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ll is guorcnl,eed io work. ll qllows lor etror.

No motter how bodly your cube is scrombled, this solu- The sequences of rnoves ore designed so thot if you
tion provides every stepfrom beginnirrg to end to restore mode on error (such os turning o foce the wrong woy.
it to solid colors on oll 6 foces. Every step is provided in on qetting lost in o sequence of moves, or even dropplng
eosy-to-follow sequence. The solution does not involve the cube in the midst of o sequence) you willonly hove
oiml'ess moves, noi is it necessory thol the cube be holf to retreot one siep insteod of storting over. lt is very
solved to begin moking moves. frustroting to discover oi the lost step of o solution thqt
ll offers cleor qnd sleady progress. the cube is os bodly scrombled os it wos when you
storted. Conecting on error is mode eosy becouse so
The solution siorts wiih the top foce (whbh you choose) little of the previously completed ports of the cube ore
ond proceeds steodily to the bottom foce. This solution disturbed. This book provides sequences of moves thot
hos been designed so thoi very little of the previously ore designed to deolwith the most common errors.
completed portion of the cube need be disturbed to
proceed. ln other words, ofter you hove completed one ll fecrlures eqsylo'memorize
foce, you will need to disturb very little of it to continue, sequences ol moves.
ond then only tempororily.
It is possible to solve cny storting orrorgement of the
ln generol, no morethqntwo previouslyplocedcubeswill cube by o few similor sequences of moves, lt is eosy to
be more thon one move owoyfrom their proper position. get used to these moves. They consist of similor sets of 3
h is, however, very importont to the solution lhot you to 5 foce turns ihot ore done repeotedly'
reolize (ond occept) the foct ihot temporory disruption
The required moves ore set in bold fqce ond ore
of hord-won progress is necebsory. lndeed, it is probobly
designoted with o double osterisk (") throughout. This
the most difficult ospect of solvirg the cube for the mokes memorizing the solution simpler. (lmpress your
first time,
ll pesenb few qnd uneomplicoted
declsions. ll is independenl d color.
At some of the steps in the solution. it is necessory to This solution is notcoded by the colors of the foces. tt will
moke decisions in order to proceed to the correct next therefore work no mcrtter whot the 6 colors ore on your
step This solution hos been designed so thot these deci- cube ond how they ore distribuied on the 6 foces. lt
sions ore os few ond uncompicofed os possible, When
would be nice to present o solutkrn thot reod: 'Turn the
such decisions ore necessory, illustrotions ore frequenfly oronge foce, then turn the red foce," etc. However, there
used to focilitofe understondirg. You willhove to moich ore vbrious monufocturers of these cubes. ond they dl
the pottern of colors thot occur on your cube to one of choose either different colors for the 6 foces or different
severolillustroted potterns in order to decide on the next distributions of these cobrs. (For exom$e, oronge is not
step. next to yellow on ofl cubes,) There ore 30 different woys
of distributing 6 colors on the 6 foces of o cube.

Solutions thot use colors (ord they do exist) con only ABOUT THE RUBIK'S GUBE:
work for o specific colorirg of the cube' The nototion A bdel hislory
scheme used in this book is independent of color ond will brl Erno Rubik, on
This fbscinoiing puzzle wos designed
work for ony colorirg ond ony mcnufocturer's cube.
orchitect ond teocher in Budopest, Hungory lt wos op-
On the other hond. this solution dces not use the fewest porently designed independently by Terutoshi lshige, on
number of moves possible, lt wcs intentionolly designed engineer in Jopon. Both opplied for potents in the
for clority oncl involves the ieost number of uncompli- miO-tgZOs. Professor Rubik designed the cube os on oid
coied decisions rcther thon the fewesf number of to his students in recognizing spotiol relotionships in three
moves. There qre mony stoges of which reducing the dimensions.
nurnber of moves possible, ond these ore given cs shorl
proclice, it is possible to solve rcn- lfyou hove olreody experimented with solving the puzzle,
cuts. Nevertheless, with
you moy wish you could follow the movements in three
dorn orrongemenis of cubes in under 3 minutes.
dimensions more eosily. lt is chollenging, to soy the leost,
c few hints before trying to soive o cube
lf you would like to estoblish the relotive positions of the smollcubes ofter
problem, recd only pqges 2l to 23. only 2 turns of different foces.

Now enjoy your imoending victr:ry over thct infernol The cubes were first monufoctured in Hungqry ond
cubel become ovoiloble in Europe in 1978. lt is only recently thot
they hove now ochieved their substontiol worldwide
populority (mony millions soldl), They hove been widely
ovoiloble in the United Stotes only since ]980. lt seems
thot these cubes were olmost os common os ornoments
during the l98O holidoy seoson.


How does il workil
The ingenious mechonism thot ollows oll 6 foces of the
cube to rotote is so simpe one is tempted to osk, "Why ROTATE TOP FACE
didn't lthink of it?'The difficulty is, of course, in figuring it IAKE APART
oui for the first time.
It oppeors thot otlthe smoll cubes con move obout in
foct, however, only the cubes on the corners ond edges
octuolly move. The center cubes ore fixed ond con only
rotote in ploce, This is the key to understonding ihe



Eoch center cube is on the end of on oxle' lhe corner

ond edge cubes ore not ottoched to onything ond
move obout the center cubes'
You moy osk, "Why doesn't it just foll oporf?" ln foct. it
be token oport quiie eosily' Simply turn ore foce on+'
eighth turn ond either pullout one of the edgecubes on
CENTER CUBES tn6t foce or pry it out with o screwdriver. tt lelps to pull
the foce you'tuired owoy fiom the rest of the cube' The
IN PLACE remoining cubes con now be eosily removed to reveol
the centrol meclsrisrn.
The cube does not foll oport by itself becouse the edge
orxJ corner cubes hclcl eoch other in ploce in o
remorkoble feot of cooperotionl lf you toke tle cube
oport this woy, be sure to put it bock together wtth solid
cbbrs on oll6 foces, Otherwise. you moy rsver be ott'e
to solve the puzzle unless you toke the cube oport ogoin'
12 13

lbwever, eoch movoble eube belorrep in only ore bcc'
Cube bqsics tion. For exonrpb, the yelbw/whlte @e cube (my
The cube consists of 6 fixed cubes, one in the center of cube fus ore with these colors) belorg on the edge
eoch foce, 8 movoble cubes on the corners (corner between the ye$ow ond uhite fqces,
cubes) ond 12 movoble cubes on eoch edge (edge
cubes). The corner ond edge cubes ore moved oround The colorof o foce is deflned by the color of the fixed
by rototing the 6 foces. center cube on thot foce. The yell,ow/ororge/white
corner cube belongs on the corner joinirg the yellow
oror€e, ond white foces.

Any corner cube ccn move to ony corner posiiion, ond

ony edge cube con move to ony edge position by o se-
quence of foce rototions,

14 _15

soid to be ploced or positioled correctly when
A cube is
thg pr,oP
it is on the cornerbi-edge w6eiSllTelongs' tt mov' The methocidescribed in this book seporctes
cubes into
ho*euer, be ptoced correitty ond not be oriented cor- r.ti oipfocing onO orienting the.2O movoble
t n cube is soid to be oiiented conectly when it is : s steps- eocnLitne 5 steps-involves the plocement ond
positioned correctly ono me coi6Fmotch those of the oGni"tion ot a ci#s' ni ony of the 5 steps' cubes
Eoiocent center cubes. This is the desired finol situotion. noo. O."n ploced ond oriented in previous steps ore
Wnen oll cubes ore positioned ond oriented conectly' only tempororily disturbed''
the Puzzle is solved. -
Thereisnoconcernoboutcubesinloterstepsuntilthot is
it reocneO. tvtoreover, eoch cube in the first 3 sets
ti"p then' the.prob-
' + 6r"E*l onO orienteO individuolly' ln reolity'
ie* broken upinto 12much smollerproblemsof
onO'oti*nting iidividuot cubes' lt is onlv tnqlgs]-Z
fgr poceo ono1e^!
of 4 cubes t6ot more thon I cube must be
+ orientedsimultoneouslY'




ri For exomple, the cubes on the iefi show correctly -.i
iCn"O snd corner cubes that ore inconectly
TXe cubes on the right show these edge ond
corner cubes. correctly positioned ond correctly

t6 17

suMilAnY oF $Oturplt
A summory of tl'egrererclstrctegyof the 5 sleps f&ws:
l. Cf,oose your fovorite c&of the 6. plqce qnd orient
the 4 edgs cubes on the foce with yor.r fcnrortte ot
the center.
2. Hoce snd orient the 4 corner cubes on the top foce.
3. Roce ond orient the 4 sideedge cubes of the middle
loyer. All 12 cubes ploced in steps l-3 ore ploced ond I. TOP FDGES 2. TOP CORNERS
oriented individuolly, The top two{hirds of the cube is
now complete.
4 Hoce ond orient the 4 corner cubes on the bottom
5. Hoce cnd orient the 4 edge cubes on the bottom
ln eoch of the 5 steps, there ore generolly these 2

l. noce the cube(s) in the proper position,

2. Orient the cube(s) conecfiy. This requires o tem- (one more in bcck)
porary removolof ony cube from its correcl position
ond its subsequent return to the proper po$iion in the
proper orientotion.





Why does this solulion wod<? $horl culs
The difficulty of the puzzle is perhops mode mosi After you moster the cube with this solution, you will
probobly think it is toking too long-ollof 5 minutes with
opporent by noting thot there ore slightly more lhon 43
quintillion (4.3 x lOl'g) orrongements possible for oll 20 proctice. For those on the fost trock. short cuts pro-
movoble cubes. vided. These vory from simple seguences of moves to
expert short cuts thot chonge the overoll strotegy. My
How big is 43 quintillion? Well, the notionoldebt in pennies preferred method of solution uses these short cuts, ond
is "only" IOO trillion. The oge of the universe in seconds is lcon often solve rondom cube problems in under I min-
thought to be only obout 5 quintillion, ute. Ambitious reoders moy wish to improve on this
A very fost computer would toke centuries to exomine
Short cuts cre ploced in boxes of the end of
eoch orrongemenf. Yet by leorning this solution ond with
proctice, you will be oble to solve the cube in o few eoch section.
minuteslHow is this possible?
The odvontoge of this solution method is thot by design . Remember thot the center cubes on eoch of the 6
of ony time during eoch of the 5 steps. one is concerned foces do not move, They con only rotote in ploce, This
wiih very few of the cubes involved ot thot step, This , meons the proper color for eoch foce is determined
simplificotion is possible becouse there ore fewer or- by the color of the center cube on thot foce, For ex-
rongements possible for 4 cubes (the most thot ore ever omple, the foce with on oronge center cube must
being deolt with ot one time) thon for 20 cubes, ln foct, eventuolly be enlirely oronge,
much of the time (steps 1-3), only o single cube is being
deolt with, lt is not difficult io keep trock of just one of the o The overoll strotegy of this
solution is given in the sum-
20 cubes, mqry on poge 18 ond This puzzle is too difficult to
solve wilhout some overoll strotegy. Try io follow the 5
ln oddition, the problems of positioning ond orienting steps ond remember thot it oflen helps to correctly
cubes ore done seporotely, which significontly reduces position o cube first and then orient it so thot the
the number of possibilities. Since there ore so few or- colors ore correct,
rongements of the cubes of concern of ony time, it is
possibleto pxesent them cillond providethe crppropriqte . As you proceed tn sotving the cube, it is obsolutelv
oction for eoch. necessory disturb tempororily some of the cubes
iholore ptoced cnd oriented in previous steps. For ex-
These cloims con be mothemcrticolly proved, so this solu- omple, ofier one foce is completed, there is no woy to
tion is guoronteed to be successfulfor solving tl'e cube occomplish onything more without tempororily dis-
from ony storting orrongement nc motter how bodly turbing some of the cubes on thoi now completed
scrombled. foce. You must be doring enough io be willing to tem-
pororily undo hord-won progress in order to continue
Pleosedo not remove the colored potches from the 1

with the solution. I found this to be ihe most difficult

cubes ond reploce them differently or toke the cube port of solving the cube for the first time, For this
oport ond put it bock together inconectlylThis con be reoson, the solution in this book wos intentionolly
donel lf you do this, you will not necessorily be oble to designed so thot very little iemporory disruption of
restore the cube to solid colors on oll 6 foces even if you previous progress is necesscry.
outlive the universe.
o Do not concern yoursetf with cubes thot must be e The simple 4*move seguence shown bekrw ollows
poced of loter steps while workirg on eorlier steps. you to monipulote edge cubes without disturbing ony
For exomple, while competing the top foce, don't of me corner cubes, Combinotions of sequences of
worry ot oll obout whot hoppens to cubes on the bot- this type ore most useful in step 5 but con be used in
tom foce, No motter how bodly the cubes involved in eorlier steps Q ond 3).
loter steps ore scrombled. it will olwoys be possible to
ploce ond orient them properly when their turn
comes. There ore no "deod ends."
o Simpe 3-turn sequences of the type shown below ore
bosic to steps 2-4 of the solution. You simply rotote
one of the side foces one quorter turn in either direc-
tion, then rotote the bottom foce, ond then reverse
your first rototion, The sequences of moves required
to occomplish steps 2-4 ore just combinotions of 3
move sequences of this type, The sequence shown
below chonges one top corner ond one verticol-
edge cube without disturbing the other top-edge,
top-corner, ond verticol-edge cubes, A greot deol
ccn be occomplished by just performing vorious
combinotions of these sequences.

LEsl chsnce
a if you wish, you moy try to solve the puzzle with only the
toiegoir€ informotion. The remoining poges &scdbe o
complete ond certoin solution for ony stortirg oronge-
meni of the cube. Reodirg them might &stroy the en-
joyment of working out o-solution yoursetf with jusf the
few hints olreody Provided.
R+ Turn R foce one quorter turn clockwise
FR is the edge cube on the edge between the F ond R
R- Turn R foce one quorter turn counterclockwise foces of o porliculor time. FRT is the corner cube on the
corner common to the F, R, ond T foces of o poriiculor
n2 Turn R fcce one holf turn time. The 12 edge cubes ore therefore BF, BL, BP, BR, FL, FR,
(either woy, it does not motter) FT, LP, LT, PR, PT, ond RT. The 8 corner cubes ore BFL BFR, BLP,
BPR, FLT, FRT, LPT, ond PRT, Moves ond the cubes involved
F+ Turn F foce one oucrter turn clockwise ore described using this terminology'
F- Turn F foce one quorter lurn counnerclockwise ln orderto use the moves os written, it is necessory to
F2 Turn F fcce one holf turn hold the cube so thot the cubes thot ore to be moved
correspond to those given in the description of the move.
L+ Turn L foce one cuorfer furn clockwise For exbmpe, if you wish to ploce on edge cube in the PT
position ond the sequence of moves given is written for
L- Turn L foce cne quorler turn counterclockwise the FT position, you must rotote the entire cube in your
hond so thot the (former) PT position becomes the FT
L2 Turn L foce one holf iurn position. Note: by doing this, the color of ihe F foce
B+ Turn B foce one quqrter furn clockwise chonges, but the color of the T foce remoins the some.

B- Turn B fcce one quorter turn counterclockwise

82 Turn B foce one holf turn

T+ Turn T foce one quorter turn clockwise CLOCKWSE I?OTATIONS ARE SHOWN, TO MAKE COUNTER-
T- Turn T foce one quorter lurn counterclockwise OPPOSITE DIRECTIONS.

P+ Turn P foce one quorter iurn clockwlse TURN WOULD ALWAYS BE A TWIST TO THE RIGHT AS IF
P- Turn P foce one quorter turn counterclockwise

P2 Turn P foce one holf turn

To fomiliqrize yourself with the nototion ond terminology
forthe cubes ond moves,look otthe sequenceof moves
' on ihe oppsite poge,You moy wish io duplicote this
sequence with your cube, I suggest choosing o dork R+
color (e,g., blue or green)to conespond to the dork color
i on the drowing of the highlighted individuolcorner cube'
The first move is o clockwise quorter turn of the R foce
(cube I to cube 2 on the opposite poge). lt is symbolized
by R+ ond tokes the highlighted corner cube from the
FRT (front, right. top) position to the PRT (posterior, right, t
top)position. I 2 (PRt)
The secondmevg (cube 2tocube 3) is o holf turn of the
foce ond tokes the Nghlighted cube from PRT to FLT'
T <rt'
The third move is o clockwise quorter turn of the left foce.
tneEofrercGe moves from FLT to BFL,
The lo3fh pgvq is o clockwise quorter turn of the B foce. L+
The corner cube moves from BFL to BFR.

The fifth rnove is o counterclockwise quorler turn of the F +

toceJne corner cube moves from BFR bock to FRT
where it stcrted, bui note thot the orientotion is different"
I suggest trying them to get used to the clockwise ond 4 (Brt) 3 (FH)
counterclockwise rototions for the vorious foces, por-
ticulorly the B, R, ond L foces, which ore used repeotedly.
No rototion of the P foce is shown since it is never used' (i
find it too difficult to turn this foce while holding the cube
neorly fixed during o sequence of moves ond hove
therefore not included it in ony moves.) Try to duplicote
this sequence on your cube, Although this porticulor se-
quence is never used in the solution, it indicotes how it is F-
possible to'totote" o corner cube to q different oriento- +
tion by o sequence of moves. A trick to developing o
solution is to discover sequences thot do this without +
scrombling previously ploced ond oriented cubes'

5 (BFR) 6 (FRr)
A cube is doqeglor pggllgned correctly when it is on the
edge or corner with colors the some os those of the STEP 2: TOP CORNERS (FLT, FRT, LPT, PRT)
cube. A cube is oriented conectly when the colors
motch those of odjocent center cubes. For exompe, the
corner cube colored oronge, white, ond yellow (n my
cose) is ploced correctly when it is on the corner odjo-
cent to the oronge, yellow ond white center cubes. This
cube is oriented correctly when the oronge foce is odjo-
cent fo the oronge center cube.
To memorize q solulion
Some sequences of moves ore set in boldlroce ond ore
designoted with double osterisks (")To memorize o solu-
tion, you only hove io memorize these sequences ond
follow the instructions in sections thot ore olso morked
with o double osterisk.


The purpose here is to position ond orient the 4 cubes

thot belong on the corners of the T foce ond moinioin
the previously ploced top-edge cubes. Top-edge cubes
will be moved tempororily during moves but will be
properly returned,
For eoch of the 4 cubes thot belong in one of the top.
corner positions, do the following 6 steps (2A-2F). Agoin, it
you ore lucky, some of the top-corner cubes will be cor- "
rectly positioned ond oriented when you siort. ond you
will hove to do these steps fewer thon 4 times
t 2A. Locote o top-corner cube (thot is, one corner
cube thot belongs in o top-corner position) thot is
not currently correctly positioned ond ortented.
This is the desired cube, lf the desired cube is cor-
recily positioned but inconectly oriented, go to
step 2E.

30 35
Remember thot you moy hove to repeot these 6 steps
28. r tne desired cube cunently on the T foce, do the
is (2A-2F) os mony os 4 times to position ond orient eoch of
following sequence. Hold the cube so the desired fhe 4 fop-corner cubes individuolly, Upon completion of
cube is in the FRT position, this step, the top one-third of the entire cube will be cor-
"MoYe f{T to BFL: R- B- R+ rect, I hope you chose o color you like for the iop foce;
otherwise, you might be very tired of looking of it, ln ony
This moves the desired cube to the B foce' cose,lhope you ore not seeing'red" of this stoge; there
is stillquite o bit more to do.
2C. Vtove the desired cube, which is now on the B
Short culs
foce, under the desired topcorner position by
rototing the B foce. Hold the cube so the desired
position is FRT ond the desired cube is in the BFR L There ore two odditionol olternotive se-
position, quences for moving o cube from BFR to FRT,
These puf the cube in on orientotion dif-
2D. oo tne follpwirrg sequence of moves to correctly ferent from the sequence in step 2D.
position the desired top-corner cube.
Move BFR to FRT: F+ B+ F-
"Move BFR lo FRT: R- B- R+ Move BFR to FRT: R- B+ R+ F+ 82 F-
2E. f tne FRT cube is inconectly oriented, do one of ihe
following olternotive sequences, The short cut is to decide when to use eoch
"Orlenl FRT: R- B2 R+ F+ 92 j- of the three possible BFR-Io-FRT sequences.
You will be oble to ovoid the reorientotion
Orient FRT: F+ 82 F- R_ 82 R+ sequence this woy.
Note thot the first sequence turns the corner cube
counterclockwise. The secoM sequence turns the
corner cube clockwise, As you goin experience, 2. Moue ony top-corner cubes thot stort out
you will be oble to choose the proper one, How- on the B foce up to their correct position
ever, it does not motter which you choose for'now. ond orientation on the T foce before
bringirig ony cubes down from the T foce,
2F. ff thecube is sfill incorrectly oriented, repeqf
FRT Moving o cube frorn the B foce to the T
theW sequence you chose in step 2E. This wlll foce outomcticolly brings o ditferent cor-
teove ihe FRT cube conectly positioned ond ner cube bock dowry on occosion. this will
oriented. i be one you wont to bring down, onyhow.

STEP 3: VERTICAL EDGES (FL, FR, LP, PR) 38. lf the desired cube is noi on the B foce, do the
following sequence of moves. Hold the cube so
ihe desired cube is qt FR.
"Drop FR lo B toce (BP):
R- B+ R+ B+ F+ B- F-
3C. At this point. the desired cube is on the B foce,

Rotote the B foce until the color of the verticoi
foce of the desireC cube motches the color of the
center cube on one of the 4 sicie foces. Hold the
cube so the desired cuife beiongs in the FR posi-
L tbn. lf it motches on the [i foce, do ihe sequence
Bi? tc FR. if it moiches on the F foce, do ihe se-
B B quence BF to FR.

The purpose here is to ploce ond orient the 4 cubes thot

belong on the edges odjocent to but below the T foce.
This con be ihought of os completing the "middle loyer"
or "equotor." After completion of this step, the top two-
thirds of the cube is correct. For eoch of 4 cubes thot
belong in the verticol-edge positions. do the following 4
steps (3A-3D). Agoin, you moy be lucky to find some of
these verticol-edge cubes olreody positioned ond ori- TURN PA€E FOR STARTING
ented correctly. POSITIONS FOR MOVES IN
3A. Locote o verticol-edge cube (one thot belongs in
o veriicol-edge position) thoi is not currently cor-
rectly positioned ond oriented, This is the desired
cube. lf the desired cube is correctly positioned
but inconecily oriented, go to step 3D.

The stcrting positions for these sequences ore shown 3D. ttotO ihe cube so the desired cube is in the FR posi-
below. tion. lf it is incorrectly oriented, do the foilowirg
reorient sequence.
"Orienl FR (oll 15 moves):
R- B+ Ri T+ F+ BJ F-
B+ R- B+ R+ B+ F+ B. F-
lf the 4 verticol-edge cubes cre not oll correctly posi-
tioned ond oriented, go bock to step 3A,

Error eorrection
These sequences ore longer thon ihose used in ihe pre-
vious 2 steps. Throughout these sequences of moves,
only o single top-corner cube (the one thot stod.s of FRT)
is ever more thon one turn owoy from its correct position

foce, use the sequence of moves

ond orientotion, Should you gpt lost or moke c mistoke
lf colors mcrtch on the R
Bl? to FR.
during one of these sequences, simply stop ond
reconstruct the T foce. Generolly, you will hove to rotote
"Move BR to FR: either ihe F or R foce to return cubes to the top ond then
B+ F+ B- F- B- P- B+ n+ . repeot one of the sequences in step 2 lo return the
wondering top-corner cube. Hoving done this, try ogoin
stortirq ot step 3A.
Shorl cuts
l. rorely necessoryto drop FRto the Bfoce
It is
(step 3B). Simply ploce ond orieni those
cubes okeody on the B foce into their cor-
reci positions. This will oulomoticolly drop
orcther edQp cube to the B foce,

2. (fxpe*) n mojor reduction in the number of

moves required cqn be ochieved by com-
colors motch on the foce, use the sequence of moves bining step 2 (top corners) ond step 3 (ver-
' lf

ticol edges), You moy hove'noticed thot

l'Move 3F lo FR: the sequences in step 3 unrovel, ond then
B- R- B+ R+ B+ F+ B- F- portiolly repeot, those of step 2 Try to f(7ure
out how to combirre the 2 stePs.

40 41

i-" ,


48. tt the 2 out-of-ploce corner cubes ore odjocent, do

the following sequence, Hold the cube so thot the
' cubes thot must be exchonged ore BFL ond BFR.
"Exchsnge BFL qnd BFR:
R- B- R+ F+ B+ F- .R- B+ R+ 82
Now proceed to step 4D.

4{ the 2 out-of-ploce corner cubes ore'diogonol, do

The nex.f slep isfo plcce oncj orient the 4 corner cubes the following sequence, Hold the cube so thot the
on the B foce. This is done by first plocing ihe cubes ond cubes thot must be exchonged ore BFL ond BPR.
then orienting thern, These 4 cubes ore not ploced inde-
pendently bui os q set oll of once. To cornplete this step, "Exchonge BFL qnd BPR:
you must follow the instructions of steps 4A-4E just once. R- B- R+ F+ 82 F- R- B+ R+ B+

4A.First, it is necessory to rotote the B fcce until the 4 bottom-corner cubes ore now oll properly
lorgesi nurnber of bottom-corner cubes are prop- positioned. Look of the B foce ond hold the cube so
erly positioned with no concern for orientotion, thot the color pottern on the.bottom corner cubes
lgnore the edge cubes on the B foce for now. motches one of the 7 potterns BCI-BC7. Only the
Rotote the B foce until you get either 2 or all 4 of the bottom color is indicoted in block on the potterns
bottom-corner cubes conectly positiored. lt will BCI-BC7. The oniy other possibility is thot oll ore
olwoys be possible to position conectly either 2 or oriented correctiy. Remember to ignore the
oll 4 of the bottom-corner cubes by just rototing the _ bottom-edge cubes for now, lf necessory, turn the
B foce, ff oll 4 ore correctly positioned, proceed io . entire cube in your hond untilthe pcttern motches
step 4D. lf 2 ore correctly positioned. the 2 fhot re- one of the 7.
moin out of doce will be either on odjocent corr€rs
or opposite (drogonol) corners. lf they ore on.odjo- . This matching of coior potterns is done to
cent corners, do step 48. lf they ore on opposiie determine which will be your F foce for the next se-
quence. Moke sure the T foce is os olwoys ond pro-
(diogonal) corners, do step 4C,
ceed io step 4E.
42 43
4E. Perform the following sequence.
"Orienl bollom-corner cubes:
R. B- R+ B- R- 82 R+ 82
'f+. i*
lfthe 4 bottom-corner cubes ore not correctly ori-
ented ofter performing this sequence, go bock to
step 4D, You moy hove to perforrn the sequence in
step 4E os mony os o tololof 3 times to orient the
BCI bottom-corner cubes,
Error eorreclion
Before doing the orientotion sequence in step 4E, it is
necessory to hold the cube correctly so thot the T foce is
os clwoys ond the F foce is os indicoted in the drowings
of the 7 potlerns BCI-BC7. Should you hold the cube in-
correctly ond do ihis sequence, you will merely get bock
o differeni pot.tern of the 7 possible. Should this hoppen,
simpiy rnotch the potlern you do get to one of tl^re 7 ond
lry ogoin by repeoting step 4D.
lf you moke o mistoke when posiiioning or orienting the
bottom-corner cubes, it is possible you moy end up with
one of the verticol-edge cubes misploced. Should fhis
hcppen, you will hove to go back to step 3, correct the
error uging one of the sequences in thot step, clnd then
relurn to step 4,

Fr{ : L,.u"


B i-wc I
I Ye t\a i)
{ J -_---)
\r,; /

P it ir,..jc

l. Use the reverse of the orientotion sequence.

Orient bottomcorner cubes (reverse):

82 R- 82 R+ B+ R- B+ R+

whenever the BC2 potiern occurs. Use fhe

forword seguence given obove whenever
the BC1 pottern occurs. This will usuolly
eliminote 8 moves from the overollsolution.

2. This shorter sequence exchonges two

diogonol bottom-corner cubes os required
in step 4C. lt does not motter which foce is
the F foce, Only the T ond B foces must re-
moin the some os olwoYs. Use this os o
replocement for the sequence in step 4D,
F_ B- R- B+ R+ F+
The finol siep is io ploce ond orient the 4 botfom-edge
cubes. First check to see how mqnv of these 4 cubes cre
already conectty psitA&gwitteut rqard to orienta-
iion), At this point. there wilt.pp either 4,.l, or none of these
botlom-edge cubes conectly' pSicsitioned.

lf none ore correctly positioned,go to step 5A.

lf I is correctly positioned, go to step 58.
lf 4 ore correctly positioned, go to step 5C,

The sequences (L- R+ ) ond (L+ R-) ore done repeot-

edly in this step, They ore put into parentheses for cloritv.
5A. Oo the following sequence (oll 11 moves). lt does not
matter ho',v the cube is held crs long os the T ond B
foces remoin os before
"(L- R+) F+ (L+ n-) 82
(t- R+) F+ (L+ R-)

,'-r 46 47

p€,''.\ +lier+=;r--,-
Now there will be exoctly one of the bottom-edge
cubes properly positioned, olthough the orientotion
moy be incorrect. At this point, go to step 58.
58. Hotc the eube so thot the properly positioned
bottom-efte cube is in position BF, Then cjo the
following sequence (oll 11 moves).
P+) F+ (L+ R-) 82
R+) F+ (L+ R-)
This sequence is ihe some os the one in step 5A. lf
the 4 bottom-edge cubes ore stiil not conectly
positioned. cja the sequence ogoin with the prop-
erly positioneC cube in position BF, At this point, oii
the botiom-edge cubes wiil be conectly posi-
tioned. lf the cube is completed, gc lc step 5G
otherwise, g* to step 5C. f*'j
5C"ntt4 bottorn-edge cube-s ore cor;'ectiy pcsitioned,
ond the face will show the bottcm color in one of
the three potterns BEI-BE3, i{old the cube so the
pottern motches. if necessory, iurn the entire cube
in ycur hond uniii rhe pottern you hcve motches
one of the three. Be sud$She T foce is the some os l

olwoys ondthe f rcdisS indiccted inthe potterns

BC]-BC3, '-*.. d ,

if it is BEl, do step 5D, i-l

lf it is BE2, dc step 5E. 1l
lf it is BE3, do step 5F.


G 'b 49
{" !

* t="-:€f'***r-a*s-.-
5f), Do tlre fosowirg seqer€e to cornplete the puzzb "Allernqtive method br step 5
(oll18 moves)' tt is possible to complete ihe cube from oll3 potterns (8E1.
(L- R+) F2 (L+ R-) 82 (L- R+) F+ BEZ BE3) using only the sequences in steps 5F ond 58' lf
(L+ R-) 82 (L- R+) F2 (L+ R-) B- you get pottern BElor BE2, simply perform the sequences
I'Jow go to step 5G' in step 5F ond then 58 os directed, moking sure only thot
the T ond B foces remoin ihe some, This will give bock
5E. fdkrwirg seqrrnce to cornplete the pottern then completed using step
- -' Oo the which
BE3, is 5F.
.tI conectlv
JI (Jt go ilveO. FoojG cuoe so tnot me 2
II #;;i-d;#;*ds; Cuoes ore in Positions BL
* ond BR.
(L- R+) F+ (L+ R-) B+
i il* n+i r+ (L+ R-) B+
ir- n+i rz G+ R-) B+ B+
il- n+ i r+ (r-+ R-)
cr- n+) F+ (L+ R-) 82
thot you ore
This is o long sequence' but note
in the some direc-
or*"vtJutnitb tne'F ond B foces
tion ibbct<wise). Go to steP 5G' i ,..i
Hold the
5F, oo the following sequenc€ (oll'17 mov-es)
-' ' ;ne;o thot thb BF'onu BR bre correctly oriented'

"(L- R+) F+ (L+R-) B- (L- n+) F-

il,+ R-) B- (t- R+i F2 (t+ R-) .!

Then go bock ond do step 58' ofter which the

puzzte witt be comPleted'
ond reword
SG.fett everyone within shouting.distonce
---Vouo"ft *itn o trip to the refrigerotor'


Error correclion Short cuts
The net resull of the sequence
L Usefhe reverse of the sequence in step 58.
(L* R+) F (+, -,or2)(L+ R-) Remember thot bottom-edge cube BF
must be correctly positioned,
isto move one of the top-edge cubes to the B foce ond
reploce it with one of the botfom-edge cubes, Loter on, (L- R+) F- (L+ R-) 82
the top-edge cube is returned to its proper position ond (L- R+) F- (L+ R*)
orientotion. Should you moke o mistoke or jusi get lost
during one of these lengthy seguences, simply return the Determine the chonges of the bottom-
wondering top-edge cube to its correct position-by edge cubes thot these sequences couse.
doing the following: Figure out when to use the forword se-
quence ond when to use the reverse se-
l. Hold ihe cube so thot the wondering iop-edge cube quence. The correct choice will ustiolly
belongs in the FT position, eliminote ll moves,
2. Move the wondering top-edge cube to position BR
by rototing the B foce.
2. (Experl) lt is possible to reduce significontly
3. Oo the sequence (L- R+ F- (L+ R-) ) the number of moves reQuired to occom-
This will put the top-edge cube into its correct posi- plish step 5 by positioning ond orienting the
tion on the T foce, However, the orientotion moy be bottom-edge cubes of the some tirne. Try
wrong. Should this hoppen, do the following to design sequences of moves similor to
sequence: those in steps 5A oncl5F fhot permute the
Orient top-edge cube: bottom-edge cubes in different woys. Then
(L- R+) F2 (L+ R-) B+ (L- R+) F- (L+ R-) leorn to recognize the orrongements of the
bottomedge cubes thot require these
Allthe sequences in step 5, when completed,leove oll 8 new sequences of moves, You wili likely
corner cubes,4 verticol-edge cubes, ond 3 top-edge hov-e to recognize more thcn just three
cubes unmolested, so o serious error is unlikely, Should pofter,rs @l-BC3) but will comBlete the
something disostrous occur, simply see how much of the
comdeted portion of the cube remoins correct ond go
gfu ln s(2rrtfrcontly fewer moves, Even oi
t|s bte stoge, it is still possible to ploce ond
bock to the oppropriote previous step to correct ony cr€nt 3're of the bottom-edge cubes inde-
errors. percnfi\ cf tfle other three, One oP-
Fr# *c rrycvrng step 5 is to ccrrectly
pdg crri srent I botiorn+dge cube in
lfe ffisf h'glf cnd th€{r dect.with the re-
\ rrriTrg3ooset

AFTENWORD This tokes ihe cube thot storts ouf in the FT position to the
lcon usuolly solve rondom cube problems by using this BP position, ihe cube in BP to BF, ond the cube in BF to FT, lt
solution with the simpler short cuts provided in obout 2Yz is best to try this on o solved cube to see the overoll ef-
minutes. lfind o consideroble omount of time is spent in fect. Now, on o solved cube, do the foltowing 2-move
locoting cubes ond oligning the foces so thoi the next sequence.
move con be mode. The stiffness of the cube is q
decisive foctor in time triqls. R2 T+

As wos pointed out in the lntroduction, this solution does =his hosthe effeei of lcking a cube frcm BR to FT, Now, on
not involve the fewest number of moves possible, Never- ,'he some cube, do the sequence:
theless, by using oll the moves provided, including the (L- (L+ t?-) 82
"expert" short cuts, I con overoge less thon IOO moves
R+ ) F2
for solution of o rondom cube problem, olthough Thls is the scme os the one given obove. Then "undo" the
occosionolly more thon IOO moves ore required. To firsi 2 moves:
ochieve this reduction,lhove to combine steps 2 ond 3, Tt- -n4
but the other steps remoin the some. There is nothing taL
socred obout breoking up the solution into these 5 steps, preceding the
.rhe overoll effect is BP to BF to BR to BP. By
ond o betler solution moy well use o different meihod.
&r^nove sequence wiih various moves ond following it
An interesting postime (or obsession) is to try to find bet- *iith the exocf reverse of those rnoves, you ccn choose
ter solutions for this foscinoting puzzle. lt is octuolly pos- ?c exchonge ony 3 edge cubes without disturbing the
sible to rotionolly design sequences of moves thot hove other 9 edge cubes ond oll 8 corner cubes. Using tricks
desired overolleffects, Try the sequence: ike this, it is possible to move the cubes oround olmost ot
(L- R+) F2 (L+ R-) 82
A recl chollenge is to develop o shorler solution thot is
eso cbor, simBle, ond error toleront,
noppy curbitgl

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