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Frank Zhang

Ms. Burkemper
English 1 HR 2
Surviving the Long Trip over the Ocean

You are getting ready for a trip to visit a friend in China. Your friend told you she has a

magnificent tour planned ahead. She said you were going to be visiting the most famous

landmarks in China. You board the plane and you find yourself in the middle of a five-seat row

on a 747 jet along with 500 fellow passengers. The plane hasn’t even taken off, and the people in

your row have already fallen asleep. You have over 12 hours ahead of you, what do you do?

How do you survive a plane ride over 12 hours long? Personally, I think long plane rides are a

waste of time even though they are a pretty fun experience. You can meet new people and even

watch that R-rated movie that your mom never allowed to see. It is not difficult as long as you

follow a few simple steps. While you’re sitting in your seat, you’re probably thinking, Wow, this

trip is so boring, or, what can I do on this plane for 12 hours? But thinking negatively about this

experience will not help you survive. Remember, the plane ride is only the first part of your

vacation, so you should make is as enjoyable as possible. In order to survive a 12 hour plane

ride, you have to create short-term friendships with neighbors, stay entertained with in-flight

features, and create a peaceful environment for your own relaxation.

If you want to make the plane ride fun and survivable, you must get to know your row

mates, create short-term friendships, and help neighbors with problems and questions they may

have for the duration of the trip. First off, get to know your surrounding neighbors. An easy way

to start is by introducing yourself. Tell him/her your name and where you are from. Beware- do

not give out information that is too personal. Giving away personal info may make things

awkward. Most people will not car about your personal life and its problems. After you introduce
yourself, you should have conversations, but not too in depth. Have basic conversations to fill up

time. In order to have these fundamental conversations, you must ask simple questions. You

could ask why they are going on the trip. That will probably lead into other topics like what they

are going to do at the destination and who they are going to see there. This line of questions will

also cause long conversations and will use time. The conversations could last quite a long time

and eat away at the length of the plane ride. One thing you must be careful about is asking the

wrong question. For example, if the person you’re sitting next to is a fat young woman, do not

assume she is pregnant. Whether she is or isn’t, it could get ugly both ways. If she is, she might

not want to talk to you about it. If she isn’t, then she will be very angry with you and the rest of

the trip will be easier said than done. Always remember; never say something you are unsure

about. Don’t take chances. Taking chances may lead to good or bad. So you should just stick

with making the trip good at all times. Also, help your neighbors out when they have questions

or problems. If they ask you a question, answer it correctly and politely. Again, do not take any

chances. If you don’t know the answer, then say you don’t know. Leading a seat mate in the

wrong direction will be costly to your short-lived reputation on the flight. Also when your

clumsy neighbor drops all of his food on you, help him clean it up. Never ignore neighbors, for

that could lead to an awkward trip because he may think you are ignorant. This is all the first leg

of your journey. If you survive getting to know your surrounding neighbors, then next couple of

legs of the journey will be a lot easier.

Surviving long plane rides is difficult, so you should stay entertained by making use of

in-flight entertainment, do whatever is available, and never be negative. This is the second leg of

your journey. Today, most, if not all, airlines companies offer numerous in-flight entertainment

options. To stay entertained, you must make use of these features. Use the screen on the back of
the seat in front of you. Usually they offer the latest movies, music, and nowadays, even web

browsing. Using it will help waste a lot of time, especially watching the latest four hour long

chick flick. Of course, doing something is ideal. That means doing nothing must be avoided. You

cannot think in your head, I am so bored. How much longer ‘til I get there? Having a negative

attitude can make your trip boring and longer. You have to keep your spirits high. Think

positively. If you are bored and you have already watched every movie available, quickly find

something else to do. Talk to a neighbor, listen to music, or go to sleep. Falling asleep on a plane

is the best way to pass time. One time, I had fallen asleep right when I got on the plane, and

when I woke up, we arrived at the destination. I slept for over 12 hours. I had no difficulty

surviving that trip. Staying entertained and managing your time well will also make your trip

easier. Make a to-do list and manage the 12 hours that you have. 12 hours is a long time and

some busy people never get the free time they want. Take advantage of your time. Do your

homework, read a book, or prepare yourself for your vacation. If you use your time in a

knowledgeable way, you will find that time will fly. Staying entertained and having something to

do is key to a fun plane ride.

To have a peaceful plane trip, you cannot bother others and you need to create a peaceful

environment for personal rest and relaxation. First off, do not annoy other people. Stay quiet

when others are trying to relax. Again, people often do not get the rest they need so they may

sleep on the plane. Annoying other people will make their trip bad and yours as well. One time, I

went on a trip to China. The plane ride was well over 12 hours and I had nothing to do. I went up

to a neighbor to start a conversation but I did not notice that he was asleep. I was embarrassed for

the rest of the trip and it was also very awkward. I was afraid to get up because I did not want to

see him again. Make sure you do not make the same mistake that I did. Plus, always have the
golden rule in the back of your mind. Treat others how you want to be treated. The golden rule

applies to almost everything in the world. If other people are quiet for you, be quiet for them.

Additionally, as you create a peaceful environment for others, give yourself some credit as well.

Use any items given to you by the airlines company. Make use of any earplugs or eye covers

given for they will help you sleep. Also, make sure other people know that you are sleeping. Put

on your earplugs, sit back in your seat, and put on a blanket given to you by the airlines. That

way, everyone around you knows that you want to sleep and that they will not disturb you. Rest

and relaxation is a perfect way to pass time on a plane ride. It also helps you get ready for the

business meeting or exotic trip that you are going to.

Surviving plane rides that are over 12 hours is difficult. A short 12 hours can feel like a

whole day. Remember to become short-term friends with your neighbors so you can fritter away

time with conversation. Also, you have to stay entertained so you do not end up sitting and

staring for 12 hours. Moreover, make sure you have a quiet and comfortable environment for

your personal relaxation. Always remember, the plane ride is only part of your trip, so you have

to make a survivable trip for yourself. Keep in the back of your mind the fact that you still have

that big meeting with the CEO of your company, or that rare getaway from your busy life at

home. Take in consideration that while on a plane, no one can help you when you are lonely. It

is for this reason why you must become accustomed to the people around you and also why you

have to find something to do. So, next time you hop on a plane and you find yourself in a

precarious situation, think of these steps. You will never feel left out or bored on an airplane trip

ever again. Now you may enjoy your trip of a lifetime, on the other side of the world.

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