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Memory ʹ Research ʹ Teaching Ideas

Julia Tsygan, IB School South, 2011.

¢If you read a piece of text through 20 times,
you will not learn it by heart so easily as if you
read it 10 times, while attempting to recite it
from time to time and consulting the text
when your memory fails.͟

- ã (1620s)
Intro to Memory
÷ong-term memory:
semantic networks
ãorgetting: Encoding ãailure?
Vope: Retrieval ãailure!
Retrieval in Practice
‡ On a piece of paper, do a small mind map of
the presentation thus far. (3 minutes)

Roedigger (2006)
Short-term/÷ong-term 2

Roedigger (2006)
Òariation is Superior

Roedigger (2010)
Recalling Science texts

Karpicke (2011)
The Challenge

Karpicke (2011)
¢ãree-recall testing even without feedback had
large positive effects on retention in our
experiments [͙.] Testing Ä
feedback may
improve performance even beyond the levels
observed in the current research. Judicious use
of testing may improve performance in
educational settings at all levels from elementary
through university education, at least in fact-
based courses.͟

-    (2006)

Some ideas
meneral Vote Taking: Cornell Votes
•sing = = ideas:
in subject groups come up with =  things you can
do to incorporate retrieval practice in your courses.

Summarize Quizzes
Review Test ͟old͟ content
Independent work Quick ãeedback
Do Vow/Warm up Convince students
Karpicke, J. (2011). Retrieval Practice Produces More ÷earning
than Elaborative Studying with Concept Mapping, p  .

Roedigger, H. (2006). Test-Enhanced ÷earning : Taking Memory

Tests Improves ÷ong-Term Retention,  
p  .

Roedigger, M. (2006). The Power of Testing Memory: Basic

Research and Implications for Educational Practice,

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