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Yom' name: :J,,.,t.,, u,ts:;,.,.f AutbOI"S name: JaAo!"> /{,..

ll1I7 II 0 Peer response

What did you like about the paper?

\J e t'y De~u;"fl ''fL

What is IIlOStconfbsing about the paper?

tht-I"f.. (At(. p"'~"1"~"t- I k1\eI wkJ '1f/Uff!. +~)k;""5

(A..hbvt b.) 61\ +~e
I 5eCDI' II- CtJl)!J~ b Of:JfA/I,,.«J
What parts of the paper- need more context to make it clear?

**What questions does tIns wI'iter answer about the g'roup? (i.e. Did tbe wrttea-
question what he saw or just give a general dese •.Iption oftbe g'roup?)

Is it clear that this papee is about a specitlc group oflJeople and/or a place,
rathel' than just this type of group in genel'al?

~Iechallics/GI'anlmal'/SIJellillg Stuff:

Spell,',,;. ,j. G('q,.M""'~3re,.,:f, 5J>eil { "o.."l

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