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A herd of goats A troop of monkeys A pack of wolves
A flock of sheep A pride of peacocks A brood of chickens
A school of fish A team of oxen A litter of kittens
A herd of cows A nest of rabbits A swarm of bees
A flock of birds A stable of horses A nest of mice
A flight of birds A stud of horses A gaggle of geese
A shoal of fish A plague of locusts
A choir of singers A army of soilders A bevy of girls
A company of actors A troupe of dancers A tribe of natives
A staff of servants A class of pupils A troop of scouts
A gang of labourers A party of friends A panel of judges
A board of directors A gang of thieves A nest of mice
A band of musicians A staff of teachers A crowd of spectators
A team of players A host of angels A posse of policemen
A bouquet of flowers A heap of rubbish A set of china
A stack of books A comb of bananas A bale of cotton
A cluster of stars A library of books A set of tools
A pack of cards A bundle of sticks A crate of fruits
A flight of stairs A tray of eggs A group of islands
A suit of clothes A bunch of grapes A fleet of ships
A string of pearls A chest of drawers A clump of trees

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