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Reuse items when possible

Reuse items like bags and containers, reusable plates and utensils, rechargeable batteries when possible. Buy
products that you can reuse and create less thrash in your home or office

Dispose CFL lights safely

CFLs contain traces of Mercury. Improper disposal of CFLs can contaminate water bodies and can also
cause harm upon direct contact with skin or wounds.

Use Rechargeable Batteries

This helps not only to reduce garbage, but also keeps toxic metals such as mercury from getting into the

Say No to Chewing Gum

chewing gum is the second largest littering item in the world.Chewing gum is not biodegradable and will stick to
its surface for many, many years until treated.

Do not dispose of food waste in kitchen sink

Do not dispose of food waste in kitchen sink as it requires lots of water for disposal and also increases unnecessary
load on septic tank.

Check Your Tyre Pressure

Under-inflated Tyre mean your engine has to work harder, so you use more fuel. But don't over-inflate your Tyre as
this is dangerous.

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