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The Igloo

by Andrea Villar
The igloo is a type of “snow house”
The snow house is a house made of ice.
These types of houses are constructed by Inuits.
The Inuits are the native people of the Artic.

But other people use the ice to cover their houses

which are made of animal bones and skins.
Many years ago, ice was used to protect people
and animals from cold because the ice is an
insulating material.

There are three types of Igloo:

The first is the smallest. It is constructed by

hunters, and it is used only from time to time, not
very often during the year.
The second, medium-sized, was intended as a
family house

The last Igloo is the biggest and many people can

live inside it, and usually it has got some different

The igloo is dome-built and it has not any

supporting structure, apart from the ice blocks

Now the Igloos are used as fun and winter camps.

The end

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