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Keeyan K.

I have made 3 wishes that I would like to happen to the world, my family, and to me
for the New Year. Every year, I come up with a new years resolution to help me become a
better person but this time, I made 3 different wishes. I know that these wishes might not
necessarily come true, but I believe that I should try to help accomplish them anyways. It’s
the end of 2010 and the start of 2011, so I think it’s time for me to improve my capabilities.

My first wish is to join the rock climbing team. I imagine that it would be very fun. I
want to join it because I enjoy rock climbing quite a lot, and I’m sure that the rock climbing
team will make me much better of a rock climber. Right now, I only rock climb in climbing
centers like the edge, so it will be a big step for me. If I keep trying, I might be able to climb
up actual rocks, and that would be really exciting. Rock climbing is one of my passions and
it’s definitely my current favorite sport. I like it greatly because I have always adored
climbing. Ever since I was very young, I used to climb up things a long. I always climbed up
structures like monkey bars in the playground, or trees in the forest. Climbing was always
something that I have always enjoyed since I was a little kid.

My second wish is for my dog, Kayanne, to come to my mother’s house as well as my

fathers. I miss her a lot while she is with my dad. My parents are divorced, and Kayanne
lives with my dad so as a result, I have to wait to see her. My whole family will be affected if
she lives with both my parents. Sometimes I bring her to my mother’s house, and of course,
she loves her a lot too. Kayanne gets really excited when she sees me, and I can hardly
imagine her cute little face getting excited every day. My sister will also loves to see her
every single day. My whole family loves her because of how nice and cute she is. She is also
apart of the family. My whole family will definitely be much happier with Kayanne staying
in my mom and my dad’s house. My dad will probably be relieved from walking her
everyday, but might also miss her. But I know for a fact that I would be much happier with
Kayanne always with me every day

My third and last wish is for global warming to finally stop. If it continues, all the
poor cute little penguins and polar bears will die. And those aren’t the only animals that will
get affected. If the animals that live on ice immigrate or die off, what will the other animals
eat? The sudden change will extremely affect the whole food chain, and therefore, many
more animals will have to immigrate, die off, or just adapt to it. Global warming can hurt us
too! If it continues for a very long time, the earth might just be too hot for all of us. The
generation next in line will have to clean up our mess. And then the generation after that
generation just might have to pay the consequences! It doesn’t seem fair at all! That’s why
it’s extremely important for this global environment crisis to stop before it starts to get out
of hand. That’s why I wish for this horrible tragedy to stop before matters get worse.

My wishes might seem pretty hard to accomplish, but I believe with hard work, they
can come true. Whether it’s having your dog live with you at all times, or stopping an
environment crisis from affecting the earth, it’s always possible. I not only hope that my
wishes come true, but I also hope that everyone else can also find ways to help themselves
become better people and also to help the world become a better place.

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