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Beanies in the Baseball Diamond

by Noel Orozco & Omar Vazquez

We both, Noel and Omar have very cool and different symbolic object. Baseball and a beanie, baseball is a sport of
friendships and hard work. Then on the other side, a beanie is used for a hat, but not everyone uses them. So how can
a beanie and baseball can work together. A baseball bat can work trying to hit or practice, and when wearing a beanie
on your head, you can protect yourself from weather while playing baseball. The beanie is the gear used when it’s
cold, and it protects your ears from cold weather.
What does a beanie symbolize? It symbolizes protection for others. A beanie can protect your head from
weather, weather as hot as 107 degrees, or cold as 23 degrees. It protects others, and it represents me, Omar. I protect
my friends from danger, and any other risky chooses. So that’s how a beanie and I, Omar, symbolize each other.

Noel’s symbol is a baseball bat because I, noel, play every week with my team. A baseball bat represents me
as a champ every time I step on that plate. Also it reminds me of a home runner for my team. Then my team steps up
to the plate, and they get extremely nervous. Until they get a cheering ovation. They get pumped up and confidence
builds up in them. This excitement continues and they finally get points.

We both, Noel and Omar got together and figured out a way to put these two symbolic objects together. It
was not hard at all. All we did was think about it, and plan. We knew beanies were hats and a baseball bat is
something to cheer up about. The baseball bat cheers our friends, and a beanie protects our friends from weather.
Friendship was we thought on how to put the two objects together.

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