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Collection of analects of

A Requirement in English ll
Submitted by:
Carl Janelle Oligo
Submitted to:
Mrs. Wilhelminaida Dumdum

1. The master said, “Virtue is not to left

to stand alone. He who practices it
will have neighbors.”
(A virtue cannot stand alone without
practicing it because, even though you
have reprimanded but you not often
change your bad attitude so it will be
Don’t just make it for just you have told
but apply it to your personality so that the
people around you will know much more
about you.)

2. The master said, “Riches and honors

are what men desire. If it cannot be
obtained in the proper way they
should not be held. Poverty and
meanness are what men dislike. If it
cannot be obtained in the proper way,
they should be avoided.”
(Riches and Honors if not be obtained in a
proper way can make a possibility that it
will drove you in addiction and sometimes
because of it we forget to thank God.
These possibility was made because we
focus in our own comfort and happiness
that’s why some of the people now are
making things that was unnecessary to
their lives just make fun, but we can avoid
it by self-discipline and veneer our study
3. The master said, “I any one able for
one day to apply his strength to
virtue? I have not seen the case in
which his strength would be
(The person who uses his strength or
power for the sake of virtue is not yet
considered to be virtue because a virtue
will not force you to do it but just do it
deep in your hearts without doubt, with
love and accolade.)

4. The Master said, “It is only the

virtuous man can love, or can hate,

(Sometimes we need to be careful of what

we are saying. Before we say what we are
going to tell with somebody we need to
think it many of time’s cause we don’t
know if there’s person make offend or hurt
of what we are going to tell. )

5. The Master said,” If the will be set on

virtue, there will be no practice of

(A person who do good and integrity when

she or he live here on earth. When the day
comes if she or he die there’s no vain or
worry of her or his because the value he or
she thought to her family will remain lived
forever and ever.)

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