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10 A 12 13 a7 18 19 20 2L ( (ce ~ATEMENT OF SCOTT CARPENTEL - 12/09/10 1 THIS IS THE TAPED STATEMENT OF NORFOLK POLICE RECRUIT SCOTT CARPENTER AS GIVEN TO DETECTIVE J. L. MIOLLA ON DECEMBER 9TH, 2010, AT .M. TH IN REFERENCE TO A RECRUIT INJURY IS DAY DURING A DEFENSIVE TACTICS EVOLUTION. BY INVESTIGATOR MIOLLA: Q. Can you give me your complete name and spell it for me, please? A. Complete name is Scott Alan Carpenter. Q. Spell your name. is| A, It's S-c-o-t-t, middle name is Alan, A-l-a-nj last ni Carpenter, Charlie, Alpha, Romeo, Papa, Echo, November, Tango, Echo, Romeo. your date of birth? Q. And can you stati A. December 29th, 1969. And your current address? Q. And a current phone number for you a Q. Earlier we discuss: Q. AL an incident that occurred here at the| 1k Police Training Academy. Do you recall that incident? A. Yes, sir. Q. All right. From start to finish, in your own words, to NORFOLK POLICE DEPARTMENT - ROBBERY SECTION 10 a. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ¢ Cc # { --ATEMENT OF SCOTT CARPENTEL - 12/09/10 2 the best of your ability, explain the events that took place. A, Want me to start from —~ Q. Start from the beginning. A. Recruit Johnson and myself were running from the parking lot or from the picnic tables out back towards the back entrance of the DT room. We're running.’ We got close to the DT room exit door in the back. I turn right. Recruit Johnson was tuning right to come in and he ran into an individual who was coming‘out. At the time I did not know who it was, but come to find out it was Recruit Kohn. I continued in with my evolution. I believe Recruit Johnson continued in and went to the left. I went to the right. The only thing I saw as far as Recruit Kohn during his br fighting was I saw the last fight he had. He was engaged with Instructor Sapp. I saw Instructor Sapp throwing some punches. He was defending himself and then Instructor Sapp landed a right punch and Recruit Kohn just went out, blacked out I guess. I don't know if he blacked out or not but his hands went out’ to his side. His head went back against the ground like he was in a’ prone position and then after that they said the fight was over. Q. ‘Who called halt? A. I believe -~ I'm not sure what instructors did. Q. Somebody yelled stop? A. Yes, I believe it was Officer Hlebinsky but I'm not sure. NORFOLK POLICE DEPARTMENT - ROBBERY SECTION 10 cee 12 13 14 15 16 17) 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 (i Camemene oF SCOP? CARPEWTES - 12/09/10 3 Q. Okay. A. And then they wanted to make sure everything was all right, they sat him up, took his helmet off, and everything like that. I did hear Instructor Hlebinsky say he was out. I think he's out or something like that, and then they started talking to him. I guess he acknowledged him. They got him up. He stood up on his own power. He started to walk out the back door on his own power but he was stumbling a little bit and they said, Go sit down inside. It was Officer Hlebinsky, I think Lieutenant Pratt said, Kohn, go sit on the side. They brought him over to the side, sat him down. There was instructors over there with him and then at that time I believe they were watching him and then his condition just went worse and then instructors all called for medical condition -~ or medical assistance. Q. Describe what was going on as far as his actions. A, When he was sitting down against the wall I didn't observe| everything because there was still things going on, but he was sitting down against the wall kind of just like lumped down with his head against there, and he was kind of out of it a he started like little bit, and then he started going ~ gasping for air or gurgling kind of like or just like seizure-type stuff. I'm not a medical doctor but that's what it seemed like, but they put him on his side and then they called for medical attention and got all us recruits out of the| NORFOLK POLICE DEPARTMENT - ROBBERY SECTION TEMENT OF SCOTT CARPENTEY~~ 12/09/10 4 10 a1 12 13 14 15 16 7] 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 gyn. Q. Okay. Is there anything else that you can remember that you may not have already mentioned? A. “I told the instructors that two days ago Recruit Kohn complained of a headache. Q. He did? A. Yeah. Afterwards because -- some of us did have headaches because it was just pounding around and stuff like that in training, but we were taking Asprin for inflammation for anything like that. Now, he didn't say anything afterwards to me. He just said the other day just in general conversation like in the locker room, he was like, I got a headache and stuff like that. Q. what day was this? A, Tuesday, sir. Q. Tuesday? A. Yes, sir. Q. And was this after everything was done? A. No, it was still during training. Q, It was still during training? AL Yes, sir: Q. And when did you tell the instructor that he was complaining of a headache? A. After the ambulance got here because we were sitting around thinking about it and I was like, Man, the other day he NORFOLK POLICE DEPARTMENT - ROBBERY SECTION 10 1 12 13 14 15 16 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 28 (Cavewent OF SCOTT CARPENTE - 12/09/10 5 said he had a headache but we didn't think about it because he didn't complain about it the last two days. Q. Okay. A. He wasn't complaining about a headache. Q. Did he seem out of it or anything like that? A. No, sir. Q. On that day? A. No, sir. Q. Was he able to continue on and complete everything that day? A. Yes, siz, he continued to train today, didn't complain or anything. Yesterday didn't complain about anything. Q. So he seemed to be fine up until this incident? A. Yes, sir. Q. All right. Is there anything else you wish to add to your| statement? A. No, sir. Q. Everything you've told me is true to the best of your knowledge? A. Yes, sir. Q.- Are you under the influence of any alcohol or drugs right now? A. No, sir. Q. And you are aware that this has been recorded? A. Yes, sir: NORFOLK POLICE DEPARTMENT - ROBBERY SECTION 15 16 a7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ATEMENT OF SCOTT CARPENTE= ~ 12/09/10 STATEMENT ENDS AT 7:54 P.M. ON 12/09/10. t/ Carpenter IQY fio 1510 nerbUcBlce feovms Covie- ATE/TIME/LOCATION WITNESS: Wwestigator J. L. Miolla (allo (Seis pee DATE/TIME/LOCATION 12/09/10-JSB-TAPE Robbery Section Detective Division (Scottcarp) NORFOLK POLICE DEPARTMENT - ROBBERY SECTION

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