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The journey was about to begin. Both 2nd year technical classes from Polhemsgymnasiet were
about to visit the unique university “Steneby”.

With buss, we reached our destination and got well received by the university’s head leaders.
They started of the day with a presentation of the university and afterwards guided us around
their department. During the guiding tour I got fascinated. The school spirit in the university
was so perfect, and all the students seemed to be so enthusiastic with their projects. The
department was basically based on different workshops were the students seemed to be during
their whole education.

At the entrance they had

a small exhibition with
their students’ projects,
which got my attention
when I went in to the
University. In the
exhibition there was a
“pillow” made of
gypsum. The pillow itself
looked so cozy and soft
but when I felt on it, it
was hard like a rock!
This made me think:
Why make a pillow hard
as a rock when its
objective is to be soft and
cozy? Maybe it’s just an
esthetic thing and the
designer wanted it to be different from other pillows, or maybe this “pillow” had a meaning?
Maybe the meaning in this hard pillow was: “Even though somebody’s life seems to be nice
and easy, there is always something in this person that will make his or hers life tough”.

The best thing in the whole university was probably the freedom that the students had. The
freedom that the students could use for their creativity and the way the freedom could help the
students to inspire each other. If this university had just a little bit more of the technical
design it would be perfect for me. But unfortunately I have to search for another university.
But for the persons who like jewelry and furniture design, this is probably their dream

Fredrik Tran TE2J

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