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1.            This is counterintuitive, but for the most
part, customers want information. And if you can be balanced and honest about it, they¶d
love to get your assessment of the competition. After all, who knows your comp better
than you do? But if you show the slightest sign of BSing them, it¶ll do more harm than
2. 3 No, not just for the heck of it, but when you¶ve got bad news to deliver, give
it to them straight, face-to-face, in a timely manner. Moreover, be prepared to pull out all
the stops to make things right for them. Bad news is part of life and business. It happens.
Deal with it.
3.             eally. You know they¶re
going to figure it out sooner or later. Don¶t you think it¶s a better idea for them to hear it
from you first? Encourage them to provide honest feedback in real time so you¶ve at least
got a chance to address their concerns openly.
4. 3    Availability in real time is everything, these days. It saves
them time and that¶s huge. Be there when they need you. It¶ll make all the difference.
5. J           I once had a manufacturer¶s rep company
that went out of its way to make introductions between consenting clients, when it made
sense, i.e. a potential business relationship. I actually ended up with a new job that
changed my career, as a result.
       3J Sure, if they get going and you¶ve got a
personal connection, that¶s different. But time is everyone¶s most precious asset these
days; don¶t waste it.
7. ½   You think you know, but when was the last time you actually
asked what will make their jobs easier, what their specific priorities are with respect to
the product or service you provide, what you can do differently to be a better vendor, or
what keeps them up at night?
8. Ñ       This pretty much goes for any business
relationship, whether it¶s a customer, vendor, employee, peer, boss, whoever: don¶t take
calls or visitors when you¶re meeting with them. Don¶t get easily distracted, either; just
pay attention and listen when they talk.
9.      No, not to waste their time, not so often that they cringe at
the sound of your voice, and certainly not just to BS. But when it¶s something important
to them, picking up the phone and calling instead of emailing, every so often, is a big
10.     No, don¶t send them a card, write it on an invoice, or
buy them anything - unless you have a long history and that¶s part of your relationship.
But the next time you see him, her, them, whatever, look him straight in the eye and tell
him how much you enjoy working with him and appreciate the opportunity.

3   Every single one of you could have written this post by putting yourself in your
customer¶s shoes. It should be easy, since you¶re somebody else¶s customer. So do that. You¶ll
be amazed by what you come up with.

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