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ANTENNA CONTROL= Open-Loop Response

a) Predict the form of open-loop angular velocity response of the load to a step-voltage
input to the power amplifier.
b) Find damping ration and natural frequency of open=loop system.
c) Derive the open=loop angular velocity response to the load to a step-voltage input to
the power amplifier using transfer functions.
d) Obtain open-loop state and output equations
e) Use matlab to obtain the plot.


a) Using step response, we can predict the nature of step response. The step-
response consists of steady state response generated by step input and transient
response. Hence, the form of response is;

ω 0 ( t )= A+ B e−100t +C e−1.7 t

b) The damping ratio and natural frequency of the open loop system can be found
by expanding denominator of transfer function. Since the open loop transfer
function is

G ( s )= 2
s + 101.32 s +132

c) We multiply the transfer function by a step input, 1/s to derive the angular
velocity response, and we obtain;

ω0 ( s) =
s ( s+100 ) ( s+1. 32)

Expanding into partial fractions, we get

0.122 0.0166 0.123
ω0 ( s) = + −
s s +100 s+ 1.32
Transforming to the time domain yields

ω 0 ( t )=0.121+ ( 0.0016 ) e−100 t−0.123 e−1.32 t

d) Convert the transfer function into state space representation, we have

ω0 ( s ) 16
= 2
v p (s) s +101.32 s +132

We do cross multiplying and taking inverse Laplace transform with zero initial
condition, we have;
ω̈ 0+ 101.32 ω̇ 0+ 132ω 0=16 v p

Defining the phase variable as

x 1=ω 0
x 2=ω̇ 0

The state equation are written as

ẋ 1=x 2
ẋ 2=−132 x1 −101.32 x 2+ 16 V p

Where V p=1 is a unit step. Since x 1=ω 0 is the output, the output equation is

y= x 1

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