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Treatments for Back Acne (Bacne)

You’ve been dying to wear your sexy little black backless dress to a party but you could
not because the pink, red or sometimes yellowish spots on your back will definitely
show. In cases like these, fast back effective acne treatment becomes a necessity.

This is just one of the numerous reasons why back acne or bacne is definitely
loathsome, not just for the ladies, but for both sexes. Bacne does not only occur on the
back but also on the buttocks, arms and other extremities. Bacne may also come in the
form of pimples, postules, cysts and blackheads.

Here are some easy and practical tips for the treatment of back acne:

1. Wash regularly with anti bacterial soap, especially after perspiring from a
strenuous activity. Perspiration that gets trapped within the skin can mix with oil
and, therefore, clog your pores – resulting in breakout of the zits. However, be
careful also not to shower excessively more than necessary because it will dry
your skin and cause irritation.

2. Exfoliate regularly because dead skin cells contribute to acne breakout. You can
use washcloths and loofah but again, make sure that these would not be too
harsh on the skin enough to create damage. There are lots of commercial and
home-made scrubs to choose from; just ensure that the product is mild enough
for regular use.

3. Using clean fabrics is a must in the treatment of bacne. This includes your
garments and undergarments, towels, beddings and any other fabric that comes
in contact with your skin. Dirty clothes and linen attract the acne, causing
bacteria – thus the bacne breakout.

Also, carefully choose the clothes that you wear during back acne breakouts.
Tight fitting clothes or those that restrict moisture from evaporating will
aggravate existing back acne conditions and lead zits to appear. Instead of
backpack and body bags, why not opt for handbags in the meantime when you
have bacne to prevent irritation.

4. The most common back acne solution is benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid.
There are formulations that can be bought over the counter, but ensure that
these are mild, even if they’re for your back. There are also several home-made
remedies that you can use to fight back acne such as honey, apple cider vinegar
and aloe vera.

5. And the last tip on the treatment of back acne is to see a dermatologist if
nothing else seems to work. He is the best person who can help you.

Hygiene still plays an important role in back acne treatment. All treatments start and
end with having a good personal hygiene. Start with the remedies above so, that you
can get rid of the acne and be ready to party with backless dresses all you want!

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