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Guys many aspirants usually ask me how to prepare 4 PO and books , time mgmt etc.

First of all clearing PO is not a big deal in present time, with all banks hiring in such
bulk. So this is the right time to crack the PO.

Now PO exam consists of following sections-

1) reasoning
2) maths
3) English
4) general awareness
5) computer aptitude
6) marketing

the ideal strategy to clear a PO is to score 70%(atleast) in each section to get interv
call . but many times if paper is tuff then cutt offs may drop like in case SBI PO, as
SBI sets some higher standards.

Regarding time management just follow the principle “create time 4 ur weaker
sections” .like in my case my weaker section is maths.
What I do is I do around 65-70 quest of res in 40-45 min,
Then 40 quest of eng in 20 min . then 40-45 quest of GA in 20 min and at last I
create around 50 min 4 maths so I solve around 40 questions of maths in 50 min.

And always bear in mind that to get interv call u need to at least get 70% marks in
each sec.

Now coming to respective sections-:

REASONING- this is the most easy and scoring part. This section makes the rank.
So for reasoning just learn some tricks and try to get 100% accuracy whatever u
solve. In topics like input output, syllo, coding decoding, non verbal, blood relations,
equation questions u can get 100% accuracy.
Many people r afraid of non verbals , they say that they just leave non verbal
uqestions as it is……and mind u non verbals makes the difference b/w selection and
failure. So practice non verbals from RS agarawal.
Statement assumption, syllo, machine input from BSC book “ analytical reasoning”.
These 2 r best books on reasoning.

MATHS-for maths just follow M Tyra. The best book to increase speed . all tricks
given in the book r useful if someone remembers. Fpr PO no need to read whole
book. Just read chapters addition,sub, multiplication, division, ages, time and
distance, work , probability, permutation combinations,pipes and cisterns.
But now days DI is coming , around 20 questions r of DI and in exams like SBI there
r 45 questions of DI out of 50.
So DI is playing an imp role. For DI , M tyra is not sufficient. Buy DI of BSC
publication . it’s a very gud Buk 4 DI.
Score as much as u can in maths . as here u have 100% confidance of accuracy, while
in English u cant be 100% sure of answer.

This section is the most asked topic by all aspirants.
So for GA just read Economic times or any English newspaper ( but spl emphasis on
economic news). Make daily notes , read editiorials. If u r at home and TV is
available then see CNBC news at 9 daily(this advantage was not available 2 me as I
lived in my college hostel).
Then comes the monthly magzines – I will prefer success mirror over PD,BSC as for
Po we don’t need exhaustive study . PD is too thick…………success mirror is
I also reffered the blog
Its an extremlly gud blog. There r many other blogs which u can refer.

If u have more time then u shud read monthly magazines yojana , kurukshetra. This will
help u in descriptive and specially in interviews.

Those who r from non-commerce background should read any book on Indian economy.
Just to learn economic terms. I would refer read “INDIAN ECONOMY” by ramesh
singh (TMH pub.)

This secton is also much talked of. For English just make the habit of reading English
newspaper. And practice more and more from the book “OBJECTIVE ENGLISH” by
Thorpe and Thorpe…………moreover don’t get soo much afraid of English as cut offs of
English is usually on lower side………. For more English tips just browse the thread “

Now days banks r asking computers also. For this u can do nothing but to learn
computers . learn computers from upkar book…….its a gud buk 4 begineers.

For marketing also I reffered upkar markting book. And mind u nothing came outside
that book in exams which I gave…………..

So this is all about how to prepare…….

And one thing more for technical guys………..they have a feeling that banks rejects
technical people………this is false…………but the truth behind the curtain is even
banks want more and more technical //IT people 4 banks………..they just check why u
want to come to banks …………



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