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In 200 words, write the similarities and differences between the English and

Mathematics languages. Cite your own examples or illustrations.

English is an international language used all over the world. Mathematics is the
language of sciences but it is also a language used in everyday life. Although both are
perceived as languages, mathematics and English are considered as two completely
distinct disciplines.  

For differences in learning a language and mathematics are in aspects of content

and ways to express. The difference in learning a language is that it uses the most
word but indicative math with numbers and calculation formulas. It is very clear
because language is used to communicate while mathematics is for calculation. The
second difference is how to express. Expressed languages are different in each country.
Mathematics is expressed in the same way even though there are differences in the
way each person has their own characters but use the number in each country. So
learning a language and mathematics has different in aspect content and ways to

        For similarities in learning a language and mathematics is in the aspect of how to

achieve and there is a rule. Learning a language and mathematics has rules that must
be followed. If the rule is not followed, it will have a different and invalid value. The
second equation must be practiced in language and mathematics. Human is created
with ordinary brain abilities but must also try. If you don’t practice to learn a language
and math, you can’t get it. So learning a language and mathematics has similar
condition likes to follow the rules and need the practice to achieve.

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