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Miss Enger,

This email is to inform you about the progress I have made on the project that I have selected to
compose for Unit four. As you know, I will be making an informational pamphlet on the process
of raising soybeans and the requirements that that process entails. In this email I will explain
what has been completed thus far, the challenges I encountered and how I dealt with them, and
what needs to be achieved before completion.

This project has gone about as close to my proposed plan as one could hope. Rather than
procrastinating like I typically would for a project such as this, I have actually followed my time
line fairly close to help ensure that things aren't piling up for the last minute. I conducted my
background research in weeks one through three, finishing up a week ahead of schedule. While
accumulating all the necessary information I sorted it into specific categories and then sorted the
categories in the order that they would occur. This made composing my rough draft a breeze.
Upon completion of my rough draft I emailed it to several reviewers, whom proofread and
critiqued it for me.

The biggest obstacle I have encountered while trying to complete this project has been
information gathering. I intended to obtain the majority of my information from a broad array of
professionals in the field of soybeans. This brought about scheduling conflicts due to my
overloaded class schedule and busy work schedules for the various professionals. Refusing to
resort to strictly text sources, I was willing to do whatever it took to meet with my sources. By
shuffling a few personal events, missing a few classes, and meeting after regular business hours I
was able to meet with each individual I intended to.

Even though the schedule conflicts were a hassle I wasn't to upset about them. I took an
optimistic approach through the whole situation and tried to learn from this experience. I realize
that conflicts are a big part of the real business world and everyday life. The conflicts that came
with this project were just good practice to prepare me for when things don't go perfectly
according to plan.

I am very comfortable with where I am at on my projects progress. It is my intention to make the

final revisions to my brochure Monday or Tuesday of this coming week. Upon completion of my
final draft I will resend my final draft to the same reviewers as before and ask them for their final
opinions. Depending on the results from the final review I will make any last minute changes to
my brochure and be ready to turn in my finished product Friday the third.

My intention for this email was to briefly but completely explain the progress I am making on
my report. I hope I succeeded at accomplishing this goal.


Alex Chaput

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