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Language and nature—two God-given endowments that are essential to the existence of

Filipino race. The former is the main instrument to communicate our thoughts and feelings and the
latter is the God’s creation that answers our needs. Without language, nothing can bring out the
desires and wishes of man, his hidden thoughts and emotions. On the otherhand without nature, no
Filipino race will continue to exist, being the one that provides primarily our needs, may it be
physiological or whimsical. Both are supporting the survival of our race. Thus, the absence of one
could pose threat to our continued existence.

Language and nature—reflective of the Filipino’s history. The Filipino language is reflective of
his journey through times, from his life as a wanderer, hunting for foods to his life as a free Filipino,
fighting for democracy. It was enriched as it passed on from generation to generation, from the times
the we spoke borrowed language until we coined words distinctly Filipino. Each generation adds
flavour, distinct characteristic that prolongs the life of the Filipino language. Nature on the otherhand
has become witness to Filipino’s struggle for subsistence until for freedom against the oppressors. Its
mountains and caves became our ancestors shelter in times of threat, from the times that they were
driving away wild animals to the times that they are deterring the power of the conquerors, the times
when our heroes the likes of Jose Rizal and Andres Bonifacio were dreaming of change and liberty for
our country. Its once thick forest became a venue for high-rise buildings, a proof of the advancement
of the Filipinos. Both language and nature mirror the history that we Filipinos had gone through
before becoming what we are now.

Language and nature—undergoing a drastic and painful change. Though it’s a cliché to
mention that everything changes, we cannot deny the fact that our language and nature have also
changed. The once rich language that our ancestors used in their personal and commercial
transactions was stripped off of its beauty as generation to generation fools it around in hope to coin
another language. This maybe good for it suffices one characteristic of language, its inevitable
evolution, but most of the times it spoils the greatness of our language as derogatory or offensive
words are coined. Our language, being God-given, is of good nature, a channel for us to show our
love, unity, concern and peace to the Filipino race. There is nothing wrong with the evolution of our
language as long as in the end it promotes the betterment of our race. Nature --another God-given
present not only to Filipinos but to the whole mankind. Exploitation of it is coming to its worst form.
People are adamant to follow the set laws of the land when its comes to its employment and
development. We still hear reports of illegal logging, wildlife trade and dumping waste chemicals in
rivers, proofs that still some of our countrymen are indifferent to the sad plight of our environment.
Mother Nature has already sent us warnings that our indifference to her could lead to our self-
destruction as proven by worst calamities that we had passed through like floods and landslides. Our
apathy to our environment is leading us to worst scenarios such as global warming and climate
change that are posing threat to the continued survival of human race. History tells us that extinction
is faced by a race that is not supported anymore of the environment, being its primary provider of the
its needs. We cannot deny the fact that if this indifference to Mother nature continues, our race will
face extinction. The changes that are happening both to our language and nature are completely
natural, what is innatural of them are the changes that pose peril to their survival and eventually
survival of our race.

How can we Filipinos assure that no more detrimental changes can happen to both our
language and nature? This is a question that poses a challenge to everyone of us, a challenge that
should not be ignored for whatever will be our actions will ricochet to all of us, their effect would be
directly felt and persist even to the next generation. Concern, genuine concern, is the one that is
called for every Filipino. This concern is not superficial, mainly to celebrate occasions fostering
awareness and concern to language and nature like the Buwan ng Wika and Earth Day nor a
propaganda to let other people empathize with you and follow your wishes. Let us show our sincerest
gratitude to God to what He has given us by being stewards of both language and nature. Our survival
is at stake that we should take no heed in opening our eyes to sad plight of our language and nature.
Without them, we could not continue our existence, our beautiful and comfortable life. Thus genuine
concern and love for our language and nature are needed.

You may say that you are just a minute, powerless and unimportant, to effect change. This is
what most people think. They weigh their importance compared to other people. Yes, you are just a
small member of our society but any small action that you can generate to save our language and
nature can be magnified if others will follow. So set an example, be an exemplar of stewards of
language and nature. Once you have proven to other people that a small action can work,
cooperation from them would be voluntary. A small project on the extensive use of the Filipino
language through contests can generate awareness and support to the employment of the language.
In the same scenario, a small project on waste segregation can also bring concern to Mother Nature.
Optimism is the key. Start with bright hopes that your action will work out. If other people will be
encouraged to be vigilant to further damage of language and nature, certainly we will have something
good to be left as a legacy to the next generation.

In brief, the essence and connection of language and nature to Filipinos are immense. They
are the reason for our existence, the reason for our colourful history,and the reason for our race’s
individuality. Without them, we have no worth. All that they need is every Filipino’s genuine concern
and love to further their existence. Their survival are also the survival of our race and the moving
forth of our country. May we all be a catalyst to change other people’s indifference to our language
and nature.

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