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Chapter 6: variety of energy

6.1 Various forms and sources of energy

A. What is energy?
1. Energy is the ability to work
2. When work is done, energy is used
3. No work can be done without energy

B. Forms of energy
(a) Heat energy
1. A hot object contains heat energy
2. Object become hotter when it absorb heat energy
3. Object become cool when it released heat energy
4. Heat energy flows from place of high temperature to place of low temperature
5. Heat energy is used to:
- Dry cloth
- Boil water and cook
- Start some chemical reaction
- Warm our bodies

(b) Light energy

1. Object that gives out light contains light energy
2. We will not be able to see if there was no light entering our eye
3. Light travel at speed 300,000km/s

(c) Chemical energy

1. Chemical energy is presence in chemical substances
2. Chemical energy usually released in chemical reaction
3. Our energy come from chemical energy in the food we eat
4. Sources of chemical energy
(i) Food
(ii) Fuel
(iii) Batteries
(d) Electrical energy
1. Electrical energy is the energy produce by an electric current or electrical charges
2. Source of electrical energy
(i) Lightning
(ii) Batteries
(iii) Bicycle dynamo
(iv) Solar cell
(v) Electrical generator
3. The amount of energy used in our homes in measured by meter

(e) Sound energy

1. Sound energy is produced by vibration
2. Sound energy travels outwards in waves and can be detect by ears
3. Sound energy travel in 300m/s
4. Source of sound energy
(i) Thunder
(ii) Horns
(iii) Voice boxes
(iv) Musical instrument

(f) Kinetic energy

1. A moving object contains kinetic energy
2. Greater the speed, the greater the kinetic energy
3. Example of kinetic energy:
(i) Wind
(ii) Waves
(iii) Spinning fan
(iv) Airplane in flight

(g) Potential energy

1. Potential energy is stored in an object because of its position or condition
2. A compressed spring or stretched spring has potential energy
3. The greater the spring is being compress/ stretched, the greater the potential energy
4. The higher the object, the greater the potential energy
5. Bigger the mass of a raised object, the greater the potential energy
6. Potential energy is presence in an object that is
(a) Stretched
(b) Compress
(c) Lift from its position

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