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Sarai Randolph

Ms. Chambers
October 26 2010
Ge 102
9:30 am


While working at hardees it has given me an overall idea of what kind of burgers

people like. I like to think of the customers as surveyors in an experiment. Many choose

their burgers based on the size while others choose theirs based on the amount of

calories or what comes on it and some choose theirs based on the price . But not

everybody is aware of what kind of burger they are looking for.

The first kind of customer or surveyor is one that I would call the hungry

construction worker. When he enters the store he ask what the biggest burger that we

have is witout taking anything else into consideration. So the biggest burger at hardees

is the monster burger so that’s what he orders and he always upsizes the combo to a

large. Then when he has finished eating he comes back and tells us how it was.

Whether his feedback is good or bad I always smile and say thank you and ask him to

come back.

Models mean well when they come to a fast food restaurant and try to order a no

carb burger or a burger with hardly any calories. This lady in particular comes by

several times a week and always ask the same question, “Which burger has the fewest

calories?” Without actually checking which burger has the fewest calories we always

recommend the “no carb burger” which probaly has a lot more calories than the small

cheeseburger or hamburger but its much bigger and it also cost more so we would then
Sarai Randolph
Ms. Chambers
October 26 2010
Ge 102
9:30 am
gain a profit. Although the burger is clearly a 1/3 lb thickburger wrapped in lettuce they

always tend to fall for it because of it’s catchy name. But it keeps them coming back!

An even more interesting customer or shopper is the thrifty grandma. She comes

in with five to ten coupons ready to go and only intends to buy three burgers. So she

orders all three burgers then complains about the price not knowing that the coupons

have yet to be keyed in. Then the casheir calmly explains to her that shes working on it.

And after the coupons are keyed in the grandma yells, “And make sure that it’s fresh.”

So when the order is ready and double checked for any flaws she is called to the

counter to pick it up. It never fails that something is not right so she comes back and

demands to speak to the manager not knowing that’s who made her food and argues

with him for five minutes until he gives in and gives her the money back along with the


These are the three main type of customers or surveyors I have encountered

while workin at hardees. Not all customers can be satisfied, But at least they keep my

day interesting and my mind wondering whats going to happen next.

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