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One of the main reasons

men watch NFL football
is for the hitting. Sure, we
all love to see our team
score touchdowns and
win games, but a bone-
crushing hit is almost as
good. There are several
NFLers known for deliv-
ering hits that leave op-
ponents wondering how a
freight train got onto the
field. True, most of the
entries on our list are re-
cent, but the game’s play-
ers are faster and stron-
ger each season, making
many of today’s collisions
worse than those of last

saving lives one

fine at a
photo by: kevin levy 10-28-10 page 1
Throughout college football many play-
photo by: marcus flang
ers want to portray that image of being
physical, mentally tough, and fearless to
NFL scouts in order to have a opportu- SETTING A
nity to play at the highest level. playing
in the NFL is important to many col-
lege athletes, with that being so, players
are willing to abuse their bodies beyond
normal to play in the National Football
League. Multiple surgies are common
when palying this sport for a certain
period of time.

10-28-10 page 2

Protecting the younger future!


The NFL has been

forced to penalize photo by: drew henry
players for illegal hits
beyond flags through
out games. concus-
sions have been at a all photo by: Andrew Lucus
time high this decade,
helmet to helmet con-
tact has been the many
reason for this. after a
college player was par-
alyzed from a helmet photo by: Adam Vale
Many younger player are in-
to helmet hit, the NFL
has felt obligated to
set a positive example
fluenced by the NFL. They
want to attempt everything
on younger upcom-
ing players. by doing

that is done in the NFL.

so, the NFL is fining
players for inproper
tackling. Although
when they see the profes-
sionals tackling with their
many argue that this is
taking away from the

helmet or attacking player

NFL what it has had
for many years, its also
protecting people from
perminate brain dam-
low, they are going to do the
age. 10-28-10 page 3 same. 10-28-10 page 4

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