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These are my recalled Qns.

The below are either Qns or the answers they were

looking for. It’s just to point out the areas from which MCI asked Qns this time.

When you go thorugh the topics they have asked, it’s those usual topics mostly. But
the options were really confusing this time! These 200 Qns are the ones which I
remember now. Most of the difficult Qns are not below as I’m not able to remember
even a single word from those….As I remember more, I will post them…

If anyone says, they have asked just the basic Qns, I strongly disagree with. They
ofcourse didn’t ask very difficult Qns, but they made the simple Qns complicated
with the confusing options. This is what I felt.

For me the 1st paper was average, but the 2nd one was really bad………. So many
Ophthal Qns-atleast 30 I guess (the subject I skipped), Radio Qns were also there
around ~10, Physio not tested much, Anatomy tested somewhat heavily, lot of PSM
Qns which were not from the usual areas, Micro Qns also in usual numbers, pharma
with less general pharma Qns, more ANS/epileptics etc. Qns, patho, IM & syrgery
together in good number but I felt very less Surgery & IM Qns overall (Though it’s
hard to differentiate b/w IM, some Pediatrics, etc,. Qns separately), 3-5 Forensic
Qns, Skin 3-4 I guess, Anasthesia not much (1-3 Qns), Biochemistry as usual (10-15
may be), Psychaitry 2-4, Ortho as usual…. Infact, it was not very easy to find out the
no of Qns being asked from each subject because it was completely in a jumbled
order (especially in the 1st paper), and moreover some Qns are hard to say to what
subject it belongs to…

1. ‘8’ sign in CXR is seen in?

2. Rt. Borger of heart seen in CXR is formed by

3. 3y/o child will have how many teeth?

4. ACE Inhibitor pregnancy contraindicated

5. Alkaptonuria- Urine homogentisate

6. Allen’s test for- Ulnar and radial aretery patency

7. Alzheimer’s dz – Pathology?

8. AMI- Markers- LDH, CK.,tropin.

9. Anatomical Snuff box include?

10.Anti-choliergics action a/e

11.Antiepileptic to be avoided in young female?

12.Vitamin that is used to Rx atherosclerosis/Hypercholesterolemia

13.Anti-Glaucoma drugs

14.Anti-TB drug-least hepatotoxic?

15.Aortic arch start and ends at what level?

16.Aplastic anemia case

17.Arsenic poisoning acute case, mimics what other dz condition?

18.Aspirin Mech of action

19.Atherosclerosis some associated factors?

20.Blood stored at what temperature?

21.Reversed cold chain?

22.Buergers dz involve? Artery/vein/nerves/all….

23.Autosplenectomy seen in?

24.Avascular necrosis Qn

25.Bacterial vaginosis features are a/e

26.Bone metastasis Rx w/ what?

27.BPH M.C in what location of bladder?

28.Invest. Of choice in VUR?

29.Asymptomatic GB stone pt w/ MI hx- TOC? No surgery

30.Breast ca arises from?

31.Breast milk produced from?

32.Peude orange in breast ca is sue to?

33.Breast ca screening method a/e

34.Bronchoconstriction due to a/e (Pharma Qn)

35.Burn resuscitation in 1st hr, what fluid?

36.Carbazolam or some drug (1st time hearing that drug name)

37.Cardiac resuscitation-what type fluid?

39.Carrier state not seen in what infection?

40.Cataract related Qn

41.Cell wall synthesis inhibitors r a/e- Amikacin (Options included Vancomycin,


42.Cellulitis-M.C. is – strep

43.Cerebral calcification- investigation of choice- CT?

44.Chalcosis pathology is?

45.Hypothermia is a side effect of all except? I think the ans is Lithium, not sure
though. Was confused w/ Alcohol

46.Chlamydia trachomatis Rx

47.Chronic malnutrition indicator- Height for age

48.Chronic renal failure metabolic changes a/e

49.Clubbing of fingers seen in?

50.CO decreased in what condition?

51.Cobra venom- Neurotoxin

52.Confirmatory Dx test for Primary Syphylis

53.Counter-current mechanism in kidney is seen exactly at a/e?

54.Malaria related Qn

55.Crescend air sign in CXR due to?

56.Christmas dz due to? Factor IX (Hemophilia B)

57.Crew-cut hair on end appearance in Skull X-ray- B-Thalassemia

58.Cushing as a paraneoplastic syndrome in what ca? SCLC

59.Cyanide poisoning mechanism

60.Cycoplegic & mydriatic drug?

61.Decidua related Qn

62.Delusion related Qn

63.Dengue fever characteristics

64.Diarrhea- drug Rx

65.Diarrhea in child, resuscitation fluid? Dosing?

66.Diffuse axonal injury- seen is?

67.DOC for cystitis in 25y/o F

68.DOC in otherwise normal hypertensive pt

69.Drug safe in renal insufficiency are a/e

70.Electrical injury/radiation injury related Qn

71.Endocarditis type?

72.Enophthalmos causes?

73.Epotoxis something (Ophthal Qn. I had no idea. The name was something like

74.Eustachian tube related anatomy Qn

75.Fecal contamination of water-Indicator?

76.Fetal adrenal cortex produce high amount of?

77.Renal rickets: defect is?

78.Herpes neuralgia- DOC is?

79.Herpes related some other Qn

80.Fluoride excess inhibits enolase

81.Folic acid/ Fe suppliments to be started ideally at what time in pregnancy?

82.Furosemide use in LVF mech of action

83.Gastric lavage contraindicated in what poisoning?

84.GH is increased in a/e

85.Haldane or Bohr effect Qn

86.Hallucination true a/e?

87.Hartnup dz

88.hCG secreted by-syncytiotrophoblast

89.Hellars operation for?

90.Hemoptysis due to a/e

91.Heparin Qn

92.HEV infection- Pregnancy

93.Hip and knee flexion- common muscle or something invlolved?

94.Pre-eclapsia related Qn

95.Hirsutism is a side effect of what drug?

96.Hirsutism related one more Qn

97.HIV transimission minimum via- Sexual

98.Hyperkalemia- ECG?

99.Hyperurecemia due to?

100. Illness criticality measured by- APACHE, some more options were

101. Immunoglobulin 1st produced by fetus- IgM

102. IMR include a/e- perinatal mortality

103. In what ca, some test of bone or so should be done?

104. Iron binding protein is?

105. In shock patient, blood volume/ or something measured best by?

106. Incidence include a/e

107. Internation surveillance is for all dz except?

108. IQ calculation= Mental age/chronological age X 100

109. Iron supplement dose in Pregnancy?

110. Irreversible cell injury feature? Mitochondrial swelling

111. Hyperkalemia Rx a/e

112. Juvenile court deals w/ cases of children upto the age of?

113. Network anamysis-PERT

114. Labor 4th stage when begins?

115. Labour stage 1 more Qn

116. Lacunar cells- Hodgking lymphoma (nodular sclerosis)

117. Least teratogenicity w/ - HIV

118. Leukemia case

119. LH surge, then how many hrs after does ovulation start?

120. Lichen planus

121. Lobar pneumonia, M.C. cause?

122. Lower GI bleeding M.C. cause in India is?

123. HRCT scan is for –Interstitial lung dz

124. Lucid interval happens in

125. M.C. ca worldwide?

126. M.C. direct cause of MMR in India? Hemorrhage?

127. M.C. lung ca in non-smokers-Adeno

128. M.C. orbital tumor in childhood- Retinoblastoma

129. M.C. tumor in some oral areas

130. Maid’s knee? some Ortho Qn

131. Male puberty 1st sign?

132. Megaloblastic anemia- peripheral smear findings a/e

133. Melanoma spread related Qn

134. Metoprolol preferd over propranolol in asthma, why?

135. Microcytic anemia case

136. Minor salivary glad cyst related Qn

137. MMR = maternal death per 1000 live births

138. Mountain sickness prophylaxis

139. MRSA Rx (Drugs a/e)? Vancomycin, Teicoplanin & linezolid. Don’t

remember the exception

140. Muscle strength index or something according to some research (never

heard before)
141. Myoglobinuria related Qn (Causes or something)

142. Nephrotic syndrome child pt. a/w what infection?

143. Ankylosing spondylitis case

144. Nephrotic syndrome seen a/e

145. Nerve conducton defects some Qn

146. Nevirapine? NNRTI

147. Northern blot for RNA

148. OCP or HCT Qn benefits/side effects related

149. Oculomotor nerve palsy related Qn

150. Opsonin

151. Organophosphorous poisoning case

152. Osteomalacia

153. Oxygen binding decrease CO2 affinity……

154. Painfful hepatomegaly seen in a/e- cirrhosis?

155. Panic attack case

156. Parotid gland dz- Rx is? Superficial parotidectomy, I think

157. PCOS

158. Wernick’s encephalopathy due to-thiamine?

159. Graves dz- Ophthalmo Qn

160. Pemphigoid types- all are autoimmune except?

161. Penile cancer related 2 Qns

162. Percentage of surface area of palm of a burn patient? 1%

163. Xenograft? From a different species

164. Phenytoin SE Qn

165. Physiological umbilical hernia disappears when?

166. Physiological jaundice true a/e?

167. PPG dosing?

168. Primary complex in TB

169. Primary complex- One more related Qn

170. Psoriasis –micromunro abscess , auspitz sign

171. PSVT DOC- Adenosine

172. Pulled Elbow fracture

173. Pulses deficient in methionine

174. Rabies- site of bite is important in incubation period determination

175. Rabies vaccine related Qn

176. Rape act?

177. Recent addition to Child and mother health some program is?

178. Renal insufficiency which drug contraindicated?

179. RIA- hCG detected as early as 8-9 days

180. Ringer’s solution content

181. Salmonella typhoid screening tests are all except

182. Sinus not developed in neonate is?

183. Sjogren’s syndr all are true except?

184. SLE- dsDNA

185. Some index which related infection w/ - Aedes, malaria, etc.

186. Some kind of law or system existing where in India (Forensic Qn)

187. Some Qn on Zn/Mn/Selenium.. for

188. Some radio material split into what? Alpha, beta, gamma, Xray

189. Some radio-isotape used for therapeutic purpose

190. Steroid Side effects a/e

191. Structure seen at cervical vertebral level 6?

192. Policeman tip _Some Ortho QN

193. Submandibular or some salivary glad related another Qn

194. Sudden hypoacalcemia seen in?

195. IOP is decreased by what mechanism- some related Qn

196. Sudden loss of vision in Diabetic retinopathy, reason?

197. Sulfonyl urease mechanism of action a/e

198. Sweating due to cholinergic sympathetic action

199. Swine fever in 2009 is due to what microbe?

200. TB most commonly affects what bone?

201. TB peritonitis related Qn

202. TB spread to bone(or some other place) via?

203. Textile industry worker- what occupational dz?

204. Total body water content (ICF & ECF) proprtions

205. Total body water content-one more related Qn

206. Traveller’s diarrhea due to- Enterotoxigenic e-coli

207. Trendelenberg operation for?

208. Ureteric strictures at what anatomic level

209. Vaginal delivery after c-section is safe when (or Contraindiacted in


210. VDRL- what exactly is the method?

211. Villous tumor of colon- What metabolic change?

212. Visual pathway related anatomy Qn

213. Vitamine A deficiency Sx

214. Vitiligo pathology?

215. Volvulus at- Sigmoid/Cecum/Stomach/etc..?

216. WHO definition for blindness? Less than 3/60 was not in the option

217. Wilm’s tumor true a/e

218. Some cobalamin is an antidote for what poisoning?

219. M.C. substance of abuse in India?

220. Most concentrated extract from cannabis is? Ghanja, charas, hashish…

221. Stored blood lacks which coagulation factor?

222. Diabetes insipidus metabolic change Qn

223. Anticholiergic/Cholinergic drug related one more Qn

224. Antibiotic associated colitis due to- C.Difficile

225. Some clostridium types- related Qn

226. Yellow fever vaccination related Qn

227. Telmesertan mechanism of action?

228. Rhinospor pathology

229. Some line seen in what poisoning? (Not mees line in Pb)

230. Mountain sickness all are seen except (or some Qn related to it, other
than the other Qn about its prophylaxis

231. Tympanic membrane rupture- types are a/e? marginal, central,etc.

232. Type II respiratory failure is? PO2 decrease & PCO2 increase

233. Cherry red spot seen in? Central retinal artery occlusion

234. Semen secretion related Qn

235. IDA

236. Fibrous joint are a/e? Suture, symphysis,gomphosis, one more option

237. Some Qn related to patella knee joint

238. Pulsus paradoxus seen in?

239. Thread like appearance in urine is diagnostic of?

240. Keratometer to measure what?

241. Keratoconjuctivitis or some similar eye lesion is seen in? RA, SLE, etc.

242. Osmotic fluid used in Rx of IOP-How it acts?

243. Forceps use during delivery is used in what situations?

244. Genital ulcer M.C. cause or something related Qn

245. Epiopon or something (had no idea what it was)-inversion of eyelid,
eversion, etc.

246. Earliest change in Diabetic nephropathy or some related Qn-


247. X2 is what xeropthalmia stage

248. xanthine oxidase related Qn

249. Gout due to (something like that)

250. Looser zone or something

251. Cost Benefit related Qn- Cost-effectiveness

252. Tongue is protected by what muscle

253. Nerve involved in foot drop

254. Stool cx- confirmatory test for polio

255. Corneal ulcer perforation

256. Beautet index or something (no idea what it was)

257. Uveitis related Qn

258. Some abscess related Qn (occurring somewhere in oral region)

259. Pneumatocele

260. Triple arthrodesis true are a/e?

261. Some bacterial infection in anterior chamber of eye character- I wrote


262. Lochia rubra


1. Right heart of the border is formed by ? ans. Svc ivc and right atrium remember NOT right
2. Arch of aorta begins and ends at which level--- T2/T3/T4/T5 ans- T4
3. Glomus jugulare is present in ans. Carotid Body.
4. Which of the following is NOT the primary prevention for hypertension? Ans—Early diagnosis and
treatment( this is criteria for secondary prevention)
5. Treatment for pleomorphic adenoma? Ans--- Superficial Parotidectomy
6. Villous adenoma presents as ans—Hypokalemia
7. Which of the following is NOT a feature of Nephrotic syndrome ans--- Hematuria(seen in Nephritic
8. Looser”s zone is present in Multiple myeloma/ Osteomalacia ans—Ostemalacia
9. Which element is present in Phosphofrucktokinase---- ans--- Magnesium
10. Lucid interval is present in ans--- Extradural hematoma
11. Which of the following is false about Wilm”s tumor A. presents before the age of 5 years B. mostly
presents as Abdominal Mass C. spreads mostly by Lymphatics ans--- C
12. Sudden hypocalcemia results in ans—Tetany
13. Subconjuctival hemorrhages are seen in ans—Pertussis( Donot remember other options)
14. Lacunar cells in which type of Hodgkins Lymphoma ans---Nodular Type
15. Basic pathology for renal rickets ans--- vitamin D malabsorption in intestinal cells
16. Antibodies diagnostic for SLE ans—anti ds DNA
17. Esotropia seen in ans—Uncrossed Diplopia
18. Grave”s Ophthalmopathy mostly presents as ans--- Proptosis
19. The most common cause of maternal mortality in india ans—heamorrhage
20. MMR is shown as ans—per lac LIVE BIRTHS
21. Early neonatal mortality doesNOT include ans--- Post neonatal mortality
22. Methionine are defecient in ans--- Pulses
23. Normal requirement of Iron during pregnancy? 2000/1500 not knowing the units as well as answer
but the options were like this.
24. Gower”s sign is seen in ans--- Duchhene Muscular Dystrophy
25. Tuberculosis in Pott”s disease involves what ans-- Spine
26. Munro micro abscesses and Auspitz sign are seen in ans--- Psoriasis
27. Wimberger”s sign seen in ans--- Scurvy ( Skin question)
28. cAMP is seen in Clostridium tetani/ Clostridium difficle/ Clostridium novyi/ and fourth option also
was a subtype of clostridium ans--- Clostridium perfringens
29. Technique used for RNA ans—Northern Blotting
30. Christmas disease is due to deficiency of ans—Defeciency of factor 9
31. Wincham”s striae is seen in Lichen planus/ Psoriasis ans—Lichen Planus
32. Day care anesathesia done by ans--- Propofol( NOT sure whether this question was in the exam or
33. Substance used in Teletherapy Cesium/ Iridium ans--- Cesium
34. Material used for detection of bone metastasis ans—Tc99m
35. Which of the following does NOT present with hemoptysis Mitral stenosis/ Acute pulmonary
oedema ans—Acute pulmonary oedema
36. Malignant intraocular tumor of children Retinoblastoma/ Rhabdomyosarcoma ans---
37. Which of the following is NOT seen in CRF? Ans—Hypophosphatemia
38. VDRL is what type of test ans—Slide flocculation test
39. Heterophile reaction is seen in ans—Weil Felix Reaction
40. Chalcosis is deposition of ans—Copper
41. Early feature of Diabetic Retinopathy ans—Microaneurysms
42. Which of the following is NOT a feature of Red Infarction Venous occlusion/ Occurs in organs
having dual circulation/ Occurs in solid organs ans--- Occurs in solid organs
43. Hirsutism is caused by ans------ Phenytoin
44. Gynacomastia is caused by ans--- ?
45. Which drug is NOT given in pregnancy ans—ACE Inhibitors
46. Arsenic poisoning mimics which disease Acute cholecystitis/ Acute gastroenteritis/?/? ans---?
Check from forensic book
47. Earliest immunoglobulin to be synthesized by foetus ans—IgM
48. Avascular necrosis occurs in ans—Talus( head of femur was not given) remember avascular
necrosis occurs in Femur, Scaphoid, Talus and Lunate
49. Workers working in Textile Industry suffer from ans—Bysinossis
50. ESI act does NOT cover Hotels/ Transpoters/ Railway/ Factory ans—Railway
51. PERT is a type of ans—Network output analysis
52. Which is the indicator of water pollution ans—E coli
53. Hallucinations NOT a feature ans—Always pathological
54. SINGLE drug treatment for trachoma( Read the question carefully) --- Tetracyclin/ Doxycycline/
Azithromycin ans—Doxycycline
55. Sinus NOT present at birth Sphenoidal/ Frontal/ Maxillary ans--?
56. Diagnosis of Interstitial lung disease done by ans—HRCT
57. Charecteristic of type2 respiratory failue ans—Low Pa oxygen and High Pa carbon dioxide
58. Mechanism of action of Cyanide ans--- Blocks Cytochrome enzyme P- 450
59. No Sweating occurs in ans--- Heat Stroke( Forensic Medicine)
60. Buerger”s disease involves ans---- Arteries, Veins and Nerves
61. Measure for Long term measurement Height for age/ Weight for age ans--- Height for age
62. Heller”s Operation is done in ans--- Achalasia Cardia
63. Psedomembranous colitis is caused by ans—Clostridium difficle
64. Folic acid is given during which trimester of pregnancy first/ second/ third/ puerperium ans---
65. Juvenile age is ?
66. Whats is Incidence Rate ans—It represents the no. of new cases in the community
67. Child age is 3 years he has how many teeths ans-- ?
68. NOT a part of Lochia rubra( Obs question) --- Blood cells/Decidua/ Platelets……. Ans---?
69. Which of the is NOT true about carbimazole ans--- Safely used in pregnancy(NOTE—
Propylthiouracil is used safely in pregnancy among anti thyroid drugs).
70. Adipocytes use which of following GLUT1/2/3/4 ans--- GLUT4
71. Which is feature of Irreversible cell injury ans--- Swelling of Mitochondria
72. Which is involved in transport in Mitochondria ans--- Carnitine
73. Least mode of transmission in HIV ans--- Sexual Intercourse(0.1-1.0 %)
74. According to census 2001 the urban population of india ans---27.4% ( SPM QUESTION)
75. Platelets are stored at what temperature ans--- 4 degree celsius
76. What area does palmar surface of hand represents in body surface are 1%/2%/3%/4% ans—1%
77. For shock patient best to check for administering fluid therapy ans--- Central Venous Pressure
78. Misoprostol is CONTRAINDICATED in not remembering options
79. Case related to Psychiatry ans—Hypochondriasis
80. Cellulitis is caused by Staph/ Streptococcus/ Klebsiella ans--- Streptococcus
81. Lobar pneumonia is caused by ans--- Streptococcus pnuemoniae
82. Codons are present in mRNA/ tRNA ans--- mRNA
83. Swine Flu caused in 2009 was due to H1N1/H5N1 ans—H1N1
84. Most common cancer WORLDWIDE Lung/ Breast/ Cervix/ Oral Cavity ans--- Lung Cancer
85. Drug of choice in PSVT Adenosine/ Verapamil ans—Adenosine(1st DOC and Verapamil is 2nd
86. First sign of Sexual maturity in BOYS Increase in height/ Increase in facial hairs/?/? ans---
Increase in Facial hairs
87. Definition of Blindness ans--- Visual acuity less than 1/60 (Visual acuity less than 3/60 was NOT
given in options)
88. Question related to reflexes of Ambiguous Nucleus NOT seen is ans--- JAW REFLEX.
89. Beta2 adrenergic receptors does NOT act on which of the following ans--- Adipose Tissue
90. Which of the following diseases is NOT under WHO regulation Wild Poliomyelitis/SARS/Human
Influenza/ Cholera ans----- SARS
91. In which of the following interpretation is done in Results Achieved ans---- Cost Effectiveness
92. One question related to following are NOT feature of COST ACCOUNTING( SPM question)
93. First to appear in Anemia ans---- RETICULOCYTOSIS
94. First symptom of anemia Hypochromia/ Microcytic ans--- Microcytic
95. Teratogenic effects has NOT been seen with HIV/ Rubella/ CMV/ Varicella ans--- HIV
96. Nevirapine belongs to ans—NNRTI( Non Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor).
97. Cherry red spot is seen in CRVO/ CRAO ans—CRAO
98. Treatment of hypercholestremia Thiamine/Biotin/Pyridoxine/Vitamin B12 It was also some name
of vitamin ans-----Vitamin B12
99. Hartnup”s disease is due to deficiency of Phenyalanine/ Homogentisate ans-------
Phenylalanine( Tryptophan is produced from Phenylalanine).
100. Purine metabolism end product is ans---- Uric Acid
101. Defect seen in Vitiligo not remembering options
102. Flouride ions inhibit ans--- Enolase
103. Pneumatocele is caused by ans--- Staphylococcus
104. What is epiphora ans--- Abnormal flow of tears.
105. What is Peau de orange ( Surgery ques. From breast chapter) ans--- Occurs due to lymphatic
106. Earliest marker to rise in MI ans--- CPK-MB
107. In Dengue hemorrhagic fever, torniquest test is done for diagnosis presence of how many no. of
petechieas necessary 5/10/15/20 ans---20
108. Poliomyelitis is diagnosed by ans. Isolation of virus in stool
109. Wernicke"s disease is caused due to defeciency of ans. Vitamin B1
110. Traveller"s diarrohea is caused by ans. ETEC
111. Keratometer measures ans--- Curvature of cornea
112. Rape is defined under IPC375/376/377/378 ans---IPC375
113. Child of 2 years with mental age of 10years, what is his IQ 20%/ 30%/ 50%/ 70% ans—20%
114. Xanthine Oxidase requires Zinc/ Copper/ Iron/ Molybdenum ans--- Molybdenum
115. 8 sign in CXR seen in ans--- TAPVC
116. Allen”s test done for ans—Ulnar artery patency
117. Aspirin mechanism of action ans---- Irreversibly inhibits COX
118. Reversed cold chain used for AIIMS QUESTION not remembering the options as well as answer
119. Autosplenectomy seen in ans—Sickle Cell Anemia
120. Cobra venom is ans—Neurotoxic
121. ECG changes in Hyperkalemia ans--- Peaked T waves
122. LH surge time duration ans—24 hours
123. Most common site of Volvulus ans—Sigmoid Colon
124. HALDANE EFFECT ( Physio question)
125. Hepatitis E more common in ans--- Pregnancy
126. Most common lung cancer in non-smokers ans—Adenocarcinoma
127. Incubation period of Rabies depends on ans--- Depends on site of bite.
128. Content of Anatomical Snuff Box Anterior interosseous artery/ Posterior interosseous artery/
Radial artery ans—Radial Artery
129. Anti TB drug being least Hepatotoxic Rifampicin/ Streptomycin ans--- Streptomycin
130. Which of the following does NOT have any cycloplegic and mydriatic effect ans—Pilocarpine
131. Cycloplegics are used for treatment of Angle closure glaucoma/ Closed angle glaucoma/ Iritis
ans--- Iritis
132. Oschner-Sherren regimen used in Appendicular abscess/ Appendicular lump ans—Appendicular
133. Certificate of vaccination of Yellow Fever is valid for ___ years ans—10
134. Which of the following is NOT symptom of defeciency vitamin A Night blindness/ Xerophthalmia/
Follicular hyperkeratosis/ Polyneuropathy ans—Polyneuropathy
135. Safety muscle of Tongue Styloglossus/ Hyoglossus/ Genioglossus/ Palatoglossus ans—
136. In visual pathway, ganglion cells are 1st order neuron/ 2nd order neuron ans--- 2nd order
137. Mechanism of action of Telmisartan Blocks AT1 receptors/ Angiotensin 2 receptor antagonist
ans---- Angiotensin 2 receptor antagonist
138. Predisposing factors for Carcinoma of penis are all except Pagets disease/ Phimosis/
Balanoposthitis/ Papilloma ans--- Papilloma
139. Fetal adrenals predominantly secrete Cortisone/ Aldosterone/ Testosterone/ Oestrogen ans----
140. Which muscle helps in opening Eustachian tube options were like Inferior turbinate/ Superior
turbinate/ Middle turbinate not remembering exact options but it was like this ans---- Inferior
141. Which of the following is used in Teletherapy Cesium/ Iridium ans--- Cesium( Remember Iridium
is NOT used in teletherapy)
142. Calorie test activates what ans--- lateral NOT remembering exact otions but answer was this as it
was being asked from old papers of MCI
143. HCG during pregnancy doubles at ans--- 60-70 days
144. Most common donor for a transplant Mother/ Father/ Brother/ Identical twin ans--- Identical
145. Pschiatry case related to Acute Psychosis
146. Case on Medicine---- A woman has been Coronary artery disease when opened found gall stones.
Earlier mo history of pain and jaundice. Treatment--- ans--- ?
147. Metoprolol is preffered over Propanolol why? Has negative cholinergic action/ Has negative
inotropic action/ Doesnot blocks beta receptors/ Doesnot blocks alpha receptors ans---- Doesnot
blocks alpha receptors.
148. Benign prostatic hypertrophy is associated with Median lobe/ Posterior lobe/ Periurethral surface
ans—Median lobe ALL INDIA 2005 Q.4 MUDIT KHANNA
149. Cushing disease seen as a Paraneoplastic syndrome in ans---- Small cell lung carcinoma
150. Gastric lavage is contraindicated in ans--- Organophosphorus Poisoning
151. Illness criteria done by ans--- APACHE
152. Lower GI bleeding most common cause in india ans--- ?
153. Which of the following is NOT a feature of megaloblastic anemia Macro ovalocyte/ Megablastosis/
Heinz bodies/ ? ans---- Heinz Bodies
154. Most common symptom for Mountain sickness Headche/ Dizziness ans-- Headache
155. In nephrotic syndrome what infection is more common in children ans--- ?
156. What is Neurapraxia ans--- Defect in nerve conduction only
157. What are side effects of OCP except Thromboembolism/ Breast Carcinoma/ Ovarian tumor/ Liver
disease ans--- Ovarian Tumor( Remember OCP are NOT given In breast carcinoma BUT are used in
benign breast disease)
158. Sjogren”s syndrome all are true except Keratoconjuctivitis sicca/ Rheumatoid arthritis/
Xerostomia ans--- Fourth option was the answer NOT remembering what was it
159. Peyer”s patches are present in Duodenum/ Jejunum/ Ileum ans---- Ileum
160. Features of Diffuse axonal injury options were related to hours of lost consciousness and some
some more also
161. Wood”s lamp is NOT used for there 2 options related to subtypes of tinea ONE of them was the
answer please confirm from book
162. Best method to prevent infection in a ward ans--- Proper hand washing
163. Features of Bacterial Vaginosis except Ph>4.5/ clue cells/ Increased lactobacillus ans---
Increased lactobacillus
164. Which of the following DONOT inhibit bacterial cell wall synthesis Vancomycin/ Amikacin /
Linezolid/ Aztreonam ans---- Amikacin
165. Which of the following has opsonins on its surface IgG/ IgM ans---- IgG
166. Free friable soft vegetations are seen in Infective endocartitis/ Libman sack”s endocartitis/
Rheumatic fever ans--- Rheumatic Fever
167. Triple arthrodesis doesNOT involve Calcaneocuboid/ Talanovicular/ Talocalcaneal/ Tibiotalar
ans---- Tibiotalar
168. One question related to Housemaid”s Knee ( Ortho ques.)
169. Pemphigoid types all are autoimmune except ans--- ?
170. Side effects of glucocorticoids are all except Hyperkalemia/ Cataract/ Proximal myopathy ans----
171. Sudden loss of vision occurs in Diabetic Retinopathy reason ans---- Vitreous Hemorrhage
172. Tb bone disease spreads by Direct spread/ Blood/ Lymphatics/ All of the above ans--- All of the
173. Sulfonyl urea drug mechanism of action are all except
174. Pulsus paradoxus is seen in ans--- Severe COPD
175. Rabies vaccine is prepared from which ans—Fixed Virus
176. Hyponatremia is seen in all except CCF/ Nephrotic syndrome ans--- Nephrotic Syndrome
177. Which of the following is true ans---- ICF is more than ECF ( Physio ques.)
178. Lens develop from ans--- Surface ectoderm
179. Chronic inflammation of Meiobian Gland is seen in External hordeolum/ Internal hordeolum/
Chalazion ans—Chalazion
180. Crew cut hair on end appearance on skull X ray seen in
Beta thalassemia/ Sickle cell anemia ans--- Beta thalassemia
181. Kussmaul”s sign is NOT seen in ans—Cardiac tamponade
182. Most common location of appendix ans--- Retrocaecal
183. HCG is secreted by Syncytiotrophoblast/ Cytotrophoblast ans--- Syncytiotrophoblast.
184. What is Rhinophyoma ans--- Hypertrophy of sebaceous glands.
185. Not a screening test for Carcinoma of breast FNAC/ Mammogram/ USG/ Self Examination ans----
186. Drug NOT used in glaucoma Timolo/ Metoprolol/ Pilocarpine ans--- Metoprolol
187. Sweating occurs due to Cholinergic/ Anti- cholinergic Action ans--- Cholinergic Action
188. Menstrual regulation is done upto ans—42 days of Amenorrhea
189. NOT a feature of occulomotor palsy ans--- Proptosis
190. There was a question related to Triple glass test of urine done and in first glass test there is
beaded appearance seen What is diagnosis Cystitis/ Proastitis/ Urethritis ans—Urethritis
191. In a burn patient what type of fluid is given Normal Saline/ Ringer”s Lactate ans--- Ringer”s
Lactate ( Learn this by heart very imp. and confusing question)
192. There was a question related to features seen in dengue hemorrhagic fever are all except NOT
remembering d options
193. Alzehemeir”s disease pathology Defeciency of cholinergic action/ Excess action of dopamine
ans--- Excess action of dopamine
194. How is diagnosis of Vesicoureteral Reflux done ans--- Micturating cystourethrogram
195. Breast milk is produced from ans--- ?
196. Breast carcinoma most common type ans--- ?
197. Carrier state NOT seen in which infection Tetanus/ Ameobiasis/ Pertussis/ Diphtheria ans---- ?
198. Investigation of choice in Cerebral calcification ans—CT Scan
199. Confirmatory test for Primary Syphilis VDRL/ TPI ans--- ?
200. Crescent air sign in CXR due to ans--- I marked ASPERGILLOSIS ( PLZ CONFIRM)
201. Furosemide mechanism of action in LVF ans—Inhibitor of NA-K-CL ion inhibitor ( Thiazide is
inhibitor of only NA- CL ions only NOT K ions).
202. Trendelenburg test is done in ans—Varicose Veins ( I donot remember the options otherwise it
was difficult to rule out)
203. Iron binding protein is Ferritin/ Apoferritin ans--- Apoferritin ( Plz confirm)
204. Contents of Ringer”s lactate are all except I donot remember exactly but it was something asked
about conc. Of NA K CL and one more.
205. There was one case of Leukemia
206. One more case for Aplastic anemia
207. Most common tumor in Oral area donot remember options as well as answer
208. One ortho question related to HOUSEMAID”S KNEE ( See Q. 168)
209. Melanoma of choroid spreads most commonly where Lungs/ Kidneys/ Adrenals ans-- ?
210. Submandibular gland is NOT supplied by which nerve ans--- ?
211. Mountain sickness prophylaxis ans--- ?
212. What is Xenograft ans--- Graft done from 1 species to other species.
213. Physiological jaundice is characterized by Appears in first 24 hours/ Peaks by some days/
Disappears by 3rd week of life ans--- Disappears by 3rd week of life
214. NOT a feature of Primary complex TB Apical cavity/ Ghon”s focus/ Lymphadenopathy ans---
Apical cavity.
215. One question related to Radio immunoassay of HCG ans---- HCG detected as early as 8-9 days of
216. Radon226 spits into all except Alpha/ Beta/ Gamma/ X rays ans---- X Rays
217. Acetazolamide decreases IOP by what mechanism Decreases aqueous humor production/
Decreases vitreous volume ans--- Decreases vitreous volume ( Plz confirm)
218. Socially acquired behavior Acculturation/ Custom ( SPM question) ans--- Custom
219. Bezold abscess seen in ans--- Sternocleidomastoid Muscle

1.lucid interval is seen in subdural hemorrhage teletherapy cobalt 60 is more commonly used
3.m/c orbital tumour in children is rhabdomyosarcoma
4.arsenic poisoning mimics acute gastroenteritis
5.VDRL test is a slide agglutination test
6.sinuses not seen during birth is FRONTAL SINUS bcos it develops only after birth
7.cyanide blocks cytochrome oxidase
8.folic acid should be started 2 months before conception to prevent neural tube defects
9.a child in 3 years have 20 teeth
10.ambiguous nucleus controls GAG REFLEX
11.vitamin used for RX of hypercholesterolemia is NIACIN
12.hartnup disease is TRYPTOPHAN deficiency vitiligo ....there is destruction of MELANOCYTES
14.reverse cold chain is used for carrying polio stool samples
15.metoprolol is preferred over propanolol bcos metoprolol is a selective b1 does not
block b2....
16.gastric lavage is C/I in corrosives poisoning(sulphuric acid)
18.BPH M/C site is transitional zone of the median lobe alzheimer s d/s there is decrease in ACETYL CHOLINE
20.carrier state is not seen in tetanus test to confirm primary syphilis is FTA-
23.PHYSIOLOGICAL JAUNDICE peaks at 4-5 days of life

Lacuner cell ..nodular sclerosis

Housemaid knee prepatellar bursitis....

Railways nt under esi,see in park

factors predisposing to CA PENIS are all except


BPH location

friable mass on valves in which disease....

tall T wave in>>
conc cannabis gives...
X2 denotes which stage of xeropthalmia..
pulsus paradoxus in>>
buergers disease affects???
BPH in which zone of prostate?
soln first used in shock?
xanthine oxidase requires ??
gout is due to ??
loosers zone in ??
lucid interval in??
chronic renal failure causes what changes??hypocalcemia,hypophostamea etc
tuberculin test uses 1 ppd of .1 ml ot
pert is a part of??
cost effectiveness??
reverse cold chain is used for???
lobar pneumonia caused by??
cherry red spot in??
protective tounge muscle??
foot drop is caused by damage to which nerve??
anat snuff box contains which artery??
confirmatory test for polio??
who criteria for blindness??
[peforated corneal ulcer causes??
chalacosis due to??
1st sign of diab retinopathy??
tricoma of eye rx??
palmar surface of hand burns how much %??
most specific test for syphilis??
no carriers in??amebiasis,teteanus,diptheria,petrussis
most common cause of lower git bleeding in india??
textile workers ??byssinosis
sle antibody???
trendel burg operation is done in??
hellers operation in??
dental count before 3 yrs??
beautet index??
cerebellar lesion causes all except?
recent fecal contamination of water indicated by??
peau de orange is caused due to??
screening for breast tumourare all except??
breast milk produced in??
carriers absent in???
most used narcotics in india??
m/c intraorbital malignancy in children??
ant uveitis is associtated with??
hyponatremia is caused by all except??
painful liver in all except??
figure of 8 appearance in??
active phase in labour starts with??

Looser zone osteomalacia

Carrier absnt measles

Buerger large vessels

Pul paradoxus cardiac tymponade
Wrist drp radial,also in snuff box

1. arch of aorta lies at which level?

2. all lie at T6 level except? thyroid cartilage,junction of pharynx with oesophagus,......,....
3.Total iron requirement in pregnancy? 500mg,1000,1500,2000
4. Pleomorphic adenoma of parotid gland is treated by? enucleation,sup. parotidectomy,total
5. Eye lens arise from? surface ectoderm(A),neuro ectoderm,mesoderm,neural crest
6. Ca metastasis in bone is treated with? I 131,St,Ga,Cd
7. In a patiend white threads r seen in first cup during ''3 cup test''.what is the diagnosis?
8. I.O.C for vesicoureteral reflex? IVU,retrograde cystourethrogram,....
9. BPH is related to which lobe of prostate?lat,post,paraurethric(A),vale...
10. Non crossing diplopia seen in? exotropia(A),exophoria,isophoria,isotropia
11. all cause mydriasis with cycloplegia except?atropine,tropicamide,cyclopentolate,pilocarpine(A)
12. spread of tb to bones is trough?blood,L.N,direct,all
13. glomus cells r found in?pancreas,pituitory,intestine,carotid body(A)
14. urban population of india?27.8%(A),25.6,...
15. heller's myotomy is done for?achalasia cardia(A)
16. M/C ca in non smokers? adenoca(A),sq. cell ca,small cell ca,...
17. Eustachian tube opens behind? sup. turbinate,middle t...,inferior turbinate(A),...
18. hot and cold test in ear stimulates? lat(A),post,sup semicircular canal,saccule
19. antibody specific for SLE? anti-dsDNA(A),anti-ssDNA,....
20. Lacunar cells r seen in? nodular HL(A),mixed HL,NHL,...
21. supply of cut. sweat glands?sympathetic,parasympathetic,
22. where is the primary focus for TB cystitis?lung,bone,....
23. On X-ray stone in ureter can be found at all the following levels except?tip of the transverse
process of L2,L4,at sacroiliac joint,at the level of ischchial spine
24. reverse cold chain is used for?sending polio stool sample from village level to laboratory(A)
25. blood is stored at?4 degrees(A),-20,37,...
26. which factor will be depleted in blood stored at room temperature for 24 hrs?5,7,10,12
27. which of the foll is Christmas factor?9,10(A),11,12
28. structure of ........... is similar to?collagen,fibrin,prothrombin,glycoprotein(SOMEBODY HAS TO
29. which of the following are friable vegetations?Liebmann sac endocarditis,bact. andocarditis,non
bacterial endocarditis,SABE(A)
30. how much percent of burn is equal to the area of one palm of a person?1%(A),2,3,4
31. Reverse CAMP test is done for?Cl.difficile,welchii or perfringes (A),tetanii,Arcanobacterium
32. antigenic variation is seen in? staphylococci,streptococci.....
33. Mech. of action of Biguanide(or sulfonylureas im not sure)?
34.sudden painful loss of vision?
35.Rx of choice in burn patient? RL(A),NS,5% dextrose,
36. myoglobinuria is seen with?Electrocutio(A),scalds,flashburns,...
37. patient with history of stable angina..on USGgall stones were found which were
asymptomatic.Management of choice for stones?NO Sx,Immidiate cholecystectomy,laproscopic
chole......, ....
38.Rx of choice for post herpatic neuralgia? Gabapantine(A),
39.patient comes to doctor telling him that she does not want to come out of her house as when she
is out she gets attack of sweating,palpitations etc.................what is the diagnosis?Panic disorder.....
40. an old lady in ICU wakes up and start removing iv cannulas and shouting that she doesnot want
any treatment.........?acute psychosis,......
41.New point added to the proggrame'mother and child welfare''?total immunisation,prevention of
female reproductive infections,.... ,....
42 Trriple artrodosis is ued forr all except?talotibial(A),talocalcaneal,talonavicular,calcaneonavicular
43.In ''pulled elbow'' which is incorrect?due to fall on outstretched hand(A),common in children <5
44.eye gangion is? inhibitory neuron,1st level neuron,2nd level,3rd level
45. How many teeth does a child aged 3-yrs have?3,6,10,20(A)..{for other choices im not sure but 20
is the answer.}
46. muscle which can cause both flexion at knee as well as thigh?rectus
femoris,sartorius(A),gracillis,biceps femoris
47.Erb's palsy which is not seen?adduction of the arm,extension at the elbow,pronation,ext. rotation
of the forearm(A)
48.autosplenectomy is seen with?thallesemia,sickle cell anemia(A),......
49. breast ca arises from which part?interlobular,intralobular,alveoli,duct(not sure of last 2 choices

50. radio therapy is not used for?interstitial lung disesase(A),lung ca,keloid...

51. sentinel L.N. biopsy is done for all except?colon ca,breast ca,penile cancer(A),mal. melanoma
52. A patient with Hb(decreased),WBC (decreased),PLT(decreased). Diagnosis?Aplastic
anemia(A),sickle cell anemia,thaleesemia,iron def. anemia
53. drug which cause hirsutism?minoxidil(A)...., ..., .... ,
54. Drug which is not used for glaucoma?timolol,alprostadil,metoprolol(A),....
55.metoprolol is preffered over propanolol because? it has no alfa-2 activity(A)
56. WHO blindness cutoff value is? 6/6 , 9/60 ,1/60(A), ....(there were no options like 6/60 or 3/60)
57. mental health programme works at which level?PHC(A),CHC,District,state(check website of
national mental health progg )
58. gower's sign is seen in?DMD(A),GB synd.,Myasthenia gravis,....
59.Beauret(not sure of spelling) index is used for?aedes,culex,anopheles,hookworm
60. which is used with Phosphofructokinase?Mg(A),Fe,Zn,Cu
61. Hartnup disease is due to def. of? Tryptophan(A),... ,... ,...
62. alkaptonuria is due to def. of? Homogentisate(A), ....... ,..... ,....
63. cause of vitiligo is?tyrosine enzyme def,destruction of melanocytes,... ,....
64.Looser's zone is seen in? osteomalacia(A)
65. Wimberger's ring is seen in?osteoporosis,scurvy(A),.. ,...
66.perforated corneal ulcer ?ant. cataract,post subcapsular cataract,vossius ring,rossete(Q needs
correction )
67. hypopyon contains?pus,bact.,sterile,(Q is incomplete)
68. Lochia rubra which is not true?RBC,WBC(A),placental remains
69. regulation of mennorhoea is done max. for ?42 days,72,... , ......
70.after delivery how much blood from ubilical cord returns to the baby?50-100ml,150-200,250-
300,350-400ml(last 2 choices may be wrongly recapitulated )
71.During 3rd stage of labour one of the following is not associated?oxytocin drip,cord lengthning,cord
traction,uterine massage
72. indicative of active labour is?Cx 4cm(A),Cx fully effaced,memb. rupture,descent
73. ant. uveitis is associated with?ank. spondylitis(A), Rh. arthritis.SLE,...
74. Cobra bite is? neurotoxic(A),cardiotoxic,haematotoxic,myotoxic
75.sweating not seen in?muscle cramp,heat stroke,heat exhaustion,
76.which of the following is not hereditory?acne vulgaris,verrucae vulgaris,pemphigus vulgaris(A),...
77. sun burn is caused by?UV A rays(A),UV B,X-rays,Infrared
78.Radium doesnot emit?alfa.beta,gamma,X-rays(A)
79. Best modality for cranial calcification?X-ray,MRI,CT,PET scan
80.rt. border of heart on X-ray is made by?Rt.atrium and sup.vena cava(A)
81. M/C site of bone TB?spine(A)
82.pott's tumor seen in?spine,sacrum,hip,frontal bone(A)
83. HRCT is used for?Interstitial dis(A),lung cancer
84.What is chalazion?granulomatous infll. of meibomian glands
85. osteomalacia is defined as?subperiosteal bone resorption,..., ......,
86.Prerequisite for forceps application are all except?fetal heart normal,uterine contractions,.....
87. definition of rape acc. to IPC?375(A),376,......
88.court procedures in juvenile age is done upto what age?12,14,16,18(A)
89. sign of maturation in boys?facial hair,voice change,Ht,testes enlargement(A)
90. ESI Act controls all except?Railways(A),factories,schools
91. best indicator of nutririon is? wt for ht(A){ i think so},wt for age,mid arm circumference,ht for
92. in Dengue H.Fever which is not seen?coagulopathy(A),bleeding
93.painful hepatomegaly is seen in all except? cong.hepatic failure,viral hepatitis,cirrhosis,liver
94. In megaloblastic anemia which is not seen?heinz bodies,howell jolly bodies
95.first seen in fe2+ anemia is?microcytosis,hypochromia(A),... ,.... external hemmorhage,best method to stop blood is?pressure,art. forcep(A),tourniquet,... co2 affects affinity of o2 with Hg is known as?Halden effect,bohr'effect(A),... ...
[snip]. glucose transporter of skeletal muscle is?GLUT 1, 2, 3 , 4(A)
99. tall T-waves r seen in? hyperkalemia(A),hypokalemia,...., ......
100. not seen in chronic renal failure?

101.most common site for volvulus? Sigmoid colon(A)

102. oshhner sherrer regime is used for? App. Mass,app. Lump(A),perforated appendix,... insect in external ear is killed by?oil,ether,h2o,h2o2
104. rx of choice for 25 yr old patient with cystitis?norfloxacin(A),
105.IQ of 2yr child with mental age of 10 is?10%,20(A),40,60 {2/10 * 100}
106. keratometry is used to measure?curvature of cornea(A),dia of cornea,thickness of cornea...
107. M/C primary tumor of orbit in child?retinoblastoma,rhabdomyosarcoma(A),neuroblastoma
108. enophtalmus is seen in?blow out fracture,cavernous-carotid fistula,glioma...
109. in 3rd nerve palsy all r seen except?ptosis,proptosis(A),miosis,diplopia
110. tuberculin test,which is true?0.1 ml and 1 IU(A),0.1 ml and 2IU,0.2 ml and 1IU,0.2 ml and 2IU
111. all r associated with wilm’s tu except? b/l tu possible,usually in child <5 yrs,abd. Lump,lymphatic
112. m/c sign in altitude sickness?headache,nausea,shortness of breath
113. prophylaxis of altitude sickness?
114. hypothermia can be caused by all except?alcohol,hypothyroidism
115. technique not used in anxiety?....... technique,.......... technique,.........technique, antianxiety
116. one of the folllowing is not a primary prevention for hypertension?diagnosis and treatment(A)
117.villous adenoma presents as?hypokalemia(A),hyponatremia,....
118.sudden hypocalcemia results in? Tetany(A),
119. Basic pathology for renal rickets?vit D malabsorption in intestinal cells
120. methionine is deficient in? Meat,pulses,....
121. munroe micro abscess and Auspitz sign are seen in?Psoriasis(A)
122. substance used in teletherapy is?cesium,irridium,iodine
123. which of the following is not associated with hemoptysis?mitral stenosis,acute pul edema,RVF(A)
124. heterophile rxn is seen in ? Weil-felix rxn(A)
125.which is not a feature of hallucination? Always pathological(A)
126. prevention of NTD is best done by giving folic acid?before conception and 1st trimester(A), 2nd
tri ,3rd tri,puerpuerium
127. what is incidence rate?no. of new cases(A),old plus new cases,...
128. Which of the is NOT true about carbimazole? Safely used in pregnancy(A)
129. transfer of fatty acid across the mitochondrial memb. Is done by? Carnitine(A)
130. Least mode of transmission in HIV? Sexual Intercourse(0.1-1.0 %) (A),blood transfusion,..
131. For shock patient best method to check for administering fluid therapy ?Central Venous
132. Cellulitis is caused by ?Staph, Streptococcus(A), Klebsiella…
133. reflexes of Ambiguous Nucleus NOT seen is ? JAW REFLEX.(A)
134. Beta2 adrenergic receptors does NOT act on which of the following? Adipose Tissue(A)
135. Teratogenic effects has NOT seen with HIV(A),Rubella, CMV, Varicella
136. Treatment of hypercholestremia Thiamine,Biotin,Pyridoxine,Vitamin B12(A)
137 What is epiphora? Abnormal flow of tears.(A)
138. . Xanthine Oxidase requires Zinc,Copper, Iron,Molybdenum(A)
139. Hepatitis E is most dangerous in? children,adults,pregnancy(A)
140. cholestrol controlling vitamins?niacin,b6,b12,pentathinoic acid
141. atopic dermatitis of child,rash is seen?on scalp,in axilla and groin,cubital and popliteal fossa….
142. cell wall is not inhibited by?vancomycin,amikacin(A),imipinem
143. irreversible cell death,which is characteristic?cell swelling,cell memb.
Rupture,calcification,mitochondrial swelling(A)
144. MRSA given in all except?linezolid,teicoplanin,vancomycin,beta-lactam(A)
145. repolarization of heart starts from?apex of heart, i- v septum,starts where depolarization
146. in cerebellar lesion not seen is?ataxia,akinesia,intentional tremors,arreflexia(A)
147. In india which resin is made from cannabis?ganja,marihuana,hashish….
148. M/C addictive agent in india?LSD,amphetamines,cannabis(A),opioids
149. M/C position of appendix?Retrocoecal(A)
150. mechanism of action of aspirin?lox inh. , reversible cox inh. ,irreversible cox inh.

151. peau de orangeis due to?infiltration of skin by ca,obstruction of skin lymphatics(A)

152.min. no. of petechial spots counted in cubital fossa during tourniquet test for dengue H. Fever?
153. breast milk is produced in?alveoli(A),lobule,duct,myoepithelial cells
154. mode of action of telmisartan?AT 1 inhibitor (A)
155. vaccine for rabies is produced from?live virus,street virus,wild virus,fixed virus(A)
156. Avascular necrosis is seen in?cuboid,cuneiform,talus,calcaneus
157. which is not a characteristic of nephrotic synd.?hematuria(A),proteinuria,edema,…
158. best modality for diagnosis of syphillis?FTA ABS (A),VLDL,Elisa,..
159. RNA is detected by? Western blot,southern blot,northern blot(A),….
160. VDRL is a? slide flocculation test(A),slide ppt. test,….
161. HIV is least transmitted by?organ or tissue transplantation,blood
162. all are true about Herpes virus except?vaccination prevents significant transmission(A)
163. Travellor’s diarrhoea is caused by?ETEC(A),EPEC,EIEC,EHEC
164. all r in the list of international notifiable disease except?human influenza,wild
165. Swine flu is caused by? H1N1(A),H5N1
166. Pneumetocelle is caused by?psuedomonas,streptococcus,staphylococcus,pnemococcus
167. first Ig to appear in Fetus?IgM(A),IgG,IgA,IgD
168. prenatal sex determination Act?1994(A)
169. which is not associated with bact. Vaginosis?clue cells,pH,fishy odour,large no. of lactocacillus
170. I.P. of rabies depends on?site of bite,distance of bite from CNS(A),dose of virus,vaccination
171. Hair on end or Crew cut appearance is seen in?Thallesemia(A),
172. Air Crescent space in lung is seen in?pneumonia,hyadit cyst,carcinoma,aspergillosis(A)
173. HcG is secreted by?syncytiotrophoblast(A)
174. 8 shaped heart is seen in?TAPVS(A)
175. field defect not seen in glaucoma?nasal step,bitemporal hemianopia(A),arcuate,paracentral
176. Hemoptysis is associated with all accept?pul. edema,mitral stenosis,sick sinus syndrome,…
177. rhegmatogenous detachment of retina seen in?high myopia,diab. Retinopathy,HTN,glaucoma
178. Wickham striae are seen in?pregnancy,fibre lysis,lichen planus,…
179. cycloplegics are used for?OAG,ACG,Iriditis(A),….
180. mydriatic without cycloplegic action?pilocarpine(A),tropicamide,atropine,cyclopentolate
181. K+ requirement in diet ?10-20,20-30,30-40,40-50
182. Hypothesis of Alzheimer’s disease?ach,dopamin,seroronin,vitamin A hypothesis
183. gum bleeding plus hirsutism is seen with? Phenytoin(A)
184. Rx of choice in a young man with mild HTN,otherwise normal?thiazide(A),vasodilators,ca#,…
185. LH surge occurs?24 hours before ovulation(A)
186. HcG is detected by radioimmunoassay earliest at?9 days after ovulation(A){it is exactly 21 days
after LMP}
187. Max. HcG level is seen on?60-70 days(A)
188. physiological umbilical hernia in fetus reduces in which month?1,2,3(A),4 {comes in 6th
week,goes in 10th week}
189. physiological jaundice appears within?24 hrs,2-3 days(A),3-5 days,…
190. all are true except? There is active transport of water between all the compartments of
body(A),40 kg water in 65 kg person,70% water in extracellular space,70% of extracellular h2o in
intracellular space
191. which of the following does not move with deglutination?branchial cyst(A),thyroglossal
cyst,pretracheal L.N.,…
192.Bezoald abscess is seen with?retromastoid abscess,suprameatal abscess,along SCM
muscle(A),alond digastric muscle
193. M/C site for sal. Gland tumor?lingual,nasal,pharyngeal,submandibular
194. paranasal sinus absent in child?frontal(A)
195. D.O.C for PSVT? Adenosine(A)
196. Antibiotic related colitis is associated with?CL.Difficile(A)
197. In grading of xeropthalmia X2 is?conjunctival xerosis,corneal xerosis(A),bitot spots,corneal ulcer
198. all are fibrous joints except?gomphosis,syndesmosis,symphysis(A),..
199. single dose D.O.C for trachoma?azithromycin(A),tetracycline,doxycycline,erythromycin
200. Stavudine,anti HIV drud belongs to which category?protease inh., NRTI(A)

single dose D.O.C for trachoma?azithromycin(A),tetracycline,doxycycline,erythromycin


stavudine.............nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor

avascular necrosis seen in talus

reverse cold chain- is a system of storage and transport of vaccine at low

temperature usually 2 deg to 8 deg from the actual
vaccination site or from peripheral storage site (phc)
health post to manufacturer or nearest institute to
test potency of vaccine
this is done for quality control
of vaccine and for potency testing to ensure
\ effectiveness of cold chain system...
A national control lab is there

bacteriological indicators of water contamination

1) coliform - almost all coliform are fecal in origin

2) fecal streptococci or enterococci- they regularly occur in feces.

finding of streptococci in water is
regarded as important confirmatory
evidence of recent fecal
contamination of water

3)clostridium perfringens --- they also regularly occur in feces

presence of spores of clostridiu perfringens
and absence of coliform group indicates
remote contamination of water
15 ANTIOXIDANTS IN Ophthalmology

Management of Exotropia.
Ocular involvement in Mucopolysaccharidosis.
Ocular changes in Pregnancy Induced Hypertension.
Management of Irregular Astigmatism in Keratoconus.
Visual Rehabilitation in Macular Pathology patients.
Amniotic Membrane Transplantation.
Multifocal Intraocular Lenses.
Pharmaco Theraputics of Dry Eye.
Problems of Pediatric Cataract Management.
Diagnostic challenges of retained intraocular foreign body
Discuss the diagnosis, management and complications of Viral Keratitis.
Closed Globe Injury – classification and management.
Involutional Entropion- Pathophysiology and management.
Lamellar Keratoplasty- types, indications and techniques.
Phakic IOLs.
Minimal Ptosis Procedures- indications, techniques and complications.
How will you investigate a case of Convergent Squint with Nystagmus.
Uses of Botulinum Toxin in Ophthalmology
Vision 20/20.
Macular Hole- causes, diagnosis and management.
Pterygium and its management.
Ophthalmic manifestations of AIDS and their management.
Amblyopia and its management.
Role of OCT in ophthalmic practice.
Scleritis and its management.
Thyroid related ophthalmopathy- clinical presentation and diagnosis.
Cavernous sinus thrombosis- etiology, diagnosis and management.
Automated perimetry in glaucoma- types and their comparisons.
Retinopathy of prematurity.
Lens induced glaucoma- types, diagnosis and principles of management.
Optical principles of Pachymeter. Types and uses in ophthalmic practice.
Give the differential diagnosis of nodule at limbus and how to manage it.
Indocyanine Green Angiography.
Investigations of a case of Abnormal Head Posture.
Development of Electronic Eye. What are the limitations?
STURMS CONOID- Illustrate with diagram.
Types of Goniolens. What role it has in diagnosis and management of type of glaucoma
Investigations of Amaurosis Fugax and management.
Crouzen’s Disease.
Development of different types of orbital implants

irritating questions
1.what is the population of urban india ???
2. by cord clamping how much blood return to the foetus
a 50 to 100 ml
b.100 to 150 ml
c.150 to 200 ml
d. 200 to 250 ml
3. what is the total amout of iron required by women during pregnency
a.1000 g
b.1500 g
c.2000 g
d. 2500 g
4.what is the time for LH surge before ovulation
a.12 to 14 hours
b.14 to 18 hours
c.18 to 24 hours
d.32 to 36 hours
5 .what is the percentage of burn if the palmer aspect of one hand is only burnt

what is the total amout of iron required by women during pregnency

1) infant mortality does not include?

a)early neonatal mortality
b) perinatal
c) postnatal
d) late neonatal

2) lochia rubra doesn't include...

3)buerger's disease ...

a) artery,vein,nerve
d)vein and nerve

4) child of 2yrs wth mental age 10 . iq ?


5) chery red spot on macula - retinal occlusion

6) rape define under

a) ipc 375
b) ipc 377
c) ipc 376

7)xanthin oxidase require

a) zinc
b) cu
c) iron
d) molybdenum





monitoring of patient in shock is best done by ? central veinous pressure


In nephritic syndrome what infection is more common in children –streptococci

retinal ganglion

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