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July 26.


Mike Schaller, Project Planner

455 County Center, Second Floor
Redwood City, CA 94063

Re: Initial Study and Negative Declaration for PLN 2010-00093: Fitzgerald Marine
Reserve/Preserve beach access improvements at Nevada and North Lake Street and
improvements to the Dardenelle Trail/California Coastal Trail between North Lake
Street and Cypress Avenue

Dear Mr. Schaller:

I am writing to you on behalf of the Coastal Issues Committee of the Sierra Club, Loma
Prieta Chapter. Our mission is to support the provisions of the California Coastal Act and
the Coastal Commission in its application. The Coastal Issues Committee concurs with
the Committee for Green Foothill’s analysis of the Initial Study in relation to the Coastal
Act, the 2002 Master Plan for Fitzgerald Marine Reserve (FMR), and the San Mateo
County Local Coastal Plan.

In particular we are concerned that the Initial Study and Notice of Intent to Adopt a
Negative Declaration did not answer the question: What is the purpose of the proposed
project? Is it to make improvements to the Dardenelle Trail/California Coastal Trail in
compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)? Or, is the purpose to
prevent further degradation of the reef from overuse by restricting use as is outlined in
the Fitzgerald Marine Reserve Master Plan?

This highlights the inconsistency in making changes to the existing trail that will create
greater use and access to the beach and reef area of Fitzgerald Marine Reserve. We agree
with the comments that point out that the existing trail can be made ADA compliant
using permeable materials as required by the FMR Master Plan (p.60) for all public trails.
In fact, the agenda for the July 12, 2010 meeting of the Midcoast Parks and Recreation
Committee included information about Gravelpave2 as an alternate surface. Other
paving suggestions have been made by trail experts from GGNRA, California State
Parks, and the California Coastal Conservancy.

Using asphalt would create a de facto street-wide road designed to carry walkers, hikers,
bicyclists, equestrians, as well as persons using wheelchairs, walkers, and canes. Instead
of creating a safe trail for use by people with disabilities the County will have created a
hazard, destroyed the natural setting of the trail, and impacted the riparian vegetation of
San Vicente Creek by moving the bridge upstream.
We encourage you to make the necessary modifications to the proposed project so that it
becomes a win/win situation for the users, community and County at the same time
protecting our environment.


Merrill Bobele, Co-Chair

Coastal Issues Committee,
Loma Prieta Chapter, Sierra Club

Cc: Other Interested Parties

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