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1 Title of Project

Image annotation techniques for computer vision to improve autonomous vehicles visual

2 Project Background
2.1 Problem Context
Living things have no trouble comprehending their surroundings. However, we will need a lot of
data to let a machine grasp the same kind of environment. This data is fed into a computer vision
model with the help of image annotation. This model is used by the computer to learn specific
rules so that it can recognize its surroundings using artificial intelligence.
When it comes to autonomous car, safety is important. Self-driving automobiles must be capable
of navigating complicated terrain and avoiding potentially unsafe situations. They are forced to
make hasty decisions in a variety of situations, including various moral dilemmas
(Balasubramaniam and Pasricha, 2022). Directing the vehicle, ensuring that the vehicle behaves
properly in all circumstances, and adhering to the rules of the road is important. The autonomous
vehicle must be able to see and interpret what is in front of it when moving forward and behind it
when in reverse, which is a much more difficult scenario (Hussain & Zeadally, 2019).
Appropriate datasets are required at all stages of object recognition research. Current datasets are
lacking in several respects, such as limited range of image variability (Ponce et al., 2006). It
requires heavy manual labor. For datasets as massive as self-driving cars, data labeling is
especially dependent on human effort to identify unlabeled elements in raw images. In the
meantime, the labeled data has to be accurate to run successful ML projects. Maintaining high
levels of precision for large-scale projects is especially challenging (superannotate, 2021). In
autonomous driving the computer vision is an important role in making the varied objects
recognizable. Computer vision is a field of AI that trains computers to capture and interpret
information from image. For the process of obtaining contextual knowledge of the environment,
such as finding obstacles, detecting road signs and markings, and categorizing data according to
its semantic meaning, computer vison is must needed (Dygalo et al., 2019).
2.2 Rationale
Annotation is the process of identifying the region of interest or object of interest in an image or
video by utilizing border boxes and setting other attributes to help machine learning models
understand and recognize the things identified by the vehicle's sensors. Annotations enable
autonomous and semi-autonomous vehicles to perform their functions. Autonomous driving
would be ineffective to the point of being non-existent without correctly labeled data. A seamless
autonomous experience is dependent on the effectiveness of the data. The project will assist
autonomous vehicles in recognizing objects. This project will allow us to raise the quality of
image annotation, make it reliable and cost-effective, and develop and implement this
application. It will provide high-quality labeling. It will help to build image databases for
computer vision. Most databases provide only captions that indicate the object is visible in an
image. Here we will find more detailed information such as polygons, bounding boxes, and
segmentation masks in the databases. This is extremely helpful for the autonomous vehicle
industry to make their vehicle’s AI more accurate, reliable and of high standard and quality.
For the outcome of the web application, there are two types of benefits:
2.2.1 Tangible Benefits

2.2.2 Intangible Benefits

2.3 Nature of Challenge

3 Project Objectives
3.1 Deliverables
Below are the cores functions of the system:
 This program will help to identify objects and boundaries, and to segment images. With
object detection, annotators are given specific objects that they need to label in an image.
So if an image is classified as having car in it, this takes it one step further by showing
where the car is within the image.
 User friendly interface and easy to access and use. It will offer a user-friendly layout and
is simply accessible, making the procedure much more efficient.
 Allow the user to register and login inside the system.
 Allow the user to user (Admin) to load data (images that is to be annotated) into the
 Allow the user to access the data and start annotating the images using several tools.
 Overall process of annotating data will be convenient, easier and faster to use.

3.2 Additional features

3.3 Special features

Apart from that, the special features of the system will be added if there is any extra time.

4 Required Resources
4.1 Hardware
The minimum requirements for hardware for the personal computer to successfully carry out and
meet the objectives of the system are as follows:
 Processor: Intel Quad Core i5 (2 GHz)
 Random Access Memory (RAM): 4GB
 Keyboard & Mouse
 Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi)
4.2 Software
The minimum software requirements for the development and execution of the project are as
4.2.1 Code Editor and Database Management System (DBMS)
 Net Beans 6.8
 Visual Studio 2013
 SQL server management studio
 MySQL Version 5 or phpMyAdmin 3.3.9

4.2.2 Server-Side Scripting, Web Server and File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Software
 PHP 5.3.1
 Apache 2.2.17

4.2.3 Documentation and Planning

 Microsoft Project 2007
 Microsoft Word 2007

4.3 Access to information / expertise

The development of the system will require consultation from IT experts who are experienced in
developing web applications field. Apart from that, information may be gathered from
interviews and surveys done.

4.4 User Involvement

The people who are involved are general peoples and IT experts. Different levels users like
novice user, casual user and expert user will be involve. I will interview employees who are
currently working in the field related to image annotation and AI vehicle industry. Apart from
that, I will try to get feedbacks from students regarding to system, and also to lecturers of APIIT
University/College. These users will be assisting on the usability testing phase.
5 Academic Research
In order to carry out the deliverables, the preliminary list of books and web pages I will study are
as follows.
5.1 Books
Author: Rajkumar Buyya
Publisher: McGraw Hill Education

 Name: Object Oriented Programming with Java

Author: M.T. Somashekara, D.S. Guru, K.S. Manjunatha 
Publisher: PHI Learning

 Name: System Development Methodologies A Complete Guide - 2020 Edition

Author: Gerardus Blokdyk
Publisher: 5STARCooks

 Name: Microsoft Sql Server Management Studio A Clear and Concise Reference
Author: Gerardus Blokdyk

5.2 Online Resources

6 Development Plan
6.1 System Development Methodology
Systems development methodology (SDM) is a standard process followed in an organization to
conduct all the steps necessary to analyze, design, implement and maintain information systems
(IS) It is highly beneficial for organizations to adopt a systems development methodology to
develop IS. There are various choices of software development methodology and I have chosen
Agile software development methodology which I think are the most suitable to structure, plan
and control the development process.
Agile methodology is a system development and testing strategy that promotes continuous
iteration throughout the system development lifecycle of a project. The Agile Technique is a
development methodology that emphasizes iterative development and client satisfaction. It is a
people-centered and results-oriented approach to programming advancement in a rapidly
changing world, implying that prerequisites and requirements improve through collaborative
effort between groups or teams. This methodology is easy and quick adapt to change and
developing is done in sprints, ensuring a brief time between feature development. Agile gives
freedom when recent changes need to be implemented and also regular testing to see that the
product is working during the development

7 Evaluation and Testing

The main goal of the system will rely on the features of annotating images efficiently and
accurately. In order to make sure the system is functioning well before delivering, following
testing will be done:
7.1 Unit Testing

7.2 Integration Testing

7.3 Usability Testing

8 References
Ponce, J., Berg, T. L., Everingham, M., Forsyth, D. A., Hebert, M., Lazebnik, S., Marszalek, M.,
Schmid, C., Russell, B. C., Torralba, A., Williams, C. K., Zhang, J., & Zisserman, A. (2006).
Dataset issues in object recognition. Toward Category-Level Object Recognition, 29-48.
Balasubramaniam, A., & Pasricha, S. (2022). Object Detection in Autonomous Vehicles: Status
and Open Challenges. arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.07706.
Hussain, R., & Zeadally, S. (2019). Autonomous Cars: Research Results, Issues, and Future
Challenges. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 21(2), 1275–1313.
(2021). Retrieved from superannotate:
Dygalo, V., Lyashenko, M., & Potapov, P. (2019). Ways for improving efficiency of computer
vision for autonomous vehicles and driver assistance systems. 2019 International Conference on
Industrial Engineering, Applications and Manufacturing (ICIEAM). 

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