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   How do you behave when you believe you have an advantage over another person?
I personally choose to be humble since, in my opinion, modesty indicates strength rather than weakness.
I am content with who I am and humble about my accomplishments and possessions. I have nothing to prove to
anyone, personally. Rather than taking and boasting myself more, I'm striving to focus on sharing and caring to
others. Avoid coming across as the "know-it-all" and instead, be someone who is eager to learn more about
life. Another issue is that I strive very hard not to conform to stereotypes or think negatively of others since
doing so would make them feel that way about me.

2.    Will you tell the truth, even when it does not place you in the most positive light? Why?
Yes, lying to others is incredibly simple, but you can never lie to yourself because it will never work.
Being honest about your daily activities is the best way to find mental tranquility. It encourages trusting
relationships and aids in bringing people together.
Thus, truthfulness is the initial part of reality when it refers to knowledge since it is the quickest method
to stop a mistake from becoming a failure. As a result, one should try to leave a tradition of integrity and
sincerity for their future generations.

3.    Will you do the honest thing, even when it cost you more than you could otherwise get away with?
Yes, the fact that being honest sometimes seems to have no benefit is one of its most difficult aspects.
Although we are told from an early age that being honest is the best policy, it can be challenging to follow this
advice when you are in a precarious situation. Even though it doesn't seem like it right now, I think being
honest pays off most of the time. People respect you more when you are honest than when you are dishonest.

4.    Will you go out of your comfort zone to extend concern and care for others? Why?
Yes, self-love is not the same as selfishness. Do not feel bad. Selfish people simply assist others to boost
their own egos. Self-loving individuals understand that it will be much simpler to appreciate others if they
respect themselves first. One of the noblest things we can strive for is to care for others. It makes us desirable
and helpful to both us and other people. The world, God, or Karma may not express gratitude to you, but your
heart most surely will.

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