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Lecture Outline:
1. Key System Applications in the Organization
2. 4 Main Kinds of Systems
3. 6 Major System Types
4. 4 Functional Areas of a Business Enterprise
5. Business Process
Key System
Applications in the

This diagram shows how the key system applications fit under the different functional areas that serve
different groups of people and with the corresponding functional areas.

4 Main Kinds of Systems

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1. Operational-level Systems
 Monitor the elementary activities and transactions of the organization
 Principal purpose: To track specific transactions and answer routine questions any time
 Example: Tracking system of number of hours worked for employees
 Operational-level systems can be considered the simplest of the four kinds.

2. Knowledge-level Systems
 Support knowledge and data workers
 Principal Purpose: Integration of new knowledge into the business and control of the flow of
 Example: MS Office Applications

3. Management-level Systems
 Support the monitoring, controlling, decision-making, and administrative activities of middle
 Principal Purpose: Provide historic, periodic information and support decision-making
 Example: Data Warehouse System with Monthly Comparisons of Actual vs. Target
Production Figures

4. Strategic-level Systems
 Support the long-range planning activities of senior management
 Principal Purpose: Assess the organization vs. environment
 Example: Systems that present what the firm will be like in 5 yearsNote that strategic-level
systems are the most complex types of systems, and oftentimes the most expensive

 While the management-level focuses mainly on historical data within the company to
support the decision-making, strategic-level positions the company relative to the
environment in which the company exists to support the planning for long-term goals.
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6 Major
System Types

1. Transaction Processing Systems (TPS)

 Basic business systems that serve the operational level
 A computerized system that performs and records the daily routine transactions necessary
to the conduct of the business (business operations)

[Laudon of 2003]
& Laudon,
[Laudon & Laudon, 2003]
2. Knowledge Work System (KWS)
 Knowledge level
 Inputs: Design specs
 Processing: Modeling
 Outputs: Designs, graphics
 Users: Technical staff and professionals
 Example: Engineering work station
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3. Office Automation System (OAS):
 Toward a “Paperless” Office
 Redesign of Work Flow
 Integrated Software
 Ergonomic Design
 Bright, cheerful work space
 Example: Presentation Graphics

4. Management Information System (MIS)

 Management level
 Inputs: High-volume data
 Processing: Simple models
 Outputs: Summary reports
 Users: Middle managers
 Examples: Annual budgeting and Monthly Sales

[Laudon & Laudon, 2003]

Sample report that might be produced by the MIS based on the previous example:

NOTE: An MIS supports the following:

• Structured and semi-structured decisions
• Report- and control-oriented functions
• Past and present data
• Internal orientation
• Lengthy design process
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5. Decision Support System (DSS)

 Management level
 Inputs: Low-volume data
 Processing: Interactive
 Output: Decision analysis
 Users: Professionals, staff
 Example: Contract cost analysis

Voyage-estimating Decision Support System

NOTE: A DSS has the following characteristics:

• Flexible, adaptable, quick
• User controls inputs and outputs and supports “what if” scenarios
• External sources included as well as sophisticated modeling tools

6. Executive Support System (ESS)

 Executive (Strategic) Level
 Inputs: Aggregate data
 Processing: Interactive
 Outputs: Projections
 Users: Senior managers
 Example: 5-year operating plan
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NOTE: ESS Characteristics:
• Top level management
• Employ the most advanced graphics software
• Ties CEO to all levels


Very expensive upkeep
Extensive support staff

ps among
[Laudon & Laudon, 2003]

4 Functional Areas of a
Business Enterprise
1. Marketing
 Identify customers for the firms products or services
 Determine customer needs and wants
 Plan and develop products and services to meet their needs
 Advertise and promote products and services
 Effective marketing aims for total customer satisfaction to promote customer loyalty.

• Contact customers
• Sell the products and services
• Take orders
• Follow-up on sales transactions
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Examples of Marketing and Sales Systems

2. Manufacturing and Production

 The planning, development, and production of products and services
 Controlling the flow of production
 “Critical-level” and “economic reorder quantity” concepts

Examples of Manufacturing and Production Systems

3. Finance and Accounting

4. Human Resources
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Business Processes
• Unique ways to coordinate work, information, and knowledge
• Ways in which management chooses to coordinate work

Cross-Functional Business Processes

• Transcend boundaries between sales, marketing, manufacturing, and research and
• Group employees from different functional specialties to a complete piece of work

Example: The Order Fulfillment Process

[Laudon & Laudon, 2003]

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