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SCHOOL _______________________________

Name: _______________ Surname: ________________ Class: _____

Date: __________________________________ Worksheet # _____

This is me...! My name is Aaron Stone. I’m 14 years old and I’m American. Now I’m
living with my family in Madrid, the capital city of Spain, because my father, Elton Stone
is a famous engineer and he works for an important company here. My mother, Helen
Stone, is a painter. In fact, she is a tremendous painter…!
I usually wake up early in the morning and then I have breakfast with my parents and
my little brother, Gus. He’s only four years old, but he is really funny! He is a talkative
boy. Then, I brush my teeth and take the bus to school. Classes always start
at nine. I have lunch in the school canteen with my friends
and at 4 o’clock in the afternoon I go back home with my
mother. She always picks me up in her red car and we go
home together.
Before doing my homework I usually rest for a while,
listen to music and have a snack. Then I’m ready to start
working again. Before dinner I like painting with my
mother. We have a great time together: we paint, talk,
laugh and we share some secrets. She’s the best mum in
the world.
At 10:30 I go to bed and sometimes I read a
bit and then I’m ready for a nice sleeping…

Aaron is a Spanish boy. __________________________

He has breakfast at school. __________________________

He walks to school. __________________________

Classes start at 4 o’clock. __________________________

He goes home by bus. __________________________

the following questions about the text.
hates painting. __________________________

Write the sentences. Put the adverbs in the correct places.

What’s his first name?
Where is Aaron from?
Why is he living with his family in Madrid?
Does Aaron wake up late in the morning?
Where does he have breakfast?
What time do classes start?
How does he go back home?
What does he usually do before dinner?
What time does Aaron go to bed?

Aaron / wake up/ late / morning. 

He / go / school / bus.
He / go / bed / 10:30 p.m. Never
He / paint / with mother.
He / read / before sleeping.

Aaron never wakes up late in the

morning. ________________________

________________________ ________________________

________________________ ________________________

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