnico di Torino
Facoltà di Architettura 1

Viale Mattioli, 39
10125 Torino, Italy
Tel. : 0039-(0)11-5645901
Tel. : 0039-(0)11-5645902

E-mail :

Application deadline: July

Fees: from 257 to 1085 euros, depending on family income

Degree programmes

Degree Title Minimum Accredited Admission Number of students

duration requirements students admitted
of study in the first year

Architecture Architect 3 years - 5 years High School 360

Diploma + admission
Specialised architect 2 years Architect Architect
Graphic & virtual Graphic & virtual 3 years - 5 years High School 050
Design designer Diploma + admission
Industrial Design Industrial designer 3 years - 5 years High School 120
Diploma + admission
Specialised industrial 2 years - Industrial designer 050

General Information diploma courses. The average dura- tury architects (from Carlo Mollino to
The "Royal School for Engineering tion of architectural studies is 20th century local architects). The
Applications" was founded in 1859 in approximately eight years (legal Library also has a videotape section,
Turin, as one of the initiatives started duration of the course is five years), a CD-ROM section, microfiches and
by the local authorities to solve the but it is going to decrease with the microfilms on architectural matters,
economical crisis which hit the area new 3+2 didactic system. This system as well as the collection of graduate
after the capital city of the Kingdom is being implemented for all faculties and doctorate dissertations presented
of Italy was transferred to Florence at the Polytechnic as from the year to the faculty. The entire library sys-
and, finally, to Rome. Architectural 2000. Polytechnic students from all tem can be accessed at
studies were, at that time, part of a faculties will earn a bachelor degree
civilian engineering career. The Royal after three years of study and a mas- The Interdepartmental Didactic
School and the Industrial Museum ter degree after the following two Centre of the Faculty of Architecture
(the second institution in the city for years. With this degree, studies can (Cisda) provides a range of services
the education of industrial engineers) earn a Specialisation School diploma to students:
were joined to form the Turin (two years) a professional Master (1 - A project didactic documentation
Polytechnic - the first technical uni- year) or Doctorate School diploma laboratory (Ladipro) for assisting
versity in the country - in 1905. The (PhD after three years). students in computer-based pro-
culture of the Polytechnic, where the The Faculty is located in the Valentino ject presentation.
technical skills of engineering are Castle, an outstanding example of - A model laboratory (Lamod) for
strictly connected to the more huma- 17th century civilian architecture. It is making project models.
nistic-oriented approach of architec- generally considering one of the - A didactic audio-visual service
ture, developed during this initial most beautiful faculties of architectu- (Sad) offering films on architectu-
period. The Faculty of Architecture re in Europe. The building stands in re and collecting and producing
was founded in 1935. The Polytechnic the Valentino Park, in the immediate disciplinary video material.
recently started a policy aimed at vicinity of the historical city centre. - A hyper media production service
spreading activity throughout the ter- The area is easy to reach on foot (Hyparc) making hyper media
ritory of Piedmont, the region which from the city centre and by public software.
capital is Turin. Today, engineering transport. It is also well connected to - An architecture faculty language
courses are organised in Alessandria, the Central Polytechnic Offices, the service (Sla) offering staff and a
Aosta, Biella, Mondovì, Torino and Faculties of Engineering in Turin and language laboratory to students.
Vercelli and architecture courses are the Faculty of Architecture clas- - A architectural photometry labo-
organised in Mondovì and Torino. srooms in the future development ratory (Fotoril) teaching photo-
There are three Faculties of Enginee- area of the Polytechnic (where the metry techniques and offering a
ring and two Faculties of Architecture entire faculty will eventually be trans- vast repertoire of pictures of
in the Polytechnic according to the ferred). major historical buildings.
internal restructuring procedure Student services at the Valentino - An environmental system analy-
which was started in 1999. include a vast Central Library and sis and modelling laboratory
The First Faculty of Architecture sector-specific libraries (city-planning (Lamsa) providing tools for analy-
counts approximately 3500 students and history). The Central Library sing constructed environment
enrolled in the various graduate and includes several archives of 20th cen- quality.

- A technological construction labo- hops, conferences and individual versity career, although professional
ratory (Latec) where students can research. Students have also the aspects are not neglected. The curri-
construct building components. option of choosing professional acti- cula last for three years. The courses
- A computer and information tech- vities during the second semester of most directly related to architecture
nology communications centre the third year. studies focus on "Architecture and
(Cesit) at the Valentino counting Conversely, educational programmes construction design", "Accounting
the computer laboratories of the have been drawn up for the first and economical evaluations",
faculty for computer courses and three years of Industrial Design and "Territorial planning and real estate
free use on behalf of the students. Graphic & virtual Design (the first two marketing", "History of architecture
A second centre is open in Via years are currently operative). and city-planning" and "History and
Pier Carlo Boggio. The two-year Master programme lea- critique of architectural and environ-
Finally, Polytechnic students are invi- ding to the title of "Specialised mental heritage". Various profession-
ted to offer their paid contribution for Architect" is currently being defined, al Master courses of 1 year allow stu-
didactic activities and services. Other as it will start in fall 2003. A parallel dents, practitioners or civil servants
services are offered by the "Renato programme in Eco-design, offered as to perfection specific aspects of prac-
Einaudi" University House and the a specialisation in the field of indus- tice (CAD, building economics, evalu-
regional Education Rights authority trial design, is already operational ation, legislation, etc.).
(Edisu). from 2002. All faculty courses are Corep (Permanent Education and
defined in Ects, count up to approxi- Research Consortium) was founded
Educational programme mately 60 a year and can be carried by the Polytechnic and the Turin
The adoption of the 3+2 model for out during the first or third period. University and organises specialisa-
academic year 2000-2001, following Workshop activities, on the other tion and further education one year
the Bologna agreement, has comple- hand, last for the entire year, but their or shorter courses.
tely redefined the permanence of stu- activity is more intense in the third
dents in the Faculty of Architecture, period. Approximately forty students Research programme
allowing students to seek employ- a year can follow part of their curricu- Research is carried out in Italy by
ment after the first three years of lum aboard at one of the many departments and not by faculties,
study. schools belonging to the which are specifically didactic structu-
The educational programme compri- Socrate/Erasmus programme. res. Four departments are located in
ses degree courses in Architecture, in the First and Second Faculty of
Industrial Design and in Graphic & Post-graduate programme Architecture: Architectural Design,
virtual Design, as well as several Post-graduate programmes are beco- Homes and Cities, Settlement Science
post-degree functions. ming increasingly important in and Techniques and Territory Inter-
The general structure of the system today's society. Professional and aca- University Department which is in
was defined by the Faculty Council demic architecture post-graduate pro- common to the Turin Polytechnic and
according to European architecture grammes are organised by the the Turin University. Other four engi-
study constraints and national rules Doctorate School which is common neering Faculty Departments are
for all universities. The Industrial to the entire Polytechnic and cover located in the Valentino Castle. These
Design and Graphic & virtual Design programmes concerning both engi- Departments provide most of the lec-
courses are not subject to European neering and architectural concerns turers required by the two Faculties
rules. ( of Architecture according to needs.
The three years’ programme in lauream/scudo/guide). In general, one Other lecturers are provided by other
Architecture has been completed in of the specifically listed graduate Departments and refer to the Faculty
detail with the start of the third year diplomas or master diplomas is of Engineering.
courses in fall 2002. Teaching is required to access the programmes. Research in the Departments follows
based on design workshops (ateliers) Specialisation Schools are more mar- the major lines of design, history and
integrating architectural design and kedly professional. Courses last for city-planning and plays a leading role
city-planning, with relevant presence two years. The programmes which in the most advanced national and
of all disciplines. Interdisciplinary most appeal architecture graduates international debate. An important
design work is focused on relevant are "Architectural and environmental part of research is carried out on
urban themes, with attention to plan- heritage history, analysis and evalu- behalf of the government, of compa-
ning, landscape and urban design, ation" and "Technology, architecture nies and local authorities by means
architectural design and construction, and cities in developing countries". of research and consulting contracts.
environment and sustainability, buil- Other programmes focusing on con-
ding economy. Courses are held temporary architecture preservation Administration and staff
during the first didactic period and Alpine architecture are being Full and associates professors at the
(September-December) while atelier defined, in co-operation with univer- First Faculty of Architecture are 46;
practice is carried out mainly during sities in France, Switzerland and lecturers are 41.
the third period (March-June). First Germany, as well as a programme in The Dean of the Faculty is
semester courses include mathema- information technology and urban Prof. Carlo Olmo.
tics, urban geography, history of design in co-operation with universi- The Vice-dean is
architecture, descriptive geometry, ties in the Netherlands, USA and Prof. Aimaro Oreglia d’Isola.
construction, etc.. A mid period France.Doctorate courses, on the Responsible of International affairs is
(January-February) is left free for the other hand, are more markedly aca- Prof. Matteo Robiglio.
attendance of intensive design works- demic and required to access a uni- ■


Politechnico di Torino
Facoltà di Architettura 2

Viale Mattioli, 39
10125 Torino, Italy
Tel. : 0039-(0)11-5646377
Tel. : 0039-(0)11-5646378
Fax : 0039-(0)11-5646379
Email :

Application deadline: July

Fees : from 257 to 1085 euros, according with family income

Degree programmes

Degree Title Minimum Accredited Admission Number of students

duration requirements admitted in the first year
of study

Architecture Architect 3 years - 5 years High School 240

Diploma + admission
Specialised 2 years Architects’ Architect
architect Professional
Architecture, with Architect 3 years - 5 years High School 120
Environmental and Diploma + admission
Landscaping approach examination
Specialised 2 years Architects’ Architect
architect Professional
History and Doctor in - 5 years High School 120
Conservation of History and Diploma + admission
Architectural and Conservation examination
Environmental Heritage
Specialised 2 years - Doctor
Doctor in
History and

General Information Faculties of Architecture in the Poly- from the city centre and by public
The "Royal School for Engineering technic according to the internal transport. It is also well connected to
Applications" was founded in 1859 in restructuring procedure which was the Central Polytechnic Offices, the
Turin, as one of the initiatives started started in 1999. Faculties of Engineering in Turin and
by the local authorities to solve the The First Faculty of Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture clas-
economical crisis which hit the area this time counts approximately 3500 srooms in the future development
after the capital city of the Kingdom students enrolled in the various gra- area of the Polytechnic (where the
of Italy was transferred to Florence duate and diploma courses. The aver- entire faculty will eventually be trans-
and, finally, to Rome. Architectural age duration of architectural studies ferred).
studies were, at that time, part of a is approximately eight years (legal Student services at the Valentino
civilian engineering career. The Royal duration of the course is five years). include a vast Central Library and
School and the Industrial Museum Diploma courses are coming to an sector-specific libraries (city-planning
(the second institution in the city for end, as a consequence of the adop- and history). The Central Library
the education of industrial engineers) tion of the 3+2 system deriving from includes several archives of 20th cen-
were joined to form the Turin the Bologna agreement. This system tury architects (from Carlo Mollino to
Polytechnic - the first technical uni- is being implemented for all faculties 20th century local architects). The
versity in the country - in 1905. The at the Polytechnic as from the year Library also has a videotape section,
culture of the Polytechnic, where the 2000. Polytechnic students from all a CD-ROM section, microfiches and
technical skills of engineering are faculties will earn a bachelor degree microfilms on architectural matters,
strictly connected to the more huma- after three years of study and a mas- as well as the collection of graduate
nistic-oriented approach of architec- ter degree after the following two and doctorate dissertations presented
ture, developed during this initial years. With this degree, studies can to the faculty. The entire library sys-
period. The Faculty of Architecture earn a Specialisation School diploma tem can be accessed at
was founded in 1935. (two years) or Doctorate School
The Polytechnic has recently started a diploma (PhD after three years).
policy aimed at spreading activity The Faculty is located in the Valentino The Interdepartmental Didactic
throughout the territory of Piedmont, Castle, an outstanding example of Centre of the Faculty of Architecture
the region which capital is Turin. 17th century civilian architecture. It is (Cisda) provides a range of services
Today, engineering courses are orga- generally considering one of the to students:
nised in Alessandria, Aosta, Biella, most beautiful faculties of architectu- - A project didactic documentation
Mondovì, Torino and Vercelli and re in Europe. The building stands in laboratory (Ladipro) for assisting
architecture courses are organised in the Valentino Park, in the immediate students in computer-based pro-
Mondovì and Torino. There are three vicinity of the historical city centre. ject presentation.
Faculties of Engineering and two The area is easy to reach on foot - A model laboratory (Lamod) for

making project models. during the first semester and practice Doctorate courses, on the other hand,
- A didactic audio-visual service is carried out during the second are more markedly academic and
(Sad) offering films on architec- semester. First semester courses required to access a university career.
ture and collecting and producing include mathematics, history of archi- Professional aspects are not neglec-
disciplinary video material. tecture, descriptive geometry, steel ted. The curricula last for three years.
- A hyper media production service construction, etc. The curriculum of The courses most directly related to
(Hyparc) making hyper media the third year follows the same struc- architecture studies focus on
software. ture. Students have the option of "Architecture and construction
- An architecture faculty language choosing professional activities design", "Accounting and economical
service (Sla) offering staff and a during the second semester of the evaluations", "Territorial planning and
language laboratory to students. third year. real estate marketing", "History of
- A architectural photometry labo- architecture and city-planning" and
ratory (Fotoril) teaching photo- Students attending the courses sub- "History and critique of architectural
metry techniques and offering a sequent to the first year will continue and environmental heritage".
vast repertoire of pictures of to follow the programmes establish- Corep (Permanent Education and
major historical buildings. ed approximately one decade ago by Research Consortium) was founded
- An environmental system analy- the general architectural study by the Polytechnic and the Turin
sis and modelling laboratory reform. University and organises specialisa-
(Lamsa) providing tools for analy- Conversely, educational programmes tion and further education one year
sing constructed environment have been drawn up for the first or shorter courses.
quality. three years of industrial design (the
- A technological construction labo- first two years are currently operati- Research programme
ratory (Latec) where students can ve). Research is carried out in Italy by
construct building components. All faculty courses are defined in departments and not by faculties,
- A computer and information tech- Ects, count up to approximately 60 a which are specifically didactic struc-
nology communications centre year and can be carried out during tures. Four departments are located
(Cesit) at the Valentino counting the first or second semester. in the First and Second Faculty of
the computer laboratories of the Workshop activities, on the other Architecture: Architectural Design,
faculty for computer courses and hand, last for the entire year. Homes and Cities, Settlement Science
free use on behalf of the students. Approximately forty students a year and Techniques and Territory Inter-
A second centre is open in Via can follow part of their curriculum University Department which is in
Pier Carlo Boggio. aboard at one of the many schools common to the Turin Polytechnic and
Finally, Polytechnic students are invi- belonging to the Socrate/Erasmus the Turin University. Other four engi-
ted to offer their paid contribution for programme. neering Faculty Departments are
didactic activities and services. Other located in the Valentino Castle.
services are offered by the "Renato Post-graduate programme These Departments provide most of
Einaudi" University House and the Post-graduate programmes are be- the lecturers required by the two
regional Education Rights authority coming increasingly important in Faculties of Architecture according to
(Edisu). today's society. Professional and needs. Other lecturers are provided
academic architecture post-graduate by other Departments and refer to the
Educational programme programmes are organised by the Faculty of Engineering.
The adoption of the 3+2 model for Doctorate School which is common Research in the Departments follows
academic year 2000-2001, following to the entire Polytechnic and cover the major lines of design, history and
the Bologna agreement, aims at programmes concerning both engi- city-planning and plays a leading role
reformulating the permanence of stu- neering and architectural concerns in the most advanced national and
dents in the Faculty of Architecture, ( international debate. An important
allowing students to seek employ- scudo/guide). In general, one of the part of research is carried out on
ment after the first three years of specifically listed graduate diplomas behalf of the government, of compa-
study. or master diplomas is required to nies and local authorities by means
The educational programme compri- access the programmes. of research and consulting contracts.
ses a degree course in architecture Specialisation Schools are more
and several post-degree functions. markedly professional. Courses last Administration and staff
The general structure of the system for two years. Full and associated professors at the
was defined by the Faculty Council The programmes which most appeal Second Faculty of Architecture are
according to European architecture architecture graduates are "Architec- 58; lecturers are 42.
study constraints and national rules tural and environmental heritage
for all universities. The industrial history, analysis and evaluation" and The Dean of the Faculty is
design course is not subject to "Technology, architecture and cities in Prof. Vera Comoli Mandracci.
European rules. developing countries". Other pro- The Vice-dean is
The first year programme has been grammes focusing on contemporary Prof. Cristoforo Sergio Bertuglia.
defined in detail to date. Design architecture preservation and Alpine Responsible of International affairs is
workshops (ateliers) integrating archi- architecture are being defined, in Prof. Guido Morbelli.
tectural design and city-planning co-operation with universities in ■
cover the first year. Courses are held France, Switzerland and Germany.

Fachhochschule Liechtenstein - University of Applied

Sciences Liechtenstein
Faculty of Architecture
Fürst-Franz-Jozef Strasse
FL – 9490 Vaduz
Tel. : +423 – 237 62 62
Fax : +423 – 237 62 63
Email :

Application deadline: 2 July 2001, 1 July 2002, 30 June 2003

Aptitude test / enrolment exams: 6 July 2001, 5 July 2002, 4 July 2003
Tuition and fees: CHF 750.- / semester

Degree programmes

Degree Title Minimum Admission Enrolment

duration requirements
of study

Diploma Dipl.-Arch. (FH) 4,5 years Matura (Upper secondary school leaving 30 per year
certificate or equivalent -ISCED
level 3A or 3B)

General Information training before the course and and their achievements are awarded
The Fachhochschule Liechtenstein – throughout their studies, students with credits (ECTS) as recommended
University of Applied Sciences are given a comprehensive insight by the European Union.
Liechtenstein - was founded in 1961 into the various major areas of
and is a rather small university. professional practice. They therefore International Activities
Where 450 undergraduate and have the opportunity to link their Since 1995, when Liechtenstein
graduate students (100 Architecture; theoretical studies at the university – became a Member of the EEA, stu-
350 Business Management) are depending on their progress – with dents and tutors have the possibility
enrolled. Personal attention in an the practical studies in the architects’ to co-operate with foreign institutions
informal atmosphere is highly office. These practical studies are in the framework of EU exchange
appreciated. The academic year is assessed and supervised by the programs like Erasmus and Leonardo
divided into semesters. The winter faculty. The very different back- da Vinci. As long as the students
term, starting in October (week 42) grounds of the students are the come from or live in a EU or EEA
lasts 18 weeks until March with a reason why the first year is hold country, they get support for their
short semester break. The summer more restricted, while from the studies abroad and their exchange
term with 18 weeks lasts from April second year the students have more semesters are accredited by the
until mid-September with a summer choice, more individual supervision faculty.
break (mid-July – August). and the individual development is Sokrates Intensive Programmes have
The programmes of further education carefully promoted. The student/- become a part of the activities at the
have a flexible time schedules. tutors ratio in the mayor subjects is university. In 1998 the co-operation
about 1:8 until 1:12. for the Sokrates program including
Facilities The study plan foresees a continuos the KTH Stockholm, UE London and
The Faculty of Architecture at the development of complexity within the the Fachhochschule Liechtenstein
Fachhochschule Liechtenstein is projects and subjects. In these started with a Workshop for "Wood
located in Vaduz and Triesen. subjects as well as in research and Construction" in Vaduz, with 36
In fall 2001 a new campus will be technology transfer, the students students from 14 nations and tutors
opened in a reconstructed old textile have the choice between at least 3 of the three schools. In March 2000
factory building with shed roofed items and teachers. The faculty also there was the 2nd Workshop in the
halls in Vaduz. Four large studios, offers a choice concerning the subject „Urban Renewal"in London,
several lecture and seminars rooms general subjects of economy, CAD, with 55 students from the three
will be available. renewable energy, teamwork and universities. In spring 2001 another
leadership, communication and workshop together with the KTH in
Besides the actual computer facilities, languages as well as the diploma Stockholm ,the Technical University
the whole new building has wireless thesis, where the candidates are and Art academy Talinn is planned in
installations so the students have the guaranteed the choice of the theme. Talinn and Stockholm.
opportunity to work on their note- The students have to attend voca-
books wherever necessary. tional training programmes and are Exchange Programs
given the same status and rights as Sending students and teachers
Educational Programs other university students. abroad and inviting foreign tutors an
The studies at the Fachhochschule All programmes are organised and students has always been important
Liechtenstein are characterised by the structured on a modular basis. for the Fachhochschule Liechtenstein.
fact that theory and practice are Students complete their studies with There have been and are exchanges
closely linked. Through their practical an official approved academic title with:

- University of East London UEL, Construction
- Royal Institute of technology - Lic. Kunsthistor. Heilig Edgar,
Stockholm Urban Planning
- Academie Paris la Vallette - Dipl. Arch. ETH Held Lorenz,
- Technical University Vienna Building Management
- Academie Paris la Seine - Dipl. Arch. TU Hilti Hansjörg,
- Rietfeld Academiie, Amsterdam Dean of Faculty
- University of Venice - Dipl. Kaufm.HKG Hüttenmoser
- University of Applied sciences Management
Fachhochschule Aachen - lic. phil. Jakob Ursina,
- Esuela tecnica Superior de Sociology
Arquitectura in Madrid - lic. phil. Kindle Konrad,
- Universidad Nacional de Mexico Philosophy
- Universidad de Los Andes - Dipl. Arch. ETH Kuhn Felix,
Bogota, Columbia, Universidade Design + Research
de Sao Paulo Brasil - Dr. Ing Arch. Künz Lothar,
- Universidad del Bio in Building Physics
Concepcion , Chile - Dipl. Bauing. HTL Leu Peter,
Building Management
Administration and Staff - Dipl. Arch. ETH Möllfors Karin,
In alphabetic order Further Education + Research
- Prof. Dr. Aistleitner Eyjolf, - Dipl. Arch. ETH Müller B.
Ecology Urban Planing
- Dipl. Arch . ETH Theres - Dipl. Arch. ETH Ospelt Hubert,
Aschwanden Urban Planing +Arts
Design+Constuction - Dipl. Arch HBK Harry Roos
- Ing. HTL Bachofner Rolf, Desidn + Construction
Wood Construction - Dipl. Ing. Eugen Schuler
- Dr. phil Banzer Roman, Structural Design
Literature - Dipl. Ing.Arch Schwanzar Walter
- Dipl. Bauing. HTL Bettschen Construction supervision
Structural Design - lic. Oec Toldo Oscar,
- Dipl. Arch. ETH Buschor Markus Economy
Design+Construction - Dipl. Arch. Unterrainer Walter,
- Dipl. Arch. ETH H. +P. Diethelm- Design+Constr+Building Ecology
Grauer - Dr. Ing.Arch Walter Erich,
History and Theory of Architecture Steel Construction
- Dipl. Ing. Arch. Dvorzak Hugo, - Dipl. Arch. HBK Wehrli Jürg,
Design + Construction Design +Construction
- Betr. Oec. FH Eggenberger S. - Dipl. Tech. HLK Widmer Richard
Communication + Rhetoric Installations
- Dipl. Arch. HTL Frommelt - Prof. Dr. Ing H.v. Winning
Christoph Urban Plannning
Wood structure - Prof. Dr. phil. Wunderlich Werner,
- Mag. Art. B.A. Paris Frommelt Literature +Media
Arts Permanent external Experts:
- Dipl. Arch. HTL Fäh Roland, Dipl. Arch. ETH Eraldo
Construction Consolascio Zürich
- Dipl. Ing. Arch Gohm Markus, Dipl. Arch. RIBA Thomas
Design Schregenberger Zürich
- Dipl. Arch. HBK Gähler Diego, ■
- Dipl. Arch. HTL Hatz Pierre,
Protection of Hist. Monuments
- Dipl. Ing. Hediger Herbert,
Tec. Installation
- Dipl. Arch. HTL/STV Heeb Beni,


University “Sv. Kiril i Metodij” - Skopje

Faculty of Architecture

Partizanski odredi 24
POBox 303
91000 Skopje
Republic of Macedonia
Tel. : + 389 91 116 328
Fax : + 389 91 116 367

Application deadline : June

Tuition and fees : 4.000 USD

Degree programmes

Degree Title Minimum Accredited Admission Enrolment

duration requirements
of study

Architecture g.e.a. (Graduated

engineer-architect) 5 years 70
Architecture M.Sc. (Master of
technical sciences
in architecture) 2 years 15

General information assistant professors supports this permanently improving. The Library
The Faculty of Architecture is one program. Courses are structured as provides most of the referent books
of the twenty-four faculties at the lectures and readings alongside the in Macedonian, and many in English,
largest University of “SS. Cyril and studio sequence. French, German and other foreign
Methodius” in the Republic of languages as well as subscriptions to
Macedonia. The Faculty was founded Over the past fifty years the Faculty numerous periodicals of the world-
in 1949, as a Department of Architec- has become an institution with natio- wide famous magazines. The Faculty
ture within the Technical Faculty, at nal reputation. Lately, the participa- houses facilities necessary for
that time having two departments - tion in European exchange programs teaching and research: CAD centre
Civil Engineering and Architecture. has been enhanced and many and computer-wired work-stations,
As an independent academic unit the contacts with universities in the USA, modeling hall, photo laboratory and
Faculty of Architecture exists from Australia, and Asia have been laboratory for testing the physical
1976. In the period of fifty years the established as part of the university and strength characteristics of the
Faculty has been the only institution international exchange programme. materials.
to provide students with accredited Collaboration with foreign universi-
professional degree program in the ties is stimulated in research pro- Recently, as part of the Faculty com-
Republic of Macedonia. grammes, visiting lecturers and plementary activities the Architectural
The program aims at developing the students. The Summer School of Gallery and the Archives of
knowledge and skills necessary for Architecture for students and young Architectural Drawings that collects
architects to achieve future roles in faculties hosts lecturers and partici- original materials of notable archi-
the professional practice of architec- pants from all over the world. tects and projects, were established.
ture and related environmental
design fields. In the past fifty years Facilities Educational programme
3294 students have graduated from The Faculty of Architecture is located The students at the Faculty of
this Faculty. At the present 600 stu- in the central area of Skopje, the Architecture pursue a fife-year pro-
dents study the five-year undergra- capital of Republic of Macedonia and gram leading to a graduate degree.
duate program and 15 students is very good connected with all the Graduates are awarded the title of
study the two-year postgraduate city zones of importance, and the Graduated Engineer Architect.
program. The Ph.D. program is orga- surface transportation terminals.
nized on the basis of mentorship. Public transportation connects the The program promotes broad areas
Faculty with other faculties and facili- of knowledge and professional skills.
The study is a full-time five-year ties of the University, the Library, In the first two years students acquire
course. The curriculum gives a broad recreation complexes etc. The basic knowledge introducing architec-
design and research programme in geographical position of the city, ture and design fundamentals, archi-
the fields of architectural design, being in the central part of the tectural history and technology.
architectural history and theory, as Balkans, provides this Faculty with Teaching is scheduled in a fifteen-
well as philosophy and art, building opportunities to contact and connect week period in the spring and fall
technology, construction, and engi- easily with other universities in the semesters. The courses in the first
neering and urban design and plan- neighbouring countries as Bulgaria, and the second year are:
ning. This knowledge encourages Greece, Albania and Yugoslavia.
students to continue learning and The building was originally built for First year
specializing throughout a profes- the needs of the Technical Faculty Philosophy of Technical Sciences
sional career and tries to develop and today houses two faculties, the Mathematics
skills preparing the graduated archi- Faculty of Architecture and the Descriptive Geometry
tect-engineers to practice. Faculty of Civil Engineering. The Art Studio-Drawing
Faculty staff of 31 professors and 21 faculty facilities are modest but Architectural Structures I

Elements of Design architecture, urban planning and
Fundamentals of Computer Aided design, conservation and architectur- The student association is an active
Design al history. The candidates are encou- member of EASA, the European asso-
Defense and Civil Protection raged to incorporate within their ciation of students of architecture
Second year research, the most advanced scienti- which allows the students to attend
Perspective Drawing fic approaches in the field and the international workshops throughout
Art Studio-Plastic Forms experiences embedded in the rich the year and to exchange educational
Mechanics architectural and cultural heritage of experiences with students from many
Strength of Materials Macedonia. European countries.
Architectural Structures II The course leading to a Master deg-
Fundamentals of Design ree lasts four semesters. After an ini- The student association is also an
Fundamentals of Urbanism tial semester of introductory courses, active member of IASTE, the interna-
History of Architecture and Art in the students select their individual tional association of students of tech-
Ancient Times programmes of study from the list of nical sciences, which allows students
History of Architecture and Art in courses in the four mentioned areas. to work in architectural practices
the Middle Ages According to their specific field of throughout the world during the
Physics in Architecture interest they can also take courses summer.
In the last three years of studying, the taught at other faculties in the univer-
curriculum centers on architectural sity. The intensive international communi-
design. The advanced comprehensive cation of the faculty allows the stu-
problems require integration of the The studies leading to a Ph.D. degree dents to participate in many forms of
full range of knowledge and skills are organized on an individual exchange with the faculties in the
from the previous two-year educa- research basis. Recent doctoral thesis vicinity such as workshops, seminars,
tion. Students learn to develop the have covered the areas of architectur- lectures etc.
skills they need to practice architec- al heritage, theory of architecture and
tural profession. These three years of urban planning and sustainable archi- Administration and staff
studying incorporate courses in theo- tecture and development. The Faculty has 52 full-time academic
ry and history of architecture, techno- staff, while visiting lecturers from
logy and structures, and urban other faculties of the university and
design and planning. In this period Research programme from abroad take part in the graduate
students work in various design stu- The research at the faculty is organi- and postgraduate programmes of
dios and select one design studio that zed either as disciplinary research study.
complements their areas of interest undertaken through the five depart-
and helps them to undertake the final ments in the faculty or as interdiscip- Dean
design project - the Diploma Project. linary research that involves several Prof. Zivko Popovski
The selected design studio has core departments and other parties out- Vice-Dean:
courses, which are compulsory, and side the faculty. Prof. Dr. Martin Guleski
optional courses that are closely rela- Prof. Cvetanka Simonovska
ted to the research and design of the Recent research projects have inclu- Head of Postgraduate Studies:
chosen project. ded the fields of housing, industrial Prof. Dr. Vlatko P. Korobar
building, urban planning, conserva-
Selected Design Studio tion and renewal, thermal insulation Department of Architectural Design
Optional courses of buildings and sustainable building Prof. Dimitrije Golubovski
Foreign Language materials. Department of Environmental
Gymnastics Planning and Design
Computer Aided Design An important part of the research Prof. Dr. Miroslav Grcev
Sculpture endeavors of the faculty has been Department of History of Architecture
Modelmaking centred to research in the rich archi- Prof. Dr. Mihail Tokarev
Art Photography tectural heritage of Macedonia of Department for Architectural
both sacral and secular architecture. Structures and Technology
Postgraduate programme It should be mentioned that it has Prof. Dr. Tihomir Stojkov
The faculty offers a postgraduate pro- been a long-standing tradition in the Department of Visual
gramme leading to a Master or a faculty to engage students in the Communications
Ph.D. degree. The postgraduate stu- research of this kind, which supplies Prof. Dimitrija Vanov
dies are located at the intersection of them with a deeper insight and know- ■
educational and research activities of ledge of the architecture in the
the faculty and they successfully region.
combine the education with the
research at the faculty in the fields of Student activities
architecture and urban design. The student association is actively
involved in the communication with
The postgraduate studies are based the staff aimed at the improvement of
on four areas in which the candidates the curriculum as well as in many
can locate their individual interests: extracurricular activities.


University of Malta

Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Tel.: : 356/ 333919

Degree programmes

Degree Title Minimum Accredited Admission Enrolment

duration requirements
of study

Genral Information degrees. The International Institute Collaboration with International

The Faculty of Architecture and Civil for Baroque Studies promotes the Universities in Europe and in the
Engineering at the University of pursuit of interdisciplinary academic United States is stimulated through
Malta is the only institution in the studies on various aspects of the organised participation of Faculty
Maltese Islands concerned with Baroque culture by serving as a focal members and students in a wide
tertiary level architectural teaching point for local and foreign scholars range of international education and
and research. Formally the Faculty involved in research in this field. research programmes and the
was established in the beginning of Apart from offering a full time MA in number of visiting professors and
this century at a time when its first Baroque Studies course, this Institute students taking part in such pro-
professors could heavily rely on a which is attached to the Department grammes been steadily increasing in
unique historical background of archi- of Architecture and Urban Design, the past years, largely as a result of
tectural expertise and practise which provides advice and assistance in this the good relations that the Faculty
was closely linked to the famous conservation of the local Baroque has with the Foundation for Inter-
Accademia di San Luca in Rome. buildings and concerns itself with national Studies of the University of
This design and building tradition academic publications mainly invol- Malta. There are at present 150 full
dated back to at least the 16th ving Baroque art and architecture, time students in the Faculty of
century when the Hospitaller Knights working in close liaison with similar Architecture and Civil Engineering
of St. John the Baptist and, after centres for Baroque studies in and another 100 part-time students
1800, the British Imperial Govern- Europe, this apart from organising engaged in Diploma and Higher
ment, repeatedly utilised the resource conferences, lectures and exhibitions Certificate courses. The Dean of the
of some very capable Maltese archi- on Baroque architecture and artistic Faculty relies on fifteen full-time
tects to build a series of fortified expression. The Institute for academic staff members and a vary-
towns, splendid Baroque palaces and Masonry and Construction research is ing number of part-time lectures and
churches, water supply systems and basically also a research orientated studio tutors. Visiting Professors
impressive fortifications, all using the Institute promoting studies at under- regularly visit the Faculty and deliver
local limestone material. graduate and postgraduate levels in lectures in subjects of a specialised
Once established, the Faculty of all aspects of masonry including the nature, to both undergraduate and
Architecture and Civil Engineering technology of conservation of post-gra-duate students.
developed at a steady pace to end up Masonry buildings. The Institute,
as an ever-expanding school of lear- which is attached to the Department Facilities
ning and research based on two main of Building and Civil Engineering, is The Faculty of Architecture and Civil
departments, two institutes and a still also active in areas related to struc- Engineering is presently housed in a
young art unit. The Department of tural masonry, particularly arched purpose built structure situated on
Architecture and Urban Design in and vaulted structures, in the area of the main University Campus at
conjunction with the Department of mineral resource assessment, in the Msida, close to the Renaissance
Building and Civil Engineering runs a area of repair and strengthening of Capital city of Valletta in the Eastern
full time Bachelorship degree course old structures and in the area of the part of the Island. Besides normal
in Architecture of five years duration, numerical modelling of structures. lecture room and administration
leading to the award of a B.E. & A. The Art Unit of the Faculty constitutes facilities, the new Faculty building
(Hons.) degree. Both departments its most recent asset and is basically contains two large design studios, a
additionally offer Diploma and Higher concerned with research projects in fully equipped Model Making labora-
Certificate courses in a variety of art History while at the same time tory housed in a World War II bunker,
disciplines including Planning assuming responsibility for under- a large Civil Engineering Laboratory,
Studies, Conservation Studies and graduate courses in art history and a Computer Laboratory and amply
Project Management Studies, as well appreciation. exhibition space for student projects.
as M.Phil and PhD. research based All these facilities are organised on

three main levels which provide easy Among the core modules in Part II of and architectural workshops, the
access to other University common the B.E. & A. (Honours.) course one most recent being the Fort Manoel
facilities such as the Library and the can mention: 1998 Workshop of EASA which saw
canteen. The Institutes and the Art the participation of some 400 stu-
Unit are housed within the Faculty Architectural Stream dents from different European coun-
building and are provided with Advanced History and tries. Students regularly participate
adequate and flexible space for the Theory courses in Student Exchange Programmes
pursuit of research projects. Conservation Studies courses which enable them to follow six
Interior Design courses month study periods overseas, parti-
Educational Programme Landscape Design courses cularly in accredited American
Under Maltese Law, the enrolment in Structural Design courses Schools of Architecture.
a five year course of studies in the Building Technology courses
Faculty of Architecture and Civil Housing courses Administration and Staff
Engineering implies the granting of a Computer Application courses. The Faculty employs 15 full time
warrant to practise by the local Urban Design Stream and a varying number of part-time
Government. History and Theory of Urban academic staff. In addition it con-
For this reason, the main objective of Space Design courses tracts a substantial number of visiting
the Faculty is to produce ‘generalist’ Urban Design and the lectures.
professionals as indicated by the Development Process courses
major requirements of the local buil- Design Process Theory courses Dean of Faculty
ding industry and by local environ- Culture and the Building Denis De Lucca
mental concerns but with an Environment courses Head of Department of Architecture
adequate base for developing into Landscape courses and Urban Design
specialised professionals after further Statistics courses Denis De Lucca
postgraduate studies in Malta or Urban Geography courses Head of the Department of Building
abroad. Considered in this perspec- Urban Economics and and Civil Engineering
tive, the main B.E. & A. (Hons.) Development Finance courses. Alex Torpiano
course offered by the Faculty of Engineering Stream Director of the International Institute
Architecture and Civil Engineering Structural Design courses for Baroque Studies
incorporates an initial three year Building Technology courses Denis De Lucca
phase of study where students are Advanced Building Physics Director of the Institute for Masonry
exposed to a design studio-based Technology of Conservation and Construction Research
system of tuition where all learning in courses Alex Torpiano
a structured progression of architec- Advanced Geotechnics courses Head of the Art Unit
tural, urban design and civil enginee- Infrastructural Design courses Mario Buhagiar
ring subjects are crystallised in Computer Applications courses President of SACES
design projects. After successfully Engineering Construction courses Edric Micallef
completing this initial period of study, Environment and Economic ■
students are asked to opt for one Impact courses.
stream of specialised study spread
over the remaining two years of the All streams have common mandatory
course and covering either architec- courses in Building and Land
ture or urban design or structural/civil Economics, Project Management,
engineering. It is intended to offer Building Legislation and Professional
more streams of specialised study in Practise.
the near future this depending on the Postgraduate Programme
resources of the Faculty and the The Faculty offers M.Phil and PhD.
changing needs of the country, parti- postgraduate degrees to local and
cularly so at this point in time where foreign students.
Malta has re-activated its application
to join the European Union. Research Programme
Faculty staff regularly carry out
Among the core modules in Part I of research in several branches of lear-
the B.E. & A. (Hons.) course one can ning including History of Architec-
mention: ture, Technology of Conservation,
Architectural Design courses Project Management, Structural
Man-Environment Relations Analysis of Masonry Structures,
courses Vernacular Architecture and Art
History and Theory courses History.
Design Theory courses
Construction Technology courses Student Activities
Environmental Control courses There is a very active student repre-
Structural Engineering courses sentative body in the Faculty which
Civil Engineering courses regularly organises public exhibitions
Mathematics courses of student projects, evening lectures

Amsterdam | Maastricht

The Academy of Architecture, Urban Planning & Design,

and Landscape Architecture
A department of the Amsterdam School of Arts

Amsterdam Maastricht
Waterlooplein 211 Tongersestraat 49a
1011 PG Amsterdam 6211 LM Maastricht
Tel. : +31 20-622 0188 Tel. : +31 43-321 9645
Fax : +31 20-623 2519 Fax : +31 43-325 2493
Email : Email :
Application : 1 May Application : 1 May
Tution fees : 1.020 Euro Tution fees : 1.020 Euro

Degree programmes

Degree Title Minimum Accredited Admission Enrolment % of total

duration requirements admission
of study

Architecture Ing. 4 yrs part time Register of Architects 1st degree Arch. 135 60%
Urban Planning & Ing. 4 yrs part time Register of Urban 1st dregree UP&D 045 20%
Design Planners & Designers
Landscape Ing. 4 yrs part time Register of Landscape 1st degree L.Arch 045 20%
Architecture Architects

The profession today’s requirements of wide employ- Architects. For almost a century the
The practice of spatial design is ability. Academy has upheld a tradition of
currently subject to major changes. education for designers by designers.
The briefs are becoming more The Academy The first courses were organised in
complex and are determined by an Starting from this perspective the 1908 by the architectural society
increasing number of external Academy offers a programme of ‘Architectura et Amicitia’. In 1916 the
factors. The position of the designer study, which is open and sharply association ‘Academie van Bouw-
becomes a more marginal one, and focussed on the current state of the kunst Amsterdam’ established the
more and more specialists influence profession. Architects, urban Academy as we know it now. In 1987
the final result of the design. planners/designers and landscape the Academy merged with several
The designer is a juggler between architects are educated in a constant other art academies in Amsterdam
art and technology. Architecture is interchange between the disciplines. and the Amsterdam School of the
influenced by changes in the social The search for widely usable design Arts was born. In 1993 the Academy
fabric. Technical, economical and strategies, which transcend the known as the Department of Architec-
infrastructural developments deter- various disciplines, is an essential ture was joined by the Academy of
mine the future of our towns and aspect of the training given. Architecture in Maastricht.
thus the meaning of the buildings The regularly changing tutorial staff
within these. An important characte- carries out an ongoing review of the Amsterdam
ristic of this century has been the structure and content of the courses The Academy is situated in two
ongoing redefinition of this meaning in relation to the theoretical and adjoining historic buildings on the
which gave rise to the identification practical developments within the Waterlooplein in the heart of the city.
of many and varied architectural disciplines. The Architecture Centre Amsterdam
trends. Nowadays architectural prac- The employment of only freelance (ARCAM) is located in the same
tice involves much more than just tutors coming from the field of complex and this is no coincidence.
designing buildings. In a fast deve- design and research, enables the The Academy has its own place in
loping world it is important for the institute to annually select a tutorial the cultural life of the city. National
designer to be aware of develop- staff that can capitalize on the and international activities such as
ments around him. demands which both designer and public lecture series (Capita Selecta),
At present, instead of one particular institute are currently facing. workshops with metropolitan themes,
style or doctrine, students find a rich The Academy offers full time exhibitions and other events, are
tapestry of viewpoints, which challen- post-graduate training for holders of organised on a regular basis besides
ges them to find their own position a degree in architecture, building its normal programme of education.
within the profession. The Academy engineering, landscape engineering, Some of these events are organised
goes along with this multiformality urban planning & design, etc. in conjunction with ARCAM.
by offering the students a rich variety The courses combine study with The purpose of these activities is to
of tutors with hands-on experience. working in the field. One half of each offer the students and tutors of the
The tutors themselves set the design course consists of design training Academy a place of their own in the
briefs from which the students make in the evenings at the Academy, discourse between the spatial design
a choice. This enables the students to the other half consists of work disciplines.
rapidly (re-) search their own way experience to be gained by relevant
and position in their professional part time employment. This combi- Maastricht
field. The design projects differ nation of design education and prac- This Academy is relatively small and
greatly in terms of scale and com- tical experience provides graduates offers a course in architecture only.
plexity but are characterised by their with a diploma which fully complies As it is located in one of the oldest
affinity with the requirements of con- with the European directives for inter- cities of The Netherlands and within
temporary design. By combining pro- national professional practice and striking distance of Germany and
jects and lectures the Academy trains which provides access to the National Belgium, it can offer an education
students to become broadly oriented Register of Architects, Urban which is individual, rich in cultural
and versatile architects, meeting Planners/designers and Landscape context and internationally oriented.

The Netherlands
The Academy offers students the Study workload as well as the CAAD studio which is
opportunity to specialise in restora- The annual programme of study runs specifically geared towards IT-design,
tion architecture. for a period of 42 weeks, during three-dimensional imaging and ani-
which the students are expected to mation.
The courses spend a minimum of twenty hours a
The Academy offers courses in Archi- week on their study. They spend two Publications
tecture (Amsterdam and Maastricht), evenings and the whole of Friday The students’ final year design pro-
Urban Planning & Design and Land- working at the Academy on the jects are presented annually in the
scape Architecture (Amsterdam only) various projects, lectures and prac- graduates’ exhibition catalogue.
This makes it the only institute for tical assignments. As part of their The ‘Bulletin’ of the Academy of
higher vocational training in The training, students are obliged to work Architecture provides students, staff
Netherlands where all three design in their professional field for a mini- and tutors with detailed information
disciplines are taught. mum of 20 and a maximum of 32 about the courses and informs them
hours per week. of any new developments at the
Educational programme Academy.
All courses are divided into four Semesters Interesting results from the educa-
periods: The academic year is divided into two tional programme or other activities
Basic skills (year 1) semesters during which the regular are also published from time to time.
Students on all three courses get to programme of studies is completed.
know the different disciplines by This programme consists of design Admission requirements
means of a number of design pro- projects, lectures and practical Admission to the courses is restric-
jects, lectures and practical assign- assignments. After both the first ted to those who have previously
ments. All activities are centred on (January) and second semester obtained a first degree in architec-
the development of the students’ cre- (May/June) workshops, excursions ture, building engineering, landscape
ative powers and analytical thinking. and other activities are organised, engineering, urban planning &
Developing professional as well as the regular exams. design, etc. Degrees obtained at a
knowledge (year 2) International exchange projects nor- foreign institute of higher education
During this period the students on mally take place during these or university are compared with the
each course are offered a programme periods. For the workshops, intensive admission requirements for each
which is aimed at developing profes- study projects of short duration (one discipline by the NUFFIC, the
sional knowledge of their own disci- week), renowned designers from The Netherlands Organisation for Inter-
pline. Netherlands and abroad are invited national Co-operation for Higher
Deepening professional to come and teach. Education. Every student is expected
knowledge (year 3) For third year students a ‘winter term’ to have sufficient command of the
This period is designed to further is organised in January. During this Dutch language to effectively partici-
deepen professional knowledge and four-week period of intensive study, pate in the programme of education.
students are stimulated to establish the students carry out a design In exceptional circumstances stu-
their own position within their profes- assignment on four evenings and all dents, who do not fulfil the normal
sional field. day Friday each week. entrance requirements, may still
Graduation (year 4) be admitted to the course if they
The students conclude their studies Management and tutorial staff successfully complete an assessment
by producing an individual design, The educational management team procedure for which they have to be
thereby showing that they are comprises the director, the three nominated by the Academy.
capable of practising as independent heads of department and the co-ordi-
designers in their chosen discipline. nator of studies. Selection
The Academy does not employ any Admission to the course is granted
Ateliers tutors on a fixed contract. The tutors after a selection procedure for which
The course work in the second and (over 200) work on a freelance basis applicants have to carry out a simple
third year takes the form of an and are invited to lecture and to design assignment and submit a
‘atelier’ under the direction of a supervise projects or practical assign- written explanation of their reasons
senior lecturer, a professional ments on the basis of their specific for wishing to attend the course.
designer of (inter) national repute expertise.
with a specific view on the profes- Application
sion. At the start of their second year Facilities Applicants are informed in writing
students are invited to indicate under The Academy possesses a multime- whether they fulfil the admission
which senior lecturer’s supervision dia library with an extensive specia- requirements and are eligible for the
they would prefer to pursue their list book collection and numerous selection procedure. Once selected,
training during the following two periodicals in the fields of architec- details of the official enrolment
years. Detailed information on all ture, urban planning & design and procedure of the Amsterdam School
courses and their contents is given in garden- and landscape architecture, a of the Arts are sent in due course. op
the ‘Studiegids’, the guide to the large collection of charts and a video of the previous page.
educational programme of the Aca- library unique in The Netherlands. ■
demy, which is issued annually at the Besides a modelling room, students
beginning of term in late August. can make use of the Internet facilities


Delft University of Technology

Faculty of Architecture

Berlageweg 1, 2628 CR Delft

P.O. Box 5043, 2600 GA Delft
Tel. : (31) 15 2786098
Tel. : (31) 15 2785690


Application deadline : may

Tuition and fees : 1.395,83 euro for students from EU/EER member states
5.900 euro for students from other countries

Degree programmes

Degree/Title Minimum Accredited Admission Enrolment % of total

duration requirements admission
of study

Bsc-Architecture 3 year VWO or equivalent - -

MSc-Architecture 2 year Register of architects BSc-Architecture 780 65
MSc-Building Technology 2 year BSc-Architecture 096 08
MSc-Urbanism 2 year Register of urban planners BSc-Architecture 108 09
MSc-Real Estate & Housing 2 year BSc-Architecture 216 18

General information the entire Master course will be fully elements (fundamentals of Archi-tec-
Delft University of Technology is the taught in English. ture, Technology, Media, Manage-
largest, oldest, most complete univer- ment) are applied in the design-pro-
sity of technology in the Netherlands. Facilities cess. The final sixth semester offers
For more than 150 years scientists The Faculty of Architecture is situated an elective programme oriented at
and students have worked here on on the Delft University campus near orientating the student to one of the
the most modern developments in the historic city centre of Delft, which specialized Master programmes.
the field of technology. is famous for its eighteenth-century A successful completion of the
The Faculty of Architecture derives its architecture. Owing to its central Bachelor grants admission to the four
uniqueness from this long tradition position Delft has played an active Master of Science programmes of the
and from the broad orientation in the role in the history of the Netherlands, Faculty. Additional admission require-
field of study. It offers academic edu- not only in science (Anthonie van ments can be needed if one chooses
cation and carries out research in the Leeuwenhoek) and culture (Hugo de to apply for a Master programme in a
field of building and the built environ- Groot and Johannes Vermeer), but university other then the DUT.
ment. It has established a reputation also because it was the residence of
in training architects and planners. the first Prince of Holland Willem van Master of Science
Honorary doctorates have been awar- Oranje. The Faculty of Architecture The four Masters are:
ded to P.J.H.Cuypers, H.P.Berlage, houses all the facilities needed for Architecture, Building Technology,
P.Verhagen, J.J.P. Oud, G.Th. Rietveld, teaching and research. It has a ‘study Real Estate & Housing, and
W. van Tijen, A.E. van Eyck, R.Piano centre’ for self-study, a library with Urbanism. Each specialisation offers
and S. Calatrava. The Faculty of 41,000 titles and subscriptions to one or more programmes and electi-
Architecture is the largest Faculty of numerous periodicals, a slide library, ves, culminating in a final project and
the Delft University; it has approxi- a map archive containing a great finally leading to a Master of Science
mately 3.300 students (30% of whom variety of topographical maps, a degree.
are female and approximately 300 are fully-equipped CAD studio, a model-
foreign-exchange students). ling-workshop, a laboratory for pro- Within the programme of the MSc.-
duct development where students Architecture students are offered a
Curriculum can build prototypes, and a physics range of choice between four integra-
The curriculum focuses on design laboratory to test models by means ted courses and elective courses.
and research in the field of building of simulated external influences. These courses are run by the five
and the built environment, with emp- chairs in the department of architec-
hasis on the integration of design, Educational programme ture in which design is taught. The
research and technology. The programme comprises of two programme provides a large degree
Characteristic of the study is its wide phases: a three-year (6 semester) of flexibility in the first year of the
scope and content of subjects. Bachelor of Science degree (BSc.) MSc within an ordered curriculum
Foreign students who want to apply and a two-year (4 semester) Master including the possibility to spend up
for admission must have a diploma of Science (MSc.) degree. to one semester at a partner universi-
which qualifies them for enrolment at ty of TU Delft (second semester). The
a university of technology in their Bachelor of Science options also include courses in lands-
country of origin. Mathematics and In Delft students acquire their basic cape architecture, building technolo-
physics are basic requirements for knowledge during the Bachelor’s pro- gy and the history of architecture.
admission as a student at Delft gramme, including courses which are Architectural design is central to the
University of Technology. The langu- part of the university-wide institution- architecture specialization.
age of instruction during the Bachelor al package. The development of In the first semester the student
programme is Dutch. The Master pro- design skills is central to the pro- enrols in the programme of his/her
gramme is taught both in English and gramme: a semester-long integral choice out of four:
in Dutch. Teaching materials such as design-project forms the core of the 1. Urban Architecture
lecture notes are in Dutch and/or six semesters where the knowledge 2. Interior Architecture; Knowledge
English. As soon as September 2006 and skills taught in other programme- and experience of space

The Netherlands
3. Restoration and Renovation is mandatory for all RE&H students Student activities
4. Architecture and Modernity; and outline the general field of the The student association Stylos is acti-
Dwelling and Public Building discipline. From the second semes- vely involved in matters concerning
The second year (MSc.3 and MSc.4) ters onwards three distinct program- the curriculum; it also establishes
are organised in laboratories. These mes are on offer: Project Manage- contacts with the professional world
are studios focusing on a specific ment, Real Estate Management, and and organizes many extracurricular
theme. Generally the location and Housing activities. Stylos has been awarded
overall problem area will be defined the 1998 Maaskant prize for its conti-
by the team of course teachers. In the Post graduate programme nuous and stimulating approach to
first part (MSc.3) students work on Research is indispensable for analy- architecture and urbanism, aimed
aspects of this overall problem. sing, understanding and solving both at students and the professional
Students carry out this work in small design issues in a technical, formal world.
research groups while devising an and spatial sense. Research is also a The jury report explicitly mentioned
individual design problem statement precondition if education is to remain the restoration of the servants’ house
for their final thesis project. The vital and up-to-date. The faculty ‘De Koepel’ of Duiker’s Zonnestraal
second semester (MSc.4) is dedicated offers a four-year course for trainee sanatorium, the publications ‘hund-
to this final project which typically research assistants (AIO), leading to a red years fin du siècle’, ‘The critical
will be a complex design task, inclu- doctorate degree (equivalent to PhD). landscape’, ‘Unplugged’ and
ding the material realisation of the After a selection procedure, trainee ‘Underground Building’, the symposi-
architectural proposition formulated assistants participate in the faculty um ‘ Synergy of form and structure’,
in the design problem statement. research programme. the lecture series on ‘Corporeality’
and ‘The invisible in architecture’ and
The MSc-Building Technology specia- Research programme Renzo Piano’s lecture. Since 1985 stu-
lization focuses on the design of ele- The different Master programmes are dents have organized the yearly
ments, components en (sub)systems directly linked to the research-portfo- Indesem workshop, held alternately
of structures in relationship to each lio of the faculty. The Faculty of in Delft and abroad. It is a week-long
other and the architecture of a given Architecture has four domains and event during which international stu-
building or building-complex. In research themes for Urbanism, dents and practising architects meet
order to ‘engineer’ the materialization Architecture, Building Technology to exchange ideas and information.
of the design the programme aims to and Real Estate & Housing: research, The week comprises of workshops,
study and research the technological design and research-by-design (at lectures and other activities. The
parameters leading to a design. three levels of scale; U, A, Bt), plus Archiprix Foundation is a collabora-
Students specialize in constructions, the aspect of the functional, technical tion between higher educational insti-
materials, and environments. Their and economic lifecycle of the buil- tutions in the Netherlands in the
final projects materialize in labs that ding stock (RE&H.) Design plays a fields of architecture, planning and
are the related to the research the- part in each domain, but not always landscape architecture. Archiprix
mes formulated for Building techno- with the same level of intensity. In organizes annually the judging, awar-
logy: BLOB-ICT, ZAPPI&Retrofitting, both Architecture and Urbanism, ding and presenting of the best gra-
and Environments. nearly all research is design-related. duation projects from the participant
The MSc-Urbanism specialization The power of the Building institutions.
centres on urban and regional deve- Technology portfolio lies in its combi-
lopment including landscape archi- nation of design with such classic Administration and staff
tecture and ecological planning in fundamental engineering-sciences The faculty employs 70 full-time and
relation to social issues. The pro- disciplines as building physics, 200 part-time scientific staff.
gramme builds on a unique urbanis- mechanics and structural enginee- In addition, it contracts many visiting
tic tradition that has been able to ring. The portfolio of Real Estate & lecturers.
develop in the Netherlands. In the Housing contains mainly traditional Dean of the Faculty of Architecture:
first two semesters a mandatory pro- research methods combined with Prof. H. Beunderman
gramme focuses on technical aspects design research. The research pro- Vice Deans
in Design & Technology and on socie- grammes of Architecture and Prof. C. van Weeren
tal and political aspects in Design and Urbanism are part of the Delft School Chairman of the Architecture speciali-
Strategy. In the following year three of Design, in collaboration with the zation:
final project-labs are on offer. Berlage Institute. The research of Prof. L. van Duin
The MSc-Real Estate & Housing spe- Building Technology and Real Estate Chairman of the Building Technology
cialization is aimed at design, deve- & Housing is connected with the specialization:
lopment and management processes research-portfolio of other faculties in Prof. dr. M. Eekhout
of the built environment and urban Delft. The objective of DELFT Chairman of the Urban Design &
areas. It is focussing on the lifespan SCHOOL FOR DESIGN, FACULTY OF Planning specialization:
of real estate in the broadest sense ARCHITECTURE, design methodolo- Prof. dr. H. Meyer
and deals with its complexity in ethi- gy, design research, research by Chairman of the Real Estate &
cal, cultural, societal, functional, tech- design (DSD/FoA) is to provide a sti- Housing specialization:
nical, economical, legal, organisation- mulating scientific environment for Prof. H. de Jonge
al and computational terms through high-grade design-oriented research ■
the phases of initiative, preparation, in the fields of Architecture and
execution and use. The first semester Urbanism.


Eindhoven University of Technology

Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning

University of Technology
Den Dolech 2
P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven
The Netherlands
Tel. : ++31(0) 40 - 2473990
Fax : ++31(0) 40 - 2452432
Email :
HTTP : //

Degree programmes

Degree Title Minimum Accredited Admission Enrolment

duration requirements
of study

General Information by developing innovative Building technology

The Faculty of Architecture, Building concepts of (town)planning. Architecture
and Planning of the Eindhoven - Training building-engineers who Urban Design and Town Planning
University of Technology was are skillful at multidisciplinary Real-Estate Management
founded in 1967. 55 Professors and co-operation. Construction techniques
associate professors are affiliated Building-related computer tech-
with the faculty. There is a total of Facilities nology (ICT in Architecture,
140 academic staffmembers for The Faculty of Architecture, Building Building and Planning)
education and research. Furthermore and Planning is situated in the Eind-
there are 46 members of the technical hoven Technical University quarter Title and admission
and educational staff who assist in nearby the railway station. Successful completion of the pro-
education for the main disciplines In 1890 Eindhoven had about 4500 gramme gives graduates the right to
and specialisations. inhabitants. Now it has around the title of engineer (Ir.), the Dutch
200,000. Eindhoven is a young equivalent of a Master of Science
The faculty had 375 first year stu- industrial town in the south of the degree. Students who specialise in
dents in 1999/2000. 1450 students are Netherlands (province North Brabant) Architecture or Urban Design & Town
enrolled in total. with an enormous high-tech Planning can be officially registered
industrial potential, especially known as Architect or ‘Stedebouwkundige’
The faculty offers education in a wide for the multinational electrical firm (the Dutch name for the discipline
range of specialisations in the field of Philips, the plant for the production focusing on the synthesis of Urban
architecture, building and planning. of trucks DAF, and several other Design and Town Planning).
An emphasis is placed on the integra- advanced technology plants. Six-year pre-university education
tion of design, science and technolo- Eindhoven has a large inner city with called VWO (‘Voorbereidend Weten-
gy. The curriculum mainly consists of shops and pedestrian pathways, schappelijk Onderwijs’) is required for
two educational systems. On the one cultural attractions like the City admission to the university.
hand, a system that focuses on Playhouse, the Van Abbe Museum Graduates from a polytechnic have
design in studio-work and design- for exhibitions of modern art, and admission to a three-year pro-
projects, and on the other a system numerous restaurants and bars. gramme.
involving the acquisition of know- Facilities of the faculty are the library
ledge of, and insight into various with a rich collection of books and Course description
skills and disciplines by means of magazines, computer laboratories The five-year full time programme
tutorials and lectures. with advanced computer-applications comprises two phases: the founda-
as Virtue Reality and CAD, a model tion phase (one year) and the
The faculty has the following main work-place and Enthescoop and an Master’s phase.
objectives: experimental research laboratory. In the foundation phase the student is
taught the basic disciplines, skills,
- Science and technology are Educational Program and also the fundamentals of design
launched in creative design- The main disciplines or specialisa- in studio-work focusing on architec-
processes that are meant for tion’s within the field of architecture, ture, building technology, and urban
useful purposes. building and planning offered in design. All courses and projects are
- Recognition of the special Eindhoven are as follows: compulsory.
responsibility for education and
research to contribute to Structural design The Master’s phase is based on the
sustainable building in a broader Building physics (including buil- principle of the interaction between
perspective. Stimulating society ding services) specialisation and generalisation.

The Netherlands
In the second year and third year: like. The policy of the faculty has
module general education in architec- always been to hire specialists,
ture, building and planning; module trained in other disciplines than archi-
specialisation within one of the main tectural design but with considerable
disciplines. interest and exposure in building,
along with architects and urban
In the fourth year: generalisation by designers. By bringing together a
emphasis on multidisciplinary work multidisciplinary team of experts, the
and integration in team design, a faculty aims at developing innovative
professional traineeship, and skills in and relevant research programmes
communication and management; and projects.

In the fifth year: specialisation in the Research at the faculty is organised

final project within one of the main in programmes in the field of:
disciplines offered by the faculty. - Structural design
- Building physics
Postgraduate Program - Building technology
The faculty offers a four-year course - Architectural and Urban Design
for research assistants (AIO), leading - Urban Planning and Management
to a doctorate degree (equivalent to - Housing and Real-Estate
PhD). After a selection procedure Management
assistants participate in the faculty - Design and Decision-Support
research programme. - Systems in Architecture and
Urban Planning
The two year postgraduate design
engineer programme Architectural Student activities
Design Management Systems The faculty has its own student-
(ADMS) trains professionals who are association, called Cheops. The aim
capable of designing adequate of this association is to encourage
process designs and strategies for contacts between students.
complex architectural plans and are It organises foreign study excursions,
able to supervise their implemen- the faculty introductory week for new
tation in practice. students, party nights, drinks, sports
The entire study programme lasts tournaments and various other sports
two years. The study programme and fun activities. Besides that it sells
consists of two refresher trimesters, studybooks at cut prices.
three trimesters with programme All specialisations have their own
courses, and a design project lasting sub-associations.
nine months.

Research program Administration

The world of the building sciences Dean:
is to create an environment of the Prof. Dr. H.J.P. Timmermans
highest achievable performance for Director of Education:
people and businesses to attain their Dr. Ir. K. Doevendans
goals. By definition, the performance ■
of the built environment and its
constituent components is dictated
by a series of physical, economic,
technological, social, psychological
and cultural values. It means that the
planning, design, building and
maintenance of the built environment
involves the application of theories,
guidelines, models and knowledge
from many different disciplines,
ranging from the technical sciences
to the social sciences. The research
programmes of the faculty of buil-
ding and architecture in general aim
at developing such knowledge for the
respective disciplines and integrate
this knowledge in courses, student
projects, computer models and the


The Rotterdam Academy of Architecture and

Urban Design
A department of the Hogeschool Rotterdam

The Rotterdam Academy of Architecture and Urban Design

G.J. de Jonghweg 4-6
3015 GG Rotterdam
Tel. : +31-10 - 241 48 55
Fax : +31-10 - 241 48 56

Application deadline : 1 May

Tuition fees : 1.250 Euro

Degree programmes

Degree Title Minimum Accredited Admission Enrolment % of total

duration requirements admission
of study

Architecture Master in 4 yrs part time Register of Bachelors in 114 76%

Architecture Architects Architecture
Urban Design Master in 4 yrs part time Register of Urban Bachelors in 36 24%
Urban Design Planners & Urban Design

General Information where the student's job activities are (inter)national repute who often have
The Rotterdam Academy of considered an essential part of the firm ideas and methods.
Architecture and Urban Design offers study, is called 'concurrency study'. The themes of some ateliers, which
master courses in Architecture and In this respect the Academy courses are a fixed part of the course, are
Urban Design. The qualifications are different form university courses. sometimes decided by outside orga-
comply with Dutch Law governing Students are expected to work for 24 nisations. Considering themes and
Architecture Degrees and are taught to 32 hours a week at a relevant job assignments from outside organisa-
in accordance with the European within the field of architecture or tions enriches the subject-matter of
Directive for Architects. urban planning whilst engaged upon the ateliers and enhances their social
their studies. This combination of and cultural relevance.
The Rotterdam Academy of practical experience and design edu- Compulsory and optional ateliers
Architecture and Urban Design is an cation proves very fruitful. The subject matter dealt with the ate-
integral part of the Rotterdam liers takes in different fields of work
Institute for Building, Architecture, Ateliers covering certain sorts of architectural
Civil Engineering and Urban A second important characteristic of and urban design.
Development (RIBACS), a faculty of the Rotterdam Academy are the so Students have a certain amount of
the Hogeschool Rotterdam called ‘ateliers’. These are design stu- freedom in opting for ateliers but
(Rotterdam University of Professional dios which integrate didactical two-thirds have to be taken in accor-
Education). The Academy is located methodologies, technical, functional dance with the student's field of
in the city of Rotterdam, in the neigh- and compositional exercises, tutorials work. For the remaining third, stu-
bourhood of the Dutch Architectural and excursions. dents are free to choose.
Institute (Nai). The historic building This approach with its variety of
interior of the school has been didactic methods (like technical and General education programme
recently renovated by two former stu- compositional exercises, work- In addition to the ateliers there are
dents of the Academy. groups, lectures and excursions) lectures and laboratory sessions. The
results in an integrated programme lectures are theoretical whereas the
Master courses are organised to the best served by an atelier approach. laboratory sessions are aimed at
principle of concurrency. Students The activities are not merely focused developing skills. The general educa-
work four days a week for an archi- on making things but on reflection as tional component is up to all years.
tectural, urban planning/landscape or well; the design activities are inters- Finally, activities are organised which
engineering office and attend classes persed with theoretical study. This is are not part of the mainstream educa-
on Fridays and two evenings a week. not exclusively directed at design ski- tional programme which are termed
The two courses Architecture and lls. Important areas of focus are deve- extra-curricular. These may be lectu-
Urban Design also provide the oppor- loping the correct attitude, gaining res, workshops, or excursions but
tunity for specialisation in public-hou- new insights and learning to determi- may also extend to international
sing, focusing on living and the pro- ne ones position in professional prac- activities.
grammatic aspects of design assign- tice. This is why students spend two-
ments. thirds of their study time in ateliers. Graduation year
Each atelier counts at most some fif- The final year of study is called gra-
The Master Programme teen students. duation year. Students are allowed to
Concurrency Study enter the graduation year if they have
A characteristic feature of the courses The ateliers are run by senior lectu- completed the work stipulated for the
at the Rotterdam Academy is the rers. Senior-lecturers and lecturers first three years. In practice this
combination of study with working in are all professionals working in the means that they have gained the
the fields of Architecture and/or field, having their offices in the required number of study point form
Urban Design. This combination of Rotterdam area. In this way students their academic course and work
education and professional training, are confronted with designers of period.

The Netherlands
In the graduation year students Details of the study programme If you have good commands of the
spend a great deal of their time on The length of the study programme Dutch language and get good results
their final thesis. Student are free to at the Rotterdam Academy is four as a guest student then you could
choose a subject for their final thesis years which can be extended by a continue your studies as a regular
which should prove that they are maximum of two years. The acade- student. This will mean finding a job
capable of practising as an indepen- mic year is 40 weeks long; the study in an allied field and having the
dent architect or urban designer. week is 21 hours for study in addition required under-graduate qualifica-
Students no longer participate in ate- to working in the profession. In total tions.
liers in their final year. However, they the annual study load is 840 hours
do continue to follow the general and the annual work load 840 hours; Foreign candidates
educational program. a total of 1680 hours. Candidates from inside the European
Community need a residents-permit
Working in the field Admission and placement to study as a regular or a guest-stu-
The courses are offered by the It should be born in mind for the dent.
Rotterdam Academy in accordance selection procedure that students are For candidates from outside the
with the principle of concurrency expected to have acquired the greater European Community it is only pos-
study, which means that the study part of their knowledge and skills in sible to take part as a guest-student,
and job activities undertaken by the previous courses on a bachelors for which only a residents-permit is
student are equally important. The level. They must be already familiar required. As a regular student they
work activities will also be assessed with building techniques and con- should need a residents-permit and a
both qualitatively and quantitatively. structions; they should be familiar working-permit., because of the com-
The total number of study points that with functional and programmatic bination of study and working in the
can be gained is equally distributed requirements as well as being know- field. Just yet it is not possible to get
between the study and the job activi- ledgeable about compositional char- both permits at the same time.
ties. The work undertaken must be acteristics and architectural history
relevant tot the study and must be within its cultural context. During the Staff and lecturers
allied to building and designing. This course students are taught how to The staff comprises the dean, two co-
should be termed work placement apply this knowledge to the complex ordinators for Architecture, two co-
rather than a work practice period, as activity of designing. ordinators for Urban Design and
students receive proper salaries, have The admission and placement of secretaries of the departments plus a
a contract and are subject to the foreign candidates is arranged on the co-ordinator for external affairs. The
regulations of a collective labour basis of an assessment of a portfolio Rotterdam Academy does not employ
agreement. Frequent contact between of their work. The NUFFIC, the any lecturers on a fixed contract. All
the Academy and work is essential. Netherlands Organisation for lecturers (more than 200) work on a
The professional committee plays a International Co-operation for Higher freelance base.
role in keeping the employers in Education is responsible for accredi- Dean:
touch with the Academy. The Aca- ting foreign diplomas. In order to Zef Hemel
demy also confronts students with gain accreditation you will need to Secretary staff:
the options they will be faced with send copies of your official diplomas Noël Relker
while working in the profession. with the stamp and signature of the Jos Bosma-Mensinga
By offering a number of educational institution. Marije van der Kraan
activities like a lecture on profession- The language of instruction is Dutch.
al profiles, their professional expe- For this reason it is absolutely essen- Study workload
rience can be used as a model to tial to have full command of the An annual study load is 40 weeks of
show students how they can choose Dutch language, in order to follow 21 hours. The lessons are on
between an architectural and urban regular courses. There are no special Monday, Tuesday and Thursday eve-
work-profile. classes in which the language of tui- nings, and on Friday the whole day.
tion is English.
The Archiprix Foundation There is also an opportunity to study How to apply
The Archiprix Foundation is a colla- for six month or longer as a guest- Application forms are available from
boration between higher educational student on contract-basis. If you the offices. Admission takes place
institutions in the Netherlands in the apply for this option we will advice each term. For the first term that
fields of architecture, planning and you on the study modules open to starts at the beginning of September
landscape architecture. Archiprix you based on the level of work pre- you application must be reach us
organises an annual competition for sented in your portfolio and your pre- before one May. To be admitted to
the best graduation projects in the vious qualifications. Guest-students the 2nd term that starts at the begin-
fields of architecture, planning and do not necessarily have to be in part- ning of February your application
landscape architecture. The plans time employment with an architec- form must reach us before one
submitted to the Foundation repre- tural, urban planning/landscape or December. All correspondence on
sent the state of affairs in Dutch engineering office. admissions should be addressed to
architecture. The Archiprix Founda- Unlike in the lectures and tutorials it the office of the Academy on the
tion is in charge of the organisation is not essential to speak Dutch for location you have chosen.
of the competition and subsequently atelier work. However, as the number ■
the judging, awarding of the prizes of students is limited regular students
and the presentation of the projects will have priority.


Oslo School of Architecture

Architecture-Urbanism-Industrial Design

Maridalsveien 29, 0175 Oslo

Pb 6768 St. Olavs plass, 0130 Oslo
Tel. : +47 22 99 70 00 / Faks: +47 22 99 71 90
Email :

Degree programmes

Degree Title Minimum Accredited Admission Enrolment

duration requirements
of study

Short history Internationalization term offers a variety of choices in

The Oslo School of Architecture was AHO is an internationally orientated each category.
established directly after World War II institution The main course is based on project
as a "crisis course" for students of - both education and research draw and problem oriented studio work.
architecture who were unable to from an international network of The theme course is theoretically
finish their degree due to the out- contacts and information based. The last semester consists of
break of the war. Prior to this, the - as an active member in a number an individual diploma project evalu-
only Norwegian option for obtaining international exchange programs ated by three external examiners.
an architectural degree was at The (Sokrates and Nordpluss) and
Norwegian Polytechnic (NTH) in through exchange and coopera- The Master degree is the required
Trondheim. tion with various schools and formal education to practise architec-
organizations. ture within the EU. It is also the basis
All through the first half of the twen- - through a teaching staff that has for future Ph.D. studies. The degree
tieth century, many architects worked an international background as also functions as a door opener for
hard towards the establishment of an well as international contacts and job possibilities in other fields.
architectural school that was more experience.
esthetically and academy-oriented Master of Industrial design
than a polytechnic education. The AHO is a distinct and autonomous This program is a 5 year course.
school was located in Oslo, since it institution within the Norwegian uni- Parts of the first semesters are held
was generally felt that the capital had versity system. Aho is regarded as in conjunction with the program in
access to many of the nation’s best one of the leading Nordic schools Architecture, and the first three years
practicing architects. and research institutions within the all have a mandatory study program.
In the beginning, the architectural field of urbanism, architectural and
course was part of The Norwegian industrial design. The following semesters are based
Arts and Crafts School, SHKS. The pedagogical profile is based on on project work and theoretical
an academic tradition with studio- seminars. Projects are both in the
In 1961 The Oslo School of Architec- based project work. field of product design and interac-
ture was established as an indepen- tion design. Market and economic
dent school, and in 1968 with the St. PhD forces in design process are themes
Olav street location. The doctoral program covers three tought in these programs. A Master
In 1979, the first formal education in years of fulltime study. Most candida- of Industrial Design is finaliazed with
industrial design in Norway was tes combine the PhD study program a diploma project wich is judged by
offered as a two-year postgraduate with practice, teaching or other external examiners.
course. A full degree program was research work. AHO has candidates
established in 1983, and in 1989 this in the PhD program within Architec- Postgraduate specialist diploma
program was placed under the direc- ture, Industrial design and Fine Arts. Master in Urbanism and Master of
tion of The Norwegian Arts and Computer Related Design are pro-
Crafts School. Then, in 1996 the AHO has candidates from Asia, Africa grams of 1,5 year study, or 3 years
Institute of Industrial Design became and Eastern Europe. part-time study for applicants who
part of the Oslo School of Architec- have been practicing in a related field
ture. Master of Architecture for a number of years. There are spe-
The normal time of study is 5,5 years. cial criteria for these programs.
During the fall of 2001, the school The first two years have a mandatory
moved to its present location along study program. The next six semes-
the Aker River, Maridals vn. 29. ters consist of a main course and one
theme course each semester. Every

Admission now able to offer high level student
All applicantsmust take a two step facilities and state of the art teaching
practical entrance exam which tests in this area.
the applicants capabilities for com-
prehending form, space and con- The move to the new location has
struction. Prior requirements to this made it possible for the school to be
exam are an upper secondary educa- far more integrated into the activities
tion. Since 2001 it is also possible to of Oslo in general.
apply on the basis of practice in a
relevant profession. Weekly international lectures
A gallery open to the general public
The competition to be awarded a In addition the school is now able to
place in the school is tough because host a number of public events direc-
there are up to 20 applicants per stu- ted towards various professional
dent place. It is possible to transfere groups.
to AHO after 3 years of study in anot-
her institution, but these places are Departments
also very limited. AHO is divided into four depart-
Some courses are held in English, but ments
it is recommended that students from Department of Architecture
outside Scandinavia learn Norwegian Department of Urban Design
before starting a full time study at Department of Industrial Design
AHO. Department of Form, Technology
and History (covers specific areas
International network of education within architecture
AHO is an internationally oriented and design)
institution, and therefore reviews its
qualitative level of education in In addition AHO has its own postgra-
relation to leading institutions of duate research program, and is in the
education in architecture, urban process of establishing a research
design and industrial design. institute, which would include extern-
al project development.
The network between the schools of ■
architecture in Sweden, Finland, Den-
mark and Norway are active. This is
especially true on the Ph.D. level.
AHO is a member of The Internatio-
nal Laboratory of Architecture and
Urban Design, and has exchange pro-
grams with several European and
some American, Asian and Australian

AHO has a pedagogical focus upon a

conceptual design approach. This
curriculum also includes the traditio-
nal subjects of architecture, urban
design and industrial design.

Common Functions
AHO has an exellent library that has
been systematically built up around
serving the needs of the institution’s
research and educational programs.
AHO has a "workshop" profile in its
pedagogical approach. With the
move to the new location in 2001, the
school has invested heavily in work-
shop capacity from advanced machi-
nes in "rapid tooling" and "rapid
prototyping" to traditional material
workshop halls for full-scale building.
Over the past ten years AHO has sys-
tematically invested in the expansion
of its computer education. AHO is


´ University of Technology
Faculty of Architecture

ul. Narutowicza 11/12, 80-952 Gdansk,

´ Poland
phone : (+48 58) 347-23-15
fax : (+48 58) 347-13-15

Degree programmes

Degree Title Minimum Accredited Admission Enrolment

duration requirements
of study

Undergraduate in Architecture B.A. 8 semesters, full time high school + 060

and Urban Planning admission
Graduate in Architecture and M.A. 10 semesters, after 3 years of high school + 120
Urban Planning full time guided practice and admission (800 total)
exam: Architects or examination
Urban Planners
Postgraduate in Urban - 2 semesters, part time M.A. 030
Planning & Space
Doctoral studies in
Architecture and Urban Ph.D. 8 semesters, State Register M.A. 015
Planning part time

General Information respect to social, cultural and envi- conservation and revalorization of
The Gdansk´ University of Technology ronmental context and implications. historical buildings), Sustainable
, the oldest university in the North of Design and Landscape Architecture,
Poland, was established in 1904 as Facilities Rural Architecture and Planning,
the Royal High Technical School The Faculty of Architecture is situated Town Planning and Urban Design
(Königliche Technische Hochschule) in the main building of the old (incl. conservation and renewal of
which was the first academic school University campus surrounded by urban structures), Regional Planning,
in Gdansk
´ with about 700 students. park. Canteens, clubs, shops are Drawing, Painting and Sculpture,
Between the First and the Second available as well as the University Descriptive Geometry, CAD, GIS.
World, War, when Gdansk ´ had the Sports Centre. The University’s Main The educational and research activi-
status of a Free City, the University Library offers over 1 million volumes ties are carried out in the following
was developing dynamically and the and about 5000 periodical titles. units:
number of students rose to 1700, of The Faculty Library contains books - Department of Housing
which 35% were Polish in the peak and periodicals about domestic and Architecture
year. After the Second World War, foreign architecture. The central - Department of Marine and
on May 24, 1945, the University Computing Centre provides the com- Industrial Architecture
was transformed into a Polish state puter rooms for staff and students as - Department of Rural Architecture
academic school. Its restoration after well. The Faculty Computing Centre and Sustainable Design
the war demolition started immedia- provides computer room for students - Department of Health Service
tely. Currently the Gdansk
´ University of Architecture. The University also Architecture
of Technology is the biggest technical provides accommodation for stu- - Department of Public Utility
school of higher education in the dents. Students are offered two- and- Architecture
North of Poland. There are 17000 stu- three-beds rooms with bathrooms in - Department of Regional Planning
dents, studying at 10 faculties, with student’s hostel close to the Univer- - Department of City Development
2400 employees including 1100 of sity campus. - Department of Drawing, Painting
academic teachers. The University and Sculpture
cooperates with 70 foreign academic Educational programme - Department of Building
centres. Courses of Polish language The main M.A. study course at the Technology
for foreign students are also offered. Faculty of Architecture takes five - Department of Town Planning and
The Faculty of Architecture will years. Starting from 2002 the B.A. Urban Design
celebrate in two years the 100 years study course of four years is offered, - Department of Architecture
anniversary of starting its activity and which can be supplemented by two History and Conservation of
60 years anniversary of Polish state years to obtain M.A. degree. Main Historic Monuments
academic school. fields of education and research - Division of Visual Techniques
The Faculty provides students with cover: Architecture (including: - Photography Studio.
interdisciplinary knowledge combi- Housing Architecture, Architecture of
ning both technical and non-technical Public Buildings, Industrial & Marine During summer students participate
(humanistic) subjects. Architectural Architecture; Health Service Architec- in different workshops including: buil-
and urban design is taught with ture), History of Architecture (incl. ding, painting, rural design, historical

monuments survey, urban design and near Gda_sk. Here everybody can use
pre-diploma workshops in profes- all imagination and architectural
sional architecture offices. Students knowledge ´ to create the unique buil-
prepare their diploma projects during ding out of the sea sand. The Days
the 10th semester and have to pass of Architecture are also organized
the final examination. For English- every year.
speaking students the SOCRATES
programme for international student Administration Staff:
exchange is offered. The Faculty Dean:
cooperates with several European prof. Andrzej Baranowski,
academic schools in Germany, Latvia, architect, phone +48 58 347-23-15,
Lithuania, Ukraine, the Netherlands, e-mail
Sweden and Spain. Vice-dean:
Marek Gawdzik, Ph.D., architect,
Postgraduate and doctoral studies
The one year postgraduate course of Vice-dean:
Town Planning and Space Jadwiga Kiernikiewicz-
Management is offered for profes- Wieczorkiewicz, Ph.D., architect,
sional architects and graduates from e-mail:
other faculties of university level Administration Manager:
schools, which entitles, after a period Krystyna Gozdawa-Nocon, M.Sc.,
of practice and examinations, to a e-mail:
Ministry recognised professional Academic Staff: ´
position. The Faculty of Architecture Teachers (total): 110, including:
also possesses the rights to award Professors: 16 (5 full professors),
the Ph.D. degree in Architecture and Academic teachers with Ph.D. degree:
Urban Planning. Since 2001 the doc- 55
toral studies are also offered. Technical Staff:
Admission ■
To become a student of the Faculty of
Architecture the candidates have to
pass an exam, which includes:
mathematics, foreign language, and
specific skills (drawing, three-dimen-
sional imagination and other abilities
necessary for this profession).

Students’ activities
The National Association of Students
of Architecture (OSSA) has its divi-
sions at the different faculties of
architecture in Poland and is organi-
zing workshops, trips and happenings
for students all over the country.
Students’ Art Circle (SKA) founded in
1998 supports all artistic events at the
Technical University of Gdansk and
has many sections, such as ´theatre
section or film section and many
others. Students’ Tourist Circle (TXA)
organizes scientific trips and visits to
museums and galleries of art.

The students of the Faculty of Archi-

tecture with the other faculties active-
ly participate in Neptunalia - the
greatest students’ event in the
Northern Poland, held in May every
year. Together with this event, there
is also a spectacular happening
organised by the students of archi-
It is called The Architecture of Sand
and it takes place on the sandy beach


The Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice

Politechnika Slaska w Gliwicach

Faculty of Architecture
ul. Akademicka 7
44-100 Gliwice, POLAND
Tel. : + 48 / 32 / 237 1210
Fax. : + 48 / 32 / 237 2491
E-mail : archidz @ zeus. polsl. gliwice. pl

Degree programmes

Degree Title Minimum Accredited Admission Number of

duration requirements students
of study admitted

Undergraduate in Inzynier architekt 7 semesters, Secondary (high 078 (179 total)

architecture and (architect engineer) full time school) education +
urban planning admission exam

Graduate in Magister inzynier 10 semesters, 115 (750 total)

architecture and architekt full time After 3 years of
urban planning (Master in Architecture) guided practice
and exam:
Graduate in Magister inzynier 4 semesters, State Register; Undergraduate 032 (52 total)
architecture and architekt full time and since 2002 certificate
urban planning (Master in Architects or Urban
Architecture) Planners Chamber

Postgraduate in - 2 semesters, MA Diploma 028

monuments of part time

Doctoral studies Doctor of 8 semesters, State Register MA Diploma 020

in architecture Philosophy part time
and urban

General Information The main goal of the tradition of all forms of education training are
The Silesian University of Technology School of Architecture in Gliwice was available to foreign students.
is one of the biggest and complete creativity within boundaries of ration-
University of Technology in Poland al design. The tradition continues Facilities
(30.000 students). It was established today with much more emphasis on The faculty of Architecture is situated
in 1945 after the II world war in practice as a part of education. The in the main campus of the Silesian
Gliwice. The Faculty of Architecture is most of the academic staff within the University of Technology in Gliwice
one of 13 faculties of the University. Faculty not only teach but practice near the historic city centre. The
Gliwice is one of the oldest and big- architecture and/or urban planning Staff and students have access to
gest cities in the Apper Silesian as well. facilities as seminar rooms, drawing
Agglomeration. The urban surroun- and sculpture ateliers, a library with
ding of the city is a characteristic The study is full or part time courses. books, periodicals, topographical
mixture of residential, industrial and The curriculum focuses on designing maps, and a fully equipped computer
post industrial areas dominated by and research in the field of creation studio. The faculty has its own stu-
steel works and coalmines. Silesian friendly environment for people life dents’ hostel offering one-, two-, and
Agglomeration comprise 15 cities in buildings and urban space. It gives three-beds rooms and a sport centre.
localised in close urban area – 1000 students a wide scope and content of In vicinity are located: canteens,
km2 – inhabited by approximately 2,3 knowledge about architecture, its his- shops, pubs, clubs, park and
mln. peoples, located one hour by tory and aims in creation of people University Sports Center.
train from Cracow the historical capi- life quality. The five year program
tal of Poland. consist of about 3600 hours (lectures, Education programme
The Faculty of Architecture emerged tutorials, seminars and design clas- The main study course at the Faculty
from Civil Engineering Faculty in ses) as well as summer vacation of Architecture takes five years and it
1977 and is continuing the fine tradi- practices. is Master of Science (MSc) degree
tion of the Lvov School of The exam in architecture skills is course. Students acquire their basic
Architecture. Now is one of nine basic requirement for admission as a knowledge during ten semesters.
schools of architecture in Poland. It student at the Faculty of Architecture Teaching is based on problem-based
offers academic education in the in The Silesian University of learning in theory, designing and
fields of architecture and urban plan- Technology. Usually this exam is technical sciences referring in archi-
ning. It has approximately 1000 stu- organised in June. Lectures and clas- tectural design. Process of teaching is
dent (40% of whom are female). ses are generally given in Polish, but scheduled in fifteen-week semesters

in which basic problems are resolved The faculty co-operates with several Student activities
in practical lessons incorporated into European academic centres in the The student associations organise
a design exercise. Netherlands, Germany, France, many extra activities in field of edu-
Sweden, Spain, Czech Republic, cation, scientific projects and cultural
The student chooses the specialisa- Norway, Ukraine and Great-Britain. events.
tion on the tenth semester and prepa- Actually the faculty runs co-operation Students take part in special competi-
res the diploma work in: architectural within the frame of Socrates - tion to distinguish the best diploma
designing, revitalisation or restora- Erasmus Programme with partners works organised yearly by SARP (the
tion of architectural monuments, from 4 countries. Is also involved in Association of Polish Architects) and
urban designing and regional plan- the EAAE programme ENHSA TUP (the Association of Polish Town
ning. European Network of Heads of Planners). There are also numerous
Five different Departments cover Schools of Architecture. competitions with awards founded by
complete scope of architectural industrial companies as well as inter-
education: Postgraduate programme national competitions for students.In
1. Department of Urban and Country The Faculty offers two courses of the last three years the students of
Planning, is involved in following postgraduate studies as follows: our Faculty were awarded about
issues: - Conservation of Historical thirty time in international competi-
- Urban Planning & Design Monuments (two semesters) tions.
- Landscape Architecture - PhD course for research assi-
- Dwelling Urban Complexes stants (four years) Staff and Administration
- Town Centres At present, 47 doctor’s theses are The faculty employs 120 academic
- Regional Planning being carried out in the field of archi- staff. The full – time professors are:
- Revitalisation of Urban Areas tecture and urban planning. The can- Prof. Janina Klemens PhD, DSc, Prof.
2. Department Architectural Design didates prepare their research work Nina Juzwa PhD, DSc, Prof. Adam
carries lectures and designing at the Faculty or outside the Lisik PhD, DSc, Prof. Elzbieta
classes in: University. They come from the Niezabitowska PhD, DSc, Prof.
- Architecture of Public Silesian University of Technology as Andrzej Niezabitowski PhD, DSc, Prof.
Buildings well as from other Polish and foreign Jacek Radziewicz – Winnicki PhD,
- Housing and Residential universities. DSc, Prof. Jacek W_odarczyk
Building Design PhD,DSc, Prof. SUT Jerzy Witeczek
- Industrial and Commercial Research programme PhD and Krzysztof Gasid_o PhD, DSc.
Architecture Research activities of the Faculty Janina Klemens PhD,DSc - Prof. of
- Recondition of Old Industrial comprise: the SUT
Buildings - historical and preservation
- Ergonomics in Architecture studies Dean of Faculty of Architecture:
- Inner Architecture - environmental psychology Prof. Nina Juzwa PhD, DSc
3. Department of Architecture and - theory and methodology in The Vice Deans are:
Design Methodology is involved architecture Prof. Jacek Radziewicz –Winnicki
in teaching of drawing, of special - facility management in archi- PhD,DSc, Jerzy Witeczek PhD and
kind of function and the problems tecture the Vice Dean for Students Affaires is
of technique in architecture, as - quality assessment in archi- Krystian Stangel PhD.
following: tecture ■
- Energy Saving Buildings - programming (briefing) in
- Buildings for Transport architecture
Systems - restructuring of industrial
- Architectural Composition areas and conversion of old
- Buildings and Techniques in industrial objects
Architectural Design - location studies for economic
- Drawing, Painting and activity
Sculpture - environmental aspects in
4. Department of History and Theory town and country planning
of Architecture, is involved in - studies on functioning of
teaching: urban planning
- History of Architecture - arts in architecture
- Conservation of Historical - computer-aided designing in
Monuments architecture and urban plan-
- Psychology of Architecture ning
5. Department of Office Buildings
Architecture and Design The Faculty organises periodical
Strategy teaches: international conferences to the topic
- Office Buildings Designing Theory & Practice in Architecture
- Facility Management in (Rybna near Katowice) and others
Architecture symposia and workshops.
Most of mentioned issues are obliga-
tory for every student.


Warsaw University of Technology

Faculty of Architecture

address: ul. Koszykowa 55,

00-659 Warsaw, PL.
phone : (+48 22) 628 28 87, 660 55 50,
(+48 22) 660 52 24,
fax : (+48 22) 628 32 36, 660 71 72
e-mail :

Degree programmes

Degree Title Minimum Accredited Admission Enrolment

duration requirements
of study

Architecture and Magister inzynier 5 years Ministry of secondary school 850

Urban Design (equivalent to an MSc) Education +
entrance exam.

Architecture and Inzynier architekt 4 years Ministry of secondary school 360

Urban Design (equivalent to a BSc) Education
+ entrance exam.

Architecture and Magister inzynier 1 year Ministry of BSc in Architecture 60

Urban Design architekt Education and
(equivalent to an MSc) Urban Design

Doktor nauk varies MSc in Architecture 50

technicznych or related disciplines
(equivalent to a PhD)

General information Facilities rests in architecture and fine arts, as

The Faculty of Architecture is one of The Faculty building provides an well as their spatial imagination and
the largest faculties of Warsaw environment of facilities and resour- creativity.
University of Technology, with a total ces that support and facilitate the stu- The selection procedure results in
student enrolment of about 1250. The dent’s academic process. Apart from very low percentage of students’
student -faculty ratio is very advanta- standard lecture halls, design studios drop-outs (less than 5%).
geous with an academic staff of 140, and classrooms, students are offered:
including 25 professors, many of a computer laboratories (48 terminals Educational Programme
whom are nationally recognised for students) and drawing, painting, The Faculty of Architecture offers the
architects with considerable creative sculpture and modelling rooms. following courses of studies in
achievements. This is also one of the Students have access to a large facul- Architecture and Urban Design:
largest schools of architecture in the ty library (45 000 volumes) networked ■ Graduate studies (10 semesters)
country, established in 1915 and ori- with the general university library leading to the degree „magister
ginally housed in the Warsaw School computer system and the Internet. In inzynier architekt" (MSc),
of Fine Arts. Since 1916 it has been the Faculty building there is also the ■ Undergraduate studies (8 semes-
located in an eclectic, turn-of-century Faculty Club that serves as a centre ters and a half year of profession-
building in the central area of for student activities, architectural al practice) leading to the degree
Warsaw. bookstore that offers books of the of „inzynier architekt" (BSc),
most significant architectural publis- ■ Postgraduate programme leading
Prominent graduates of the faculty hers, draughtsmen’s shop, exhibition towards „doktor nauk
include the famous architects Maciej halls and gallery and historic dra- techn."(PhD),
Nowicki, Stanislaw Noakowski, wings archive; academic staff offices ■ Graduate complementary studies
Bohdan Pniewski, Romuald Gutt, and rooms for the Student Self - (1 year for BSc degree holders)
Barbara and Stanislaw Brukalski, Government. A new Virtual Environ-
Jerzy Hryniewiecki, Jan Boguslawski, ment Laboratory was opened in 2002 Also, The Faculty offers 2-year part-
Oskar Sosnowski and Helena and with additional 15 terminals for stu- time postgraduate studies in the
Szymon Syrkus. These and other gra- dents and high performance compu- Preservation of Historical Buildings
duates have contributed to the deve- ting systems. and Monuments and Urban Design
lopment of modern architecture and Low-cost accommodation and meals and Physical Planning for practising
planning, as well as to the establish- are available for students in the professionals. The education of
ment of the Polish School of University dormitories located close masters and bachelors of architecture
Preservation and Conservation. to the University Central Campus. in broad terms comprises of the
The „Warsaw School" of modern teaching of design from small
architecture, which developed Admission industrial forms and interior designs,
between the wars, may be characteri- Candidates to the Faculty are accep- via houses, neighbourhoods, land-
sed by its creativity within the boun- ted on the basis of a two-part written scaping; educational, recreational,
daries of rational design and this tra- evaluation, comprising a test and dra- retail and multi-use facilities; public
dition is carried on today. wing. The evaluation is designed to and industrial buildings, service
examine the candidates’ skills in areas, open sport areas and parks, to
sketching and geometry, their inte- urban, rural and regional design.

Subjects at the Faculty of Architec- non-partner universities are also Students of architecture exchange
ture, apart from design, are comple- encouraged. The course will be ope- their ideas by regular publications of
mented by the following supplemen- ned only if there is a minimum enrol- articles in the student section of
tary topics: ment of 15 students. The course pro- monthly „Architektura - Murator"
- the theory and history of architec- gramme is on the level of 5th/6th journal. Students of the Faculty of
ture, urban form and fine arts, semester (3rd year) and it includes, Architecture, WUT are widely invol-
- technical basics ( mathematics, apart from design projects, courses ved in all activities of European
mechanics, structures, building which can be described as the most Architecture Students Assembly
technology, building services, characteristic for the „Warsaw (EASA) through organisation and par-
physics of buildings, technical School of Architecture". This inclu- ticipation in domestic as well as inter-
infrastructure), des: elements of urban composition, national workshops and happenings,
- basic economics (the economics free-hand drawing and visual com- participation in international student
of design and investment pro- munication, conservation and adap- competitions. Another important
cess, management, building legis- tive reuse, history of urban form and sphere of student activities are
lation), Polish architectural tradition, multi- workshops and study trips organised
- social and natural sciences ( eco- media presentation. The participating annually to Italy and Egypt as well as
logy, sociology, psychology, phi- teaching staff has wide experience visiting international exhibitions on
losophy, culture, professional in teaching in English through architecture and building technology.
ethics), active involvement in, lasting already
- fine arts (drawing, painting, sculp- several years, cooperation with the Research
ture, computer graphics), University of Detroit Mercy, USA. Faculty research activities are linked
- workshop techniques (enginee- The Faculty of Architecture, WUT has to the University, national research
ring drawings, modelling, compu- implemented ECTS into the study organisations, as well as international
ter aided design), program for international students. programmes. Faculty members are
- sports and elective foreign langu- Apart from credits (pass or fail) the actively engaged in the research
ages. grading scale is used to assess the which results in various professional
quality of students’ work. Tuition fee publications. The scientific research
The first two years of the course are for students from non-partner univer- policy at the Faculty of Architecture
common to all students and are sities is 1500 US$/semester. gives precedence to the following
intended to provide background in fields:
the related sciences and an introduc- International cooperation - the fundamentals of architect.
tion to architectural, structural and The Faculty is a member of a few design,
services aspects of smaller building European educational associations - new design methods and techni-
design. Students, from their third (EAAE, ECAADE, AESOP) as well as ques,
year of study have the opportunity to in the USA (ACSA, ACADIA). - housing, housing management,
choose their design tutor, and, a gra- Students of architecture have oppor- - new structures, building techno-
dually increasing number of elective tunities of studying, for a year or a logy and building services,
subjects according to their individual semester, at various architectural - historical research, conservation
predispositions. This is stated in the schools with which the Faculty and adaptation of monuments,
optional curriculum offer, comprising cooperates. Students exchange wit- modernisation of buildings and
a four-path study option: hin SOCRATES scheme are carried urban complexes,
Architectural Design, Urban Design, with 17 European universities in - the restructuring of rural settle-
Modernisation and Interior Design. Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, ments,
Students studying towards the MSc Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, - environmental protection,
degree prepare their diploma projects Spain, Sweden and the UK. Also, the - town and country planning and
in the tenth semester. The project, student exchange program between management.
and the knowledge gained throug- the Faculty of Architecture, WUT and
hout the course of studies, are pre- the School of Architecture, University Administration
sented to the examination board of Detroit Mercy, USA has been car- Dean:
during the public final examination. ried since 1980. Annually, ten stu- Prof. Maciej Kysiak, PhD, DSc
The academic year is divided into dents plus one teacher from both e-mail:
two semesters of 15 weeks each: schools have the opportunity to study Vice-Deans:
winter (October 1 - February 10) and and to teach for a semester at the Prof. Stefan Westrych, PhD
summer semester (February 20 - partner university. - Associate Dean,
June 30). Prof. Zygmunt Hofman, PhD, DSc
Student activities - Academic Affairs,
Course offer for foreign students The most prestigious and important Malgorzata Rozbicka, PhD
The Faculty of Architecture, WUT part of students’ activity is their invol- - Student Affairs - Faculty
offers the course unit of 1 semester vement in the Faculty policy and deci- International Coordinator
taught in English. The course pro- sion making. Elected representatives e-mail:
gramme has been specially designed of the Students’ Self -Government Roman Wrzosek, PhD
for international exchange students are members of the Faculty Council - 2-Cycle Studies
expected to register for the study with the right to submit their propo- e-mail:
period in the framework of SOCRA- sals and to vote in academic and ■
TES scheme, but students from social matters.


Wroclaw University of Technology

Faculty of Architecture
Prusa 53/55
50-317 Wroclaw, Poland
Tel. : +48 (0) 71 320 62 30 / 320 62 08
Fax : +48 (0)71 321 24 48
E-Mail :

Application deadline : 15 th June

Tuition and fees : none for the degree students
3500 zl (870 EURO) per semester for the guest
Calendar: Academic year : first semester (15 weeks, October – January), second
semester (15 weeks, February – June)

Degree programmes

Degree Title Minimum Accredited Admission Enrolment

duration requirements
of study

Architecture and Town M.Sc.Eng.Arch. 5 years Accreditation high school+ 230 per year
Planning by Order of admission (total 1150)
Specialization: Architects after examination
- Architecture 2 years of
- Preservation of Buildings architectural
practice and
national examination
Spatial Economics M.Sc.Eng. 5 years high school+ 40 per year
Specialization: admission (total 200)
-Spatial Planning examination
Landscape Architecture Dipl. in specialized 2 years M. Sc.Eng.Arch.+ 25 per year
studies in landscape curriculum
Urban and Spatial Dipl. in specialized 2 years M.Sc.Eng.Arch./ 25 per year
Planning studies in urban and M.Sc.Eng.+
spatial planning curriculum
Doctoral Studies Ph.D. 4 years M.Sc.Eng.Arch./ 5 per year
Dr in applied sciences: M.Sc.Eng.+
Architecture curriculum and
research subject

General information architecture as well. The five-year etc.), which provide services for the
Wroclaw, the capital of Lower Silesia, program consists of about 3,700 units students.
is a city over 600 thousand people, (lectures, tutorials, seminars and
rich in remarkable works of art and design classes) as well as summer Educational programme
architecture. Founded in the year vacation practices. Students will be The study within the branch of
1000 as a bishopric, in 1241 received required to present and successfully Architecture and Town Planning (spe-
the status of the civitas. It is located defend the designs of their projects. cialization: Architecture, Preservation
on an ancient trail linking the West Depending on the field on study of Buildings), and Spatial Economics
and South with the major cities of (Architecture and Town Planning or (specialization: Spatial Planning) pro-
Eastern and Northern Europe; it Spatial Economics) a student is awar- vides a full intellectual and profes-
belonged to the union of Hanseatic ded the degree of Master of Science sional development of the students
Cities. Wroclaw had a very turbulent of Engineering in Architecture (Archi- and allows them to gain the high
history and centuries of Czech, tecture and Preservation of Buildings) level of theoretical and practical
Prussian and German rules had left or Master of Science of Engineering knowledge necessary to practice the
many monuments and works of (Spatial Planning). profession of architect on various
medieval, baroque and modern art. posts.
Renown as one of the university cen- Facilities The substantial and organizational
ters of Poland, dynamically develo- The Faculty of Architecture is situated structure of didactic program was
ping capital of the province is the near the historic city center and green made according to the rule of control-
place where every year many festi- area. The building dates from the led selectability of subjects based on
vals and fairs take place. The Faculty beginning of the 20 th Century. There credit points while, at the same time,
of Architecture at Wroclaw University are many ateliers and classrooms in maintaining the rational individualiza-
of Technology was established in the Faculty of Architecture. The com- tion of the study and subjectivity of
1945, continuing the fine tradition of puter studio (CAAD programs, the student and his or her predisposi-
the Lvov and Warsaw schools. The Internet), photo laboratory, architec- tion and interests. The primary aim of
main goal of that tradition was creati- tural library (with app. 10000 titles) such assumptions is to approximate
vity within the boundaries of rational are freely accessible by the students. the program to the contemporary,
design. This tradition continues today Besides the specialized library atta- worldwide trends observed in didac-
with much more emphasis on practi- ched to the Faculty of Architecture, tic of high education institutions,
ce as a part of the education of young there are also other facilities of the what will enable a closer co-opera-
architects. All professors within the Wroclaw University of Technology tion with foreign architectural
faculty, not only teach but practice (main library, sport facilities, cafeteria schools.

The basic branch of Architecture and expressed in hours is composed of ■ Chair of Drawing, Painting and
Town Planning knowledge is aug- two parts: obligatory, fixed part Sculpture:
mented by equally important auxilia- (about 80% of total hours) and facul- - coloration and facture treat-
ry subjects, such as general construc- tative part matched to individual inte- ment in architecture
tion engineering, drawing, painting rest of the student (about 20%). The ■ Division of Preservation and
and sculpture, building mechanics program is governed by the fixed Rehabilitation of Architecture:
and descriptive geometry, this latter amount of credits points, which the - research into medieval archi-
being necessary for all University of student must collect till the gradu- tectonic-archaeological archi-
Technology graduates. Students ation before the diploma work. The tecture
begin their creative development with basic didactic form (course) is the - contemporary fortifications
the fundamentals of architectural and training in design work, which makes ■ Division of Environmental
town-planning design. They first the theoretical and practical synthesis Development:
design structures with a simple func- of gradually acquired knowledge. The - andscape architecture
tion, subsequently moving on to the design is an obligatory course in the - protection and shaping of the
principles of designing structures framework of such subjects as archi- environment
more complex in function and space. tecture, town planning and conserva- ■ Division of Building Structures:
These are usually single-family town tion. Within the whole program of the - structural analyses of the buil-
or country houses, multi-family apart- study, the student is obliged to credit ding
ment buildings, public utilities, the courses related to the mathema- ■ Division of Building Science:
department stores, schools, libraries, tics, humanistic/ management and - techno-economic analyses of
churches, industrial areas and buil- informatics/ physics disciplines. building construction invest-
dings. Students are also introduced During the whole study, the student ment
to the issues of rural and regional is obliged to design and complete 7 ■ Division of Descriptive Geometry:
architecture. They plan shopping cen- full-scale architectonic projects, 6 - geometrical representation
ters for small and big towns and town-oriented designs, 2 conserva- and analyses of the buildings’
study the specifics of interior design tion designs, 1 study design and 1 structure.
and architectural details. complete design study on the subject The research studies are published in
Instruction relating to the history of are assigned. The facultative courses "Architectus" - the architectural perio-
architecture and preservation of his- are those, which the student may dical of the Faculty of Architecture.
torical buildings covers several sub- choose from offered package accor-
jects. They are: the theory and history ding to the individual interests in Student activities
of architecture and town-planning, order to wide the knowledge or All forms of instruction and training
cultural environment protection, his- improve the practical experience. are available to foreign students. The
tory of art and technology. Spatial Faculty has many international con-
Planning is a new specialized area Research programme tacts resulting in student exchanges,
taught at the Faculty of Architecture. The variety of scales and times in international practice and workshops
The main types of activities that are which an architect works is reflected in Germany, the UK, France, Spain,
involved in this field include: analy- in the structure of the faculty. Finland and Denmark. Entrance exa-
zing settlement systems and their Research activity is carried out in the minations are held at the end of
functioning, establishing the needs of following units of the Faculty of June. The basic examination require-
residents and the resulting goals to Architecture: ments include passing marks for
be reached, working out spatial deve- ■ Institute of Architecture and Town three different types of free-hand dra-
lopment plans and implementing Planning: wings, separately for architecture and
those plans. The following specific - wide scope of projects - from for spatial planning.
fields are subsumed under the gener- interior designs to town plan- Prizes and awards in student compe-
al heading of spatial planning: town ning complexes titions: ACSA and UIA prizes, Carl E.
and settlement planning, regional - analysis and expertise in town Darrow Student Design Competition,
planning, rural planning, preservation planning DuPont Competition, SARP-Awards
and rehabilitation in urban areas, - theoretical research for the best diploma projects.
spatial planning methodology, and ■ Institute of History of
computer-aided spatial planning sys- Architecture, Art and Technology: Administration and staff
tems. Social, economic, environmen- - archaeological research The Faculty of Architecture employs
tal and technological problems rela- - research into theory 28 professors and 155 full-time
ted to spatial planning are also stu- ■ Chair of Spatial Planning and teaching and scientific staff.
died.It is possible to choose general Chair of Town Planning:
education in the area of Spatial Plan- - revaluation of urban space Dean of the Faculty of Architecture:
ning or to direct one's own sub-spe- - problems of bio-urban town Prof. Elzbieta Trocka-Leszczynska
cialization, e.g. computerization of units Vice-Deans:
planning, grounds management, ■ Chair of Housing Design: Prof. Stanislaw Medeksza
environment protection or spatial - designs of single- and multi- Dr Romuald Pustelnik
planning theory. family buildings Dr Boguslaw Wowrzeczka
A period of the study at the Faculty of - pro-ecological architectural SOCRATES/ERASMUS Coordinator:
Architecture covers 10 semesters. dwellings Dr Maciej Hawrylak
The last semester is reserved for - humanization of housing com- ■
diploma work. The didactic program plexes

Lisbon | Oprto

Lusiada University
Department of Architecture Department of Ãrchitecture Department of Architecture
Lisbon Oporto Vila Nova de Famalicão

R. da Junqueira, 188 a 198 R. Lopo de Carvalho Largo Tinoco de Sousa

1349-001 Lisboa 4369-006 4760-108 Vila Nova de Famalicão
Tel. : 213 611 500 Tel. : 225 570 800 Tel. : 252 309 200
E-mail : E-mail : e-mail :

Degree programmes

Degree Title Minimum Accredited Admission Places Total expted

duration requirements (all degrees)
of study

Architecture Ir 5 Register of Secondary level Lisbon 550

architects concluded Oporto/
V.N. Famalicão
Recuperation Ir 5 Register of Secondary level Oporto 400
Architeconic, and Architects Concluded Lisbon, V.N.
Urbanities Famalicão
Planning Ir 5 Register of Secondary level Lisbon 150
Architects Concluded Oporto, V.N.

General Information Facilities 4º Projecto II

The departments or Architecture of People who obtained the Ir. Degree História da Arquitectura II
the Lusíada University, intend to since 1990: 2944 Estruturas II
affirm themselves as a place of Classrooms 76 Construções III
education and cultural debate Laboratories 10 Geografia Urbana
pledged in the formation and Rooms of Computer science 10 Urbanismo
spreading on actualize currents of Computers 345 Sociologia
thought in that it concerns to the Audiences 3 Economia
practical one and the form of new Libraries 3
architects in Portugal, perfectly European center Documentation 3 5º Projecto III (Tese)
European and "citizens" of the World. Media lab 3
Inquiry Centers 11 Opção ARQUITECTURA
Is is therefore constant concern of its Institutes 10 Projecto
faculty to new platforms of cultural Construções
and professional debate that allow a Description of the basic studies Planeamento Urbano
formation architectures in our urban, Ano Disciplinas Direito
territorial and national picture. Curso
Incompliance with its concern of 1º Arquitectura I Opção PLANEAMETO
studies and inquiry. The Lusíada Desenho I Projecto
Univesity still has functioning in the Geometria Descritiva Planeamento Urbano
Departments of Architecture, Master História de Arte I Planeamento Regional
courses of with the duration to two Cad / Tecnologias Digitais I Direito
years. Matemática
The Departments of Architecture of Opção RECUPERAÇÃO ARQª
the Lusíada University function in the 2º Arquitectura II E URBANA
headquarters of the Lusíada Univer- Desenho II Projecto
sity, in Lisbon, and its extensions of História de Arte II Construções
the Oporto and New Village of Cad / Tecnologias Digitais II Planeamento Urbano
Famalicão. Construções I Direito
Antropologia do Espaço I

3º Projecto I
Antropologia do Espaço II
Teoria da Arquitectura
História da Arquitectura I
Estruturas I
Construções II
Geografia Física

Description of the advanced degree
- Master in Theory of Architecture
- Master in Iconography of the
Conceptual processes of
Architecture and Design
- Master in Design Management
- Master in Edified Patrimony
- Master in Technology of

- Posgraduation in Architecture and

town diagnosis of space, shape
and utility
- Posgraduation in Sustainable
- Posgraduaction in Architecture
Studios Management
- Posgraduaction in Intervention in
the Land Scape
- Posgraduaction in Imaginary of
the Portuguese Architecture
- Posgraduaction in Planning,
Quality and Construction of
- Posgraduaction in Refurbish,
Renovation of Historical Centers

- Specialization course in
Contemporary Architecture and
- Specialization course in Assess-
ment of Buildings
- Training course in Arts
- Course in Patrimony Manage-

Research Programme
The research is resumed to an activi-
ty of our architectural labs in Lisbon,
Oporto, and Famalicão.

Administration and Staff

Phd Joaquim José Ferrão de
Oliveira Braizinha (Lisbon)
Phd Manuel Maria Diogo (Oporto)
Phd Francisco Peixoto Alves (v.N.
Phd Horácio Bonifácio (Lisbon)
Arch. Alexandra Amorim (Oporto)
Arch. André Santos
(V.N. Famalicão)
Administration support and teachers:


Universidade do Porto
Faculty of Architecture

Rua do Cólgota, 215

4150 - 755 Porto
Tel. : +351. 2 609 92 34
Fax : +351. 2 609 92 73

Tution and fees : 299 Euro

Degree programmes

Degree Title Minimum Accredited Admission

duration requirements
of study

Architecture Architect 6 Register of High School (including

Descriptive Geometry architects
and Drawing
M.Sc. Course in Master 2 Register of Graduate on Architecture or
Environment architects Engineering
Planning and Urban

General Information me critical and creative professionals. aims to train the student for the pro-
The reform of the education system It participates in European exchange fessional world, either by joining in
in 1881 established the Fine Arts programmes such as Socrates, and the productive or research structures
School of Oporto, thus separating the has establish contacts with universi- of the Faculty or through contracts of
course from the Academy, but it ties in Brazil. The study is a full-time agreements established with public
didn’t create an independent Archi- five academic years, and one practi- or private agencies.
tecture course, although it was in cal training.
demand, was only established in The curriculum emphasises on pro- International students are subject to
1911. ject and drawing. Foreign students the same rules as Portuguese stu-
who want to apply for admission dents and FAUP use the ECTS
The education reform of 1932, must have a diploma that qualifies (European Credit Transfer System) in
foresaw the need for a better profes- them for enrolment at a university, its study plan.
sional and cultural preparation for Descriptive Geometry and Drawing
architects, and was followed by the are basic requirements for admission. 1st year ECTS
education reform of 1957. Lectures are give in Portuguese. Annual courses
Project I 20
Teaching in the Oporto School of Fine Facilities Drawing 16
Arts after 1967 resulted from a strong The Faculty of Architecture is situate General Theory of Space
critical movement within the school in the University quarter near Campo Organisation 8
that lead to important changes in the Alegre. It has a library with 8000 tit- Spatial Antrhropology 4
1957 education reform, resulting in les, in the aims of Architecture, Arts, Geometry 12
the autonomy of the Painting and History of Art and Urban Planning
Sculpture Courses of The Fine Arts and subscriptions to numerous perio- 2nd year
School of Oporto. dicals. Students are not allow to take Annual courses
books home. There is a Chart Room Project II 20
Once recognised the “importance containing a great variety of topo- Architectural Design 8
and social projection of architecture graphical maps. Geography 4
as human activity and the increasing History of Ancient and
need to prepare professionals in Available to students FAUP has also Medieval Architecture 8
Architecture with the sound scientific the following services: a CAD studio, Methods and Language for
training usually associated with uni- a photocopy service, a photography Contemporary 8
versity learning”, the Decree n° 498- laboratory, a book shop and a Introduction to Construction
F/97 established the Faculty of Archi- Cafeteria. Systems 12
tecture in the University of Oporto.
An Instalment Committee was set up, Educational programme 3rd year
in July 1982. This Committee was in The Compulsory Scientific Areas are: Annual courses
office until March 1, 1988 when the Architectural Project, Drawing, Project III 20
new elected managing bodies were Geometry, History of Architecture, Contemporary Urban
elected. Construction and Urban Studies. The Studies 4
Optional Scientific Areas are: History of Modern
The Faculty of Architecture has Landscape, Computer Aided Design, Architecture 8
approximately 820 students (47,1% of History of the Portuguese City, and Living Space and Residential
whom are female and 7 % of its stu- History of Brazilian Architecture and Forms 8
dents come from foreign countries), it City. Computer Aided Design 8
confers the degree in Architecture, its Construction Systems and
main aim is training students to beco- Practical training is for a full year. It Materials 12

4th year Research Programme
Annual courses The activities of R&D are integrate in
Project IV 20 a Centre of Research and Develop-
Urban Planning 4 ment called Centro de Estudos em
History of Portuguese Arquitectura e Urbanismo da FAUP
Architecture I 8 (Studies Centre of Architecture and
Structural Systems 8 Urbanism of FAUP.
Public Space and Facility
Forms 8 Student activities
Semestral courses The Students Association is in the old
Environmental Control 6 facilities of the School and has a
Network and Installations 6 stationer’s shop, which is available to
all FAUP students.
5th year
Annual courses Administration
Project V 20 The faculty employs 65 full-time and
History of Contemporary 5 part-time scientific staff. In addition,
Architecture 8 it contracts many visiting lecturers.
Land and Urban Forms 8
Urban Economy 4 Representative Assembly
Semestral courses Professor Rui Fernandes Póvoas
Urban Infrastructures and
Networks 6 Directive Council
Pathology of Construction 6 Professor Domingos Tavares
a) Optional 8
b) Optional 8 Pedagogical Council
Professor Francisco Barata
a) Landscaping or Computer Aided
Project Scientific Council
b) History of the Portuguese City or Professor Nuno Portas
History of Brazilian Architecture ■
and Cities

6th year
Practical Training 60

Post graduate programme

The faculty offers a MSc course in
Environment Planning and Urban
project. The MSc had the duration of
four semesters, the first two corre-
spond to the circular course and the
remaining two, to the preparation
and submission of dissertation. The
taught course comprises 16 hours per
week during 25 weeks, distributed
along several subjects and semin-
ars/project. The course offers two
options specialisation - Planing and

In the aim of FAUP the doctorate deg-

ree (equivalent of PhD) can be obtai-
ned in the areas of: Architecture,
Urban Studies, Drawing and Con-
struction through a programme of
research tutored by FAUP teachers.
To apply this programme you must
have a degree in Architecture with a
mean rate of 16 (grade 0/20) or a very
good curriculum, which may include
a Master title.

Universiade Moderna - Polo de Setubal

Department of Architecture

Universidade Moderna - Polo de Setubal

Estrada das Machadas de Cima
2900 SETÚBAL (Portugal)

Tel. : 00-351-265-540700; Fax. 00-351-265-540701

Email :

Degree programmes

Degree Title Minimum Accredited Admission Enrolment Full-time

duration requirements students
of study

General Description Education (EAAE) and is now starting the Department has been achieving
protocols with European Universities a very close relationship between
Pólo de Setúbal of Universidade on a SOCRATES / ERASMUS basis. students and teachers, which has
Moderna. Through its "Centre of Studies on been improving every year. The small
Created in 1989, Pólo de Setúbal has Architecture, Urbanism and Built dimension of the school has been
now 1250 students, a teaching staff of Patrimony" (CEAUPE) it has already enabling the achievement of a very
120, (including 30 with a Doctor established relationships with local solid relationship within the local
Degree and 30 with a Master Degree), and regional institutions and community.
and five Licentiate degree programs: authorities. In the second and third grades mate-
Transport Engineering, Architecture, The scheduled licentiate degree riality, construction and equilibrium
Business Management, Law and duration is of five years plus a 9 are stressed. Along with human
Applied Social Investigation. month professional practice program sciences (Geography, Social-anthro-
followed by a final report and exam. pology) and technologies (Static,
Setúbal is an industrial, harbour and Each grade has a duration of 35 Structures, Materials and Construc-
fishing town of circa 120 thousand weeks with a lecture/studio average tion), the Architectural Design studio
inhabitants, 35 km South from Lisbon of 28 hours per week. The 1st grade (12 hours per week) is also supported
(20 minute ride by car), located by students are introduced to Architec- by Architectural Theories, Art History,
the shore of the estuary of the river ture, mostly in what is related to Landscape Architecture and Drawing.
Sado and between the outstanding form, space, composition, scale and It’s a two year program in which the
natural reserve of the Arrabida moun- dimensioning. The studio has the student is invited to investigate,
tains and the natural reserve of the support of the Drawing, Geometry construct and develop specific
river Sado. His monuments date as and Architectural Theories classes, architectural programs within and
far back as the Roman Empire and its where language, expression and without urban environment, studying
History plays an important role on architectural vocabulary are stressed, local traditional and update construc-
the general History of the Country. along with drawing, drafting and tion techniques and finally develo-
Sport and seaside activities are operative geometrical techniques ping one project to its final detailed
steady, along with cultural events (ergonomics, proportion, perspective, conclusions.
and dwelling facilities. projective geometry and computer
aided drafting). The 3rd cycle of the architectural
The Department of Architecture of program is fulfilled by the 4th and 5th
Polo de Setubal Along with the practical exercises grade as well as the 9 month archi-
Created in 1996, the Department of and the foundational theoretical tectural practice outside school. In
Architecture of Setubal is now classes, the students are also i the 4th and 5th grade, the 12 hour
(October 2000) starting its fifth year nvolved in study visits. At the same per week Architectural Design
of existence, with a group of 200 time monthly conferences on Studio are also supported by
students and 27 teachers, six of Architecture and related matters are Urbanism, Economy, Building and
which with a Doctoral degree and held, featuring well-known Architects Site Rehabilitation, Law and
another five with Master degrees; and Theorists. These activities are Management, along with Structures,
19 of them are practicing Architects. extended to the whole Department, in Construction Technologies and
order to stress the relationship History of Portuguese Architecture.
The Department of Architecture of between entering students and the
Setubal is a member of the European rest, and of course, the teaching staff. Being a regional cooperative institu-
Association of Architectural Being a small school of Architecture, tion the Department mostly receives

students from a rural and suburban Department Permanent Staff - Humanities
environment. The teaching board is Alexandre Borrego, Doctor in
striving to build a kind of Architect Director Economy
who is very conscious of his local Prof. Luis Conceicao, Doctor Architect Jorge Goes, Lawyer
and regional insertion, with a strong Secretary Joao Aldeia, Master in
skilled formation regarding creativity, Prof. Luis Paixao, Dipl. Arch. Economy
technical capacity and human wis- - Technologies
dom. - Architectural Design Coordinator Alfredo Campos Costa, Doctor
Prof. Luis Conceicao, Doctor Engineer
Plan of Studies in Architecture Arch. Jose Candeias, Master
(all courses are annual unless other- - Technologies Coordinator Engineer
wise indicated) Prof. Vitor Lopes dos Santos, Maria do Ceu Martins, Dipl.
Doctor Arch. Arch.
1st Grade: - Urban Design Coordinator Manuela Tome, Master Arch.
Analytical Architecture (9H/week) Prof. Luis Afonso, Doctor Roque Bras de Oliveira, Dipl.
Drawing I (6H/week) Arch. Arch.
Geometry (3H/week) - Theory and History Coordinator
Introduction to CAD (4H/week) Prof. João Carlos Antunes, The Pro-Rector and Director of the
Theory and History of Dipl. Arch. Department of Architecture
Architecture I (4H/week) - Drawing and Arts Coordinator Prof. Doutor Arq. Luis Conceicao
Anthropometry and Ergonomics Prof. Ana Tomas, Dipl. Arch. private e-mail:
(1 Semester, 2H/week) - Humanities Coordinator
2nd Grade: institutional e-mail:
Prof. Jose Luis Alvarez,
Architectural Design I (12H/week)
Master in Anthropology,
Drawing II (4H/week) ■
Geography (3H/week)
Technologies I (4H/week)
Other Permanent Teachers:
Theory and History of
- Architectural Design
Architecture II (4H/week)
Static (3H/week) Jose Carvalho, Dipl. Arch.
3rd Grade: Jose Madrigal, Doctor Arch..
Architectural Design II (12H/week) Bernardo Miranda, Dipl. Arch.
Landscape Architecture (3H/week) Luis Costa, Dipl. Arch.
Sociology (3H/week) Carlos Gracio Dias, Dipl. Arch.
Technologies II (4H/week) Sergio Spencer, Master Arch.
Theory and History of Luis Paixão, Dipl. Arch.
Architecture III (4H/week) Miguel Berger, Dipl. Arch.
Structures I (3H/week) - Drawing, Geometry, CAD and
4th Grade: Ergonomics
Architectural Design III Maria Jose Sardinha, Dipl.
(12H/week) Arch.
Urbanism (3H/week) Roque Bras de Oliveira, Dipl.
Economics (3H/week) Arch.
Technologies III (4H/week) Miguel Berger, Dipl. Arch.
History of Portuguese Jose Carvalho, Dipl. Arch.
Architecture (4H/week) - Theory and History
Structures II (3H/week) Rogerio Vieira de Almeida,
5th Grade: Master Arch.
Architectural Design IV Fernando Baptista Pereira,
(12 H/week) Master Hist.
Urban Design (4H/week) - Urban Design, Geography,
Site and Building Rehabilitation Landscape and Planning
(3H/week) Luis Serpa, Dipl. Arch.
Law (1 Semester 2H/week) Nuno Cruz de Carvalho, Dipl.
Design and Building Management Landscape Arch.
(1 Semester 2H/week) Maria do Ceu Martins, Dipl.
6th Grade: Arch.
Practical Practice and Final Report
(9 months)

Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urbanism

18 - 20 Academici Street
70109 Bucharest, Rumania
Tel. : +40.1.6155482
Fax : +40.1.3123954

Degree programmes

Degree Title Minimum Accredited Admission Enrolment

duration requirements
of study

Faculty of Architecture Dipl. Architect

Major in Building Design 6 National Commission Admission Exam 1400
Major in Interior Design 5 of Accreditation Admission Exam
Major in Industrial Design 5 + Ministry of Education Admission Exam 300
Faculty of Urbanism Dipl. Urbanist 5 National Commission Admission Exam 300
Major in Planning B.A. Supervisor 5 of Accreditation Admission Exam
Major in Landscape ("conductor") 3 + Ministry of Education Admission Exam
University College B.A. Supervisor 3 National Commission Admission Exam 120
Building Design ("conductor") of Accreditation Admission Exam
Interior & Furniture Design B.A. Supervisor 3 + Ministry of Education Admission Exam
Urbanism ("conductor")
Restoration B.A. Supervisor 1
School of Advanced Diploma 2 National Commission Admission Exam 30 full-
Studies M.Arch. of Accreditation Admission Exam time
Advanced Programmes 2 + Ministry of Education Admission Exam 110 part-
Master Programmes time
Post-Graduate Programme Diploma 4 (full-time)
Doctoral Studies Ph. D 6 (part-time)

General Information Southern France and Eastern Europe, among them, 60 subscriptions to
"Ion Mincu" University of Architecture European Association of the Students periodicals (43 foreign, 17 Romanian).
and Urbanism in Bucharest is the in Landscape Architecture, and has The library boasts with a valuable
oldest and most important academic developed cooperation projects collection of 550 rare books, among
institution in this field from Romania. through TEMPUS, SOCRATES, and which 50 are of exceptionally rare
IMUAU is a state institution that runs LEONARDO DA VINCI Programs, etc. patrimonial value.
according with the legislation in force with many architectural schools from
in Romania, specifically with the France, Great Britain, Holland, Italy, Educational program
Education Act. Germany, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, The educational content observes
IMUAU is a complex academic struc- Sweden, Republic of Ireland, some basic principles: the perma-
ture, composed of different types of Switzerland. nent revisitation of tradition, the
academic units: on the one hand, the relationship between architecture,
Faculty of Architecture, the Faculty of Facilities city, and territory, between architec-
Urbanism, the University College, The building of IMUAU is sited in ture, history and culture, the prag-
and the School of Advanced Studies, the historic center of Bucharest, com- matism of the architectural and
on the other hand, the Design Depart- prising an ensemble in the Neo- urban practice, paralleled by a steady
ments and the Scientific Chairs. Romanian Style (1902-1926), listed as intellectual investigation of broader
Courses are taught in Romanian, but monument of architecture, and two cultural issues. Consequently, the
limited instruction can be provided in "modern" extensions completed in curricula are based on the study of
English and French. 1970. The University provides various disciplines that cover the following
Permanently concerned to stay open facilities for both staff and students: areas: architectural design, urban and
to the new approaches in architec- lecture rooms, design studios, up- regional planning, socio-humanistic
tural education, IMUAU has signifi- date computer laboratories, library, a culture, technical culture.
cant involvement in the international gym, "Club A", a club administrated
debates on these topics through by Architect Students’ Association; At the Faculty of Architecture, during
close relation with various associa- there are also other auxiliary units. the junior and sophomore cycle (the
tions, forums, architectural schools, The library is a remarkable asset. first six semesters), the disciplines
etc. worldwide. IMUAU has an active It is one of the richest in its kind (theoretical courses and design stu-
role in EAAE/AEEA, the IAIESTE, and from Europe. It contains over 197,000 dios) are common to a large extent to
the Working Group for the Architec- volumes, of which 120,000 books and the two Majors, and share several
tural Education of the International 51,000 periodicals, 26,000 doctoral disciplinary fields with the Faculty of
Union of Architects. It also partici- dissertations, research works, photo- Urbanism. The lecture courses are
pates in the Convention of School graphic documents (projects, monu- surveys of the main architectural
of Architecture and Urbanism of ments, other non-book materials); issues, they provide basic knowledge,

while in the design studios, the stu- produce professionals able to assist assists the faculty members that have
dents become acquainted with the the architect and the urban planner in design and research commissions,
study of form and space and their their work. All sections (Building being a commercial unit as well.
representation, along with the basic Design, Interior and Furniture Design,
"hands-on" training of the expressive Urbanism, and Restoration) train stu- Students’ activities
means traditionally available to the dents in computer assisted architec- The Architect Students’ Association is
architect. The design activities are tural design, so that the "conductor" represented in the IMUAU Senate by
managed by the Design Departments can assume the tasks of all the jobs 7 students, being consequently invol-
aided by the Chair of Representation in the architectural and planning ved in the debate regarding the struc-
and Interior Design. Once the Major firms. There is a close relationship ture and content of the educational
chosen, student’s choice is very between the education offered in the program.
reduced during the sophomore cycle: four College sections and the educa- During their study years, the students
all credits are mandatory. tion during the first three years in the may attend courses at similar facul-
The senior cycle (the following six or two Faculties. ties within the framework of higher
seven semesters) is distinctly struc- The School of Advanced Studies education institutions at home or
tured according to the two Majors, offers the following studies, opened overseas, namely in those institutions
according to the curricula. There are to graduates from both Architecture subject to bilateral or multilateral
several possibilities (elective and and Urbanism Faculties and the rela- agreements concluded by IMUAU, or
optional lecture courses and design ted disciplines, such as Economics, according with specific regulations
studios) to choose a Minor, for which Engineering, Sociology, Geography, approved by the Senate.
the student has to attend 2 extra Law, Human Studies, etc.:
courses recommended by the profile The Advanced Architectural Design Administration and staff
Chair. Programs last for 2 semesters The IMUAU employs 193 full time
The diploma is obtained after the (10 no tuition + 5 tuition fee) and are staff and 80 part time staff. There are
evaluation of a final complex work focused on two fields: Marketing and also visiting lectures within various
(project + dissertation), elaborated Quality in Architecture; Building programs of cooperation.
during the eleventh semester, after a Rehabilitation. Rector:
semester of practice in a studio or The Master of Architecture Degree Prof. Dr. Arch. E. B. Popescu
research structure. Programs are meant to widen various Pro-Rector:
disciplinary fields through multi- Prof. Dr. Arch. Nicolae Lascu
At the Faculty of Urbanism the curri- disciplinary and/or interdisciplinary Scientific Secretary:
culum is structured according to the approaches and to integrate them Prof. Dr. Arch. Sorin Vasilescu
two cycles of study (4+6 semesters). into a more complex (technically and Dean of the Faculty of Architecture:
The first four semesters are dedicated culturally) view on the making of Prof. Dr. Arch. Stefan Scafa-
to teaching the basic, general know- space: Integrated Urban Development Udriste
ledge (theory and design practice), (Romanian and French); Urban Mana- Pro-Dean:
intimately interrelated to and coordi- gement; Anthropology of the Sacred Associate Professor Dr. Arch.
nated with the courses in the Faculty Space, Management of Cultural Sergiu Nistor
of Architecture. The following six Heritage by Local Communities. Associate Professor Dr. Arch.
semesters are focused on the two The Post-Graduate Study Programs Mircea Chira
specialized fields of the two Majors: (25 places with tuition fee) aim to Dean of the Faculty of Urbanism:
Planning and Landscape Architecture. provide a specialized training in the Prof. Dr. Arch. Constantin Enache
The educational process is mainly following fields: Restoration of Dean of the University College
targeted to the urban project, there- Monuments, Ensembles, and Sites; Prof. Dr. Tomnita Florescu
fore, the developing of specific Building Design for Sustainable Head of the Architectural Design
research and conception skills and Development; Urban and Regional Department
techniques become very important. In Planning. Doctoral Studies address Prof. Dr. Arch. Mircea Ochinciuc
addition to the Major choice, and in the following fields: Architecture, Head of the Synthesis of Design
accordance with the system of Urbanism, History of Architecture Department
options during the academic training, &Restoration, Technology of Prof. Dr. Arch. Radu Tanasoiu
the student may choose a Minor in Architecture, and are organized as Head of the Chair of History&Theory
the field of Territory Planning or of part time and full time studies. of Architecture and Heriatge
Landscape Architecture. Conservation
The diploma is obtained following Research program Prof. Dr. Arch. Ana Maria
the evaluation of a final complex Scientific research is a fundamental Zahariade
work (project + dissertation), elabo- activity of the teaching staff, though Head of the Chair of Urbanism
rated during the eleventh semester many urban planning and conser- Prof. Dr. Arch. Alexandru Sandu
after a semester of practice in a spe- vation studies are done with stu- Head of the Chair of Representation
cialized studio or research structure. dents’ participation. and Architectural Design
The University College is based on a The research programs are eventually Prof. Dr. Arch. Iulius Ionescu
three-year school program, training published (articles, books, conferen- Head of the Chair of Architectural
technical personnel. This type of ces delivered at national and interna- Technological Sciences
professional is required by the archi- tional seminars). There is also a Pof. Dr. Arch. Rodica Crisan
tectural studios. The curriculum is Center of Research, Design, Expertise ■
thus practice oriented in order to and Consulting that technically

Cluj Napoca

Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning

Str Observator nr. 34

Cluj Napoca, Rumania

Dean: prof.dr.arch.Mircea Moldovan

Tel. : 40 64 190255
Fax : 40 64 190255
Email :

Degree programmes

Degree Title Minimum Accredited Admission Enrolment

duration requirements
of study

General information ferences and taught in the studios at Educational programme

The Technical University of Cluj cele- the Faculty of Cluj. The Faculty of Architecture and
brated its 50 years in 1998. It is one The applicants must have a high Urban Planning awards the Architect
of the five state universities and school bachelor diploma and pass a title, recognised by the Romanian
higher education institutes in Cluj. severe admission exam (usually, only Ministry of Education. The Diploma
Cluj is an important economical and one of 3-4 applicants is admitted). certifies an Architecture and Urban
cultural town and the second univer- Foreign students are admitted on Planning specialisation.
sity centre in Romania. It has a strong individual admission tests and inter- The study is organised in a six-year
tradition in scientific and cultural life views or by exchange conventions programme, 11 semesters of full-time
(by names such as Victor Babeø, Emil with other schools of architecture. courses and one semester for the
Racoviæ or Lucian Blaga) and plays final diploma project and license. The
an active role in the cultural life of Facilities program consists of 28 hours/week
Romania today. The building of the Faculty of and 10-12 exams yearly.
Architecture and Urban Planning is
The Faculty of Architecture and situated in a new quarter of the town. There staff and courses are divided in
Urban Planning is one of the eight The access to faculty from the railway six units, grouped in two chairs:
faculties of the Technical University. It station or the city centre is easy by I. The Chair of Theoretical Studies
was created in 1970 as a Department the means of conveyance. 1. Theory and History of
of the Faculty of Civil Engineering The Faculty of Architecture and Architecture
and has become today the most Urban Planning is integrated into a 2. Engineering Studies
important centre of architectural trai- campus which includes student 3. Interior Design and Industrial
ning in Transylvania. hostels, with study rooms, a canteen, Design
A central objective is to increase the sports grounds, shops, a chemist’s II. The Chair of Architectural and
number of qualified professionals in shop and a health unit. The Faculty is Urban Design
the fields of architecture and urban able to provide accommodation on 4. Studio of Architectural Design
planning who will serve a broader campus for all the interested stu- 5. Synthesis of Architectural
range of constituencies. The staff and dents. The halls are situated near the Design
the approximately 300 students of the main building. They have rooms for 6. Urban Planning
school develop together a committed four persons, with common bath-
attitude on the built environment, rooms on each floor. The studio is the focus of the educa-
which tries to be both critical and tional programme. By means of stu-
creative. The main purpose of the The faculty has studio halls, rooms dio work, where a creative synthesis
Faculty is to research and value the for courses and lectures, a studio of all acquired knowledge is made,
multi-cultural identity of the region. equipped with ArchiCAD programme, architectural education attends to
The Faculty of Architecture and several materials laboratories (shared develop students’ individual creativity
Urban Planning has established inter- with the Faculty of Civil Engineering), and responsibility. The studio work
national relationship in European a photo laboratory and specialised prepares the student for roles related
exchange programmes, such as library. The students have access to the design of buildings and other
Tempus and more recently Socrates. both to the Technical University environmental artifacts.
These programmes provided new Library and to the Central University In the first three years, the Studio
equipment and a chance for direct Library. They also have the opportu- projects are led by the staff of the
collaborations with many schools in nity to attend public lectures, cultural unit II.4. and in the last three years by
Europe. Many faculty staff have events, exhibitions and various con- the staff of the unit II.5..
accomplished didactic stages in ferences.
European schools and many Euro-
pean visiting professors held con-

The first three years, students must (regional development studies, Chairman of the Chair II Architectural
attend fundamental courses in general urban plans, zone urban and Urban Design:
Mathematics, Mechanics, Descriptive plans, detailed case studies, new prof.dr.arch. Catalena Muradin
Geometry, Rendering, History and types of dwelling on slope grounds Chair of Unit I.1. Theory and History
Theory of Architecture, Elements of etc.), restoration and conservation of Architecture:
the Environment and Urban Planning, studies (surveys in town historical Prof. Mircea Moldovan, Ph.D.
Materials and Elements of Construc- centres, surveys in archaeological Chair of Unit I.2. Engineering Studies:
tion, Theory of Structures, Furniture excavations etc.). Contractual Reader Balint Szabo, Ph.D.
Design, CAD, Foreign Languages and research, which brings financial Chair of Unit I.3. Interior Design,
Sport. All the courses in the first and support to the University and links History of Architecture and
second year are compulsory. The the school to the real life, enables Aesthetics:
third year allows a minimal number students to work on projects for prof.dr.arch.Mircea Moldovan
of elective courses. actual clients and gain professional Theory of Architecture:
experience under faculty guidance prof.dr.arch. Adriana Matei
The fourth, fifth and sixth years con- and supervision. Contractual research Urban Planning:
sist of some compulsory courses in is subsequently highly encouraged. reader dr.arch Vasile Mitrea
each of the units I.1, I.2, I.3 and II.6 Faculty members perform also indi- Engineering Studies:
and several distributional or elective vidual research, concluded in docto- dr. eng. Balint Szabo
courses, such as: Elements of Urban rates and various professional publi- Industrial Design
Morphology, Strategy of Human cations. Prof. Katalin Muradin, Ph.D.
Settlements, Urban Ecology, New Chair of Unit II.1. Studio of
Technologies, Industrial Design, Student activities Architectural Design:
Management, Building Pathology The students of the Faculty of Lecturer Gh. Vais
and Rehabilitation, Art History, Architecture and Urbanism have their Chair of Unit II.2. Synthesis of
Philosophy of Culture, Philosophy of independent association “Habitas”. Architectural Design:
Science, Psychology of Form. Habitas is representing all the faculty Prof. Katalin Muradin, Ph.D.
students and is authorised to make Chair of Unit II.3. Urban Planning:
Even if the diploma doesn’t specifi- statements and take a stand on any Lecturer Loaka Agachi PHD
cally attest a particular specialisation, academic issue. It organises a broad ■
the students are advised to choose range of student activities: annual
a specialisation (urban planning, exhibitions, summer meetings, the
history and preservation, theory and annual “Freshmen” Ball etc.
critics, interior design) and the corre-
spondent elective courses. The fields It also provides support for student
of the licence exams are different participation in architectural inter-
according to these “informal” specia- national competitions. Life at the
lisation. halls of residence is also directed by
students’ self-governing bodies.
The programme is viewed as a
framework in which both academic In the summer there are practical
and professional concerns are activities, students carry out surveys
explored. In general, the programme on historical monuments and
seeks to impart basic principles and archaeological sites, mainly in
knowledge, to develop visual and Transylvania, but also in Hungary,
analytical skills and to relate crea- Ukraine, Poland, Slovakia and Czech
tivity to given cultural situations. Republic.
The architects, thus trained, should
be able to use their knowledge and Administration and staff
insight by responding to and impro- The faculty employs 28 full-time
ving the built environment. academic staff (24 architects and 4
engineers), 17 associated staff (archi-
Research Activities tects, sociologists, art historians and
The research activities of faculty and from other fields) and 2 secretaries.
students cover the fields of urban
planning, restoration, structural Head:
engineering and architectural theory. Prof. PHD Moldovek
Full-time faculty members are acti- Secretary of scientific Research:
vely engaged in research as well as prof. dr. eng. Balint Szabo
in practice and consulting. Chairman of the Chair I Theoretical
The research activities are seen as Studies:
complementary to the educational prof.dr.arch. Adriana Matei
programme. Students participate
during the summer practical activities
to various studies in urban planning


Politechnica University of Timisoara

Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Department of Architecture

2A Traian Lalescu Street

1900 Timisoara
Tel/fax : 004/0256/203125

Application deadline: july

Tuition and fees: no fee for students from Romania
400$/year for students from other countries

Degree programmes

Degree Title Minimum Accredited Admission Enrolment

duration requirements
of study

Arhitect (architect ) 6 years Order of architects 40+20(fee)

High School Diploma
Conductor architect (architecture technician) 3 years Order of architects 20+10(fee)
High School Diploma

General information who want to apply for admission The studies culminate in a final pro-
Politehnica University of Timisoara must have a diploma which qualifies ject leading to an Architect degree
was founded in 1921. The Depart- them for enrolment at a university of (the 12th semester for architects and
ment of Architecture was re-opened technology in their country of origin. the 6th semester for conductor archi-
in 1991 after a nine year break due to Mathematics and drawing abilities tects). Additional admission require-
the political system from Romania. are basic requirements for admission ments may be needed if one chooses
The Department of Architecture can as a student at Department of to transfer during the studying years
be very well defined with a single Architecture from Politehnica to a university other than the
word: interdisciplinary. It is about a University of Timisoara. Politehnica University of Timisoara.
critical approach of architecture, The language of instruction during
derived from different points of view. the programme is Romanian. Title and admission
The department has approximately Teaching materials such as lecture Graduates are awarded the title of
400 students (40% of whom are notes are mostly in Romanian. Architect. Students can be officially
female and 20 are foreign students). registered as Architect. For admission
The essence of this school is to guide Facilities to Politehnica University, Department
students through various ways of The Faculty of Civil Engineering and of Architecture a four-year pre-univer-
approaching architecture, more or Architecture is situated in the sity education (High school Degree) is
less interconnected, aiming to under- Politehnica University campus near required; there is an entry examina-
stand the significance of the architec- the city centre of Timisoara. The tion, with two tests: technical and
tural design of one project. Different Faculty is within easy reach of the artistic drawing and math. For the
aspects of project are brought into common transportation. three years studies there is only one
the attention of students: the com- Timisoara has played an active role in test required - drawing.
plex way of forming natural and the history of the Romania, not only
urban sites, cultural and religious in science and culture, but also from Post graduate programme
traditions, social, psychological and political reasons (the 1989 Revolution In order to deal with new demands in
anthropological aspects, the birth of started here). architectural field (renovation and
natural and artificial form, the use of The Faculty houses facilities needed restoration), the department offers a
different technologies and materials. for teaching. It has a library with one-year course for those that are
10,000 titles and subscriptions to interested (eight people, after a selec-
Over the last decade the department numerous periodicals and an equip- tion procedure).
has became a well known school. It ped CAD studio. During summer time there is also a
receives national and international two-weeks summer school called
requests to take part in joint ventures In Timisoara students acquire their "The Restoration of Architectural
and in student and staff exchange basic knowledge during the first three Surfaces" under UNESCO Venice
projects. It participates in European years of studies. The development of Office.
exchange programmes, such as design skills is central to the pro-
Tempus, Leonardo and Socrates. It gramme: a semester-long integral Student activities
has collaborations with Romanian design-project forms the core of the The student association is known as
cultural institutes from Venice, Rome six semesters where the knowledge OSA. It establishes contacts with
and Berlin. and skills taught in other programme- other student associations and
elements (fundamentals of Architec- organizes in many extracurricular
Curriculum ture, Technology, Theory and History) activities.
The curriculum focuses on architec- are applied in the design-process.
tural intervention. Characteristic of Beginning with the 5th semester the
the study is its wide scope and con- programme includes different option-
tent of subjects. Foreign students al courses.

Administration and staff
The Department of Architecture
employs 20 full-time
and 25 part-time scientific staff.
Chairman of the Architecture
Conf. dr. arch. Cristian
Other member of staff:
Prof. dr. arch. Teodor Gheorghiu –
history and urban courses
Prof. dr. ing. Victor Gioncu –
structural engineering courses
Conf. dr. arch. Smaranda Bica –
history, object and landscape
design courses
Conf. dr. arch. Ioan Andreescu –
history and theories about
modern architecture courses


Slovak University of Technoloy Bratislava

Faculty of Architecture

Nám. Slobody 19
812 45 Bratislava, Slovak Republic

Tel. : 004212 52967 060

Fax 004212 5291533
Email :

Degree programmes

Degree Title Duration

of study

Architecture & Urban Planning Bachelor 4 yrs

Architecture Engineer-Architect 2 yrs
Urban Planning Engineer-Architect 2 yrs
Landscape Architecture and
Lanscape Planning Engineer-Architect 2 yrs
Design (industrial, product) Bachelor 4 yrs
Design MSC with the title "Ing" 2 yrs
(see "Education Program" also)

Accredited by Governmental Commission of Slovak Republic
Admissions: (see "Entrance Requirements" also) High School Diploma for bachelor’s degree
Bachelor’s degree for Master’s degree Entrance examination for all programs

1100 students are currently enrolled at FA SUT.

General information in the last century and the founder of Architecture (Bc)
The teaching of architecture at the the school for whom the hall "Aula of Urban planning (Bc)
STU began in 1946, making the Professor Bellus" (residing within the Landscape Architecture and
Faculty of Architecture (FA) the college) is named. In addition to Landscape Planning (Bc)
newest addition to the Slovak Univer- such lecture classrooms, studios, Design (Bc)
sity of Technology (SUT) Faculty. computer facilities and the Faculty Master’s degree study: (full-time)
The faculty of Architecture SUT is the library which holds many professio- Architecture (Ing.arch)
largest educational institution for nal books and journals (many which Urban Planning (Ing.arch)
architects in the Slovak Republic. are internationally acclaimed) may be Landscape Architecture and
The trends of the Faculty are develo- utilized for the development of crea- Landscape Planing (Bc)
ped and based on ongoing develop- tive abilities and professional skill. Design (Ing. )
ment of the "university platform" of Doctoral degree study: (part-time or
University Education. Bound to it is Location full-time)
the recently realized innovation of Situated near the city centre and 35-01-9 Scientific Branch (PhD.)
the Faculty’s profile and its education main Railway Station, the Faculty of 35-02-9 Urban Planning (PhD.)
activities within the bachelor’s, Architecture, within the SUT campus, 82-21-9 Design (ArtD.)
master’s and PhD. study programs. is located around the campus square
The profile reflects university princi- where students can be found either Bachelor’s degree Program
ples and creates a condition for pro- studying or enjoying leisure time. The Faculty of Architecture Slovak
fessional performance within the Located in the city of Bratislava, the University of Technology (FA SUT)
home country and the EU framework. capital of the Slovak Republic is loca- curriculum takes the form of a modu-
In this respect there is a clear orienta- ted within the western part of the lar bachelor’s degree. The Bc study
tion to prepare architects, urban plan- territory near the Danube, which module prepares the students equally
ners and designers within a creative connects the neighbouring cities of well for both architectural practice
framework. The present two-year tier Vienna and Budapest and is located and further master degree studies.
system of study focuses on the pre- just 300 km from Prague via highway The abilities of students applying to
paredness of a graduate. or railway. The town centre of bachelor’s degree courses in Archi-
Awareness in the art and theory sub- Bratislava has a variety of theaters, tecture and Urban Planning are
jects is emphasized, as well as in a galleries museums and libraries while ad-dressed at the same entrance
variety of technical and design sub- the outskirts of the city provide excel- examination, while future design
jects from urban planning to interior lent opportunities for recreation and students have to pass a separate
design. sports. entrance examination. The bachelor’s
degree course takes a minimum of
Facilities Educational Program four years. Although architecture
The Faculty of Architecture is situated Specializations: and Urban Planning have identical
in a building designed by Emil Bellus, Bachelor’s degree study: curricula however, the Design specia-
the most important Slovak architect (full-time) lization has a different course. This

Slovak Republic
credit study allows student individual Students are awarded the degree and programs are accepted to a mas-
study advancement. after passing the Second State ter’s degree program by a special
The Bachelor’s degree course provi- Examination and defending their entrance examination; in some cases,
des core education in the fields of diploma thesis one problem arising applicants are accepted on condition
engineering, natural sciences, huma- from their specialty area. that they enroll in supplementary
nities and fine arts. The specialized courses.
subjects are focused on essential pro- PhD Program
blems and issues in Architecture, A postgraduate PhD program is the Research
Urban Planning and Design. Studio highest academic form of education Scientific research activities of the FA
Designs plays a substantial role in the at the Faculty of Architecture, Slovak are currently being recognized within
training. Students are encouraged to University of Technology, in accor- the framework of basic and applied
manage their education depending dance with the University law and by research projects. Projects are funded
on their future architectural career the notice of Ministry of Education of by the grant agency of the Slovak
expectation by choosing a sufficient the Slovak Republic on PhD studies. Ministry of Education. These projects
number of elective subjects, as well A PhD program at the Faculty of cover the topical tasks of architecture,
as thorough design studio (in minor Architecture, Slovak University of theory and application in practice,
and major studios). Second language Technology can be taken on a full- namely in these key areas:
courses, a CAD course and intern- time or part-time basis in the follo- - protection of historic cites, reno-
ships in architectural practice play a wing specializations: vation and reconstruction of his-
very important role in the program. toric environments in the
Students are awarded a bachelor’s Scientific branch: European context.
degree after they meet the require- 35-01-9 Architecture - revitalization of dysfunctional
ments of the First State Examination 35-02-9 Urban Planning town centres
in engineering and architectural sub- Artistic branch: - humanization and concept of
jects, and afterwards, a successful 82-21-9 Design "urban/architectural integration of
defence of a dissertation. FA SUT is accredited to award Bc, Mc functions determining polyfunc-
and PhD degrees and it is a seat of tioning buildings".
Master’s degree program: the Scientific Boards in Slovakia. - environmental, synergic and
Bc graduates can pursue higher edu- Graduates of the programs at FA cultural aspects of architectural
cation through a master’s degree pro- SUT (referring to the above), or other design and civil engineering
gram in the following subjects (cour- related programs at other Slovak or activities.
ses): foreign universities, can qualify to - research of architectural activities
Architecture; take part in the PhD program in affecting the environment.
A1 Housing Design Architecture, Urban Planning and
A2 Public building design Design. International cooperation
A3 Industrial and Production The FA develops the pedagogical and
Building Entrance Requirements research program in international
Design Bachelor’s degree program cooperation with the following
A4 Interior, exhibition, stage Applicants must pass an entrance foreign countries:
design examination where their abilities and Technische Universität Wien,
A5 Monument preservation and knowledge are examined in the follo- Universität Bonn, Politecnico
design in historical environment wing: drawing, history of architectu- Milano, Akademie der Bildenden
A6 Design in architecture re, arts, design, a second language, Kunste Wien, Hochschule für
A7 Ecological and Experimental creative abilities, concepts of spatial Architektur und Bauwesen
Design in Architecture proportion, plus mathematics. Universität Weimar, Technische
A8 Progressive constructions in The Design program requires an Universität Budapest, University
architecture additional prerequisite of modeling. of Manchester, University of
Urban Planning; A-level examinations are partly taken Strathclyde Glasgow, Architecural
U1 Urban Complexes and Zones into consideration as well. Conservation Course C/O Roma,
U2 Town Planning Application forms are accepted until Royal College of Art London,
Landscape Architecture and the end of November. The entrance Plannungsinstitut für das
Landscape Planning; examination is in January. Landliche Bau and Siedlung-
Design; wesen TU Hannover, Faculty of
D1 Industrial Design Architecture CVUT Praque, UNI
D2 Designing in architecture Master’s degree program Dortmund.
D3 Visual communication design Bachelor’s degree graduates of FA Within a Socrates Program, sec-
and multimedia design SUT who successfully complete tion for higher education Eras-
approved credits fulfill the entrance mus, Faculty of Architecture
The master’s degree course normally requirement for the Master’s pro- cooperates with about 20 univer-
requires at least two years to com- gram. Graduates with equivalent sities.
plete and is based on a credit system. qualifications from other universities ■

El Vallès

Escola Téchnica Superior d’Arquitectura del Vallès

Universitat Politèchnica de Catalunya

Pere Serra, 1-15

08190 Sant Cugat del Vallès Barcelona
Tel. : 34/93 4017900
Fax : 34/93 4017901

Degree programmes

Degree Title Minimum Accredited Admission Enrolment Admission

duration requirements
of study

Architecture Architect 5 years Register of B.U.P 65 Autumn

Architects semester
C.O.U 65 Spring

General information Facilities a) Techniques.

The Higher School of Architecture of The E.T.S.A.V. is situated 10 CMS. far b) Settlement.
Vallès (E.T.S.A.V.) is situated in the from Barcelona centre; It is very well c) Housing-dwelling and residential
municipal area of Sant Cugat del communicated, not only by means of environment.
Vallès. public transport - 6 minutes far from d) Urban design.
It is a State school which belongs to the urban railway station - but the e) Conveyable structure.
the “Universitat Politäcnica de road - highway networks allow the f) Demodulation and restoration.
Catalunya” (U.P.C.). The U.P.C. was use of particular car as well. It is also g) The great scale.
created in 1978 and it was constituted quite near the Autonoma University h) The final project.
from the different higher schools of Barcelona, E.T.S.A.B. and the
already existent on the Architectural Architects’ Official Association Post-graduate Programmes
and Enigineering areas. These Library of Catalonia. The teachers at the E.T.S.A.V. offer
schools had a large tradition and postgraduate and master program-
some of them date from the mid There is also a significant very active mes within the different UPC depart-
XIXth century. The E.T.S.A.V. started modelling hall, a library with 14,000 ments.
to offer academic education in 1974, titles with multi-media technology
firstly as a subsidiary of the Higher and a remarkable legacy of Coderch’s Student activities
School of Architecture of Barcelona, Archive; everything in an environ- In 1997-98, 231 students of the
and as an independent one since ment of a new plant building, neat second cycle carried out professional
1979. It is not an overcrowded school, and either halls or computer clas- training periods by means of
there are 1,140 students enrolled srooms opened 24 hours a day. co-operative educational agreements.
(41% females) and 115 teachers. Its ■
main objective is to train professio- Educational programme
nals technically competent and scien- Students are enrolled in two annual
tifically efficient that can take part in periods: September and February
the productive architectural activity what allows the E.T.S.A.V. to be orga-
and worthy to the development of a nised in semesters and the enrolment
sustained society. Students can choo- of 65 students every period. For those
se among 50 different students’ students who decide to start their stu-
exchange posts with foreign universi- dies in February, they are offered an
ties under Socrates programme, or introductory general course.
specifics agreements with Latin and
Northamerican universities. The sylla- The studies are scheduled in 5 years
buses are scheduled in five academic divided into two semesters each, and
years which are divided into semes- they are organised in two different
ters each. Lessons are taught in cycles: a two-year the first one, and a
Catalan and Spanish languages. three-year the second one. The lear-
ning process is based on problem-
The E.T.S.A.V. applies a new curricu- designing teaching.
lum syllabus since 1993, it is official
in the practice of the architectural The two first semesters are prope-
designing, in the use and consolida- deutic or introductory to the design
tion of the scheduled teaching areas. itself, the following ones are focused
on aspects like:


Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid

Avenida de Juan de Herrera, 4
28040 MADRID
Tel. : 34/91 336 65 24
Fax : 34/91 336 65 73

Degree programmes

Degree Title Minimum Accredited Admission Enrolment

duration requirements
of study

General Information per cent of them are women. In the laboratory, a book shop, and a coffee
The School of Architecture of Madrid latter years 400 new pupils have been shop and restaurant service for staff
was established in 1844, in order to accepted in the first course, and and students. A new initiative for the
take over the previous studies given about 200 more pupils are coming informatic storage of architectural
in the Royal Academy of San Fer- from other Schools of Architecture images and illustrations has began,
nando. The School of Architecture have been admitted in upper courses. the main objective is to make all this
was the only one for a long time in material accessible via Internet. It has
Spain, but in 1869 a new one was set The School also has agreements with been also approved the creation of
up in Barcelona following by a third 52 Academic Centres from all the an Architectural Museum with the
one in Seville in 1957. The School of world, and takes part in Socrates documentary material, drawings and
Architecture of Madrid was taken into programme. Periodically, the most models of the historical archive of the
the Universidad Politécnica de relevant architects visit the School to School.
Madrid since 1971. impart either conferences or specific
courses on updated topics. A weekly internal newsletter, the TA
The School of Architecture of Madrid or Tablón de Anuncios (note board
has tried in a traditional way to com- Currently, a new reform in the magazine) , publishes news of
bine the architectural aspect of academic system is being introduced general interest. Other newsletter
designs as well as a good scientific at the School of Architecture of exists focused on academic matters.
background. Many of the best Madrid. The New Plan, which lasts There is a Students Exchange Office
Spanish architects have studied in five years, allows a more rationed to guide and help foreign students
Madrid, and nowadays students often used of the time and emphasises on with administrative matters.
win European Competitions. Kenneth training activities. Since Autumn term
Frampton valued very favourably the of 1998, the third year course of the Educational Programme
quality of the education: «The record New Plan has been set up, and its The studies of architecture are
of the Madrid school has been excep- novelty compared to the old one, is divided in two stages with a total of
tional. By world standarts, it has suc- that it offers a few optional subject to five years all together. In the last year
ceeded in educating a large number be chosen freely by the students. of their degree, students have to
of architects of high caliber. Spanish submit a Final Project with disserta-
architectural production still remains Facilities tion. A third stage which include two
one of the finest building coultures in The School of Architecture is placed years courses on PhD programmes
the world today and while has not within the University City of Madrid will be ended with a final Thesis.
doubt been due in part to the way in surrounded by parks and no very far The old plan, with a 6 year duration
which the Spanish profession has from the centre of Madrid. Access to and an altogether different structure,
been organized and to the general the main Campus is provided by simultaneates the new till his extin-
cultural level of Spanish clients it is public transport. The students guild tion.
also surely due to the caliber of office of architecture also is used as a
Spanish architectural education. link to co-ordinate private transport The new plan /curriculum (5 year
among students. Sport Areas, Cul- degree) is divided in two terms
While architectural education and tural Centres, and the Hall of Resi- (called cuatrimestres) of four months;
practice are different undertakings, dences are within walking distance. a total of ten «cuatrimestres» in the
there is also a particulary close and The building contains an specialised degree of architecture with an
fertile correspondence between them architectural Library with about 55000 average of 4-5 subjects per term.
in Spain». books, many of them are very out- Autumn term (September-December)
In the School of Architecture of standing from an historical point of and Spring term (February-March),
Madrid are enrolled an overage of view. There are also CAD lessons, a both have 15 weeks teaching.
5000 students per year, about fifty work shop for models, a structural Additionally a week a year is dedi-

cated to educational trips monitoring Advanced Construction, and forma- Administration and staff
and supervising by the teachers from tion courses such as Theoretical, More than 400 professors work in
the School itself. Historical and legal Aspects of the school, half of them with full
Restoration, Enviromental Sciences dedication.
In every term there are the so-called and Bioclimatic Architecture, Mainte-
«workshop» courses, which an emi- nance and Quality of Building, Director
nently practical content; the learning Geographical Informatin Systems, Juan Miguel Hernandez Leon
process involves a set of tutorials and Acoustics Studies, etc. Can be Subdirector Jefe de Estudios
assistant lessons, where topics and studied at the School. Jaime Cervera Bravo
work-team is monitoring by the Subdirector de Doctorado y
teacher according to each syllabus Research programmes Postgrado
content for the subject chosen. 550 Each department develops its own Antonio Gonzalez-Capitel Martinez
hours teaching are optional subjects research lines in relation to the post- Subdirector de Patrimonio y Asuntos
into the upper courses. graduate programmees quoted
above. For example, in the case of
Ignacio Vicens y Hualde
Project works subjects are conside- the Urban Planning Departament, its
red as the core in 9 of the 10 total research activity is reflected in the Subdirector de Ordenacion
term/ cuatrimestre of the new archi- publication of a series of issues called Academica y Relaciones Externas
tecture degree. The teachers for these Cuadernos de Investigación Urbaní- Luis Moya Gonzalez
subjects of «Projects» are given by sitica. In other cases, the research Secretario
prestigious Spanish architects. lines are interdisciplinary, this is the Guillermo Cabeza Arnaiz
case of History of Construction, topic
Last courses optional syllabus in the on which several volumes have been Besides, the following colaborators
ETSAM curriculum are deeply con- published, either translations of clas- form part of the Directive staff:
nected to the following specialized sical autours (Viollet-le-Duc, Choisy) Javier Frechilla Camoiras (library),
fields: Urban Design, Restoration or or modern studies on fabric structu- Jaime Cervera Bravo (informatic
The History of the Construction. res (J. Heyman). The Instituto Juan division) and Jaime Nadal Uriguen
de Herrera, an organism that (curator)
The final Project is an architectural depends on the School and supports ■
work-project with dissertation, which its teaching and research activites, is
develops the skills of every topic usually the editor of these books and
chosen. After being marked by a collections.
board, if it is a good one is given in
to be published. Publications from Students activities
these Projects are getting better and Throughout the year there are several
better every year. contests on Architectural design
sponsored by the School itself or by
Postgraduate programmes private companies.The presence of
Postgraduate studies are based on a Spanish students in European com-
series of research programmes petitions is becomming more
offered by the different departments frequent with the time and also more
within the School. They consist on effective.
several courses and research papers
that are orientated to develop the The students at the School have their
student’s skills so that they can carry own organizations such as the
on a final dissertation directed by a Delegación de Alumnos, through
professor of the School. The pro- which they participate in all decision
grammes embrace all the funda- levels in the School. The students are
mental research lines related to the very active and organize all sorts of
architectural and urban desing, and cultural trips and activities.
many diverse aspects like history, It is worthy to mention their Film
technology, theory, etc, are con- Club that shows film on architectural
sidered. Many foreing students are interest, and also the NGO, Ingenieria
enroled in these postgraduate sin Fronteras, involved in Third-World
courses. help activities.

Besides specific postgraduate cour-

ses, the School of Architecture of
Madrid offers as wel several master
and formation courses. Masters such
as Conversation and Restoration of
Monuments, Gardening and Land-
scaping, Desing, Rehabilitation of
Historial Buildings, Techniques on


Chalmers University of Technology

School of Architecture

Chalmers University of Technology

S-412 96 Göteborg, Sweden

Student Counsellor Kerstin Dyberg

Tel. : + 46 31 772 24 07
Tel. : + 46 31 772 24 00
Email :

Degree programmes

Degree Title Minimum Accredited Admission Enrolment

duration requirements
of study

Orientation towards the future graduated architects possess a bank third years of study, students apply
At the School of Architecture the of knowledge and experience to the methods of professional practice
existing organisation is being which they may have recourse in the at the same time they study to
re-evaluated in connection with the future. expand their knowledge in the field of
large number of recruitments to lea- In the latest study plan, which has architecture. Studies focus on the
ding positions. An ongoing analysis been fully implemented up to the themes each semester for three
during the year of changes in society second year of the course, new semesters. These themes include the
and future educational requirements relationships have been established city, the individual building, and
has led to the identification of three between different subjects as well space for work; each is worth seven
strategic areas of the future: as new pedagogical projects and or eight university credits (forty
- Information Technology and methods of examination. credits equal one year of full-time
Design Media In particular, there is a greater study).The last semester of the core
- Facilities Management (design - emphasis on the documentation of curriculum is devoted to a survey of
activities administration) individual study performances as a the Literature of architectural theory,
- Sustainable Urban Development means of ensuring quality. In addition with time for students to reflect and
& Building Design to aesthetic criteria, the new study write papers, and for independent
plan stresses the need to hone the in-depth exploration of the applica-
The fields of research that have been architect´s power of analysis and pro- tion of those theories.
highlighted will be developed grammes were created to encourage
through internal co-operation at students to actively develop their In level III of the curriculum includes
Chalmers and through co-operation ability to analyse and write advanced a fourth year of elective studies
with other centres of research, both texts. followed by a semester-long indepen-
national and international. At the The renewal of the MArch course dent Thesis project. Each department
same time, however, this new, wider programme should be completed by in the school offers a program that
research profile presupposes rein- the year 2000. combines course-work with a design-
forcement of the basic areas of studio. Each semester students
research within the field of architec- Curriculum choose one such program in addition
ture. Consequently, two Aesthetic The program begins with a core to a single completely separate short
Professorships and two Junior curriculum of six semesters of com- course. During level III, students may
Research Fellowships, the latter in pulsory coursework and design stu- also choose to study abroad at
Architecture and Urban Design, has dios; elective studies make up the schools of architecture in other coun-
been added. remainder of the program. Teaching tries, just as guest-students from
is based on problem-orientated lear- foreign countries are integrated into
Attractive undergraduate programme ning. The core curriculum is divided the school at this time. The final
with a new curriculum into two levels. In level I, the first element in the curriculum is the
With 5.5 first-option applicants, the school-year, the emphasis is on twenty-credit independent Thesis
MArch programme continues to be giving students a basic knowledge of project. The students work is judged
one of the most sought-after pro- architects working methods, fields of by a jury comprising two members of
grammes at Chalmers. Our pedago- practice, and areas of expertise. the faculty and an expert in the field
gical aim is to cultivate creative talent An introduction to Spatial design and who is active in professional practice.
and the ability to view things from a Design Theory and to Studies of the In addition, students are required to
holistic point of view and at the same Built environment are the two major intern at an office of architecture or
help students develop the design elements. Level I also includes sub- urban planning or at a building site
skills necessary to tackle complex jects such as History of Architecture for a minimum of seventeen weeks.
problems and situations. With this and Building Construction.
educational background, our newly- In level II, comprising the second and

Design Graduate programme
Design is an increasing area of The main priority has been to intro-
research and education and a new duce measures to ensure quality and
effort for the whole of Chalmers efficiency within graduate education
University. Design Theory, Design and new guidelines for research at
History and Design Methodology will the School of Architecture have been
be tought at all Master Programmes drawn up. In order to analyse current
of Chalmers. An international Board, international research and develop-
the Creative Board, will continuously ment in the field of architecture a
follow the development and give study of other schools of architecture
advices. A new professor has recently has commenced, including discus-
been installed in Work-place Design. sions centring on various so-called
We are now starting up Design- artistic development projects.
Studios where researchers, specia-
lists and students work togheter; to Dean of the School of Architecture
begin with one Studio in Work Space Hans Bjur, professor
Design. Departments
Architectural Design
Design Media Lab Theory and History of Architcture
There has been comprehensive Residential Planning
modernisation of the infrastructure Architecture
of information technology, including Workspace Design
servers, computers, networks and Building Design
training, and the transformation of Conservation of Buildings and
the School of Architectures Visualisa- Areas
tion Studio into a complete Design Structural Design
Media Lab has commenced. The first Design Computing
step in this process has been the con- Theoretical and Applied
struction of a Virtual Reality Lab for Aesthetics
the Chalmers Multimedia Centre Building Design and Construction
which was opened in the Autumn ‘98. Design Methodology
Urban Design and Planning
Interactiv City Urban Design
A research and development studio Urban Transport Planning
in the field of interactive Digital ■
Media in Gothenburg in co-operation
between Chalmers University of
Technology and University of

Facilities Management
Expansion in the key area of Facilities
Management has been rapid. An
organisational framework has been
established. Courses in Facilities
Management have been introduced
where the spatial and functional
demands of various activities are
dealt with in relation to the total
system of construction, operation,
administration, change and design.
The aim is to transcend the archi-
tects´ traditional skills to encompass
more general skills, e.g. in produc-

Urban Management
Inter-disciplinary education develop-
ment and research at the School of
Civil Engineering, the School of
Technology Management and Econo-
mics and the School of Architecture
to support a suistainable Urban


Université de Genève
HES SO, University of Technology

Department of Architecture

Rue de la Prairie 4
CH - 1202 GENEVA
Tel. : +41 22 338 04 00
Fax : +41 22 338 04 10

HES degree programmes

- The curriculum is a three year programme plus a diploma period, leading to the “Diplôme d’architecte HES”
- The title equivalent to the university level first professional degree of Master in Architecture.
The title is allows accreditation by the “REG” (Swiss register of engineers, architects and technicians).
- Admission requirements for the HES programmes are the Swiss Maturité technique (MT), Maturité professionnelle Technique
(MPT), French “Baccalauréat”, or foreign equivalents.

Foreign students are admitted to the same basis as Swiss citizen.

General information railway station, historical center They include:

The EIG (Geneva Engineering (17th-18th century), and lake of Several fully equiped computer
School), was founded in 1901, as a Geneva. graphics laboratories, four of which
technical and professional state Today, with a population of about for architecture alone. A General
school for engineers and architects. 400’000 inhabitants, Geneva has seen library and a separate Center of archi-
In 1997, the EIG was incorporated its traditional industries adapt to con- tectural Documentation, with over
into the new network of the Swiss temporary science, research and 10’000 books and periodicals.
Technological Universities (HES), technologies, in response to the parti- Numerous laboratories related to
and is thus now part of the Geneva cular needs of the rapidly expanding architecture, such as building mate-
University of Technology. new services industries. It has rials and products, lighting, acoustics,
With its new university-level status, remained a city open to the world, physics, building economy, photogra-
the EIG remains one of the largest with a sustained particularly rich phy with dark-room, audio-visual cen-
Swiss professional schools, with an cultural life. ter, model workshop, etc. A general
average of 1 000 students. refectory with self-help restauration,
Relationships coffee-shop, and dining-hall. Sports
The profile of EIG trained architects is From now on, the EIG is part of the and gymnastics facilities, etc.
that of pragmatic “Designer-builders” interstate structure of the HES-SO,
and most graduates rapidly become established as a regional network of Educational programmes:
independent office owners. technological universities including
those of the other french speaking Courses of study and of instruction
Collaborations and exchange pro- states of Fribourg, Neuchâtel, Valais, Studies organisation, terms, duration
grammes Vaud and Jura. This network applies schedules:
The EIG is part of the new Swiss- to the fields of technology, economy, Full-time studies take three years,
french-speaking network of universi- art and agronomy. and are completed by a diploma
ties (HES-SO), though maintaining its In addition to the previous, relation- period. The academic year is compo-
own identity and interdisciplinary ships are also established with the sed of two 17 week semesters, from
traditions. Federal Institutes of Technology week 43 (October) to week 27 (July),
Many conferences and exhibitions of (EPF), in Zurich and Lausanne, as well with a 5 week seminar and examina-
national and regional importance take as other institutions. Graduates of the tions period in September-October.
place in the architecture section. HES can pursue their studies at the Every year, one week study trips are
The school receives many foreign EPF after five semesters of HES. organized for students of each level
students from the nearby french Participation on research work with of study in the HES.
regions and from abroad , due to the the Lausanne EPF, is carried on by
international aura of the city of the architecture section, in fields such Titles and post-graduate stiudies
Geneva. as housing, solar energy, building The three year HES program leads to
All courses and lectures are given in materials, etc… the “Diplôme d’architectes HES”,
french, although some contributions which allows access to the profes-
(seminars, conferences) can be in Facilities sional practice and accreditation by
english, german or italien. The facilities are housed in a main the Swiss Register of Engineers,
The study programmes can be taken complex of new and rehabilitated Architects and technicians (REG).
on a full-time, or part-time basis. buildings, as well as several outlying The european professional equiva-
buildings in the urban proximity. lence of the title is presently being
Situation, accessibility The buildings and equipments are up negociated.
The EIG school is situated in the city to date and in conformity with Swiss In Switzerland, the academic equiva-
center of Geneva, on the right bank, and European standards and require- lence give access, without other
within close walking distance to the ments. examinations, to the 5th semester

level of graduate studies at the Other post-graduate courses Each year, one event is reserved
Federal Polytechnic Schools (EPF), The EIG maintains close relationships for the exhibition of the student’s
and beyond, to the post graduate and with the University of Geneva, as well diploma works. All these events are
doctorate studies. as with the EPFL, Federal Institut of open to the public and visitors, thus
Technology in Lausanne, where other providing students and faculty with
Systems and methods of learning opportunities of post-graduate opportunities to socialise and esta-
Theoretical courses are given to courses are available, for exemple: blish contacts with the exterior world.
groups of a maximum of 20 students. The Geneva Institute of Every year, the best diploma projects
They include exercises of both indi- Architecture offers doctorate are awarded prizes by several local
vidual and team work. For some tech- (PhD) programmes in the fields of professional associations (AGA, SIA,
nical areas of study, computer work is City and Regional planning. INTERASSAR) as well as by the stu-
required. The Geneva HES-LUILLER offers dents alumni association (ATG) and
The design project is taught in stu- all levels of studies in the fields of by the school itself.
dios of 10 to 12 students, who work Landscape architecture and plan-
both individually and in groups of ning. Staff and administration
two. Periodical critics are held collec- The EIG faculty is of about 220 full
tively, and constitute an important Research programmes and part-time staff members.
pedagogical element, often enriched EIG Director
by professional guests invited to take General principles Boris KOHLER
part in the reviews. The evaluation of Activities of applied research and Joint-Director, Department of archite-
learning is based on the principle of development contribute to maintain- crture, Civil engineering, Construction
continuous control, with specific ing knowledge up-to-date and to and Environment
exercises and recapitulatory assign- elaborate new methodologies Claude ZUBER
ments. A three level ponderation is pertinent to the evolution of markets Joint-Director, Department of
applied, according to the relative and professional practices. Information Technologies
importance of each course. Jacques FRANCOIS
The EIG Architecture section works in Joint-Director, Department of
Duration of periods co-ordination with other local and Mecatronics
The academic year is of 34 weeks. regional schools and institutions, in Van Khi NGUYEN
It is divided in two semesters, and six the areas of: Studies manager
periods of about 6 weeks each. This - Research Mrs Sylvie WEBER
system allows for both short and - Development Administration
longer term exercises, spreading over - Professional training Mrs Ann-Dominique TAVERNEY
several weeks or periods. - External services ■
Professional subjects are taught with - Construction economy and
directed work or a terminal examina- management
tion at year’s end, in October. - Competence enters and areas
- Laboratory research and resour-
Post-graduate courses ces are set up with interactive
Assistant functions are limited to 4 networks linking a variety of
year periods, allowing beneficiaries “Competence centers”,
to simultaneously persue training or - Testing, measurement and
studies at higher levels, such as conception
doctorates (PhD). - Laboratories and research
Relationships with applied research -
(“Technological transfers”) Student actvivties
The new structure established for The EIG provides cultural and
higher professional studies (HES), recreational activities for its students
requires of the Technological such as theater, cinema, games,
Universities, an increased activity in chess tournaments. The school’s
the areas of applied research and students association edits its own
development. This R&D activity journal. It also organizes public and
directly benefits the quality of trai- socialevents, such as exhibitions,
ning (post-graduate courses), and talks, debates, disco evenings, etc…
relationships with the local economy Students can also join the school’s
(Technological transfers). alumni association, which is very
active on the professional scene.
Post-graduate courses
The Architecture section has set-up a Conferences, exhibitions and
programme of site-work manage- condetitions
ment, intended for construction pro- The center for architectural documen-
fessionals. This course is based on tation organizes each year about five
case studies, and offers training for architectural exhibitions with confe-
interdisciplinary practice. rences by exterior guest speakers.


Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)

Ecole d'architecture de la Faculté ENAC – Environnement Naturel,
Architectural et Construit
Bâtiment Polyvalent
CH – 1015 LAUSANNE EAAE Delegate : Professor Luca Ortelli
Tél. : 0041 21 693 32 11 Tel. : 0041 21 693 32 11
Fax : 0041 21 693 73 90 Fax : 0041 21 693 73 90
http : //

Application deadline : July 15th

Tuition and fees : 880 Euros (undergraduate programme)

Degree programmes

Degree Title Minimum Accredited Admission Enrolment

duration requirements
of study

Architecture Dipl. architect EPF 2+2+1=5 (plus one REG-Aswiss register - Swiss 600
year in practice) of architects baccalaureate
- CE Diploma*)
- 0ther countries:
reduced entrance

Master's certificate in… - 1-2 years - Selection based 42

(depending on the on degrees and
programme) portfolio

PhD Dr. Es-sciences or ± 3 years - Selection based 32

Dr. Es-sciences on degrees,
techniques portfolio and thesis
research proposal

*) with performance min. 70% in maths, physics or chemistry, mother tongue and one foreign language

Winter term : 3rd week of October – 1st week of February
Summer term : 1st week of March – 3rd week of June
Exams : February-March / June-July / September-October.

General information Alvaro Siza and Bernard Huet. The Each student has a drawing table of
The Federal Institute of Technology School of Architecture has approxi- his own in the studio with 24-hour
(EPFL) in Lausanne is the French mately 680 students, of which 40% access to the school facilities. We
speaking counterpart to the ETH are women and 25% are from other consider this to be an important
in Zurich. Together with the basic countries. The curriculum consists of factor to facilitate learning through
sciences and the engineering a full-time five year programme inclu- interactive exchange. A very well
sciences, the School of Architecture ding a final thesis project. equipped model shop, a library
constitues one of the EPFL's three An additional year out in practice is connected to other larger libraries
pillars, thus establishing the link required at some time between the with free access to over 18'000 titles
of science to the arts and the huma- first and the 5th year. The curriculum and a center of technical documenta-
nities. focuses on design and design-related tion are the main resources at the
The School has established a reputa- construction with a balance of cour- student's disposal. The LESO (Solar
tion by nominating renowned archi- ses and seminars in four major areas energy and building physics labora-
tects as professors to teach design in of concern : history and theory of tory), the ACM (Archives for Modern
conjunction with the research activity architecture and urban design, natur- Construction) and the Sartoris archi-
carried out by its institutes. al sciences and technology, urban ves represent an important supple-
Each year visiting professors are planning, humanities, and the art of mentary resource for researchers.
granted full responsibility for at least representation.The degree (diploma)
one semester of design studio in the in architecture gives the right to inde- Educational programme
3rd/4th year, and in the past have pendent prac-tice in Switzerland. In To become an architect requires more
included personalities such as order to take part in a public competi- than the management of building : it
Blumer, Boesch, Bonell, Botta, tion one has to be a registered archi- implies cultural responsibility which
Chemetov, Chipperfield, Collomb, tect (REGA) for which a further three goes beyond technology or econo-
Colquhoun, Cruz & Ortiz, Diener, years of experience are required. mics, but also involves the arts and
Frampton, Fretton, Galfetti, Garces, humanities.
Gregotti, Huet, Lion, Maurios, Facilities The architect has to be able to inte-
Mimram, Moneo, Morger, Podrecca, Lausanne is located on Lake Geneva, grate various disciplines which lead
Ryckwert, Siza, Slutzky, Souto Moura, and is a half-hour train ride from to comprehensive architectural and
Venezia, Zbinden, etc. Honorary Geneva. The School of Architecture urban design. We therefore place
doctorates have been awarded to recently moved to join the campus of design at the centre of our educa-
Jean Prouvé, Alberto Sartoris, Hassan the EPFL in Ecublens (West tional programme where theory is to
Fathy, P.H. Chombart de Lauwe, Lausanne). converge. We consider that studies in

architecture should be general in tured statement of his/her approach EPF Lausanne or Zurich or the equi-
their nature. to architecture and its instruments, valent. Graduate students with other
The curriculum is therefore designed than a mere casual discussion at the university degrees may be required
to regard the tendency toward spe- drawing table or a debate in a jury. to pass an admission examination.
cialisation. The studies are organised Final juries (critiques) are the place Doctoral students whose area of
in four stages : Two years of fulfilling for debate, or forums of the greatest interest coincides with the fields of
core requirements with two prope- pedagogical intensity where the parti- ongoing research in the school are
deutical (pre-diploma) exams. cipation of prominent architects from more likely to find the necessary
The students of the 3rd and 4th years the outside is highly valued. support.
are mixed; they are free to decide The juries are events open to any
between required intermediate-level interested student or professional. Research
courses during the third and fourth Each institute as well as other units
years. Twelve months full time out in Postgraduate programmes see also: have their research programmes
practice (six consecutive months in specific to their realm of competence
the same firm). The thesis year. EPFL's postgraduate courses are not and infrastructure.
The studies are going to be reorga- necessarily repeated each year in
nised during the next years, con- order to take into account the evolu- Administration and staff
sidering that the School of Architec- tion of contemporary issues, ongoing All important decisions such as policy
ture is now part of the ENAC Faculty. research and human resources. or curriculum renewal are taken by
The two other sections are Civil and They tend to be interdisciplinary. The an elected Council composed of
Environmental Engineerings. full cycle includes a min. of 600 hours teachers, students and administrative
plus 3 to 9 months for a master's staff representatives. The decisions
Theory courses and seminars are certificate. are prepared by various committees.
offered under the guise of five insti- The Director of the School is a tenu-
tutes: Ongoing and future postgraduate red professor nominated for a four
IA – Institute of Architecture programmes: year term by the EPFL's President
INTER – Institute of Urban and 2002/03 Architecture and sustain- according to the Faculty Council pro-
Regional Planning & Design able development, in position. Since 2001, Professor Luca
ICARE –Institute of Infra- association with other Ortelli is the Director of the School.
structures and Environment European universities. His adjunct assumes administrative
ISTE – Evironmental Science and 2002/03 Society, science and tech- continuity beyond the limited terms
Technology Institute nology with a major in of the School directors.
IS – Structural Engineering urban policy and innova- The exhibition and weekly lecture
Institute tion. programme is organised by Mrs.
2002/03 Development : urban, Edith Bianchi.
In addition to the theory courses, rural and production
each institute offers 2-3 problem- developments in the Staff
based interdisciplinary optional Southern hemisphere; 18 professors, 5 visiting professors,
workshops in the upper years organized by the School 2 private-docents, 15 lecturers, 55
(UE-Unités d'Enseignement). With of Environmental design studio assistants, 54 research
one day per week this modern Engineering. and teaching assistants, 21 technical
pedagogy has proven to be efficient 2002/03 Real estate auditing or administrave staff. Very few of
and motivating; it also acts as an Timber structures design them are engaged full time at the
introduction to research metho- and construction, organi- School.
dologies. sed by IBOIS, chair of ■
Design and theory of design are timber construction in
given by seven tenured professors the School of Civil
and 5 visiting professors, each of Engineering.
them with complete academic free-
dom to take the responsibility of his
own programme. There exists neither Doctorates (PhD) see also:
a philosophy of "progress" from the
small to the large scale during the The first PhD of the School of Archi-
curriculum, nor one of having to tecture was delivered in 1974. Sixty-
cover imperatively all building types three doctorates have been granted
such as education, public buildings, until 2001. There are twenty-eight
housing, recreation, etc. doctorates in progress. The time to
Our philosophy is that we need to carry out a PhD at the EPFL is limited
teach architectural design and to to three years. Only doctoral students
develop the capacity of the student to with a wellprepared research pro-
ask the right questions for any design gramme are accepted. Only a few of
problem. Each design professor gives them are at the benefit of a part time
a weekly two hour lecture on design job for research or teaching at the
theory. This allows each to deliver a university. To be admitted as a PhD
less circumstantial and more struc- student one has to have a diploma of


Università della Svizzera Italiana

Academia di Architectura

largo Bernasconi, 2
CH-6850 Mendriso
Tel. : 41/91 6404848
Fax : 41/91 6404868
Email :

Degree programmes

Degree Title Minimum Accredited Admission Enrolment

duration requirements
of study

General Information enabling the student to obtain the In the framework of the ERASMUS
The Università della Svizzera Italiana School’s diploma. exchange programme, agreements
(USI) was founded in Canton Ticino in have been drawn up with the
accordance with the law of 3 October The official teaching language is Department of Architecture of the
1995. Courses were opened to stu- Italian. For some activities English is University of Ferrara and the
dents on 21 October 1996. an additional subsidiary language. University of Stuttgart.
On 9 December 1996 the University In order to qualify for admission, stu- From a logistical point of view, the
was granted subsidies by the Federal dents must have the equivalent of a Academy will be completed by the
Council (Swiss government), and lyceum diploma. end of 2001, with the construction of
thus gained official recognition. three new buildings including new
Facilities workshops, conference and meeting
A member of the Swiss University Mendrisio is a small town with a rooms, a library and the Documen-
system, the USI — the only Italian population of approximately 8000, tation Institute.
language university outside Italy — not far from two easy-to-reach metro-
also maintains close contacts with polises: Milan and Zurich. The stu- Educational Programme
Italian universities, mainly in Lom- dents will find suitable room and The Academy’s teaching consists of
bardy. The USI comprises the board, as well as entertainment and three disciplinary areas: the Depart-
Academy of Architecture, based in sports facilities for their period of ment of History and Culture, the
Mendrisio, the Faculty of Economics study at the new Academy of Department of Science and Tech-
and the Faculty of Communication Architecture. nology and the Department of
Sciences. The Academy is endowed with three Architectural Design.
The latter were established by a Institutes, located in Mendrisio, the
Foundation created and financed by Library, the Archives of Modernity This division into three departments,
the municipality of Lugano. and the Documentation Institute. with the central, predominant role
being played by design, is represen-
At present 270 students are enrolled These Institutes develop, according to tative of the type of training the
at the Academy of Architecture of their specific functions, sectors of dis- Academy wishes to provide. A curri-
Mendrisio. According to projections, ciplinary and interdisciplinary culum in which design is crucial, but
there will be no less than 600 stu- research. They thus foster the work of which also recognises history and
dents by the year 2002. researchers both on and off campus. science, as well as knowledge of the
The Institutes support various depart- past and present, forms a fundamen-
The Academy of Architecture of mental courses by means of activities tal base and enhances awareness of
Mendrisio offers a university curri- that complement lectures. These the creativity developed within the
culum in which the architectural include the organisation of exhibi- studios (Architectural Design
project occupies the central part of tions, conferences and lectures and Department).
training a “New Architect”. To this the publication of various materials.
end the programme of studies deve- The ties that the Academy has In the Department of History and
lops design activities throughout a already established are strengthened Culture the following instruction is
six-year curriculum embracing histo- by the collaboration of these three envisaged as part of the whole
rical and cultural, as well as technical institutes with the following Swiss curriculum: Philosophy of Culture;
and scientific teaching, broken down and international institutions: History of Medieval and Renaissance
into two cycles of studies. The first - the Zurich Federal Polytechnic Art; History of Modern and Contem-
cycle consists of two introductory (ETHZ), porary Art; History of Architecture;
years, while the second cycle compri- - the Lausanne Federal Polytechnic Regional Culture.
ses four years of training including a (EPFL).
design project lasting one year, thus

In the Department of Science and public and private architectural archi- Alfredo Pini,
Technology the following instruction ves in Canton Ticino (as demon- Department of Science and
is envisaged during the whole strated in the exhibition “Architecture Technology Delegate;
curriculum: and archives in Canton Ticino” 1998) Pierluigi Nicolin, external delega-
Mathematics, Structures, and also into the protagonists of the te (Milan); Werner Oechslin,
Technology, Ecology. history of contemporary Italian archi- external delegate (Zurich)
tecture. Co-ordinator of the Library
The Department of Architectural (ad interim)
Design seeks to provide knowledge Student activities Aurelio Galfetti
of the fundamental stages in the The Academy organises exhibitions Co-ordinator of the Documentation
development of architecture and especially conceived for students, Institute
urbanism in all its expressions. In this held at the Mendrisio Museum of Art. Gabriele Cappellato
department, the knowledge derived Co-ordinator of the Archives of
from the teaching provided in all A summer school course for lyceum Modernity
three departments, converges. There students - “Introduction to Architec- Letizia Tedeschi
are two types of studios in the first ture” - takes place every year in July. Administrative Director
cycle: “vertical” and “horizontal,” It consists of theoretical lessons, field Michele Morisoli
whereas the second cycle has a trips to interesting sites and buildings ■
Vertical Studio, besides a “Design in Ticino, and the presentation of
Integrated Laboratory.” the university curriculum of the
During the first cycle, the Horizontal Mendrisio Academy.
Studio alternates on a weekly basis
with the Vertical Studio. At the end of every year the Academy
During the second cycle, the Design organises two computer-aid design
Integrated Laboratory supplements courses (AutoCAD and ArchiCAD).
the Vertical Studio, but special atten- They aim to provide an introduction
tion is paid ensuring that the interac- to CAD for the period when the stu-
tion of the teaching within the three dents work in architects’ offices,
departments prepares the students which are equipped with these IT
for a fresh interdisciplinary approach tools.
to design.
Administration and Staff
The Academy curriculum consists of The Academy of architecture employs
lectures and studios. The pupils must 15 professors, 24 assistants, and 10
attend classes, and are expected to scientific staff, most of them part-
participate actively in the studios. time.

Postgraduate programme The students participate in frequent

Beginning in the academic year 1999- field trips, mainly to nearby Swiss
2000 the Academy offered a third and Italian cities (Como, Padua,
study cycle, comprising up to three Basle, Bern, Ljubljana, and others)
years of postgraduate research.
The third cycle represents a maxi- The Academy organises language
mum of three years postgraduate courses and sports activities (aero-
specialisation, during which the bics, football, basketball, swimming,
graduate carries out research aimed etc.) as well as beginners’ and
in particular at designing and plan- advanced level courses in Italian.
ning. The projects are intended to be
research and work instruments for Administration and Staff
instructing people who are fully The Academy of architecture employs
capable of operating on a regional 15 professors, 24 assistants, and 10
scale. scientific staff, most of them part-
Research Programme:
The Academy avails itself of a Director
Research Committee which is com- Aurelio Galfetti
posed of representatives of the three Board of Directors
Departments, the Institutes, as well Aurelio Galfetti, Director; Carlo
as non-USI experts, in order to Bertelli,
promote interdisciplinary research Department of History and Culture
programmes. Delegate;
At the present time the Archives of Mario Botta,
Modernity act as a research centre Department of Architectural Design
which promotes investigations into Delegate;


Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETHZ)

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
Department of Architecture

ETH Hönggerberg, CH-8093 Zürich

Tel. : ++41 1 633 28 85
Fax : ++41 1 633 10 53
EAAE Delegate: Prof. Marc Angélil
Tel. : ++41 1 633 28 43
Fax : ++41 1 633 11 83
For further information see:
Application deadline: 31st July
Annual tuition and fees: 1'214.— / 1’845 EUROS Swiss Francs (undergraduate programme)

Degree programmes

Degree Title Minimum Accredited Admission Enrolment

duration requirements
of study

Architecture Dipl. Arch. ETH 2+2+1 = 5 (plus REG-A Swiss 206

1 year internship) Swiss register baccalaureate
of architects
Masters master’s certificate 1-2 years --- ETH diploma or of 42
(Dep. programme) Institute of higher
education or
PhD Dr. technical + 3 years --- selection based on 59
sciences degrees and thesis
research proposal

CALENDAR Winter term : 4th week of October – 1st week of February

Summer term : 1st week of April – 1st week of July
Exams : February-March, September-October

General Information red nor feasible to provide for specia- building construction, supplemented
The Swiss Federal Institute of Tech- lization. Instead, students are encou- by training in visual studies.
nology (Eidgenössische Technische raged to recognize and develop their The second includes the technical
Hochschule Zürich) is the largest own inclinations and skills vis-à-vis courses and the associated prerequi-
technical school in Switzerland. It is a professional practice. sites in the natural sciences. The third
German speaking school whereas covers history, social science and
EPF Lausanne is its French speaking Educational Programme mathematics.
counterpart. The work of an architect is to create, Admission to the pre-professional
The Faculty of Architecture has change and sustain an environment course of study (beginning in the fifth
established an international reputa- which will enhance the lives of those semester) is predicated upon the
tion by nominating renowned archi- who inhabit it. This environment is completion of a nine-month intern-
tects as professors to teach architec- formed using architectural means in ship. A total of twelve months of
tural design in conjunction with the accordance with the needs of the internship is required for graduation.
teaching and research activities car- individual, and of society. As a result Normally, the internship is completed
ried out by it its four institutes: of cultural changes, architects, like after the second year of study.
Institute for the History and Theory of most other professionals, are con- In the course of the pre-professional
Architecture, Institute of Building fronted today with a fluctuating curriculum, knowledge is particu-
Technolgoy, Institute for Preservation economy, ever-changing social con- larized, and independent work on
of Historical Monuments and Sites, ditions and a multi-faceted, shifting larger architectural projects is encou-
Institute for Local, Regional and range of professional practice. raged. After the eighth semester, the
National Planning. Architectural education at the ETH students are required to complete a
Each year carefully selected visiting therefore does not assume a stable ten-week thesis project.
professors are granted full responsi- and static work environment. The curriculum makes provisions for
bility for at least one term of design It focuses instead on the communica- a credit system. The school maintains
studio in the 3rd/4th year. tion of the basic knowledge and the student exchange programs with
The Faculty of Architecture has development of the fundamental schools in the USA, India, China, the
approximately 1’150 students of skills which are necessary in the Netherlands, Great Britain and
which 37,2% are women and 23,5% growing scope of architectural Germany. International students are
foreigners. practice. subject to the same rules as Swiss
students and can study one to a
The curriculum at the ETH is intended The curriculum is divided into three maximum of two semesters at the
to provide a broad and balanced base disciplinary courses of study. The first host school.
for professional life. It is neither desi- includes architectural design and

Facilities A prerequisite for admission is a Administration and staff
The faculty of architecture is situated diploma from the ETH or from an All important decisions such as policy
about 20 minutes by public transport institute of higher education recogni- or curriculum reform are taken care
from the centre of Zurich on zed by the ETH, or an equivalent of by an elected Council composed of
Hönggerberg. diploma. See postgraduate studies faculty, junior faculty, students and administrative staff representatives.
Each student has a working station of The decisions are prepared by
his own in the studio with 24-hour/ Doctoral studies (PhD) various committees.
7 days a week access. The work 59 doctoral students are presently
stations are equipped with advanced enrolled. The head of the faculty is a tenured
animation software. A computer The time to carry out a doctoral deg- professor elected for a two-year term
numerically controlled manufacturing ree at the ETH is limited to three by the Council.
laboratory is at the disposal of the years. Only doctoral students with a
students. Furthermore they have well prepared research programme The faculty employs 24 professors, 7
access to an architectural library con- are accepted. assistant professors, 5 visiting profes-
nected with the main library of the sors, 44 lecturers and 189 junior
school as well as to an information In order to be admitted as a doctoral faculty (full or part-time), 20 admini-
and documentation centre for buil- student one has to have a diploma strative staff.
ding technologies and construction. of ETH Zurich or Lausanne or an
equivalent degree. Graduate students Dean:
Research with other university degrees may Prof. Dr. Vittorio Magnago
Each of the four institutes mentioned be required to pass an admission Lampugnani
above as well as the chairs for archi- examination. Vice-dean:
tectural design and other units have Prof. Dr. Otto Künzle
their research programmes specific to Publication ■
their realm of competence and The Yearbook of the Faculty of
infrastructure, see research projects Architecture ( includes student work produced
during the previous two semesters, in
Postgraduate Programmes an academic exchange program or as
42 postgraduate students are pre- part of a thesis project. It describes at
sently enrolled. The postgraduate least preliminarily the entire breadth
curriculum is structured for graduates of the teaching and research activities
of the ETH as well as for potential which, in addition to the design
applicants with comparable college studio, characterizes our school. It
diplomas. It offers a deeper course of serves at the same time as catalogue
studies in various aspects of archi- of the annual exhibition.
The organizational framework for Student activities
these post-graduate studies is quite The student association "architektura"
broad. The "NDS Architektur" can be is actively involved in matters con-
completed as a one year long full- cerning the curriculum and other
time course of studies or a two year matters of concern to the faculty
long course of studies in combination and/or students. Their representatives
with professional activity. Five of the participate in the Faculty’s Council.
programs currently offered are
structured through coursework. The Since 1997 the "architektura" has
other programs involve "independent published the magazine series
study" and allow the students in "trans": transPosition, transCity,
certain areas to study topics which transForm, transID, transStyle,
they choose. Their work is coached transSuisse, transHuman and
by the professor responsible for that transReal.
topic. In each of the programs, the
course of study culminates in a Throughout the year there are several
thesis. Following the successful contests on Architectural Design
completion of the thesis, a diploma sponsored by the School or private
is conferred. companies. The students also partici-
pate in European competitions.


Middle East Technical University (METU)

Faculty of Architecture

Department of Architecture
06531 METU, Ankara EAAE Delegate: Türel Saranlı
Tel. : +90-312-210 22 03 Tel : +90-312-210 22 40
Fax : +90-312-210 12 49 Fax : +90-312-210 12 49
http : //
Application deadline : Undergraduate November 16th for ÖYS and YÖS
Postgraduate : November 6th and May 3rd
Tuition and fees : 420,- Euro (undergraduate program)
(1540,- Euro for foreign students)

Degree programmes

Degree Title Minimum Accredited Admission Enrolment % of total

duration requirements admission
of study

B.Arch in Architecture Architect 4 TMMOB Turkish ▼ examination (ÖYS) 70

register of ▼ other countries: % 64
architects examination (YÖS)
M.Arch in Architectural Design 2 B. Arch degree/portfolio/ 28 % 64
letter of intention/
M.S. in Building Science 2-3 B.Arch or B.S. degree/ 12 % 80
portfolio/letter of intention/
M.S. in Restoration 2-3 B.Arch degree/ portfolio/ 4 % 44
M.A. in History of Architecture 2-3 B.Arch or B.A. degree/ 8 % 80
portfolio/letter of intention/
Ph.D in Architectural Design Dr. 4 M.Arch degree/portfolio/ 2 % 25
letter of intention/
Ph.D in BuildingScience Dr. 4 M.Arch or M.S. degree/ 2 %33
Portfolio/letter of intention
Ph.D in Restoration Dr. 4 M.Arch degree/portfolio/ 1 % 50
letter of intention/exam/

Winter term : 4th week of September - 4th week of January (final exams included)
Spring term : 3rd week of February - 4th week of June (final exams included)
Summer school : end of June-Mid August

General information Design. Department of Architecture, periodicals. Faculty of Architecture

As distinct from other schools for which is one of the two initial depart- has a Documentation Center (DOME),
higher education in Turkey fashioned ments of the University in 1956, from and a Slide Archive with a 70.000
after European models, METU the very first years on has been the slide collection. The Faculty also has
established in 1956 as the Middle most preferred school of architecture well equipped CAD and 3D studios
East Institute of Technology, has an in Turkey. with printing, plotting and scanning
academic system simular to those of functions and a GIS workstation.
the AngloAmerican universities in Facilities
United States. Supported by UN The Faculty of Architecture is the ini- There are two audio-visual rooms
through UNESCO its primary mission tial building constructed in the METU equipped with video and CD Rom
had been the training of profes- Campus which was, in 1963, well display facilities. Building Materials
sionals required for urbanism, outside the city limits of Ankara. The and Chemistry Laboratory and the
housing, contruction and planning in University buildings are arranged on Photogrammetry Center serve
developing countries. Conceived as a major axis (a pedestrian alle) along basically the Restoration programs.
an international university to be in the crest of a long bulging site. Solar House built by students is a
pace with the changing and growing laboratory for research in energy and
world of knowledge, the language of As the seat of Government, Ankara is environmental control. Wood and
instruction is English ever since. the center of politics, and social and metal workshops, printing and photo-
Learning to reach sources worldwide, cultural life is enriched by both graphy studios give service to a great
to evaluate critically what has been Turkish and foreign cultural institu- variety of production in the Faculty.
reached and to be creative and inno- tions. Besides the varied facilities
vative have been permanent motives. offered by the city, the Campus itself Architecture Information Center
Together with Arts and Sciences, has turned into a small town with (ARCHIC) handles the information to
Engineering, Administrative Sciences, facilities required to support a round - and from the Department regarding
and the recent Educational Sciences, the - day living for a twenty-five thou- relations with architectural institu-
Architecture is one of the five facul- sand population besides facilities for tions and offices, building industries,
ties of the University. Besides the study and research. The open-stack research institutes and architectural
Department of Architecture it com- Central Library owns 290.000 books, schools in Turkey and abroad.
prises the departments of City and 130.000 bounded volumes of perio-
Regional Planning and Industrial dicals and has 1818 subscriptions to

Educational program expected to enable the third year Housing Research Center of the
Legally, a full-time four-year program student in dealing with more com- Faculty is a multi-disciplinary unit
is required for undergraduate study plex design situations involving which also provides services to post-
in Turkish universities other than social groups and demanding the graduate studies.
faculties of medicine. In the METU use of more complex engineering
Department of Architecture each systems in building and environmen- Student activities
academic year comprises two tal control. Every summer two to three week
semesters of fourteen weeks, Fall and journeys are organized by students to
Spring, and a two-month practice The fourth year demands from the European countries for architectural
period during each summer in the student the use of the background sight-seeing. One or two members of
first, second and third year. The knowledge and experiences from the the staff specialized in the architec-
Program leads to B.Arch degree and previous years in complex and spe- tural aspects and features of the
the title of architect. cialized design situations where the places to be visited are assigned by
Design studios considered as the proposals are expected to be pre- the Department to prepare the
core of the Program are aspired to be sented in detail. The projects given itinerary and to chaperon these
the melting pot of studies in the are wider in scale (urban and student groups. Such extra-curricular
variety of courses given. regional) and scope. journeys in the summer within and
Each semester’s work done in the outside Turkey are also being formu-
studios is evaluated by final juries Postgraduate program lated as partial fulfillment of an
which are significant events open There are four master’s and three elective curricular course in the Fall
to all interested. In general indivi- doctoral programs offered by the Semester.
dual work guided by criticism is Department for specialized research Students participate in EASA mee-
emphasized. in various subjects related with the tings. They also organize together
major areas. The primary mission is with students from other schools in
Compulsory and elective courses to train graduates further for their Turkey national and international
exist under following study areas: professional careers in architectural meetings of architectural students for
- Basic Design and Visual practice, research and education. thematic workshops.
Communication Some research assistantships are Student competitions with various
- Architectural Design and Theory available for Ph.D students. themes sponsored by prize-giving
- Building Science institutions or individuals are opened
- Construction Research program every year. Archiprix in Istanbul
- Structures Specialized research is conducted in organizes an annual awards-giving
- Environmental control and various subjects related with major for graduation projects in architec-
services areas and topics in the postgraduate tural schools in Turkey.
- History of Architecture programs predominantly as discipli-
- Landscape design and planning nary study by singular or small Administration and staff
- Urban studies and planning groups or researchers. Sometimes Department Council composed of the
- Professional practice protocols with specific conditions are staff members decides on all impor-
made with private and public bodies tant issues. The Chairperson is
Objective of the first year is to for research in subjects of mutual and elected by the Council for a three-
familiarize the student with basic social interest. year term.
concepts about the built environment METU has two mechanism that regu-
and with creative methods and tech- late scholarly and applied research. Staff
niques. Development of skills and Research Fund for Projects provides 10 professors, 14 associate profes-
aptitude in recording observations, financial support for project pro- sors, 7 assistant professors, 21
experiences and thoughts, in reading posals by staff which are approved instructors, 1 specialist, 24 research
and critical evaluation, in incorpora- after evaluation by referees. assistants, and 21 part-time
ting knowledge acquired from studies Revolving Fund for Research, instructors.
in other disciplines into design, and Development and Implementation Dr. Yildrim Yavuz, Prof
in expressing ideas verbally and handles financial transactions invol- Chairperson of the Department
through methods of visual communi- ved in giving professional services Dr. Selahattin Önür, Assoc. Prof.
cation are expected. demanded by private and public Dr. Abdi Güzer, Assoc.Prof.
In the second year students are bodies outside the University. (Head of the Architectural Design
introduced to basic principles and Research collaboration with other Program)
conventional technologies for buil- institutions and scholars is also done Dr. Arda Düzgünes, Assoc. Prof.
ding structure, construction and via these mechanisms. Architectural (Head of the Building Science
environmental control. They are projects for buildings and building Program)
expected to develop the skill to use complexes and photogrammetric Dr. Suna Güven, Prof.
and experiment with these in design- survey, preservation and restoration (Head of the History of
ing simple environments for small projects of historic monuments and Architecture Program)
groups of people with a sensitivity for sites are carried out by means of the Dr. Emre Madran, Assoc. Prof.
site and context. Revolving Fund. These projects are (Head of the Restoration
More advanced knowledge in buil- where interdisciplinary research and Program)
ding science and technologies is work are to be seen more. ■


Eastern Mediterranean University

Faculty of Architecture

Department of Architecture
Gazimagusa, via Mersin 10 Turkey, North Cyprus
Tel. : +90 392 630 1049 / 630 2588
Fax : +90 392 365 0918
e-mail : (contact person)

Degree programmes

Degree/Title Minimum Accredited Admission

duration requirements
of study

B.Arch 4 year High school degree

M.Arch 1 year Register of architects BSc-Architecture or BArch
M.A. 1 year Register of architects Degree in Arts or other related fields
Phd –Architecture 2 year March-Architecture (or equivalent)

Admission and Tuition Fees

Nationality Term Fee (US Dollar) (inc. VAT)
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus 800 (830)
Republic of Turkey 1650 (1715)
Other 1900 (1972)

Faculty of Architecture bases and designing and graphic of professional training which will be
(Dean: Prof. Dr. Zafer ERTURK) skills; students are then able to useful to graduates in their future
The institutional goals of the Faculty review their choice of department professional careers.
of Architecture are not only teaching in the following year. Compulsory
and research but also contributing to summer practice periods are part of The Department of Architecture offers
the surrounding community to help the undergraduate program, begin- an undergraduate program of study
it evolve in its social, cultural and ning in the freshman year. leading to the degree of Bachelor of
physical contexts. It aims to offer Within this context, the students Architecture -B.Arch., and graduate
a contemporary education in an spend approximately four to eight programs leading to the degrees of
environment ideal both for aspiring weeks of each summer holiday doing Master of Architecture (M.Arch.),
professionals and those wishing to practical work in the field and in an Master of Arts (M.A.) and Doctor of
study more theoretical aspects of office environment. Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Architecture.
architecture. Currently the Faculty The opportunities for a student to
houses two departments – Architec- follow the academic path most The Undergraduate Program
ture and Interior Architecture. New appropriate to his or her individual The undergraduate program brings
departments will also be established goals are broadened further in the together the various aspects of archi-
as the Faculty grows and the program, with specialized electives tecture in a natural, progressing
University continues to distinguish designed to lead to focused work in order. In both undergraduate and
itself as an educational institution major areas of study. graduate programs, the goal is to
both regionally and internationally. prepare students for a successful
Owing to its interdisciplinary nature, Graduate programs of study leading transition to the practical applications
the study of architecture involves a to Masters and Ph.D. degrees are of architecture to life, or for further
range of issues - from the social and designed to offer a variety of possi- academic studies. For this reason,
cultural to the environmental or tech- bilities for specialization in keeping the program includes major com-
nical that relate to the built environ- with international standards of pulsory electives during the last two
ment. In the undergraduate programs graduate education. The flexibility semesters of the program; students
the greatest emphasis is placed on of the graduate programs enables are encouraged to choose their
the design courses, which are the students to pursue advanced studies specific fields of study and to create
center of life in the Faculty. Other in accordance with their own an educational concentration in
courses dealing with technical or research and career objectives. different fields.
engineering issues or humanities are
considered to be an integral part of Department of Architecture Architecture embraces a wide spec-
the educational experience, and are (Chair: Assoc. Prof.. Dr. Can KUM- trum of subjects ranging from
organized with a view to supporting BARACIBASI) applied sciences to social sciences
this backbone. An emphasis on The Department of Architecture was and aesthetics; the curriculum of the
computer-aided design provides the established in 1991, and has grown Department is structured around
student with additional capabilities rapidly, setting a standard for con- these basic and interrelated sub fields
for keeping up with contemporary temporary architectural education. of study: Design, integrated with rela-
technologies. The educational philosophy of the ted theoretical courses, Engineering
The freshman year is designed to Department is to create a balance Issues, and Humanities. The teaching
provide a common foundation for all between theoretical and practical philosophy of the Department is to
students to develop their theoretical education, while providing standards provide an education which endows

students with sound cultural aware- ment, the program provides students The Faculty also houses two research
ness and the capability to keep pace with further training in preparation centers – Urban Research and devel-
with the fast-developing modern for their professional careers in archi- opment Center and Design and
world of high technology, while tectural practice, research and educa- Research Center, which are carrying
training them as professional practi- tion. our research and developing projects
tioners. A great deal of emphasis is at both national and international
placed on developing the students' The major fields of study available to levels. ■
sense of creativity and analytical a student fall into the following
thinking; skills which are considered groups: Theory of Architecture and
vital factors in the making of an Design; Construction/Structure;
architect. In the meantime, the Interior Design; and Urban Design.
Department has been working on The major may be designated as
Curriculum Development, and the "project-oriented," " theory-oriented,"
up-dated and developed curriculum or " mixed fields". In the course of the
is intended to be in action from 2003- programs, as a student’s initiative
2004 Academic Year onwards. and creative application are observed
and evaluated by the supervisor, who
The Postgraduate Program guides and assists the student’s the
Applications to the graduate pro- developing and focusing his/her
grams at EMU are accepted twice a potential and intentions towards an
year, prior to the beginning of each academically satisfactory fulfillment.
semester. All applicants for whom The essential goal in these studies is
English is a second language may for the student to become informed
be required to pass a proficiency and aware of contemporary develop-
examination, or present a recent ments in the world, and to achieve
TOEFL score above 550. Bachelors an appropriate academic standard
degree requirements for Master s through research and design, in
level programs are as specified in the specialized subjects.
program descriptions below; Ph.D.
program requirements in addition to Currently there is 27 registered PhD
the Master's qualification prior to and 42 registered M.Arch. students
entry, vary depending on the pro- within the postgraduate program of
gram. the Department. The total number of
completed thesis since 1993, the year
Prospective applicants are required to in which the postgraduate program
fill out an application form available was established, is 53, 5 of which are
at the Registrar's Office, and submit Ph.D. theses and 48 of them are
the completed form, together with a M.Arch theses.
letter of reference and an official
transcript of all graduate and under- Facilities
graduate coursework completed up The Faculty of Architecture is situated
to the time of application. Candidates on the EMU campus in the historic
who are not citizens of the Turkish city of Gazimagusa, which is famous
Republic of Northern Cyprus or the for its Walled City dating back to
Republic of Turkey, are required in Venetian period.
addition to submit a document of
financial guarantee showing that The Faculty of Architecture houses all
sufficient funds are available for the facilities needed for teaching and
tuition and living expenses. research. It has a ‘study centre’
(Ahmed Bahaeddin Library) for self-
The Department of Architecture offers study including a number of books
a program of study leading to the and numerous periodicals, a slide
degree of Master of Architecture archive, a map archive containing a
(M.Arch.), Master of Arts (M.A.) and great variety of topographical maps
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) for stu- of the settlements of Cyprus, a pro-
dents whose training and orientation ject archive containing a number
are in architecture and/or in other, of projects designed by the students
closely related disciplines. and teaching staff for various pur-
poses, a fully-equipped CAD studio, ..
The objective of the graduate pro- computer laboratories, a model labo-
gram in architecture is to create a ratory and a laboratory for materials
high quality research environment at and construction.
an interdisciplinary level, which pro-
motes specialization in different fields
of architecture. Within this environ-


Istanbul Technical University

Faculty of Architecture

Taskisla Taksim 80191

Istanbul Turkey
Tel. : ++(90) 212 245 2753
Fax : ++(90) 212 251 4895
http : //

Degree programmes

Degree Title Minimum Accredited Admission Enrolment % of total

duration requirements admission
of study

General Information changed from chair system to depart- later converted into military barracks
Istanbul Technical University had mental organisation in 1982 and in 1849. Following an earthquake in
been established by Sultan Mustafa Depatments of Architecture, City and 1884, the building has gone under a
III in the year 1773 as Imperial Naval Regional Planning were established. restoration which was supervised by
Engineers’ School (Muhendishane-i Department of Industrial Product the famous architect of the time:
Berrii Humayun) to train military Design first initiated with a graduate Raimondo D’Aronco.
engineers. The school was fully sepa- program in 1989 and than in 1993 the
rated from military branch in 1909, a department started under graduate Another restoration was carried in
year after the declaration of the education. Postgraduate study is cur- 1944 by Paul Bonatz and Emin Onat,
Second Constitutional Monarchy. The rently pursued at the Institutes of and the building still shows the
name was changed to Engineers’ Science and Technology and Institute reflections of this extensive restora-
School (Muhendis Mektebi) and was of Social Sciences. tion.
attached to the Ministry of Public
Works. Engineers’ School finally There are four divisions in the There are many laboratories and ate-
became the Istanbul Technical Department of Architecture. These liers in the Faculty. Building Materials
University in 1944. are Architectural Design, Building Laboratory is composed of mecha-
Technology, Restoration, History of nics, physics and chemistry depart-
The Faculty of Architecture is one of Architecture. Department of City and ments and used for research and
the oldest faculties of the University. Regional Planning have two divisions educational purposes. Physical
Instruction in architecture started in which are City Planning, Regional Environmental Control Laboratory
1928 at the Higher School of Planning. Department of Industrial consists of climate, lighting and
Engineering, where classes for civil Product Design is not divided yet. 83 acoustics departments.
engineering and architecture were lecturers and 61 teaching assistants
held jointly during first three years. are working in the Department of There are modeling ateliers for archi-
The Department of Architecture had Architecture. There are 5 lecturers tecture and industrial product design.
its first graduates in 1931. By 1936, and 7 teaching assistants in Industrial Printing atelier has opportunities for
students were given an examination Product Design Department. 18 lectu- publishing books and copying mate-
after initial two years of the common rers and 9 teaching assistants are rials.
program, for selection into the pro- teaching in the Department of City
grammes in architecture. A separate and Regional Planning. Industrial Product Design Laboratory
six year program for architecture was serves students and lecturers. A
launched in 1940. The curriculum was Facilities photo-film atelier could be used for
revised in 1944 after the school was There are 5 campuses of Istanbul shooting and printing photographs. A
transformed to Istanbul Technical Technical University. Taskisla building GIS Laboratory serves for information
University, the department gaining which houses the Faculty of systems. There are two libraries in
the status of Faculty, and duration of Architecture, among other facilities the Faculty of Architecture. Library of
studies was reduced to ten semes- and institutes of the university has a the Faculty of Architecture has 20176
ters. An overhaul of the programs remarkable location within the city. It pieces of books. There are 2512 volu-
was implemented between 1955 and is not only walking distance from the me of periodicals in the periodical
1990 when new courses were develo- Dolmabahce Palace but also very clo- library. The periodical library was
ped. An administrative reorganization sely located to the cultural center- subscribed 80 periodicals for the last
was carried out in 1973 creating five Taksim, and the Pera quarter. year. Students and lecturers could
academic divisions and thirteen The history of the building starts in use 28 personal computers in the
‘chairs’. Undergraduate and post-gra- 1847 during the Ottoman Period. It computer center. There is also a
duate study system was developed in was established as the School of classroom which has 34 PC for CAD
1969-1970 by the University and Medicine (Mekteb-i Funun-u Tibbiye) and other computer courses.
Faculty of Architecture adjusted its by the order of the reigning Sultan
program in 1974-1975, whereby the Abdulmecit. Designed by the royal Faculty of Architecture organized
duration of undergraduate study was architect of the British Empire, M. some activities, like exhibitions, com-
reduced to four years. The faculty Smith; due to arising necessities was petitions, workshops, seminars, in

collaboration with Chamber of Post-graduate Programme other international and national orga-
Architects, Building & Industry Post-graduate work in ITU can be nizations like MED-CAMPUS, Turkish
Center, other faculties, foreign done at the Institute of Science and Mass Housing Organization have sup-
educational ınstitutions and private Technology and the Institute of Social ported many researches which were
companies. Sciences. The candidates must pos- organized by researchers from
sess a Bachelor’s degree or equiva- Faculty of Architecture.
Educational Programme lent, to gain admission for a Master’s
Departments of Architecture, City and Degree program by course work and Researchers of Faculty of Architecture
Regional Planning and Industrial thesis. The entrance examination and Faculty of Civil Engineering in
Product Design have undergraduate consists of questions and problems Istanbul Technical University were
program in the Faculty of based on undergraduate programs in founded Housing Research Unit as a
Architecture. The students graduated the related field. The candidate must sub organization of Construction
from high schools take an general be proficient in English since part of Technologies Research Group of
Student Placement Exam for Turkish the courses are in this language. Turkish Scientific and Technical
universities. There is a high school He/she may also take all the courses Research Center (TUB?TAK). Some
quota for the eligible students obtai- in English if required. The post-gra- international and national housing
ned from high school scores. duate programs in architecture are: researches are planning to organize
There are 70 elective courses given in - Architectural Design Program in Housing Research Center.
Turkish and 26 elective courses which - Building Construction Program
are given in English. 3 English spoken - Restoration Program Student Activities
foreign lecturers participated in diffe- - Construction Management Student representation system has
rent courses of Department of Program been used in ITU. Represents of the
Architecture in this year. - History of Architecture Program students are in contact with the
Courses in Department of City and The post-graduate programs in City Deanship of the Faculty on the sub-
Regional Planning could be classified and Regional Planning are: jects of teaching program, physical
as follows: Non-technical courses - City Planning Program opportunities in the faculty, scholars-
18 %, technical courses 55 % and - Urban Design Program hips, social and cultural activities.
elective courses 27 % of the total - Landscape Design Program Health facilities for students are
courses in the Department of City and - Regional Planning Program covered by ITU. Students can be use
Regional Planning. There are 8 electi- sport facilities of the university loca-
ve courses given in Turkish and 8 There is also a post-graduate pro- ted on 5 different campuses.
elective courses which are given in gram in Industrial Product Design.
English. A doctoral thesis may be submitted There is a council of student repre-
Courses in Department of Industrial following at least four semesters of sentatives. There are also student
Product Design could be listed: Non- coursework and research. Admission activity clubs in Faculty:
technical courses 20 %, technical to any program is possible following
courses 56 % and elective courses an examination in English, which is - Computer Aided Design Club
24 % of the total courses in the followed by another in the field of - Architecture Club
Department of Industrial Product research. - City and Urbanization Club
Design. There are 23 elective courses Research assistant fellowship organi- - Industrial Product Design Club
given in Turkish and 7 elective cour- zed by Institutes and Research Fund
ses which are given in English. of ITU in masters’ degree and PhD Students organize technical excur-
Double major studies in architecture programs. sions in Turkey and to other coun-
and other departments in ITU are tries. They have a periodical which is
encouraged to be realized. A sugge- called Beyaz Duvar (White Wall).
stion is developed for architecture - Research Programme
city and regional planning programs. The members of the faculty of archi- Administration
Double major studies are expected to tecture have been working on Dean of Faculty of Architecture:
progress the motivation and perfor- research and application projects in Prof. Dr. Mine Inceoglu
mance of the students and it will be the different areas of interest of archi- Vice Deans:
suitable for the student profile of ITU. tecture. The projects are funded by Prof.Dr. Gülen Çagdas
Under-graduate students have to pay the research centers of the University Doç.Dr. Mehmet Ocakçı
supplementation portion, which is which are; Environment and City Chairman of Department of
defined by general regulations accor- Planning Research Center, Building Architecture:
ding to departments. Construction Research Center, Prof. Dr. Ayla Atasoy
Istanbul Researches Center, Building Chairman of Department of City and
Studies are continuing to obtain Construction Management and Cost Regional Planning:
accreditation possibilities with NAAB. Research Center. Prof. Dr. Yücel Ünal
The conditions for accreditation were National or international conferences, Chairman of Department of Industrial
progressed with the new curriculum symposiums and seminars had been Product Design:
in the Department of Architecture. organized by the Faculty staff in Prof.Dr. Nigan Bayazıt
every year. ■
Turkish Scientific and Technical
Research Center (TÜBITAK), National
Planning Organization (DPT) and


Brighton University
Faculty of Arts and Architecture

School of Architecture and Design

Mithras House
Lewes Road
Brighton BN2 4AT, UK
Tel. : ••44.1273.642349
Fax : ••44.1273.642348
Email :
http : //

Application deadline : May

Degree programmes

Programme Award Stuy Accredited Admission Enrolment % of total

Duration Requirements

Undergraduate 210 total

Architecture BA (hons) 3 years RIBA Part I A level or eq. 45 (130 total) 39%
Interior Architect BA (hons) 3 years A level or eq. 28 (80 total) 24%

Postgraduate and Professional 125 total

Architecture Diploma / MA 2-2.5 years RIBA Part II degree 35 (70 total) 21%
Interior Design Diploma / MA 1-1.5 years (RIBA Part II) degree 15 (15 total) 4%
Management Diploma / MA 1-1.5 years (RIBA Part II) degree 15 (15 total) 4%
Professional Practice 1 year
part-time RIBA Part III RIBA Part II 25 (25 total) 7%

General Information The School remains relatively small lecture programmes with the
The University of Brighton School of in terms of student numbers. Architecture Course, but offers an
Architecture and Design has recently The staff embrace a wide range of independent and particular studio
been reorganised to embrace stu- experience and specialisation and culture. The course stresses the link
dies in architecture, interior design, comprise a mixture of full-time between conceptual ideas in spatial
fashion, textiles and three-dimen- academics who combine teaching design and their concrete realisa-
sional design and is one of three with research and consultancy, and tion. Students explore the transfor-
schools which together make up a half-time tutors who are also enga- mation of existing spaces, proceeding
new Faculty of Arts and Architecture. ged in practice. Visiting specialists, from a study of the relationship
The new school constitutes a unique critics and consultants also contribute between external and internal space,
centre devoted to a range of design to both teaching and research. via an understanding of ‘life led’
disciplines in which students can within a space to the formulation of
benefit from shared courses and Undergraduate Courses proposals for the design of a material
shared facilities. The Degree Course in Architecture enclosure and a well-tempered
offers a broad and general curriculum environment.
This is one of the very few UK for the education and training of
schools in which architects and architects, equipping them either to The Postgraduate Menu
interior designers study together progress to a recognised postgra- The diploma programmes were
under the same roof, follow joint duate diploma course in architecture, recently restructured to encourage
courses and take part in joint studio or to undertake graduate studies in choice and greater scope for speciali-
projects. It is committed to the some other discipline, or to embark sation. A one year Pre-Diploma
notion that students need to develop directly on a career in any one of a Programme in Architecture offers a
a solid base of knowledge and expe- number of design and construction challenging transition between
rience, to broaden the range of their related fields. The course is largely undergraduate/RIBA Part I studies
skills, to stretch their capabilities project based and design oriented. and the more specialised postgradu-
for invention and creativity and to Student learn basic drawing and ate programmes. Three alternative
extend their theoretical grasp of their communicational techniques which one-year postgraduate diploma pro-
chosen subject. are later augmented by CAD skills. grammes are currently on offer:
Studio work is backed by a range of Architectural Design, Interior
Facilities technical and theoretical lectures and Design and Architectural
The life of the school revolves around students are made aware of the inter- Management. Each can be tre-
generous top-lit studios where every dependence of conceptual thinking ated as a free-standing pro-
student is provided with an individual and technological realisation. The gramme with its own award or
work station. There are also exhibi- degree of BA in Architecture carries can linked to the pre-diploma
tion galleries, workshops, computer exemption from Part I of the RIBA programme for the award of
facilities, laboratories, photographic Examination in Architecture. Diploma in Architecture with
studios and darkrooms and excellent exemption from Part II of the
libraries. In addition students can The Degree Course in Interior Archi- RIBA Examination in Architecture;
make use of a range of facilities in tecture attracts students both from each can also be upgraded to an
the Faculty of Arts and Architecture art foundation and technical voca- MA via a part-time extension
and in the Faculty of Science and tional backgrounds. It shares a programme, the outcome of
Engineering. number of technical and theoretical which may be a written disserta-

United Kingdom
tion or a special design. in tandem with the theoretical studies and are now to be found in offices
The intake into the pre-diploma and are used as vehicles for critical throughout the European Union and
programme is 35 students. analysis of practice. in most corners of the globe.

The Pre-Diploma Programme in MA Programmes Connections

Architecture offers a varied pro- Students who wish to develop a The School maintains close links with
gramme of design and theoretical more theoretical stance may extend a range of architectural and design
study. Each year a particular town or their postgraduate diploma studies practices in London, the South-East
part of a city is selected to serve as by the equivalent of one semester in of England and beyond, and can
the focus for studio work and to order to pursue a research interest offer advice on employment and
provide the setting for a sequence and complete a written dissertation career prospects. Staff and students
of design projects. or a research-based project in any serve as members of professional
These cover a broad spectrum of one of three MA programmes. MA bodies at local, regional and national
design problems including urban work can be extended to an MPhil or level, and the School supports the
design, building conservation, hou- PhD. Continuous Professional Develop-
sing, interior design and detail ment programmes of the RIBA.
design. Students work together with Research Programmes in
a tutor in groups of about ten. Studio Architecture and Interior Design Every effort is made to connect the
work is supported by lectures in A stimulating programme of research School with its locality and region.
Urban Studies, Landscape, Social links the academic wing of the School Projects are often based in neigh-
Studies, Housing Studies , Advanced to the world of practice and also bouring towns and students often
Construction and Environmental feeds and supports teaching and work together with members of local
Studies. studio programmes. Today it is a communities. Whenever possible the
central tenet of the School’s philoso- results of such work are offered back
The Postgraduate Diploma phy not only that research should to the community in the form of an
Programme in Architectural Design underpin teaching but that without exhibition. Recent collaborative work
encourages students to specialise research and the development of has extended across the Channel to
and to become expert in an area ideas, teaching will stagnate. Dieppe and Rouen in France.
which particularly interests them. Its
main element is the design thesis, a Recent work has included: a natio- Student Activities
self selected project which is pursued nally sponsored ‘teaching company’ The joint architecture and interiors
rigorously from brief development scheme which is currently developing society is called IDeAS. It organises
and site analysis through to a final a taxonomy of the workplace in con- social and cultural events and is
design proposal. This is supported by junction with one of the UK’s major represented on school boards.
a research study and by theoretical architectural practices; a series of A student newspaper called ‘The
and technical investigations. Each investigations into socially committed Mithras Liar” appears fortnightly
student works with a personal tutor architecture via studies of the design during term time.
within a tutorial group which shares of housing, health buildings and
a common typological or thematic nursery schools; research into Staff
interest, and has access to a panel of sheltered housing and housing Head of School
specialist consultants and guest refurbishment sponsored by the Anne Boddington Dipl Arch MA
critics. Housing Corporation, historical Undergraduate Course Leader
studies of selected aspects of 19th Marc Hoar, Dipl Arch, RIBA
The Postgraduate Diploma and 20th century architecture; mono- Interiors Course Leader
Programme in Interior Design offers graph studies on the architects Jenny Lowe, MA
a unique opportunity to explore the Giancarlo De Carlo, Godfried Böhm Postgraduate Course Leader
intellectual base of the discipline and and Geoffrey Bawa. David Robson, MA RIBA
to develop skills in the design of Reader
interior environments. A case study ‘Caravan’, the School’s research Professor John McKean, BArch
and a major design project are journal, is published annually and MA ARIAS MCSD
supported by theoretical course units contains digests of current work by
which use lecture, seminar and students and staff. The School employs a permanent
tutorial modes to explore the realities teaching staff of 25 as well as a
of interior space. Professional Practice further 20 part-time tutors.
Other taught courses on research Diplomates who have gained RIBA It is supported by its own secretariat
method and design culture are Part II exemption may follow a part- and by a team of technicians.
shared with other programmes in the time course which combines super- ■
School. vised office training with theoretical
studies and can sit the RIBA Part III
The Postgraduate Diploma Examination when they have gained
Programme in Architectural Mana- the requisite experience.
gement shares specialist manage-
ment courses with the Brighton Brighton graduates succeed in fin-
Business School. A case study and a ding challenging and rewarding work
major design project are developed both in the public and private sectors


The Welsh School of Architecture

The Welsh School of Architecture
Cardiff University

Bute Building
King Edward VII Avenue
Cardiff CF1 3NB
Wales United Kingdom
Tel. : ++ 44 (0)29 20 874430
Fax : ++ 44 (0)29 20 874926
Email :

Degree programmes

Degree Title Minimum Accredited Admission Enrolment

duration requirements
of study

General Information 4, whilst our work at the Centre for undertaking work in practice. The
The Welsh School of Architecture is a Research in the Built Environment two degrees taken together also fulfill
department housed within Cardiff was flagged as being of international Article 3 of EEC Directive for qualifi-
University, one of Britain’s larger significance. Teaching at the School cations in Architecture.
Civic Universities with over 15,000 has been rated by the Higher Educa-
students from the UK, Europe and tion Funding Council as of an excel- Postgraduate programme
other parts of the world. Cardiff is lent standard. In addition, we currently have a
the largest constituent member of the taught Masters in Architecture course
federal colleges of the University of Facilities in Environmental Design of Buildings,
Wales. The School is well funded and enjoys which may be undertaken full time or
the benefits of a supportive parent part time. Fourteen students are
The School, which has recently institution – Cardiff University, one of undertaking higher degrees by indivi-
celebrated its 75th anniversary last the top twelve research universities dual research and a number of stu-
session, is a member of the Faculty in the UK. dents are pursuing MPhil in Design.
of Engineering and Environmental The School accommodates a cluster We envisage that additional Masters
Design with the departments of of activities of importance to the courses will come on line in forthco-
Planning, Maritime Studies and quality and standards of its academic ming sessions in the fields of
Engineering. The School is one of provision, including those related to Building Conservation, Estates and
the largest in Britain with 320 under- learning and teaching, to research, to Facilities Management, and in
graduates, 47 postgraduates and 35 design and practice, to the profes- Sustainability.
full-time academic and other staff sion, and to the outside world. It has
and 60 part-time tutors and critics. a well-stocked and professionally Research programme
staffed Architecture Resource Centre The Architectural Science research
As the sole School of Architecture in (library), and computer aided design group, is our longest established and
Wales, we are supported by the facilities with strong academic and largest research group. At the last
Higher Education Funding Council for technical support. Within the School's Research Assessment Exercise its
Wales both for our undergraduate premises there are: the Centre for international reputation was ‘flagged’
teaching and for new research initia- Education in the Built Environment, as of special significance. Currently,
tives; although the majority of our which is part of the UK national this group has 15 full time staff and
research is funded by a number of Learning and Teaching Support an annual income in excess of £350K.
outside public and private organisa- Network; and the Project Office, Much of the work of this group is
tions. We are housed in the newly operating as self-financing architec- focused on the measurement and
refurbished Bute Building situated in tural practice. The offices of the assessment of the environmental
the conservation area of Cathays Royal Society of Architects in Wales performance of spaces in and around
Park, which forms the Civic Centre at are also within the School. buildings. While real buildings are
the heart of the City of Cardiff. This often the focus of this attention,
special location gives the School a Educational programme design proposals are evaluated in our
distinctive and fine environment par- The School offers a three year BSc laboratory facilities which include
ticularly suited for study and research followed by a two year BArch with its wind tunnel testing and a recently
in architecture, allowing us to colla- unique first year of Education in established purpose built artificial
borate easily and effectively with Practice. These degrees give, respec- sky, capable of simulating both over-
national and regional institutions. tively Part 1 and Part 2, Royal cast and blue sky and sun conditions.
Independent analysis of Schools of Institute of British Architects (RIBA) The smaller and more recently set up,
Architecture has placed us third in recognition. Subsequently, graduates Estate Strategy Research Unit (ESRU)
the UK. At the last Research Assess- are prepared for examination for is concerned primarily with health
ment Exercise our research was rated RIBA Part 3 final recognition while care buildings. It has already attrac-

United Kingdom
ted research grants of over £200K.
Together these two groups make up
the Centre for Research in the Built
Environment recognised by the
Welsh development Agency as a
centre of expertise.

Research and scholarship is also car-

ried out in Architectural Theory,
History and Design. This group aims
to investigate design theory and how
historical studies and critical proce-
dure may inform contemporary archi-
tectural practice.

Research and scholarship in Profes-

sional Methods aims to investigate
the changes of context in which the
architectural profession works, and to
provide tools to enable it to respond

Student activities
The Students’ Association of the
School (SAWSA) is organised by a
committee of: President, 11 officers
and four year representatives.
The committee officers are elected
annually, by the students, from
members of BSc Year 2. Meetings
are called by the President several
times each term, as necessary.
Matters dealt with include sports,
social events (including the Summer
Ball), and publication of an annual
student magazine Cymrarch. SAWSA
also organises a programme of
visiting speakers and extra curricular
activities such as life drawing classes.
Academic and departmental matters
are discussed and where necessary
brought to the Staff-Student panel for
attention. As well as funds raised by
members, SAWSA receives some
funding from the University Students’
Union and, on request for particular
items, the School.

Professor C Malcolm Parry is Head of
School, with Professor Dean Hawkes
as Convenor of the BArch Scheme,
and Bob Fowles as Convenor of the
BSc in Architectural Studies Scheme.
Professor Phil Jones is Director of


Edinburgh College of Art

School of Architecture
Lauriston Place
Edinburgh EH3 9DF
Tel. : +44 131 221 6071/2
Fax : +44 131 221 6006

Application deadlines : Undergraduate -15th January. Postgraduate – flexible

Tuition Fees at 01.10.02 European Union Other

Undergraduate £ 1100 (England and Northern Ireland) £ 8000
Postgraduate Diploma £ 2870 £ 6125
Postgraduate MSc £ 3830 £ 8175
Postgraduate Research £ 2870 £ 8000

Degree programmes

Programme Award Duration Accredited Admission No. of students

Architecture B.Arch (hons) 4 years plus one ARB/RIBA Pt 1 see over page ca 190
year of practical
Architecture Dip/M.Arch 9/12 months ARB/RIBA Pt 2 ca 50
Architectural Dip/MSc If taken as part of the ca 14
Conservation final year in
Urban Design Dip/MSc architecture then ca 14
Research MPhil/PhD 2/3 years No ca 12

General Information Admissions Tutor, School of Students who have successfully com-
Architecture has been taught at Architecture, Direct Line: 0131-221 pleted the first three years may take a
Edinburgh College of Art since its 6081 or e-mail BA degree. In the first year students
foundation in 1907. Since 1969 the are encouraged to begin to:
School has enjoyed associate status Facilities ■ develop visualisation and com-
and awarded degrees of Heriot-Watt The School is divided between two munication skills
University. The School exists in an art campuses 5 minutes apart in the ■ foster an understanding of funda-
college environment alongside the centre of the city. The School of mental architectural issues
Schools of Drawing and Painting, Architecture occupies a purpose-built ■ develop critical thought and deba-
Design and Applied Art, Visual Com- block in the Lauriston Place campus ting skills
munication, Sculpture and Landscape of the original College where all the In the subsequent years these quali-
Architecture. studios overlook the historic Old ties are challenged in more complex
Town and Edin-burgh Castle domina- situations and to higher standards.
International Links & Student tes the skyline. Undergraduates are
Exchanges provided with their own workspace in During the first three years the
The School has strong international the studio. subjects examined are:
connections and there are opportu- The postgraduate students in Archi- ■ Architectural Design
nities for periods of study abroad tectural Conservation and Urban ■ Cultural Context
both through ERASMUS/SOCRATES Design, as well as research students ■ Technology
and contacts with North America and are based in the Grassmarket cam- ■ Environment
Japan. These links are developing all pus. The Grassmarket Library is prin- ■ Professional Studies
the time and in recent years, students cipally an Architecture and Landscape In the degree year the subjects
from the School have spent periods Architecture resource with a perio- examined are:
of study ranging from 3 weeks to 9 dicals room, slide library and map ■ Architectural Design
months at schools of architecture at room. It contains almost 63,000 ■ Technology
Stockholm, Lund, Aarhus, Copen- books and pamphlets and subscribes ■ Cultural Context
hagen, Aachen, Paris, Rennes, to 257 periodicals. This is comple-
Barcelona, as well as the Rhode mented by the Lauriston Place Assessment
Island School of Design and Kansas Library, which has over 36,000 books The School uses the University’s
University, USA, and Kinki University, and pamphlets and subscribes to 191 Common Assessment and Progres-
Hiroshima, Japan. periodicals. sion System for grading and marking.
All design projects are evaluated by a
Prizes & Scholarships Educational Programmes system of continuous assessment.
Architecture students have access to This normally allows every student to
a wide range of College of Art prizes Programme Outline & Structure present their work to a group of their
and scholarships, which assist stu- The School offers a four-year pro- peers and staff. The staff then gives
dents in studying abroad and those gramme leading to the degree of an assessment and at the end of the
wishing to proceed to postgraduate Bachelor of Architecture (BArch) with academic year there is a portfolio
studies. In addition, students are honours. This is normally followed by review.
encouraged to enter national and a one-year programme leading to the
international competitions. award of the Diploma in Architecture. Admission Requirements
The School usually has Open Days The programme has continued vali- UK Applicants
on the last Thursday and Friday of dation from the Joint Validation Panel 260 UCAS points or:
October. For further information of the Architects’ Registration Board SCE Highers (Scotland): BBBBC
about visiting the School or admis- (ARB) and the Royal Institute of GCE A Levels (England): BCC
sion details, contact Alison Murison, British Architects (RIBA) Irish Leaving Certificate: ABBCC

United Kingdom
Non-UK applicants will be expected Architecture degree supervision and for the attrac-
to have achieved equivalent stan- The final diploma year in architecture tion of external funding. The framew-
dards. The range of subjects should forms the initial taught element of ork is based upon a process of
encompass arts, sciences and design. the master’s degree. Students may thought, hypothesis and evaluation
Mathe-matics, Physics (or Science) choose from a wide range of design across different academic and cultur-
are required at GCSE or SCE Stan- projects and may instigate their own al axes.
dard grade and for applicants with subjects. A Diploma in Architecture The School of Architecture, in asso-
SCE it is preferred that Mathematics and Architectural Conservation or a ciation with Heriot-Watt University,
and English should be at Higher Diploma in Architecture and Urban has an outstanding record of succes-
grade. The qualifications necessary to Design are also available to students sful completion of M.Phil / Ph.D the-
satisfy the Entrance Requirements who wish to participate in one or ses, having graduated about twenty
should not include passes in subjects other of these taught postgraduate five doctoral students over the past
such as Graphic Communication programmes during their diploma twelve years. The fields of research
instead of Art. A range of alternative year. embrace
qualifications may be accepted inclu- ■ cultural studies related to archi-
ding, in particular HNC/HND with Architectural Conservation tecture and urbanization with a
Merit passes. Applicants are expected The Scottish Centre for Conservation particular focus on the Middle
to have some ability at simple free- Studies offers a programme for archi- East and developing countries.
hand pencil drawing and those not tects, planners, surveyors, engineers, ■ environmental design and social
taking Art as an examinable subject historians and craftsmen who wish aspects of architecture, especially
should endeavour to obtain some to deepen their understanding of in the context of public buildings
practice. Those applicants being con- Architectural Conservation. The work ■ urban design, spatial structure
sidered for an offer of a place may be is based on the five core subjects of: and the morphology of settle-
called for interview and asked to the theory and philosophy of conser- ments
bring sketchbooks or a portfolio of vation; physical and documentary ■ the conservation of historic towns
their artwork. Candidates who are not sources; design intervention; techno- ■ theory and history of architecture
native English speakers must have logy and area conservation. These ■ the modern movement and the
TOEFL score of 550, or an IELTS of at subjects are taught by lectures, case evolution of building types in the
least 7. studies and discussion and tested in 20th century.
project work.
Postgraduate Student Activities
At post-graduate level the School Urban Design The student association ARCHIE is
offers three taught programmes and The objective of the programme is to actively involved in organising many
the higher degrees of MPhil and PhD provide graduates and practitioners extra-curricular activities. Each ses-
by research. from various disciplines with a sion ARCHIE holds a series of invited
design and development based inter- public lectures given by well known
Taught Programmes disciplinary educational experience of and up and coming practitioners. In
Post-graduate taught programmes in a high quality. The essential nature of recent years speakers have included,
the School may be studied full or the urban design process is illustra- Roger Diener, John McAslan, Richard
part-time. A full time Diploma is of ted by considering the contexts, in Rogers, Piers Gough, Gordon Benson
9 months duration, a Masters 12 which urban design operates, the and Charles Jenks.
months. The part-time modes are participants in the system and the
18 and 36 months respectively. products which result. During the Staff
Some individual modules can be Diploma students must take 12 The School has 13 full-time, five part-
made available for CPD recognition. modules. time and 15 sessional academic staff.
Many of the sessional staff members
Admission requirements Higher Degrees of MPhil and PhD by are local practitioners.
An approved degree for the Diploma Research Professor of Architecture:
and an approved degree with first or Research degrees can be taken in a Brian Edwards Chairman of the
second class honours for Masters. full or part-time mode, on or off-cam- Undergraduate Architecture Course
Students who have successfully com- pus. To be eligible for admission can- Committee:
pleted three years of a recognised didates must hold an approved deg- Ernie Anderson
programme in architecture with an ree with first or second class honours Co-ordinator of the Postgraduate
honours degree and have passed the in architecture, landscape architectu- Architecture Programme:
RIBA/ARB Part I Examination may re, urban design, planning or a rela- Derek Fraser
apply to take the Diploma in Archi- ted subject area of research interest. Co-ordinator of Architectural
tecture over two years. Candidates Conservation Programme:
who achieve an appropriate standard Research Julian Holder
during a Diploma may be eligible to Research in the School finds its Co-ordinator of the Urban Design
progress to Masters. Candidates who expression in doctoral programmes, Programme and Head of School:
are not native English speakers must publications by staff and in the Leslie Forsyth
have TOEFL score of 550, or an IELTS research content of taught program- Co-ordinator of the MPhil/PhD
of at least 7. mes at Master’s level. There are four Programme:
research groups which act as a forum Dr Faozi Ujam
for theoretical discourse, research ■


University of Edinburgh
School of Arts, Culture and Environment Architecture
20 Chambers Street
EH1 1JZ, Scotland, UK
tel : (44) 0131 650 2305
fax : (44) 0131 650 8019

Application deadline: May

Undergraduate Tuition and fees: £1,100 for students from EU/EER member states
£10,150 for students from other countries
Postgraduate Tuition and fees: £2,805 for students from EU/EER member states
£7,460 for students from other countries

Degree programmes

Degree/Title Minimum Accredited Admission Enrolment

duration requirements
of study

MA (Hons)-Architectural Design 4 year RIBA Part 1

MA (Hons)-Architectural Studies 4 year
MA (Hons)-Architectural History 4 year MArch (Design) 2 year
RIBA Part2
MArch (Digital Media) 2 year RIBA Part2
Candidate status
MSc-Digital Design and Multimedia 1 year

Admission Requirements
Contact Recruitment and Admissions Liaision Service, 57 George Square, Edinburgh EH8 9JU. Email: Admissions&
Overseas students should contact The International Office, 57 George Square, Edinburgh EH8 9JU. Email:

General information cation as an architect, the MA may Graduates with MA Honours in

Edinburgh is widely acclaimed as lead to alternative graduate courses, Architectural Design earn exemption
one of the most beautiful cities in the or research degrees. from Part 1 of the Examination in
world, the combination of medieval Architecture of the Royal Institute of
Old Town and the Georgian New In the first two years of both degrees, British Architects (RIBA).
Town giving it a unique urbanity. The courses consist of a continuous
University of Edinburgh offers the series of design projects and the Students who have successfully com-
ideal environment for the study of study of architectural precedent and pleted the course in Architectural
architecture and architectural history. cultural conditions, with lectures on Design, and who intend to practise as
The Architecture Department was construction and the behaviour of architects, may proceed to the two-
established over forty years ago, buildings providing the background year MArch (Design) or the MArch
marrying the aspirations of architec- to practical workshops. (Digital Media)
ture, as art, science and profession, The Department welcomes suitably
with the traditions and disciplines of During the first two years, two addi- qualified applicants to join the
an ancient university. tional courses are taken, one of which second degree.
will be Architectural History. The
Curriculum other is selected from among courses MArch (Design) develops individual
The Department offers two Degree offered by other departments in the design skills and involves learning to
courses in Architecture with a com- University. This provision is in kee- pool creative and intellectual resour-
mon curriculum for the first two ping with Scottish university tradi- ces by working in small groups. The
years. The MA with Honours in tion, which encourages the develop- focus of analysis and design is the
Architectural Design is a vocational ment of diverse individual interests, city. Following lecture courses in
studio-based course, and graduates and allows insights into other acade- Urban Design Theory and Building
will normally proceed to the two-year mic disciplines. Entry to the Third, or Technology, with a project related to
Master of Architecture. The MA with Junior Honours, Year is on the basis a British city in Year 1, a major
Honours in Architectural Studies con- on overall performance at the end of European city is chosen in Year 2.
centrates upon the more academic Second Year. At this point, students Groups combine to explain the city as
aspects of architecture, and will opt to follow the Design or Studies a holistic entity, before moving into
reward strengths in science, techno- curriculum. individual design projects.
logy and cultural studies. MArch (Digital Media) is for architects
The vocational course in architecture In the Honours years, students are who wish to develop a career specia-
equips students with the knowledge able to pursue their particular inte- lism in digital media. As well as fos-
and skills needed to enter the profes- rests in the field of architecture. The tering a range of skills in multimedia,
sion. Full-time study is complemen- programme of study consists of six CAD, 3D modelling and visualisation,
ted by periods of practical training in term-length Honours courses chosen the programme contextualises con-
architects' offices and other approved from a comprehensive list. For stu- temporary discourses on virtual
Placements. The distribution of dents for the degree in Architectural architecture and examines issues of
Placements within the overall pro- Design, two of the six Honours cour- usability, e-commerce, interactive
gramme effectively results in six ses will be Placements. In addition, a environments, and mobile and ubi-
years of study. These six years are compulsory course on Architectural quitous computing.
covered by the four-year MA Honours Theory is taken in the Junior Honours
degree followed by the two-year Year, and a dissertation based on The first year of the programme lays
Master of Architecture. For those individual research is presented in emphasis on the development of
who do not seek professional qualifi- the Senior Honours Year. practical knowledge and skills pertai-

United Kingdom
ning to the use and management of other agencies, both local and nation- increasing role in the design process.
digital media by designers. The deve- al, concerned with environmental, Inevitably, this process becomes
lopment of theoretical and critical conservational and social issues. more complex, drawing reference
perspectives examines the implica- from the past and looking to the futu-
tions of digital media in the wider Facilities re. Research in the Department of
social and urban context. Course Generous in its dimensions, the Architecture has as its core objective
material in the first year is presented Department is able to provide each the study and development of the
through lectures and seminars, with student with a work-station in five impact and relationship of technolo-
the focus on a series of practical stu- large dedicated design studios. gy, sustainability and history on the
dio-based digital projects. There is a department Library with design of buildings. It actively seeks
about 15,000 volumes and 100,000 to draw together research in compu-
The second year is as for the MArch slides, in addition to the extensive ting methods, materials and proces-
(Design) Year 2. collections in the Main University ses, sustainability, history and theory
The MArch (Design) is an accredited Library. and their implications for architectur-
RIBA Part 2 degree. As a new course, In the well-equipped workshops stu- al design.
the MArch (Digital Media) has been dents are taught a wide range of
awarded Candidate Status for exem- technical skills and use of architectur- Student Activities
ption from Part 2 of the RIBA exami- al modelling in the development and Students play an important role in
nation. The expectation is that full illustration their designs. the management of the Department,
accreditation will be granted when There are extensive computing labo- participating in all its committees.
the first cohort graduates in 2003 or ratories with a variety of modelling The Student Architects' Society,
2004. Whilst this full recognition can- and multi-media software. EUSAS, organises lectures and social
not be guaranteed, the Department of events.
Architecture has long experience in Postgraduate Programme
delivering accredited courses, and the Some three dozen postgraduate stu- The research students edit an annual
second year of the MArch (Digital dents from a variety of countries, journal, Edinburgh Architecture
Media) is already shared with the working towards M.Phil and Ph.D Research (EAR), which is now in its
fully accredited MArch (Design). degrees, pursue individual research 28th year, publishing working papers
A joint degree in Civil Engineering on theoretical, historical and landsca- by students and staff. They also run a
with Architecture is also partly taught pe architecture, on computer applica- weekly seminar series, with papers
in the Department. tions, and aspects of environmental from visiting speakers, members of
science and construction staff of the Department and the stu-
Architectural History dents themselves.
The Department offers an Honours The MSc/Diploma in Design and
degree course in Architectural Digital Media is a unique programme Administration and Staff
History. The core studies in Years 1 of study that addresses the growing There are 17 full-time academic staff
and 2 of the four-year degree course need for professional education in of the Department which includes a
comprise Architectural History cour- digital technology applied to design, Professor of Architectural Computing,
ses taken alongside two other asso- and acknowledging its social, cultural a Professor of Architectural History,
ciated courses. and philosophical implications. and a Professor of Architectural
Courses are offered in computer visu- Studies. The Department attaches
The curriculum in the Junior (3rd) alisation, modelling, documentation, great importance to the contribution
and Senior (4th) Honours Years mobile computing, e-commerce, to teaching made by around 40 part-
comprises three optional Honours communications and interactive mul- time staff, mainly from architectural
courses in each year, together with a timedia. practice.
compulsory course in the Theory and
Historiography of Architecture in the The MSc/Diploma in Design and An appointment as Visiting Professor
Junior Year and a dissertation based Digital Media is a 12-month full time is made under the terms of the
on individual research in the Senior programme of study (9 months for George Simpson Architectural Trust.
Year. the Diploma). It is open to graduates The occupants of this Chair have
of architecture, planning, enginee- included Richard MacCormac, Ted
Joint MA Honours degrees are ring, or art and design who wish to Cullinan, William Curtis, Gordon
offered with Archaeology, History of specialise in digital media, and to Benson, Bob Allies, and Daniel
Art, and Social and Economic History. graduates from other related fields Libeskind.The current visiting profes-
such as computer science, philoso- sor is Anthony Vidler.
Location and Facilities phy and sociology of science, educa- ■
The Department is sited just south of tion, art history, media and culture
Edinburgh's Royal Mile on Chambers studies or psychology, who wish to
Street. The National Library of move into the design arena.
Scotland, the main University Library,
and the city Central Library and the Research in the Department
Students' Union buildings are all wit- As society and the profession chan-
hin a few minutes' walk. ges in response to technological,
The Department exploits contacts environmental and economic deve-
with local architectural practices, and lopments, research plays an ever-


The Mackintosh School of Architecture

Glasgow School of Art

Glascow University
167,Refrew Street
UK-G3 6QR Glasgow
Tel. : 444/141 3534651
Fax : 444/141 3534703

Head of School:
Professor Charles MacCallum DA (Glas) MCP (MIT) RIBA FRIAS FRSA

Degree programmes

Degree Minimum Accredited Admission Enrolment % of total

Duration requirements admission
of study

Bachelor of Architectural Studies 3 years full-time, or RIBA / ARB Highers: BBBB

4 years part-time A Levels: BBC 239 65.4%
Bachelor of Architectural Studies (Hons) 4 years full-time (as above -
in year 3) (as above) (as above)
Diploma in Architecture 2 years full-time RIBA / ARB Honours Degree
(includes fourth year in Architecture 99 27%
of the Honours
degree), or
3 years part-time
M.Arch (by Conversion) as Diploma, ie. (as above - continuation of 6 1.6%
2 years + 1 term in year 2) Diploma in
M.Arch (Taught) 1 calendar year 6 1.6%
M.Arch (Research) 2 years 3 0.8%
PhD 3 years 13 3.6%

The Mackintosh School of Architec- mented by a programme of staff and computer facilities, architectural
ture is based in Glasgow School of student exchanges with leading inter- science facilities such as wind tunnel,
Art, where architecture has been national schools, including Milan, artificial sky, heliodon and model-
taught for over a century. Courses Porto, Madrid, Paris, Barcelona, and scope, print and dark rooms, work-
may be followed in full-time or part- Lausanne. shop and a technical base.
time modes. Its qualifications are
conferred by the University of Teaching is based on studio work and The Bourdon also contains the main
Glasgow, its postgraduate students is strongly biased towards design, School of Art library with over 33,000
are fully matriculated students of the with emphasis placed on learning by titles and upwards of 270 periodicals
University’s Faculty of Arts, and the doing rather than by instruction. The available for consultation. Most
Head of School holds the University’s School’s teaching is rated “Excellent” books are available for loan and there
Chair of Architecture. by the Scottish Higher Education is also a reference collection.
Funding Council, and Mackintosh The library has a range of computers
The School provides the teaching students and graduates figure promi- including various CD ROM databases
required for registration as an archi- nently in competitions and awards. and students may apply for access to
tect in the United Kingdom and is The School enjoys an excellent the internet and e-mail facilities.
recognised by the Architects’ Regi- design reputation, and is regularly Students also have access to Glas-
stration Board of the United Kingdom invited to exhibit at international gow University Library facilities
(ARB) and the Royal Institute of venues such as the Venice Biennale. which are to be found on the Univer-
British Architects (RIBA). sity Campus, Gilmorehill.
This recognition gains exemption Staff are encouraged to remain pro-
from Parts 1, 2 and 3 of Professional fessionally active, and the School’s The world famous library on the first
Practice examinations leading to full current research activity covers a floor of Mackintosh’s School of Art
qualification. wide range of topics, including archi- building is now a reference library
tecture and urban design, history containing bound volumes of perio-
At postgraduate level the degrees of and theory, (with particular expertise dicals, students’ dissertations, exhibi-
M.Arch(Taught or by Research) and on Charles Rennie Mackintosh and tion catalogues, research material
PhD are offered. Alexander ‘Greek’ Thomson), inno- and rare books.
vative construction technology,
The Mackintosh School has been a housing for special needs, conser- Visiting Lecturers and Critics have
significant influence in the renais- vation, energy design, and computers included:
sance of Glasgow in its investigation in architecture. Tadao Ando, Bach y Mora, Gordon
of architectural and urban design Benson, Barry Bergdoll, Peter
issues in the city. This thematic focus The School of Architecture is based Blundell-Jones, Mario Botta, Geoffrey
on Glasgow is developed in parallel in the Bourdon Building, named after Broadbent, Chemetov and Huidobro,
with exposure to a broad spectrum of its first Professor. It provides studio Giancarlo di Carlo, Jeremy Dixon,
opinion, and a flow of internationally and exhibition space, staff offices, Terry Farrell, Alan Forsyth, Piers
known visiting lecturers is comple- lecture theatres, an audio-visual base, Gough, Partrick Hodgkinson, Hans

United Kingdom
Hollein, Michael Hopkins, Ed Jones,
Leon Krier, Rob Krier, Kurakawa,
Daniel Libeskind, Francois Loyer,
Enric Miralles, Fernando Montes,
Benjamin Mouton, John Outram,
Cedric Price, Richard Rogers, Colin St
John Wilson, Norman Stone, Colin
Stansfield Smith, Ivor Smith, Toomey
O’Donnell, Troughton McAslan,
Takamatsu, Martin Pawley, David Van
Zanten, Joanna van Heyningen,
Pierre von Meiss, David Watkin,
Michael Wilford.


The University of Strathclyde

The Department of Architecture and Building Science at Glasgow

University of Strathclyde

Rottenrow, 131
UK-G4 ONG Glasgow
Tel. : 444/141 5524400
Fax : 444/141 5523997
Email : dabs@strath.acKuk

Degree programmes

Degree Title Minimum Accredited Admission Enrolment

duration requirements
of study

General Information regards to computer labs but net- using multi-disciplinary integrated
Situated at the heart of the dynamic worked design studios. In particular design projects as the design studio
city of Glasgow, the Department of the Department has just opened a vehicle.
Architecture and Building Science at state-of-the-art Virtual Environment
the University of Strathclyde is one of Laboratory. As well as being close to Architectural Studies with European
the oldest and largest centres of the University Main Library, the Studies
architectural education and research Department has its own Information On this course the curriculum broadly
in Britain, offering a wide range of Room with periodicals, theses, key follows that of the Architectural
opportunities for study at under- book titles and on-line information Studies degree, but students take
graduate and postgraduate levels. services. Being part of a Faculty of classes in European Studies and the
Engineering students have access to language of their choice. There is
The School’s international profile a variety of workshops and techni- one semester compulsory study at a
and the outlook which it has built cians for physical modelling. university abroad.
up alongside its close and long
established working relationship with Educational Programme Building Design Engineering
the City of Glasgow and the West of In addition to the Undergraduate
Scotland make it a particularly stimu- Course Structure degree in Architectural Studies the
lating place to be. Students from The first two years of the course are University of Strathclyde offers an
many European and non-European common to all students of Building undergraduate course in Building
countries form part of a lively inter- Design Engineering and are intended Design Engineering which has at its
national community which animates to provide a basic background in the core an interdisciplinary approach to
and enriches work in the School. related sciences and an introduction integrated building design.
Correspondingly many of our stu- to architectural, structural and ser-
dents, through exchange program- vices facets of building design. Within the Faculty of Engineering, the
mes, spend part of their studies skills of civil, structural, mechanical
abroad. Design project work in years 1 and and environmental engineering exist
We are the only Scottish School of 2 introduces practical problems in- alongside and associated with archi-
Architecture and one of the few in volved in smaller buildings and pro- tecture and building science.
Britain, to have scored both an ‘Excel- vides a medium for integrating the Drawing on existing courses from all
lent’ in the Government’s Teaching topics being developed in the taught of these departments, and concen-
Quality Assessment and a top rating classes. All design project work is trating on the integration of know-
of ‘5’ in the Government’s Research carried out in the Design Studio ledge through design project work,
Assessment Exercise, both of which under the supervision of Architects, the University believes that a
have reinforced our reputation as an Structural Engineers and Building Building Design Engineering gra-
educational leader not only in Britain Services Engineers, many of whom duate will be uniquely qualified to
but internationally. are drawn from practice on a part- play an important role in industry.
time basis. After a preparation of basic studies,
Facilities In the third and fourth years a wide students will have opportunities to
The Department possesses fully range of options are available which develop skills and talents in one of
equipped mixed media lecture allows students, from a base of several specialised areas - building
theatres and a gallery that is used design project work, to pursue a services engineering, structural engi-
for reviews and visiting exhibitions. degree of specialisation in Services neering, architectural design, or
The majority of students are able to Engineering, Structural Engineering construction management.
work within the studios enjoying or Architectural Design all within a The central integrating theme of the
computer facilities that are amongst framework which emphasises the course is design project work. An
the best in Europe, not only with development of team working skills understanding of and experience in

United Kingdom
the design process is seen as funda-
mental to the application of relevant PgDip/MSc in Urban Design helps CADET - Computer Aided Design
technology and to the management those involved in urban development Education and Training which pro-
of the construction process to to enhance their understanding of vides a regular series of training
achieve the realisation of that tech- the city and to develop skills in the courses in the application of CAD
nology. application of advanced physical within architectural practice and
planning and design methods and education and to provide a base from
Postgraduate Programme the assessment of the environmental which to conduct research and con-
impact of individual development sultancy related to this specialised
The Graduate School projects. area of CAD activity.
The BSc Honours courses at under-
graduate level lead, usually after a Research Programme PATH - The Production of Architecture
“Year Out” of experience in architec- The Department’s research activity, Theory and History, that makes an
tural practice, to a one year Post- described by the Royal Institute of active contribution to the interna-
graduate Diploma or Master’s course British Architects (RIBA) as being of tional debate about the history and
in the Graduate School. Here a “outstanding quality and range”, theory of architecture and the built
diverse range of optional studies can offers students a stimulating, fertile environment.
be pursued, all exemplifying and environment where the high level of
exercising aspects of the core activity research work feeds into the Depart- Student activities
of Architectural Design. ment’s teaching programmes, pro- Undergraduate and Postgraduate
viding in addition a solid intellectual students of the Department are
This opportunity to specialise within framework for the pursuit of higher members of the Architectural Society.
Architecture via a range of PG degrees such as an MPhil or PhD. The Society concerns itself primarily
diploma, MArch or MSc qualifications with visits, lunch-time lectures by
is a particular feature of Strathclyde’s The diversity of research has been prominent architects, open days and
Graduate School programme giving achieved by setting up a number of social activities. Its success is very
our students a much widened choice dedicated units. much dependent upon student
of career paths which we know are enthusiasm and commitment.
highly relevant to the needs of future ABACUS - Architecture and Building Within the Department, each year
architectural practice. Aids Computer Unit Strathclyde, that elects student representatives who
seeks to advance the effective use of are then members of the Depart-
Postgraduate Diplomas and Masters information technology in architec- men-tal Meeting and Staff/Student
Degrees ture through research, teaching and Liaison group. The Departmental
The taught Postgraduate Diploma consultancy. Meeting convenes generally twice in
courses carry exemption from Part II each semester to consider routine
of the RIBA’s professional examina- CFM - Centre for Facilities business, the curriculum and any
tion - proof of the high regard the Management, that seeks to advance matters of concern to staff or stu-
profession has for Strathclyde archi- the practice of facilities management dents.
tecture graduates. With approval and (FM) internationally through research,
with an additional period of study the training and advisory services Staff
Diploma can be converted into a Administration
Master’s Degree. SEMU - Safety and Environmental Michael Corcoran
Management Unit, that is involved in Professor of Building Services Design
PgDip/MArch in Advanced the improvement in the quality of Per Kartvedt
Architectural Design explores current health and safety and environmental Professor of Architecture
theoretical approaches to architectur- management within the built estate Thomas Maver
al design and thus to develop and through research applied to the Professor of Information technology
display formal and technical architec- development of practical tools and Frank A. Walker
tural ability in a creative and critical through education and training. Professor of Architectural Theory and
way. History
UDSU - Urban Design Studies Unit,
PgDip/MSc in Computer Aided that strives to help professionals Unit Directors
Building Design presents a broad involved in urban development to ABACUS - Professor Thomas
range of knowledge reflecting current evolve programmes and design Maver
developments and research interests frameworks for sustainable urban CFM - Mr Keith Alexander
in CAD, relating this knowledge to development. SEMU - Dr Paul Yaneske
current architectural practice. UDSU - Dr Hildebrand Frey
CEDAR - Centre for Environmental CEDAR - Professor Michael
PgDip/MSc in Facilities Design and Design and Research, whose goal is Corcoran
Planning responds to industry to enhance the quality of the built CADET - Mr John Wood
requirements by producing graduates environment and protect the wider PATH - Professor Per Kartvedt
equipped to use new concepts, environment by advancing know- ■
methods and techniques for the ledge and understanding of environ-
design and management of buil- mental behaviour and control related
dings-in-use and support services. to the design and use of buildings.

Kingston upon Hull

Humberside University
Faculty of Arts & Technology
University of Lincolnshire & Humberside

George Street, Hull

HU1 3BW, United Kingdom

Tel : +44 1482 440550

Fax : +44 1482 462048
Email :
Website :

Degree programmes

Title Duration Accredited Admission

of study requirements

BA(Hons) Architecture
BA 3 years ARB/RIBA see text Bachelor of
BArch 2 years ARB/RIBA BSc Architectural Technology
BSc 3 years BIAT BA Interior Design
BA 3 years
BA Museum & Exhibition Design BA 3 years

Architecture Facilities Design & Research Groups

The Hull School of Architecture was The School is located in the centre of Third year students work alongside
established in the 1920’s. In the a dynamic port city with excellent Bachelor of Architecture students.
1970’s it launched a unit-based student accommodation and social They carry out exploratory projects,
system and established a reputation facilities. an independent study and a major
for radical education and community design project that integrates theore-
action. It is now a key part of the Hull is “the gateway to Europe” with tical and technical studies.
Faculty of Arts & Technology in a daily ferry sailings to Rotterdam and The School currently offers four
university and a city that are both Zeebrugge and regular flights to groups called “Land”, “A Super-
committed to pioneering the future. Schipol airport. modern Perspective”, “Social Place”
The School has established partner- and “Free Zone”.
We aim to equip architects to ships with Schools in Germany, Bel- Students can choose to experience
re-spond to the challenges of desig- gium, Italy and Spain for the regular each of the groups during three years
ning in a rapidly changing world. We exchange of staff and students. of study or they can choose to
believe that diversity of approach specialise. The distinctive qualities of
enriches the environment for all. Our Strong connections and exchanges these programmes embody the
graduates will be incisive, creative, with South East Asia and Australia School’s commitment to diversity and
co-operative designers who are able reinforce the Schoolís global view of student choice.
to make a difference in their chosen the environment and design.
sphere. Land
Study trips throughout the UK and Placemaking, that is the creation of
The study of Architecture is focussed Europe explore the varied contexts of settings for people and activities, is
on design projects with integrated design in the built environment. explored in relation to landscape.
programmes exploring historical, Study is supported by excellent The group resists alienation and
theoretical, social, professional and workshop facilities and computer emphasises the enrichment of place
technological contexts of design. workstations equipped with the latest that is vital to individual well-being
Assessment is through design pro- software for design and presentation. and community growth.
jects, assignments and written
papers. There are no conventional What you study A Supermodern Perspective Promp-
end-of-year examinations. The aims of the first year of the cour- ted by Hans Ibeling’s book, “Super-
se are to release creative potential, modernism: Architecture in the Age
About half of the School’s 600 stu- explore design processes, lay a foun- of Globalisation”, the group takes on
dents follow the BA (Hons) Architec- dation of cultural and technical know- the task of making visible the con-
ture and Bachelor of Architecture ledge and promote the acquisition of temporary urban condition.
courses. These courses make up a communication and other skills
five year programme of study. necessary for a designer. Social Place
A further two years of practical During the second year, students are The group seeks to discover a subjec-
training complete the professional assisted in further developing their tive modernity with a language that is
education of architects in the UK. design skills and in integrating tech- neither prescriptive nor universal.
nical, social and theoretical studies in Projects explore new communities,
The School is committed to inter- their design projects. prefabrication and the house in an
disciplinary study and developing the urban context.
skills of working in teams. The high In the third year, students choose
level of motivation of staff and stu- from the study programmes offered
dents promotes an atmosphere in by the School’s Design and Research
which individual initiative is valued. Groups.

United Kingdom
Free Zone Entry requirements they organise exhibitions, magazi-
The Free Zone explores marginalised The Hull School celebrates and nes, websites, events and movie
groups in society and the spaces encourages diversity. There is no screenings. The social life of the
between those dominated by institu- standard Hull student, so there can School revolves around student
tions. It reveals and criticises power be no standard entry requirements parties and informal gatherings in
relationships and proposes creative for the course. We believe that good cafes and bars.
resistance. academic qualifications alone are not
an adequate indication of an appli- Career opportunities
You can see the current work of the cant’s potential as a designer. We are Hull graduates are equipped with the
Design & Research Groups on the interested in the whole person. skills that make them employable in a
School’s website at We look for evidence of creativity in range of careers in the design and their portfolio of work, initiative, construction field including architec-
enthusiasm for architecture, wide- ture. In all their dealings with people
Underpinning all our teaching are ranging interests and experience of and the environment we expect them
commitments to creating a sustain- life. See our website for details. to be flexible, responsive and caring.
able environment that is accessible to Our aim is to make courses acces- Along with practical skills like Com-
all and to developing in our gra- sible to all so there is a variety of puter-aided Design, we promote per-
duates the study and employment routes to suit different employment sonal skills such as teamwork. Most
skills which equip them to take and family circumstances. importantly, Hull graduates are
advantage of all future opportunities. Study can be full-time or part-time questioning, analytical and decisive.
and elements of the courses can be
How you study assembled to support a work-based Administration and staff
The design studios are the main learning programme tailored to suit Head of Architecture
focus of activity within the School. individual needs. Derek Cottrell BA Dip Arch
Design seminars and tutorials help to Architect RIBA MRTPI FRSH
develop a distinctive working culture A student’s view BA (Hons) Architecture Course Leader
in each studio. Lecture courses and Griet Daelemans is a third year stu- Alan Latham
seminar groups outside the studio dent on a Socrates exchange from Bachelor of Architecture Course
encourage students to step back from the St. Lucas Institute in Belgium. Leader
the drawing board to take in the She writes, “At the University there David Raynor
bigger picture. Core studies are are a lot of foreign students. Interior Design Course Leader
supported by a growing range of This creates a very multi-cultural Chris Hay
independent study materials which atmosphere. I met a lot of Belgian, Architectural Technolgy Course
allow students to assemble a course French, German, Italian, Portugese Leader
directly relevant to their needs. and even Japanese people here.” David Todd
Museum & Exhibition Design
Continuing study programmes “Apart from learning English, I also Dr. Geoff Matthews
The School offers continuing sup- improve the other languages I speak Masters in Architecture
port to graduates through its short by talking to my friends. The English Dr. Jane Lomholt
courses in Professional Development students are always very willing to Professional Practice
and its Masters courses in Architec- help you. This can be said even more George Clark
ture, Project Management, Facilities about staff.” ■
Management and Inter-disciplinary
Design. “This school is particularly attractive
because there are no exams. For
Research programmes essays and other assessments you
Research programmes focus on can spread your work. The school
Housing, Sustainability and Urban provides equipment like computers,
Development. The School also contri- a library with books and movies, a
butes to research in the field of Art & workshop for modelling. You don’t
Design. need to bring much and it’s nice to
learn other techniques to present
Masterclass your work.”
The annual masterclass involves all
students in an intensive programme. “I am very happy that I had the
In 1998, we placed the Coastwise opportunity to come here. It is an
Europe exhibition in Hull’s main experience I will never forget.”
square. Architects from The Nether-
lands led design projects based on Student activities
the E20 Euroroute that passes Students are encouraged to develop
through Hull to the mainland. In 1999, the educational and social activities
we focussed on Hull’s 20-year pro- of the School. They take part in orga-
gramme to develop itself as a pionee- nising the masterclass and the pro-
ring city for the future. gramme of visiting lecturers.
In the Design & Research Groups,


The Liverpool John Moore’s University

Centre for Architecture / School of the Build Environment

98, Mount Plesant

UK-L3 5UZ Liverpool
Tel. : 44/151 7942604
Fax : 44/151 792605

Degree programmes

Degree Title Minimum Accredited Admission Enrolment

duration requirements
of study

General information design through to technical of the staff at the centre are research
The Centre for Architecture is part of realisation, especially in the active.
the School of the Built Environment Diploma Course.
at John Moores University. The - To be primarily, but not exclu-sively Student activities
school of the Built Environment committed to projects which fulfil The students themselves organise an
offers courses in Building, basic human needs. Annual Symposium with interna-
Surveveying, Engineering, planning - To be actively interested in the tional speakers. Each year they
and Estate Management. future of cities (especially in the participate in annual study tours.
Liverpool subregion and urban Recently: Barcelona, Berlin, Amster-
Location in Liverpool- We are located area). dam, Rotterdam, Copenhagen, New
in the centre (please refer to map). - To be confident in the presentation York and Glasgow, have been visited.
Staff Numbers- 14 of their work to a critical audience Speakers are invited to the school for
Future Developments- We are cur- of judging panel, either known or special event and student participate
rently involved in the development of unknown. in exhibitions and competitions.
a learning-at-Work programme in
co-operation with European practices. Postgraduate programme The campus provides extensive facili-
New MA routes were introduced in ties for student activities as does the
Facilities 1997 for both ‘Architecture and Urban city as a whole, as a result of the
Workshop, Studios, IT Suite, Design’, achievable by full-time and large concentration of educational
Research Room, Staff Resource, part-time modes of study, converting institutions in its centre.
LRC/Library. the Diploma in Architecture in theo-
retical, historical, design or tech- Administration
Educational programme nological subject. Students who have Office and secretarial support:
The Centre for Architecture offers BA successfully completed a Diploma in The centre for Architecture have
(Architectural Studies), 3 years; Architecture at an approved School joint office support with The School
Diploma in Architecture, 2 years; and of Architecture in Britain or else- of the Built Environment, but retains
MA in Architecture and Urban where can, after successful interview own reception and secretarial
Design, 1 year; as well as Mphil and in person or by portfolio and the support.
PhD programmes. agreement to a suitable topic, convert
their postgraduate degree into an MA Management structure:
The mission statement of the Centre in Architecture (conversion of a The architectural programme is
for Architecture is; dissertation), Design (conversion of a one of 7 within The School of the
- To continuously improve the quali- fifth or sixth year project) and Tech- Built Environment.
ty of the Centre for Architectures’ nology and Practice. Submissions in
activities. both MA taught programmes can be Administration & Staff
- Based on a clear philosophy to written or drawn and work underta- Head of Studies:
encourage students to be interna- ken can act as ground for the higher Professor Mads Gaardboe
tionally aware. degree work MPhil and PhD. Director of Research & level 6 leader:
- To be deeply and intelligently Professor Douglas Clelland
knowledgeable about their Research programme Reader:
subject. Research activities are also Dr Robert MacDondald
- To be strong in Architectural and increasing in extent, while being Lecturers:
Urban Design as measured by sharply focused on to two relevant Mr Gary Brown
external critics. urban architecture themes: Urban Mr Philip Lo
- To be capable of thinking their Architecture and Urban Tourism. Half Dr Neil Sturrock

United Kingdom
Mr Brian Hatton
Dr Athannasios Migos
Mr Constantine Vakris
Mr Jon Moorhouse
Mr Kevin Morel Rowlinson
Mr Ian Wroot
Customer Liaison Assistent:
Jacqui Hornby

Board of Studies/Exam Board

Board of studies with student repre-
sentation and staff is held four times
a year. Exam Boards are held annual-
ly with participation of eminent
external professionals and academics


University of Liverpool School of Architecture and

Building Engineering
Leverhulme Building, Abercromby Square
Liverpool L69 3BX

Tel. : +44 (0)151 794 2604

Fax : +44 (0)151 794 2605

School website:

Degree programmes

Degree Title Minimum Accredited Admission Enrolment Full-time

duration requirements students
of study

The School and the City winning University Guild of Students hic communication, verbal presenta-
The Liverpool School of Architecture as well as the many famous Liverpool tional skills, problem solving, and
and Building Engineering is one of bars and clubs such as Cream and experience of group working. It is
Britain’s most prestigious architectur- the Cavern. normally followed by a year of pro-
al institutions, a pioneer of architec- fessional experience, undertaken
tural education characterised by a The school’s staff represent a wide prior to entry to a Part II course such
forward looking, continuously develo- variety of expertise and concerns in as the Bachelor of Architecture.
ping curriculum that encourages practice and research and students
excellence in many fields of academic are exposed to many perspectives on In the first year design modules intro-
study and practical experience. The architectural thought. All full-time duce basic graphic communication,
school is based in the city of staff are involved in active research small scale planning, and culminate
Liverpool, which is rich in history and or applied building industry activities with the design of small buildings on
culture and has traditionally maintai- and most part-time staff are practi- actual sites. Group working is encou-
ned an international character stem- sing architects. There is a wide range raged in the design studio as well as
ming from its function as a port. In of extra-curricula activities which con- in other modules (e.g. History).
the last decade the city has set about tribute to the creation of a fertile Studio-based teaching (some of it in
shaping its own economic recovery, environment in which architectural the form of lectures) introduces the
based on new technology-based education takes place. The School of role of the architect, the importance
industries, tourism, and further edu- Architecture, the Liverpool of craft and technology, and the signi-
cation. The continuing urban deve- Architectural Society and the ficance of theory and precedent. In
lopment that is at the heart of this Liverpool Architecture and Design addition to the design modules, stu-
renaissance forms an exciting back- Trust host many architecture-based dents receive examined courses in
drop for the study of architecture. events, symposia and lectures in Environmental Science, Building
Liverpool throughout the year and Construction, Structures and History
The University of Liverpool is a lea- students are able to take part in pro- which together provide a comprehen-
ding institution for undergraduate grammes offered by other arts, envi- sive academic introduction to the
and postgraduate study with an inter- ronment, engineering and business field. In contrast to first year, second
national reputation in quality and courses based in the school and in year design projects are deliberately
quantity of research output which the university at large. experimental and analytical in their
sustains its taught and research- approach. Projects demand that issu-
based courses architecture degree. The Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in es of materiality, context and society
Facilities for study in the school are Architecture Course be addressed. Preliminary work lea-
excellent, with recently built studio ding to the design of a specific buil-
facilities and teaching rooms. The BA Architecture is a full-time 3- ding involves urban scale problems,
Computer facilities are particularly year classified honours degree that mapping and response to site.
well catered for with MS provides a comprehensive foundation Examined lecture-based modules
Dos/Windows and Macintosh based in architecture. The course aims to address structures and environment
systems and a Sun suite linked to the equip its graduates with the range of (focusing in this year on issues of
university’s UNIX system - most skills needed to satisfy RIBA Part I sustainability). Modules on Urban
major CAAD programmes are sup- exemption criteria and to benefit Studies and History & Theory are
ported. Within the school there is from the first period of practical expe- assessed through coursework and
also a student coffee bar and close by rience. It seeks to generate an enthu- aim to develop individual and group
are excellent sport facilities including siasm for architecture, and to inculate investigative and presentational skil-
squash courts, a fitness centre and a spirit of inquiry which will stimulate ls. Students may spend a maximum
swimming pool. Social activities are life-long learning. A number of skills of one semester on an approved
provided for in the new RIBA award are transferable to other fields – grap- overseas exchange programme, eit-

United Kingdom
her an EU funded Socrates program- Students also select from a number £1,000,000 over the last four years.
me (Vienna, Berlin, Stockholm) or an of optional courses in advanced tech- Major specialised facilities exist for
American exchange at the University nology including computer aided work in the science and engineering
of Illinois. design, conservation and environ- areas including controlled environ-
mental studies. The main emphasis ment rooms, sound transmission sui-
In third year design modules aim to of the second year is on the design tes, an anechoic chamber, a lighting
develop both detailed design thesis (which occupies half of the laboratory with artificial sky and a
(through large drawings of small year’s work) and the written disserta- computer laboratory. All are suppor-
structures) and the planning of a tion, both of which are based on ted by technical staff and workshops,
complex building design. This is topics selected by the student. There model making facilities, computer
balanced by an urban-scale investiga- are ongoing exchange programmes facilities etc.
tive exercise which extends the con- with schools of architecture in the
textual explorations of second year. A USA, Tasmania, Stockholm, Venice Staff actively collaborate with indust-
holistic approach to design is encou- and Berlin, where students have the ry and colleagues in other depart-
raged by the Technical Design opportunity to study abroad for up to ments within the university (for
Module requiring students to present five months. Invited critics of nation- instance; Education, Mechanical,
a building report addressing technical al and international standing regular- Electrical and Civil Engineering,
and environmental issues as well as ly take part in thesis reviews. Physics) and with research groups at
precedents and theoretical positions. Successful candidates are automati- other universities and institutions in
Students are prepared for the first cally eligible to attend the widely the UK and elsewhere. International
period of practical experience by a acclaimed RIBA Part III course organi- collaboration of various kinds exists
Professional Studies module. sed by the North-West consortium of with France, Germany, Holland, Italy,
architecture schools. Switzerland, Poland, Argentina,
The Bachelor of Architecture Course Brazil, USA, Korea, Latvia, China,
The Bachelor of Architecture course Japan, Australia and Hong Kong. The
The Bachelor of Architecture course aims to create an intellectual founda- research degrees of Master of
leads to a professional qualification tion to enrichen the student’s deve- Philosophy (M.Phil), Doctor of
offered to students with an approp- lopment of their own design princip- Philosophy (Ph.D), Master of
riate first degree in architecture or a les. This is integrated into architectur- Architecture (M.Arch), and the taught
closely related subject. RIBA Part II is al design projects that explore the MA in Contemporary Art are all awar-
awarded with the degree to those real issues, problems and opportuni- ded by the school.
students who already have RIBA Part ties of creating new urban environ-
I, and on successful completion of the ments. Students explore specific indi- Admissions Information
course, these students become eligi- vidual interests with the objective of Applications are accepted at any time
ble to prepare for the RIBA Part III developing their personal direction at throughout the year. Candidates are
professional practice examination. the outset of their careers, working normally invited for interview howe-
The overall aim of the course is to on projects that they have developed ver those applying from outside the
extend and intensify the student’s and tutored by advisors they have United Kingdom may be offered a
knowledge and understanding of selected themselves. place on the basis of a portfolio con-
architecture and the built environ- taining examples of recent design
ment. This is achieved through explo- Research opportunities work and a specimen of written work.
ratory programmes carried out in a The Liverpool School of Architecture The school holds regular open days
stimulating environment of develo- and Building Engineering has a long throughout the Spring semester to
ping academic and professional skills. and distinguished history in research allow prospective candidates the
The main components of this two and its activities in this area cover a opportunity to see the facilities,
year full-time course are design pro- wide range of topics: design history, inspect project work and to meet
jects, lecture and workshop courses, aesthetics, acoustics and noise con- informally with staff and students.
a dissertation, and an optional stu- trol, lighting engineering, computer Interviews can be arranged to take
dent foreign exchange programme. aided design, application of artificial place on open days or at other times
There are no formal written examina- intelligence, portable architecture, by arrangement. To apply, request an
tions and assessment is by studio construction management for both application form and prospectus from
presentations and course work sub- the developed and the developing (see left for adress).
missions. countries, procurement systems, buil- ■
ding technology. The school’s
In the first year there are a series of research activity has earned it an
design projects that explore current international reputation for excellen-
ideas and recent developments in the ce that is confirmed by the award of
generation of architectural form; lec- prizes and medals and by invitations
ture courses in managing and opera- to speak at research conferences. It
ting an architectural practice, and has a research rating of 4 and a
architectural history and theory. research income of more than

Newcastle upon Tyne

University of Newcastle upon Tyne

School of Architecture Planning and Landscape

Claremont Tower
University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Newcastle upon Tyne
Tel:. : +44 (0) 191 222 7802
Fax : +44 (0) 191 222 8811
Email :

Application Deadline : August 2000

Degree programmes

Degree Title Minimum Accredited Admission Enrolment

duration requirements
of study

BA Architecture 3 years Part 1 of RIBA 2 A Levels or 75

B Architecture 2 years Part 2 of RIBA Part 1 of RIBA 40
Diploma in Professional Practice and Management: 2 Years Part 3 of RIBA Part 2 of RIBA 40
Part Time
BA Town Planning 3 years RTPI 2 A levels or 50
Diploma in Town Planning 2 years RTPI BAdegree 40
BA Environment , Planning and Society: 3 years Not accredited 2 A levels or 30
Master of Town Planning 2 years RTPI Any first degree 20
Master of Landscape Architecture 2 years LI Any first degree 15

RIBA = Royal Institute of British Architects

RTPI = Royal Town Planning Institute
LI = Landscape Institute

[In addition the School offers a large number of Masters programmes in specialised areas; Urban Conservation, Urban Design, Housing, Computer Aided Design and Management, and a research degree pro-
gramme leading to Doctorate.]

General information the North East. Managed expansion Educational Programmes

Dramatically sited on the River Tyne over the past years has increased Teaching in the School is organised
with its famous bridges, the city of student numbers from just under around two 15 week semesters, each
Newcastle is by far the most visually 8,000 in 1985-86 to 13,455 now, of containing 6 modules. In each pro-
exciting of all the great industrial whom 1,070 students are from out- gramme students are expected to
cities of northern England. For the side the European Union. complete a range of coursework and
study of architecture, planning, land- examinations. At the end of most
scape architecture and related fields Facilities programmes students are expected
there can be few more stimulating The School is housed in two adjacent to demonstrate their knowledge and
and rewarding locations. buildings on the main campus. It is understanding via either a major
A rich history dating back to pre- close to the rail station and the city design or a dissertation.
Roman times,combined with the centre and there is a direct metro
legacy of the industrial revolution in link to the international airport. The The main programmes in the School
the region, have created a varied and School provides access to a range of are accredited by the appropriate
complex environment with a range of specialist literature via its own professional bodies.
economic, social and environmental resource centre and specialised com- The core curriculum in each case is
challenges. This has led to a broad puting facilities for CAD and GIS. derived from the requirements of the
portfolio of contemporary, innovative Students have the use of their own professional organisation while the
solutions to them, including prize- design and project studios to under- optional subjects reflect the diverse
winning urban and rural regeneration take practical work and access to range of research and scholarly
projects, buildings and conservation specialist workshops where neces- activities of the School. In practice,
work. The region also offers some of sary. In addition to the facilities of the specialisation can occur in any of the
the finest countryside in Britain with school there is an award winning following
aspectacular coastline, and three University library, a large computing fields; architecture, planning, land-
national parks. centre and numerous student facili- scape architecture, urban regenera-
ties. tion, CAD and management, urban
The University of Newcastle upon design, environmental appraisal,
Tyne has grown from 1834 to become Students have access to the profes- rural planning, IT and planning, plan-
one of Britain's leading universities. sional offices of the professional ning in third world countries, urban
It occupies a single site in the centre institutes and through strong links conservation and European planning.
of the city, and has always been inte- with practice they have the oppor-
grated closely into the social, cultural tunity to meet local and national Many of the undergraduate pro-
and economic life of the region. practitioners. grammes include a period of paid
It is playing a significant part in the employment as part of the study
successful economic regeneration of programme. Such activity ensures

United Kingdom
that our students are well prepared nally recognised research centres, the
for the world of work upon gradu- School is developing a critical under-
ation. In addition many students at standing of the design, development
both Masters and undergraduate and habitation of towns, cities and
level take the opportunity to study in regions in a rapidly globalising,
another EU country via the SOCRA- technically sophisticated, and cultu-
TES programme. rally diverse social and physical
It is possible at Masters level for stu- world. Collectively, our research
dents, by choosing from a wide range objective explores the social, political,
of options, to create a tailored degree technical and physical construction of
that suits their specific interests. space and place in the past, present
Such degrees are not accredited by and future.
professional bodies but may be
suitable for students who wish to Student Activities
specialise in one or two selected The student associations are actively
topics. involved in the development of the
curriculum and with the extensive
In addition to the taught programmes programme review process. Students
the School offers Masters of Philo- establish effective and ongoing rela-
sophy and Doctorate degrees by tionships with local and national
research. Currently we have over 40 professionals and they organise
such students from over 30 countries. many extracurricular activities.
The students are located in the
postgraduate centre but they are Most students in the school spend
supervised by staff of the 6 Research part of their studies working on
Centres. placement in a commercial or public
organisation. This experience and the
Research Programme links which develop between the stu-
The School has a dynamic researpro- dents and employers enables the
gramme incorporating a wide range School
of expertise. The staff have excellent to maintain close contacts with the
and expanding records in attracting world of work and enables senior
research grants, an extensive range students to undertake research and
of local, national, European and design projects in practice situations.
international research contacts, and a
track-record of research collabora- Administrative Staff
tion with institutions from around the The Department employs 40 full-time
world. There are also active links with and numerous part-time academic
related research groups, centres and staff.
departments through the rest of the Head of School
University. Stuart Cameron
The research objective of the School Head of Architecture
is to undertake high quality research DI Leitch
in an intellectual environment that Head of Planning
informs theory, policy and practice Tim Shaw
and promotes staff development. Admission Tutors
Research, consultancy and practice Steve Dudek & Barry Wood
are all seen as providing valuable ■
inputs into the education of architec-
ture, town planning, and landscape
architecture students.

There are six research centres based

within the School:
- Centre for Architectural Research
& Development Overseas
- Construction Informatics
Research Centre
- Centre for Research in Environ-
mental Appraisal & Management
- Centre for Research on European
Urban Environments
- Centre for Tectonic Cultures
- Centre for Urban Technology
Blending the work of our internatio-


The University of Portsmouth

School of Architecture

Portland Building,
Portland Street,
PO1 3AH. United Kingdom
Tel. : 023 92 842083
Fax : 023 92 842087
Email ;
hhttp : //

Degree programmes

Degree Minimum Admission

duration requirements
of study

BA Honours Degree in Architecture 3 years full time At least 3 ‘A’ levels providing a minimum of 18 points. It is advanta-
geous to have studied Art and Physics at least to GCSE level (or equi-
valent). BTEC HND,HNC, GNVQ and Foundation Course students are
invited to apply. Each case will be decided on merit
Postgraduate Course 2 years full time An Honours degree in Architecture (normally a mini-
Diploma in Architecture or part time mum of a Lower Second), and RIBA Part 1. Each applicant is assessed
by a panel on his or her individual merits for entry to the course.
Applicants from other schools apply on University Application form
MSc Architecture and Environment 1 year full time An appropriate degree or equivalent, or relevant experience
2 years part time
Master of Architecture 1 semester Completion of a Postgraduate Diploma in Architecture with RIBA
full time part 2 exemption and interview relating to specialist field of study

General information develop specialisms through our two areas of Architectural Techno-
The Portsmouth School of Architec- Master of Architecture courses. logies and Culture and Context. Units
ture has at its core the objective of entitled "Architectural Skills", which
developing the individual student to BA Honours Degree in Architecture focus on computing and drawing,
become a member of the architec- Honours degree carries exemption also start in the first year and con-
tural profession, equipped with the from the Royal Institute of British tinue throughout the course.Design
necessary skills to enhance the Architects Part 1 Exam. 50% of course Projects deal with: the language of
environment in which we live. Central dedicated to studio projects. Archi- architecture, analysis of formal prece-
to this aim is the need to learn the tecture is the art of making the world dents, user studies, landscape, plan-
relevance of context - both historical habitable, and its study attracts stu- ning and circulation, investigation
and theoretical, the possibilities that dents from a wide range of back- of construction and environmental
an awareness of technological oppor- grounds who share a commitment to comfort.
tunities creates, and the importance understanding and improving the - Years 2 and 3
of effective communication. human environment. The practice The subjects introduced in the first
The department is accommodated of architecture requires a rare com- year are developed in greater depth
in a new, purpose-built School, bination of creativity, personal and integrated into a sequence of
designed by our esteemed Professor enthusiasm, and technical ability. design projects which explore issues
of Architecture, Sir Colin Stansfield The three years of the course provide of dwelling, landscape and settle-
Smith, in which are housed some of a broadly based introduction to the ments, and the design of community
the most dynamic studios, well cultural and environmental context of and public buildings. The study of
resourced libraries and advanced architec-ture, and a thorough groun- formal precedents continues and
architectural computer teaching facili- ding in the techniques of architectural cumulates in the third year with
ties. These resources combined with design and technology. Studio based detailed analyses of the ideas and
the excellence of architectural projects, prepared by a team of archi- work of leading contemporary archi-
teaching by our internationally recog- tect tutors under the direction of our tects.
nised educators, complemented by distinguished Professor of Architec-
our extensive student exchange tural Design, Sir Colin Stansfield- Postgraduate Course : Diploma in
programmes, create the special Smith, form the core of each year’s Architecture
environment in which we encourage work, occupying at least 50% of the Diploma carries exemption from RIBA
our students to flourish. available time; the remainder of the part 2 exam. The Diploma in Architec-
In particular, Portsmouth places curriculum is devoted to formal ture involves a further two years of
emphasis on the nature of precedent teaching by means of lectures, work- study and is normally preceded by a
as a motivating force behind design, shops, and seminars. year of supervised office experience.
an awareness of environmental con-
cerns and the ability of the architect Curriculum : BA Honours Degree in Curriculum: Diploma in Architecture
to adapt to the ever changing needs Architecture The course aims to empower stu-
of society. The undergraduate course - Year 1 dents to build confidently on their
covers the fundamental architectural Creative, analytical and decision- professional and degree experience
principles that are then further making abilities are developed and so encourages self motivation
explored and developed in the post- through a series of Design Projects through the provision of a number of
graduate programmes. This leads to which form the central activities of special study interests in the areas of
both qualifications as a registered the course, and which integrate urbanism and environment.
architect and the opportunities to knowledge and techniques from the Accordingly, a pathway system deter-

United Kingdom
mines the method by which students and/or to take an analytical approach - Buildings energy and environ-
combine and direct three vehicles of to the assessment of environmental ment
study: special study options (inclu- impact of building, to engage in - Architectural theory and architec-
ding Urban Housing, Computer Aided current debates about the potential tural education theory developed
Design and Bio-Climatic Design); role of micro-climate as a generator from cybernetics, learning and
dissertation; and design theses. of architectural form and regionalist communication theories
Supporting the pathway programme expression, and to create environ-
is an initial semester of Diploma mental functionality and delight The Faculty of the Environment
Foundation study comprising courses through design. Students are intro- Architecture, Civil Engineering, Art,
in advanced construction and envi- duced to a wide variety of concepts Design and Media, Geography and
ronmental studies, urban and archi- and techniques including bioclimatic Land and Construction Management,
tectural theory, and researchmethods. analysis, thermal and luminous per- comprise the faculty and cover a
A two-part design project also intro- formance simulation and undertaking broad subject mix, each bringing its
duces students to the methods and case studies. distinctive approach towards our
interests of the diploma school. understanding of the highly complex
Professional studies are concentrated Master of Architecture and multifaceted environment in
into the beginning of the second year The course is designed for recent which we live. In the five Schools/
of the course. Suitably qualified stu- graduates from the part 2 stage of an Departments making up the Faculty,
dents also have the opportunity to architecture. Course who wish to furt- more than 2500 students supported
spend up to a year abroad as part of her investi-gate their specialist inte- by some 180 teaching and research
the School’s extensive exchange pro- rests in the broad field ofarchitecture. staff are currently following courses
gramme. The opportunity also exists The course builds on the preoccupa- concerned with the operation, inter-
to convert components of the diplo- tions of such graduates developed in pretation, design, construction and
ma towards an MSc in Architecture their diploma studies. management of the environment.
and Environ-ment or an M Arch
Curriculum : Master of Architecture The Portland Building: Home of The
Professional Studies The programme is intended for gra- Portsmouth School of Architecture
Professional Studies form an integral duates who have developed parti- The Portland Building was opened
part of the Degree and Diploma cular areas of interest during their by Lord Palumbo of Walbrook,
Course. This, together with a mini- diplomas course studies. Accordingly Chancellor of the University, and
mum period of 24 months supervised the course builds on the major key houses the School of Architecture
work experience under the RIBA prac- areas of the diploma course; special and the Department of Land & Con-
tical training scheme, leads to the study options in year one of the struction Management, as well as
Part 3 Examination in Professional diploma and the two major areas of shared common teaching and lear-
Practice offered by this School, study in the second year of the ning facilities for the Faculty of the
success in which is necessary for a diploma course, the dissertation and Environment as a whole.
person to be placed on the Archi- the thesis design. In 1992, the Hampshire County
tects’ Registration Board of the UK Council Architects Department was
register and to practise under the title The course is designed to enhance appointed to prepare scheme dra-
‘Architect’. The first 12 months of the individual’s abilities in specialist wings under the direct design control
Practical Training are normally under- areas in the context of the changing of Sir Colin Stansfield Smith, County
taken between the Degree and role of the architect in society and in Architect and Professor of Architec-
Diploma Courses and are generally respect to the construction industry. tural Design at the University of
referred to as Year 4. The Second 12 Portsmouth. This resulted in the new
months follow the Diploma. Research building which serves to better utilise
Research is an essential activity for space by uniting all the departments
MSc Architecture and Environment the faculty. Its schools and depart- in the Faculty of the Environment
The course is designed for recent ments offer a range of opportunities into a single complex adjacent to the
graduates with a background in the to students wishing to study for existing: Buckingham Building -
built environmement who wish to research degrees. Applications to Geography, Lion Gate Building -
develop their knowledge and under- work on individual projects or to Art, Design & Media and Burnaby
satnding of the influence of bio- work in association with established Building - Civil Engineering.
climatic and related environmental research teams are equally welcome. The accommodation of approxi-
issues on the building design and/or Systematic research training is provi- mately 6,200m2 on 4 floors includes a
develop computer modelling skills. ded and students may register for Faculty Learning Resource Centre on
It should also be of benefit to a range taught postgraduate awards before three levels, plus a 200 seat and two
of other construction industry gra- continuing to complete an MPhil or a 80 seat Lecture Theatres.
duates and professionals involved in PhD, if preferred. IT laboratories, lecture, seminar and
the design process. tutorial/staff rooms, design studios,
Key areas of research in the School and workshops, together with the
Curriculum: MSc Architecture and of Architecture are as follows: offices of the Faculty utilise the
Environment - The role of computers in design, remaining floorspace.
This programme is intended to representation and co-operative ■
enable participants to develop com- working
puting skills relevant to architecture, - Bio-climatic architectural design


University of Belgrade
Faculty of Architecture

Bul. Kralja Aleksandra 73/II

11000 Belgrade, Yugoslavia

Tel. : +381 11 3370 254

Fax. : +381 11 3370 193

DEAN: Prof.dr Zoran Nikezic

VICE Deans: Marko Savic, MSc (Teaching)
Prof.dr Ljiljana Petrusevski, (Finances)
Ass. Prof. Dragana Bazik, MSc (Science and Professional/Artistic Work)
Olga Mitrovic, student (Students’ matter)

Degree programmes

Degree/Title Minimum Accredited Admission

duration requirements
of study

BSc-Architectural Engineer 5 year 12 year completed education Qualification Exam

MSc-Technical Sciences in the
field of Architecture and Town/
Country Planning Up to 2 years BSc grade
PhD - Technical Sciences in the
field of Architecture and Town/
Country Planning MSc grade

General information Curriculum French, Russian or German) 4

The architectural education in The present Curriculum focuses on 29 Design Studio 3 2
Yugoslavia began in the year 1897. an assembly of disciplines, design, 30 Urban Functions 3
The School of Engineering was foun- research and technology in order to 31 Concrete Structures 2
ded in 1846, when the Department of educate future "architectural engi- 32 Town and Spatial Planning 1
Architecture was a part of three neers" as real professionals, able to 33 Construction Management 2
Superior School Departments. work in wide range of architectural/ Professional practice at building
The Faculty of Engineering was deta- town planning/constructive activities. site After the 8th semester
ched from the University structure Courses composing the Curriculum 34 Architectural Design 4 2
in1948 and transformed into the inde- are the following: 35 Architectural Structures 3 3
pendent school of Higher School of 36 History of Arts 3
Engineering, the same year the Course No of semesters 37 Wooden and Metal Structures 2
Faculty of Architecture became an 1 Architectural Drawing 2 38 Modern Architecture and Town
independent and the oldest architec- 2 Spatial and Building Planning 3
tural University institution in Economics 2 39 Preservation and Revitalisation
Yugoslavia. 3 Fine Arts 3 of Building Heritage 1
Since its formation the Faculty of 4 Mathematics 2 40 Architectural Design 5 1
Architecture has produced more than 5 Descriptive Geometry 2 41 Elective group of Courses 1
7000 engineers of architecture, about 6 Urban Environment and 45 Elective courses 1
350 Masters of Science and 130 Urbanisation 2
Doctors of Technical Sciences in the 7 Architectural Design 1 2 Diploma work
field of architecture and town/country 8 Architectural Structures 1 4 Admission requirements consist of
planning. The Faculty of Architecture 9 Physics and Materials in the "Liability Test" composed of two
in Belgrade is today and educational Architecture 2 parts:
and research institution, which, in 10 History of Architecture and 1. Test – recognition and compre-
addition to the organizing of under- Settlements 4 hension of space, resolving spa-
graduate and graduate studies, deals 11 Mechanics and Strength of tial, logical, graphic or stereome-
with architectural education, practice Materials 3 tric assignments.
and research in architectural/urban 12 Informatics 2 2. Free drawing of assigned space
design, structural design, spatial/ 13 Architectural Design 2 2 composition
urban planning and protection of 14 Urban Structure and Zoning 2 The teaching language is Serbian, for
cultural/built heritage. 15 Perspective 1 the moment mentor-teaching is pos-
The Faculty of Architecture, Univer- 16 Design Studio 1 2 sible in English and entire studies in
sity of Belgrade is the largest faculty 17 General Theses about Space 1 English are in preparation.
of architecture in Yugoslavia and the 18 Sociology 2 The Faculty Curriculum is translated
oldest one. About 2000 students are 19 Urban Techniques and and published bilingually (in Serbian
enrolled at the moment; after a long Composition 2 and English).
isolated period, exchange and colla- 20 Utilities in Architecture 2
boration with foreign faculties have 21 Designing Process 1 Curriculum tendencies
become more and more developed. 22 History of Architecture in The Faculty has started research and
The Faculty signed several interna- Yugoslavia 2 possibilities to integrate into higher
tional conventions on pedagogic and 23 Architectural Structures 2 2 European education in the field of
didactic collaboration including 24 Architectural Design 3 2 architecture considering the Bologna
exchange of students (Ecole d’archi- 25 Structural Design 2 Declaration and the UIA-INESCO
tecture de Grenoble, AHO-Oslo, 26 Structural Systems 2 System for Diploma Validation. The
MARHI-Moscow, Foundation 27 Design Studio 2 2 Faculty has applied this year for the
Ronualdo del Bianco, Firenze etc.) 28 Foreign Language (English, Tempus project as coordinator in con-

sortium with High Technical School ■ Scientific field: Graphical presen- Development Principles of Towns
Aachen - Germany, Berlage Institute tation, constructing and forming and Regions in Serbia
in Rotterdam – Holland and Ministry space in architecture and engi- ■ High-Economic Constructing of
of Culture and Communications – neering – Course: Descriptive Space Structures by Developing
France, treating the theme "Develop- Geometry and Applying New Scientific
ment of Higher Architectural Educa- ■ S.f.: Urban and spatial Planning – Methods in Design and
tion in Serbia – Curriculum reforms at Urban and Spatial Planning and Technology
the Faculty of Architecture, University Urban Design ■ Development of Rural Areas and
of Belgrade". ■ S.f.: Preservation and revitalisa- Settlements in Serbia
tion of built heritage & History ■ Eco-House – Production System
Facilities and theory of architecture and of Prefabricated Buildings Based
The Faculty of Architecture is situated town planning – Preservation, on Wood and Wooden Products
in Belgrade central area in the scope Revitalisation and Research of ■ Regionalisation of Serbia Space
of the Technical Faculty complex, sur- Built Heritage; Development of –Involving Strategy into European
rounded with several student housing Architecture and Settlements; Integration Processes
buildings. In the same building are History and Development of ■ Energy Optimisation of Buildings
located the Faculty of Electrical Engi- Architectural Theories in Sustainable Architecture
neering, the Faculty of Civil Enginee- ■ S.f.: Architectural Organisation of Context
ring and Architecture and Town Plan- Space, Architectural
ning Institute of Serbia. The Faculty Materialisation of Space – Student activities
realises active collaboration with Housing; Architectural The Students’ Association of the
other faculties of architecture in Organisation of Space; Rural Faculty organises workshops, lectu-
Yugoslavia (Nis, Novi Sad, Podgorica, Environment, Planning and res, exhibition and other activities
Kosovska Mitrovica) and other institu- Building; Morphology of related to students interests. Student
tions linked professionally to the Organised Space and Time; teams and individuals obtained
architectural/planning field. Students Architecture, Technology and awards in many significant national
and staff have access to one large Energy; Architectural-Urban and international competitions.
(250 places) and one smaller (70 Design. Workshops have been organised
places) amphitheatre, 12 classrooms ■ S.f.: Architectural engineering – several times with foreign students
for student studying and practicing, a Structural Systems in (ex.: AHO-Oslo, Columbia University-
computing classroom (20 computers) Architecture New York etc.) treating various issues
and a library with 20000 titles and Graduates are awarded the title in order to exchange knowledge and
periodicals. Master of Science in the specific experiences.
scientific field.
Architectural Engineer Organisation
After completed 5 year programme, Post graduate programme Teaching and research activities are
students develop design skills After obtaining the MSc title, candi- carried out by 57 teachers (professors
through long-term courses and prac- dates may apply for the Doctor’s title, and assistant professors) and 73
tice (starting with family houses and by submitting special PhD work and teaching collaborators (junior assi-
developing to public and social buil- by offering evidence on their stants, teaching assistants and lectu-
dings and complexes). They also research, publishing and scientific rers). Among the teaching staff, there
apply to their design-projects their activities. are 33 Doctors and 35 Masters of
theoretical knowledge related to the The work is guided by specially for- Science. Teaching, scientific and
theory and history of architecture and med Commission for each candidate. research activities are organised and
town planning, but linked as well to conducted by six Departments:
structural design, structural systems, Research activities 1. Department for Architectural and
materials etc. This school year the Faculty of Urban Design (Chairman
The Diploma project is the final result Architecture, University of Belgrade Prof.arch. S. Rajovic)
of studies, with all professional work started to realise seven national 2. Department for Town and Spatial
elements. scientific projects guided by the Planning (Chairman Prof.dr N.
Ministry of Science, Technologies and Lazarevic-Bajec)
Master of Science Development of Serbia under the fol- 3. Department for Building
Within the programme MSc-Architec- lowing titles: Structures, Construction
ture and Town/Country Planning, ■ General and Local Stability of Bar, Technology and Ecological
each school year students are offered Net and Truss Structures Engineering (Chairman Prof.dr
different combination of courses. The ■ Theory of Grouped Super-Matrix A. Krstic)
Master programme is up to four Analysis, Its Implementation into 4. Department for Structural Design
semesters (two years) and consists of Mechanical Problems and (Chairman Prof.dr M. Nestorovic)
compulsory and elective examina- Forming of Appropriate 5. Department for History and
tions (seminar papers), after their Algorithms for Computer Theory of Architecture and Arts
completion, students apply for the Analysis (Chairman Prof.dr M. Perovic)
Master thesis work, with the issue of ■ Redefinition and Development of 6. Department for Visual
their on choice relating on the follo- Methodological/Model of Communications (Chairman
wing courses: Planning, Designing and Building D. Jelenkovic)
Basis formed on Sustainable ■

General list Schools of Architecture in Europe


State University of Architecture Institut Supérieur d'Architecture Ecole d'Architecture de Nantes La
Department of Architecture St-Luc FRANCE
Institut Supérieur St-Luc de Ecole Spéciale d'Architecture ESA
University of Newcastle U.C.L. Ecole d'Architecture de
Department of Architecture Unité d'Architecture FRANCE
BELGIUM Ecole d'Architecture de
AUSTRIA Institut Supérieur d'Architecture FRANCE
Technische Universitat Graz Institut Supérieur d'Architecture Ecole d'Architecture de
Fakultat fur Architektur BELGIUM FRANCE
AUSTRIA Hogeschool voor Wetenschap en Ecole d'Architecture de Bretagne
Technische Universität Innsbruck Campus St.-Lucas Gent FRANCE
Fakultat fur Architektur BELGIUM Ecole d'Architecture de St. Etienne
AUSTRIA Institut Supérieur d'Architecture FRANCE
Technische Universität Wien Institut Supérieur d'Architecture Ecole d'Architecture de Bordeaux
Fakultät für Raumplanung und FRANCE
AUSTRIA BOSNIA HERZOGOVINA Ecole d'Architecture de Toulouse
Hochschule fur angewandte Kunst University of Sarajevo FRANCE
AUSTRIA School of Architecture Ecole d'Architecture Lyon
Akademie der bildenden Kunste FRANCE
Abteilung fur Architektur BULGARY Ecole d'Architecture de Versailles
AUSTRIA University of Architecture, Civil FRANCE
Akademie der Bildenden Kunste Faculty of Architecture Ecole d'Architecture Lille-Régions
BELGIUM CHECK REPUBLIC Ecole d'Architecture de Nancy
Hogeschool Antwerpen Brno University of Technology FRANCE
Henry van de Velde Instituut Faculta Architektury VUT Brno Ecole d'Architecture de Normandie
Hogeschool voor Wetenschap en Praha Technical University, CVUT Ecole d'Architecture du Languedoc
Campus St.-Lucas Brussel Fakulta Architektury FRANCE
BELGIUM CHECK REPUBLIC Ecole d'Architecture de Strasbourg
Institut Supérieur d'Architecture Academy of Fine Arts in Prague FRANCE
de la La Cambre Ecole d'Architecture Paris Val de
BELGIUM DENMARK Site de Bonaparte
Institut Supérieur d'Architecture Aarhus School of Architecture FRANCE
St-Luc Ecole d'Architecture de Marne la
BELGIUM Estonian Academy of Arts Ecole d'Architecture et de
Institut Supérieur d'Architecture Faculty of Architecture Paysage de
Institut Supérieur d'Architecture ESTONIA
BELGIUM Estonian Art Academy GERMANY
Vrije Universiteit Brussel Faculteit School of Architecture Bergische Universität -
Toegepaste Fachbereich 10 Architektur
Provinciale Hogeschool Limburg Helsinki University of Technology Fachhochschule Aachen
Departement Architectuur en Department of Architecture Fakultät für Architektur
Universiteit Gent University of Oulu Fachhochschule Augsburg
Faculteit Toegepaste Department of Architecture Fachbereich Architektur und
K.U. Leuven Tampere University of Technology Fachhochschule Biberach
Departement A.S.R.O. Department of Architecture Fachbereich Architektur
Institut Supérieur d'Architecture FRANCE Fachhochschule Bielefeld
St-LucInstitut Supérieur St.-Luc de Ecole d'Architecture de Paris Fachbereich Architektur
Institut Supérieur de la ville de Site de Charenton Fachhochschule Bochum
Liège, FRANCE Fachbereich 1 Architektur
BELGIUM Ecole d'Architecture de GERMANY
Université de Liège FRANCE Fachhochschule Coburg
Faculté Sciences Appliquées, Ecole d'Architecture de Grenoble Fachbereich Architektur
Faculté Polytechnique de Mons Ecole d'Architecture de Marseille Fachhochschule Darmstadt
Département d'Architecture Fachbereich Architektur

Fachhochschule der Stiftung Fachhochschule Rheinland-Pfalz, Universität Karlsruhe
Fachbereich Architektur Fachbereich Architektur Institut für Baugestaltung,
Fachhochschule Dortmund Fachhochschule Trier Universität Stuttgart
Fachbereich Architektur Fachbereich Architektur Fakultät für Architektur,
Fachhochschule Düsseldorf Fachhochschule Wiesbaden Universität-Gesamthochschule
Fachbereich Architektur Fachbereich Architektur Essen
GERMANY GERMANY Fakultät für Architektur und
Fachhochschule Frankfurt Fachhochschule GERMANY
Fachbereich Architektur Studiengang Architektur Fachhochschule Lippe und Höxter
GERMANY GERMANY Fachbereich Architektur
Fachhochschule für Technik Gesamthochschule Kassel GERMANY
Fachbereich Architektur Fachbereich Architektur Brandenburgische Technische
GERMANY GERMANY Architektur und
Fachhochschule Hamburg Hochschule der Künste Berlin GERMANY
Fachbereich Architektur Fachbereich 2 - Architektur Fachhochschule Potsdam
GERMANY GERMANY Fachbereich Architektur
Fachhochschule Hannover Hochschule für Architektur und GERMANY
Fachbereich Architektur und Fakultät Architektur Fachhochschule Darmstadt
GERMANY GERMANY Fachbereich Architektur
Fachhochschule Hannover Hochschule für Technik GERMANY
Fachbereich Architektur Fachbereich Architektur Gesamthochschule Kassel
GERMANY GERMANY Fachbereich Architektur
Fachhochschule Hildesheim Hochschule für Technik & GERMANY
Fachbereich Architektur Wirtschaft Universität Kaiserslautern
GERMANY Fachbereich Architektur Fachbereich Architektur
Fachhochschule Karlsruhe GERMANY GERMANY
Fachbereich Architektur Kunsthochschule Berlin Bauhaus Universität Weimar
GERMANY Weissensee Fakultät Architecktur
Fachhochschule Kiel GERMANY GERMANY
Fachbereich Gestaltung - Technische Fachhochschule Hochschule für Bildende Künste
GERMANY Fachbereich 4 - Architektur Fakultät Architektur
Fachhochschule Köln GERMANY
Fachbereich Architektur Rheinisch Westfalische Technische GREECE
GERMANY Fakultät für Architektur National Technical University
Fachhochschule Konstanz GERMANY Athens
Fachbereich Architektur Technische Hochschule Darmstadt Department of Architecture
GERMANY Fachbereich 15 Architektur GREECE
Fachhochschule Lippe Abtl. GERMANY Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Detmold Technische Universität Berlin School of Architecture
FB Architektur - Innenarchitektur Fachbereich Architektur - Faculty GREECE
GERMANY GERMANY University of Patras
Fachhochschule Lübeck Technische Universität Department of Architecture
Fachbereich Bauwesen - Braunschweig
GERMANY Fachbereich Architektur HUNGARY
Fachhochschule München GERMANY Technical University Budapest
Fachbereich Architektur Technische Universität Dresden Faculty of Architecture
GERMANY Fakultät Architektur
Fachhochschule Münster GERMANY ICELAND
Fachbereich Architektur Technische Universität München Iceland Academy of the Arts
GERMANY Fakultät für Architektur Department of Design &
Fachhochschule GERMANY
Fachbereich Architektur Universität - Gesamthochschule IRELAND
GERMANY Fachbereich Architektur und University College Dublin
Fachhochschule Nürnberg GERMANY Faculty of Engineering and
Fachbereich Architektur Universität Dortmund IRELAND
GERMANY Fakultät Bauwesen Dublin Institute of Technology
Fachhochschule Regensburg GERMANY School of Architecture
Fachbereich Architektur Universität Hannover IRELAND
GERMANY Fachbereich Architektur The Queen's University of Belfast
Fachhochschule Rheinland-Pfalz, School of Architecture
Fachbereich Architektur

Università di Firenze Fachhochschule Liechtenstein Hogeschool Zeeland
Dip. Di Tecnologie Fachbereich Architektur Sector Hoger Technisch en
Universita. Degli Studi di Firenze LITHUANIA Noordelijke Hogeschool, Faculteit
Facolta d'Architettura Riga Technical University Economie en Management
ITALY Faculty of Architecture THE NETHERLANDS
Università degli studi di Genova LITHUANIA Hogeschool Rotterdam
Centro Servicz Facoltà di Vilnius Technical University Academie van Bouwkunst
ITALY Faculty of Architecture THE NETHERLANDS
Politecnico di Milano LITHUANIA Stichting Amsterdamse
Facolta di Architettura Vilnius Academy of Arts, Hogeschool
ITALY Faculty of Academie van Bouwkunst
Seconda Universita Degli Studi Department of Architecture
Facolta di Architettura di Napoli II LITHUANIA NORWAY
ITALY Kaunas Institute of Art Oslo School of Architecture
Univ. Degli Studi di Napoli Department of Architecture NORWAY
Facolta di Architettura LITHUANIA Norwegian University of
ITALY Kaunas Univ. of Technology Science and
Ingeneri-Universita Degli Studi di Department of Architecture Faculty of Architecture
Un. Degli Studi di "G. D'Annunzio" Vilnius post-secondary vocational Bergen School of Architecture
Facolta di Architettura Interior and advertisement.
Terza Universita di Roma Vilnius College of Building Politechnika Bialostocka
Facolta di Architettura Wyzial Architektury PB
Universita di Roma "La Sapienza" Univerzitet "Sv.Kiril i Metodij" Politechnika Gdanska
Facolta di Architettura Faculty of Architecture Instytut Architektury
Instituto Universitario di MALTA Sztuk Plastycznych Gdansk
Architettura di The University of Malta Panstwowa Wyzsza Szkola
ITALY Faculty of Architecture and Civil POLAND
Politecnico di Torino I MALTA Politechnika Krakowska
Facoltà di Architettura I Foundation for International Vyzdial Architektury
Un. Degli Studi di Ferrara MALTA Politechnika Lodzka
Facolta di Architettura The University of Malta Wyzdial Architektury
ITALY Department of Architecture and
Universita di Camerino sede POLAND
Facolta di Architettura THE NETHERLANDS Wroclaw University of Technology
ITALY Technische Universiteit Delft Faculty of Architecture
University of Catania Faculteit Bouwkunde POLAND
Faculty of Architecture THE NETHERLANDS Politechnika Wroclawska
ITALY Technische Universiteit Eindhoven POLAND
Politecnico di Milano Faculteit Bouwkunde Politechnika Szczecinska
Seconda Facoltà di Architettura THE NETHERLANDS Vyzdial Architektury
ITALY Academie van Bouwkunst POLAND
Un. Degli Studi di Reggio Calabria Maastricht Politechnika Slaska
Facolta di Architettura THE NETHERLANDS Faculty of Architecture
ITALY Christelijke Hogeschool POLAND
Facolta di Architettura di Ferrara Windesheim Warsaw University of Technology
ITALY Sector Hoger Technisch Faculty of Architecture
Politecnico di Torino 2 THE NETHERLANDS
Facoltà di Architettura 2 Hogeschool van Groningen PORTUGAL
ITALY Faculteit Techniek Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa
Polytechnic of Bari THE NETHERLANDS Faculdade de Arquitectura
School of Architecture Saxion Hogeschool Enschede PORTUGAL
ITALY Instituut Bouwkunde en Civiele Universidade Lusiada
University of Sassari THE NETHERLANDS DPT. Arquitectura
School of Architecture Alghero Hogeschool Haarlem PORTUGAL
ITALY Hoger Technische Onderwijs Universidade do Porto
University of Pisa THE NETHERLANDS Faculdade de Arquitectura
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile Hogeschool Midden-Brabant PORTUGAL
Faculteit Bouwnijverheid Escola Superior de Belas Artes

PORTUGAL SPAIN Department of Architecture and
Universidade de Coimbra Universidad Politechnica de SWITZERLAND
Faculdade de Ciencia e Madrid Scuola Tecnica Superiore del
PORTUGAL Escuela Tecnica Superior de SWITZERLAND
Universidade Moderna Setubal SPAIN Zürcher Hochschule Winterthur
Dpt. de Arquitectura Universidad de Navarra, E.T.S.A. Architektur, Gestaltung &
Escola Superior Artistica do Porto Universidad del Pais Vasco, Ingenieurschule Zürich (ISZ)
ROMANIA SPAIN Ecole d'ingénieurs ETS
University of Cluj-Napoca Universidad Politechnica de SWITZERLAND
Faculty of Architecture & Catalunya Ingenieurschule Interkantonales
ROMANIA Escola d'Arquitectura Del Valles SWITZERLAND
University Polytechnica Timisoara SPAIN Ecole d'Ingénieurs Bienne
Faculty of Constructions & Universidad Politechnica de SWITZERLAND
ROMANIA Valencia Università della Svizzera Italiana
Institute of Architecture Ion Mincu E.T.S.A. Accademia di architettura
Université Technique IASI, Faculté Universidad de Valladolid Ecole d'Ingénieurs de Genève
Ecole d'Architecture et E.T.S.A. SWITZERLAND
SPAIN Ingenieurschule Brugg-Windisch
RUSSIA Universidad de Granada Escuela
Technical University Irkutsk de Arquitectura de TURKEY
Faculty of Architecture SPAIN Anadolu Universitesi, Müh -
RUSSIA Universidad de Sevilla, E.T.S.A. Mimarlik
Moscov Architectural Institute SPAIN Departement of Architecture
RUSSIA Universidad Europea - CEES TURKEY
Ecole d'Ingénieurs de Saint Balikesir Universitesi, Müh -
Architectural Faculty SWEDEN Mimarlik
RUSSIA Chalmers Tekniska Högskolan Departement of Architecture
Krasnonyarsk State Academy of Sektionen för Arkitektur TURKEY
Cukurova Universitesi, Müh -
University of Strathclyde Lund Universitetet Departement of Architecture
Department of Architecture and Arkitektutbildningen TURKEY
SCOTLAND SWEDEN Dicle Universitesi, Müh - Mimarlik
Edinburgh College of Art/Heriot Royal Institute of Technology Departement of Architecture
School of Architecture School of Architecture Dokuz Eylül Universitesi
SCOTLAND Faculty of Architecture
Glasgow University, Glasgow SWITZERLAND TURKEY
School Université de Genève Istanbul Teknik Universitesi, Müh -
Mackintosh School of Institut d'Architecture Faculty of Architecture
SLOVAC REPUBLIC Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Karadeniz Teknik Universitesi, Müh
Slovenska Technicka Univerzita SWITZERLAND Departement of Architecture
Fakulta Architektury ETH Zürich
SLOVAC REPUBLIC Architekturabteilung TURKEY
Vysoka Skola Vytvarnych Umeni SWITZERLAND Mimar Sinan UniversitesiFaculty
Katedra Architektury Ingenieurschule Bern HTL (ISBE) of Architecture
Univerza v Ljubljani Ingenieurschule Biel (HTL) Orta Dogu Teknik Universitesi
Sola za Arhitekturo SWITZERLAND Faculty of Architecture
Fachhochschule Aargau TURKEY
SPAIN Department of Architecture Selcuk Universitesi, Müh -
Universidad Politecnica de SWITZERLAND Mimarlik
Catalunya, Berner Fachhochschule Departement of Architecture
SPAIN Höchschule für Technik und TURKEY
Universidad de La Coruna, SWITZERLAND Süleyman Demirel Universitesi,
E.T.S.A.G. Hochschule Technik & Architektur Müh
SPAIN SWITZERLAND Departement of Architecture
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Ingenieurschule Beider Basel (IBB)
Campus Universitario de Tafira Hochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft

Trakya Universitesi, Müh - Architectural Association The University of Westminster
Mimarlik School of Architecture School of Architecture and
Departement of Architecture UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM
TURKEY University of Central England University of Brighton
Uludag Universitesi, Müh - Faculty of the Built Environment, School of Architecture and
Departement of Architecture Kent Institute of Art and Design Royal College of Art
TURKEY Canterbury School of Architecture School of Architecture and
Faculty of Architecture University of Cambridge University of Lincolnshire &
TURKEY Department of Architecture Hull School of Architecture
Mimarlik University of Huddersfield The Liverpool John Moore's
Department of Architecture School of Design Technology, University
TURKEY UNITED KINGDOM Center for Architecture, School of
Middle East Technical University University of North London UNITED KINGDOM
Faculty of Architecture School of Architecture and The Robert Gordon University
TURKEY UNITED KINGDOM Scott Sutherland School of
European University of Lefke University of Edinburgh UNITED KINGDOM
Faculty of Architecture and School.of Architecture University College London
Universitesi South Bank University, Faculty of UNITED KINGDOM
Mühendislik ve Mimarlyk Fakültesi the University of Nottingham
TURKEY School of Urban Development & Department of Architecture and
Müh - Mimarlik Fakultesi University of Liverpool Cardiff University
TURKEY Liverpool School of Architecture The Welsh School of
Ortadogu Teknik Universitesi UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM
Faculty of Architecture University of Sheffield The University of Luton, Faculty of
TURKEY School of Architecture School of the Built Environment
Eastern Mediterranean University UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM
Department of Architecture University of Dundee, Faculty of Prince of Wales School of
TURKEY School of Architecture
TURKEY Leeds Metropolitan University University of Belgrade
Istanbul Kultur University School of the Environment Faculty of Architecture
Department of Architecture UNITED KINGDOM ■
TURKEY De Montfort University
Izmir Institute of Technology Department of Architecture CHINA
Department of Architecture UNITED KINGDOM The Chinese University of
University of East London Hong Kong
UKRAINE Faculty of Design and the Built Department of Architecture
Institut d'Ingenierie et de UNITED KINGDOM
Construc de Kingston University MEXICO ASINEA *
Faculté d'Architecture School of Architecture Universidad de Gualdajana
National Academy of Fine Art & Manchester School of Architecture PALESTINE
Faculty of Art and Design An-Najah National University *
UKRAINE UNITED KINGDOM Department of Architecture
Université Polytechnique d'Etat University of Newcastle
Lvivska School of Architecture, Planning ZIMBABWE
Faculté d'Architecture UNITED KINGDOM National University of Science &
UKRAINE Oxford Brookes University Department of Architecture
Inst. spécialisé de recherche School of Architecture ■
Institut Recherche Scientifique University of Plymouth
NDITIAM, Arch. et Constr. School of Architecture
Institut Recherche Scientifique University of Portsmouth
Etude NDPI, Projets de Constr. School of Architecture
University of Bath
School of Architecture and Civil


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