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Just Read it once…Hilarious… Some new facts about our very own Rajnikanth.


1.     Rajnikanth can slam a revolving door.

2.     His email address is

3.     Why doesnt Rajnikanth show up on Google? You dont find Rajnikanth. Rajnikanth finds you

4.     When Rajnikanth roars, lions pee

5.     Rajnikanth doesnt wear a watch. He decides what time it is

6.     Rajnikanth can checkmate Vishwanathan Anand with his first move

7.     Rajnikant is so fast he always comes yesterday

8.     Rajnikanth has counted to infinity - twice!

9.     Twitter gets its account verified by Rajnikanth.

10.  govt aborts blackberry ban plan, since rajni can intercept all mails n messages

11.  When Rajinikanth does push-ups, he isn't lifting himself up. He is pushing the earth down.

12.  Rajinikanth can answer a missed call.

13.  When Rajnikanth jumps into water, he doesn't get wet. the water gets Rajnikanth'ed

14.  Rajnikanth once ordered a plate of idli in McDonald's, and got it

15.  When you say No One is Perfect, Rajnikanth takes it as a personal insult.

16.  Once Google was Lost. Rajni found it.

17.  Jesus can walk on water but Rajnikanth can swim through land..!

18.  Neil Armstrong's famous line on the moon was: 'one giant step for mankind, a small step for

19.  Rajni is so cool, he makes ice jealous

20.  One day Rajni got so angry with dancing that he smashed it.. The result = BreakDance

21.  There is nothing like recession, its just that Rajinikant started saving money

22.  Rajni doesn't get addicted to smoking, cigarettes get addicted to him

23.  Ghosts are actually caused by Rajinikant killing people faster than Death can process them

24.  Contrary to popular belief, India is not a democracy, it is a Rajnikantatorship.

25.  Rajni can download the Internet & compress it to an single MB!

26.  CID is still running because ACP pradhyuman and daya are avatars of Rajni

27.  Global warming is a result of Rajni's workout sessions!

28.  The leaning tower of Pisa leans because Rajni accidentally sneezed near it

29.  You don't mess with the Zohan, only Rajni does!!

30.  In an average living room there are 1,242 objects Rajanikanth could use to kill you, including
the room itself.

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