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Don’t Live the Future

Are you always making plans for tomorrow?

And in the end they don’t become true?
Are you always thinking about tomorrow and forgeting today?
Yeah... I’ve done the same as you...

Dreaming about a beautiful tomorrow

And waking up only with sorrows...
Making the best plans about you
And less than 30% become true...
So I say...

Don’t live the future,

Don’t live the unknown...
Don’t worry about everything
Just let it go...
Let it go...

See all the thing you’re leaving

When you’re afraid about the future...
See all the things happening around you,
See all the people leaving you,
And you’re not afraid about it
‘cause you’re only thinking about the future...
So I say...

Don’t live the future,

Don’t live the unknown...
Don’t worry about everything
Just let it go...
Let it go...

Por Almir Júnior às 00:46 de 03/03/08

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