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With the rapid development of the technology in the sports arena, main goal of the Basket Ball Referee System is to
provide a value added service to people specially the basketball players and coaches in Sri Lanka. Through this may
sound absurd to many, still this is an achievable goal. As the first step of this research implementation, it was
challenge to implement a bug free first working model.

Although certain type of game tools had been implemented this proposed system is differ from all the tools which
gather during literature survey. Proposed system needed more fast and accuracy than a normal system since major
decisions will be made during the game based on the system. Initially main obstacle came when detecting the ball
and the player by use of the filters and the image processing techniques by use of the c# coding.

Next major obstacle was less of subject expert people and knowledge of video filtering using and is also a constraint to implement and design the BRS tool. It affects negatively to BRS as books and
internet only cannot give exact support need to implement the BRS.

When addressing this problem there were other obstacles came along the way. Time is another major constraint the
team is facing since approved time period is 12 calendar months for completes the Basketball Referee System. It is a
vital task to achieve the goals of the system, within its pre-defined scope. But in BRS real scope may not be the
estimated scope because this BRS toll has new approaches. This includes how the implementation of functional and
non-functional requirements of the system.

One of the Research challenges that we will face is to build algorithm for player and ball recognition. The Algorithm
should be able to process real-time video frames, while sharing the processor with other video filters and application
code. This is a difficult problem because many background subtraction techniques today are either very simplistic
(hence fast) but inaccurate or very complex but computationally intensive. The challenge is to build a background
subtraction algorithm that is both accurate and fast enough for use in a real-time system. Basketball Referee
System (BRS)
Software and hardware constraints of this proposed BRS tool should be developed using the available software and
hardware resources. There are many limitations of this software and hardware such as low RAM speed, less capacity
of the hard disk, lack of software development tools etc. These limitations will affect the quality of the project. Also
the supporting application software and student version does not contain some facilities. And
the original version is costly which BRS groups alone cannot afford. The system has to operate on a computer
system developed in visual studio 2008 and with and the which used to implement the
system. As the camera needed to be in a good quality they brought a web camera for that and using that they were
able to capture the mega pixels.
During the research topic implementation the stormy period was the development phase. Though, at the end all the
issues were tackle satisfactorily it consumed some time to achieve the issues to standard expectation.
Because other academic activities were done parallel with the research project, during the first semester it was
difficult as both academic and research works had to complete simultaneously.
Team faced above mentioned problems successfully. Team manages the limited time accurately. Team members
studied and gather information about and Video .Gain good knowledge through internet and by
reading relevant books.
After implemented the system, it tested using many inputs. Filled the fields of the interfaces with relevant
information and check whether the system functioning as expect. Team checked whether there is a difference
between expected output and actual output. If there is a difference then team quickly did the correction. By giving
Many inputs team test the system several times and verify that system work as expect.

This project was a research type of project. This project didn’t have a particular sponsor. Even though they didn’t
have a particular sponsor they had to evaluate their project and ensure that project objectives are achieved and
project is in progress. In design stage of the system, design has done using Unified Modeling Language. After
implementing the software development testing part has done. Errors have identified in the testing stage and then it
has implemented. Testing was the most important parts. The team has expected so many
Incompatibilities within the integration process and has modified them to a minimum level of errors. Finally the
maintenance part will carry out together with final product.

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