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Campus Chronicle

[Colleqe Magolzine- 201110:)1


Sh. Sotiish C. Goel

IDIr'. ID. K. Shormo IDIr'. Usho Shormo IDIF.An ill Agolrwol IDlr. Jv. Singh

Member Editori(J~ Board

IDIr'. Sudha Agorwal IDIr'. ShashlClllrllk Tyagi

IDlr. Khurslheed MuzClmm~1


Va~bhoy Jomn Rklh,ol Gorg

<:am"us Chronicle

[Colleqe Maglozine-201 0)

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Pu bl is hed by :

Muzo,ffarno'gar Medlical Colleqe

O,iJP. 1~l'llfp'Ur Ili'Id~~triali\J1~a" W5 1K1ifI_ SlOrJ€. D~lhi-Dehfad1JlIIRolld. M~zafful~l1<l'gllr (U.P.) Phon€: ~. 01396·252'702 • iri1lI€ifu!lx: 01396-2:5:2:10'<1 • Websit~ ~ WIVW.mmoolieg8horg

Pri nted by: P~i' ntech

The Press

167, N\o'liiW(l!'O, ¥C!$(n'nt chowi:, GholZiaood Pllone' : 0120-27887'9'9,4560628 ,N\OOiile: 9810426037, 98995476:92 E"mQiI : p~ilnlech,pre$$@9m~iILoom

Student's Prom,€!

77-'9,2 93-'96


Thank U An [Editorial) From The Pen Point Len's Finder & Resu]t

13 17-44 46-57 6,1-74


Nitin Aggarwal M.I.,A.

President, Pareh Chand Charitable Trust

B~988.1Y[aballagar, LuckJ10W Ph. : 0522.0-2321797, 2321798

It ills a matter of prideand pleasure to us that stndents of Muzaffarnagar Medical College arebringing out the second issue of "Campus Chronicle"

1 hope that tbis effort willenlighten thereaders and. provide them useful ins ights,

1 wrull also take this opportunity to wish the students of final year good luck and. a prosperous future,

Nit~n Ag:garwal

dN. C!iMR a,.illa-

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(r5i<m) (0131.) 2433322 ii' .2"'133125, 243397001


;Ji .m,~ lI' - I 'fG~ 31- e~.f~ ,e

It is a matter of greatpleasnre that you are bringing out~'Cam~J'1Ills Chronicle" the MuzaffarnagerMedieal College annual magazine. While pursuing a, serious professiou.the various aspect 'Of creative talent ofthe students are reflected in this literary mirror, m hope the trend win not end bere and win continuem flourish in the years to come,

I felieitate an of you, the Editor and the Editorial Board for successful publication for the magazine.

With Regards

Yours Sincerely


(Santos,~.KUJm.a.r Vada,v)


M.i~. (OplruUllillL'Illlll.ogy)


SlJpe~r.Ln.telH:l~Jt iuChue:f, SVlBP Hospiml

Dean, Facult.y of Medicine, en_ Charan S.ungh Uni.vel~:ily Praf,esSOI: &. Head of the Deptr. of 0'llhlfi]~lmlliogy U..RM M.edkal eoHecge MeBl:[JJ~


I am happy to learn about the progress of the Muzaffarnagar Medical College, Muzaffarnagar,

It gives me immense pleasure to know that the Mueaffarnagar Medical College, Muzaffamagar; islbringing 01l[Wtruts. Magazine "Campus Chronicle", I takethis 'Opportunity to congratulate you for this venture, Such noble efforts wouldcertaiely encourage the staff and. students of the college to express theh thoughts in print, which

., ..~

will go a long: wayto enlighten the readers with. abundant knowledge.

I am sure; your efforts willprove to he very fruitful for everyone, WIshing you for the successfulpubfication of the Magazine and. a very bright future for the c-ollege.





Opp. Begl<l~pur ! ndusnial Area! 1 ~ 5krn S~one, D€lh l-Dehredun Rload! Muzaitama8,OlJr {U.P.) Ph,one; Q1396·2 5.2 1'002 Telefaxi Q1396·2 5.2 i'iI]4

From The Desk oj.the Salish C. Goel,. Cltar.fflUIIJ

The secondissue of the Campus Chronicle isherel The first edition received applaud from all and now the students haveprepared the second. edition with added vigour; Their effors incollating iaformative articles and. experiences du,ring the year is quite appreciative,

T feel a. sense of achievement whenever our college move from one successful mile stone to other and alsolook forward to the benefits these bright young doctors will contribu teto the nation in future. Their thoughts and. zeal have been. presented by way of articles in this Journal, I appreciate tbe efforts of our esteemed fac1ll]Uy to guide the students inthis endeavor ..

I extend my greetings to the students and Wish. them good. luck fortheir future.

Opp. Be~raJpLlr I n.dLlSltia.1 Area, TIl Slo:m, SM·f1e, IDe'II; i-[)~hr.adlJlfl lR:oadi,. Ml.IlzaJffamagar (U. F'.} F'~~0i'Ii~: (11 396-.2 52702 T (11 396-25.2704


It is a. matter ofgreat pleasure that once again a college magezine r'Campus Cbronicle" is being published .. In any edncatienal ruID:illstrubItruon extracurricular activities €life equally important for complete development of thepersonality, Such activities give us an opportunity to express and improve our skins of communication.We should not only strive to become a good professienal but more imponaet than that, a geedhuman being,

The institutionhas come a long way since inception and i~. is the duty of all of us to carry the flag forward and make it an. institution of excellence.

WitlTh. best wishes.

nr~ D..K~ Sharma Director


Opp. Be~rajj:)LJr InduSI[ial Area, TI15KliiiI SI6:M, De,lhi-[)~l'mjj(hjfl IRoa~t MLJzaJf"farf'lagar (H.P.} F'1'1tOt"lf,!: 01 396-252702 T elefax: OJ 396-.2 52:704


I am happy to learn that this year once again a college magazine "Campus Chronicle' is being published. It gives an opportunity, bothto the students &~he facultytoceme out with the skin of writing which is. a very important ccmponent in the development of a good medical professional. Lhope thistradition will continue in future with the same enthusiasm. ~ also hcpe thar the articles published are of good standard, The institutionis on theIastlag ofreeognition. Jt is needless to say that all of us have an addedrespoesibjlity to contribute our best

I wish the students and theinstitution a verybright future. With best wishes,


Dr. UsbJ.a Sharma Professor Emiritus cum Chief Hospital Administrator


Opp. Be~rajpLlr In.duslrrial A1fe9, TIl Skm SI\J)o.i1e, 1D8Ihi-lD~hrau!jJfl IRoa4 MLlzaJffamagar (U.F'.}

. . .. . P~~Me; 01396-.2 52702 T eler'ax; 01396-.2 52704

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Opp, I~n:iu~tria~ A1Ff!a, 1.] 5km s.tone, [)~l.hi-DehradlUni Rood, Muzaffa:magalr (UP_) p~~(jlle: OU91i-252702 Te:lerax: 0.096-252;:'))4


I am. extremely happyto know thar the 2ndrussne of our college

'_' = ' -

magazine "Campus C'hromicle?'rus goingto be released very soon. The

overall coverage of'college activities and then their presentation in. the form of a magazine is a tough job .. Therefore, Leongratulate .dl the members of edirorru.a\~~:earm for this activisy .. I anticipate thatthe ad:k~es~ reviews and other material whichis selectedto be pubHs~rung in this issue wouldbe of high standard and usefultojhereaders,

I wish all successto ~'Campus,Chroni.cle"

Pref, Shashaiek Tya.g;i Academic Officer

THANK U ALL~~.~.A .. ~~.

A1bert E:iBstejlll. once said., "U at first the idea is not absurd. then there iiShO hope for ~;t" Campus Chronicle started with an absurd ~.dea in .2008 but as the time passed, it gained momenmrn and the f:iirstissue was .sucoessfuny released on September 5, 200SL The popularity &. ap:preciat~on ga]n.ed by Irt motivated us 1:0 bdngout the second issue. With the fun; excitement & varledexperience, we have hied to give H a entuR;lly new look and we hope you all w.i~.~ m .. e it

"ORe can. play back tihe loaD of Gohl. bu.t one ,dies forever to those who ate kind!"

First ,of all we thank the A~mi.ghty God for b~.essing US with such a. GoLden oppmrunMy to rerum something to Our Alma MateL We owe our pamnts & rr.uends far their constant support. We would also I]ke to' thank Dr. HK Sharma & Dr. Usha. Sharma for fheir e:r:per~.el1i!ood gufclanoo, our Princi.pal Dr .. Ani~ Aga.PiNal for his concStant motlvation &.g1i.i~danaL We also thank all our teachers. & well wishers whose blessings & $uppo,rt motivated UEL Words faH to describe the help, ,offered by Mr, 1"irthender (P!h!otographe:r) j ML Vaibhav, Mr. Khursheoo & Mr. Deepak in fhisendeaver; We would aliso ]~ke to reconl GUlr appreciat~!on for Mr. Aseem &. Mr. Ankur of WS Pr~nooch Press for their complete oooperati.on.

'"Errol' is a ha:rdyp~anrtI. lrt nounshes in e.uery soil'" • Madil1 F. Tupper

We r~gret aU those who are ached knowingly Or uT1iknowing]y ]n any way in the aecomplishment of this attampt, Also, we OUr readers to omit the mistakes wh.ioo. may have ,0cCl,.1UOO in1;lJdvert:elli~ly.

We w:iishallmaders a. very Happy Reading .

Vaiibhav JHlin Rkha 'G1al'g

Jlf€Pih'i : ~~ ~. 20CII

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ou •• o •• ~Six vi.rtues ofa he·alfhcare givel'

W~e]1 I am with the community, I wou~d like to share an experience wlth Choakyi Ny~ma Rinpoehe, the Ch~eF Monk in Kathmandu and a medical. res:earc:he.r" After neady a kilometer of walk, I reached the whi.teKumbha where the chi.ef Monk and his discip]es w.ere waitif1gto~ece:ive me. After reception the Ch]ef Mo,f1k said, ]et us go to Our study room and [ followed him" Be d~mbed the first flom, the second fleer, the third floor, the Jour flom and the F.ifl:h floor, ,justJi.1Ir;e a young bO~lProba.b]y[h.e Me :sty~e has a posi.tive impact onthe mind and body. .. AI~ I was and FolIow]ng ... When] reached his chamber, ] saw alaborato'IY and a. S'PirUua~. environmenl: Oi!i.i'er ~ook~ng the HJma~ayas. What surprised me was, his research students come from dufferent part ofthaeountry, Padicu]arly he introduced me to h~s co-author David R Sh~im, MD who is wo.rlir;ing ona research area, Meaidne and Compasskm" The Ch~eF Monk Choalk.yi Nyima Rinpoche and myself exc:hangoo few books. The Monk has Vi.IT.iltI:en with D:L David R. ShUm a book titled "Medicine and COimpa:s.s~On"" ]~~.ked this book and read it dur~ng my journey from Katih.mano.ul:o DBI.hi This book g~ves six. important virtues a medical practltuone:r has to. po~ss towcnds their pa.tienfus" These arn:-

1) Gene.msity,

2) Pure ethics,

3) Tol.erance,

4) PerSeVerCIl!1cej•

5) CuHivating pure coneenfrafion and

6) lnleJIHgeI1l!oo.,

'These virtues wi~] empOW'er the car,e g~vers with a. humane heart. [am sure~an.the young students will inwl.cahr: these values.

Today before 19:0 [0 bed, lwill write ona page Or put On my computer screen, "What I will be remembered lair?" . wm ] be remembered as one of the great doctors .oF the nation in a. partk:ular fleM, or wi~] I rememberedas a pkmeer ]n cr'e(:ifing tmique heal.thcare center which o[[ng a mn~uenoe of comp.1:lssion and medicine, or will [ be remembered as a p~.oneering !iFe scientist lor discovering vClocines against H]~ ma!Q[~t:t Or cancer, or wm I be remembered as a great deetor who went to the]ages and ch,anged the hea~[hcare sys.tem for a. mi[~km people,

My best wishes to all 'OF you for best of heaUhcare to everyone through knowledge, hard work and integrity"

May God B!ess yCll.L

Oath for medi,eal professionals

1" ] love my medical professiona noble mission.

2" I wi]! [OnOW the motto "Let, remove the pain and bring smiles" ,

3" ] wi]! always rad]ate cheer to give eonfidenceto pa.tienltsand thek far[dlies"

4" ] will be .a, I:Ufe ~ong learner, ~ wul] prt:tdice what I learn and 1 will. train my team to be


~'i ] wmdellrverqualityca.rewHh high standards he:speduVie 'of whom ~am treafing ..

6" ] wi]! nctintroduce any d~ag~!GSnc pain,

7" ] wi]! work with integr.ity and succeed with integrity"

H<nl!ble DF ... APJ Ab,du~Kalam Former Presidenl, Democratic Republic of ]nd]a


Dr .. Anrrban Maitra, .. " " " " " "a name speaks ffir hirose][ He is a.great doctor; an. exoo~.~ent mentor &abovB al.] a very nice human. being .. His per"$everan,oo & dedieation towards oorving the fiuman]ty took him upstairs the ladder of success, The energetk man from West Bertga~,lndia. completed his MBBS mom AIIMS j New Delhi then moved to Univers~ty of Texas, South Western Medkal Centre, Dallas for o.o;lng his Residency in Anatomic Pathology" PresenUy he is working as Asoocia.te Pmfesso,r of P:athdogy &. Onmklgy at Jo,nns Hopkins Merlkal ]n:stib.J!te, Balimore; Maryland, Un~.ted States" Hie has .2]:2 orig~nal. Research papers to his credit, has various patents, the most .i.mpodarul: being Pancreatic Cancer diag;nmis &theralPies, runltr.ibuted in ne~rly 31 books lnduding tne renowned Robbins' Patih.oi.ogic BlllSi$. of Disease &. ]S ~nvi.ted regula[lly to his lecturBs ... i:-Iere isa word of tete-a-tete with the man himself

Vaiibhav da~n (VJ),: Hello 5k, first of all thank YOll very much For spar.il1lg some of your precious time for this ~nterv~ew,

A!Elirban M,aitra (AM): Irs. al~ My PleatS1.J!~

Richa 'Garl (RG) :. Sir, What prompted you h) choose me:didn,e as your career and pa.tho]ogy as your area of speda~izaHon"

.AM: I have always been fascinated by the prospect ofITa]l:Sl!at~ona] research in medicine, which is defined as us~ng lessons g~eaned fromthe Laooratmy ebenchs,ude"), to benefit the patient ("beds~de"} ... ~ :lTel.ta ,career in pa.thology wou~.d bestallow me to pursue translational medicine" [am a. beard certified Patho.I.Qg]st with speda~.tyb-ain]ng ~ngasb-Q[llites1inQI and pancrea.tic patho~ogy whi~e my raseatch is in the area of pancreati.c andesophagea] cancers, HIllS" lam. oonst:ant~yable to P]vol: bel:vileen my clinical work and my~abmatory research wltheut rnueh effort,

VJI: Sir~ You were hom ]11 India, had your basic e:Gucafion there, &: then you,aUy Landed herein United State:s_ How does i.f Fee] to be at this position,

.AM: ] have been very fortunatain havung some wonderful mentor'S when I first movooto the US, like Pmfesso,r Vinay Kumar (who edited the textbook Robbins Pa.thologk Basis of Disease, and isalso a former trainee From my medka!school.)" ] think tne US is a.ltr1!ie meritocracy inthat one can reap fhe rewards of hard workwltheut fear or favOL [cons~.der myse~f Iortu]l,ate to be able to pursue my dream "duel-trads" career (of being both a physidanand a seientist] in the US"

R.G,: How was your jlomllley through Boards (MLE) at the time when only few could think of it

AM: I took my exams abroad,M these were not held in ~nd~a at that time" Hiowev>Elr~ I was forfunate because many of the: batch mates from AIIMS al$otook thisexam, and so. we all had Q wonderful time tak~nga trip t:ogetheL

VJI: The t[adifion of gpingtowa.rdis the greener Pasture to the westin inc[eash1~l Wnata.reYOlU v~.ews ebout it; .AM: .Acbua]ly lthinkthe greene.r pastures. are now in the East, in China. and ]nd]a. It is here that subiS.kmtialinves-tments in research and deve]o'pmeni are be]ng made. For m:;amplej the Departmenl: of

Biotedm()~ogy (DBT) and the Cemfwal. Scienoeand lndustrial Research (CSlR) ,organlzati.ons are investul1lg crores of rupees in setting up ind.ependent research institutes back home" The first OF my fenmvs have ]lOW [,ernmed home, and more want to carne ot:l!ckj On the basis 'ofexpanding oppmrnnitues:lli,ey see here,

RO: Wha~ you do in your leisure time. Wha:~ liiOO your hobbies

AM: .1 am an avid I'l?4dera~ books. of an kinds, somethin~ I have to thank my parenl:sror_ ~. also~ave to spend tim,€:. with my two young ch~ldren, lndraniand Arjlun" who 0100 six. and four yearn, oospecthfel~,r

VJ: Now, t:aH.:jng about yo!Urc('mtrribution in thefie;ld of medical li~e~tu:re, How was. your€!:Xpe_'i'ii.ecnC€~n wtrhng the m.ed~.CC1~ Ii~rahl~

AM: [ htwe a. HWr,1: QV,e_T 200 pub]ications allidthooe dozen book chapt€!_TS_ How?V,€!_rl mU-$t ernphasnze that the quant!ty is meaning'€5S as comparedto qu~my, and on~y' tume wm. jud.gethat. 1~llIj,oy' wrrtung papers, espedally those ooncemung a novdobservation in my labom.tory (where we carll~tdy claim to be first albm..ltsomet~1il!ig:)_

RG,: T€I~. us -sometihing about. some of your int~$lting ooSraarch which you will. a~wEIY£ remember in your Hfie

AM: My research is un the area of pancreatic G1!Incgr" a. dise'Cl.tSet~at~s. nearly uniformly ~etih1!l1,and WIlls l:lM!rly €lV€rYQrlle 'Who g:€ltsth~s cancer wuthIn a matter 'OI~ UJeek-s to months. Our laborliiklry studies various aspedsoF panereaticcancer, from. early d€!,~~d~,onOl~ th€!, d~se..a:se inp'<l:hecnts, to Td.entifying bdt~r trea,tm.en~s since rum;lnt treatment rncdalifies are reaUy no~ 'very he~p!r!Ul. I am most ,e-xdred because some ·of the eady obseruatiolliS UJe made in our ~aboratory ha.V€ I'!I.>OW started eFl~ring th€!, dink, with se\f€ral ongoilllg:dinica~ tr.~als in pancreatic cancerp.<l!t~ents_ IJ]hma:re~.y a,s a r th.e hes~ saNsfaction one can get is when OM"S oonmbutionellids up savlng Hues., .~ hope, that our research endeavors W.m mak€ a diffe_Tenm .inpa!tuen~ who sldfer fmm.pan~t~c. cancer,

VJ: P~eEl-se S~aIfi!,.any inoidenta~you:rcaooerwhic.h rneoed you.deep~y towarois,a pos.itiv€ change

AM: I am mos'llly motiva;~d when [ go to mee'~ings where [ meet pati.e:nts and fueir r.amHy members. l'hec~r desperanon and. need for a moo for this terr:ib~e disease is obv~al!.ls_lt~s the best motivatinn you can get to workev,€!cn har~e:r,

RG: Don't you think med~ca~ pm.fession is a social prafession in other word,. how far Js itreacJhoo. ~oday_ How far should a. doeror empaith~2ie with th.e: p;a:~j,ecnt

AM: Unforhmatelya lot Ol~ the e-ffip.a!thy factoris gOllie in tihe fast moving world affue .21 st centmy,.lnthe US, at leas~. th.e of lHigaliolii. means tha~ doctors pr2lotk:e what is ca]~ed "pmventiu,e mediclne" by as many tests as poss~lble" I miss some of my teachers alt AlUMS who could diagnQ$et~e patient's ul1lderly.~ng condition w~t~ a. s~mp~€ st:eth.oscope~

VJ~ To what extenMo you th.~nkilslndian Med~.GaI Educll.tion syste_mjus~~fie[l

AM: U !S herd for me to compare oeCtlU5€ I did nO'~ attend madicel schoolm the US- However i thunklnelnd.ian medical ed:lJca~icm sysrem could be a. hut more weJ~ rounded In terms of Ie.soore,mpha;sis on theory, and more em p~dical med~dnfi!,_1 th~1fIk the,rotating dinlcEilintrilrn:sh~p as pa.1.f~ of the MHBS is ollie of 'fue bestexperiences !. had.

RG: Please rnl~. us something about yourfami~.y & backgmund

AM: Bath mypa~l'!Itstl!re in academics, my ~ath€r isan Emeritus Professor Chem.istry ait Delhi. University, and. my mother is a. Professor of Educt'dion at the same instJ:rution_ My w~fe is 21 PhD~n Economies and 'lJ\..'a~s in a poticy researehfhmjn DC_ ] came to the US following my MBBS~n 1996" and started my residecncy~a~n~ng inPa,tholo@y at University of Texas Southwestern Medicfll C€l1it.e_r in D1!Inas, Texas. I amv€d at Johns HOp'k~.ns Un~versiiy~n 20m as a f:enow in Pathology, and ~1ave .staye.d on thef:1!Icutty s~nce then"

VJ: S~r, your message, for young budd~n~ docs.

AN: Do not: lbe afraid to take the, mad !€ss~il'ive~ed_ M. is akvays €~sy tota1lre a straight path, butsometime.r;.,e:vecn if you have halmer1!lnd longer on an uncommon t€rr.uto:ry., the long: '~rm.oowal'ds wjU lbe tha,t mach mont

RG. VJ: Thank yous:tr for sharing your .Pf€!lCioushm.e with us &. enl~.ghtenilllg: an of us, We are sure these, words wUII moNvate: many young docs to [oin the by you_


Do yOlLl know that more than 95% people ufi~izES~ess,~han 10% of the capacity ,of their rtI]r1i1and are on~y aware oft:r~!e]r conscious mind. .only 5 % persons t:ne aware of the hidden powers ofsub-conscious mmd andlesg, than ][ % know how to, use the powers of s1.J!b~oonsci.ous mind" Those who know how to use their sub-conscious m.und &. hIdden power'S, achieve the highes.1 ]n Ufe, in wh.a.feverne~d they may oe"

Since thee aneient times, the H.ishis and GU1lJ.S used to gUIde their disci.ples to achieve this hi.ghest s,fa!e OF mind and explore these [Jowel's" This is the science of Spir.itualism and this h~g;nest st.;lh~ ofevo]ution is the state o,f "Self real~ati.on and/or R:ea!izaHon OF Goo"" God is no whera ouk.lde~ Hie is a power oothineach of us" In"Bhagv.ratGeeta", Lord Krlshn.a preached his beloved disciple Arrjun the differe:rutpaths for SelFrealizaticn1 Hke Bh,akU Yog;a, Karma Yoga, Jan,ana Yoga, Dhayan ¥ogaand said that fhe peop]e chose their path aCOQrding to their "$aruacS;kafS"i "e. their psychk capi;lbmties"

In the modem era, the names of paths OF upllftmenf ma.y have been changed bu.t the eternal goal OF every one's Ufeis the pe:rsona~ and interpersonal growth to, evo~v>e to tn!e h]ghest level ofconseiousness l.e. to w][h Universal. mnsciousness and to exp~o're and uoHzetihe maximum powers hidde:nins;ide us,

The whole world liesinside us and we see the world interms of perceiving, understanding, .inh:l:rp~ting, not as It is, but as weare or,as, we are conditioned tosee it We ]n effect describe ourselves, om peroeplio]lJ$, Om par,adigms. When other people disa.gtee oo[h us, we immediately think so.meth]ng is wrong w][h them, Dependence]s the l.owest level, lndependenceis in between and [nten:i.ependence ~;S. the highest level of consciousness.

[T1d);!rtI.e:p);!nd'ent~ 'i}k.w'f!

Dependance, You-you

~Dd!ependence of character empowers us teact rather than be acted upon. lt frees us from our dependence on circumstances and other people and ltis Q worthy, I.iberating g:oa~, But itis not the ultimate g:oa~ in effective living" ]ndepemieHce comes after Private Vktmy., Public vidory comes aFl:er Private vdmy. ]t means If we want to Mn the whoLe worM, first we have to win ourselves, makin.g and keeping promises to ourselves precede making and keeping the promises to others,

~nte.Tde:pendenceis a. choica onl.yindepend!Elnt peoplecan make. Dependent people cannot choose to become interdependent

StM":ln habits for Private and Public victories am given below viz:

for Private vicio,ry; 1, Be proactive

2., Begin w~th the end in mmd 3., Put firstti:lungfi.rni

4l, Think win/win

5 .. Seek first to understand then to be understood 6. Synergize

'7. Sharpen the saw by the habit of renewal,

The habit of continuous improvement creates the upward sp'ira~. of gr()wth and lifts us to new Levels of understanding and living., We can buy a person's hand, but can't buy his heart, His heart is where his enthusiasm, his .~oyal.ty ]s, We can buy his back, but you can not buy his brain" Thaf's where his creativity is, his ing:enuity.~ his resource fulness,

For private vido[JJ we have to change our'OO~VES" "Sow a tih,g,ugiht, re8(p' 8.11 adion;sow aO.iiII.di'O<Il. reaJp a hab~;j[;sow a hiillb~;j[. mil.l.piill. cbar.a.cter; sow a ,charader,l'eap a ,diestiDY" .

Be a good Uste:neL This mqu][.l;!S emotional. cSt[eng~h .. Listen]nginvolves patience, openness, and the desire to understand- highly developed quaHty of eheracter,

The velua of sharing is one of the moot basic th]ng,. To give oometh~ng One needs to experlenca of possessingthaf thing before sharing Or giving it.

No, onecan persllade another to change _ Each of usguards a ga.te of change that can O'nly be opened [rom the inside .. We cannot open the gate of another, either by a[gument~ ~)r by an emotional appeal. "The net effed of open]ng the gate of cha.nge to the first three habrt '(for private victory", wi]! be signifi.can.tly increased sen confidence.

The net effect of opening the g;ate of change to the habits of public vido,ry is - discovery and unleash b oth the desl[7El and t~e resources to heal and rabuilt important re!ationsnip that have deteriorated, or ,even broken. We can rep]ace old pattern o,f serf de~eating behavior with new patterns, nev.r habits of .effeotiveness, happiness, and trust based relatioru;hip hy developinqa "Per~onal Mission Statement or" like Rolfe Ker[~

1. Seek and m,erirt devine he]p

2.. NeVEr compromise Mth honesty 3.. Remember the people involved 4.. Hear bofh sides before judg~ng 5. Ohtain counsel of others

6.. Defend those who are absent 7. Be sinoereyet decisive

8.. Deve]o,p one new proflciency a yea.r 9.. Plan tomorrow.s work today

10" Hu;s.t]ewhi~e you wait Maintain a pos~Hve attitude ] L Keep a SenSE ofhumout

12" Be 'orderly in personand work

]3." Donotfear mistake- fearon!y the absence of ereative, constructive

and conedive responses to those mistakes"

14. facii]tate the success of sub-ordinates

15. Listen wioe .a_:s much as you speak

16. Concentrate an. aMIRIes. On thatask in hand, not worrying about

the nestjob.

Proactive people are the so]utions to the problems, not problems fhemse]ves while readive people are often affed:ed by their pnyskai environment, soclal wea.fher, are problem ereatorsand focus On the weakness of other people, the problems in the environment, and the circumstances Over which they ~,ave no contrel. Proactive people are respon:sib~e, response-able and have freedom to choose their response by usingtheir conscience, self-awa[.en!ess, ima.g~natiortand independentwill, "A thousand mile jloumey begjns with the first step" and admission ofignmance is often the first $.tep in our education. Put yom 1" step towards gmVil1!:hand upliftment as 'each of us has a. seed inside us, in dormant statB whi.rn. can grow to becomea wonderfultree,

Further Reading:

1. "Bh,aQ1.vatOeeta"

2" "The 7 habits of highly eHedive people" Stephen R Covey 3"" Road Less Travelloo'" M"Sc.ofitpeck

Dr.Nee:rja Assoc;iate Prrofe.gsoJ, Dept of GynBiEloo.l:ogy & Obstetrlcs


] want to share same OF my expene:noe in t~e F~e]d of Education. ] tao,k my Med~cal edutat~on from Bombay Un]versity in 1975, whkh uses the tradlrtioHal mathod afte~c:hingatt],,at time .. The tB~.dai]ljg techniques were mostly traditional w~e~empn~is wasleid on th!e teacher .. And it was pa.$sive~eaming for studenjs, The MESS course was four and half years divided.mfo 3 pads. of one and ~,a]f years €.:a.m .. The sy]laib1lJls was rome cencantrated o,n the disease rather than problems faead by the p,a.iienlt$.. Dudng Exams the answers had to be descrlptive in nalure. HO'I.Wv1er, working wH:n USM (Univers]ty Sains Malaysia" (1989-1996} mtrodnced me to~eaming technique of education .. This new cOfu;ept of education was known as SPlCES.

5: SeU Srndy,. ~t was an act~ve method nf education where the students. used to prepare thek topk thernseJives & present it to the cless whkh makes an activeiflteradion with everyone. PiProblem Based Learning (PEL), Patient tells a doctor hiS/her proOiems., not disease. Such as. not Conjundlvitis. ]: Integrated Or IDA ([nfer-Disc:iplinary Arli.vlrty). When::! medical srudents f€present di.ffere:nt specialties (Eye., Ei'IT, Medidne, Psychiatry & Neurology) on a. s1ngle problem such as headache. C: Communnty Basad Leam~ng. The students select one family & faUowit for .2 years. They Find out effect of socio-ecenomic &: enviin;mmental factors on pati.ents:~covBry p)iogress.fur example, in traditional method Anti- glauooma. drugs were not effediv.e as t~e role of economic and soclel factors was not studied properl'y. E: Elective. Medical educat~on is expanding every day; hence, there is a burden on Medica] students, So as to relax from this burden fherens as)/Stem o[ e~.edive,. in whi.rn. a student selects a. topic ofher~l:l,an me.didn!e. 5: Spira] Srudy. The goa~ of MBBS is to produce a General Practltloner not a $.peoia~is-tj $0 an the thl!ngs should not be taug;htat MBBS ]evel o.nly the topics that are relevant should be taught and in-depth know~edge can be g~ven d1!idng their Post gradmlltion.

'The undergraduate MD Course in USM was div.idedin Phase 1 (1 year), Phooe.2 (2 years} Phaoo 3 {2 years). PI eornputer aided instruotion I( CA[}pmgram was being eonducted lor se~f education and assessment of students, Th.eex.arn~nafion consis-ts of MCQ (MuUi.p~.e C1louoe Questi.onsl~ SEQ (Shod Essay Quesho]>:s), and OSeE (Objective Sltr!!ictured Olitli!ta~ Examination).

Then I a.gain jlo~n.ed MUH$ (Maliara<shtra. University of Health Sciences), India. in .2000 b1L1t at thattime some OF theedu.caHon system in ~nd~a hadalso changed. The M. B. B.5 course was chaRged ~o 1" M.B.RS (one year) 2:0<1 M.B..BS (one & half year) & 3<d M .. RRS (two years)'. Community Based learning wasincfudad in this course. Exam]nation also included LAQ (Long Essay Question), SAQ (Shod Essay Question) &: MOQ {M1I11.tiple Choi!oo Question).

Dr. S .. 11: .• Skri.was Professor &. Head

. -' ~

Department of Ophthalmology


Life is not a bed of roses,

It is not a poetry with proses Life is not a law of all or none Butit iS~. ~1jq

Life is not always dreams cominqtrue Sometimes il:is "bolts from the blue" Sometimes happiness pours "cats and dogs" & someday sky of life is [Un of thick smog

Sun always does not shine bright, Though every dark cloud has a silver line, Every dark night brings a 5parlding da.y But every day cannot be ,a hay day

Happiness is not money & wealth

Happiness is having good mind in good health So make meny & have fun

Because Hfe is ~ ~ ~'1111

.Dr Ulna G.ary:

Associate Professor, Dept O'~ Oto.'fhinolaIvngQ~og:y


1" Do no·f come to meeting

2" When you do, come, come ~ate

3" If you do attend a. meetmg flnd £a~lI.t with the officers &. other mem bers

4" Never accept any eomrnitleeappointments as it is easi!e:r to u]ocize tnan to do things

5" However~ get sore ]f you are not QPpo]nted on some comm ittee, btl t if you are do notaUend the committee meeting~

6. If asked by the chairman to give your opinion about some important tn~.ngj te~] him you noth]ng to say, After the meeting tell everybody how thinqs ought to be done

7" Do abso~ufe~y F!l!otPiing, but when other members wming~y &: 1I.lnselfishry use theirabmty to help mattersalone, howl that the OliganizCioon is run by a. d.ques

K When a lUJ.T1ld1 or dinneris arrange.d telll everybody money ]S be]ng wasted

9" When no lunch or dinner are given say the institution is


HJ Don 't ask for banquet ticket till all. are sold

11" Then swear you were cheated outofyollr's

12. lf you do get a ticket don't pa.y for it

13" lf asked to slit at the chief gU8S,t table modesty refuse, if not asked, resign nom the assoeiation

14. HoM back your long as poss~Me or don't pay at all

15. Keep your eyes open to something wrong, when you find resign

16" At ,ev,ery opportumtythreaten to resign and then get your friends (:11.510 to threaten to resign

17" When you attenda meeting vofe.t to do something.then go home & do the opposite

lR Agree to everything said at the mooting &. then disagree wirth it outside

19.. Always delay replyi ng communications from. the associations orhetter still! don't answer at all

2{1 And last but not the least don 't actually otherwise you. wiil lose the opporhm][y to kilUhe association


Assistant Professor, Dept of Otorh inolil.IYTIlgo!ogy


Death an insepa[Qb~e pad of life, allknow thatthis is to be faced by all ane day~ what money or pr.apedy m any~hi]"lg we tal.k about; even om own body would belen tothis World" . " " " "what ]s man's and what is no,! his own in th~s world when he faces this realUJtyleaves me unanswered whenevEr I think of it, nothing beiongs to US then & everything is oUr own" " " . Then comes to. my mind a single thought that how should a. pe[son!e:ao. h]s life to be able to ~.eQve for abode pe1;'loofiU.l~y;. what should be fo.n.owed in lIfe to live it whole heartedlyand cmrlip~ete[Yr fu]fi.lHng & mwardingliy, 1:0 leavea",.cy behind

.Acoording to what I believe personaUy the cdy purpose ofa man in tMs world is to makeibring a dIfference lor manltino 00 that peopleat ]ar>ge $caleare benefitted from it; what that wo,rk would be anything, entire]y on that person to decode, fhat would satisfy a noble wul to depart peaoeliu.l[y & ha.ppUy.,

Do gpodand 'Ol1l]Y gpod, not becauseit's very god]y to, do it but because it's the only right thing in the world to do"

Spread~olve &: kindness to all &: in a~~ta~so, means to even that person who might have: hurled you because you are a.cruaiiy being kind to fhe supreme power by being good to all hlsereations.

When one comes face to face with the ultumate reallrty of Hfe then &: only then the fee~ing of j,eaiousYj revenge, ,anger ek and the thingsUke money, s[arus, mate[~,alstic~hings become timid & then at that point only the love &: kindness the person has spread throughout his ]~fe comes backto biro in pr.aye:rs, wQmy & eoncern by those people, that's where a. man w]ns, when he is not able to count the number of hands whkh COme to catch histaars,

Though gone, bu.t fhe person lives forever & ever il1l. the mernories of all thosehe's ever come ]n contact & proved to them during that period the prese:noe of divine power in him"

This reminds me of few lines by very great poet whieh says "Uves 01 great man,

AU remind U$,.

We can make rOUT nfe sublime, SHU deparnng leave .beni,rJd us, Footprints all the

Sallds of time"" __ " .. , , '." _H W Longfellow

RicbaGarg Batch 2006

Medical 8enifits of Vegetarianism

"l must 1try Meat one day" , these words were uttered by myhiend some days back &: I had a hot discussion with her for abn9 time" Wluy meat &ft$h, have we a.gain entered ~Jlito the~oe age when no vegetables &. fmitsarea.vQ~]ab~!e(}n this Motner Earth, Are we onry left with aJn]rIli~1s &: humans to suffloe tne need of our stomach, I thmk, our mother Earth can still fuMm fhe hunger of eve:ryone on this Earth" 'There iiS no need to km anyone who, can be a mother, [ather~ brother or siste[~ i.t doesn't matter Uf that person is a. human or an animal. When the Earthevollved, human being was vegettlir~,an, butM the time .adiv.anced, he started dom]nat~fIlg fhe World,. ~e wanted to oonhdeveryone under him :SO hie started ki]l]ng animals, This habit sl.ow]y tmn$fOUTl!e:d ]nio 'eating them.

The present oontury ]',M sean many ,changes. Now when the man has al.ready reached Moon &. is al.ready dominating everyone on thus Earth. is still kOng an]rnalls" But tha [,eason now has changed to taste &. 'h-yas my friend said" She also. ]ns~stEdtha.t For the proper food chain ~ man needs to' eatt~em without realizing that Man ]sjust a Qoddenta~ link in that Food chain" There are other Qnuma~s, Wno. are maintaini.ngthis food chain ,0Hftl.e 'ecosystem" Them ~;S: no need of fhe man to interfere in this food chain" Man has his own &: heis not a!Uthor~zed bya]mighty to disturb .anyone else's,

".3l~1 ~ri'. Theoo wonderful words by lord Mahavi.ra. t.any a deep mean~ng wifhin them" It means Ahirnsa. (Nonv~d.ence) is the fl![st re]igior'.L No re~igi!on cernes above it Hindus & Buddhtsts preachers also taached the same pri]>dp]e to thek d~:&ciples" Mahatama Gandhi, Rab~ndr,anath Tagoret Swami. V]veka.nad.t APJ Abdu] Kalam, Paroe]aAndersrlon, Bachan &. varlous others also supported vegetarianislll. We should Hot ]njure ,any other living being for 01Llr benefit

When she sawthat ] am not oontrolling myselF, then she shot herlast arrow; which is the reascn most non vegdarian thinb they eat for being more heaitlily & beneficlel for tne body,

[ again had a answer to, this &~h,at too ]n the medical. terms. In fhe past, many v~!ewed vegetadanism as shange &. faddish but a. vast reseateh shO\iV$, that vegetarian diet ismueh healthierthan a typical meat eater. Malli.y Medical rusodatlo'rlS ,of the World has a~so tame up for the promoti.on ofvegeEa.rianism ]nthe $Ocie[~l

BI'~tIish .Med~ca~ A.ssedati'~H1JJS~YS: !jA veg:etar~an dietconfersa !ICInge of health benefirn" Research has proven that vegetari.a.fIS SIUneT ]e$s from many of the diSeases linkad to a modem. WestErn diet: obesi1iy, coronary head disease, hype.rtenS~!GI'1l, type 11 diabetes, dietrelated cancers, divertk:ular diseaSe, concSl~paHon and gal] stones" I~

Th.e Ame:iF.ican D~etetic Associ,a.t~o!ll.: ''$denHfi.c data $1Llgg;est positive relaHonships between a vegeta[~,an diet and reduced risk forseveral c~roni.c degenerative diseases and conditions" indud:iing obesi.ty~ coronary artery disease, hypertens~olli, diabetes mellitus, and some types of eanear, Vegetarian dlets ]~kean diets, need to be planned aiPpropr~ately to be nutrUionaUy adequate,"

There are numerous benefits of vegetarianism:

1. Meat have knoW'l1 to contain higher level OF fats &: cholesterolwhich isa iead~ng cause of various hea.!thprob1ems indudHng obes:i.ty &, heart d~.ooeL$es are majlor cause o.f mo'rtal:iityin present generati.on" This hjjgh~evel 'of cho~e:sterQI block t~e arteries & fat tend to act1ilmu~a.fe in adipose tissue leading to obesity., WhMe a.large sdent]fl!t merature sugge$.t$. thatthe consumptkm of a. diet of whd.€

grain,~egumes vegetables, nuts &: fruits with avoidance of meat & fat animal products with regular exercise is cOrlsislenUy associated with lower blood choles.1erol~lower blood pressure.~ less obesi.ty &. consequently ]ess. disease. U also helps ~nprevBntung & treQt~ng other chronie diseases,

:2" Promotes. a.ging- Meat carries more waste &: t.l":H:lre:fme the resource necessary to rejluvenate the ooHIs are oO]1;S.1!il11i!edOH cleaning up waste left by meat in body system, hence the oe~~s break down &'eve:nru,a]ly wear out whi.~e veg~ab~es eontains antioxidlanlt$."

3" ]n 1997. World CancerR.esean::h Foundation $1.1gg;ested that method of preparing meat (such as grUl]ing, ouring &: smoking} produces polycycli.c aromatic hydrocarbons &. hetBrocycli.Gam]r~es whk:l~ are cardnogenic. More than 2(10 s:tud~es revealed that [egu~ar censumption of fruits &. vegeta.b]es. W~e beans.~ whole grains, 1ilmblufewus vegetab~e$ which contain hoot ofcancer pmtoctive piliytochemi.cals like carotanoids, flavanoids, .isoth]ocynates, isoflavones" eUagk addt Hgnan:s, phenolieacid etc provides si.gnificant protection aga]nst cancer at many sltesespedan.y epithel]al. cencer, Tlh.ey alter the rnetaboli . .G pathway &. thus sfimu~.ati]lcg thsimmuna S.yatem" These enzyme also inhibit rumor growth [adDr, ~oweT b~ood ehelesterol & decrease the risk of blood dog &. diminish tlo·]")e loss,

4" Non veg diet is al.ways costlier than then rhe veg diat, it is also costlier In terms of medical. cost An estimaied $30L(jO billion is invoFved every year as total medica] US a.fuibutab.~e to meat consumption based on higher prevalenceof disease .amongst them,

5" Veg diet contains fi1ber, m~g;nesium, pDtassium, :fo~ate, Vi.! C &. E and pnyiochemicals. They tend to have ]o·wer BM[.t ]ess. Type .2 DMt rena~ diseases, osteoporosis :& dementia. Pmtein contemin vegetarians is ~~ightly lower than meat diets but can meet requirement of any per'Soninduming afhl.eres &. body builder, This is some nOw beneficial also, Our body even ]111 tne h!eal.fhy SEateCt:l:n absorb a maximum of 85 % of eontained pr(JrBil1.s from \leg diet Protein in non veg dietis high wnidl is not absorbed, SO no UOO ·o:f taking ·ex.ira proteins &abovB all it puts the extra burden on k]dneys to remove n][rog;e:nolls products,

Vegetarian diet helps .un more peaceful state of mind &. body" When you have a pooitnve outlook phys.kaUy &. mentaUy, then you. become a holistic &: healthyirrtdivid1Llal" We as docters & medical sb.ldents shou~d understand this, ~n CI. study published ]nJoumal. of Amerk:an Diet .AssociaHon, prevalence of vegetarianism was among: US mooita]stude:ruts than (:Imong other US adults, Medical. students: &. pliysi.cians wirth healthfu] personal. pradices am more likely [0 encour.~ge such behaviorin their patients.,

So. I wUl] end here by sayungsome worthy wotdsby Lord Mahav~Ta "~.~I~ $" mean~ng live &. Let Live" We shouldlive happUy &. let others also live h~ppny w.ithout hurting them in any way" We sholJJ~d fo]low the practioo of vecg; in our diet, ~ hope she wmget the ans,wer now for all her

Vaibhav Ja.iR 8alltc::h 2006.


"You need not go to temple; you need not go to church.

Service of your parents will bring for you heaven iil:se]€ on earilih remember parents are your worM;. no one can replace them they are the Brahma who brought you on earth

they are the Shiva, the destroyer of an evit

They are your Gurus who teach how to live.

They can never let you fall, they am your strength .. they ar,€ best 0'] all, il:hey are sweetest of all

in them how 'gl~.mpse the divine

theycare, they Jove they glv,e you

an they CAN~

There be any selfish give:rs whogive you all unasked

trust them, serve them never lie to them, never deceive them

then heaven itself will shine on ycu-bllssful.


Batch 2006


Everry day is a new day.,

Every day a. new never befo'reex.perienceis there., .

No matter where we have lived and wnat we have done, Ch,ange ]5 the only trend and nothing can be st~n,

Not the ever chang~ng weather nor our life .. Someonegets hurt and o,ther 1$, ove~loyed

Still everyone wants someone to be at their side., 'tes you know him.;

BU!t why are youafraim to figure him out .. yeah yeah i. know y,ou wi]! take sometime.". but how long ..... "_ .... ""

some tn~ngs have to be understood wltheut be:in9 saH" Don't shun yourself from this wonderful world of love, Be~ieve." Have some F.ude~ilty ]n the one yoU! love,

Don't stop thyself to unfurl th.y coleurs.;

Take a hold OF yaurseU."

<Get up now .. " to search. the right one. listen to yom haart..

for how ]ong will you .staya~ooL" 'Getup nOw ...

Embmoe life as ][ cemesto you;

but never ever allow someone to hurt you ..

Don'tlet yourself ln this grandeur circle, Accept the truth.. lf you don't get what you want, Don't bse hope and curse your destiny, Instead believe ][1 your love. ...

One day or the other he will surely find a way towards u ..

And if he don't COmes back my dear ... he was not the right one for you"""" don't blame YOUf love [ am sure these twlinkling diamonds in the sk~aV€ something special in store for you"_

Open your heart and welcome the truth., , Live every moment for the one who lives for your:. Live eveI)' moment for the one who is waiting for v ..... _ o- ··-

I don 't know if you got anyth ing from this but i w to "believe in love"

AsITal.ogyM aJp'pHed to medicine has very ancient roots, for exarnple in lndla and rome other countries, r~ is said that on the $bdh day (Jf birth of a.child, the .Beat Math (Goddess of luck) arrives in the night and writes. the [uh.JJ~ of thedl~M (In his forehead" Andan.A.strol.Qg;er isa person who unfoH;; this. secret ina wonderful manner, ...

Astmlogyis a mu]tld~memiona~ seienea encempessmqall branches of knowledge thwug,h the planets in ,ex.emplary manner whieh puzzles eventhe modern scientists many times" Among the various sciences, tne modern mooicine isthe (In!e which has pl10gressed leapsend bounds in om century" Tine TradM::ional. know]edge .of medicine being projected slnee a.ges· in India. Us AVURVEDA andin thetimes, r~ was .a]so.oompu!smy for a sfudent srudying Ayu[vedia to~cquire .Mtw~.ogical.knGwl.edge_

The modern medical. :Scienoe does FKJt have aThy~[nk with the ~nf1l:uenoe 'of planets lmlike~he m~ental medical science OF Ayurveda. which emphasize on the dia.gnasis of a. disease on the basis o:fTr.idoshas, thee VATHA{fwl1'l ether and a~r'" PHTA(fmm fire and an aspect of water} and KAPHA(from water and eadh)","" A balance among the 1" ridoshasis n~.ry fOI good health,

A.sITology~n its branch OF medicine has a ~~rg~ combinations OF planets causing different diseases in t~ek own Wa~l An effod to ana~yoo various diseases through this science ofAshnl.ogyis, made in this way by taking the modern medicine in tne fold of Astrology" Further, appiY]llg~h!e principles of modem medlcine te th~t ,OF t1.e Ayuroeda. M the past Its Charaka Saronifa. stlpulatesnts horizon on the diseases o,f the mankind, efforts: are made to, appl.y the prindp]es. of Mhd.ogy and to' find the effect (If p]ane1:ary comNnaHons to dia.gnooe the diseasesend further to detect possibiHty of surg;ery and surgical tendencies of a person"

from the birth en ad (BorOSOJpe Of a. Man) an as.HQI.oger can detscttheimpetencp, chHd~e:SS]"less, bareness, possilbili.ty OF any other diseases, etc, And in the CQi&eOF medical. sciences it's pOS$.ubleonly after thomugh medical invesHgations andafte:r manty pafho.~ogica] tests:" An effort to ana~yze the di®ease of a man with FeJere:noe to the charts of thc;lk kuH and kiln isa~so made" ~n a. ]1utsh!e~]? the selenceo] As..rrol.ogy isthl10wing Hght on the ana.tomy.~ thephysk~~ conditions,. the mental dispositlons of tha man h1lrts own speciahzedmarmer and no wonder thls science wn.] give us a vBry per,rnntage of success provided lrt is viewed witholJ!t bias by the modem docters, But they rely [)n the stet'hosQope and umpteen numbers of pa~hd.ogical. tests forthair day to day d~agrD!osis unlike the sing]e tool of .Astrology of Horoscope,

Let's see, how planets are Hnked to, human body according to astmlogy" The different parts. of~he hody are ruled by d]ff:erent planets and medical sign]f]tanL


Heart, eye-sight, ~general body, conste]la.tiOI1., general health, Breast, mind, head, ehest, Mdney, water conten], lM::lart

B~ood, manow?genita~, lecnrrn, ve.ul1s" head, female organ, fore-head, nose v~t.a~ilIy, Pl:egnancy problem, blood pre8Sm,e, emctien .& ang;er, aggression, menstrual cycle.,

Moon Mars


Eye trouble, pigmentaUon- cauSing ugl:in!sss, problem ofooeth" loss of hair, bones SVJIeat, glandstlimbs, fatigue" weakness"a.geing, wr~nk]eS,p'!,

Bad breathj dental problems, SUiCidal mind, murderous acts, man]Ci.s,exQEtory org;ans, genitals,

Feet~excretoIYorgans [anus}, irnpotenc~l



Besidelhese the di.ffere:rul: Nabhatam$ are also linked with the d]fferent diseases, For exarnpleThe man who is born itt Bharani. Naksharara he may be sufler from dysentery. Such 27 NakshalCiirasare ru]ing over a. number o,f diHerent diseases.

Thus, if~he mooicine used ]n combinaHon with the astm]ogy in Charka Samhita, wHi. be very helpfulin same cases.;; H is seidthat good or bad ~ gains or bSSBS, ]~fe Or death and fame and defarne: are in the hands of Godt But the g'Ood haalfh and a painless, Ufe is ]nthe hands of doctor:




Staring ~nto the nothingness of Formu]a riddled chalk board & beyond, cOlih~mplatirllg the cmdi]nary linimaginable, the mind beingesse:rufial~y numh to stimuli OF immediate universe, fn~;$is an art otherwise practicable only among learned yog~;s of the Himala.yan Ioothmls"


we al~ can not survive on~y on "mess kakhana" " Thanks to' MMC that ][pI'Ovide us Few detent places.] as wet:t]l know; how decent they are ~


Us not ,easy toachieve standerdsof personal hygi.ene without an aqueous deansing of the outer self but we have maR,a.gOOi so to perfect the art of dry cleaning [a!ppUcab~.e tolazy human be]ngs kll a hurry]


With the limited inflow of cash from home, the ordinary Iill!::twvert flnds h.imseFf in this pooitiai1V1Elry f[,eCl1Llen~ly. One's social skIll5 i:lir!e put to test as. they smv:iiv>E;l on free mess,a.ging for a few days & then me Mend's phone


The law :says Doctor must attand a. min]U!fum3/4l1h of the total classes. Your friend squeaks out anumble "present" during the mn ca]lj know]ng very we]! that when the need arises,. YOll! w.i~] return the favor, R!O question asked. ]rrstant fame awaits the daTing &th!e expert m]mic


As you get gruesomely ki.d>.ed or {tooth)pastoo Or caked or shampooed or weird cpmbin,ation of al~ or more, yom mood is not rei1e(J.ed in the ,ong of songs "Happy B~Tthda.y To You" be~ng whieh is sung all throughout this ann1iJJal. ordeaL And it doesn 't end here" You are expected to fnU!GW thTOUgl1. wlfh by k,ealting your rnento[s


This perhaps isthe moot importantlesson we learn hem. After attend~ng torrurousda~s, eating crash, ~gping broke, getltin.g Our hearts broken & sometimes OUr bo'ne we brave the Wor1d with a smile ~~ookung ,ev.eryadverslrty ]nthe eye. We winsome, we loose :some out we manage to keep pur $.pir.iffi h]gh

Artii TYil!9~ Batch 2008


A frai~ old man went tolirve with his son \da1l.lghiter in law and a. fOlJ!r year old. gr,andson . The old man was very week &. his handstrerebled, his eyesi.ght was blurredand his step flattered .Every nig;ht the fam]ly used to take their dinner togefher a.t dinner table. but fhe elderly grandfather's shaky hands and famng s~ghl: made ea.ting ra.ther dHfkult ferthe family members eveIYt~me he used 1:0 ron off from his spoon on tothenooJ.Whi.~e gr.Mping fhe glass"ofl:en the m~.~ksp!l]ed over the table doth .. MI this became GI nuisanee Ior the son and the daughter-in la.w..Th!ey started getting ]nM:ated wlfh the mess created everyday .. Obseruung the who.~e routine the son sald "we must do some someth]ngaooul father". We have had enolJ!gh of his spilled milk ,Tl!oisyeating and enough OF food spUl.ed onthe f1oo[ .. ln order to avoi!d their , the husband and wife divided to set a. smell table For him in 1theoomer of~he room . Grandfather was supposed to eata]one, while the rest o:f the family enjloyed dinner at fhe dinner table. Since grandfather had brokena dish or MO .so his. food was served in Q wooden bowl, .At times during slupper~ when th!efamily atB togeHler and the oldmanin fhe comer, the oldman's eyes get fn~eo w.ith tear.On saeingthis still the couple did not had any sympath.~r for the old chapznd they said several heartbrea.king comments when he dropped a fork or spilled food .An thls WCl<8 observed by the four year old,

One evening bafore supper.the fath,er noticed hls son playing with wood scraps on the floor; He asked the chi]d sweet:J:y ,!'whCilt ar,e you making ?" jlUst as sweeUy, the boy responded , '~oh ~. am mak~.nga ]utle bow[ for you and mummeto eGiityoUI food from when i grow UiP" The fUlJ!f year o~d smiled and eontinue dOiing his work The words make a. oi.g ]mpad on the son ('Ina he realized oldman's posJJHOml.]t was today a.orua~ly understood the truth behind fhe old sa.y~ng, !1~l:is fhe o,nl.y wearer, who knows where t~e shoe p~ncher!lt:ears. begin to ron down from the son's eyes. Be was spBoch.le;ss but was dear in h]S mindabout the next fhing wni.c:h hats to be done .. Merthat very even]ngat the dinnerteble, the Son stoed up hold his hand fintl~yand brought his oack to the farniiy l:ab]e.

For the rema]nung days of his Ufe the grandfather had every meal h]s famMy. .. And nei.ther fhe son nor the da1l.lghiter~un law cared anymo[7E;l ab01l1[~he roiled milk oloEh "or the Ioodthat fe!] on the tableend floor: "fhe fami~y ]ivBd a. hQPpy~~fe thereafter. Ch]ldlrenare ~ruQrka.bFy per~tuvle. Theireyas observe wbat they see and ears. listen to whatis spoken in fam]iyand the mind pwcessers ]n the same way ... Utihey see a happy ami jloyfulatmosph!ere in the house in whkhe.veryone cares for one another, 1they wi[! imitate that a.tti.hlde ferthe rest of their lives. if the sibJaUo'n in other way round they would react in the same way.

lt is fhe duty of ev:ery parents to bu]ld a. happy, heal.thiy and caring atmosphere forthere th~]d future's,

Let us .antl) be w~se builders and role models for the generati.on to come.

"fake care of Y01l.lrse]f andthose of you love j' •••• ' .• today and eve])lclay ! l 'I'

~.the ho]y Quran says.~

1lAnd~ HlIB .hfllve enjoined on man to be good ,(Iud dutJfOl to his p.nrenls " I(AL-Qumn29:8)1

Asif Bal.i.yan Bakh21006


VJijth questi.oniJT1l.g eyes and tnnoceat faces, young souls come fn,'m different places, everyth]r~.g seems So strange and new, knowung either none Or just a few

]1ts.~ikeenteTiI1J.ginto CI. new world, Passkmate to :I1Jy high Uke: a. bird, Lol$ of ambitions in the heart to sail, Uke l:n']soners released from CI jail,

But the fear of ragging aooompan]E:S,

Wijth d~fferent wishes, seniors get pleased. Singing, dancing and mhnies go on,

for the senior ones to ]~ugh upon.

Parties and srud]es. go hand ]n hand, andtheir hegi.ns a Hk~ng for the str.ange land,

Duties, books and patients to look upon, balancing !everyth~J'lg,time passes~)fI. sl.owly alt the profs are dearoot

with a!itt[e confidence and lots of suppl.e reaL

thus the tender buds bloom tntoflowers

regarded as DOCTORS - hClv~n9 UfB saving powers"

Sunny Mehta Batch 2006

I AM ME ....

l amme

ln ail the world, there is no o,ne exactly like me There are parsons who have some parts I]ke me But no, one adds up exaclly !:Ike me

Therefore, everything that comes out of me

ls aut~e]1lk:a[ly mine because ~ alone choose it

I own everything about me

My body, including everything it does

My mind, i.tLdud~ngan. its thoughts &.ideas

My, induding[h!eimag;esoF aU they behold My fBeHngs,~ whQtever~hey may be

Anger, jay, frustration, bJe, disappomtment, excitement My mouth, and all. the words that Come alit of it

Flame, sweet or rough ,roned orinccrreet

My voice, loud or soft

And an. my act~.on:s, whether they [0 be others or to myself

[ own my fantasies, my dreams, my hopes, my fears [ own all my triumpbs &: success

An. my fa]lme &. mistakes

BeCause [ own all of me lean becomeintimately a,m', ~UJmllfe(~J By doing so, I can love me and. be rri.endly with me in aU [ can then make .it pOSS,lb]e for all of me to work in my best

[ know there Q[,e aspects about myse~ftha.t puzzle me And o'Ihe:r aspects that I do not know

But as long as lam fri.endl.y &. to myself

I can co,urageo,usly & hopefully look [or solu tions to the ~es And for ways to fmd out more about me

However [ ~Ol)k and sound, wh~fever I say &: do, and whatever] think And fun ata g~vleI!i moment in time is me

This lsauthentic and represents. where I am in thet moment of time

When I revi.ew later how I looked & sounded, what I said & did And how [ thought &: felt, some pads may turn out to be non fitting [ can discard that wh~!ch is non f.ming,and keep that which proved And invent something new for that which I discarded

[ can SOO~ hear, feel., thln1l'<1' Say ,& do

[ have the tools to survive, to be dose to others, to reproductive And h) make sense & order out of the world of people

And thing~ alJ!tsrde of me

[ own me ,and therefor'€: 1 t:anengun.eer me [ ~m me and] am good

SM.pee Batch 2007

15 May: 19 May: 21 May: 22 May: 28 May: 8 June: 15 June: 20 June: 24,.June: 6 duly:

8 duly: 19 Ju~y: 20 July:


Today my mum and my papa sh~d how mueh tney love one another,. They Carne together and my Ufe began"

My blood elrculation sy$remis beginnung now, my body is" My mouth began to develop,

My heart began to beat

For oome reason my mum is began to warry because [ am inside heL My hands and feet began to grow"

Littie f.ingers are ]lOW appe:a.ring a.t end of my hands" My mum felt that me moving inside her" 1 am fD,apP'Y .. Now ~ know me gO]l1g to be a UWe ~gat

Now mgansiIllsude me are began to '"

Now hair is starting to grow Gill top of my head and eyes" My eyes are ready for use both still shut

Heart ]s n;!al.]y beating now~ I am growi.tl9:"

Oops! Today my mother killed me, [am no more alive, thrown in dustbin.

H it had happened to YOUj you wouldn't be reading this, aren't you lucky??


Want to propose CI gid -Just Do it "Nike " BefOrr€: 'going to propose a gid -Belisve in the Best" BPL: ]I you are hesita.ting before pn)po!S~ng a gi:r] -Vicks ki goli 10 kieh kich door karo "Vicks" ]f you are going to. propose a gid -chances are 50-50 "Britannia" lfa ,gurl] sllJPped you when you proposed her Take it easy "Limca" Girl !Say NO~ Zorka jhatka dhira se lage "Mirmda" 'Those who suceaedin love always s.ay -we dream because we do ., Daewoo' If someone wants to write a love leIter to his. girl friend -likho script apna apna "Rotomac" If you love someone -Go get it "Visa Power" Boy riding a bike with neighbour's 9i.r1 -Neighbour envv owner's pride "Onida"

Not satisfied your dale


"God IS God, man IS man" but there is a. very dose relatiollJsh]p'_ There is no ~.dentity, no mergjng of the two, but there isa ve])l deep closeness,

Now~ Goo didn't say how near, You cannot measure that closeness in inches or in foot or in ya:n1~L But God!s nearness is sometning that everyone has to rea~i:ze fur himself Or herselt How very near God becomes to you" He is closer to Y01il than ~:iO'1!ir own jlugular veins, He is closer [0 you than yom own sell God is closer to me than my Oi!Jill1 self"

God is equa~tD aU. thai is and exisits, and that includes both mgan]c and ]norglt:n'l~!c creatures, We all play one role or the other to make His whela body work mere effectively" The forces of good and evi~ mexist within his phy;8;iQ~ogical make-up just as they exist (lUI mkroscopi.c bodies" The relationshfp between God and ourselvesis anal.ogou.s, to therelationship between oursalvesand the living organisms opera.tinginside om bodies, 1"0 perfosmand llve as human beings we have m~.nions of cells operating within om bodies ea:ch of wh~ch performs-a dlstlnct m~e

SdentificaUy relating- "f.]ecrrQn ~;S compare [0 God as both are present everywhere" _

!'SOI God is near. But stiB, one should not point to any person and say, This is God.' This becomes ido]atry, this becomes polytheism, and then peopleturn away from the worship of God to the worship of other things_ Other things and other people"

lf - "The each religion surrenders his eg:o. his deceptive ego. and finds himselfin the nearness of God" He finds that God is nearer than his own jug:ular vein, nearer than his own sell God is every where"

"'Wha.t do you thmk of Ood"tihe teacher asked. After a pause .the young pupil. rep]i.ed, "He is not a. think Heis feel"

Rahu1 B.idhuiFi Bakh.2006


July.24, 1988, time 11:23 pm I landed on this Earth. BI~d by fhe c.anng 0,( my parents [ grew up h,appi~y. After a few years, my education started, Dres;sedlllp in a white shirt and grey shorts w.uth CI. bow at Us height ] started going to schoo], Totally confused and petrified, I started off wen" Came to the 10ihstarldard and scored 72% and by my upr~singwisn I took hiol.ogy as my furfher su1bject and got off well after oc.oring 70%i]1 the ] 20]) standard, After hlLlge expeotations from everyone at home, I stepped in MMC witn my mind fu.U. of drnam.s and new ideas" ~ remember the first day at co,]I.ege, ] met !Vi.katS Singmha' my roommate and we went toourflrst dass" Wha.t to say about the class, full of fresh teenagers sCatter~ng around. ] took a. eornsr saatand did not ta~k to anyone. Actua~]y, frank!ly speaking, [ was shy anda Nt confused es to, w]',at was going to be next. The first year Came to an end w.ith reg;1J11ar classes (95% .attendanOO)1 and regular shyness of mine" After the first year~ [ got Vi!lJngs endstarted flying around, Studies got less and attendence went down r'emarkably. My shy attitude WaS improved wlth the help of my fr]e:nd.s," Then [ got unto my p~ion of Cr.icket &. startad p!ay~ng in the ooU.ege tournaments.and p]ayed SMCT"

At [his stag;e I remember how] was. afraid! of certain fn~ngs and nowafter seeing such COUrse: ofHme in MMCj [am ready to fi.ght with aU my fears &. have: capalbi1iUes to do yet better than my past As days passed O'Ut~ new students grabbed position in the ooU.ege. All am .good andentertairl]ng,. Everyone ]S CI. str.ange charader in the ooU.ege. ~l'1l MMC, one da.y is ]ike a ch, to. me:" [learnt many things From the Past da.ysand :s.ti~] le~rt!Jing howthe wodd goes around

Fee~irl:g~ and memories are too long to be expressed here" At this s1ag;e, ~ am conf.ilient on myseU and total~y opposite to' the one I stepped here .. ] am readly to face new cha~.~enges further inl:iifeL Specia!. thanks to my parents, an my teache:rs,and friends fo·r a~ways supporting me in an. consequel1oes.

"Love 111 Friends"

MahU Dhanda Batch 2006


lam the fee~ingi]>:side yo1Ltr mmd .. " " .. That feoos off your deepest desires

The Otnoo ][U10cent thoughts that srruve to be free, I teach them to waUl,;. thliO<ug;h the fim

I am driVeL" "j am strong,

'tour imperfection tnrm. me

I am more than love, because ~OV1e can die, And [ know YD1Lt~nt:tilways want rne..;

I am hunger, lam gr·eed

lknow youthi.nk about me..;

I lust for the rush ] g~t,

When you. know that~ YDU Hve without me I am the bul~y that taunts & starns,

&. pressure b) do thing~ Ihek way

I am ruthless, [ am cold....

I don 't cal'ie ]f you die or live"

I am the shadow that wakhes wh]le. )four HfB d~sappears From inside ... ,""

'tour .Ionging fo,r more, leaves me ~gasping for breath, A$ you down in yom empty abyss " " "

'.fou need me morethan me right now,

'.four lonelinessconsumes me""""

I am control, you are in power,

Too hel.pless: to bear to lose me.

I am. dange:r,a fate worsethan death I rnanipu]ate your confusions.

I am to confuse, to currpt you, in disrupt yom I]£e .. For my amusement

I am dlsas.ter, desperation &, pain, Il:Uve to lead yom astray

Oll l'rn sorry~ do, you want to know my name? l'm .ADDICTION .... ".""""."& I'mb"y]ng to change

Al't~ l'Ytagi .2:008


where word fa.ns.~t:l!dion speaks. When::! Ad~ol1 Fails, Eyes. Speaks where eyes fail, tear speaks. where tear fa]ls., emotions speak where emetions fai], love s.peak$

where love fails, ! !fR.IENDSHW' speaks make a. new fr~!end-but keep the old new aJre s~l\i'e:r, but old are go.ld

time changes, hair gmw grey

but hue fri.endsMp never decays " friendship is I]ke Q rose

so beeutifuland so faur

wm give a!] the fr.agrance

though the thorn ilS always there

hue h.i.endship does not came to an end because, it is pure

r-ela.tionship to. baa true friend

true rr.iend may be CI. boy, Ora girll, a father or a mother

soi want [0 say that rr.iendship ]S most importanl: than the things other.

H Is Not lrnportant To HaVE Hundmd fr~ends In .11.. Year Bu.t U Is Importent To Have A Fri.end For Hundred Years"

ViiJkas Singroba Batch 2006

]1I's a cruel. punishrnenf

for I IUVle by s,ught and sound

'The world of be~uty is dosed for me There is. darkness all around

can't overcome my misery EVEn though] try so much [ on~y know my Fam~]y By their voice and touch


'The morning$ aN:l now In]serab]e \ilJ" onoo me sud! deHght for what LS moming you can't see ]k, worst than the darkest ni.giht

But I have raalized th]s isa test Us pain [ must endure For though god too,k aw,ay my si.gM He gave me something more

] cannot see the go,]den sunshine ] can't the hues of the flewers ] can see neither dawn nor dusk Nerthe somy twinlldung stars

~ can hear the wind sinqinthe vale ] know what that whisperung rree says ] never heard to this day

] dOil1~t hear the sound of my voice for I never have anything to Say

] dwe]lin memories and dream

] can't teU ni.ght from day

The cry ofa wounded creature So he]p1ess it makes me And those sight that] miss [ see them ]n my mind's eye

] can be happy now for to mourn ]S fuWe ] must bear what I must

So [ will bear it with a. smile

8havoa. Jain Batch 2007


This three ~ettter word

ls somewhat magical Wh.ich when spoken Brings up GI h1Llg~ smile fi~.]s one with ha.pp]ness And mekesona feel that 'There is no, one

]nthis whole world Except the One

Who owes this three letter worrll

This three ~.ettter word ls somewhat magical ]t has what people

Keep on rooking far thek whole ~ife ]t is this one wni.c.h makes

One beHavE

That even though the world Would turns around

He wm still be there

Who owes this three letter word!

This three ~.~tter word ls somewhat I ]ove the one who

Owes this three letter wmd 1 can never irna.g~ne

The world without him

It feels ]~lke the luckiest Per$ona~ive

To have hfrn in myiife

Who 'OWeS this three ]etler word!

This. three ~!etter word. is sornewhalt magical And mctglcal is the one

Who owes this three ]efrter word

flmd magical is the fhme ~,a.tter word "'DAD" ] ]oveU PAPA

AkankshaM,alik Batch 2006


Two days b~tlk. ] SaW fh~s World

The sky,~he Moon, the Sun, the bird The ,ground, the water, the wind" the tree I was new h) them,tihey were new to me

Nex.t I saw a tall dark man

With someth~ng darker~l1l hies hand

He pressed :Something & my picture came "Beautiful Rose" he gave me the name My big brother also praised my beauty And a ooxy larly called me "too proo1:y" The da.y ended & happilly [ slept

Nex.t mmniIl!9 I woke up &. wept

A!J,. my b]g brother lost his life

Somebody kI[!ed him to p~ease his wife Who~e day in my g;anl.en. children played 1"0 play with them my head :swa.yed

Soon in this World [In be no mont:

The same man wants. to please his God

Bhavna S)UITIBH Batch 2007

Sittirng L·R

Srnlivani 1f3,ansall, NUipur IRaln i, Swatii IRastogi, Rahu II Batra, Hi mal1ls,nu Ve rma, Pravee'rD Pu nidir, Sunil '(adaM, Ragha,v Srnarma, IRatJ,!JJII Bidu ri ,Sagar Kasrnyap, Varun Silnlghl, SonlJ YadaJv, Diglivija,y, .AInkit Gu pta, Neha Singlh Ag rahtvi

,.tRow L.R

Vaii'bha,v Jain, lFIarplreet SingliillPane'sar, Adlit.ya. AgalVllal, Aviinaslii ClhaliIJlhal1i, 1M ayank: Siingh, Gaurav Crn!nabra, Ank:i,. Gupta, Asif ~,allyan, Is ha SOI'l ii, AnllJ Talllwar, Richa. Garg ,V:ogesh, KLU mar f3,arelh. Adnal1l K~an, Is nu Kau ra, Sam,i I TaneJa, Mee,ta Moo:~al1i il


~oiffialllD 8,il'lgll1, AlI1Ijum Ara" Astna Triipathi, Asnish Yiadl,lv, VaiblhaJv VaJdav,. Amii'!: Ka,uslhik, IRake's,~ ,Jlanglra., IBhav.ya, Mernrn" Vineet BhardWaj, Vilk:as, ~,ii1 ulTile,slh Tya,g~. AmiilAgrawal


Sunny Melhta, Sacmii n S~arma, Ayushl Ga.rg, Hamik Ah uja., As~utfmdra. Sing h, IK~~zaf.A!nmled, IMon~1i [) handa, Alflli I KilJlffiar, Va,rUndler !Pa'l SinQl~, Arun Siill1lgh, AlIIlI1'Iol. Malan, .A!nkit. S~arma, Arilhan'l: .Jain, As~iislh ~,allyan

Mai n B h,i Ho On

Ak:anksha Maillil~., .A!mit. Joen, AlI1Iiill lK!urtrllar, .A!nkur Saini, Am ubhav Gaur, Arpiif "'Jyagli, Asha Katana, Al!lJ11 Upaidlhya, AVinish Adhalna,GMnd Tara Beglu rlrl, Cliiaru Goell, Jyot.sna S i Iilighl, Man ish Yadav, M.ayank: Ah,l!awat,. Meelila! S i II1Igh" Meenu, Mohts~arlrll HI !lJsain M ii~, Nleew Siharll"nlal, N,elha G eel, IPadlamja Pallavi, Parnilka Garg, Praveel1l Ku mar, Radlh ilk:a V~sn~slht, IRee~u Gupta, lRavikal1lt Tlripa.~hi, lRiislhi Raj BhatJt, Saiwa. Praveen, Samlbhav Yadav, Samral Kalfal1l Serngal, Sana. Re'i1rn!itlln, S ham i rader K~.ur,. Shelly" SOIl1lU iMia,vii, Suraj l!Jas, SwaU Yad!av, Ud~t.a Slharma, II pender Sheo:rnrn, Viik:as Singmilia

Sitting L~R

Sihubhnita. Ga rgl, Apoorva ~a nsal, IBMvna Sharrlrlia, N,eetu Gu pta, l!Jeeivyansh,il, Shilpi, INeha. tyagi, ~rnavna, Jia.illl1l, Ramul .Alryal, Sunii Sawl1]t, Pratiik Agar'l.lVal, Piyush Voh,ra" Atif IKhan, Saurabh. S,i ngh" IRarildlhir IKhurana, Ashutosn Sharma,

'1 tillRow l.~R

Nlartasiha Sheilly vasJni.sht,SamruG h~ Sood, Shliva.ngi.,. SonaliAinall1ld,Swa.mop Kaur, Rarildeep Kaur, Har:meet Kaur, Prirya Shianna. Hiirn<'lilli l!Jah iiya. Vi blhultil Galtgl, lralrUIl1lG~auG harry, Su mit Vemmla, Af1Il<~ r Siirngh,,e:ndler, Sach,iirTl, Sa,Hsh, SiLilrlrlit. S i IIIgh" Nlitin M uikesh,

2"d' Row IUR

Sapna Ran i" Salkshi Dhalflflija, Ansrn ul, Divya Pa,lhak, Sh,alleeril lam ba, Neha Shamnla, Hasjna IMl~ mt<E:, iPreetiiGar'g, Poo]a, Tyag i, Vilp:i n Galilgas, KilrfMlIdeep~aur, Cheenu Verma, Manajl Kumar Misra, Manlveer Sing:~, AmJj Sa HilIii, De.epak IMa.Vii, V~si1lal Raj[pUlt, Gaura.v Kall1lwar


Ram ul Ve:mn,a, Awn Jalklkad, Vii kas SlriV<'l.siava, SOll1lal Ga.ut:llm, IKomal "faclaiv, Imvya Setya., Yogesh, Ajay VijayaYlFaIIlll, Pulkit. Agarwal, Ashish SrHvasrnva, Ash iis,~ Vashisti1l, Ab:hishelk: Verlmal, lPiLinee,t Grover, RaJesih, Hliiteslh, Hiim,ansh,iLQ, MolhitTyagi. iPravee:n Kl!jlrlflar,Jla.~ln Ghau, Gaura.v GUlpta" Sa~.rabrn Tyag i

Main Blil i H oen

.Aaka.s~ Cha.udhia fY, Abh iis~ek Yadav, Abriin .A!klht<'llf, Ajlit KiLQ mar Sri ngh, Yada,v, AlI1Iu Sachian, DeepallKuma.r, Dinecs.ra KIUI1r'" Gaurav P.a:nwar, Gurpr,@et. SUn1lgh, IlFIiitesh, IBansa I, Mamfeep Silrnghl, IMohd. Uma.r, Mohsiin Hlu!ssa~n, Muk:~t Verma, N eetu Vemma, INipull1l IRai Sa:ilfil i, INildt:a Sa.! n~, Priya.nka C~aha.ll, IPuja Agalr'l.lVal, Rohit K:a~s hilk, Sa~ rabh A,gralharli, Shali kihf:amhina.oan~, Sharma Parv,een, Shiva,ffi Malh o,~a, Sufiia Khralnam


Tanllj .A!mra ,.ShiElI~ni Shalil1r'la, Akshli ~,alnsa~, IRub~ IKulffi~Hi, ~avjot. Kaur, lPalrUl~, INancy, GayaUil Ga,rg, [)eeba Nlazi r, .iOevernder Chaudl~ary,Jlu nedl, .Jlaved, K.ehisva, Slnekha.r Si1I.Ellrma, As~.isn Yada,v, Pralbhia.t Va.ts., Viljia.y

1,,1 Row IL-!R.

IMoniilka, Garuma ¥a.dav, Arnshu, Vimulghda,flrnmi, Slhweta Saini, S!JJlffiaIIfilIRarni, Slhival1igu Kanc~an, Aliii lIfyagi, IPragrya., ~.pslha, Garima IMial1 ilk, Am ilta Yad av, Arclharla IPlund iir,Shalika IBatra, Osh() B,allaga.IfIl, IlRiilika Kans.all, Gurstene.dr Kau r, Snan~ lM'alnn, Anub~uti Vaslhishllh. N upu r Gupta, Swa.ti GUlpta,


Aruna, B~artii Da,ila], Yadhi Garg, Shulklha She~rawa.t, BusJnamiW.a.~i, rNJ i k:iita, Swati rNJ,egi, Jyotii, .Alrti Tyagi,Vijela. Ober(l:i, Vlipul, Riitiilk;a IBenz, Yashlika. I~hati, Prabha. Yadav, Sawli MahaJialfl,. RaJeev, r:h!lepe·~n;hu, As~ish Yadav, Maya.lfIlk IMa.ngla, Narveer

3'~ RowL·1R

J~tendef chaudlhalry, Tauseef a]vil, .Ankuf, saurabh Gautaml, .A!bhlislii,ek Tya.gli, Ranjan Awana, HlUmans~u,. Gamll Shank:alr, An uj, Prasul1I, Sa.hlill Ctn.abra, lbDevpratee'k Gupta., Tushsr IB nati, Jialio:n 1f1:!,aiislla., IRajeev Chauhan, Vaibha.v 'tadav, IJie·vii Singh Chau~an, Dus~yant Chaudlhary, .Almit Gupta, Sud@ep Maillik, rNJ.avpr,eet, Singl~, Salhil IMiUal1

Mai:n B h~ h oon

Anlki1f "[)fagli, f1:!~avya Mailihotra, II shant Snl1iglh, Jasrlrlliirn,e Kau r Aujlla.,. Jatin Shalil1r'l,a ,J'ogind!e r Shia rma, Kama! CMudh;::My, Kancnan Kamini, Kap~11 I~ag'alr, Kaus.nal Kumar:,. Meglrna Pundii r, MoM. Azad, Pfiyam Bhasik;ar Raii, Samrat. SdhraioSe'hga.ll, Shlalher SingJn, Slilarafat, Suga.ndha. Raghuvanshli, Vinltii Dixit


Sitting L~R

Abh ill!aslh Gupta., Aijay IDinod la, INiteslii ShalF"lT1la, Kash,isl1i Agla Mal, RoolPak: Sain ii, Akhlih~!,sn Siirngh Kusliiwalha, Aeshvarya.IDhlawan, Ka raliliM all hetra, Jon Singh" gh iivall'nlGupta, Vishall Parmar, IDhalrll'l1e'nlder Yadav, Sa.chin Verma, Gaurav Kumar Pandey., Wa:seem Saufi, NlavrilIeel Kum,ar


Sha.llJ Rana" INee11 Kam!all Bika, Sihubhang i .Arya, Sukh reef Kau r, N avmop Ka.ur, Raveena" S nub~ra Slharma, Mana,eep 'Kaur, SUlrabh~ Chl~abra, gh alhjamani., neepiik:a S~ngln, Anuradha. Slinghall, BM\l'ya, Krilti,~a Dewall'l, AVIIi i, Aga.Mal., Pawailflljot IKaur, Kamal Saini, Deepika, D:eepikal, Aarlldhal Malha]a.n. IMbnilka Pundeer, Meemlaksh,i, R~ man i, Dh!JJ~11

2,"d Row L.iR

Salii illl Bhalrglava, irall'lesinvar Yadav, AdesJn Gaufiaml, Rajat. G~ pta, Ajay Kumar, De,s.hindier Siharirnal, e n~rag Sa8an, Suk:hdeep Slin9h" IRoo~ani Mahajan, Stinlit. Sharma, Raj:eev Pa~, Swatantrn Singh, Bijellider IKumar, Sanlto81h YadaJv, Hiimansh,!JJ SMrma" Sus~.iI Ku mar, Slii iyam Kumar, Salfil'kalp Doda, Nlitin Shan1rha. IPar~11 Verma" Morn it eMu nan, UcH'nam: Singlrn

Maiin Sir! i Heen

Ablii isnek Ku mar S i ngh" Ad.itya.,. AmiilIKuma.r, .Anas Qur,e'Blhi, Ank:~slh Bhla.n~wal, .Atiq~!Jr~Rehman, AysJna Bano" HI eena. PaJteil, iHima,nii Yad av, Jla,ii90:n Pau II Sharma,, Jyoti, Kaniii!>;a IB hargava, IKilran, Maim i rna, Moi1ld. Adna,n. Mdhdl. Akralrn Chal~dhary, IMoM., Siharlique, Nid nii Palnldey, Nlikita, Sing rn, !Pall'll,i Sing n. !P,ooja, Pomnirnl,l Sing n, .lPreelil Sharmla, lPulklhraj [Deep ginglh" Pukh,ram bam, BidyaralirDli nevi, IRee,ma, Sarnam, HI,~s:sain, Samadl A~li Abdullah" Sa.pna, SaJvit:f!, gh iilk:rna, S umit Mall i k:, S:wa,raj Swa.desh Saikia, Ush,a Dlalbas, Vastmdhra Sungh,Vewull Sardana" Vina~l Ka,u8hik


1" Amit Agiarwilil

.2."1 Su~;ajl Das 1& Vilkals 3d KIl~~)i!lf .Alilfiil~dl


DrraV SiR!ih.


Oraga:nised by social Cultural Society

Vice Pre::;ident:

Dr Sa.lllrabh Yad.iiI.v


Atih,ant .'ain

Joint Secretary:

Sabil Taneja

SPORTS ME.E.T 210,0'9

Or.aganised by Sports Society


Dr JV Sing:b.

Vice P[.es~dent:

Dr Deepaoka:r


S,agat Kashya.p

Joint Secrl;lkl:ry:

AshishVada\il, Ariihant dla~11 ,. Isha Senli.


Osha ,(2k8,) &: Shwer£! (2:k8) \/imughdha. Prerni(2kg~

\Jimughdha. (2k8) & Preeti. Sharm1;l. 1(2k9} N1fin (2k7)

Arty Tyagi {2kS),

Arun (.2k6) .AnmQ~ (2'k6) Ayush (2'k6)

'" Natac$ha (2,k7), Arp]t (Zk6), Sarnbhav (2~6)? AmH (2.k6} &, * ASif '(.2kG).. Epsha (2k8), lshu (2k6), Bhavya. (2k6)

Shani. Ma~n (2,};8)

Yagesh (Zk6), Adrian (:2k6), Vika~ (:2k6) Kamal Yadav (:2k7)

¥ogesh (Zk6)

AnkH Gupta (2k6}, Adnan (2k6), BhCivya. (2k6), V]kas (2k6) Kamal Yadav (:2k7)

B]jen.d!er Kum~r (2k9)

\/ikas (2k6) As~f f2~6), Bhavya {2k6}1$,n:u (2k6) Puja (2k7), Shelly (2k6)

Devprateek (2k8) j Kamal f2kS),

Kamal n Singh (2kG)

Ak~J~. Chaudhary (2'k7)

AInU Joan (2k6)

Adnan Kh,an (2k6)

Natasha. Tyag~ (.2k7)

mgv~jay Singh (2'k6)

Shama Praveen Team ,(2k7} Mohd Umar Team (2k7) Sunil Team {2k7}

Komal, Adnan (2~6),

Kemal Yadav (:2k7)

Rango,]~ Poster Collage

1"-:Sh~.Tt Painting Mehandi

Quiz Antakshar.~

R 9" 1(1.,

11. 12, 1.3., 14, 15., 16, 17, 18, 19, 210. 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26., 27. 28,

DebCiffi Mad-Ads Lemon Ra.ce(F) Lemon Race(M} Dumb Charades COCCI Cela W) Coca Cola(M} Treasure Hunt

MatkaJh,atka(f) MatkaJh,atka{M) Hogathan( iF) Hogalthan(M) Love I.etter wrmng Musical Chair Ann. Wres.ttlIing(F) Ann Wres.ttlIing(M} Ihg of War(F)

T u.g of War{M)

Tug of war {Mbr,ed) Ba~.~oan fining Sack Marathon (F}

29. 3(1.

31. 32,. 33, 34. 35 .. 36 .. 37, 38. 3:9, 4(1. 41, 42,

Sack Marathon (M) Long Jump (F} Long Jump (M),

1" riple Jump

3-~eg H:(lIce

Kho Rho (F~

Kho Rho, Boys Kabbad~.

1"a1ble Tennis(singles) 1"a1ble Tennis (Doub]es} Chess

Carrom (S]ngles) Carwm (Doubles) Basket Ba[1 (M) Basket Ba[1 (Mixed) Crkkef (.5 +2}

Rakesh (2k6) Neha Goe~. (2k6) Sonu Mavi. (2k6) Sonu Mavi. (2k6)

Preen (2k7)1 &. Vi.pu] (2kS)1 SWat[ Negi Team (2k8) Sonu YadeN Team (2k6) SunH Yadav Taam (2k6)1 Parul(2'k9)

Parul &. Allin Siwach (2'k9) SahM. bha.rgava(2.k9) Saura1bh Agrahan,(2k9)

Ch]rag Sasson &. Tanesnwar Yadav (2k9 ~ Deepak Mavi Team (2k7}

Neha Goo~. Team (2'k6)

SunH Sa!f01U[ "feam (2k7}


L Mayan};; Singh

2 Neha. Singh Agra.n,ari 3" Arin,antJall"l

4" PUYlLlsh Vohra.

5" VaibhavJain

6 Dushyant Chaudhary

MMCstudents ar'e aCitirveiy ]nvo,Ilved in conducting research.

f\'o~]owung srudenlts got the preshg;uDlils ]CMR 81'S studentship for rond1l1cNng research

nanhs m u nne doctor (School chiildren on a viisiit to M MIC)

Sir 1 nahl 2 bare khele, but thoda sa. viva. me hume Ibhi jh,elo

Tu mse lag i lagaln .. radlhe radhe

Padoqe ll khogl,e banoqa kharab, khaloge kudoqe banoqe nawab

IMIM C Lilncin IF' ark

Ooeblaaa ...

Bone se pyar nahil hai kya ~ Orthopaed lcs topmost branch Ih a ii


Editor Ashish Yadav Yogesh


Cal"ic)ltist Mayank Ra:ghav Vasundhara Nitka



Wdtel' AsH

Raj at AHk Dushyant Ayush

Rep,odel' Manoj lshu Preeti Sonel

Arti Mohsen Amit

Financel Rahul Ankit Amit Anmol Kamal

Th e v~m I,ent i rIIfEH::~ioril of Vimls spread Illi ke a P'andsm lcdorl 111 91 lnsorn n la &, Sports Meet wh leh recordedallthe official & Nlon Oft1iiciiialll {mai I1IIly)1 ~ I1IlC!iide111 ts that happened ln MMC

Vi~rus .q~1r~~' sw~ne flu.'~~rttftffi ~ ~:r.41-~'J3ftqI1'T"~*f*--m *ttq''ffi~ II Illnfec[iv,E! MatBriial&. Dedi(:ation·~f'4;----m~t~Nrmf*-,:t"'I. ~&nql'l

The swe e~, ii rnocent &: na.uglhty comments from teachers made iil~a. hug,s


Threecheers for it.

~ ~ i\'Iq~l *" 1ft T.ilfff ~

¥ zy;mr #i ~ .q-{ ff ~ ~ ~ iF.crt ~ ~. ~

.~ ~. ~ ~ ~. ~ w: ~' ~ ~ftI'q'iijT ~t Trfr ~

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These blessing words are wriHen by' our worthy Prinicipal sir, for the outgoing Batclil-2106

~ ~ "#t ~ ,q~l· CfiT ~

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~ '!4iM1' Cfi ~'~' Cb{ (~ff qft ~~ ~ «6tH·'i11

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Photo CouRsey : Dr. An~IAsarwa~

f!1@l12if '?Ai q i16l-1JOT ~1'CbI[Cbit'fSCl, cst:Cbl &fldt, ~ctld( ~ attc~1

3fc;ctQI~', CJJ:QC~IClfl taEfleff ti~ ct~'"


{881tch-.20 DB}

Aditya Ag-:arwai (Chilku) Birth Day: 15 December Mob. : 80S772'725.2

f.-mail:;a[ Address :

Moh. Sah ukarat Near Ramlila Gr()und; BUaspm, Distt Rarnpm [U. P]I

This shod guy from B]laspur is rur:tremeJiy adive in all includinq the pace OF giving viva.

Akau.ksha Ma.l ik Birth Day : 6 Aug!u;st Mob. : 0]722637525


B:urt~ Day' 21 Ju~

Mob.. : 954.]538554, 9.897328732

E-rnai~.: Address:

20!2/C-3j• TUwar~. Campus West End Road, MeerutCantl, [UP~ 250{101

Kiha:l1on kekhan adnan khan use to wait for every Thursday when he had to drink, eat and pack kadhi with pakoda. ]1'1 mess.


Birth Day: 1 December

Mob. : 9358359168, 99917687650

Amit Agarwa.1 (Smj) Birth Day: .21 Jam.1ary

Mob .. : 98323.85009, 9160337756

E-rnai~.: wcks1ar...;ami.t@yahoo.ocdn Address :

C/O Abhisek s,teeJ, Mangal Pandey Road, Near Gang2l .• Apartment, SHUgu:ri 734005 [West Bengal]!

He is the topper O'f the class who flips the pages faster than the notes munting machine & everyone is still ooa[t:h~ng the reason behind h~sgreat grand success.

Amit Kaushiik Birth Day: .29 January

MotL : On .. ~.2595217], 94156457867

E- , .'~ .. K. : ,I ~-k2.- f)'l,(lIOQ~., ~- --,' rnan: . aUS~.I.I.· -";:I. 700~ya.U~.Do.,ccun


Vmage Garh] Randhala Delhi.-81

This ]orvab~,e gen.tlernan is probab]y more hand;OOme~y endowed in qualities than in stafu:r·e. Despite his honesty & curtaess, he can a~w,ays be counted upon in the hour of need.


House no 83. Sedor.2 7 -:A, Chandigarh

This g±d from Chcmdigarh is consistent end academic performer &is good in sports espe.cial1yBasketbaU.

E-ma~] :aml:tjQon4u@yaho(HXlrn Address :

17/616 Mohan Nagar, Bahadurgarh I-Jaryana ] 24507

This fatiyguy allw.ays Fa.ntasizesabo1!i[ bi:ke & rides at a m~nim1!im speed. of 120kmpn.



Anil~ Ka.nshik

B~rth Da.y: 27 January'

Mab.: 01.681.:245944,74]7073207

E-mai~ : Kshknl@yahoo"com Address:

Student Book Depot, Opp Bus $l:and, Gohana Road" Ji]lj_d~ Haryana 126102

He is q UlrtB studious & wiU. a~ways be Found with a book in his hand, He ~;S the only one who has taken the complete benefit of his. libra.ry card


Birth Day: '7 March Mob. : 97601622.27

E-mail :. dl:Lanjlum..saheen@g:lUa~lcom


Pandepur, Premehand CO~ony, \!aranasi

A 5~mple, practical and g€nu~n€ ~~.rl from. Va.ranasi is passionate: about hercareer, A good listener an~ a smooth talker, she can have a decent COrlve_TS.a:tuon w~th anyone and e:wryof1e"

Ankit gupta

Birth Day: 18 November

Mob,. : 81j00952120, 999727[15~1

E-rnaU: .PffisngJlptaB7@gma]Lcom Address:

WZ-l80, Old Sa.h~.b Pura, Ti~ak nagar, New Delhi-I 1 0(118

The 'g:enl:lieg;iant motu ~;S better known M chairmen of the batch whose punch Htl:e is "bahut kiy.a hai"

Anil P:awar ('Cbinka) Birth Day : 1 A:u~u:.St

Mob_: 87551'77707, 976o.39~894i


153/3, Patel Nagar; PaHala Chowk" Jlnd, Haryana 1216102

A fi.en::eiy l.oyal, eaTing and empa.theti.c Friend, he has been known asthe balancing facter among his crazy Friends

Ankit GUptill.

Birth. Day: ] September Mob. : 81268.23800

E-mait: thegen~.1I1s., Address:

9/44, Patti Mehar, Bhatte Wa]i GaH, Baraut [BaghpatJi, UP250611

The sharp minded, short guy can dear any subject in just 1 Hight.

Ankit Shar.m,a (Panda) Birth Day: .21 Janua.ry Mob. : 98U645.145

E-rna~~. : anki.t21 aqaUI.ius@yahOo.cojn Address:

KA 5. KaviMgafj Gh,aziabaci

Thi.sguy wlth WEak digestive sy.ste:rn has not read so many medical. '00 oks as he has read Auto Cars, Driving is his passion & his attendance is found to be mmeiI1lWash room than in class


{Batch-2006 }

Ankur Saini

Birth Day: 2 November Mob" : 93592.q,0084

E-mail :dr.ankmsainl@gmail"com Address:

54 ] ~ Sai.nil Co~oruy, RO{J[kee

This healthy gllly has his clear motto of Ufe fromthe day he was edmittedin MMC Eaf more to 100$8 mare

AnuTanwa1!" B~rth Day: 18 Ap:l'il

Mob. : 01.127603913, 9997323631

Address :

238, 1 Floor, Parmal1and Co,]ony, De:bi-9

She mostly remains confined to her morn but is eVE;T H::!ady to help anyone around in the need.

Ari.hantI Jain

Birth Day:. 6 November

Mob" :(11342262:608, 9997fU2608[ 17@Sif)ttom .Address:

0'0 ML Sh.ailndra. Kumar[CA~jR.aje]ldra Nagar, OM NCC Ground~ Near Sh,akti Chowk~ Bijnm [u. P] .246701

The mascot of an cul.ruTal festuvalls is the most efficient wodl!er ~na]l sodQ-cuHma~ events.

Anmo~ Malan (dadu) Birth Day: .2 Augu.s1

Mob .. : 9760171937

E-rna!~. : anmoLa.fhe:ist@yahoo.cctin Address:

A. very meficu~!Qus and mgan]zeo.guy, who actually has different pairs of s.~~ptpers for activities outside and ]ns~de the rooru. He is the Best opeFler of our cricket team

E-m.a!~.: gambh,aman@gm.aiLoom Address :

House No 442 Sedor 4Sj Urban Estate OurgaQn, Haryana

The kIl!Ies1 Q:uy of the class is more regl!ilar to gym than to class who upholds fhe motto of Khao,. piyo & aish birO &. has the best spoken Engl]sh"

Anubhav Gaur Birth Day: 15 July Mob": 7417076563

E-rn.a!~. : easgd123345@gmaib::om Address: :

ViUage: Ambheta. Sekhat 'Iehsll-Deoband,, [UP]I

His sense of humor is many commendable, The Mr. PeTfection~s[ of the class is full of potential to do any daring work.

Arpilt 'fyagi Birth Day: 10 May Mob. : 8923765164



Arum Siwach

B~rt~ Da.y .: 25 Se]?t:ember

Mao. : 9466151555, 9313860000.2

E- meil : ]orve]yboy _1392@yanoo.cuin Address:

House no 1392'-J\sedor-3. Roht(:lk Ha;ryana l24001

This 1ta1l guy can write humorous thesis on any topic (specially the DCH one! &us the best sarcastic commentator who. cen dissect" ba.liyan H~rth D~y : 11 March Mab.: 9997779997


9.29, south Civil Line, JaM Co]o,ny, Muzaiffama.gar

This locallJffi body builder has go.t short C1Lds for everything" He is DemuGod to almost .an (IF his batchmates due to his well connected. ]l!efuNmk"

Ashu!itendra Singh Birth Day : 7Ju~.y

Mob .. : 05852223860,94]5414943

E-mail.: SinghasJmtendra@yahoo..m_in

- .


C~332 Ava:S viks Co~ony, Hardoi UP

The computer saVV'yis the best player of PC games" No One can beat his stamina to play continuous~y all days &. Il]ghts w.ithout a. break

Ash.a. Kaiarila.

Bi.rth Day: .27 Ju~y Mob" : 97609394]3


1500{1, Mahab]r Pure, New R:aHway Road, Opp" Bha.fnaga:r hospital.~ Gmgaml, Haryana

A mli.gioU$ gid who is very cadng for alii. her class mab~K She is always ready to offer her ne]p to .anyon.e in need. Her pa:intingsare marrve!o1i1s Yadav Bi.rth Day: .2 Marich MotL : 9557638188


C/o $avHri Ey!e Hospita~.,IT[ Road,


E-maH : justashu3I[10:Q@yahoo,co_in

He always remain ina state of hyperpyrex.]a for cr~d~etl-]e cannot miss .any makh even jrf U is Professional exam the next day He has done wonders ]Ill SMCT

AsH Baliya:n (ChoUa) Birth Day: .28 Qctobe;r

Mob_, 9997234570, 9760715085

E-mail. : acSi.lliai]yan1988@yahoo"oom Address:

\I'm &, Po. Pu.rbal:Uyan~ DISTT Muzafiarnagar .25<1203

The rustic lad who made it oi.g" Tri)nsiNoH from the hindi medium school. ina small village in muza.ffarna.gar to the Medical coUeg:eus a. very nardwmKer"


{Satch-20 DB}

Astha 'friipatMii Burt~~ Day: 12 F€!,bmary

Mob. : 9415077222, 9557777707

Address :

C/o Dr. C"RN. Tr.u~.fhi, HistridHospital.~ Basti (U"~)

The l:m'bbl.y &. restive ]at$$ has impressed many with her beall!tyas wen as brains, She jsa singer par ex.ceUence.

Av:iJnash Chauh.aD (Mam.a) Burt~l Da.y .: .24 J.anua:ry

Mob .. : 9319687485


Vi[!age Garhi. Brahamana. Near New Comtj• ward No 30, Sonepet, Haryana

The "Lovely" Boy from Sonepat isthe World Record holder in Paranth,a ,ea.ting. Ga.rg Birth Day :25 Ju]y

Mob .. :9410094013, S006H58001


E-maH :ayusJ~4jfmz@gmail"com Address:

A-805, OCR b1il~], Vid.han Sabha Ma:rg, Lucknow .22600]

ML A. HOD ,OF the cemreunicatlcn Dept has soma anonymo1J.1s '9:enesin his fingerskl!r typing messag;es at a record speed of 160 character'S per 5 seconds, One can always find a bad reserved for hum ]ntihe lCU.

.Atul. (A. .. T)-

Birth Day: ]3 December

Mob_ ,012!Ob.27839l3. 9760622~6


G-163, Sedor~2:3~ $anj.ay Nagar, ,Ghaziabao

Agooo. sportsman who ]S theca.pta~n of the cricket team, mid flelder in Football , smasher in voU.eyball and badminton is (:I veFY friendly personthe Best opener of om erickettaam

Avnish A.dh.ana Birth Day: .26 January I Mob .. : 9.368434456

Address :

Manjha.wa~.i Moad, Tigao,nj Far~dabad

This tan &: handsome, truly athletic 1eS made fDr games & gym who has not missedeven a s~ngl.e match of Foetball or Volley1ba]1 pla.yed On the earfh of the MMC

.BhavyaMeh1ia. (Cha.lIIdhary) Birth Day: ] 1 July

Mob .. : 0573427S250, 9412858356

E-mQ~~ : ddJhavyarnehfa@gmaitoorn Address:

Manak chowk,, Dist Bulandshahr

This lad is so. punetuel & re.g:ular to the class that ~M:~ even forgets Sunday is a ho,] A S]l1rnre & hard wo[k~ng guy who has complete devotion towards srud]es.


« Batch-200B}

Bhumesh Tyagii B~rt&i Day: 7 Febl'lkllry

Mob. :0]2021665221,9457641856

E-ma.M :Bhumeshtyagi@gma]Lcom Address:

C/O Dr. Subhasn 1"yagi, Tyag;u Medical Store, ROad" Dadri, G.B nagar

This cunning g:uy has good popularity among junior g~Tls due to his .zmi.on danaT smile.

Ch.af1i 'Goel. B.~rtt!i Day:

Mob.: 94]0449181

Add.res:s :

CIO Mr RK 'Goe]j. N ear Morning G~ory School, Muzaffa.magar [UP]

ThegirJ with no nonsense attirude had an .urrl:eF!l:SeI.y privo'Jt.e me; which she has put to good use for her interest in subjacts ..

Gaura.v ChabFa Birth Day: '7 May Mob. :9808259007

E-maU: chh,abra'7585@gmaiLcorn Address:

51, Prem Vatika, Mission CO>n!ipound, Saharanpur

The most silent 'guy in class when b.oys are around but changes take place wlr~h change of surrounding,

Co.and Tara Bd~ Day: 3 July Moh. :94528841709

E-ma]l :dr.dhandtaTa@gma.~Lcom .Address:


Premrn,and Co~ony~ Va.ranasi

This happy-go~lucky ga] from Varana,siis one of the coolest peoplein the Ch:l!SK Her abiWIy to get with everyone has made her life simple & eas~l

Diip:iJjay Singh Birth Day : 29August Mob_: 9761804999

E-mai~. : O1gi88 Address:

Base Agency, lndora , district Kangra ,

Himachal Pradesh

The smart ]ookung "PAHADl THAKUR" hom the picturesque va[leys of Himaehel isthe Best Arm Vilrestler of the college and no ena has ever dare to beat him,

Hardik. Ah.ujaa.

Bi:rrh Day: 31 .JUy Mob_ :8791198906

E-maU: dashing_hardy@n;ldi.ffmaU_corn Addr,ess:

G-19, Swasthya Vihar Del:hi-92

The Hr.ifhik of the class is now been transformed into Harman Baweja after Love Story 2050" His danoing stunts &: 0001 atEirude is admired by everyone.


« Batch-2006}

Ha.rpreei Singh Panesar B~rth Da~/: 16 Aug;usl:

Mob. : 958235380 t, 9536609877

Address :

H.No 34,. 00c:-31 fa.r!dab~d Haryal1i~.

He can repair almcst anything from

electronics to {someti.mescan

damage elso]

He isinspired by OaFne~d who remains busy in his own i]fB

Isha Son:ii

B~rth Day: 7 Novembe:r

Mob. : 9411928'915, 9568.852483


40,. sushila vi hair, 1 Dhoor, Shivam Sadan, BU~Qndsahair

This pre.tty '9:1[1 with 9!Llts is hardworking & efficient in ~11 jloOO" She has impressed everyone with herorganiz.ung skills at lnsomnia 2i(~09

Jy'oisna Singh '(Joj'O) Birth Day :2 Ju]y

Moh. :9415626082


N-13/209-62', Brij Enclave Extension, Sundarpur, VaranatSi .. 221 005

from the shores of Varana.s~r this sweet &. cute gid is very ponte [0 eveIYone & she is the :staT dancer ofthe class.

Hilmanshu Verma (Eta) Birth Day:. 13 December

Mob.: 9410628900, 94-57017.2344


I;_lno 50 near Jain Mandir ManaranCi

, - - - , . - -' - .. ~ . .

Pada.p Na.gar ETAH [u.P] .207001

This ~nrroved g:J!iy is a fhm believar of God & the Priests knows him much more than the tecu::her'S"

~shu Kaura. (Bozu) Birth Day : 6 August

Mob .. : 01602101066, 8006168·]00

E-ma~] :lihuk6351@gmaiLoom Address :

MuraTi Lal Hamash Kumar, HaHway Road Marinda ~ Dist ROPar, PUllj(:lb

This guy from Mminda (Don!t dare to pronounce Mi[inda) is the best fielder & can catch .any ba[LI-Us favourite songis "Oyeee_" Oyeee" "" from the movie Tridsv

Khiizar Ahmed. Birth Day: 7 MC'IIoch

Mob .. : m.24~2330530, 9758024733

E-mai.~ : kh]zarahmed07@gmaiLoom Address:

CIO Ahmed Hoop~.tal? Sector 15 Paid]] GurgaOl1i

He is totQI~y into cars &bukes &. hasgot the largest ro.nect~!on of car &: bike magazines in theoo~]egR .Apart fromthat has good interest inRaiP musk & Ghazals &. is very fond of Urdu language.


« Batch-200B}

Komal. 0 Singh B~rt&i Day: .8 June

Mob. :969001]]036, 963~97257

E-mQi.~ : l"uli.p _ 08@rooiHmai] .. mrn Address:

B-El5, Harl Nagar, New delhi

Exhernely devoted & sincere, she takes. academics a. little too seriously, but nevertheless this QittUrude has helps many clumsy oafs (in exams ofcourse) besides. herseF[

MBiyank Ahlawat B~rth Day: 24 August

Mob .. : 285389'16~ 9911810553

Therenowned "\lirns" mi;tgazineus in! without hisartishc sketehes.Thls feUow wlrH, good sense of humos is a~ways ready to debate on .any top]c.


30 Evershine Appartmnek, D B~ot:k~ Vikaspuri New De[hi

Meenal Singh

Birth Day, 3 Sepl~~mb~<r

Mob. :01202756394,9557077299

E-mai] :. meenaLsingh@[ Address:

5D-446, Shastri Naga[;. Gaz~abad .201001

A bo~)krmi'[ng person, she is mostly found in her room engrossed ]n SOme nove! she reiQ~nt1y bought or many a. times simply studying. She has topped fne Un~.versi.tyin First Pmfessional examin,ations


Birth Day: 9 Septemb~'i"

Mob .. : 9~[6373712, 9017174307

E-rnai~. : Yadavma.nish87@yahoo,cojn Address:

Majr.a Khurd~ Di:st Mohindergarh, Haryan~ pin 123029

He is the Ja.ok of AU. trades & one can fn~.nk of master of each of them too. His stories of bravery are very popular In the ool~egEL

Ma/yank ,(3Wif~) Birth Day :3 August Mo~ .. : 9758603884

E..:mt:l]l. : m,ayanksi]lgh3886@gma.~Loorn Address:

BH-12g~ PaHavpuram Phase 1 Menut

This short guy From Menut is very speeiflc about his teatirninqs. He needs tea fur every moment as patrol is needed in automobile

Meeml K:h.uram.a Birth Day: .25 Jun~,

Mob .. :01331245132. 9997098723

E..:maH :rneenukhurani;l90@yahoo.oorn


East Aiganan, Nakur Road, $a[Si;lWa, Sahampur [U.P~

This cutB g~[11 is very difficult to ge.t to know at first but o,noo you penetrate that shell. of hers, Y01l1 wm find a. very sensrHve,tru.stwo'flhy and ambntuDl!iS person


« Batch-2006}

Meelta Moorjani B~rth Da~/: 3 June

Mob. : 8800419255,9997U3296

E-mai~.: meeta 36@y;;thoG_coJn Address:

G-] 56, Vikaspm~., New Del.h~. 1 toot 8

~l'1ltemgenf, hard-working,. simple and downto-earth that's Meeta for you" She likes her music hard and her simple Me"

Nee1tu Sha:nua B~rth Da~/; 30 August Mob.. : 01165845453,


E1I4S, Bnj Puri, Delhi

This g~d with lOFlgesl ,~ .. (hair} has pea.r]y h,andwritung. Her hobbiesinclude & sl.eeJl~ng but talking tops the list

Neha Sing,h. Agraha:ri. Birth Day: 12 Decamoer

Moh. :9935851700, 979500~]22

E-mai~.: neh.a.a.garhad@gmai.~ .. com Address:

C/O ML Som Chand Gupta, ]28!S94 K BI.odlr;t Kidwai NagaY1 Kanpmj UP

This sweet, soft spoken, dusky beauty from Kanpm is po']~.te to eveI)loneL She has impressed everyone with her academic & e::-r:t[acunicu]ar ski~]s

Moh1tashaml. Husain {Moti) Birth Day: 3 March

Mob .. : 9927388687

E-ma!~ :mofi mkza2004@yahoG"roJn Address:

Mirza Hea.~[h CaJn:! near bus stand,. basikiralpur, Bij nore (UP)

This guy from BljnmeiS one of the very rare indiv]dua.~s who don't understand the met:t!1ing of the werd stress, Oft:e:n untsaceabla due to his very deep REM sleep


Birth Day:. 31August

Mob. : 9557:n 944,3" 991 ]281281

Add.ress :

D..:21 1 , Rampras[h,a CO~O[!)Yt Ghru:ia1bad

Beauty capturesatt:e:rutioil1 &. the personalirty captures. head is very wd said fer this baautifuilass from Delhi, She has got an. the skill tottlke a:n):,lone'sa.ttenHon

Nupm Ra1thii

Birth DCIIY : 25 November Mob. :9897248032

E-ma~i : r.a.thLnupm2511@grnaiLoorn Address:

H. No .. 1545, Taacher's co,]o'r1Y, Muzaffamagar (U"P)

S[~!eis weU. respected for being one of the most cultured and well behaved indi.v~dualls Y01LlGa:n ever meat


« Batch-200B}

PadamjaPallall!i. Bd~ Day: 4. June

Mob.: 06122522327,99917871667

E-m,ai~. : p.adamz'~Lpaa]a\i']@gmaiLoorn Address :

2m, Manjoosa Appt., Kavu Raman Path, Na.ges.hwar Colony, P:ama (B]ha:r}

This gi:r] from the United State OF Lalu papulady known as PP icS alwa,Ys to class & ]sallw.ays found with a heavy bag on herbaek.

~av.een Dun~ja '(Loella) B.~rtt!i Day: 6 June

Mob..: m8[1.~008976, 95414] 1903

E-mail: happy dure]a86@yahoo"mm Add.res:s :

676, Sukhdav Naga[~ Kotla~ P:anipai, Haryan(:l

The most delicate guy of the class is as sweet as sugar,as OOQ~ as.cueumher &. as soft as feather

Rii'Hlhika. Vashis1th Birth Day: 12 December Mob. :9557520069

E-:rna]l. : Vasn~;,;;l9@gmauLoom Address:

9/238 Sedor 3 Rajlendra.Nagar, Sahibebed, GnatZiabad

When happy .• ~augl·L". ViJhen sad, laugh ..... w~'u~n~n doubt, j mot laugh, dammit ..~ha,ts Radh~ka .~n brtef, .. IHe LLS but an innocent laugh for her. This rute, ever smHing giril is mos.tknown~n 'fue c!assror her charaererisnc hearty ~;a:!J!jh;tfi!<r

Pa:rnika. Glug Birth Day: 8 October Mob.: 09634-5974.52

E-rn,a!~. : gargrpam]ka@yahoo"oom Address.:

Garg Syrgica! Centre, Bypa:ss. HaDad, Arnmha (Mmadabad) U~·

As the name suggests she is fhe fa]ry queen (Pari.) of the class who has ]mpressooeve:ryone w.ith her mesmerizing looks

P'1-aiueen Pu:ndiir (Do dy) Birth Day: 8 June

Mo~ .. : 955,7777701


Damodar Purl, Opp" EmergEncy Gate Ovil Hosputal., Saharanpur

The b]gg~1 fan OF Sa]man Khan can do mlmiory On ,any topic. His physique Can cemplement Anlo~d~ w.ho is a. raUginus visitm of Gym mom.

Raaghill.v Sharma Birth Day: 1 Aprl~

Mob .. :9990812213, 9997030039 Address:

M.R Hoepital C-l!3 Raffia Park Near Dwarka Morh Metw Station, Pi[!GIi[ no, 712, New Delh]

Thies glJ!Y From Deb! can talk for hours and hours 011 cus.tomer care. A veIY capable guitar player has made everyone crazyespeci,any girls.


« Batch-2006}

Rahld .. Batra

Birt~ Da.y : 21 December Moh" : 0132.:268]831, 9456430812

E-mai~ : b~.har~.hu121@gmaiLmm Addr,ess:

7 Jawah,ar Nagar, Behind Behat Bus Stand, Saharanpur

The melting Punjabi from S-anar.anpuris a~ways ready fDr d,ancing" He is the most handsome guy of the class ..

Rakesh Jlanp.a B.irt~ Day: 14\ Apr~l

Moh" : OH27519S14, 99971231.<179

E-mai~.: j.angra_68@yahoo .. eom


B 59 Sel;tor 1.AmarpoU Pocke~OO RDhin~. Delhi

The Bis~eri Boy is Rockstar for his friends & the eti.ol.ogy behind his hygi.ene syndrome ~:S sWI unknown,

Keetu Gupta Birth Day :8 June Mob. :9410747613


Gayatri Vlllaj• Sarita OuptQt Near "fyag] P:athD~Ogy Centret railw.ay Road,

Ganesnpmj Roorkee

.A. simple, quiet and hardwmking gal whois spotted moot~y in the LT or in her mom w.ith the books all around her.

Ra:huIKu1Dair Bid:huri B~rth Day: 18 Aplil

Mob.. : On.:22916:n44, 9997212222

E-mQi.~ :ur.rl;l!hulbidhur.i@gmaiLoorn Address:

House No. 707/41? Str~et No 1 4~ MD~jpur, De]h~

He holds the record for temng~he maximum number of jokes no.rt.cSto.p (and some of them are reaUylaughable) who ~eeps a fresh battery ready fDr every QOQCIsio]1[.

Rauilkant Tripathi.

His fearless &. brave attirude has given him a different identity in tac:kHng with others" Hie has a lot o.f plaoebos wirth him for ,everyone.

Ri.cha Garll

B~rth Day:4 November

Mob. :9675466757, 941 ]4.42:500

E-ma~.i : forevBrooo[ri.oo.a.@YGlhoo,cojn Address.:

F-l Railway Bang!ow, Near RaiiwayHiospital ~ Bno]i Piya.o, MCiithura

Th~s dever eaitnris, sweri!'~ & cute:gid fil'om~he land of LordKris~na who is~he champ f:nr deep sleep~ng wh~chcan't be compromised. eV€n in exams .. The diehard fan of John Abraham loves ooadng classics, SI:Hi is caring &. trusMorthyFor friends


« Batch-200B}

Kishi Raji Bhatt B~:rth Day : 9 J u~y

Mob. : 2545607, 997115342


Q 370, Soctor21 Nokia

This handsome guy fmm No.idais very religious" He fasts 011 Monday ... EVElI)lDne waits for ]:2 midnight, when he cooks maggi., for openinq his fast and "Juesday evening: when he br~ngs delfcious Prasad from his visit to the temple"

Sagar Kashya.p Birth D1'IIY : 18 Oatober

Mob. ; 0120,;2784882, 9997666636

E-maii: saga.r himesh200[]@yahoo"oolTl


B61 HJG Duplex Sedor 23 5anjay Nagar;. Ghaz3.abad

Due to his responsioleattitude, he was made the Secretary of Sports Sodet~l He ]s the future "POUTICS MAN" & we wish hfm all the 'Good Lut:k


A skilled artist whose pencil sketches. strikes everyone's. a.1tI:ention to the detail & loveliness of his pa3nfings ..

Sacbin Sh.aT.m.a Birth Oa.y : 1] July

Moh.: m 732,251844,9457859'790

E-mai~. : s _ a.rn.i.nsi1a[ffia@redifLoom


House No, 174/26 Camp, Veena. N ag;ar~ Yamuna Na.gar, Haryana

He ~;S coal, calm &. soft spoken guy who ~s. recognizBd for his famous sa.ying "papj i. Sunday kl ehutti hai"

Sab.i I Taneja (Sana) Hirth Oa.y : 1 fi'~bma;ry Moh.: 01412620662, 936815760[

E-mai] : Addre:S:5:

400 Gurunonk puea Adia[Sh Nagar Jai.pur

The most t.a~.kat3.vB guy of the class ls maHy a kind hearted person, He is the first ]fII the dass to gef hitched inthe final year on~y.

SambbavVadav Birth Oa.y: 28 July

Mob" :98371635]0,9368175808


Krishna Purl Choraha,. Chirayu Hoop3tal.~ Mathura

Vivadolls~ fun &: asfffiight forward person" The ]ife of PQrt~es with an 'eHervesoontattitude exudes happiness around him at all umes


{B.aJtch..:200B )<

Sanu.Bit Karall. Se:hgHl~ (Noddy) Birth Oay: 3 FelbrtMl!ry

Mob .. : 90341301500, 90681] 701 1


House N(1. 139, Sector-I,Urba.n Estate ,Kamal., Haryana

This healthy gl!iY can tryaliiything for ea.tin9 who jlogs every morning to lose his wBight

Shaminde.r Kaur B~rth Day .:.14· Dee

Mob. : 01.62826251.8.8872154606

E-mail: snarnin.der88@gmaitrorn

. Address:

C/O DL Sohan La~ Blagg;an, W"NCL 6,. Housa No. 2:,KaI1lg Mohal1a, Samr.a~a,. Dist Ludhiane, Punjab

A genUe &. $.lrnp[e Punja1bi. kudi who belleves ]n the inn(:lte goodness of humcmi1iy

Shilvanl Ban.sal Birth Day: 13 May

Moh. :992'7043647,8958253869


Adarsh Colony Near Shiv Mandir, Muza[famagarUP

She's a. major movie buff and can be soon ]nnabiting the TV room for hours together scmetlmea One o:f the very few who doesn't believe in bunk]ng classes or posting~is a. very rr.iend.!y locallte girl

Sana. Rebman

Birth Day: 1.7 October

MolzL : 98104:23.231, 989797g953


Hause No. 17'91 Sec 23A N[IT Faridabad, Haq;ana

This fair madm from Farldebed still manages to top the crush. Iis10F mmionsevE:n after 4lyeQrK Armed wnth a cute smile, she is the most tru..sfJwmthy person around

She.lly Mavi

Birth Day :23 March

Mob" :9760705785,,96,34083963


100A Manrram Bas, Allahabad Bank, Kosi . Kalaut Mathura

The pretty [air lady who cat walked the fashion show in lnsornrua 2{I09 is ve~ friend~y &. helpfuL She is a. perfection]st by habit, and believes In putting heT head and soul into whatever task she chooses to 1tal~e up

Soml Mavi.

Birth Day :310 September

Mob .. :9350916012, 99589'0]600

E-mail.:MavU.·ari@yahoo"com Address :

A-IS, lndrepuri, Loni, OhaziabaG, Ki.ushna nurs;ing home

Vou name any sport & the player is here _ A gooo all rounder, pedect in all sports, whether it is Basket Ball, footbel], cricket. He was awarded with Best PlaYBrun SMCT 08


(18a.tch-200 6)

Sonn Yadav ( Birth Day: 2S November

Mob_ : 95601411313,.9760020710

E-mail.: sonum~.a@gmaiLoom


Hi .]10-1, HaD COblY, Banaihg:arh., HarY·Ma

The Pradhan of the class is quite political. His qawQl]s &: tari diwani song has given lot OF appreci.a.tion

Sunny Mebta Birth Day: 26 JUM

Mob_ : 9756343]49,90414119583

E-mail :. SUnI'ily2(1()r2handsam@yahoo_cojn Addn:lss:

Cl(J Meht~ Oink, Main Basar, Mormda [ro'par J Punjab 140101

The loud haller of the batch has a voice that could dWi!JiJTI a. hundreds other is very .active" He is. very particularabout the clearunass OF his rocm, ell the sweapers has a [Bar OF cleaning his. WoomV1ery ead.y in the rnomin~l

Swatii. Rastogi Birth Da.y : 17 maoc~

Mob_ :99] 71664S7, 9837532139


C/O Dr" AK Rastogi, Teachers Co]o'ruy, Gajm~Q (JPNagar)

One of therare~y soon species who can eacSily ~a.y elaimto h.avlngatte:nded all the ]edures & cHnkal poshngsand prepared pmdi.g~ou:s notes

Sunil Yadav (Suse) B~rth Day .~ 31 March

Mob.: on ~2758:W20, 98978641413

E-maH : :$1linUyadavns ]2@ya!lcu:u::ojn Add.ress :

House No, 195, Begampm, Opp Roh]ui Sec.22 ne~.h~.

This wen informed gent~eman from De~.hi could poss~bly debate on out of the blue. fA voraelous reader of ma~az:ines & nawspaper, he could have done better w]th jouma~ism

Suraj Da:s

I I (\......)')

I 0\... ~i

He has He bbins For breakfast, Harrison for Lunch &. Ba~~.ey for d]nner_ During the snacks time Shaw & Kemeng can suffice h]m"

Swat~ Yadav

B~rth Day : 15 Octobe<1"

Mob. :9416868523,9416277612


CIO Savitri Eye,ITI Road, Mahende:rgarh, Haryana

The quite lass fromthe tumulnious JaUa:ndis blessed w.ith Q srniiing faoo


« Batch-2006}

Ud.iia Sharma

Burt!'! Da.y : 13 September Mob. :

E-maU :sharma" udi.l1:LtI1bbs@gmail"com Address :

C/O DL V"K Sharma, D"M.. Co~~)ny, Buiand$hahr, UP

Cute, fair and beautiful.~ wifh eyes that sparkle at the slightest merrtlon of caU.ege goss~p" Hardworking & ·efficient she hasjmpressed everyone with herdancem the Fresher's Party

Vaibhau Jain (Murli) Budh Day: 13 July

Mob. : 01.292281620, 97587993013

Address :

House No .217?} Sedor 16Fa[~dabad, Haryana

This USA retumed boy is pmba1biy the most learned among tne das:s. &. his favorite place is Dissection hell, He is much into reseatch ad~.vjjties &is byal!l. fur his wen. modulated seminars ..

Varinder Pa~ (Sardar) Birth Day, 13 September

Mob. :935539199], 074111076557

E-mai~ .: Sal1jumkk 91@yahoo_oojn AddreiSs:

1939/6t Saraf;,;l! Bazaar, Ambala City 1341003 Haryana

The on~y Sardar OF the class is very eute & smart .. He is famous far seekin.g fheattention of an. theteachers towards him,

Up end.eer Sheora:n. (U ppi) BirthDay :.10 October

Mob .. : 8755333303, 9760337753

E-mail .:Sheo,ran upen@rooiHmt)ilcom Address:

Ward No 16, Palika. Bazaar, Ch,arki Dadri, Bh~w~ni, Ha[y.ana 127306

The Badshah of "Swing" is the most eHgibie bachelor of the class & his ban. has: not been able to bowl.any gir] yet

Vaibh,i'JIv Vada.l' Birth Day : 13 August

Mob .. :01282251905, 976025.:2150


Sh~v Co~onYI MlH road, opp, Power house, Narnaul, Ha:ryana 12300]

He ~;sallways ready tolearn some "SPECIAL:.' concepts of me but can-t leave his attifude.

Va:run Singh

Birth Day: 1 JaFlu~.ry

Mob .. :94W01M15, 2648943

E-ma.n: drvamn1988@gmaiLcam Address:

744-B Phase 21, New lnai.! H.CIi, LOA Co~ony, Lueknow [U"p~

This ounnilfl.g guy is crazy for tea. (rather tea addict] can do anything (o,r it He wont refuse even if you ask him at 3: am


(B,aIch -20(6)

V:iJkasyada.v (Vi.kkiJ) Birth Dary : ] 7 August

Mob.: On27582205,9868873759

E-ma~.~ :,in Addn;lss:

H.N0-393; Begumpm, D~l.h~. 86

1-]]$ passion is srudying &is very sincere person, His harmonious voleais so. melodious that ne;!{t year he will be trying for lead singer in Ul1lk~n Park

Vineet Bhardwaj (Pandat) B~rth Day: 8 JamJary

Mob.: 8006[1041.44, 9034168889

E-mai] : katyaaaaaaaaa@gmaiLoom Address:

VPO Uncha Samana Near Madhuban Dist, Kamal. Ha.ryana

This lumbering fen.ow Hom Kafnal has allthe qualities that a persenrequires far Q successful fUru~EL He is a bit of a chat and rnessagung junki.e and his unfcmgetlab]e moments include his often uni]ltenHona~Haryanav~ goofups

Mohilt Dhanda Birth Day : 241 July

Mob. : 01662.254495.9997309854

E-mail.: mohit dhanda18@yahancojn Address:

[-L No. 146 HTM Cobny Gangw.a Road, HisarHaryana

This shy ,guy has ]ivBd his coU€Jg:e I]fBru; a school. buy in complete disci.p!ine who fo,]low$ the prunciple of MahatCiirna Gandhi even in a Medkal Co]lege

C.OlHp~~ed by .R~c:ka. G.arg. Vaibhav Jain. AyU!sn. Gal\g. Yogesh 8areth

Vikas Singmh.a Birth Day : 19 .February

Mob. : 9034650709, 8006004250

E-ma~] : vlikas ,singro]"a28@gmaiLmm


House No 16!2i[1~ Udla.tlEstate, Jind, Harryana 126102

His rash & rough driving can even scare the hell out of Yamraj & for eve[y second reason he needs. party"

Yogesh. Kumar Bal'eth 1(8arood) Bdh Day: 23 N evember

Mob.,: 01573.:224707,9410670643

E-mai] :. Address:

VlPO Singoda.ri Vaya Laxrnangarh Dist S~.kar Rajasthan

The dynamUe of the class is a~ways, thirsty far wate:r. The h~.~ar~!Ous jokes from thls sikar ~g'liY have been a. SOurce of laughing sIock for eVEryone who is famous for his moerrwalk & irha,gination skn.]s mthe examinat~on h,a:U

Tickle UR Fun,n.y Baine THRU 5M5 A~s~ Apni W,ife Ho

5iI5"~ J'.' 1.' ·H· .. ht H

. .. . lSi\! :--. e]9:. ... , ,0"

Jeans JjS:ki Tight: Ho,

Chehra Jlska Bf~gbt Ho,

Weight Thodi Light Ho, lJmar Mein D]ffen:moe Slight Ho, Thodt See Wah Qu.iet Ho,

A]si Apni Wl!~e Ho"

Sadek ~r Sab Kane Kya Cute Ho, Bbeed SaO. Kahe Side Ho, India Ki Patdatsh HOj

Saas Ki Sewa J.iskiKhwahish HOj

Rados] Jab Baal Kare '10 Hath Mein Knife Ho, Hey' Prabbu Terl .. Archana Usk] Life Ho,

'\]51 .A[):rliV\llJfe HOl

Dinner Rloz Candle UgM Ho,

Hum Dono .Mein Na Kabhi Fig,ht Ho, Climcke Bead Mllne Se Dtl DaUght Ho,

YehKavlEa. Padhke Sab Kahe " Boss !Tum Right Ho" . Alsi .. ApnlWi~e Ho

Kaash Yeti Concept 0.0001 Pe:mant BhjRight Ho, Agar Aisl Aprli Wife Ho ToKya Hassen APl1l U~e Ho. HarKisi K1 Yah I, Farma]sh Ho

Kudrat Ki. Blli Aazmalsh Ho

Khuda K€ Creati,on Neill Mistake Ki Na Guniaish Ho, Arrey! Kastl Rahin To Ek Aisi Paidish Ho,

.Aisi ApniWHe Ho, Ai:s] Ap[jj] Wife Ho".,.,.,."


A disorder of heart due to m~atkHrl;S,h~p between boy n girL

TYP'Es: *lw.ay& *2way

R~SKFACTORS: "'teenagers.

"'hocSte~. students,

EnOLOGY; *tumepass "desireto be luvd "money n beauty


"Tension "'daydream $phon~ addict "no cncntranon .

n~AGNOSJS: *diary

*a~tll.lmLS "books



"" anti love th!erapy by brother

or father Or mum's foetwears. "'~ - )


U.1 have thumbed through the magazine and J must say it is outstanding! Both the q~tcdity of the printing and

. ."

th,e content are superb" The articles {~revw~ied, topic(il w~:d mwty of tiJ:e'tn are truly ill:~p.iril~g (the one by Dr

Renu Mi.sra"jor exarnple). A. good mix a/serious and light Please offer my ccmgratt-dations to the entire editorial and productir:m team. "

Keep it YIp Best Wishes Vin.ay Kamar (Populady known as Edieor of Robbins Pathological B<'I8]8 of'Diseases Terxt: Book)

_---- - .. '


Muzaffarnagar Medical College

Opp, Begrajpur lndustrlal Area, 115 Km. Stnrne, Oelhi-D'ehmdllJrn Road, MllJzaffamagar (u.P.) Phone: 01396-252702 • Telefax: '~)1396·~2$2104 • Website: www.mmco,lleg'9' .. org

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