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World History II

Age of Absolutism
Quiz Review Sheet
Essential Questions
- What is absolutism?
- What are the main characteristics of absolute monarchs?
- How and why did absolute monarchies develop?
- Be able to compare/contrast your monarch with Louis XIV.
Study your notes on Louis XIV from class – PP slides and pictures
- 21.2 – France’s Ultimate Monarch
o Edict of Nantes
o Cardinal Richilieu
o Cardinal Mazarin
o Intendants
o War of Spanish Succession
- 21.5 – Parliament Limits the English Monarchy
o Charles I
o English Civil War
o Oliver Cromwell
o Restoration
o Habeas corpus
o Glorious Revolution
o Constitutional monarchy
Absolute Monarchs – there will be one question on each ruler. Use your chart from
class. Textbook pages on each ruler are posted on website.
- Suleiman (Ottoman Empire)
- Elizabeth I (England)
- Akbar the Great (Mughal Empire)
- Tokugawa Ieyasu (Japan)
- Philip II (Spain)
- Peter the Great (Russia)

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