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Paraphrase the paragraphs.

1. The process of oxidation occurs when metals are exposed to air in presence
of a liquid. Oxygen molecules combine with the molecules of the metal and
form oxide layer on the surface of the metal. The process requires a liquid
called an electrolyte that helps electrons move. Oxidation may simply be a
cosmetic problem, a discoloration on the surface of otherwise shiny metal. In
other cases, the process of oxidation may cause structural weakness in the
metal, a process called corrosion.

2. Some people think that sepia photographs are just gray-scale photos that
have “aged”, that have changed color over the years, but this isn’t true. Sepia
photos use silver sulphide in the developing process in place of silver iodide.
This gives them the brownish tones. But there’s a good reason why people
think sepia photographs are old. Silver sulphide is more stable than silver
iodide and can last 150 years.

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