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Jireh Russel G.

delos Santos II-Unity

Ms. Zarah Barte

1.Virulent- (vîr'yə-lənt, vîr'ə-)  Extremely destructive or harmful: baneful, deadly, malignant, noxious,
pernicious, pestilent, pestilential. See help/harm/harmless.

2.Aqueous-Dictionary: a·que·ous (ā'kwē-əs, ăk'wē-), Relating to, similar to, containing, or

dissolved in water; watery.

3.Puny- Of inferior size, strength, or significance; weak

4. Ooze-To flow or leak ouEasy to notice; obvioust slowly, as through small openings

5. Grandeur- The quality or condition of being grand; magnificence

6 .Conspicuous-Easy to notice; obvious

7. Soiree-An evening party or reception

8. Potpourri- A combination of incongruous things

9. Lorgnette- A pair of eyeglasses or opera glasses with a short handle.

10. Caisson-. A watertight structure within which construction work is carried on under water

11. Somersault-A complete reversal, as of sympathies or opinions.

12. Cannoisser-

13. Misdemeanor-A misdeed

14. Sojourn-To reside temporarily

15. Bludgeon- A short heavy club, usually of wood, that is thicker or loaded at one end.

16. Menace-A possible danger; a threat

17. Arduous- Demanding great effort or labor; difficult

18.Commemoration-The act of honoring the memory of or serving as a memorial to someone or


19. Insidious-Working or spreading harmfully in a subtle or stealthy manner

20. Concurrence-Agreement in opinion.

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