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(this should be limited to a maximum of 2 sides of A4)

Project Name:
• Detail the name of the project and indicate if it is an extension/enhancement of
an existing project or a new activity. Who is the applicant and who will be
responsible for project delivery

Summary of Proposal:
• Provide the overall project aim together with a brief summary of the proposal
and the start and end date, including target date for full application to be

Key Partners:
• List the partners who are/will be involved

• Briefly describe the key activities to be funded.

Demonstration of Need
• Clearly identify your target market/beneficiaries and the area of the county to
be covered
• Describe how the project adds value to existing provision

Strategic Fit & Linkages

• Briefly explain how the project contributes to the Priority and Measure
objectives of the Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly SPD, and addresses the
bidding specification

• Outline project costs.
• Indicate sources of funding either potential or secured.
• Give an indication of the project exit strategy.

• Briefly identify the outputs and results the project aims to achieve (number of
beneficiaries trained/assisted, qualifications, job outcomes, businesses
assisted/started etc).

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