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Tool for Happines--Forget & Forgive

In our day to day life, sometime we make mistakes. Same way others also makes mistake.
When we make mistake, we always have that feeling that its mistake and others must forgive us for
that. Within our self, we have so many arguments in favor of our mistake. We come up with different
logical arguments by which we try to prove that its not intentional act but it is mistake. Other do accept
that and forgive us.

Do we have that ability to forget and forgive others whey they made mistake and we suffer because of
their mistake. When other made mistake, majority of the time the other person keep saying its mistake
but we just keep firing those people and getting mad on them and we say this and that. There are many
actions as output of Emotional Disturbance.

If we just think that time- and try to forget and forgive them than? I think whole picture will be different.
We need to learn this art to forget and forgive others. And we need to learn it not for others but if we
know this art of forget and forgive unconditionally –its going to give us Happiness. When we forget and
forgive unconditionally- its going to give us peace of mind and our emotional balance remain As is.
When we remain normal, obviously we are going to experience happiness 24/7

Forget and Forgive Unconditionally—Most effective tool to remain Happy 24/7.

Try it and if u have any questions, please ask me. I like to share my thoughts on this with interested

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