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Marriage – Holy Union between a man and a woman

Young girls and boys running away to marry and get married.

- 1. Traditionally – the institution of marriage was sacred. – held highly by


- 2. Bride wealth to dowry

- 3. Changing times, needs, priorities, careers.

- 4. Economic Hardships, Sustainability, lack of employment.

- 5. Education? What is taught nowadays?

- 6. Western culture-soaps, movies, our children have been influenced at an

early age.

- 7. Judicial? Repercussions of divorce? Sharing of wealth?

- 8. GBV

- 9. Obligation

African Family

1. Reduced morality

2. Dying generation- country of old people

3. Economic stagnation?

Impact on the African Family

1. Higher rates of divorce, separation.

2. Cohabitation

3. Out of wedlock birth

4. Children residing in female healed household have increased

5. Delinquency among children

6. Loose bond among family /extended

7. Uses economic standing

8. Crime increased/immorality
9. Same sex marriages.


Way Forward

1. It’s a world problem not only in Africa.


- Attitude change

- Curriculum change? Your primary school?

- Economic empowerment of both? Will it change anything?

- Divine intervention?

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