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Field Study 2

Learning Episode Number 19

Writing an Initial Action Research Plan

To have a meaningful and successful accomplishment in this final FS episode, be sure

to read through the whole episode before participating and assisting in your FS 2 Resource
Teacher’s class. Note all the information you will need and tasks you will need to do before
working on this episode.

Target Your Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of this Learning Episode, I must be able to write an initial Action Research

Clarify Your Task

Developing an Initial Action Research Plan
“A good plan is half of the work done” goes a saying.

Planning is an important skill that every teacher should have. Just like lesson planning,
doing research requires a doable plan. It sets a direction where one is going, how to go there,
why should one go there, and above all, what is there to accomplish.
The ultimate goal of doing action research is to improve teacher’s practices in order to
improve learning. It requires one to be reflective, observant, inquiring and must be ready to
take action.
Any research action plan should be placed in writing, just like a lesson plan. This is
what we are going to do.

Clarify Your Task

The first four episodes of this FS workbook helped you learn the important purpose
and the process involved in doing action research.
The rest of the episodes focused on crucial aspects of teaching and learning. While
you assisted and participated, the episode questions guided you to notice, analyze and reflect
on your experiences. You also identified issues and problems or areas of improvement and
then thought of interventions, innovations, or strategies to address them (Action Research
Prompts). You are now ready elaborate or expand these action research prompts.
In this final episode, your task is to write an initial action research plan. Any research
action plan should be planned and written well. Put together what you learned about action
research and all the insights you gained in working on the past FS 2 episodes.

Revisit the Infographic/s

Let us revisit our Action Research Model. As a beginner, use the model of Nelson, O
(2014) as your basis for developing an initial plan for action research.

Plan Act

The Action


As you become more skillful in doing action research, you may like to use the McNiff
& Whitehead (2014) or Deped DO 16 (2017) models.


Context and Rationale
1. Why am I doing this research? Action Research Questions
2. What is the background of any action What problem/question am I
research? trying to solve?
3. What do I hope to achieve?

Action Research Methods Proposed Innovation, Intervention and

1. Who are to participate? (my Strategy
students, peer, myself) 1. What do I plan as a solution to the
2. What are my sources of problem I identified? (Describe.)
information (participants) 2. What innovation will I introduce to solve
3. What shall I gather information the problem? (Describe.)
4. How will I analyze my data / 3. What strategy should I introduce?
information? (Describe.)

Action Research Work Plan and Timelines Cost Estimates

1. What should my work plan containe? (tragets, Action Research Cost - Consider
activities, persons involved, timeline, cost) also the maximum cost if
2. How long will I conduct my intervention? (For externally funded like Deped,
reliable results 8 to 12 weeks) LGU's, NGO or personal

Plans for Dissemination and

Utilization 1.How will I share
References the result of my action
What reading materials and research? (Publish, Present,
references are included in my Flyers, LAC sessions)
review of literature? 2. Can I collaborate with other
teachers to continue or
replicate my study?
Participate and Assist
We said at the beginning that all teachers can make an Action Research. It is easy to
do it. Let’s try doing it. Today, you shall develop a Plan for our Action Research by following
the simple cycle.

Use the following steps of the model. Your answer to the Key Questions in each step,
will guide you in making your plan.

Step 1: OBSERVE. Observe and notice to identify the common problems.

Key questions:
● What common problem have I observed and noticed?
● Can I translate the problem into questions?
● Why is the problem important to me as future teacher?
● Why is the problem important to the learners?
● What have I read and learned about this problem in my previous courses?
● What do references say about the problem?

Step 2: REFLECT. Start to reflect on the identified problem. However, reflection is

done all throughout the action research process.
Key questions:
● Is there a way to solve the identified problem? How will I do it?
● Is looking for a solution or answer to the problem worth doing?
● Will solving the problem improve my teaching practice? How?
● Will it improve my skill as a researcher and reflective teacher?

Step 3: PLAN FOR ACTION. Appropriate action or solution to the problem in a plan.
Key questions:
● What probable action will I make? Will my intervention be doable?
● How will I describe my intervention, innovation, or actions to address the
identified problem?
● How long will it take to implement the intervention, action or innovation?
● With whom shall I work with?
● Will the result be of use? How?

Step 4: ACT on the PLAN. This step will be done during the Teaching Internship or in
FS 2 if given the time. You may collaborate with your mentor or your classmate.
Key questions:

Remember: Noticing is making sense of your observations and making interpretation to
adapt to the situation. It begins with paying attention that leads to interpretation and deciding
what action should be taken.

Making a capsule Action Research Plan will prepare you to undertake an actual Action
Research. You will also be able to assist your mentor to do similar research together.

In the past episodes focusing on the key aspects of teaching and learning, you have
answered the Action Research Writing prompts. Go back to these, and choose which episode
topic you would like to work on as you write an action research plan.

Episode Title Action Research Remarks

Writing Prompts

1 The Teacher We Remember 7 /

2 Embedding Action Research for Reflective Teaching 15 /

3 Understanding AR Concepts, Processes and Models 26 /

4 Matching Problematic Learning Situation with 34 *

Probable Action

5 Preparing the Learning Environment: An Overview 40 /

6 Enhancing a Face-to-Face Learning Environment 46 /

7 Making Online or Virtual Learning Environment 55 X

Safe and Conducive

8 Establishing My Own Classroom Routines and 62 /

Procedures in a Face-to-Face / Remote Learning

(uploaded 11/6/22)

9 Creating My Classroom / Remote Learning 71 /

Management Plan

(uploaded 11/6/22)

10 Writing My Learning / Lesson Plans 82

11 Delivering My Lessons 94

12 Selecting Non-Digital or Conventional Resources 107

and Instructional Materials

13 Utilizing Applications (Apps) for Teaching and 118


14 Utilizing Learning Management Systems 129

15 Utilizing Web-Conferencing Apps for Synchronous 140 X


16 Assessing FOR, AS and OF Learning 149

17 Using Traditional and Authentic Types of 161 X

Assessment for Formative and Summative Purposes

18 Grading and Reporting 171 X

19 Writing an Initial Action Research Plan

We said at the beginning that all teachers could make an Action Research. It is easy to
do it. Let’s try doing it. Today, you shall develop a Plan for our Action Research by following
the simple cycle. You will share your output with your mentor for an opportunity to work

Topic you chose: (from the past episodes)

Episode number and Title:
Writing Action Research Prompt page:

Model A:

Activity 1: Developing an Initial Research Action Plan

A. Observe / Notice
What problem/concern have I noticed that affect teaching-learning?
Example response: The problem I have noticed is that there is a lot of competition in
the classroom. The slow learners are left behind.
● Write your own observed/noticed classroom problem here:
B. Reflect
Think deeply of the problem and your observation. Why is this happening? Can the
slow learners be helped? How will it be done?
Example response: I think most of the activities are very competitive. There are
always, winners and losers. The smart students overrule the poor students thus often
they continue to be losers. With this situation, I believe, that I should modify my
classroom strategy.
● Write your reflective response to the problem you stated:

C. Plan for Action

Key questions:
- What will I do as a teacher to solve the problem?

- How will I describe my intervention, innovation, or actions to the identified


- How long will I take to introduce the intervention?

- With whom shall I work?

- What materials do I need?

- Are methods, participants, data collection, time table considered in my Plan for

Example response: My plan is to introduce cooperative learning in the classroom. I

create a mixed ablity grouping with fast, average and slow learners in their activities. I
will rotate the leadership in the group, so that each one will have a chance. The bright
will assist or help the slow ones. I will try this out for eight weeks. I think I can work
alone with my students. I need only tables and chairs or if not available, arm chairs
arranged in circles will be an alternative.

● Write your own Plan of Action Research based on the key questions. You give
more details.

D. References
Include the least 3 reading materials about the intervention that will be used.
Example response
List of Readings for Cooperative Learning
1. C. Brame & Biel, R. (2015). Group work: Using cooperative learning groups
effectively. http://cft.vanderbilt.rdu/guidelines-sub-pages
2. G. Palmer. (2017). Cooperative learning-Instructional Methods, Strategies, and
Technologies. Granite pressbooks. pb.Chap.7
3. D. Johnson & R. Johnson. (2017). Cooperative learning. University of Minnesota,
● Enter your own reading list
1. _____________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________

E. Act (Implementation of the Action Research Plan)

Note: The implementation of the Plan will follow when time allows. A more detailed
Research Action Plan will be required. The McNiff and Whitehead (2014) of Deped
(2016) models may be used depending on the advice of your mentor.

Now, to further elaborate on your Action Research Plan, use the Deped template
below: Remember to read the rubric in this episode to know how your teacher will evaluate
your Action Research Plan. This rubric will remind you of the criteria for an excellent action
research plan.
You can also watch this short video, explaining the parts of the Deped Action research
s.2017 – Youtube.

Here is the link of the sample proposal discussed in the video: Improving Attendance and
Academic Performance Among Grade 12 Students through Incentive-Based Intervention.

Model B: Deped Template

Action Research Proposal

Proposed Title: “Utilizing blended instructions in minimizing inattentiveness to encourage
participation and collaboration among Grade 3 students of San Francisco Elementary School
S.Y. (2022-2023)”

I. Context and Rationale (Study Background)

Inattentive behavior could become unnoticed but it is often a major constraint to
effective classroom instruction and students’ performance. The researchers were interested in
knowing how to minimize inattentiveness to encourage participation and collaboration among
Grade 3 students using the proposed interventions, giving rewards and computer based
instruction. The purpose of this research is to look at the Grade 3 students’ level of
inattentiveness before and during the actual implementation of the interventions, and to
determine the intervention that will greatly minimize their inattentiveness.
The evidence is irrefutable; Surveys of graduates of education schools and colleges
indicate that the number 1 area of concern of new teachers is their feelings of inadequacy in
managing classrooms. Despite clinical experiences, practicum, student teaching, and other
observations in classroom settings, this problem has persisted for decades. There is no magic
elixir that will confer skill in this area of professional responsibility (Kizlik2014). Among the
common problem that any teacher faces are inattentiveness in participation and collaboration.
It’s one of the great challenges of teaching. How do you compete with the distractions of a
modern student’s life? How do you interest them in what you’re offering when their
entertainment options are so immediate, exciting, and easy? How do you sell them on the cool
complexity of a quadratic equation or the beauty of a delicate ecosystem? How do you get
them to appreciate the clean simplicity of a well written sentence? How do you get them to
pay attention in a world of instant gratification?
Students will not learn if they do not listen, participate and collaborate on what they
are told to do so. If this happens, the main function of the school fails which is to develop and
train the skills and knowledge of the students to function effectively as an adult. “You can
lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink”. Likewise, we can teach students every
facts and information but we can’t force them to absorb or learn everything we give and teach
to them. So even though the teacher is prepared, he or she can’t continue the lesson if the
students are not ready to listen and participate in any possible activities. “Good educators
know that continuing a lesson when students neither attentive nor responsive are a sure
formula for failure” (Simplicio 2001). Teachers should try to improve student attentiveness by
using a variety of instructional approaches, especially those that actively engage students.
These activities enable students to encounter the content in different formats and make it
easier for them to pay attention after the activity has ended according toBunce, D.M., Flens,
E.A., and Neiles, K.Y (2010).

II. Action Research Question (AR Questions)

1. How may the Grade 3- Narra students be described in terms of their
inattentiveness in participation and collaboration before implementing any intervention?
2. How may the Grade 3- Narra students be described in terms of their
inattentiveness in participation and collaboration during the actual implementation of the
3. To what extent do the effectiveness in minimizing the inattentiveness of the
Grade 3- Narra students differ with the use of:
a. Computer based instruction
b. Giving rewards
III. Proposed Innovation, Intervention, Strategy (Describe
According to Noveno (2011), the inattentiveness of the pupils can be minimized
through the use of strategies, rewards and punishments. Soratos (2012) found out that most of
the implemented actions; giving merits and demerits, group/team activity, individual activity
and use of innovative instructional material devices were effective to the students. It is
necessary for the teachers to plan and prepare activities, which is interesting and challenging.
The teachers should know how to manage class effectively for misbehavior among the
students can interrupt the flow of discussion.
The researchers were interested in knowing how to minimize inattentiveness to
encourage participation and collaboration among Grade 3- Narra students using the proposed
interventions, giving rewards and computer based instruction. The purpose of this research is
to look at the Grade 3- Narra students’ level of inattentiveness before and during the actual
implementation of the interventions, and to determine the intervention that will greatly
minimize their inattentiveness.
There are two proposed interventions in this action research and these are:
Intervention 1: Giving Rewards – to motivate the students for the additional points
Intervention 2: Computer-Based Instruction – to make the students active and eager.

IV. Action Research Methods (Describe Action Research Methods)

a. Participants / Other Sources of Data
This research involved 31students of grade three Narra students from the San
Francisco Elementary School. There are ______ male and _______female.

b. Data Gathering Methods

The researchers’ proposed interventions were used to test which will be the most
effective to minimize inattentiveness among the Grade 3-Narra students. The
researchers adopted a rubric from the study of Fabicon (2011) to describe whether
Grade 3-Narra students are extremely, moderately, or slightly inattentive before and
on the actual implementation of the interventions. The researchers will observe the
subjects twice before implementing any intervention and during the implementation of
the interventions.
c. Data Analysis Plan
The inattentiveness level of the Grade 3-Narra students were determined based
on a rubric adopted from the study of Fabicon (2011) and a checklist. The rubric was
used to determine the level of inattentiveness of a student whether he/she is Extremely
Inattentive(4), Moderately Inattentive(3), Slightly Inattentive(2), or Attentive(1). The
researchers assigned numerical values to the levels of inattentiveness and used the data
collected from the observations to see if there is a significant difference or the
inattentiveness is minimized during the implementation of the proposed interventions
through T-test.

Figure 1. INATTENTIVENESS MATRIX (Fabicon 2011)

Extremely Inattentive Moderately Inattentive Slightly Inattentive

-difficult to control -can be controlled but with -can be controlled


The student is chatting in The student is chatting in The student is seldom

his/her seatmate most of chatting in his/her seatmate
the time his/her seatmate


The student is doing The student is doing The student seldom doing
unnecessary movements unnecessary movements unnecessary movements
most of the time sometimes
The student is reading The student is reading The student is seldom
books or using gadgets books or using gadgets reading books or using
most of the time sometimes gadgets

The student cannot repeat The student cannot repeat The student seldom cannot
the statements that the the statements that the
teacher want them to teacher want them to recite repeat the statements that
recite most of the time sometimes
the teacher want them to


V. Action Research Work Plan (Summarize Action Research Work Plan)

The researchers will collect data to determine the inattentiveness level of the Grade 3-
Narra students during their normal classroom discussions. The researchers will gather the
needed data through observation. The researchers will observe the class twice before letting
the co-practice teacher implement any of the proposed interventions and during the
implementation of the proposed interventions. During the first observation the co-practice
teacher will discuss the topic normally without giving any kind of reward or activity. While
during the second observation the co-practice teacher will still observe the environment. After
every discussion the co-practice teacher will give a seatwork to see if the students have
learned, participate and collaborate with each other but in every situation some of the students
don’t know what to do and ask or copy from their seatmates since they don’t pay attention
while their teacher was discussing.
To minimize the inattentiveness of the Grade 3-Narra students, the researchers will
start the implementation of the proposed interventions. The first intervention (giving of
rewards) will implement in first week of March. The co-practice teacher will give rewards the
whole week to those students who can answer or solve correctly. Group activities will have
done, discussions and seatwork afterwards. To make the students active and eager, the co-
practice teacher used computer based instruction in second week of March. The co-practice
teacher will show a participative video clip before starting the lesson and will use power point
presentation in presenting lesson.

VI. Cost Estimate (Write cost estimate)

This research will develop knowledge based on investigations in particular and
frequently useful circumstances. It will take for the whole semester to plan, act, observe and
reflect for the identified problem and to make possible action of it.

VII. Plan for Dissemination and Utilization (Describe how the results will be shared)
The researchers will make use of observation method to gather all necessary data. To
provide reliable and quantifiable data that is gathered during the structured formal events or

VIII. References (Write at least three references.)

 Fabicon, J. (2011). Practice Teaching Portfolio, Action Research, “Minimizing the
Inattentiveness among II-Science of the Tarlac College of Agriculture Laboratory
School”.Tarlac College of Agriculture.
 Noveno, A. (2011). Practice Teaching Portfolio, Action Research, “Minimizing the
Inattentiveness of the Selected Grade IV-I Pupils of Mayantoc Central Elementary
School”.Tarlac College of Agriculture.
 Soratos, G. (2011). Practice Teaching Portfolio, Action Research, “Minimizing the
Inattentiveness of the III-Opal Students of Nambalan High School”.Tarlac College of
 Kizlik, B. (2014, October 8). Effective Classroom Management and Managing
Student Conduct. Retrieved January 31, 2015, from
 Linsin, M. (2011, February 12). 3 Simple Strategies To Get Your Students To Pay
Attention. Retrieved January 31, 2015, from
Remember: Reflection is a process of making sense of one’s previous experience. Please take
a look at what you do in the classroom, and think about why you do it. Recall things that you
have done in the previous segment. You may include your thoughts, feelings, reasoning,
relating and reconstructions about it.


What was your experience in writing the action research plan?

Writing the action research plan gives you hands-on experience in your field. You
gain a deeper understanding of the scientific process, develop research questions and form
and test your hypotheses. You learn what it's like to work in a lab and learn about the
planning of experiments, writing grants and how to report findings.

What knowledge, attitude and skills did you have that helped you accomplished?
Having strong research skills can help you understand your competitors, develop new
processes, and build your professional skills in addition to aiding you in finding new
customers and saving your company money. Some of the most valuable research skills you
can have include goal setting, data collection, and analyzing information from multiple

What do you still need to learn and develop in yourself to be a skilled teacher-
An important skill to be a good teacher-researcher is to be humble and to be able to
listen to others. Even when a researcher works very hard and think that his/her project is
“perfect”, there are always some flaws or some possibilities for improvement. A humble
researcher will listen to the feedback and opinions of other researchers on their work, whether
this feedback is positive or negative, and will think about how to use this feedback to improve
their work. A researcher that works alone can do an excellent work. But by discussing
research with others, it is possible to get some new ideas. Also, when a researcher presents
his/her work to others, it is possible to better understand how people will view your work. For
example, it is possible that other people will misunderstand your work because something is
unclear. Thus, the researcher may need to make adjustments to his research project.

Check for Mastery

Preparing an Action Research Plan requires observation, noticing, inquiry, reflection,
prior readings. It is a tedious process but you will find it easy to implement if you have a good
plan. As mentioned earlier “A good plan, is half of the work done.”

Direction: Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given.
1. As a beginning action researcher, what should be your primary task?
A. Identify the problem that is a cause of concern in the class.
B. Reflect on the other problematic situations.
C. Ask help from your mentor on how to solve the problem.
D. Disregard the problem, after all you are still a student.
2. In doing action research, continuous reflection in every step of the way should be done.
A. This statement is NOT true since reflection has its own time.
B. This statement is true since research requires continuous inquiry.
C. This statement is doubtful since there are steps to follow.
D. This statement is only applicable to other kinds of research.
3. In looking for an appropriate solution to the identified problem, the main purpose is to
A. remove malpractices in teaching-learning
B. reward learners who do more than others
C. promote teachers who conduct research
D. A, B and C.
4. In an action research, you should see to it that the intervention _____.
A. is doable
B. is new
C. is of short duration
D. should not require statistics
5. Planning an action research requires a researcher to _____.
A. follow strict procedure
B. frequently reflect on the process
C. match the soluton to the identified problem
D. A, B and C

Work on my Artifacts
Your artifact will be taken from your activity in preparing an action research plan in
this episode. You will just expand the answer that you have given and place in the template

My Initial Action Research Plan

Proposed Title: “Utilizing blended instructions in minimizing inattentiveness to

encourage participation and collaboration among Grade 3 students of San Francisco
Elementary School S.Y. (2022-2023)”

I. My Identified Problem:
Children with inattentive behavior are more likely to show the following
characteristics in a way that disrupts classroom activities: an apparent inability to pay
close attention to a task or a tendency to make careless mistakes, difficulties in focusing
on activities or tasks. Teachers may find inattention and distractibility concerning, but
teachers can play an effective role in helping students focus. Inattentiveness of the
students can lessen the participation and collaboration in the classroom. Inattention may
disrupt their ability to start and/or completed assigned classwork, such that assigned
activities are completed inconsistently. Student also may frequently appear to be looking
away from their work, instruction, or adult directives.

II. My Reflection about the Problem

Students’ inattentiveness can be minimized using different classroom management
strategies and disciplinary actions. The teacher as a classroom manager needs to assess
students’ needs and other factors that drive them to become inattentive during class
discussions and laboratory activities. For attentiveness is one of the most important for the
students to develop in order to learn more and cope up with the class lessons.

III. My Plan of Action

The researchers will collect data to determine the inattentiveness level of the Grade 3-
Narra students during their normal classroom discussions. The researchers will gather the
needed data through observation. The researchers will observe the class twice before
letting the co-practice teacher implement any of the proposed interventions and during the
implementation of the proposed interventions. During the first observation the co-practice
teacher will discuss the topic normally without giving any kind of reward or activity.
While during the second observation the co-practice teacher will still observe the
environment. After every discussion the co-practice teacher will give a seatwork to see if
the students have learned, participate and collaborate with each other but in every
situation some of the students don’t know what to do and ask or copy from their seatmates
since they don’t pay attention while their teacher was discussing.
To minimize the inattentiveness of the Grade 3-Narra students, the researchers will
start the implementation of the proposed interventions. The first intervention (giving of
rewards) will implement in first week of March. The co-practice teacher will give rewards
the whole week to those students who can answer or solve correctly. Group activities will
have done, discussions and seatwork afterwards. To make the students active and eager,
the co-practice teacher used computer based instruction in second week of March. The co-
practice teacher will show a participative video clip before starting the lesson and will use
power point presentation in presenting lesson.
• Fabicon, J. (2011). Practice Teaching Portfolio, Action Research, “Minimizing the
Inattentiveness among II-Science of the Tarlac College of Agriculture Laboratory
School”.Tarlac College of Agriculture.
• Noveno, A. (2011). Practice Teaching Portfolio, Action Research, “Minimizing the
Inattentiveness of the Selected Grade IV-I Pupils of Mayantoc Central Elementary
School”.Tarlac College of Agriculture.
• Soratos, G. (2011). Practice Teaching Portfolio, Action Research, “Minimizing the
Inattentiveness of the III-Opal Students of Nambalan High School”.Tarlac College of
• Kizlik, B. (2014, October 8). Effective Classroom Management and Managing
Student Conduct. Retrieved January 31, 2015, from
• Linsin, M. (2011, February 12). 3 Simple Strategies To Get Your Students To Pay
Attention. Retrieved January 31, 2015, from
Submitted by:

Name: ______________________________ Degree Pursued: _______________

Name of Institution: ___________________________________ SY _______________


Remember, in the succeeding episodes, you will be reflecting back on how you can conduct
an Action Research in the different topics that you will be able to participate and assist. Good
luck to all. Enjoy your journey to becoming a Reflective Teacher Practitioner!

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