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Logical Fallacies to keep in mind

--NEVER have them in your argument--

1. ad hominem—an attack on the character of the person
instead of on the argument.
2. Non sequitur—the conclusion does not logically follow the
premise (“does not follow”).
3. Hasty Generalization—making a general claim and
applying it to all people/situations inaccurately.
4. Oversimplification—taking a complex issue and trying to
make it simple, therefore ignoring the complexity and
misrepresenting the issue.
5. False analogy—comparing things using an analogy that
does not work/the two things do not work as an analogy.
The analogy is inaccurate.
6. Red herring—trying to distract the opponent by raising
an issue that is unrelated, or very loosely related to the
actual argument. Ignoring the argument and avoiding
the argument by raising a distraction.

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