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What is that? How is that good?
 Abstinence is when a person does not have any
sexual contact with another individual. Many teens in
today’s world, believe that they should be having sex,
but abstinence is a much better choice… Abstinence is
the only way that you will be 100% sure that you will
not have any STIs and that you are not putting yourself
at risk.
Why would someone choose this way?
Many teens believe that abstinence is “lame” and that
they should be much further than that, but that is not
true. After you have a sexual relationship everything
changes, maybe you thought that it would make you
even closer but it brought you a part or, nothing
changed at all or you have an STI, who will know? Also,
people sometimes get very depressed because of their
actions that they thought it was a good decision but it
came out not to be so good, meaning that the person
was normally miserable or annoyed, because they
realized the mistake they made.
But, what if I am going to get dumped
because of that?
If you are thinking that your partner will dump you
because you do not have a sexual relationship, then he
must not actually like you and he is just trying to take
advantage of you. Besides, if someone really likes you,
that will not matter to them and abstinence helps you
find the “special someone”, because you see the person
really likes you, not only by actions…
Other methods of Contraception:
. The Pill- you take one every day for three weeks then give a one week break and start
The mini-Pill- you should take one the same time of the day, every single day
The IUD (Intrauterine device )- the IUD is a device that the woman inserts in her vagina
and that stays there forever
The IUS (Intrauterine system Mirena )- the Mirena is basically hormones that they
insert in your wombs, which prevent you form getting pregnant. 99%
ImplantsInjectionsPatch (Evra)- It looks like a metal rod and before they insert it
(normally in your arm), they give you anesthesia, so it should not hurt.99-99.9%
Diaphragms and caps- It looks like a hat, which you insert in your vagina. 95%
Morningal cont-after pill (Post-coital Pill)- You should take it every 12 hours every day.
Condoms (Male and female)- They are normally sort of plastic materials, which you
either put on the vagina or around your penis. 92-97%
Coitus interruptus (Withdrawal)- It is when you withdraw the penis from the vagina
before the ejaculation. No rate of success (unknown)
Sterilisation for women- It is when you have an operation. 99.5%
Vasectomy for men- It’s when you stop the sperm getting into the semen. 99,95%
Sites/ Places that will help you get advice:

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