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Lab Works: Blood Chemistry

Name of Patient: Patient CL

Date: Oct. 4, 2010
Specimen: Serum

Result Normal Values Interpretation and

Cholesterol 4 mmol/l 1- 6 mmol/l The patient’s cholesterol
level is normal.
Creatinine 94.604µmmo/l 53.04 – 106.08 µmmo/l The patient’s creatinine
level is normal.
Glucose 3.7mmol/l 3.9 – 6.1 mmol/l The patient’s blood
glucose level is below the
normal range. Blood
glucose level is the
amount of glucose
(sugar) in the blood. Low
blood glucose level
indicates hypoglycemia.
Triglyceride 0.8mmol/l 0.3 – 1.8 mmol/l The patient’s triglyceride
level is normal.
Uric Acid 209.03 µmmo/l 148.75 – 404.60 µmmo/l The patient’s uric acid is
Urea 4.8mmol/l 2.2 - 7.5 mmol/l The patient’s urea is
SGOT 61.1µ/l 0 – 31 µ/l The patient’s SGOT is
elevated. Serum glutamic
oxaloacetic transaminase,
an enzyme that is
normally present in liver
and heart cells. SGOT is
released into blood when
the liver or heart is
damaged. The blood
SGOT levels are thus
elevated with liver
damage or with an insult
to the heart
SGPT 41.9 µ/l 0 – 32 µ/l The patient’s SGPT is
elevated. Serum glutamic
pyruvic transaminase, an
enzyme that is normally
present in liver and heart
cells. SGOT is released
into blood when the liver
or heart is damaged. The
blood SGOT levels are
thus elevated with liver
damage or with an insult
to the heart

RBC 3.7 3.5 – 5.5 The patient’s red blood

cell count is normal.
HCT 34.7 38 – 48 The patient’s hematocrit
is below the normal.
Hematocrit is a blood
test that measures the
percentage of the
volume of whole blood
that is made up of red
blood cells. This
measurement depends
on the number of red
blood cells and the size
of red blood cells.It may
be due to anemia,
bleeding, destruction of
red blood cells, leukemia,
malnutrition, nutritional
deficiencies of iron,
folate, vitamin B12, and
vitamin B6 and
PLT 247 100 – 400 The patient’s platelet
count is normal.
WBC 10.9 5 – 10 The patient’s white blood
cell count is normal.
HGB 10.8 12.0 – 14.0 The patient’s hemoglobin
is below the normal.
Hemoglobin is the
protein molecule in red
blood cells that
carries oxygen from the
lungs to the body's
tissues and returns
carbon dioxide from the
tissues to the lungs. Low
hemoglobin is referred to
as anemia. There are
many reasons for
anemia. Common causes
are loss of blood,
nutritional deficiency
(iron, vitamin
B12, folate), bone
marrow problems and
kidney failure.

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