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Snider 1

Hailey Snider

Speech - 1st hour

Ms. Schaner

7 Nov. 2022

Teen Girls Are Affected By Birth Control

I. Introduction
1. People have sore breasts from taking birth control. (AG) (SF) Sometimes people think birth control will
help physically and mentally , but I disagree. I have heard and seen so many young girls out of control
because of this pill, implant or shot of birth control. But some girls may like this pill, it may help them.
(CR) Some people in this room right now might even be on it not because your sexually active but
because some parents believe it helps with cramps and periods.(AR) I know that you should not take this
pill because there are a lot of reported issues with this pill.(TH) Weight gain or weight loss, eating, and
sleeping problems, headaches, mood changes, spotting, also on top of that girls tend to cry
uncontrollably and more often.

II. Body
1. First of all parents pressure their teenagers to get on birth control because we could get pregnant
and ruin our lives but reality if our parents listened to us no girl would have their hormones out
of control. If for example a young girl in general were to say “Hey I don't feel comfortable
taking birth control I know it affects people differently but i've seen my friends either gain
weight loose weight or get hormonal” and that girl has never taken the pill, then most likely her
parents would say “Honey, you don't know how it'll affect you just try it.” In the long run
you'll regret it because you'll be sleeping 24/7, crying, and hormonal. This generation's parents
will dismiss everything and anything about feelings so the depression rate gets higher.
Transition: First off
A. Mentally / Emotionally
1. “Research has shown that people who use birth control pills are more prone to be
at risk for depression in adulthood” (Kaur) (Fact)
2. Teens become more hormonal, emotional, and have eating issues
Transition: Second
B. Physically
1.People that take birth control tend to cry more often, have trouble with their sleep schedules and get
2. “Nausea and mood changes” (Blum)(fact)
3. This proves the point that nausea happens often when taking birth control pills.
Transition: Third
C. Girls should have the right to chose
Snider 2
1. I believe that girls should have a choice in whether or not they should take this pill. Not
parents. And if a girl wants to take it then it shouldn't be a big problem.
2. "They are coming for your abortion," says one ad from the company, which does business
as Favor. "Your birth control is next." (Deighton) (opinion)
3. That is witness evidence.

III. Conclusion/Transition : Lastly

In conclusion I believe that young girls should have a say in birth control. I also believe parents should leave
their children alone and stop sexualizing everything they do. This pill will come with many different side effects
for the worse and not for the better. The summary in the article says “feeling of being worthless and having
suicidal thoughts” (Kaur). I know this may seem weak but in reality if you were a girl and took this pill you
may change your thought process. No girl should be forced to take this pill. If girls prefer this pill then that is on
them, that's their choice and say.

Works Cited

Blum, Dani, and Nicole Stock. "A Comprehensive Guide to Birth Control." New York Times

(Online), 05/06 2022. ProQuest; SIRS Issues Researcher,


Brown University. “What Are the Side Effects of Birth Control Pills?” | Health Promotion | Brown




Kaur, Harmeet. "Teen Girls on Birth Control Pills Report Crying More.." CNN

Wire Service, 30. Oct 2019. ProQuest; SIRS Issues Researcher,

accountid=67042. 1 Nov. 2022

Snider 2
Deighton, Katie. "Online Healthcare Companies Increase Advertising for

Morning-After.." Wall

Street Journal Online, 06/28 2022. ProQuest; SIRS Issues Researcher,

“What is the negative impact of birth control?” Google Search, Google,

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