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Breast Cancer is the leading cancer among women and increasing oodles all over the world.

This disease
is a big pensive reason to feel low spirit towards life though it is common in 1 among 100 women. It is
more prone to occur in older women than younger women but can happen after age of 20. This disease
can have many reasons like hereditary, any old history, dense breast tissues and so on. In younger
women it is hard to diagnose at early stage until the cancer is in later stage. It occurs with men also but
around 100 times less as compared to women.

It is necessary to consult your doctor immediately if you feel something unusual about look and feel of
your breast. After age of 20, one should do Breast self examination once in a month to avoid later stages
of the panic:

Right time for self examination

One can do Breast self examination 2-3 days after completion of periods. During this period breast are
least likely to be swollen or tender. Women who don’t have periods no longer, it is advisable to pick a
day such as end of the month that would be easy to remember for the self examination.

Signs or warnings of Breast Cancer

 Any discharge from nipples when you are not breast feeding
 Observer thickness around breast and underarms
 Wrinkles or folds of breast skin
 Observance of any cysts around breast and underarms
 Any infection that is not healed from long
 Shape retraction of nipples
 Any spontaneous bloodstained discharge from nipple
 Pain, itches and rashes around the nipple area
Steps to do Breast self examination

 Stand in front of mirror and observe shape of breast

 Observe any unusual skin rashes
 Lift your hands up and observe contour

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